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Govt. of NCT,
Govt. Delhi
of NCT, Delhi


Class : XI: XI

Under the Guidance
Under of of
the Guidance


Sh. Sanjay Subhas

Sh. Sanjay Kr. Kr.
Subhas Mrs. Ritu
Mrs. Singhal Dr. Raj
Ritu Singhal Kumar
Dr. Raj Kumar Mr. Krishan Kumar
Mr. Krishan Kumar
DDE (Exam)
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Anil Kumar Sharma

Published at Delhi Bureau of Text Books, 25/2 Institutional Area, Pankha Road,
New Delhi-110058 by Rajesh Kumar, Secretary, Delhi Bureau of Text Books
and Printed by Supreme Offset Press, Greater Noida, U.P.
Govt. of NCT, Delhi


Class : XI



CLASS XI (2024-25)

Under the Guidance of
Rakesh Kr. Yadav S.P.E. Zone-29
District South East,
DDE Office, C-Block,
Defence Colony, Delhi.


Ms. Chaman Lata School of Excellence

Lect. Physical Education Khichripur, Sch. I.D.-1002400

Dr. Dhirender Sarvodaya Vidhyalaya Sharda Niketan

Lect. Physical Education Saraswati Vihar, Sch. I.D.-1411124

Dr. Sachin Kumar Sarvodaya Co-Ed, Vidhayalaya

Lect. Physical Education Kunwar Singh Nagar, Sch. I.D.-1617214

Sh. Rahul Mamgain Govt. Sarvodaya Vidhayala

Lect. Physical Education Dr. Ambedkar Nagar, Sec. 5,
Dakshinpuri Extension, Sch. I.D.-1923351

(xiii) XI – Physical Education


XI – Physical Education
and Lifestyle

SYLLABUS (2023-24)

XI – Physical Education
XI – Physical Education (xvi)
(xvii) XI – Physical Education
XI – Physical Education (xviii)
(xix) XI – Physical Education
XI – Physical Education (xx)
3. Adolescent Problems &
their management

XI – Physical Education
XI – Physical Education (xxii)
Unit Subject Pg.No.

1. Changing Trends and Careers in Physical Education 1–19

2. Olympism Value Education 20–33

3. Yoga 34–45

4. Physical Education and Sports for 46–57

Children with Special Needs

5. Physical Fitness, Wellness, and Lifestyle 58–80

6. Test, Measurement & Evaluation 81–100

7. Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology in Sports 101–120

8. Fundamentals of Kinesiology and 121–137

Biomechanics in Sports

9. Psychology and Sports 138–151

10. Training & Doping in Sports 152–170

Practice Paper 171–185

(xxiii) XI – Physical Education

Unit - 1
Changing Trends and Career
in Physical Education

Key Point :-
- 1.1 Concept, Aims & objectives of Physical Education.
- 1.2 Development of Physical Education in India - Post Independence.
- 1.3 Changing Trends in Sports - playing surface, wearable gear and sports
equipment, technological advancements.
- 1.4 Career options in Physical Education.
- 1.5 Khelo - India Program and Fit - India Program.
“Both Participation and study are vital to Physical Education”
—Dr. M.L. Kamlesh
1.1 Concept of Physical Education :-
Physical Education
 
Body and its embedded + Knowledge and its embedded
 
Mind, Spirit, Organ etc. Development, Knowledge, Preparation etc.

“Physical and Physical Activities are the process, Education is their result”
“Physical and Physical Activities are the cause, Education is their effect”
So, physical education can be referred to an education process which aims to
develop human personality through activity.
Or, We Can Say that:-
Physical Education is that part of Education which study the health, sports,
athlete, tournaments, nutrition, injuries and body with its embedded – Mind,
organs and muscles etc. to makes a person all rounder.
Physical Education is a process through which an individual obtain optimal
physical, mental, social skills and fitness through physical activity.
- Lumpkin
Definition of Physical Education
 According to 'Oberteuffer’s—“Physical Education is the sum of those
experienceV which come to the individiual through movements.”
 According to J.B. Nash—“Physical Education is that phase of the whole
field of education that deals with big muscle activities and their related
Aim :-
To makes wholesome personality of a person / all round development.

Objectives of Physical Education

Aim is highest general purpose, objectives are specific. So, after study physical
educators, philosophers, international and national association on physical

XI – Physical Education 2
education, we can conclude the following main objective to achieve the ultimate
aim. They are given below:
 Physically Strong:- Physical education enhance this aspect which include
the fitness-strength, speed, flexibility, endurance along with proper functioning
of organs with strong muscles and bones.
 Mental Development:- Mental alertness, concentration requires in sports
and games along with theoretical study of physical education as subject. So,
it improves and develops thinking, intelligence, knowledge, analysis, cognitive
and intellectual abilities etc.
 Social Adjustable:- Physical Education gives the platform of competition
and co-operation with wide scope to learn honesty, socialization, leadership,
discipline work ethics through sports and physical activities.
 Emotional Balance:- Win, defeat, aggression, fear, pleasure, love, anger,
patience etc. are involved in physical education and its embedded part of
sports. So, anyone can learn, how to get through it and balance himself/
herself by learning physical education.
 Spiritually Development :- Peace, moral values, forgiveness develops with
the help of Physical Education.
1.2 Development of Physical Education in India -Post independence Government
of India was setup Central Government Physical Education Committtee “Tara
Chand Committee” in 1948 which recommends central Instiute of Physical
Education and Recreation and improvement of standards of games and sports in
India. In 1950 central Advisory Board of Physical Education was set up. First
Asian Games were held in 1951 at New Delhi which motivate Indian youth to
participate in games and sports at International level. In 1954 All India council of
sports came in to existance with a purpose to liasion between Govt. and National
Sports Federations in order to assistant in financial matters. Lakshmibai college
of Physical Education was established in 1957 at Gwalior M.P. National Institute
of Sports (NIS) was setup in 1961 at Moti Bagh, Patiala, Punjab.
In 1982 Asian Games were held in India which give huge boost in infrastructure
and facilities related with sports.
1984 sports Authority of India (SAI) was established. XIX common wealth
Games 2010 Games was conducted in New Delhi. In 2018 CBSE launched
Physical Education as compulsory subject in class IX to XII as mainstreaming
Health, PHysical Education.

3 XI – Physical Education
1.3 Changing Trends in Sports
1.3.1 P laying S urface

N atural A rtificial
• S oil • S ynthetic G rass
• G rass • S ynthetic track
• Wood • M ats
• A sphalt
• Cinder track
• Concrete
Acc. to A Research study Artificial turf Industry (Playing surface industry) is
Expected to Reach 12.6 Billion Dollars By 2027.

The world is changing from postcard to Internet text. Today the sports is progressing.
Innovating and changing day by day. The synthetic grass come in place of natural grass.
The athletics events started on soil track goes to grass track than change to cinder track
now it switch to synthetic track. Artificial grass came to prominence in 1966, when astro
turf was installed in astrodome in Texas (U.S.A). Artificial turf has gained recognition from
several bodies – IOC, NOC, IFS, NFS etc. We can understand the reason of artificial
turf recognition of differentiation below
Natural turf Artificial turf

Durability – Less More

Cost of Maintenence – More Less
Drainage – Crucial Proper
Maintain – Difficult easier

Water – Needs more Needs less

Needs to give Rest Endure Extensive use

Friction – More Friction – Less
Become Muddy in rainy season Not much effects of weather

XI – Physical Education 4
5 XI – Physical Education
Right gear for right sports – does improve the protection and performance in sports.
Cricket in shooting shoes is lot harder and less fun. With time sports scientist come to
know that every different sports need different attire and wearable gear. So, athletics and
cricket shoes has spikes, basketball shoes have high ankle and tennis, badminton shoes
are having less friction. Likewise gymnast needs tight leotards and cagers needs loose
attire. The outdoor games attire fabrics are also change with time from bamboo, cotton,
wool, nylon to polyster, tencel, dryfit etc.
The Revenue of Nike is 36.39 billion Dollar in 2021

1.3.3. Sports Equipments

S p orts Eq u ip m en ts

G am e E quipm ents Training E quipm ents P layer E quipm ents

• Balls • S w iss Ball • F ootw ear
• G oal P osts • Weights • H elm et
• N ets • Rope • M outh guard
• W ickets • Chin-up Bars • S hin pads
• Racquets • Tread m ill • E lbow pads
• Bat • G ym E quipm ents • S houlder pads
• Clubs • gloves
• S ticks
• M ats

Sports equipments are the tools, materials, apparel and gear used to compete
in sports varies according to sports. The equipment ranges from balls, nets and
protective gears like helmet over time sports equipment has evolved because of
technology, Innovation, Spectators, Competition, Advancement and Protection. Global
Market Size of sports equipment is at 331.4 billion Dollar in 2021.
The changing trends in sports equipment bringing the performance
improvement, safety, fun, positive way of competition, spectators attraction,
beautification, proper decision, business etc. in sports.

XI – Physical Education 6
1.3.4. Technology Advancements
Technology is a huge thing within sports, from telecasting of sports to the correct
decision. From performance improvement to injury savers. From Physical watch
of sports match on T.V. Mobile and OTT Telecast of matches. From man made
equipments to machines HD equipments monitor health gadgets and many most
advancements and changes took place with time.

Technology Advancement Examples!

 Artificial intelligence
 Smart bails in cricket
 Snicko or edge detector
 Hawk eye
 Flying drones and camera movements
 Photo finish camera
 Video assistant referce

 Athlete’s clothing and equipments

 Player and game graphics
 GPS tracker, RFID chips
 Fantasy league e-sports
 Fully Automatic Timing

7 XI – Physical Education
1.4 Career Options in Physical Education
Although, all careers depend on Health. Even, many careers directly related to
Physical Education for e.g. Teacher, Coach, Business, Official, Equipment Design,
Sportsperson, Administrator, Technology, Video-Biomechanics Analyser, fitness,
wellness etc. And almost all careers depends on physical education indirectly,
where physical education works as synergy to them e.g. – Defence, Doctor,
Engineer, Scientist, Pilot etc. Physical education is helping all. Along this, many
job has special quota for sportsperson in jobs with age relaxation too.
Below is the list for career option in Physical Education directly :-
1. ln Teaching 2. In Training 3. (In Hearth/ 4. ln Performance 5. In Media 6. Tecrmology 7. Officials
Sector Sector Fitness related Sector Sector
(Coaching) related Sector

At Primary Level In Schools, Sports Fitness/ Professional Sports Technology Referee

• Instructor colleges,
Trainer /
Players Journalism Engg.
• Teacher University
Partner/Training BookAuthor
• Coach Players
Sports Dietician

At Middle In Various Sports Sports Sports Technology Umpires

• Teacher Sports
Planning Officer videography/ Assistant
• Demonstrator Institutions photography
• Ground
At Secondary Industrial
Management Sports Equipment Judges
level Recreation,
Event manager Broadcasting Designer
• Lecturer Masseur

At College and Sports Facility In Gym as Recreational Sports Movement

University level Management Athletic Trainer Sport advertising (Bio-Analyser)
• Professor Management (Sports
Teaching at equipments
other marketing)

Professional Administration Health/Fitness/ Performance Laboratory

institution • Director W ellness Talent
• Sports • Sports officer Industry (sports)
Scientist Weight identification
• Researcher management

There are many new careers in physical education for e.g. – Practice and Training
Partner, Athlete Promotion Management Company, International League
Competition, Coaching to foreign country team. (Iran Team Women Kabaddi
trained by Indian Coach which won Asian Gold 2018).

XI – Physical Education 8
1.5 Khelo India Programme :-
It is a national level programme started by Govt. of India for the development of
sports with mass participation and promotion of excellence. It was launched in
the year 2018. The inaugural 2018 games had students competing for 209 Gold
Medals across 16 sports in Delhi. Telecast on national and international sports
channel like Star Sports with all international facilities to the players.
Change in Name: Formerly Khelo India School Games (KISG) now called
Khelo India Youth Games (KIYG).
Categories : Two categories namely under-17 years School students and under
21 years college students.
Scholarship : Priority Sports and Identified players will be given an annual
scholarship of Rs. 5 lakh (US$7000) for 8 years to prepare them for international
sports events.

Edition, Medals & Sports :-

I Edition — 31 Jan. to 08 Feb. 2018 at Delhi in 16 sports, Haryana was the
overall champion, followed by Maharashtra and Delhi with 38, 36, 25 Gold
Medals respectively.
II Edition — 09 Jan. to 20 Jan. 2019 at Pune, Maharashtra with total for
403 Gold, Maharashtra was the overall champion, followed by Haryana and
Delhi with 85, 62, 48 Gold Medals respectively.
III Edition — Jan. 10 to Jan. 22, 2020 at Guwahati, Assam with total for
447 Gold in 20 sports Maharashtra was the Champion, followed by Haryana
and Delhi with 78, 68, 39 Gold Medals respectively.
IV Edition — 4th Edition in June. 2022 is held in Haryana where four indigenous
games are added - Gatka, Kalaripayattu, Thang-ta and Mallakhamb. Haryana
become champion followed by Maharashtra and Karnatka.
Khelo India Winter Games : Khelo India Winter Games are also started in
2020 for winter games in India at Leh and Gulmarg in 17 sports for 49 Gold
Medals, Jammu and Kashmir was the overall champion.
Khelo India University Games : A multi-sport event among the Universities

9 XI – Physical Education
of India the inaugural edition held in from 22 feb to 01 March 2020 in age group
of 18 to 25 years in 17 sports for 206 Gold, where Panjab University Chandigarh
was the overall champion with 17 gold and 19 silver followed by Savitribai Phule
Pune university Maharashtra with 17 gold and 11 silver, third spot won by Punjabi
University Patiala with 13 gold medals. IInd Khelo India Unversity games held
at Banglore in 2022 where Jain University–Banglore, Lovely Professional
University Ludhiana and Panjab University Chandigarh got Ist, IInd and IIIrd
Place Respecitively.

Vision :- Infuse sports culture and achieve sporting excellence in the country.

Mission :-

 Encourage sports for all across gender and all age group.
 Holistic Development of children and youth.
 Community Development
 Social integration

 Gender equality

 Healthy lifestyle

 National pride and economic opportunities related to sports development

 Support to academies (At least one for Para. Athlete)


 Mass Participation

 Promotion of excellence in sports.


 Rajiv Gandhi Khel Abhiyan

 Urban Infrastructure Scheme

XI – Physical Education 10
 National Sports Talent Search Scheme

Fit India Programme

Fit India programme was launched on 29th August, 2019 by Honourable Prime
Minister with a view to make fitness an integral part of our daily lives. The mission
of the Movement is to bring about behavioural changes and move towards a
more physically active lifestyle. Towards achieving this mission, fit Indiaproposes
to understake various initiatives and conduct events to achieve the following
• To promote fitness as easy, fun and free.
• To spread awareness on fitness and various physical activities that promote
fintess through focused campaign.
• To encourage indigenous sports.
• To make fitness reach every school, college/university, panchayat/village, etc.
• To create a platform for citizens of India to share information, drive awareness
and encourage sharing of personal fitness stories.


Q.1 Assertion (A) : Right gear for right sports does improve the protection
and performance in sports.
Reason (R) : Sports gears protect from injuries.
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A.

(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.

(c) A is true but R is false.

(d) A is false but R is true.

Ans. (a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explantion of A.

Q.2 Where did first Khelo India Winter Games held?

(a) Leh and Gulmarg
(b) Shimla and Manali

11 XI – Physical Education
(c) Srinagar
(d) Chamoli and Auli
Ans. (a) Leh and Gulmarg
Q.3 What is the aim of physical Education?
(a) Physical development of a person
(b) Motor development of a person
(c) Mental Devclopment of a person
(d) All Round development of a person

Ans. (d) All Round development of a person

Q.4 Sports management is bassed upon....?

(a) Efficient and Talented officials

(b) Smart and clever officials

(c) Weak and Greedy officials

(d) None of these

Ans. (a) Efficient and Talented officials

Q.5 For a Reporter what qualities are desired most?
(a) Sweet Speaking skills
(b) Soft Speaking skills
(c) Excellent Speaking skills
(d) Beautiful Personality
Ans. (c) Excellent Speaking skills
Q.6 What is the scope of Coaching?
(a) Social Parks - Fitness Camp
(b) Sports Clubs

XI – Physical Education 12
(c) Hotels - Gym
(d) All of the above
Ans. (d) All of the above
Q.7 Thomas cup is related to which Game?
(a) Hockey
(b) Judo
(c) Badminton
(d) Football
Ans. (c) Badminton
Q.8 Where did first ‘Khelo India Games’ were held?
(a) Mumbai
(b) Delhi
(c) Hyderabad
(d) Kolkata
Ans. (b) Delhi
Q.9 Which state of India stood first in first ‘Khelo India Games’ in 2018?
(a) Delhi
(b) Punjab
(c) Kerala
(d) Haryana.
Ans. (d) Haryana
Q.10 How many sports discipline will be there in fourth ‘Khelo India Games’?
(a) 12
(b) 24
(c) 16
(d) 18
Ans. (b) 24

13 XI – Physical Education
Q.11 When did the first ‘Khelo India Games’ were held?
(a) 2016
(b) 2018
(c) 2017
(d) 2019
Ans. (b) 2018
Q.12 What is the word ‘Physical’ in Physical Education? Describe.
(a) Body only
(b) Participation in exercise
(c) Physical Tranining Related
(d) Body with all its embedded mind, spirit, organs with physical activity.
Ans. (d) Body with all its embedded mind, spirit, organs etc. with physical
Q.13 Match the following
List I List II
(A) National Institute of sports 1. Health related career
(B) B. P. Ed 2. Administration related career
(C) District sports Officer 3. Coaching
(D) Weight Control Club 4. Teaching
(a) 4 2 3 1
(b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 3 4 2 1
(d) 2 1 4 3
Ans. (c) 3421

XI – Physical Education 14

Q.1 Define Physical Education.

Ans. Physical Education is that part of education which deals with health, sports,
athlete, tournament, recreation, body and its embedded muscles, organ, mind,
spirit to make a person all-rounder.
According to Lumpkin:-
It is a process through which an individual obtains optimal physical, mental,
social skill and fitness through physical activity.

Q.2 Write about New Games under Khelo India Programme.

Ans. 1. Khelo India Winter Games : Started in 2020 for winter sports e.g. Ice
Hockey, Ice Skating in Leh and Gulmarg.
2. Khelo India University Games : Multi-Sports Event among the universities
of India started in 2020 in Bhuvneswar (Orissa)

Q.3 Write the purpose of established of NIS.

Ans. National Institute of Sports (NIS) was established in 1961 at Moti Bagh, Patiala,
Punjab to produce qualified coaches in different games and sports. The purpose
is to streamline coaching program in India.

Q.4 Define Social Adjustable objective of Physical Education.

Ans. Physical Education enhance this aspect by giving the platform to participate
in play, physical activity which develop the sense of socialization, discipline,
loyalty, honesty, leadership etc.


Q.1 What do you mean by sports journalism?
Ans. Through sports journalism we mean that we can gather information
regarding all sports acitivites and to callect different types of material required
for physical education. Such physical education teachers who have skill in
communicating by oral or writing can avail the career option in the field of
sports journalism.

15 XI – Physical Education
Q.2 What is the objective of physical education?
Ans.  Physically Strong
 Mental Development
 Socially and Adjustable
 Emotionally Balance
 Spiritually Develop

Q.3 Discuss the teaching career in physical education.

Ans.  Elementary School :- Teacher, Demonstrator
 Middle School :- Teacher
 Sr. Secondary School :- Lecturer
 Collage and University :- Professor, Researcher, Director


Q.1 Rahul has won Gold Medal in Khelo India Games 2020, Principal ask
him to speech on stage about his glory. By study above case answer the
1. How many Khelo India Sports events in edition 2020 ?
(a) 18 (b) 19 (c) 20 (d) 21
Ans. (c) 20

2. What is Khelo India Games ?

Ans. National level multi-disciplinary grass root games in India.
3. How much scholarship national level programme for development of sports
an Athlete recieve, if selected
(a) 5 Lakh for 8 years (b) 8 Lakh for 5 years
(c) 5 Lakh for 1 year (d) 3 Lakh for 2 years
Ans. (a) 5 Lakh for 8 years

XI – Physical Education 16

Q.1 Write a short note on the following :

(i) Book Publishing
(ii) Sports Photography
Ans. (i) Book Publishing: There are a number of publishing houses who publish
books concerning physical education.
They need highly qualified Physical Education experts who possess
extraordinary knowledge in this field. Alongwith its sub-discipline health
education is developing and in all these disciplines publishing houses need
persons to take care of books in the process. Editorial workers are also
needed by most of the publishing houses. They need such persons who are
aware of publication needs. These personnels should have knowledge of
physical education writing and Editorial skill. Personnels are also
required for direct sales. The person doing the sale job should have a good
knowledge of the field of physical education and comparative value of the
available books. They should have the idea of market and experience in
organising sales and convincing power.
Thus, there are a lot of opportunities in every field to step in. Sales
opportunities are available almost on similar lines in the fields of magazines
and journal particularly those which are related with sports.
(ii) Sports Photography: This is again a vast open field but this field again
needs physical education experts who have particular interest in
photography. They should have the capacity to communicate with the
masses through clear and illustrative photographs. The photographs should
be self-explanatory.
These are scopes of journals, newspapers which require such
photographers. At therefore, here we see lot of scope available for physical
education experts who have aptitude to be a photographer. Courses in
photography coupled with experience is a must for these kind of jobs.

17 XI – Physical Education
Q.2. Discuss administration careers in detail.
Ans. (i) Department of Physical Education. There are many universities and some
colleges in India, where various courses of physical education is studying.
In such departments, the administration lies in the hands of chairman or
head. He is the sole administrator of the teaching department. Teachers of
physical education and other clerical staff work under the chairman/head.
The senior teachers of the department usually acts as the chairman. There
is no need for separate management qualifications for such post, because it
is based on the seniority many of times.
There are always a number of people and organisations who want to have
sports facilities where they can exercise to remain healthy, fit and for the
purpose of recreation. They desire facilities of gymnasium, health club,
fitness centre, stadium, sports complexes, ice arenas, and aquatic centre
or swimming pool. In such fields, facilities managers are required.
Q. 3. Write the advantages of changing trends in sports equipment
Ans. 1. Performance upliftment
2. Correct decision
3. Injury saver
4. Spectators attraction
5. Sports business industry progression
6. Beautification of sports
7. Sports broadcasting
8. Competition sprit development
9. Olympic sprit development
Q.1 Write the objectives of Physical Education.
Ans. Objectives of Physical Education
Aim is highest general purpose, objectives are specific. So, after study physical
educators, philosophers, international and national association on physical
education, we can conclude the following main objective to achieve the ultimate
aim. They are given below:
 Physically Strong:- Physical education enhance this aspect which include
the fitness-strength, speed, flexibility, endurance along with proper functioning
of organs with strong muscles and bones.

XI – Physical Education 18
 Mental Development:- Mental alertness, concentration requires in sports
and games along with theoretical study of physical education as subject. So,
it improves and develops thinking, intelligence, knowledge, analysis, cognitive
and intellectual abilities etc.
 Social Adjustable:- Physical Education gives the platform of competition
and co-operation with wide scope to learn honesty, socialization, leadership,
discipline work ethics through sports and physical activities.
 Emotional Balance:- Win, defeat, aggression, fear, pleasure, love, anger,
patience etc. are involved in physical education and its embedded part of
sports. So, anyone can learn, how to get through it and balance himself/
herself by learning physical education.
 Spiritually Development :- Peace, moral values, forgiveness develops with
the help of Physical Education.

19 XI – Physical Education
Unit - 2
Olympism Value

Key Point :-
- 2.1 Olympism - Concept and Olympic values (Excellence, Friendship and
- 2.2 Olympic value Education - Joy of Effort, Fair Play, Respect for others,
Pursuit of Excellence, Balance Among Body, Will and Mind.
- 2.3 Ancient and Modern Olympics.
- 2.4 Olympic - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath and Anthem.
- 2.5 Olympic Movement Structure - IOC, NOC, IFS, Other members.
(IOC - International Olympic Committee, NOC - National Olympic
Committee, IFS - International federation of Sports)
2.1 Olympism: Concept and Olympic Values

Concept of Olympism
Olympism is a philosphy of life it balance the body as whole, will and mind. The
practice of sport is a Human Right. Every individual must have the possibility of
practising sports without discrimination with olympic spirit. The goal of olympism
is to place sports for harmonious development of human kind. The olympic
movement is the concerted, organised, universal and permanent action under the
supreme authority of the IOC

Olympism Values :
 Excellence
 Friendship
 Excellence :- Means doing the best we can on the field of play or in
Professional life. The important thing is not winning, but taking part, enjoy
the healthy combination of body, will and mind.
 Respect :- This include respect for yourself and your body, for other people,
for rules and regulation for sports and for the environment.
 Friendship :- Friendship is heart of Olympic movement. it encourages us to
see sports as an instrument for mutual understanding between individuals
and between people all over the world.
2.2 Olympic Value Education
 Joy of Effort : Every human being has a fundamental right to access to physical
Education and sport. Sports or physical activities should be promoted with
appropriate opportunity to enjoy the energy and effort with relative outcomes.
 Fair Play: Fair play refers to playing by the rules. There are many ways through
which the concept of fair play can be reflected like shaking hands with the opponent
of the end of the game, appreciating the opponent’s extraordinary performance
etc. Learning fair play behaviour in sport can lead to the development and
reinforcement of similar behaviour in one’s everyday life and towards the
community he/she lives in.

21 XI – Physical Education
 Respect for Others: We need to accept and respect diversity and promote
peace. We should appreciate the worth of all peoples and all cultures, irrespective
of race, age, gender and ability. This acceptance can be achieved through sport,
because a sports team may consist of people form different cultures, all focused
on one goal, that is victory for the team.
 Pursuit of Excellence: Sports provide an opportunity to players to become
the best or to make healthy choices in safe social and physical surroundings.
Sports provide an environment free from discrimination, harassment and fear. It
is also a place in which individual differences and cultural traditions are valued
and respected.
 Balance Among Body, will and Mind: The focus of the modern Olympic
movement extends beyond Sports, embracing cultures, artistic works,
environmental awareness and education. All of these can play their part in helping
young people to build a balanced approach to life. Physical learning took place
in both body and mind but it could not be done without will. Sport is a medium
of balancing body, will and mind.
2.3 Ancient and Modern Olympics

a) Ancient Olympics: Ancient Olympics started in 776 B.C. and abolished in

394 A.D. by Roman Emperor Theodosius-I, the games were held in honour
of God Zeus and only for born Greek. The winner of first Olympic in
776 B.C. was corebus mile wreath made from the leaves of sacred olive
tree was awarded to winner.
b) Summer Olympics / Modern Olympic Games: Modern Olympic games
started in 1896 in Athens (Greece). 16 June 1894 in Paris with 75
representatives of 13 countries conference headed by father of modern
Olympic games (Baron Pierre De-Coubertin) decided to organized the
Olympics in every four years. There time Olympics cancelled due to World
War-I in 1916 & World War-II in 1940 & 1944. One time Olympic games
postponed from July 2020 to the July 2021 due to World Pandemic Corona
Virus held at Tokyo (Japan) Gold, Silver, Bronze medal with diploma
awarded to winners. Paris and New York are schedule for 2024 and 2028

XI – Physical Education 22
Difference and similarities between Ancient and Modern Olympics
Ancient Olympic Modern Olympic
1. Held only at Olympia in Greece 1. Held at different cities of the world.
2. Participant must be free born Greek 2. Participant shall be natural born of
member country.
3. Religious festival for Greek in the 3. International Sports gathering for
Honour of God Zeus peaceful and better world.
4. Conduct for five days. 4. Conduct for sixteen days.
5. Once in four year with Amateur 5. Once in four year with Amateur
Players Players.
2.4 Olympics - Symbols, Motto, Flag, Oath and Anthem
Olympic Symbol :- According to Olympic Charter, the Olympic Symbol
consists of five interlaced rings of equal dimensions (the Olympics rings). When
use in five colour version, these colours shall be from left to right, blue, black
and red rings are situated at the top. The yellow and green rings at the bottom.
The Olympic symbol expresses the activity of the Olympic movement and
represent the union of the five continents and the meeting of athletes from
throughout the world at the Olympic Games.
Olympic Motto :- The olympic motto is made of four latin words—“citius,
Altius, Fortius and Communiter” means — “Faster, Higher, Stronger and
Together” communiter word added in ‘Tokyo 2020 olympics held in 2021 at
Olympic Flag :- The olympic flag is a white rectangular banner with a length -
to - width ratio of 3 : 2. It features the olympic symbol of five interlocking rings
in the center, positioned on a white background. The rings are coloured in blue,
yellow, black, green and red, representing the five continents of the world. It is
sued first time in 1920 Antwerp Olympics.

23 XI – Physical Education
Olympism Oath :- New Oath Effective From Sydeny Qlympics-2002: "In the
name of all the competitors I promise that we will take part in these Olympic
games respecting and abiding by the rules which govern them without the use
of doping and drugs in the true spirit of sportsmanship for the glory of sport and
the honour of our teams."
Olympic Anthem:
The Olympic Anthem is Musical work entitted olympic Anthem’ Composed by
Spiro Samara.
2.5 Olympic Movement Structure
Olympic Movement Structure

International Olympic National Olympic International Organising

Committee Committee (NOC) Federation Committee
(IOC) e.g Indian of Different Sports of Olympic
Olympic Association e.g Fifa (IFS) Games

Mission and Role of the International Olympic Committee (IOC)

Eastablishment Year - 23 June 1894
Headquarter - Lausanne Switzerland
The mission of the IOC is to promote Olympism throughout the world and to
lead the Otympic Movement. The IOC’s role is :
1. To encourage and support the promotion of ethics and good governance in
sport as well as education of youth through sport and to dedicate its efforts
to ensuring that, in sport, the spirit of fair play prevails and violence is

XI – Physical Education 24
2. To encourage and support the organisation, development and coordination
of sport and sports competitions.
3. To ensure the regular celebration of the Olympic Games.
4. To cooperate with the competent public or private organisations and
authorities in the endeavour to place sport at the service of humanity and
thereby to promote peace.
5. To take action to strengthen the unity of the Olympic Movement, to protect
its independence, to maintain and promote its political neutrality and to
preserve the autonomy of sport.
6. To act against any form of discrimination affecting the Olympic Movement.
7. To encourage and support elected representatives of athletes within the
Olympic Movement, with the IOC Athletes’ Commission acting as their
supreme representative on all Olympic Games and related matters.
8. To encourage and support the promotion of women in sport at all levels
and in all structures with a view to implementing the principle of equality of
men and women.
9. To protect clean athletes and the integrity of sport, by leading the fight
against doping, and by taking action against all forms of manipulation of
competitions and related corruption.
10. To encourage and support measures relating to the medical care and health
of athletes.
11. To oppose any political or commercial abuse of sport and athletes.
12. To encourage and support the efforts of sports organisations and public
authorities to provide for the social and professional future of athletes.
13. To encourage and support the development of sport for all.
14. To encourage and support a responsible concern for environmental issue,
to promote sustainable development in sport and to require that the Olympic
Games are held accordingly:

25 XI – Physical Education
15. To promote a positive legacy from the Olympic to the host cities, regions
and countries;
16. To encourage and support initiatives blending sport with culture and

Mission and Role of the National Olympic Comittee (NOC’s)

1. The mission of the NOCs is to develop, promote and protect the Olympic
Movement in their respective countries, in accordance with the Olympic
2. The NOCs’ role is:
• To promote the fundamental principles and values of Olympism in
their countries, in particular, in the fields of sport and education, by
promoting Olympic educational programmes in all levels of schools,
sports and physical education institutions and universtities, as well as
by encouraging the creation of institutions dedicated to Olympic
education, such as National Olympic Academies, Olympic Museums
and other programmes, including cultural, related to the Olympic
• To ensure the observances of the Olympic Charter in their countries:
• To encourage the development of high performance sport as well as
sport for all;
• To help in the training of sports administrators by organising courses
and ensuring that such courses contribute to the propagation of the
Fundamental Principles of Olympism.
• To take action against any form of discrimination and violence in sport;
• To adopt and implement the World Anti-Doping Code:
• To encourage and support measures relating to the medical care and
health of athletes.
3. The NOCs have the exclusive authority for the representation of their
respective countries at the Olympic Games and at the regional, continental
or world multi-sports competitions patronised by the IOC. In addition,

XI – Physical Education 26
each NOC is obliged to participate in the Games of the Olympiad by sending
4. The NOCs have the exclusive authority to select and designate the interested
hosts which may apply to organise Olympic Games in their respective
5. In order to fulfil their mission, the NOCS may cooperate with governmental
bodies, with which they shall achieve harmonious relations. However, they
shall not associate themselves with any activity which would be in
contradiction with the Olympic Charter The NOCs may also cooperate
with non-govemmental bodies.
6. The NOCs must preserve their autonomy and resist all pressures of any
kind, including but not limited to political, legal, religious or economic
pressures which may prevent them from complying with the Olympic
7. NOCS have the right to:
• designate, identify or refer to themselves as "National Olympic
Committees ("NOCS"), which designation or identification shall be
included or referred to in their name,
• send competitors, team officials and other team personnel to the
Olympic Games in compliance with the Olympic Charter,““7.3 benefit
from the assistance of Olympic Solidarity.

Mission and Role of the IFs within the Olympic Movement

International Federation of Different Sports

1. Mission and role of the IFs within the Olympic Movement
• To establish and enforece, in accordance with the Olympic spirit,
the reules concerning the practice of their respective sports and to
ensure their application;
• To ensure toe development of their sports throughout the world;
• To contributes to the achievement of the goals set out the Olymple
Charter, in particular by of the spread of Olympism and Olympic

27 XI – Physical Education
• To support the IOC in the review of candidatures for organising the
Olympic Games for their respective sports:
• To assume the responsibility for the control and direction of their
sports at the Olympic games:
• For other internationa multisport competitions held under the
patronage of the IOC, IFs can assume or delegate responsibility for
the control and direction of their sports;
• To provide technical assistance in the practical implementation of
the Olympic Solidarity programmes;
• To encourage and support measures, relating to the medical care
and health of athletes.
2. In addition, the IFs have the right to:
• To formulates proposals addressed to the IOC concerning the
Olympic Charter and the Olympic movement;
• Collaborates in the preparation of Olympic Congresses;
• Particles, on request from the IOC, in the activities of the IOC
Oraganising Committee of Olympic Games (OCOG)
The host of the olympic games shall be responsible for the establishment of an
Organising Commitee (“OCOG”), for the purpose of the organisation of the
Games and in acordance with the provisions of the Olympic Host Control.
From the time of contitution to the end of its liquidation, the OCOG and
conduct all its activities in accordance with the Olympic Charter, with the
agreement entered into between the IOG, the NOG and the host and with
any other regulations or instruction of the IOC Executive Board.


Q.1. When was communiter word added to the olympic motto?
(a) 1920 (b) 2020
(c) 2000 (d) 2010
Ans. (E)

XI – Physical Education 28
Q.2. I.O.C. was formed in -
(a) 1886 (b) 1894 (c) 1892 (d) 1880
Ans. (b) 1894
Q.3. Ancient Olympic Games were organised in the honour of God ______
(a) Hercules (b) Theodosious
(c) Posedon (d) Zeus
Ans. (d) Zeus
Q.4. How many rings Olympic symbol has -
(a) Three (b) Two (c) Five (d) One
Ans. (d) Five
Q.5. Where is the headquarters of IOC.
(a) New York (b) Switzerland
(c) Paris (d) France
Ans. (b) Switzerland
Q.6. Who is the first president of Indian Olympic Association (IOA)?
(a) Sir Dorabji Tata (b) Jawaharhal Nehru
(c) Sardar Vallabh Bhai Patel (d) M.K. Gandhi
Ans. (a) Sir Dorabji Tata
Q.7. When was I.O.A. established?
(a) 1937 (b) 1935 (c) 1925 (d) 1927
Ans. (d) 1927
Q.8. When was the first Modern Olympics held?
(a) 1966 (b) 1896 (c) 1970 (d) 1876
Ans. (b) 1896
Q.9. Who is known as the father of modern Olympics?
(a) Prof Jigaro kano (b) Sir Dorabji Tata
(c) Pierre Barron De Coubertin (d) Joce Rogges
Ans. (c) Pierre Barron De Coubertin

29 XI – Physical Education
Q.10. Match the following
List I List II
A Africa 1 Red
B America 2 Yellow
C Asia 3 Black
D Australia 4 Green
(a) 2 1 4 3
(b) 3 1 2 4
(c) 3 4 2 1
(d) 1 3 4 2
Ans. (b) 3124
Q.11. Assertion (A) : The first ancient Olympic Games Started in 776 BCE
Reason (R) : Father of Modern Olympic Games was Pierre, Baron De coubertin
codes :
(a) Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) A is true but R is false.
(d) A is false but R is true
Ans.(b) Both A and R are true, but R is not the correct explanation of A.


Q.1. Does Olympic symbol ring colour represent particular continent?

Ans. No, The coloured rings do not represent any Continent Individually (for e.g
some believe Red to America) as erroneously believed by some people. Nothing
has written about this in Olympic charter.

XI – Physical Education 30
Q.2. What is Olympic Oath?
Ans. At the beginning of the game, the host country representative will take oath on
behalf of all participating athletes. That is “we swear that will take part in the
Olympic games in loyal competition respecting and abiding by the rule which
govern them without the use of doping and drugs in the true spirit of sportsman
ship for the glory of sports and the honour of our teams”. The flag bearers of
the competing nations also take up their positions at the time of oath taking


Q.1 Write a short note on the Olympic flag.

Ans. Olympic flag were created in 1913 on the suggestion of Barron de coubertin. It was
hoisted for the first time in 1920 Antwarp Olympic Games. Olympic flag is made of
white silk and contains interlocking rings/circles in five colours which express the
activity of the olympic movement and represents the five continents of the world.
The interlocking rings Symbolises cooperation and friendship.
Q.2. Mention the rules for competition in Ancient Olympic Games.
Ans. 1. The competitor must be only a Greek, completely from a Hellenic race
and must be physically fit.
2. Savages and punished persons weren not allowed to participate in these
3. The competitor had to stay in Olympic for one month before the begining
of Olympic Games. They had to take an oath that they had already taken
the training for 10 months in their state.
4. Women were not allowed to participate in competitions or see these
5. Only amateur sport persons could participate in these games and not the

31 XI – Physical Education

Q.1. Difference and similarities between Ancient and Modern Olympics

Ancient Olympic Modern Olympic
1. Held only at Olympia in Greece 1. Held at different cities of the world.
2. Participant must be free born Greek 2. Participant shall be natural born of
member country.
3. Religious festival for Greek in the 3. International Sports gathering for
Honour of God Zeus peaceful and better world.
4. Conduct for five days. 4. Conduct for sixteen days.
5. Once in four year with Amateur 5. Once in four year with Amateur
Players Players.

Q.2. Give a brief account of the ancient Olympic Games.

Ans. The Sports was by no means a Greek invention. Despite severe condition of
life; athletes down the history, men found time to enjoy a variety of sports.
According to available history, the first ancient Olympic games were started in
Olympic valley in 776 B.C. at that time that the games were held in honour of
God Zeus, later on. Hercules, started the games and sports in the honour of his
father. Although there was a lot of stories about the origin of ancient Olympic
games. According to some other learned person there was wrestling competition
between God Zeus and God Koronus in which the organization of games and
sports was started. Whatever the reason behind the beginning of the game
Olympic game was in beautiful valley named Olympia, due to this feet these
games were called Olympic Games. During the games period or month any war
or dispute might be taking place, would be stopped at once and a true would
be declared.
The games were conducted in following way:
1. Opening Ceremony 2. Assembly 3. Oath

XI – Physical Education 32
4. Events 5. Awards
The Ancient Olympic Games continued and was held for approximately thousand
fears. In 394 A.D. The king of Rome stopped the organization of games,
Stadiums were destroyed and revived after many decades, that called Modem
Olympic Games.
Q.3 Discuss the main functions of International Olympic Committee (IOC).
Ans. 1. The place where the olympic will be organised is decided by this
committee. The right to decide the days on which the games will be held
also rests with the committee.
2. For conducting the competition and general programers for the olympics,
fundamental rules and regulations are set up by this committee.
3. It also encourges and supports the promotion of ethics in sports as well
as education of youth through sports.
4. It also ensures the regular conduct of the Olympic Games.
5. It takes action in order to strenghten the unity and to protect the
independence of the Olympic movement.
6. It also acts against any form of discrimination affecting the olympic
7. It encourages and supports the promotion of women in sports at all levels.
8. It deals the fight against doping in sports.
9. It encourages the development of sports for all.
10. It opposes any political or commercial abuse of sports and athletes.

33 XI – Physical Education
Unit - 3

Main Point :-
- 3.1 Meaning and Importance of Yoga
- 3.2 Introduction to Ashtanga Yoga
- 3.3 Introduction to Yogic Kriyas (Shat Karma)
- 3.4 Pranayama & its types
- 3.5 Active Lifestyle and Stress management through yoga
3.1 Meaning and Importance of Yoga
Meaning: The term yoga is derived form a Sanskrit word ‘Yuj’ which means
to unite or union. In fact joining the individual self with the divine or universal
spirit is called ‘yoga’. It is a science of development of man’s Consciousness.
According to Patanjali:- “Checking the impulse of mind is yoga”.
According to Maharishi Ved Vyas:- “Yoga is attaining the pose”.
In Bhagwat Gita, Lord Krishna says, “Skill in action of efficiency alone is yoga.
Importance of Yoga:


P hysical S ocial M ental S pritual E m otional

A spect A spect A spect A spect A spect
1. E m otional
1. P hysical P urity 1. D evelop S ocial S tability
2. P revention from 2. D evelop S ocial 2. E m otional
D isease Relationship M aturity
3. Beautification of 1. Reduce 3. L earn to D eal
Body M ental Tension w ith different
4. Correct P osture 2. P rovide Relaxation E m otional
of Body 3. D evelop Concentration conditions
5. D evelopm ent of P ow er 4. P ositive
M uscles 4. Increase M em ory P ow er cobitolm indset
6. Increase the 5. Increase W ill P ow er
efficiency of 1. S piritual D evelopm ent
heart & L ungs T hrough A sanas
7. Increase in 2. Increase M editation P ow er
F lexibility 3. Increase M oral Values

3.2 Introduction of Ashtanga Yoga

The main aim of yoga is to control over the mind. This is Possible follow to
eight fold paths or eight steps also know as “Ashtang Yoga” This system was
developed by Maharashi Patanjali.

35 XI – Physical Education
Elem en ts of Yoga (A sh tan g Yoga)

1. Yam a 3. A sana 5. P ratyahara 7. D hayana 8. S am adhi

2. N iyam a 4. P ranayam s 6. D harm a

1. Yama: Restrains or observances regarding how the Yogi’s should relate to his or
her community. The Yamas are : Ahinsa (Non Violence) Satya (Truthfulness)
Asteya (Non-stealing) Brahamcharya (Conservation of vital energy)
Aparigraha (Non-hoarding)

2. Niyama : Intense observance that the Yogi’s should carry out in his/her daily life
in order to have a body and mind suited for Yoga. The Niyamas are soch
(Clearliness of body and mind) Santosh (Contenment) Tapas (Disciplene)
Svadhgya (Self study) Ishvar Pranidhana (Surrender to Divine)

3. Asana : It literally translates to ‘SEAT’. These are meditative postures that

promotes stillness of mind and physical efficiency while sitting in meditative
postures for longer period of time.
4. Pranayama : ‘Prana’ is life/force/breath or vital energy and Yama means restraint.
It means pranayama is extention of the life force. These are breathing practices
that involves the retention of breath.
5. Pratyahara : Withdrawal of the senses from things that are not conducive to the
practices of Yoga and process of moving from external world to internal world.
When the 5 senses are quelled, the mind can then become still.
6. Dharna : Concentration or the forces or single thing, ideally something spiritually
in nature.
7. Dhyana : Meditation, uninterrupted concentration, flowing concentration in which
the meditator begins to merge with the object of meditation is called dhyana.
8. Samadhi : A super conscious trance in which the mind merges fully with and
becomes one with the object of meditition (Atma ka parmatma se milan) in highest
state of samadhi. This is ultimate state of medition.

XI – Physical Education 36
3.3 Introductionto Yogic Kriyas (Shat karma)
The six kriyas of yoga in sanskrit is called ‘shatkarma’ which is actually purification
techniques. The purpose of these cleansing techniques (shatkarma) is to keep
the body strong, clean and healthy as this results into the removal of toxins and
anything blocking the flow of ‘prana’ in the body. It should always be learned
and practiced under the supervision of experts.

Importance of Shat karmas

 Shatkarmas cleanses and activates all vital organs of the body.

 It helps in purification of body.
 It helps in purification of mind.
 It helps in detoxification of various organs.
 It enhances the efficiency of all vital organs.
 It helps in increase in blood supply to the organs.

37 XI – Physical Education
There are six cleansing processes according to Hath Yoga are as follows:
Neti, Dhauti, Basti, Trataka, Nauli and Kapalbhati.
1. Neti : Keep nasal passages, clean
2. Dhauti: It means teeth or Mula which means roots. A cleansing process.
3. Basti : It is technique of replenshing the body internally by cleansing the
colon completely.
4. Trataka : Train the eyes and mind. It helps in Strengthening of optic nerves
for better eyesight.
5. Nauli: This is the technique used to clean the abdominal region specially
digestive organs.
6. Kapalbhati : Kapal means forehead, bhati means shine

3.4 Pranayama

Pranayama is a compound term (Prana and Yama) meaning the maintenance of

prana in a healthy manner throughout one’s life. Pranayama is a science which
helps to regularize vital energies through the regulation of breathing.
Pranayama practice involves slow deep inhalation (Puraka), holding breath
(Kumbhaka) and near complete exhalation (Rechaka). The flow of Prana or
vital energy to all the vital parts of the body is regulated by these breath-regulating
practices. The main purpose of Pranayama is to gain control over the Autonomous
Nervous System and mental functions. Regular practice of Pranayama can
modulate the sensitivity of chemo-receptors and can also make the mind calm
and quiet.

XI – Physical Education 38
Types of Pranayama
These are the Pranayama mentioned in the Hatha Yoga Texts.
1) Nadishodhan or Anulom-vilom
2) Suryabhedana,
3) Ujjayi
4) Bharmari,
5) Sheetkari,
6) Sheetali,
1) Nadi Shodhana Pranayama Or Anulom-Vilom
Nadi shodhana pranayama is also known as Anuloma-viloma as Viloma means
‘produced in the reverse order.’ This practice gets the name from the fact that
the order of using the nostrils for inhalation and exhalation is reversed from time
to time.
2) Surya Bhedhana Pranayama
Surya is the sun and bhedhana means to get through. In Surya Bhedhana
Pranayama all inhalations are done through the right nostril and all exhalations
through the left.
3) Ujjayi Pranayama
In this practice, both the nostrils are used for inhaling air and the left one for
exhaling. The sound -presented by the letters 'Aum' is to be produced during the
practice, by a partial closure of the glottis. This sound is a peculiarity of this
Pranayama and its name is derived from this fact.
4) Bhramari Pranayama
The word Bhramari means a black bee. While practicing this Pranayama, the
sound produced resembles the buzzing of a black bee. Bhramari Pranayama is
effective in instantly calming down the mind it is one of the best breathing exercises
to keep the mind free of agitation, frustration or anxiety and get rid of anger to a
great extent.

39 XI – Physical Education
5) Sheetkari Pranayama
The word SheetKari is made up of 2 words “Sheet” means “Coolness” and
“Kari means ” Denerate Sheetkari Pranayama literally means “Hissing Breath”
In this breathing technique, we make a sound like a snake (hissing sound) while
breathing in from our mouth, that is why it is also known as Hissing breath Shitkari
Pranayama is very helpful in keeping our mind and body calm.
6) Sheetali Pranayama
As the name indicates, this Pranayama cools the system. It helps to keep the
body's temperature down. In it we open our mouth, bring the tongue outside the
mouth and form a cylindrical shape by bending both the extreme sides of the
tongue longitudinally and inhale. Then close our mouth. Retain breath for as long
as we can while pressing the chin against the chest (chin lock), simultaneously
pulling your rectum muscles (anal lock).
3.5 Active Lifestyle and Stress Management Through Yoga
Yoga brings happiness, peace of mind and a positive state of health because you
aligns the body, mind and intellect level by proper knowledge of structure and
function, through self-realization of inner awareness.
The Yogic asanas stretch and tone every muscle and joint of the body, as well as
the spine, and skeletal muscles, the organs, as well as nerves, keeping the entire
system in radiant health.
The yogic breathing practice known as Pranayamas, revitalize the body and help
to control the mind. leaving the person calm and refreshed. Relaxation helps
control anxiety, hypertension and other discomforts of the mind and body.
Relaxation Technique-Yoga Nidra.
The Sanskrit word yoga means union or perfect awareness, and nidra means
sleep. Yoga nidra is a state where the body appears to be asleep, but the
consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. Yoga nidra an effective
technique for relaxation and helps towards stress-management and wellness.
1. Lie down straight on your back in Shavasana (Corpse Pose), Close your
eyes and relax. Take a few deep breaths in and out. Remember to take slow
and relaxed breaths.

XI – Physical Education 40
2. Start by gently taking your attention to your right foot. Keep your attention
there for a few seconds, while relaxing your foot. Then gently move your
attention up to the right knee, right thigh and hip Become aware of your
whole right leg.
3. Gently, repeat this process for the left leg.
4. Take your attention to all parts of the body: stomach, navel region, chest.
5. Take your attention to the right shoulder, right arm, palms, and fingers. Repeat
this on the left shoulder, left arm, throat, face, and finally the top of the head.
6. Take a deep breath in and observe the sensations in your body. Relax in this
state for a few minutes.
7. Slowly becoming aware of your body and surroundings, turn to your rights
idea and keep lying down for a few more minutes. Rolling over to the right
side makes the breath flow through the left nostril which helps cool the body.
8. Taking your own time, you may then slowly sit-up, and whenever you feel
comfortable, slowly, and gradually, open your eyes.
Benefits of Yoga Nidra
1. Produces deep relaxation and reduces stress and anxiety.
2. Reduces depression, addictions
3. Reduces pain and dependency on drugs.
4. Provides relief from insomnia and improves quality of sleep.
5. Improves learning capacity and acquisition of new skills.


Q.1 Who is the writer of ‘Yogsutra’?
(a) Vedyas (b) Baba Ramdev
(c) Swami vivekanand (d) Maharshi patanjali
Ans. (a) Maharshi patanjali
Q.2 The number of Element of yoga are–
(a) Four (b) Six
(c) Eight (d) Two
Ans. (b) Eight

41 XI – Physical Education
Q.3 Which of the following is not a part of yama?
(a) Sataya (b) Aprigrah
(c) Asteya (d) Santosh
Ans. (d) Santosh
Q.4 The number of components in pranayama are–
(a) Three (b) Two
(c) Five (d) Seven
Ans. (c) Three
Q.5 Which is the eighth element of Ashtanga Yoga?
(a) Dhyana (b) Dharana
(c) Samadhi (d) Pratayahara
Ans. (c) Samadhi
Q.6 Which of the following is not a body building Asanas?
(a) Dhanurasana (b) Ehakrasana
(c) Mayurasana (d) Shavasana
Ans. (b) Shavasana
Q.7 The number of yogic kriyas in the shatkarma includes how many
(a) Four (b) Five
(c) Six (d) Three
Ans. (a) Six
Q.8 Which of the following asana is also called ‘hare pose’?
(a) Padmasana (b) Tadasana
(c) Shashankasana (d) Halasana
Ans. (d) Shashankasana
Q.9 Complete stability of mind is known as
(a) Samadhi (b) Pratayahara
(c) Dharana (d) Dhyana
Ans. (d) Dhyana

XI – Physical Education 42
Q.10 Which of the following is helpful in increasing height?
(a) Padmasana (b) Tadasana
(c) Halasnana (d) Sukhasana
Ans. (d) Tadasana


Q.1 What are the pre-requisites for Asanas, Pranayam, Dhyana and
Ans. 1. Yama and Niyama considered to be pre-requisites for further yogic
practices. Yama (Social Discipline) comprising Ahinsha, Satya, Asteya,
Brahmacharya and Aparigarha.
2. Niyama (Personal Discipline) Comprising Saucha, Santosha, Tapa,
Swadhyaya and Ishwara Pranidhana.
Q.2 What is the role of yoga in sports?
What is the importance of yoga? Describe it?
Ans. Yoga consists of both mental as well as physical exercise.
1. It help to keep the body fit.
2. Relief from any kind of tension
3. Improves the heart and lung functioning capacity.
4. It helps in curing and prevention from disease.
5. Improves, agility, flexibility, co-ordination, strength etc.
6. Improves the co-ordination of body system
7. Improves correct body posture.
Q.3 What is the role of meditation in sports?
What is the importance of meditation? Describe it?
Ans. 1. Meditation helps to increase concentration.
2. It gives relaxation to the body and mind.
3. It cures stress and Anxiety.

43 XI – Physical Education
4. It improves the function of nervous system.
5. It activates the brain and mind proerly.
6. It helps in conlrolling anger problem.


Q.1 What is Shatkarma? Explain in detail.

Ans. The purification process of body includes six yogic kriya which are called
‘Shatkarma’. The purpose of these cleansing techniques or ‘shatkarma’ is to
keep body strong, clean and healthy as it helps in removal of toxins and
anything blocking the flow of ‘Prana’ in the body. According to hath yoga the
six cleansing processes are:
Neti : Keep nasal passages clean
Kapalbhati : Kapal means forehead, bhati means shine
Trataka : Train the eyes and mind
Basti : Clean large intestine
Dhauti : Used for cleansing the internal part eg. Digestive
Nauli : Shaking the belly, ease the process of digestion
Q.2 Explain elements of Yoga.
Ans. Ashtanga Yoga: ‘Ashta’ means eight and ‘Anga’ means limbs. It means
eight limbs Yoga.
(i) Yama (Restraints): Yama is also sometimes called "the five restraints"
because it describes what one should avoid to advance on the spiritual
(a) Ahimsa (Non-Violence)
(b) Satya (Truthfulness)
(c) Asteya (Non-Stealing)
(d) Bran macharya (Celibacy)
(e) Aparigraha (Non-Coveting)
(ii) Niyama (Observances): Inward practices to improve the self.

XI – Physical Education 44
(a) Saucha (Purification)
(b) Santosh (Contentment)
(c) Tapas (Asceticism)
(d) Swadhyaya (Study)
(e) Ishwara Pranidhana (Dedication to God)
(iii) Asana: Various postures of yoga
(iv) Pranayama: Pranayama is the practice of various breathing techniques.
(a) Puraka: To inhale breath
(b) Kumbhaka: To retain breath.
(c) Rechaka: To exhale breath
(v) Pratyahara: Detaching the mind and sense organs from the related
activity, and attaching to God.
(vi) Dharana: Concentration of mind.
(vii) Dhayana: Process of complete concentration of mind and one can
concentrate long and od meditation,
(viii) Samadhi: Stage in which one loses personal identfty. Union of individual’s
soul with the supreme soul.

45 XI – Physical Education
Unit - 4
Physical Education and Sports
for CWSN (Children with Special Needs-

Main Point :-
- 4.1 Concept of Disability and Disorder
- 4.2 Types of Disability, its Causes and Nature (Intellectual Disability, Physical
- 4.3 Aim and objective of Adaptive Physical Education
- 4.4 Role of various professionals for children with special needs (School
counsellor, occupational therapist, physiotherapist, speech therapist,
speciaal education, and physical education teacher.
- 4.5 Disability Etiquettes
4.1 Concept of Disability and Disorder
Concept of disability is an impairment that may be cognitive, intellectual, mental,
physical development etc. It affects the everyday activities of the individual to a
considerable amount. It may be present in an individual from birth or occur
during one’s lifetime.
Concept of disorder: A disorder is an illness or a dysfunctional factor that
affects the physiology and psychology of an individual. It can be structural or

Accid en ts
Dis tu rb an ce in C au ses of D isab ilities
en d o crin e g lan d s
M aln u tritio n
Wars P o is o n
In fectio u s
d is eas es Lack o f
In h erited Ed u catio n
o r g en etic Dis eas e Nu clear
accid en t
W ro n g M ed icatio n Dan g ero u s wark in g
an d en v iro n m en t Us e o f Dru g s
W ro n g Vaccin atio n an d
P o o r ap p ro ach
In to x ican ts
to Health o re

Nature of Disability (Intellectual Disability & Physical Disability)

Intellectual disability once called mental retardation, is characterized by below
average intelligence or mental ability and a lack of skills necessary for day to
day. people intellectual disabilities can learn new skills, but they learn them
more slowly. There are varying degrees of intellectual disability. From mid
to profound.

47 XI – Physical Education
A 3hysical Disability is any condition that permanently prevents normal
body movement and control. In the early year, chidren may have some
diffculties in learning to move skillfully. This is not unusual. However, for
some children, the muscles and nerves that control body movements may
not be properly formed or may become damaged causing a physical disability.
There are may different type of physical disabilities.
4.3 Aims and Objective Of Adaptive Physical Education
Concept:- Adaptive physical education is a sub discipline of physical education,
which is adapted or modified for the children, who are differently abled,
handicapped, mentally challenged, hear impairment, speech impairment,
blindness, orthopedic impairment, and autism etc. The programme of adaptive
physical education involves specially designed programme of physical fitness,
motor fitness, fundamental motor skill, aquatic skills dance skills, individual and
group games. To meet the unique need of children with disabilities.
Adaptive physical education is a multikind of service for the children who are
not able to do the activity like a normal children, such children may be provided
modified sports and games, which can play an important role in their lives i.e,
recreation, fitness development, ethical and moral values etc.
Meaning:- A diversified programme of developmental activities, games and
sports, suited to interests, capacities and limitations of the students with their
disabilities are called adaptive physical education.
Aims:- To provide all students with special needs, regardless of they desirability,
the opportunity to participate in physical education, safely and successfully, in
the least restrictive environment.

(i) To provide physical education services.

(ii) To develop self esteem.

(iii) To develop motor skill.

(iv) To develop knowledge of body mechanics

XI – Physical Education 48
(v) To increase active participation in sports

(vi) To develop physical fitness

(vii) To develop socialization skill

(viii) To promote sportsmanship.

4.4 Role of Various Professional For CWSN
(School counsellor, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist, Speech
Therapist, Special educator, Physical education teacher)
1. School counsellor:- The school counsellor are the specialists who work
with special needs students in elementary school, middle schools, and high
schools, to ensure they have the support services they need in order to
achieve their highest potential in the are as of academics, personal, social
growth and career development.
2. Occupational therapist:- An occupational therapist help children with
special needs in performing activities related to fine motor skills, like eating,
dressing, bathing and grooming etc. He also helps children in participating
and interacting with others in play. He help children in adopting to regular
3. Physiotherapist:- A physiotherapist is trained to provide assessment and
treatment in overcoming movement and physical challenges such as problems
of balance, co-ordination, sitting, standing and walking. They look at ways
to encouraging child’s in dependence and mobility. A physiotherapist may
also assist in making recommendations for specialized equipment. He also
promote functional activities and designed specific exercise plan as per the
need of children.
4. Speech therapist:- A speech therapist is a trained medical professional
who can help children with a number of oral disorders such as trouble
swallowing, motor skill, speech issues, cognitive-linguistic conditions and
5. Special educator:- A special education teacher is someone who work with
children and youths who have severe cognitive, emotional physical disabilities.
They also create and apply curriculum and activities to meet the requirement
of the students with special needs.

49 XI – Physical Education
6. Physical education teacher:- The physical education teacher provide such
physical activities for the students with special needs which may help in
reducing anxiety, stress, tension and depression. The physical education
programme plays a very pregressive role in improving cognitive functions
and academic performance. Social skills and collaborative team work can
also be enhanced through the defferent programmes of physical education.
The physical education teacher helps in executing these programmes.
4.5 Disability Etiquettes
Disability Luquette is a set of guidelines desting specifically with how to approach
a person with a disability Disability etiquete refers to communicating and
interacting respectfully and courteously with people who have disabilities:
Positive and Energetic Attitude
 One should approach a person with special needs with positive energy and
 Approach should be warm and friendly.
 One should not show sympathy for, or, even in certain cases, fear of the
 Communication should be two way speaking to the person directly, and not
to the person accompanying her/him
 Establish a rapport with her/him

 If necessary, use a communication aid such as a communication book or

communication device. if required
 Keep your tone low Communicate with the individual slowly and clearly
Give them time to respond.
 Do say, “She uses a wheelchair.“ Do not use negative, demeaning, and
outdated terms such as “cripple,” “deaf and dumb,” or ‘“retarded.”
 So, avoid using terms such as “physically challenged,“ or “differently abled.”

XI – Physical Education 50
Social Etiquettes
 Make surroundings disabled-friendly and comfortable for people with special
 Offer assistance only if the person appears to need it. Ask how, before you
 Acknowledge and respect the individual’s ability to make decisions and
judgments on their own behalf.
 Never physically or verbally bully them. Never play with their equipment
 Develop a culture of inclusion in surroundings.
Physical Etiquettes
 To be safe, sit or stand at eye-level with the person who has a disability
when it is appropriate and possible
 Make eye contact: never avoid someone with a disability.
 Some people with disabilities depend on their arms for balance. Grabbing
them, even if your intention is to assist, could knock them off balance.
 Avoid patting a person on the head or touching his wheelchair, or cane People
with disabilities consider their equipment part of their personal space.


Q.1 Most suitable word used for disable person.

(a) Handicapped (b) Retarded
(c) Divyang (d) Blind
Ans. (c) Divyang
Q.2 What is a disorder?
(a) Disrupts a person’s performance
(b) It is a mental illness
(c) Lethal gradually
(d) It is a physically inability

51 XI – Physical Education
Ans. (a) Disrupts a person’s performance
Q.3 Speech therapist helps a child of CWSN in which activity?
(a) Grooming (b) Communication
(c) Enhancing Mobility (d) Playing
Ans. (b) Communication
Q.4 Name the teacher who is specially trained to work with CWSN?
(a) Phycial Education Teacher (b) Physiotherapist
(c) Principal (d) Special Educator
Ans. (d) Special Educator
Q.5. Match the following
List I List II
1. Visualy impairment a. behaviour towards others
2. Difficulty is speaking b. tap the person onthe shoulder
3. Hearing impairment c. Introduce self first
4. Etiquettes d. Speech therpy
(A) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c
(B) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
(C) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
(D) 1-d, 2-c, 3-b, 4-a
Ans. (b) 1-c, 2-d, 3-b, 4-a
Q.6. Give below are the two statements labeled Assertion (A) and Reason
Assertion (A): Disability etiquettes are set of guidelines while dealing with
person with disability.
Reason (R): We should help a person with disability before they ask for it.
In the context the above two statements, which one of the followingis correct?
(A) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correctexplanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).

XI – Physical Education 52
(C) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
Q.7. When a person is not able to perform the normal human life mental
activities and adaptive behavior skill is called.
(a) Physical Disability by Mental Disorder
(b) Intellectual Disability
(c) Intellectual Disability.
(d) Cognitive Disorder
Ans. (c) Intellectual Disability
Q.8. Objectives of adaptive physical education are:
(a) To develop physical fitness
(b) To develop socialization skills
(c) To develop self esteem
(d) To develop motor skills
(i) a and b
(ii) a, b and d c and d
(iii) c and d
(iv) a, b, c and d
Ans. (iv) a, b, c and d
Q.9. Which of the following not comes under principle for adaptive physical
(a) Conducting medical examination
(b) Play area should be limited
(c) Program according to the interest of teacher
(d) Rules of the game should be modified
Ans. (c) Program according to the interest of teacher

53 XI – Physical Education
Q10. Disability etiquette from the given below are
(a) Develop a culture of inclusion in surrounding
(b) Use communication device when required
(c) Sit at level with the person with disability
(d) Make eye contact and never avoid the person
(i) a and b
(ii) a, b and d
(iii) c and d
(iv) a, b, c and d
Ans. (iv) a, b, c and d

SHORT ANSWER TYPE QUESTIONS (3 Marks 40 to 50 Words)

Q.1 Mention disability etiquettes while talking to a person using a wheelchair.

Ans. (i) Wheelchair is a part of the body for the user. While talking with such a
person, always be in front of him/her and maintain eye contact.
(ii) It is inappropriate to automatically assist the individual without his/her
permission. If your assistance is rejected, respect their decision.
(iii) If the conversion with a wheelchair user lasts longer, either knee down or sit
down at a nearby place to give the individual a more comfortable viewing
angle. I mention any two disability etiquettes While talking to a person with
visual disabilities.
(iv) Always introduce yourself and the people accompanying you before starting
a conversation with such people.
(v) While walking with a person having a disability, offer your arm for them to
hold. Guide the person about the curve ditches, potholes, or steps along the
(vi) Always inform them before ending a conversation or leaving the room. Do
not walk away without informing.

XI – Physical Education 54

Q.1 Differentiate between Disability and Disorder?

Disability Disorder
1. It is a physical, mental, cognitive, 1. It is an illness or dysfunctional
condition that impairs, interferes factor that affect or disrupt the
with or limit a person’s ability person physical or mentallly.
to engage in certain action of
participate in daily activities.
2. There is no chance to become 2. High chances to become normal.
3. Disability is concerned with 3. Disorder is concerned with mental
various part of the body. mental ability.
4. Disability is 3 types or physical, 4. Disorder is 5 types ADHD,
cognitive and intellectual disability. SPD, ASD, OCD and ODD.

Q.2 Enlist the different objectives of adaptive Physical Education?

Ans. The following are the objectives of adaptive Physical Education:
(a) To provide the physical education services.
(b) To develop self esteem.
(c) To develp motor skills
(d) To develop the knowledge of Bio-mechanics
(e) To increase active participation in sports.
(f) To develop physical fitness.
(g) To develop socialization skill.


Q.1 Which principles are required to be followed to make the adapted

physical education effective? Explain.
Ans. 1. Medical Examination : It is very important for the success of
programme related to adapted physical education. Otherwise it will
be difficult to find out what kind of disability, the student is suffering
55 XI – Physical Education
Therefore, it is imperative to conduct medical examination of the
2. Programmes according to the interest of the students: Programmes
should be made keeping in mind the interest, capacity and previous
experience of the students. The teachers should also have deep knowledge
about it, then only they can make any successful programme.
3. Equipment should be appropriate : Students should be provided
with equipments asper disability concerned for example, students suffering
from visual impairment should be given a ball with bell so that they
may catch the ball as it rolls because of the sound. Thus such students
can make out the direction and distance of the ball.
4. Proper Environment: The play area also should be limited because
of the limited speed capacity of the children for example, speech
impaired children be given rest in between the games. The play area
should be limited to top smaller area.
5. Modification of rules: Rules and regulation of the game and sports
should be modified depending on the specific needs of students. In
order to learn new skill they may be given extra time, extra effort,
extra rest and 2 marks in place of 1 mark.
Thus, they might be given the opportunity for all round development.

Q.2 What is the role of school counsellor in special education?

Ans. 1. The role of a school counsellor is to help all students, including those
with special needs, to achieve there full potential. Introducing an
appropriate individualised education programme (IEP) at early age
can make all the differance, not only in these children’s academic
learning but in their emotional health and social adjustment and ultimately
in their ability to become productive, contributing member of society.
2. Counselling sessions with specail education students.
3. Encouraging family involvement in IEP.
4. Consulling with and working with other school staff to better understand
the childs spcial needs.

XI – Physical Education 56
5. Collaborating with other school and community professionals like,
teachers, school, psychologist, physical therapist and occupational
thrapist etc.
6. Identifying other students who should be assessed to determine the
eligibility for speical education.

57 XI – Physical Education
Unit - 5
Physical Fitness, Wellness and Lifestyle

- 5.1 Meaning and Importance wellness, Health and Physical Fitness

- 5.2 Components and Dimensions of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness
- 5.3 Traditional Sports and Regional Games for Promoting Wellness
- 5.4 Leadership through Physical Activity and Sports
- 5.5 Introduction of First Aid and PRICE
5.1 Meaning and Importance of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness
Wellness:- Wellness is the capacity of an individual by which one leads a well
balanced life.
Health:- It is a state of physical mental and social well being and not just the
absence of disease or infirmity.
Physical Fitness: Physical fitness means the capacity to do the routine work
without any fatigue or exertion and after doing the work the person has power
to do some more work and recovery is quicker.

Importance of Wellness
1. To live a high quality life: Wellness increases the quality of life of a person.
A capable and healthy person can experience more enjoyment by participating
in games and sports and working with other people.
2. To achieve the maximum growth and development: Wellness is helpful
in growth and development of a person. The growth and development of a
healthy person can happen easily without any diseases.
3. To be a good citizen: A capable person knows how to balance his rights
and duties because of which he can become a good citizen of the country.
4. To live a stress-free life: If a person is physically and mentally fit. then the
negative thoughts like stress, tension and anxiety cannot affect him. If the
negative thoughts come, then he can manage these emotions very well. These
people arc capable of living a balanced life.
5. To enjoy the life: A capable person has the full knowledge of his physical,
mental, spiritual and social capabilities. That’s why a capable person lives
his life joyfully. Wellness is important for enjoying the life and happiness of
6. To be an active member of the society: Wellness provides the
opportunities to a person to attach with the society and the environment. A
capable person actively participates in the social activities. Wellness motivates
the moral behaviour of a person which is very important to live in the society.

59 XI – Physical Education
Importance of Health
• Slows down the aging process.
• Help to live Healthy life.
• Help us to keep us free from illness.
• Help us to keep high level of energy.
• It helps us to lead a healthy lifestyle.
• Individual leads to more productivity in daily life.
• Helps in reducing stress and depression.
• Increased level of physical fitness.
• Helps in boosting self confidence.
• It helps to lead a happy life.

Importance of Physical Fitness

1. To live a long and healthy life: A physically fit person not only lives a
healthy life but also a longer life.
2. To increase the energy, power and capacity of the body: A physically
fit person can do his routine work without undue fatigue. The strength and
capacity is increased because of internal energy due to which he can perform
extra curricular task after finishing the routine work. Fore.g..- entertainment,
aerobics, dance, gardening, etc.
3. To reduce the.probability of getting a disease:Due to the physical fitness,
important parts of the body, such as heart, lungs and brain remain strong
and there is a less probability of getting disease because of the continuous
activity of these parts.
4. For strong and active muscular and skeletal system: Due to the physical
fitness, a person can do any physical activity with ease, posture is maintained,
muscles and bones stay strong, joints and muscles have flexibility and body
posture looks toned and attractive.

XI – Physical Education 60
5. To increase the memory and recall capacity of mind: Physical fitness
also affects the mind of a person. A physically fit person has higher recall
capacity and memory.
6. To improve mental health: Physical fitness improves mental health as well.
It leads to increase in self confidence and positive body image.
7. To get rid of excess fat: Due to the physical fitness, a person is always
active. Due to this activeness, the fat in the body continuously get converted
into energy which does not allow the fat to accumulate in the body.
8. To live a happy life: Physical fitness is also necessary for enjoyment and
happiness of mind. A fit person remains happy and joyful which increases
his self-confidence and positive body image.

5.2 Components of Wellness, Health and Physical Fitness

61 XI – Physical Education
Dimensions of Health
Fitness Nutrition

C ar e es S
self-care control
of substance

cris ageme
fo r tres s

m an

otio ot ion al



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Components of Physical Fitness:-

For the overall development of fitness. It is necessary to know the different
kinds of fitness required for specific programmes. Physical fitness can be divided
into three main areas:-
• Skill Related Fitness
• Health Realted Fitness
• Cosmetic Related Fitness
The difference between three categories of fitness is given below:
Skill Related Fitness Health Reltated Fitness Cosmetic Related Fitness

Important in the performance of Ingredient in the national For many people, looking good
specific functional motor tasks. public health agenda. is an important outcome of fit-
ness activities.
Important in sport performance Important for prevention Looking fit is in and looking
and in certain kinds of job per- and remediation of disease strong is an important part of
formance that require physical and illness, both physical looking fit. This is true for both
skill and strength. and mental. men and women.

Being able to carry out the It applies to everyone and Cosmetic fitness is fine as long
special skills that are a is a general concept. Each as it takes place in an
necessary part of certain sports should achieve and main- educational environment where
or activities that can help in tain certain levels of health acceptance of different body
becoming physically fit involve fitness to stay as healthy as shapes is the norm or the
one or more parts of skill related possible throughout a life- criteria.
fitness. It is more functional and time and to improve the
specific. quality of life.

XI – Physical Education 62
Physical fitness has five major components; which measures the physical fitness
of a person. Various experiments have been conducted to measure the physical fitness
of a person. Various exercises have done to develop these components. The five
major components of physical fitness may also be called by 5 ‘S’ of Physical Fitness
which are as follows:

5.3 Traditional Sports and Regional Games for Promoting Wellness

India has a great tradition of sports and is greatly influenced by the British presence
in India in the 8th and 19th century. India, is a large populous country and have
retained the popularity of indigeneous games among people.
Traditional sports and games provide unique opportunities that mainstream sports
may not. These are generally based on fun and participation. These games and
sports are important as they inculcate positive experiences through physical
activities and also preserve chances to take part and benefit from the virtues of
community interaction and culture. They are a living legacy of what has gone
before us and how can we enrich the future. In other words we can say that
these games are our cultural heritage of India.
Traditional Sports and Games (TSG) is recognized by UNESCO as world
intangible heritage and even more then their title suggests. TAFISA (The
Association for International Sports for All) heads all the Traditional Sports and
Games (TSG) associations or we can say TSG’s, area at core of TAFISA’s
mission. India has shown promise in olympic sports, displaying some of the best

63 XI – Physical Education
talent on the global platform. Howeever, there are several traditional sports native
to the country that many are unaware of that India is the land of traditional sports
as it has diversified culture and traditions. Indian Association of Traditional Games
and Sports (IATSG) was formed to revive and promote traditional games and
sports under the guidance of the International Council for Traditional Sports and
Games (ICTSG)
India is one of the largest country in the world in both area and population and
allow amongst those few countries that have retained the popularity of then
indigenous games among its people for the wellness.
Traditional or Regional Sports of India
• Ball Badminton – a racket game native to India played with a yellow ball made
of Wool, with similarities to Badminton in 1856 it was played by Royal Families
in Tamil Nadu.

• Kho-Kho – This Game is played on ground having two poles each side of
27 mts × 16 mts area the team that takes leasser time to tag all the opponent
players wins the game. Originated in Tamil Nadu around 1914.

XI – Physical Education 64
• Kabaddi – Kabaddi is a contact team sport, played between two team. The
objective of the game is for a single player on offence is known as a ‘raider’
enters the opposite team’s half to tag opponents without losing cant. It is also
knownas Kaudi, Pakaada, Hadu du, Bhautik Hu-Tu-Tu and Himashika. It is
also originated in Tamil Nadu.

65 XI – Physical Education
• Lagori – from southern India, this game involves a ball and a pile of flat stones.
A member of one team throws as soft ball at a pile of stones to knock them over,
then try to restore the pile of stones while the opposing team throws the ball at
them (also called Pittu).

• Yubi Lakpi – a seven-a-side traditional football game with similarities to rugby

played in Manipur, India, using a coconut.

XI – Physical Education 66
• Mallakhamba – a traditional Indian sport, where athletes perform various types
of gymnastics moves and hold various poses on a vertical wooden pole or a
rope and is populour in Maharashtra and Madhya Pradesh.

• Gilli Danda – a South Asian game played with two sticks, one long and the
other short.

67 XI – Physical Education
• Kalaripayattu– an ancient martial art from Kerala, India.

• Pehlwani – a form of wrestling from south Asia. A win is achieved by pinning the
opponent’s shoulders and hips to the ground simultaneously.

XI – Physical Education 68
• Vallam Kali – It is popularly known as snake boat race due to the length and
shape of the boat. This game is very famous in Kerala.

• Chaughan or Polo – It is believed to have originated in Manipur. In ancient

India, monarchs use to play ‘Elephant Polo’ for recreational purpose. This Indian
origin based sport later propogated by Britishers and now is popular accross the

• Judo and Karate – These martial art forms are claimed to have originated in
ncient India. Further, it is said these martial arts were adopted by the Buddhist
onks in medieval India and later spread to other Asian countries when they were

69 XI – Physical Education
• Chess – One of the most ancient games that originated in India, it was initially
called ‘ASHTAPADA’ later it is called ‘CHATURANGA’ during the rule of gupta
empire. Parsiars who travelled to ancient India, picked this game and named it
as ‘SHATRANJ’. In Indus valley civilization, also the existance of this game was
seen in archeological evidence. Its popularity grew in British period too even
today, India leads this game of chess in the world.

• Gatka – It is a form of martial art associated primarily with the sikhs of Punjab
and other related ethence groups such as ‘Hindkowans’. It is style of stick fighting
with wooden sticks and swords.

XI – Physical Education 70
5.4 Leadership through Physical Activity and Sports

• Leadership can be described as the ability of an individual to influence,
motivate, and enable others to contribute toward the effectiveness and success
of an organization or a group of which they are members.
• Leadership is the art of motivating a group of people to act towards achieving
a common goal,
• Leadership is the quality of a person to lead others in a family, society, tribe,
group, or country.
F u gan c e o n t
A b ju s e s s

f ec D
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a li

d rn

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L o ya lity
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P a u b li i gh T
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P ge g
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H o e a lt h
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c e a th y

I nte llig e nc e
Im pa r tialit y

r it y

S mp
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Leader: A person who can bring about change, therefore, is one who has the
ability to be a leader.

71 XI – Physical Education
A person or thing that holds a dominant or superior position within its field, and
is able to exercise a high degree of control or influence over others.
A leader is one, who knows the way, goes the way and shows the way.
Qualities of a Leader
1. Awareness-As the leader of a LEADERSHIP

team awareness is a key. A TRAITS

leader should be aware of L—Loyalty

different scenarios. E—Emapthy

2. Passionate The leader should be
D—Duty & Determination
passionless enough to motivate
E—Energy & Encouragement
other players.
3. Energetic S—Selfness
4. Friendliness and affection H—Honorable and humble
I—Integrity & Innovation
5. Decisiveness
P—Passion for and pride in work
6. Technically skilled
Be a Leader!
7. Intelligent
8. Teaching skill
9. Creative
10. Interest in Research
11. Personality of a Leader
12. Intelligent and Knowledgeable
13. Punctual
14. Decisive
15. Broad Minded and Foresighted
16. Disciplined and Honest

XI – Physical Education 72
17. Courageous and Confident
18. Unbiased
19. Good Orator
20. Sense of Humour
Role of a Leader in Sports
1. Organiser: A good leader in sports is a good organiser in organizing different
sports events.
2. Motivator: A leader in sports understands his students and their mental needs.
So, he plays the role of a good motivator.
3. Guardian: A good leader plays the role of guardian. A good leader understands
the personal problem of an athlete and provides solution for the problems.
4. Teacher: A good leader in sports performs the role of a teacher by helping
participants in developing teaching techniques, educate them and improve
their range of styles.
5. Psychologist: A good leader plays the role of a psychologist. He knows the
mental skills and toughness of their players.
6. Role model: As leader, you should be able to set a role model.
Creating Leaders through Physical Education
We can make leaders through physical education by adopting the following
1. Give various responsibilities of an event
2. Provide leadership training
3. Provide regular opportunity to improve
4. Recognize their achievement by facilitating them at different forms.
5. Have faith and confidence in your students if they are defaulter.
6. Assiging Responsibilites by making captains or Representators.

73 XI – Physical Education
7. By giving duties live preparing training programme for any one day.
8. Giving opportunities to organise class level events live sports Quiz or poster
making competetions.
9. Giving opportunities to Judge the competetion and present their views/
observations water.
10. Appointing a student as a leader of mass exercise
11. Entrusting the responsibility of organisig & conducting minor games
12. Appointing a student as captain of a team
13. Assigning duties for preparations of grounds
14. Allowing a student to officiate in intramural competition
15. Appointing the students as members as well as incharges for various school
5.5 Introduction of First Aid & P.R.I.C.E.
First Aid
The term First Aid refers to the treatment or immediate and temporary care
given to the casualty suffering from either a minor or serious illness or injury to
preserve life, prevent the condition from worsening, or to promote recovery
prior to professional medical help becoming available. It may include initial
intervention in a serious condition such as performing cardiopulmonary
resuscitation (CPR) while waiting for an ambulance, as well as the complete
treatment of minor conditions, such as applying a plaster to a cut. A First Aid
procedure is generally performed by someone with basic medical training.
Aims and Objectives
– To assess and adress life-threatening conditions first.
– To minimize further injury, infection and complications.

XI – Physical Education 74
– To prepare properly for any emergent situation to avoid errors and act quickly
and calmly.
– To make the victim as comfortable as possible, thereby enabling him to save
energy. To transport the victim to a medical facility as per necessity.
The protocol of dealing with injury is called P.R.I.C.E. This refers to the Protection,
Rest, Ice, Compression and Elevation.
Protection: Protect the person and affected area from further injury by limiting
or avoiding weight-bearing through the use of crutches, a cane, or hiking poles.
Rest: Stop using injured part or discontinue activity. It could cause further injury,
delay healing, increase pain and stimulate bleeding. Use crutches to avoid bearing
weight on injuries of the leg, knee, ankle and foot. Use splint for injuries of the
arm, elbow, wrist and hand.
Ice: Ice application contracts blood vessels it stop internal bleeding from injured
capillaries and blood vessels. It reduces swelling around injury. However,
remember to keep a damp or dry cloth between skin and ice pack. Do not apply
ice for longer than 15 to 20 minutes at a time. Apply every hour for 10 to 20
Compression: Hastens healing time by reducing swelling around injury.
Decreases seeping of fluid into injured area from adjacent tissues. Use clasticized
bandage, compression sleeve, or cloth. Wrap injured part firmly. Do not impair
blood supply. Too tight bandage may cause more swelling.
Elevation: Elevate injured part above the level of heart. Decreases swelling and
pain. Use objects and pillows.

75 XI – Physical Education
Q.1 How many components of physical fitness have?
(a) Five (b) Four
(c) Three (d) Six
Ans. (a) Five
Q.2 What is the another name of synchronisation?
(a) Speed (b) Coordination
(c) Strength (d) Endurance
Ans. (b) Co-ordination
Q.3 What is the suppleness called in another words.
(a) Speed (b) Strength
(c) Endurance (d) Flexibility
Ans. (d) Flexibility
Q.4 The percentage of fat, bone, water and muscle in human body is called.
(a) Muscular endurance (b) Muscular strength
(c) Body composition (d) Flexibility
Ans. (c) Body composition
Q.5 The ability to overcome resistance for longer duration is called:
(a) Speed (b) Strength
(c) Endurance (d) Flaxibility
Ans. (c) Endurance
Q.6 Hu-Tu-Tu is also called:
(a) Kho-Kho (b) Pithu
(c) Kabaddi (d) Judo-karate
Ans. (c) Kabaddi
Q.7 YUBI-LAKBI a form of Football is originated in:
(a) Keral (b) Manipur
(c) Madhya Pradesh (d) Kolkata
Ans. (a) Manipur

XI – Physical Education 76
Q8. In what situations first aid is given.
(a) in case of chronic disease,
(b) In case of sudden illness or injury
(c) Along with doctor’s treatment
(d) Old wounds
Ans. (b) In case of sudden illness or injury
Q9. Which of the following comes under First Aid?
(a) To go for doctor’s consultation
(b) Preventing blood flow from the wounds
(c) Immunization the prevent diseases
(d) Surgery
Ans. (b) Preventing blood flow from the wounds
Q.10. Gives below are the two statements labelled Assertion (A) & Reason
Assertion (A) : First aid is the care that is given to an injured person
prior to treatment by medically trained person.
Reason (R) : Correct and accurate first aid may help to preserve life of
an injured person
In the context of above two statements, which one of the following is
(A) Both (A) and (A) (R) are true and (R), is correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A)is true, but (R) is false.
(D) (A)is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (B) Both (A) and (R) are true cut (R) isnot correct explanation of

77 XI – Physical Education

Q.1 Briefly explain the importance of wellness.

Ans. Importance of wellness:
(1) It help in the improvement and tonning up the muscle.
(2) It reduces the recovery time after injury or illness.
(3) It help in fulfilling proper nutritional requirements.
(4) It helps in better management of stress and tension.
(5) Regulates and improves overall bodyfunction.
(6) Motivate positive lifestyle habits or changes.
(7) It helps people to meet the challenges of life and also unforseen
situation as and when required.
Q.2 Describe the importance of healthy lifestyle.
Ans. Importance of healthy lifestyle:
(1) Increase the longivity: A healthy lifestyle increases the longivity. It
slows down the ageing process and helps the older person to stay
strong and healthy.
(2) Increase the level of energy: An individual with a healthy lifestyle
feels more energetic which means more productivity in day to day
(3) Helps in reducing depression: Healthy lifestyle helps in accomplishing
a healthy body which in turn elevates hormone level in the body that
regulates the mood.
(4) Increase the level of Physical fitness: Physical fitness helps in
better cordination of muscles and an increase in strength, flexibility
and endurance.
(5) Increase self confidence: Level of fitness of individual tends to
become more self confident and self aware.

XI – Physical Education 78
(6) Helps in coping with stress: Healthy life style enhances the
Psychological power of an individual to cope with the stress as well
as anxiety.


Q.1 Enumerate the factors affecting physical fitness and wellness in

Ans. The following factors usually affect the physical fitness and wellness of an
1. Regular Exercise: It is the most important factor which affects the
physical fitness of an individual.
2. Amount of Training: The amount of training also affects the physical
fitness. If the amount of training is not upto desirable level he will be
incapable of improving his physical fitness. It should be increased
3. Rest and Relaxation: It also affect the physical fitness of an individual.
If proper rest and relaxation are taken, there will be positive effect
on the physical fitness of an individual.
4. Stress and Tension: It tend to have a negative effect on physical
fitness and wellness. Stress and tension decreases the psychological
power of on individual.
5. Age: It is also one of the major factors which affects the physical
fitness and wellness of an individual.
6. Gender: It also affects the level of physical fitness and wellness.
Infact there are anatomical, physiological, and psychological difference
between males and females.
7. Environment: The environment, which includes climate, temperature,
altitude, social, and cultural factors affect the physical fitness and
wellness of a person.
8. Diet: It also influence the level of physical fitness and wellness. Good
diet helps not only in maintaining the physical fitness but it also improves
the level of physical fitness.
79 XI – Physical Education
Q.3 Explain the component of physical fitness?
Ans. There are five physical fitness components they are:
1. Speed : It is ability fo perform movement at a faster rate or it is the
ability to perform movement in a short period of time and sports e.g.
practicing with faster rhythm, speed endurance, repetition method
acceleration runs etc.
2. Strength : It is an ability of muscle to overcome or to act against
resistance exercise, pushups etc.
3. Endurance : It is the ability do sustain or continue activity of it is the
ability to rest fatigue. It is one of the important components for middle
and long distance races and it is required for almost all major games
like football, hockey and basket ball.
4. Flexibility : It is the capacity of a muscle to extend without any
damage. Flexibility is measured by range of motion around a joint. It
is affected by muscle length, joint structure and other factors, it is
measured through flexometer.
5. Co-ordinate ability : It is the ability of the body to perform movement
with perfection and efficiency. In other words it is ability to change
movement or direction in the shortest time without getting disbalanced.

XI – Physical Education 80
Unit - 6
Test, Measurement and Evaluation

Key Points :-
- 6.1 Define Test, Measurement and Evaluation.
- 6.2 Importanceof Test, Measurement and Evaluation in Sports.
- 6.3 Calculation of BMI, Waist—Hip Ratio, Skin fold measurement (3-site)
- 6.4 Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)
- 6.5 Measurement of health-related fitness
6.1 Definition of Test, Measurement, and Evaluation
According to Webster Dictionary: “A test is a tool which is used to evaluate
the skill, knowledge, capitulates or aptitudes of an individual or a group”.
According to H M Barrow: “A test is an instrument or a tool used to make a
particular measurement. The tool may be written, oral, mechanical, or another
According to H.M. Barrow: “Measurement refers to the process of
administrating a test to obtain quantitative data.”
According to Shuffle Board: “It is a systematic determination of a subjects
merit, worth, and significance, using criteria governed by a set of standards.”
According to H M Barrow and Megee: “Evaluation is the process of education
that involves collection of data from the products which can be used for
comparison with preconceived criteria to make judgement”.

6.2. Importance of Test, Measurement, and Evaluation in Sports

The following points indicate the importance of Test, measurement, and evaluation
in physical education and sports.

XI – Physical Education 82
1. To frame the objectives: Whenever you framing objectives for anything in
physical education and sports you must go through with test, measurement
and evaluation process.
2. Helps to establish norms and standards: First of all you have to test the
variables, then mensure the scores and evaluate the items for establishing
norms and standards.
3. Helps to knowing the capabilities of players: It is not possible to know
the capabilities of players without test, meastirement, and evaluation. To know
the capabilities we have to test and evaluate it.
4. Helps in developing teaching programme: When we develop teaching
program we must keep in mind the test, measurement and evaluation aspects
for making the program successful. We must consider what we are going to
test, how we measure it, and how we evaluate in teaching programme.
5. Helps to conduct research: In research, we try to find something for which
we evaluate in respect to existing researches after using proper tests and
measurements process.
6. Helps in selection of players: A player selected on the basis of his
performance while performance can be measure thorough test, measurement,
and evaluation only. During selection process a coach or selector defines the
test, measurement, and evaluation process earlier in appropriate manner.
7. Helps to evaluate the learners: Learning of any knowledge or skill is not
successfu until it is not evaluate time to time. By evaluating the learners we
can suggest them area of improvement as well as their learning status.
6.3 Calculation of BMI, Waist Hip Ratio, Skin folds measurement (3-site)
6.3 (a) Calculation of BMI
BMI (Body Mass Index): Body Mass Index is the ratio of weight in kg and
height in meter square. BMI indicate how much weight an individual should have
according to his/her height.

83 XI – Physical Education
BMI of any individual can be calculated with the help of the following formula
Body weight
Body Mass Index (BMI) =
Height × Height
Body weight (in Kg)
Height × Height (in Meters)
Here the weight of the individual's is measured in kilograms and the Height of
that individual is taken in meter.
Example 1: Calculate the BMI of a male person whose body weight is 80 kg
and his heights 1.60 m. Atvo state the category in which he falls?
Body weight = 80 kg
Height = 1.60 m
Weight (in Kg)
BMI = Height × Height (in Metre)
80 80 100 8000
=   = 31.25
1.60 × 1.60 16 16 256
He falls in obesity type 1 category
BMI Table
BMI is categorized below:
Category BMI
Under weight < 18.5
Normal wieght 18.5 – 24.9
Over weight 25.0 – 29.9
Obesity class I 30.0 – 34.9
Obesity class II 35.0 – 39.9
Obesity class III > 40.0
Source of the table :

XI – Physical Education 84
6.3 (b) Calculation of Waist-Hip Ratio
WHR (Waist-Hip Ratio): It is defined as the ratio of waist circumference and
hip circumference in inches.
Waist-to-hip ratio chart
Health risk Women Men
Low 0.80 or lower 0.95 or lower
Moderate 0.81 – 0.85 0.96 – 1.0
High 0.86 or higher 1.0 or higher

Source of the table:

Example 2: If an individual (male) waist circumference measurement is 30
ches and hip circumference measurement is 44 mches. Than calculate hix
waist hip ratio. Also state the category of his health risk.
Waist circumference = 30 –
Hip circumference = 44"
Waist circumference
Hips circumference
= = 0.68
It means the individual (male) is not at health risk. In case of male if the WHR Is
more than 1.00, than he is at the health risk.
Example 3: the waist circumference measurement of a female x 30 inches and
her hip circumference measurement is 32 inches. Then calculate her W.H.R.
Waist circumference = 30"
Hip circumference = 32"

85 XI – Physical Education
Waist circumference
Hips circumference

= = 0.93

In case of female, if the WH.R. Is more than 0.85, she is at the health risk.
Therefore above WHR ofa female is under very high health risk.
6.3 (c) Calculation of Skinfold measurements (3-sites)
Skinfold Measurement: A skinfold caliper is used to assess the skinfold
thickness, so that prediction of the total amount of body fat can be made. There
are total 9 sites in human body fo assessing the skinfold thickness.

9 sites for skinfold measurement

Skinfold Caliper

Choose a formula, plug in the sum of the appropriate skinfold measurement, and
calculate body density or percent body fat. For methods that calculate body
density, see below for instructions on converting body density to the Percentage
of body fat:
Three-Site Formulas for Males
(Chest, Abdomen, Thigh)
Body density OR % Body fat = 1.109380 – (0.0008267 × sum of three
skinfolds) + (0.000001) × (sum of three skinfolds) 2) – (0.000257 × age)

XI – Physical Education 86
(Chest, Triceps, Subscapular)
Body density OR % Body fat = 1.1125025 – (0.0013125 × sum of three
skinfolds) (0.0000055 × (sum of three skinfolds) 2) – (0.0002440 × age)
(Abdomen, Supra-iliac, Triceps)
Body density OR % Body fat = (0.39287 × sum of three skinfolds) – (0.00105
× (sum of thre skinfolds) + (0.15772 × age) – 5.18845
Three-Site Formulas for Females
(Triceps, Supra-iliac, Thigh)
Body density OR % Body fat = 1.0994921 (0.0009929 × sum of three
skinfolds + (0.0000023 (sum of three skinfolds) 2 – (0.0001392 × age)
(Abdomen, Supra-iliac, Triceps)
Body density OR % Body fat = (0.41563 × sum of three skinfolds) – (0.00112
× (sum of t skinfolds)2 + (0.03661 × age) + 4.03653
6.4. Somato Types (Endomorphy, Mesomorphy & Ectomorphy)
Somata types means human body shape and physique type.
According to W.H. Shielding, human beings can be classified into three extreme
body types i.e.
1. Endomorphy: People with endomorph body structure have rounded
physique. Their excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in sports.
Suitable games weight lifting and power lifting.
2. Mesomorphy: People with mesomorphy body structure have thick bones
and muscles with rectangular shaped body. They have larger and broader
chest and shoulders can be top sports person in any sport.
3. Ectomorphy: These realism person because their muscles and limbs are
elongated. They have flat chest and have less muscle mass. They have less
strength but dominate endurance sports.

87 XI – Physical Education
6.5: Measurements of health-related fitness
Health related fitness is related with the development and maintenance of fitness
components that can increase the level of health through prevention and remedies
of various diseases. Health related fitness enhance one's ability to function
efficiently and maintain a healthy life-style.
In this way, it can be said that health related fitness is very significant for all the
individuals through our life.
There are following components of health related fitness.
1. Body composition
2. Cardiorespiratory endurance.

XI – Physical Education 88
3. Flexibility
4. Muscular Endurance
5. Muscular strength
1. Body composition: The body composition means the amount of fat-free
body weight. It is well known that a high percentage of body fat in relation to
the total body weight is harmful and may lead to be obesity. From the health
point of view, the normal percentage of body fat for young men and women
should not exceed 15 and 25 percent, respectively. Various methods for
mexaring body composition can be used by individuals, such as under water
weighing skin fold measurements and anthropometric measurements.
It means that for health related fitness an individual should have ideal body
weight and fat percentage.
2. Cardiorespiratory endurance: It is the maximum fimctional capacity of
the cardiorespiratory system to carry on the work or physical activity involving
large muscle group over an extended period.
3. Flexibility: It is the range of movements of joints. It is important for all
individuals in daily life. It can be classified into passive flexibility and active
flexibility Active flexibility can be further classified into: Static flexibility and
dynamic flexibility.
Flexibility can be measured with help of sit and reach test.
4. Muscular Endurance: Muscular endurance is the ability of a muscle or
group of muscles to repeat muscular contractions against a force or to carry
on contraction over a maximum period.
It can be measured by the number of sit-ups your can do correctly. It also
measured by weight lifting etc.
5. Muscular strength: It is the maximum amount of force that can be
exerted““by a muscle or muscle group against a resistance during a single
contraction It can be measured by pull-ups, weight lifting and push ups etc.

89 XI – Physical Education

Q.1. Which of the following body type like a pear shape?

(a) Endomorph (b) Mesomorph
(c) Ectomorph (d) None of the above
Ans. (a) Endomorph
Q.2. Which of the following body type like a round shape?
(a) Endomorph (b) Mesomorph
(c) Ectomorph (d) None of the above
Ans. (b) Mesomorph
Q.3. Which ofthe following body type like a slim shape?
(a) Endomorph (b) Mesomorph
(c) Ectomorph (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) Ectomorph
Q.4. Which of the following body type person good for weight lifting activity?
(a) Endomorph (b) Mesomorph
(c) Ectomorph (d) None of the above
Ans. (a) Endomorph
Q.5. Which of the following type ofpeople good for adventure activity?
(a) Endomorph
(b) Mesomorph
(c) Ectomorph
(d) None of the above
Ans. (b) Mesomorph

XI – Physical Education 90
Q.6. Which of the following body type of people good for gymnastic
(a) Endomorph (b) Mesomorph
(c) Ectomorph (d) None of the above
Ans. (b) Mesomorph
Q.7. What is the full form of B.M.I.?
(a) Body Management Index (b) Body Mold Index
(c) Body Mass Index (d) Body Motivation Index
Ans. (c) Body Mass Index
Q.8. Read the following statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose
one of the correct alternatives given below:
Assertion (A): People with higher BMI means they have more weight in respect
to their height.
Reason (R): BMI is the ratio of weight and height.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Q.9. Read the following statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose
one of the correct alternatives given below:
Assertion (A): WHR is the ratio of waist and hand circumference.
Reason (R): If a man has WHR value higher than 1 means he has high health
risk alert.

91 XI – Physical Education
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Q.10. What is the range of healthy body mass index?
(a) 20-25 (b) 25-30
(4) 30.0-34.9 (c) 185-249
Ans. (c) 18.5-24.9
Q.11 Match the following
I Normal Weight (a) 25.0 – 29.09
II obesity-I (b) < 18.5
III Under weight (c) 30.0 – 34.9
IV Over weight (d) 18.5 – 24.9
(a) I - d II - a III - c IV - b
(b) I - d II - c III - a IV - b
(c) I - d II - c III - b IV - a
(d) I - d II - b III - a IV - c
Ans. (c) I - d II - c III - b IV - a


Q.1 Define Test, measurement and evaluation.

Ans. “Test in the form of questioning or measuring used to access retention of
knowledge, capacity or ability of some endevour”
—Barry L. Johnson and Jack Nelson

XI – Physical Education 92
“Measurement reffers to the process of administrating a test to obtain quantitative
data” —HM Barrow
“Evaluation is the art of judgement scientifically applied to some trait,““quality
of characteric in the universe according to some predetermined standards”
—HM Barrow and MC.
Q.2. Write any four objectives of test, measurement and evaluation.
Ans. • To know the abilities and capacities of person
• To evaluate the teaching learnign process
• To establish the goals
• To motivate the students.
Q.3. Write down the formula for calculating BMI and Waist Hip Ratio.

Weight in Kg
Ans. Body mass Index (BMD) =
(Height in Meters)

Circumference of waist (in inches)

Waist Hip Ratio =
Circumference of hip (in inches)

Q.4. Enlist the Components of Health Related Fitness.


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Q.5. Explain the Somato types.

Ans. Somato type is a classifications of a person into category, which is assigned
according to the their physical (Body type) which was developed in 1940 by

93 XI – Physical Education
American Psychologist William Herbert Sheldon to categorize human physique
into three fundamental cetagones Endomorph, Mesomorph and Ectomorph
Q.1. What do you mean by BMI? Write down the scale of BMI.
Ans. BMI is a stastistical measurement that let us know whether the person is
underweight, normal weight or overweight
BMI is categorized as below
Category BMI
Underweight < 18.5
Normal Weight 18.5 – 24.9
Overweight 25.0 – 29.9
Obesity Class I 30.0 – 34.9
Obesity Class II 35.0 – 39.9
Obesity Class II > 40.0
Q.2. Enlist the different health related fitness components. Explain any one
component measurement procedure?
Ans. Following are the components ofhealth related fitness.
1. Body composition
2. Cardio-respiratory Endurance
3. Flexibility
4. Muscular endurance
5. Muscular strength
Measurement of Flexibility: It is the ability to use your joint fully You are
flexible when the muscles are long enough and the joint are free enough to
allow movement. People with good flexibility have fewer sore and injured

XI – Physical Education 94
muscles Stretching before and after activities will improve flexibility. The sit-
and-reach and the trunk lift are two test used to measure flexibility
Q.3. Explain the procedure of measuring Somato Types in brief.
Ans. Somatotypes means human body shape, and physique.Ñ Somato types helps
the physical education and sports teaches to classify the students for particular
sports and games on the basis of physical, mental and practical aspects.
1. Endomorphy: Such individuals have short arms and legs and rounded
physique. The upper parts of arms and legs are significantly thicker than
the lower parts. Their excessive mass hinders their ability to compete in
2. Mesomorphy: Such individuals have balanced body compositions and
athletic physique They are able to increase their muscle size quickly and
easily and have rectangular shapes body. Their chest and shoulders are
broader in compansion to their waist line.
3. Ectomorphy: These individuals are generally slim because their muscles
and limbs are elongated. As they have weak constitution of body and usually
face difficulties in gaining weight. Their light body constitution makes them
suited for aerobic activities like gymnastics.

Q.4. Calculate the BMI of a male person whose body weight is 70 kg and his
height is 1.70 m. Also state the category in which he falls?

95 XI – Physical Education
Ans. Body weight = 70 kg
Height = 1.70 m



70 × 100 × 100
170 × 170

= = 24.22

He falls in Normal Weight category.

Q.5 Calculate waist Hip Ratio of a Female whose waist circumference is 30
inches and Hip circumference is 38 inches. Also state the category in
which she falls? Hip Circumference is
Ans. Circumference of waist = 30 inches
Circumference of Hip = 38 inches

Circumferenced of waist 30
Waist Hip Ratio =  = 0.789
Circumference of Hip 38

She Falls in Low Risk Zone of Health Problems like diabetes, cardio- vascular
disorders. High blood pressure etc.

XI – Physical Education 96
Case Study Based Question
Q.1. A research conduct by DoE for assessing BMI of Delhi Govt School
students Following table shows the mean values of BMI for 5 different
S.No. School Name BMI Mean Values
1 A 28.6
2 B 21.8
3 C 32.2
4 D 38.4
5 E 17.9
On the basis of above case study answer the following questions:
(a) Most of the students of school-B are fall under ............. category of BMI.
(b) Which school students required weight reduction program?
(c) Which school students are malnourished?
(d) School-A student fall under ............. category of BMI
Ans. (a) Normal/Healthy Weight (b) School-D students (c) School-E students
(d) Over Weight

97 XI – Physical Education
On the basis of above case study answer the following questions
(a) Equipment shown in image is known as
(b) The sites for skinfold measurement shown in the given image are
(c) With the help of skinfold measurement we assess the““and
Ans. (a) Skinfold caliper (b) Subscapular and Biceps (c) Skinfold thickness or
Body fat percentage


Q.1. Explain any four importance of test, measurement & evaluation in

Ans. The four importance in the physical education field are given below of
test, measurement & evaluation:
1. To frame the objectives: Test and Measurement helps in setting the
target or goal according to the need and requirement. By adopting the
Test and Measurement techniques the physical education teachers get
an accurate idea about the progress made by the students.
2. To evaluate the learners: In the field of physical education and
sports Test and Measurement helps in collection of data which further
helps in evaluating the learners ability separately. It also helps the
sports person in enhancing his sports performance.
3. To evaluate teaching programme: Test and Measurement is a scientific
tool which helps the teacher to adopt correct methodology upon the
sportsman so that desired results may be achieved.
4. To discover the needs and requirements of the participants:
Needs of the participants are correctly assessed by the scientific approach
of Test and Measurement. It helps in knowing where more emphasis
is needed so that target may be achieved.
Q.2. Enlist different of health related fitness components. Explain any
three of them in detail?

XI – Physical Education 98
Ans. These are the following health related components:
(i) Body composition
(ii) Cardio-respiratory endurance
(iii) Flexibility
(iv) Muscular endurance
(v) Muscular strength
(iii) Flexibility: It is the range of movement around a joint. It is important
for all individuals in daily life. It can be classified into passive flexibility
and active flexibility Active flexibility can be further classified into
static flexibilty and dynamic flexibility. Flexibility can be measured
with the help of “Sit and Reach Test”
(iv) Muscular endurance: It is the ability of muscle or muscle group to
repeat muscular contraction against a force over a maximum period.
It can be measured by 'weight lifting' and sit-ups etc.
(v) Muscular strength: Muscular strength is the maximum amount of
force that can be exerted by muscle or muscle group against the
resistance during the single contraction. It can be measured by push-
ups, heavy weight lifting and pull-ups etc.
Q.3. What is the difference between Endomorph and Mesomorph types
of personalities?
Endomorph Mesomorph
(i) An individuals have short (i) An individuals have balanced
arms and legs. body composition
(ii) An individuals have rounded (ii) An individuals have athletic
physique. physique.
(iii) Under developed musices (iii) Strong muscles.
(iv) High fat storgage (iv) Fat evenly storted all over
the body

99 XI – Physical Education
(v) Pear shaped body (v) Rectangular shaped body
(vi) Less ability to compete in (vi) Can excel in sports.
(vii) They are less active. (vii) The are capable of doing lot
of activities.

XI – Physical Education 100

Unit - 7
Fundamentals of Anatomy and Physiology
in Sports

Key Point :-
- 7.1 Definition and importance of Anatomy and Physiology in exercise and sports
- 7.2 Functions of skeletal system, classification of Bones and Types of joints.
- 7.3 Properties and Functions of Muscles.
- 7.4 Structure and Functions of Circulatory System and Heart.
- 7.5 Structure and Functions of Respiratory System.

101 XI – Physical Education

7.1 Definition and importance of Anatomy and Physiology in Exercise and
7.1 (a) Definition of Anatomy and Physiology
Anatomy: Anatomy is a branch of biology that deals with the study of body
structure of organism which includes ten systems, organs and tessues.
Physiology: Physiology is the branch of biology that deals with the functions
and activities of living organisms and their parts, including all physical and chemical
7.1 (b) Importance of Anatomy and Physiology in Exercise and Sports
1. Help in maintaining healthy body: If an individual have knowledge of
anatomy and physiology of human body then he/she can maintain his/her
2. Help in designing the training program: In sports training plays an
important role and training program is not possible to develop without
knowing the body structure and functional capacity of an individual.
3. Help in regular assessment of performance: There are many sports
where physiological variables play an important role and these variables
helps in regular assessment of performance of those sports.
4. Help in selection of movement in exercise and sports: We perform
variety of movement in different exercises and sports, with the help of
anatomy and physiology we can easily identify and choose appropriate
movement as per the requirement of exercise and sports.
5. Help in conducting research in sports: In this competitive world research
plays very important role and conduct frequently. Anatomy and physiology
are the important areas of research in sports.
6. Helps in prevention of sports injuries: If we know the structure and
function of humar body then we perform the movement and skill safely, so
that we prevent ourselves from sports injuries.
7. Helps in selection of sports: Knowledge of body structure and function
helps selection of appropriate sports.

XI – Physical Education 102

7.2. Functions of Skeletal System, Classification of Bones, and Types of
6NHOHWDO6\VWHPThe hard and rigid structure of bone makes the skeletal
system to act as a framework, which supports the body and give it shape.
Functions ad Skeletal System: Following are the functions of skeletal system:
1. Supporting framework: It gives the supporting framework to human body
which gives““support while we stand, sit and lying
2. Allow movement in body: It is act as a lever and allow body to move at
various joint of the body.
3. Protect the internal organs: Bones are hard and help to protect some
internal organs of the body like brain, heart, bungs etc.
4. Sture minerals: It stores the bone marrow, which produces the blood
5. Self-maintenance system: Skeletal system maintains and repairs itself.
If bones are break then they will automatically repair by skeletal system.
6. Provide Calcium to the body fluids: If the body finds is lacking with
calcium then deletal system prodce calcium.
Classification of Bones

103 XI – Physical Education

C lassification of Bon es

Lo n g B o n es F lat B o n es Irreg u lar B o n es S es em aid b o n es

S h o rt B o n es
(eg . F erm u r. (ep . C arp al (ep . S k u ll (eg . Verteb ra P ro v id es
Hu m eru s ) R ib s ) b o n e o f th e s k u ll) (eg . Kn ee, Han d , F o o l)
Tars u s )

Types of Joints

1. Immovable Joints: or These joints are fixed and do not

fobrous joints move e.g.. skull Joint

2. Slightly Movable Joints: The movement of such joints is

very limited e.g., Inter-vertibrations

3. Freely Movable Joints: Such Joints are freely movable

or synovial joints.
Synovial or Freely Movable
J oints a re div ide d into s ix c a ta gorie s

G lid in g jo in t s H in g e jo in t s B a lla n d S o c k e t S a n d d le jo in t P iv e t J o in t C o n d y t o ld J o in t
e g . (a t c a rp a ls ) (a t e lb o w jo in t s ) jo in t (e g . T h u m b (a t N e c k jo in t ) (b o n e s in t h e p a lm
(e . s h o u ld e r jo in t ) of the hand)
jo in t )

XI – Physical Education 104

7.3. Properties and Functions of Muscles
Muscular System:

Definition of Muscle : Muscle is the tissue composed of fibers capable to

effect bodily movement or muscle is the body tissue that can contract to produce

Properties of Muscles:

1. Excitability—Excitability is the ability of a muscle to activate. If the excitability

of the muscle is greater, its force, velocity and indurance will also be greater.

2. Contractibility—Contractibility is the ability of the muscle to shorten forcibly

when it is simulated adequately. The muscle changes its shope when stimulated.
3. Extensibility—Extensibility is the ability of the muscle to be stretched or
intended. The muscle fibers shorten while contracting. But they can be streched,
then beyond their resting length when relaxed. If muscle tissue could not strech,
you would not have the mobility you have.
4. Elasticity—Elasticity is the ability of the muscle tissue to return to its nomal
resting length to return to its normal resting length and shape after being
stretched. If the muscle tissue does not have elasticity, it would remain as““its
stretched length
Function of Muscles:
1. Mobility: This is the major function of muscles as movement in human body
is only possible when muscle contraction happened.
2. Give shape to the body: Muscles gives shape to our body by covering the
bones and organs.
3. Temperature Regulation: Muscles are help in temperature regulation.
4. Protect organs: Muscles cover many organs for protecting them.
5. Helps in fluid and gases movement: There many fluids and gases are moving
in different systems of our body and it is possible because of muscles.

105 XI – Physical Education

6. Gives Supports to body: As skeletal muscles are attached with bones so
they always supports the body to be in different positions.
7.4 Structure and Functions of Circulatory System and Heart
7.4 (a) Structure of Circulatory System and Heart

Structure of Circulatory System Structure of Heart

• Structure of circulatory system comprise. • The human heart is a hollow cone-
number of arteries and veins. shaped muscular organ. It is a pumping
system inside body.
• The circulatory system has three circuits • The heart is divided into four chamers.
namely pulonary circulation, systamtic • A septum divides it into a left and right
circulation, and coronary circulation. side.
• Each side is further divided into an
upper and lower chambers.
• The upper two chambers called
Auricles of Atrium (Left and Right).
• The bottom twochambers are
ventricles (Left and Right).

XI – Physical Education 106

Function of Circulatory System and Heart: Heart is the important and main organ
of circulatory system. So that there functions are interlinked. Following are the functions
of circulatory system and heart:
1. Support the functioning of other organs and systems:No organ and system
can work without oxygen and blood. Circulatory system supply the oxygen and
blood to different body parts and help them to work.
2. Pumping of Blood: Heart contract and pumps blood continuously to the body
throughout life without rest. On average human heart pumps 72 times in a minute
which is known as heart rate.
3. Circulate the blood: Heart pumped the blood and circulatory system circulate
the blood to body in three different circuits namely pulmonary circulation, coronary
circulation, and systematic circulation.
(a) Pulmonary circulation is between heart and lungs for exchanging getting
oxygen from lungs.
(c) Systematic circulation is between heart and rest of the body through aorta
artery (the biggest artery of the body) from heart.
(b) Coronary circulation is within heart to provide oxygen to heart through
heart muscle.
4. Work as a transport system of the body: Circulatory system work as a
transport system as it transport the oxygen and nutrients to the cells and takes
away wastes.
5. Supply the more oxygen to active muscles: When we perform physical
activities we required more oxygen towards active muscles so that circulatory
system supply more blood towards active muscles through capillaries.
6. Separate the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood: structure of heart and
circulatory system helps in separating the oxygenated and deoxygenated blood
in heart and rest of the body. Within the heart blood separation is done with the
help of the septa or septum and in the rest of the body, blood separation is done
with the help of arteries and veins.

107 XI – Physical Education

7.5 Structure and Functions of Respiratory System.
Respiratory System: It is the one of the system of our body which is responsible
for providing oxygen to body from the atmosphere/outer environment. It is the network
of organs and tissues that helps us to breathe.
Structure of Respiratory System: Respiratory system structure comprise with
different organs and body parts as shown below with their involvement in respiratory
Mouth and Nose: It is the beginning or opening of respiratory system that pulls air
inside the body from outside.
Sinuses: It is the hollow areas of bonny nose and it helps in regulate the temperature
and humidity of the air we inhale.
Pharynx (throat): Pharynx work as a connection bridge between nose & mouth
and trachea (windpipe).
Trachea: It is also known as wind pipe with the length of 10-13 cm. it is connected
with pharynx and bronchial tubes.
Bronchial tubes: It is connecting with trachea at bottom and further is divided into
two part that connect into each lungs.
Lungs: Lungs are major organ of respiratory system and they are two in number.
Lungs are responsible for removing oxygen from the air and pass it into blood.
Bronchioles: These are the extended branches of bronchial tubes in the lungs which
are lead to the alveoli.
Alveoli: These are tiny air sacs in the lungs attached with bronchioles where the
exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in blood capillaries network takes place.
Diaphragm: During inhalation diaphragm contract and flatten resulting the chest
cavity enlargement. This contraction creates a vacuum which helps in pulling air into
the lungs.

XI – Physical Education 108

Functions of Respiratory System:
1. Helps in inhale and exhale: The major function of respiratory system in our
body is““breathe in (inhale) and breathe out (exhale).
2. Deliver Oxygen: As we know that oxygen is life and respiratory system deliver
oxygen to the cells in our body through exchanging the gases with blood.
3. Removal of waste gases: With exhaling the air our respiratory system removes
the waste““gases including carbon dioxide from the body.
4. Helps in temperature regulation: It warms the air to match with body
temperature and moisturizes it to the humidity level of our body needs in different
environmental conditions.
5. Protect airways: Hairs in nose protect our airways from harmful substances
and irritants.


Q.1. Anatomy is the study of—

(a) Application of the Principles
(b) Study of movement

109 XI – Physical Education

(c) all systems of humanbody and their mutual relationship
(d) structure, shape, sure and weight of all the organs of the body
Ans. (d) structure, shape, size and weight of all the organs of the body
Q.2. It provides protection to vital organs of the body—
(a) Respiratery system (b) Muscular system
(c) Skeletal system (d) Cardiovascular system
Ans. (c) Skeletal system
Q.3. Sesamoid bones are found in—
(a) Shoulders (b) Patella
(c) Wrist (d) Thigh
Ans. (c) Wrist
Q.4. This joint facilitates turning and twisting movements—
(a) Hinge joint (b) Pivot joint
(c) Gliding joint (d) ball and socket joint
Ans. (b) Pivot joint
Q.5. Ball and Socket joint is setuated at—
(a) shoulder (b) wrist
(c) neck (d) knee
Ans. (a) shoulder
Q.6. Contractability is one of the properties of the—
(a) skelaton (b) muscle
(c) Respiration (d) blood
Ans. (b) muscle
Q.7. Number of bones in an-adult human body are approximatelly-
(a) 215 (b) 210
(c) 218 (d) 206
Ans. (d) 206

XI – Physical Education 110

Q.8. Alvioli are situated in the—
(a) Bone marrow (b) heart
(c) Lungs (d) voluntary muscles.
Ans. (c) Lungs
Q.9. Read the following statements—Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose
one of the corre alternatives given below:
Assertion (A): All arteries carry oxygenated blood except pulmonary artery.
Reason (R): Pulmonary artery takes deoxygenated blood from heart to lungs.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A)
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Q.10. Read the following statements—Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose
one of the correct alternatives given below:
Assertion (A): Elbow joint is freely movable joint.
Reason (R): Skull joints move slightly.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
Q.11. Which is the main artery of circulation of pure blood to the body—
(a) pulmonary (b) Aorta
(c) trachea (d) sarcolemma
Ans. (b) Aorta

111 XI – Physical Education

Q.12. Which is the function of heart from the following—
(a) Systemic circulation (b) Pulmonary circulation
(c) Regulation of heart beat (d) All of these
Ans. (d) All of these
Q.13. Which of the following is a symtom of second wind—
(a) faster breathing (b) suffocation in the chest
(c) none of the above (d) all the above
Ans. (d) all the above
Q.15. Which of the following is a function of respiratory system—
(a) to regulate blood pressure
(b) to produce sound
(c) to produce RBC
(d) to produce control and movement of the body
Ans. (b) to produce sound
Q.16. Static stability is important in—
(a) shooting (b) football
(c) volleyball (d) Judo
Ans. (a) shooting
Q.16. It is a point in body around which the weight is evenly distributed—
(a) Dyamic equilibrium (b) Stati equilibrium
(c) Centre of gravity (d) Buoyancy
Ans. (c) Centre of gravity
Q.17. Which of the following will have greater stability
(a) spiking posilion in volleyball (b) standing start for 1500 m race
(c) stance of a golfer (d) tackling in football
Ans. (c) stance of a golfer

XI – Physical Education 112

Q.18. Match the following—
I. Circulating System (a) Elasticity
II. Skeletel System (b) Heart
III. Respiratory System (c) Bones
IV. Muscular System (d) Lungs
(a) I - b II - c III - a IV - d
(b) I - b II - c III - d IV - a
(c) I - b II - a III - c IV - d
(d) I - b II - a III - d IV - c
Ans. (b) I - b II - c III - d IV - a


Q.1. What is the impotance of Anatomy, Physiology and Kinsiology in Physical

Ans. • These subject provides the knowledge above various systems of human body
• Provides the knowledge about he functioning of human body.
• Helpful to improve performance, techniques and teaching methods.
• Helpful in prevention from sports injuries.
Q.2. What are the functions of Bones?
Ans. • To provide strength
• Act as store house of minerals
• Works as lever in human body ?
• Helpful in construction of RBC’s (Red Blood Cells)
• Provide support to muscles
• Provide structure/frame to human body.

113 XI – Physical Education

Q.3. What are properties of Muscles?
Ans. • Contractility. Ability to contract
• Excitability: Ability to excite
• Elasticity. Ability to regain original shape
• Extensibility: Ability to stretch and maintain thrush
Q.4. What are the functions of respiratory system?
Ans. The main functions of respiratory system are given as under:
(i) To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide between the air and blood
(ii) To produce sound, it helps vocal chords to produce sound.
(iii) To regulate blood PH level
(iv) To protect against some micro organism. Respiratory system blocks the entry
of microorganism in the body at various levels, thus it provides protection
against harmful microorganisms like virus, bacteria, etc.
Q.5. Explain the functions of heart.
Ans. The main functions of heart are given below.
(i) It circulates the pure blood to all parts of the body. This is called systemic
(ii) It carries the impure blood from all parts of the body to the lungs for
purification. This is called pulmonary circulation.
(ii) It regulates the blood pressure.
(iv) It regulates the heart rate.
(v) Regular exercise improves the efficiency of the heart
Q.6. Write down the main functions of muscles.

Ans. Function of muscles: Muscles are machine for converting chemical energy
into mechanical work. The contractions and relaxations of muscles due to
certain““chemical changes in our body are:

1. To produce and control movements of the body

2. To maintain natural posture of the body acting on the bony structure

XI – Physical Education 114


Q.1. Circulation is a continuous process which happening 24 × 7 hours. As you

know your heart circulates the blood towards lungs, complete body, and heart
itself. Arteries and veins helps in circulating the blood to the body. Oxygenated
blood flows in arteries and deoxygenated blood flows in veins. Circulatory
system is very much important as it helps to other systems to work properly
by providing blood and oxygen to them. So keep your heart healthy and fit.
On the basis of above case study answer the following questions:
(a) Circulation which is done between heart and lungs is known as _________
(b) Write the name of artery which carries deoxygenated blood?
(c) Heart supply blood to itself with the help of and _________ circulation.
(d) Which is the biggest artery in human body?
Ans. (a) Pulmonary (b) Pulmonary Artery (c) Coronary circulation (d) Aorta


Q.1. What are the functions of skeletal system?

Ans. Main functions of skeletal system are given below.
(i) Shape and structure : The boney framework gives human
being its shape and structure like
tall or small, thin or stout
(ii) Support : It gives support to the body. The
bones provide support to our
muscular system.
(iii) Protection : Bones protect our vital organs
Example skull protects brain, thoracic
cage protects heart, lungs and
(iv) Lever : Bones act as a lever like a simple
machine. For example while lifting

115 XI – Physical Education

a weight, movable joints like elbow
joint acts like fulcrum and length of
arm bone acts like crow bar to
reduce effort and helps to lift weight.
(v) Storehouse : The hollow space of bones acts like
a storehouse of different minerals
and salts like calcium, potassium,
iron, etc.
(vi) Production of RBCs : Red blood cells are produced in the
bone marrow It is the factory to
produce RBCs.
(vii) Junction : Bones provide junction or attachment
to skeletal muscle that helps in visible
(viii) Self-repair : Whenever bones are damaged, they
are capable of doing self repair.
Q.2. Explain the structure of heart with the help of diagram.
Ans. The human heart is a four chambered muscular organ shaped and sized roughly
like a man's closed fist with two-thirds of the mass to the left of midline.
Internal View of the Heart

XI – Physical Education 116

Chambers of the Heart
The internal cavity of the heart is divided into four chambers:
• Act as store house of minerals
• Right atrium
• Right ventricle
• Left atrium
• Left ventricle
The night atrium are thin-walled chambers that receive blood from the veins. The
two ventricles are thick-walled chambers that forcefully pump blood out of the
The night atrium receives deoxygenated blood from systemic veins, the left atnum
receives oxygenated blood from the pulmonary veins.
Valves of the Heart
Pumps need a set of valves to keep the fluid flowing in one direction and the heart
is no exception The heart has two types of valves that keep the blood flowing in
the correct direction. The valves between the atria and ventricles are called
atrioventricular valves (also called cuspid valves), while those at the bases of the
large vessels leaving the ventricles are called semilunar valves. When the ventricles
contract, atrioventricular valves close to prevent blood from flowing back into the
atria. When the ventricles relax. semilunar valves close to prevent blood from
flowing back into the ventricles
Q.3. Explain different types of joints in human body.
Ans. Following are the different types of joints, Immovable or fibrous joints.
(i) Immovable of fibrous joints: They are fixed joints. They never move
Example: joints of skull.

117 XI – Physical Education

(ii) Slightly movable or cartilaginous joints:
These joints provide very little movement Example backbone joints, pelvic

(iii) Freely movable or synovial joints.

These joints provide different movements. There are five main types of movable
(a) Hinge joint. These joints allow a forward and backward movement
Example: knee joints, elbow joints
(b) Pivot joint. These joints give a rotation movement. Such as the movement of
(c) Ball and socket joint. In these joints one bone has ball like shape and other
has a socket like shape. They are fit together to make a free movable““joint
Example shoulder joint and hip joint.
(d) Saddle joint. It is a joint where one of the bones forming the joint is shaped
like a saddle with the other bone resting on it like a rider on a horse Example
wrst joint.
(e) Gliding joint. It is a joint in which articulation of contiguous bones allows
only gliding movements, as in the wast and the ankle.

XI – Physical Education 118

Q.4. Write in detail about classification of bones.
Ans. Classification of Bones
1. Long bones: They are long and wide. They act as lever. They are found in
legs and arms Example humerus, femur, tibia and fibula
2. Short bones: They are short in size and cube shaped. They are found in““wrist
and phalanges Example: metatarsal and carpal
3. Flat bones: These bones are flat and thin. They are composed of a central
layer of sponge bone fixed between two outer layers of compact bone Example
ribs and shoulder.
4. Sesamoid bones: These bones are seed like shaped and developed in the
tendons where there is more fiction Example palms of hands, sole of feet and
knee caps.
5. Irregular bones: These bones have in complete shaped as compared to
other types The bones of spinal column and skull are examples of these bones.

119 XI – Physical Education

Q.5. Elucidate the importance of anatomy and physiology in the field of sports.
Ans. Following are the importance of anatomy and physiology in the field of sports
1. Help in maintaining healthy body: If an individual have knowledge of
anatomy and physiology of human body then he/she can maintain his/her health.
2. Help in designing the training program: In sports training plays an important
role and training program is not possible to develop without knowing the
hody structure and functional capacity of an individual.
3. Help in regular assessment of performance: There are many sports where
physiological variables play an important role and these variables helps in
regular assessment of performance of those sports.
4. Help in selection of movement in exercise and sports: We perform variety
of movement in different exercises and sports, with the help of anatomy and
physiology we can easily identify and choose appropriate movement as per
the requirement of exercise and sports.
5. Help in conducting research in sports: In this competitive world research
plays very important role and conduct frequently. Anatomy and physiology
are the important areas of research in sports.
6. Helps in prevention of sports injuries: If we know the structure and function
of human body then we perform the movement and skill safely, so that we
prevent ourselves from sports injuries.
7. Helps in selection of sports: Knowledge of body structure and function
helps in selection of appropriate sports.

XI – Physical Education 120

Unit - 8
Fundamental of Kinesiology and
Biomechanics in Sports

Main Point :-
- 8.1 Definition and importance of Kinesiology and Bio-mechanics in sports
- 8.2 Principles of Bio-mechanics
- 8.3 Kinetic and Kinematics in sports.
- 8.4 Types of body movements: Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction,
Rotation, Circumduction, Supination and Pronation.
8.5 Axis and planes : Concept and its application in body movements
8.1 Definition and importance of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports
8.1 (a) Definition of Kinesiology and Biomechanics
Defination of Kinesiology
Kinesiology is precisely defined as “the study of the science of human motion“
According to Burke R.K: “kinesiology can be defined as studying the movement
behaviour of all living organisms”.
Definition of Biomechanics
Biomechanics is the study of the movement of living things using the science of
According to Hall: “It is the application of mechanical principles in the study of
living organisms“.
8.1 (b) Importance of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in Sports
Following are the importance of Kinesiology and Biomechanics in sports
1. Better Understanding of Mechanical Advantage and Disadvantage of
Human Movements: Knowledge of kinesiology and biomechanics help us
to understand the how human body parts can move in better way by
considering inner as well as outer factors, which help us to understand the
mechanical advantage and disadvantage of movement in different sports:
2. Helps in improve and develop new technique:Everyone wants to perform
best and for that every individual wants to use most appropriate technique.
That why techniques are improve and develop on regular basis and this is
possible only because of kinesiology and bio-mechanics.
3. Helps in upgrade and develop new sports equipment: Change is the
basic principle of life and sports equipment is timely upgraded and develops
new equipment on basis of demand of sports. Bio-mechanics helps in
developing and improvising the existing equipment for better performance.
4. Helps in measurement and evaluation of sports performance: Sports
performance can improve if we regularly measure and evaluate it with the
help of appropriate toot fin mechanics and kinesiology helps is developing
such cords.

XI – Physical Education 122

5. Helps in conducting research in sports: Research is very important now
a days a every want to be the best. Research helps in solving current problems
of sports as well as gives futuristic vision to sports.
6. Helps in selection of players: The selection of players is a very technical
and impumant process under which selectors use variety of tests and tools.
These wear and tools are developing with the help of bio-mechanics and
7. Helps in protecting sports injuries: Knowledge of kinesiology and
biomechanics help us to use correct and appropriate movement as well as
toll, which not only helps in better performance, it also helps in protecting us
from sports injuries.
8. Helps in selecting appropriate skill for better performances:Knowledge
of kinesiology and bio-mechanics help us to know about how we reduce
huron efforts while performing any movement or skill. For that this knowledge
also help us to select appropriate skill for better performance in different
8.2 Principles of Biomechanics
Following are some principles of biomechanics:
1. Principle of force and movement: Force is essential for every movement
as it is necessary or pre-requisite to start, change and stop the movement.
Force can be either push or pull.

123 XI – Physical Education

2. Principle of acceleration: Acceleration is the rate of change in velocity.
Acceleration produced is an object is directly proportional to force applied
on the object and inversely proportional to the mass of the object.

3. Principle of linked segments: Human body is made up of different segments

those are attached through joints. To perform any movement muscles force
create internal motion in different segments and speed of motion at proximal
end of a segment will transfer to the distal end of that segment via jonits.

4. Principle of stability: Stability principle is about the holding positions and

balanced position in movement of an athelete stability is directly proportional
to base and mass but indirectly proportional to the height.

XI – Physical Education 124

5. Principle of mechanical lever: This principle is about the mechanical
advantage and disadvantage of a movement. There will be always mechanical
advantage when force arm longer to resistance arm and vice-a-versa.

6. Principle of summing of joints forces: For better execution of movements

in sports to be have to sum up the force of all involved body parts. When all
body parts act simultaneously in movement the strongest and lowest body
parts around the centre of gravity move first followed by the weaker, lighter
and faster extremities.

7. Principle of rotatory motion: When an object move in rotatory motion,

the force that rotate the object in circular path or create angular acceleration
is known as torque.

125 XI – Physical Education

Torque = Magnitude of force × Perpendicular distance from axis of rotation to line
of action of force
When an object in rotatory motion two forces are acting on it i.e. centripetal
force and centrifugal force. Centripetal force means towards the centre of
the body or object and centrifugal force means away from the centre of the
body or object.

8. Principle of angular momentum: Angular momentum is the product of

moment of Inertia and angular velocity. Moment of Inertia is the angular
counterpart to mass. It is the measure of the resistance of an object to changing
its angular speed.
A good example of angular momentum in action is with figure skaters. A
figure skaters starts a spin by pulling in his arms to lessen his moment of
Inertia. By the conservation of momentum principles, the angular speed must
them increase. To come out of the spin, a skater simply extends her arms to
increase angular momentum and decrease angular velocity.

XI – Physical Education 126

9. Principle of friction force : Friction force develop when surfaces of two
objects comes in contact and there is relative motion or tend to motion
between the surface of the object. Friction force always opposes movement.

8.3 Kinetic and Kinematics in Sports

Mechanics is the branch of physics that concerns the effect of force on bodies. It
is classified in a manner as shown in the following flow chart:

127 XI – Physical Education

If an object is in a state of motionless equilibrium then it is known as static and if
an object is in motion then it is consider as dynamic, which is further classified in
kinetic and kinematic.
Kinetic: It is the aspect of dynamics which considers the force or forces which
cause objects or bodies to move
Kinematic: It is analyses of motion in terms of time, displacement, velocity or
acceleration. In describes science language it is the geometry of motion and it is
described the above four states of motions as they occur either in a straight
(linear) line or in a rotary (angular) direction.
Difference between Kinetics and Kinematics:

Kinetics Kinematics

Kinetics focus on the different types of It explains the terms such as

motion such as rotational motion in acceleration velocity, and position of
which the object experiences force. the object.
In this, the mass of the object is In this, the mass of the object is not
considered. considered.
It is used in the design of automobiles. It is used to study the movement of
celestial bodies.
In kinetics, force is considered. In kinematics, force is not considered.
It deals with absolute motion It deals with relative motion.
It does not involve any mathematical It involves mathematical expressions.
It is used in several streams of science It is used in limited areas in physics and
like chemistry and biology it is more specifically used in mechanics.
It is also called dynamics. It is also called the geometry of motion.

8.4 Types of Body Movement-Flexion. Extension, Abduction, Adduction,

Rotation, Circumduction, Supination & Pronation

XI – Physical Education 128

Body Movement Explanation Image

Flexion It is a bending movement in which the

angles between the moving bones are Flexion
decrease at joint. For example,
bending the head forward at neck Flexion
joint, flexing the biceps muscle of the
upper limb at elbow joint, flexing the
calf muscle of the lower limp at knee
Extension It is the opposite movement of flexion
in which the angles between the
moving bones are increase at joint.
For example, straightening a flexed
neck, elbow, or knee.

Abduction It is the movement of a limb moving

away from the midline or median
plane of the body. For example
moving arm or leg sideward away
from midline.
Adduction It is the movement of a limb moving
towards the midline or median plane
of the body. For example moving
arm or leg sideward away from

Rotation It is the turning of a bone around its

own leg Reation may be ded soward
the midline or away from it. For
examle rotation of neck, rotation of
shoulder, rotation of leg.

129 XI – Physical Education

Circumduction It is the movement where the limbs
moves in a circle or at 360°. This
movement is possible at ball and
socket joint only. For example
circumduction of shoulder joint,
circumduction of hip joint.

Supination It is the upward rotation of the

forearm or foot. For example twisting
movement of radius and ulna bones
of forearm when thumb shifting in
movement from left to right.

Pronation It is the downward rotation of the

forearm or foot. For example twisting
movement of radius and ulna bones
of forearm when thumb shifting in
movement from right to left.

8.5 Axis and Planes- Concept and its application in body movements
8.5 (a) Concept of Axis and Planes
Alix: It ia an Imaginary point or line around which movement of the body takes
place or around which an object rotate. There are three types of axis namely
sigittal axis, frontal (transversal) axis, and vertical (longitudinal) axis.
It is the surface through which the movement occurs or takes place. There are
three types of planes namely sagittal (median) plane, frontal (lateral or coronal)
Plane, and transversal (horizontal) Plane.
8.5 (b) Application in Body Movements
Every movement performs around specific axis and dough specific plane Human
life and Sports both are impossible without movement. So you can easily see the

XI – Physical Education 130

application of axis and plane in body movements we perform either in general
life work or in sports. Both axis and planes are inter-related with specific
combination as mentioned below:
Sagittal Axis with Frontal (lateral or coronal) Plane
Vertical (longitudinal) Axis with Transversal (horizontal) Plane
Frontal (transversal) Axis with sagittal (median) plane
With the help of this table you can easily understand the application of
axis and plane in body movements

Axis and

Combination Whenever there is a Whenever thereis Whenever there is a

sagittal axis in a longitudinal axis in transverse axis in a
movement then there a movement then movement then there
should be frontal there should be should be sigittal plane
plane and vice-a- transverse plane and vice-aversa.
versa. and vice-a-versa.
Possible Abduction, Adduction Supination, Pronation Flexion, Extension
Examples Spreading arms or legs Straight puch by Lifting weight by
from sports sideways by the goal boxer from detense weightlifters
& Exercises Or position Or
Jumping Jack Exercise Or Toe touch by bending
Twisting movement forward
of waist

131 XI – Physical Education



Q. 1. Kinesiology is the study of ................ .

(a) Force (b) Human body
(c) Motion (d) Joint
Ans. (c) Motion
Q.2. ............. movement is possible at knee joint.
(a) Rotation (b) Circumduction
(c) Abduction (d) Flexion
Ans. (d) Flexion
Q.3. If an object is in a state of motionless equilibrium then it is known as
.............. motion.
(a) Dynamic (b) Static
(c) Kinetic (d) Kinematic
Ans. (b) Static
Q.4. Identify the movement shown in the given picture.

(a) Rotation (b) Adduction

(c) Abduction (d) Flexion
Ans. (c) Abduction

XI – Physical Education 132

Q.5. It is the turning of a bone around its own long axis is known as ............
(a) Rotation (b) Adduction
(c) Abduction (d) Flexion
Ans. (a) Rotation
Q6. Match the following:
I. Supination 1. Angle between the bones decrease
II. Flexion 2. Downward rotation of the forearm
III. Extension 3. Upward rotation of the forearm
IV. Pronation 4. Angle between the bones increase
(a) Dyam
(a) I-3, II-1, III-2, IV-4
(b) 1-3, II-4, III-1. IV-2
(c) I-3, II-1, III-4, IV-2
(d) I-1, II-3, 111-2, IV-4

Ans. (c) I-3, II-1, III-4, IV-2

Q.7. Read the following statements- Assertion (A) and Reason (R). Choose
one of the correct alternatives given below:
Assertion (A): There is only two movements possible at knee joint.
Reason (R): Knee joint is a hinge type of joint.
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true, but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A)
(c) (A) is true, but (R) is false.
(d) (A) is false, but (R) is true.
Ans. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
Q8. Which of the following movement has sagittal axis and frontal plane
(a) Rotation (b) Flexion
(c) Supination (d) Adduction

133 XI – Physical Education

Ans. (d) Adduction
Q9. Vertical axis is also known as axis
(a) Longitudinal (b) Frontal
(c) Transversal (d) Sagittal
Ans. (a) Longitudinal
Q.10. Frontal plane is also known as plane?
(a) Transversal (b) Sagittal
(c) Median (d) Coronal
Ans. (d) Coronal


Q.1. Enlist the name of four movements.

Ans. Flexion, Extension, Abduction, Adduction
Q.2. Define Kinesiology.
Ans. According to Burke R.K. “Kinesiology can be defined as studying the
movementg behaviour of all living organisms.”
Q.3. Draw a flow chart for showing the branch of mechanics.

Q.4. Define Biomechanics.

Ans. According to Hall “It is the application of mechanical principles in the study of
five Organisms.”

XI – Physical Education 134


Q.1. Explain Flexion, Abduction, and Rotation.

Ans. Flexion. It is a bending movement in which the angles between the moving bo
decrease al joint.
Abduction: It is the movement of a limb moving away from the midline of the
Rotation: It is the turning of a bone around its own long axis.
Q.2. Define Plane and mention its types.
Answer. It is the surface through which the movement occurs or takes place.
There are three types of planes namely sagittal (median) plane, frontal (lateral
or coronal) plane, and transversal (horizontal) plane.
Q.3. Write three combinations of axis and plane with examples.
1. Sagittal Axis with Frontal (lateral or coronal) Plane. Example is Jumping
2. Vertical (longitudinal) Axis with Transversal (horizontal) Plane Example is
twisting of waist
3. Frontal (transversal) Axis with sagittal (median) plane. Example is toe touch
by bending forward.


Q.1. On the basis of given image answer the following questions:

(a) Which motion is exist there when athlete start his jump as indicate with
small circle?
(b) .................. and .................. motion are two branches of kinematic motion.
(c) Which dynamic motion you seen when athlete change his position for
covering more distance as shown in big circle.?
Ans. (a) Kinetic (b) Linear, Angular (c) Kinematic

135 XI – Physical Education


Q.1. Write down the Difference between kinetics and kinematics.

Kinetics Kinematics

Kinetics focus on the different types of It explains the terms such as acceleration
motion such as rotational motion in velocity, and position of the object.
which the object experiences force.
In this, the mass of the object is In this, the mass of the object is not
considered. considered.
It is used in the design of automobiles. It is used to study the movement of
celestial bodies.
In kinetics, force is considered. In kinematics, force is not considered.
It deals with relative motion.
It deals with absolute motion
It involves mathematical expressions.
It does not involve any mathematical
Q.2. Explain the importance of kinesiology and bio-mechanics in sports.
Ans. 1. Better Understand of Mechanical Advantage and Disadvantage of
Human Movement: Knowledge of kinesiology and biomechanics help
us to understand the how human body parts can move in better way by

XI – Physical Education 136

considering ineer as well as outer factors, which help us to understand the
mechanical advantage and disadvantage of movement in different sports.
2. Helps in improve and develop new technique: Everyone wants to
perform best and for that every individual wants to use most appropriate
technique. That why techniques are improve and develop on regular basis
and this is possible only because of kinesiology and bio-mechanics.
3. Helps in upgrade and develop new sports equipment: Change is the
basic principle of life and sports equipment is timely upgraded and develops
new equipment on basis of demand of sports. Bio-mechanics helps in
developing and improvising the existing equipment for better performance.
4. Helps in measurement and evaluation of sports performance: Sports
performance can improve if we regularly measure and evaluate it with the
help of appropriate tool. Bio- mechanics and kinesiology helps in
developing such tools.
5. Helps in conducting research in sports: Research is very important
now-a-days as every want to be the best. Research helps in solving current
problems of sports as well as gives futuristic vision to sports.
6. Helps in selection of players: The selection of players is a very technical
and important process under which selectors use variety of tests and tools.
These test and tools are developing with the help of bio-mechanics and

137 XI – Physical Education

Unit - 9
Psychology and Sports

Main Point :-
- 9.1 Definition and Importance of Psychology in Physical Education & Sports.
- 9.2 Developmental characteristics at different stages of development
- 9.3 Adolescent problems and their management
- 9.4 Team cohesion and sports
- 9.5 Introduction to psychological attributes: Attention, Resilience, mental

XI – Physical Education 138

9.1 Definition and importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports
Introduction of psychology
First of all, Aristotle said that the word psychology is made up of two separate
words, the first word is “psyche” which means soul and the second word is
logos which means to study or science. Thus psychology literally means the
science or study of the soul. Rudolf Goeckel then defined psychology as the
science of the mind. William Wund then defined psychology as the science of
consciousness and eventuallyJohn B Watson defined psychology as the science
of behavior and at the present time the science of behavior is called psychology
Woodworth (1948) “First psychology lost its soul, then it lost its mind, then it
lost its consciousness, it still has behavior of a kind”.
Definitions of psychology
According to crow and crow, “Psychology is the science of human behavior
and its relationship.”
According to J. B. Watson, “Psychology is the science of behavior.
Definition of Sports psychology-
According to Robert N. Singer. “Sports psychology explores one’s behavior
in athletics.”
In simple terms, sports psychology is the branch of psychology that deals with
a player’s behavior before competition, during competition and post competition.
Importance of Psychology in Physical Education and Sports
• It helps to promote physical activities-
• Build confidence
• Develop healthy habits
• It helps to understand goal
• It helps to manage stress
• It helps to overcome obstacles
• Develop concentration
• It promotes better team work/ cooperation

139 XI – Physical Education

• It promotes coordination-
• It promotes fair play-
• It promotes leadership quality-
• It helps to control aggression-


A. Infancy period (0-5 years)
1. Physical Development: Rapid Growth in size and weight.
2. Intellectual Development: child, in his infancy is interested only in these
things which fullfil his immediate needs of hunger and feeding. When 2-3
years, he learns to speak very small sentences. At age of five, he starts thinking
and takes keep interest in playing.
3. Emotional Development: Emotions are not clear at the time of birth. Child
cries when he feels hungry. At age two, he displays different emotions such
as anger, joy, love and fear. From the age of 2 to 5 years, child becomes
highly emotional.
4. Social Development: Fully dependent on parents up to 2 years for his
physiology and psychological needs, but at age three, he starts liking to play
in group. Signs of co-operative behaviour appears at age of four years. At
the age of five, friendship becomes strong and tendency of fighting is reduced.
B. Early Childhood (6-9 years)
1. Physical Characteristics: Period of slow but steady growth in height. Bones
are soft weight increase in steady. Pulse rate is higher than adults. The heart
size is smaller in comparision to the body. Strength is not well developed.
2. Mental Characteristics: Child loves to take part in exercises and activities.
Initiations is a strong characteristic. Children love to play with kids of their
own age. The play activities in the age group should not be strenuous because
physical capacities develop slowly.

XI – Physical Education 140

3. Emotional Development: Children tend to become demanding and bossy.
They are often enthusiastic about like and tend to be outgoing. They may
start questioning parents authority. They might show jealously toward siblings.
They are able to understand their own feeling and understand the consquences
of their actions. They show empathy and offer to help when they see another
in distress.
4. Social Development: Friends and special friendship become more important
at this time and it is very important to his self-esteem that he feel as thought
he fits in and is accepted by his friends.
C. Late childhood period (9-12 years)
1. Physical Development: Period of slow, steady and uniform growth.
2. Intellectual Development: New experiences are acquired and applied and
mental horizon is broadened.
3. Emotional Development: Emotional behaviour becomes stable and remains
under control.
4. Social Development: Child plays team games and likes to form bigger social
D. Adolescence period (13-18 years)
1. Physical Changes: Physical characteristics of boys and girls begin to mature.
2. Intellectual Changes: Mental horizon widens and one starts observing things
minutely and capacity to discuss increases.
3. Emotional Changes: Difficult to control emotions.
4. Social relationships: More interest in the world around him.
E. Adulthood period (more than 18 years)
1. Physical Development: Muscles become mature and their strength
2. Intellectual Development: Brain reaches its full maturity.
3. Emotional Development: Emotions are very much controlled.
4. Social Development: Become functioning members of the society.

141 XI – Physical Education


“Adolescence is a period through which a growing person makes a transition from

childhood to maturity”.
Some main adolescent problems are :-
(i) Physical problems
(ii) Intensification of self consciousness
(iii) Sexual Problems
(iv) Peer group relationship
(v) Dependence-independence
(vi) Problem of career selection
(vii) Idealism Vs realism
(viii) Drug abuse
(ix) Emotional Problems
(x) Juvenile Negligencies


1. Sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents: A sympathetic and liberal

attitude of parents and their cooperative nature can help in solving many
problems of adolescents, parents should take note of the change take place
during growth and development of children and adjust their own behaviour
towards the adolescents Liberal and sympathetic attitude of parents develops
welf confidence.
2. Healthy atmosphere at home and school: Unhealthy atmosphere at home
or in school or carelessness towards children can force children to fall in bad
company. In orders to save children from bad habits and company. it is
important to provide sufficient means for the satisfaction of their interests at
home or school. Activities like music, arts or sports can help in keeping the
children busy and indulge in healthy recreation.
3. Moral and Religious Education: Religious and moral education can help
adolescents to get some peace of mind and direction in their lives. Moral

XI – Physical Education 142

education should be a part of school education while home is the best
institution for religious education.
4. Friendly attitude: At this stage, adolescent want to accept the friendly
attitudes. So parents and teachers should act more as friends rather strict,
disciplined and rigid parents. More over this friendly attitude will bring them
more close instead of making gaps between them.
5. Reasonable Independence: They should be given reasonable amount of
independence. They should be given the freedom to express themselves and
their point of views should be discussed in reasonable manner. They should
also be given freedom to go out reasonably keeping their safety in mind.

9.4. Team Cohesion and Sports

Meaning of Team Cohesion
Albert Carron defined as “A dynamic process which is reflected in atendency for
the group to ‘stick together’ and ‘remain united’ in the pursuit of goals and
Group cohesion can be defined as unity in whcih a group of individuals work
together to achieve and certain goal.

Types of Team chohesion

• Task cohesion
• Social cohesion

Factors of affecting group cohesiveness

• Degree of dependency on the group: greater the dependency of the people
in the group, greater the cohesion.
• Size of group: if the size of the group is small, then the cohesiveness will be
more smaller groups have high cohesiveness)
• Homogeneity of members: group cohesiveness will be higher if people in
the group have similar background an interests.

143 XI – Physical Education

• Stable memberships: for more cohesiveness stability must be maintained in
the group.
• Location of the group: location of the group must be feasible and reachable.
• Group status: success stories always lead to high cohesiveness.
• Leadership: If the leader of the group is dynamic then cohesion will
automatically be good.
• Competition: Inter- If there is competition between two groups, then there
will be high cohesion. Intra- If there is competition between the individuals
of a group, then there will be low cohesion.
9.5. Introduction to psychological attributes: Attention, Resilience, Mental
• Attention- The process through which certain stimuli are selected from a
group of others is generally referred to as attention. (NCERT)
• According to Dumville- “Attention is the concentration of consciousness
upon one object rather than upon another.”
• In other words, attention is the process of focusing your consciousness on
one stimulus out of all present stimuli in your external environment.
Types of attention
• Voluntary attention-it demands a conscious effort Eg. Hit a ball in cricket
by a batter.
• Involuntary attention- attention aroused without will Without making a
conscious effort. Eg Loud sound, bright lights color.
• Resilience- “The flexibility in response to changing situational demands and
the ability to bounce back from negative emotional experiences“.
According to Stuart Resilience is “ability to bounce back from adversity”.
Resilience in positive psychology refers to the ability to cope with whatever
life throws at you. Some people are knocked down by challenges, but they
return as a stronger person more steadfast than before.
• Mental toughness-Mental Toughness is a personality trait that determines
your ability to perform consistently under stress and pressure, and is closely
related to qualities such as character, resilience. grit and perseverance.
XI – Physical Education 144
“Mental toughness is the ability to face adversity, failure and negative events
without a loss of effort attitude and enthusiasm”.
Mental toughness refers to an athlete's ability to persist in the face of challenges,
mistakes, and failure.
It is combination of resilience, determination, and optimism that allows people
to stay focused and motivated in the face of adversity.


Q.1 What is the meaning of ‘Psyche’?

(a) Soul (b) behaviour

(c) Environment (d) Science

Ans. (a) Soul

Q.2 Which of these terms describes the degree to which group members
come together as one unit to reach a common goals?

(a) Group Cohesion (b) Group synergy

(c) Group respect (d) Group collaboration

Ans. (a) Group cohesion

Q.3. ‘Adolescent’ is a period between —

(a) 10 to 18 years (b) 13 to 18 years

(c) 9 to 18 years (d) 09 to 18 years

Ans. (b) 13 to 18 years

Q.4. In the childhood, Individual’s behaviour in most influenced by—

(a) Community (b) School

(c) Peer group (d) family

145 XI – Physical Education

Ans. (d) family

Q.5. The causes of frustration among sports person is—

(a) Result of own performance

(b) Normally due to mismatched level of aspiration and ability

(c) Result of good performance

(d) Natural outcome of competative sports

Ans. (b) Normally due to mismatched level of aspiration and ability

Q.6. Match the following:

List-I List-II

(I) Late Childhood 1. 0 to 5 years

(II) Adulthood 2. 6 to 9 years

(III) Infancy 3. 9 to 12 years

(IV) Early childhood 4. 18 years onward


(a) 3 4 1 2

(b) 1 2 3 4

(c) 4 3 1 2

(d) 3 1 4 2

Ans. (a) 3 4 1 2

XI – Physical Education 146

Q.7. Given below are two statements, one labelled as Assertion (A) and
the oilier labelled as Reason (R).
Assertion (A): An Infant can run and walk In better way than holding a
pen or pencil to write.
Reason (R): An Infant first gains control over large muscle groups than
the fine ones.
Which of the following statements is correct?
(a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(b) Both (A) and (R) are true but (R) is not the correct explanation of
(c) (A) is true and (R) is false.
(d) (A) Is false and (R) is true.
Ans. (a) Both (A) and (R) are true and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).

Q.8. In modern scenario meaning of psychology is –

(a) Soul (b) Mind

(c) Behaviour (d) Consciousness

Ans. (c) Behaviour

Q.9. The ability of to bounce back from adversity is called-

(a) Mental toughness (b) Resilience

(c) Alertness (d) Cohesion

Ans. (b) Resilience

Q.10. It is combination of relsilence, determination and optimism that motivate

people to face adversity-

(a) Task cohesion (b) Alrtness

(c) Mental toughness (d) Team

147 XI – Physical Education

Ans. (c) Mental toughness


Q.1 Define sports Psychology.

Ans. According to M.L. Kamlesh. “sport psychology is the application of psychological

principles to sport and physical activities at all levels of skill development.”

Q.2 Mention the importance of Sports Psychology.

Ans. • Improve performances :- The Knowledge of sports psychology helps to

improve performance and personality of players by scientific ways of
modifying behavior.

• Motivation and feedback :- Proper motivation and proper feedback

enhances the performance of players. It gives counselling to players. This
can be guided by sports psychology.

• Better selection :- The knowledge of sports psychology guides the coaches

for better selection of players.

Q.3. Define team cohesion its types.

Ans. Group cohesion can be defined as unity in which a group of individuals work
together to achieve a certain goal.

• Task cohesion- Degree to which members of a team work “together to

achieve a specific and identifiable goal. Example: Colleagues of a department

• Social cohesion-Degree to which the member of a team like each other

and enjoy personal satisfaction from being member of the team.
Example: Friendship, Caring, Liking etc.

Q.4. Define attention and its types.

Ans. Attention is the concentration of consciousness upon one object rather than
upon another. - Dumville

XI – Physical Education 148

Types of attention

• Voluntary attention- it demands a conscious effort. Eg Hit a ball in cricket

by a batter.

• Involuntary attention- attention aroused without will. Without making a

conscious effort. Eg Loud sound, bright lights/color.


Q.1 Explain any four problems of adolescent

Ans. 1. Aggresive and violent behaviour: Adolescent has aggresive behaviour

and often becomes violent very fast. They easily become, irritated and
repulsive when work is not of their interest.

2. Problems related to physiological growth: The physiological changes

assoiciated with abolescence present conditions and problems that the
adolescence has not met upto this time and in many cases is ill prepared to
meet them when they appear.

3. Confusion between adolescent’s role and status: Unfortunate neither

the adolescent’s role nor his status is clear cut in the society. A boy may be
treated like a man in many situations outside but like a child in his own

4. Problems related with future: The adolescence is a period when the

individual is not a child, he has emerged from the safe and protected life of
childhood. He has now to decide to what course of like he has to follow.

Q.2. Explain different develomental characteristics of early childhood stage.

Ans. B. Early Childhood (6-9 years)

1. Physical Characteristics: Period of slow but steady growth in height. Bones
are soft weight increase in steady. Pulse rate is higher than adults. The heart
size is smaller in comparision to the body. Strength is not well developed.

149 XI – Physical Education

2. Mental Characteristics: Child loves to take part in exercises and activities.
Initiations is a strong characteristic. Children love to play with kids of their
own age. The play activities in the age group should not be strenuous because
physical capacities develop slowly.
3. Emotional Development: Children tend to become demanding and bossy.
They are often enthusiastic about like and tend to be outgoing. They may
start questioning parents authority. They might show jealously toward siblings.
They are able to understand their own feeling and understand the
consquences of their actions. They show empathy and offer to help when
they see another in distress.
4. Social Development: Friends and special friendship become more important
at this time and it is very important to his self-esteem that he feel as thought
he fits in and is accepted by his friends.


Q.1 Discuss methods adopt for management of adolescent problem in details:

Ans. 1. Sympathetic and liberal attitude of parents: A sympathetic and liberal

attitude of parents and their cooperative nature can help in solving many
problems of adolescents, parents should take note of the change take place
during growth and development of children and adjust their own behaviour
towards the adolescents. Liberal and sympathetic attitude of parents develops
self confidence.

2. Healthy atmosphere at home and school : Unhealthy atmosphere

at home or in school or carelessness towards children can force children to
fall in bad company. In orders to save children from bad habits and company,
it is important to provide sufficient means for the satisfaction of their interests
at home or school. Activities like music, arts or sports can help in keeping
the children busy and indulge in healthy recreation.

3. Moral and Religious Education : Religious and moral education can help

XI – Physical Education 150

adolescents to get some peace of mind and direction in their lives. Moral
education should be a part of school education while home is the best
institution for religious education.

4. Friendly attitude : At this stage, adolescent want to accept the friendly

attitudes. So parents and teachers should act more as friends rather strict,
disciplined and rigid parents. More over this friendly attitude will bring them
more close instead of making gaps between them.

5. Reasonable Independence : They should be given reasonable amount of

independence. They should be given the freedom to express themselves and
their point of views should be discussed in reasonable manner. They should
also be given freedom to go out reasonably keeping their safety in mind.

151 XI – Physical Education

Unit - 10
Training and Doping in Sports

Main Point :-
- 10.1 Concept and principles of sports training
- 10.2 Training load: Over load, adaptation and recovery
- 10.3 Warming-up & limbering down-types, method & importance
- 10.4 Concept of skills, techniques, tactics & strategies
- 10.5 Concept of doping and its disadvantages

XI – Physical Education 152

10.1 (a) Concept and principal of sports training
It is a continous, scientific and systematic preparation to achieve top form in
competition period is known as sports training.
“Sports training is the basic forms of preparation of sportsmen”.– Matwejew
Sports training is a planed and controlled process of achieving goals in which
the changes of motor performance and behaviour are made through measures
of control, methods and organizations.– Martin
It can be said that the means with which a spoils person is prepared
physically, technically intellectually, psychologically and morally is called the
sports training.
Characteristics of sports training
 Balanced plan
 Scientific approaches
 Continous in nature
 Individual in nature
 Performance oriented
 Based on educational behaviour
 Through this confidence will be built in spoils person
10.1 (b) Principles of sports Training
 Principal of continuity of training.
 Principal of individual matter differences.
 Principal of planned /systematic training.
 Principal of increasing of training load.
 Principal of active participation.
 Principal of general and specific training.
 Principal of competitive behaviour.
 Principal of cyclicity (Three cycles)
Macro – 3-12 months

153 XI – Physical Education

Meso – 3-6 weeks
Micro – 5-10 days
 Principal of adaptability
 Principal of uniformity and differentiation
 Principal of feasibility
 Principal of visual presentation
 Principal of awareness
10.2 Training load: Overload, Adaptation and Recovery
Every sports training consist of physical exercise/movements which cause fatigue.
Fatigue is directly a product of training load which help in the process of
adaptation. Therefore training load and fatigue are important for any kind of
sports performance. If load remains constant then there will be stagnation in the
performance. Training load helps to stimulate the various organs of a body which
help to adapt these by giving proper shape to the body parts so that the maximum
possible work can be done in a minimum efforts.
Definition of load
1. Amount of work done by an individual body is called as load.
2. Load is the psychological and physiological demand put on the organism
through motor stimuli resulting in improvement and maintenance of higher
performance capacity.


External Load Internal Load

 Distance Run  Heat Rate
 No of Repetitions  Lactic acid concentration
 No of jumps  O2 consumption
 Total duration of actively  Symptions of fatigue
 consentration/Attention

XI – Physical Education 154

Factors Affecting Training Load
• Movement Quality.
• Types of exercise: General  Specific  Competitive
• Load Intensity: Intensity of stimults  Density of stimults
• Load volume: Duration  Frequency


Adaptation: The process of the body getting actioned to a particular exercise

or training program through repeated exposure.
 Adaptation means to get adjusted or it is some adjustment to load or when a
body starts doing work without any efforts.
 Adjustment to load shows that performance get enhanced process of load
and recovery goes side by side.
 Adaptation is simply a functional adjustment but if the homeostasis is optimally
disturbed repeatedly for a no of days then the human body responds by
causing structural and metabolic changes which enables the body to tolerate
load more easily. This is called adaptation.
The nature and actural process of adaptation which is psychic and
The adaptation takes plane in all the organs, systems and functions which are
affected by the process of tackling the training and competition demands.
Conditions of Adaptation
1. Adaptation process are set in motion only when the load is optimum.
2. The adaptation is result of proper cycle of load and recovery.
3. The adaptation takes place faster in case of beginner, but it take long time in
case of advance spoils persons.
4. There should be a correct proportion between intensity and volume of training

155 XI – Physical Education

5. Higher load is essential for optimum adaptation.
Higher Load – High Adaptation
Medium Load – Medium Adaptation
Low Load – Low Adaptation
6. Reduction in load or break in training breaks the adaptation.
7. For a beginner, the application of new or carfamiliar exercise or load creates
super compensation effect.
8. It leads to increase in load tolesance ability.
Recovery in Sports
Recovery aims to restore physiological and psychological processes, so tht the
athlete can complete or train again at appropriate level.
The rate and quality of recovery is very imp for the high performance athlete and
that optimal recovery is recovery may provide numerous benefits during replitive
high level training and competition.
Recovery from training and competition is complen and involves numerous factors.
It is also typically dependent on the nature of the exercise performed.
Methods to enhance recovery: Recovery is mainly depend upon which type of
exercise or load. Most popular recovery techniques for a spoils person:
 Hydrotherapy
 Active recovery
 Stretching
 Massage
 Sleep
 Nutrition
 Compression garments

XI – Physical Education 156

It is a short term activity carried out prior to any severe or skilled activities.
Warming up is an essential before a competition. Through such a workout we try
to bring the group of muscles expected to take part in the activity to follow. It is
primarily preparatory activity in which physiological and Psychological preparation
of an athlete is done for the main activity.
Types of Warm up: (i) General Warm-up
(ii) Specific warm-up

Limbering down or cooling down:

At the end of the training session or competition, athletes are normally advised to
cool down. This is done normally in the shape of a light but continuos activity
such as jogging or walking for some time at the end of the event. Such an activity
after the competition of an event is called limbering down or cooling down.
Importance of Warming-up
1. Increases the Body Temperature
2. Decreases the Viscosity of Muscles
3. Increases the Speed of Nerve Impulses

157 XI – Physical Education

4. Decreases the Resistance in Muscles Capillaries
5. Increases the Speed of Transfer of Oxygen and Fuel to Tissues
6. Increases Metabolic Rate
7. Reduces the Anxiety and Tension
8. Enhances Cooling Efficiency
9. Reduces the Blood Lactic Acid
10. Warming-up Avoids Injury
11. Increases the Speed of Muscles
12. Increases Flexibility
13. Increases Strength
14. Increases Endurance
15. Pincreases Explosive Power
16. Improves Specific Skills
17. Improves Neuro-muscular Co-ordination
18. Improves the Level of Performance
19. Decreases Reaction Time
20. Brings Second Wind more Readily
Importance of Limbering Down
1. Body temperature becomes normal
2. Proper removal of waste products
3. Decrease in tension
4. Reduces the chances of dizziness or fainting
5. Supply of Oxygen
6. Decrease in the level of aderaline in the blood

XI – Physical Education 158

7. Muscles do not remain stiff
8. Heart rate returns to initial stage
Methods of Warming-up
1. General Method:
• Jogging
• Simple exercise
• Stretching exercise
• Wind sprints (a form of exercise involving moving from walk or slow run
to a faster run and repeatedly reversing the process)
• Striding (walk with long steps in a specified direction)
2. Warming-up with Warm water: warm water bath for swimming,
synchronised swimmin water polo etc.
3. Warm-up through Massage:
• Used by wrestlers
• Cures minor muscle injuries
4. Warming-up by drinking hot drinks:
• Hot Tea, Coffee
5. Warm-up through Sunbathe
6. Warm-up through Steam bathe

10.4 Concept of skill, technique, tactics & strategies Skill

• It is automatization of movement and it is learnt & mastered through practice.

No child is born with the skill.
• Skill is an athlete’s ability to choose and perform the right techniques at the
right time, successfully, regularly and with a minimum of effort.

159 XI – Physical Education

• Ability to perform a whole movement is known as skill.
• Level of effectiveness with which a movement or a motor action can be
• Eg Shooting in basketball, service in tennis, overhead kick in football
• It is a scientific & economical method to attain/ reach high sports
• It is theoretical model according to the movements are to be performed.
• Techniques are the fundamental/basic movements of any sport or event.
• Technique is the way of performing a skill.
• A skill can be performed by using more than one technique.
• Strategy is the overall plan for successful participation in a competition.
• Strategy is a long-term plan that is focused on achieving a goal by using a
variety of tactics.
• Strategy is more strategic plan that takes into account the big picture and
considers a variety of tactics to accomplish the goal.
• Tactics are the specific actions, sequences of actions and schedules you use
to fulfil your strategy.
• Tactics are methods by which performers try to outwit (get the better of,
beat) an opponent.
• Tactics are the specific tools used to execute the strategy.
(a) When an athlete uses banned substances or methods to improve
performance in sports it is called as doping.

XI – Physical Education 160

Example: Drugs and steroid used.
(b) Concept of Doping: “Doping” is the word, which is used in the field of
sports, when athletes use prohibited substances on methods to unfairly
Improve their sporting performance. In general way, doping is the use of
performance enhancing substance or methods by sports person to gain an
advantage ever their competitors. In fact, some sport person take illegal
substance to enhance their performance. The activity is known as doping.
The use of banned performance enhancing drugs in sports is commonly
referred to as doping. The use of drugs is considered unethical by most
International sports organisations. The anti doping authorities state that using
performance enhancing drugs goes against the “spirit of sports”.
WADA: World Anti doping Agency
Founded on – 10 Nov 1999
Motto – play true
Founder – Dick pound
Headquater – Mostreal (Canada)
Affilation – I.O.C
Language – English, French
NADA: National Anti Doping Agency
Founded on – 24 Nov 2005
Motto – play fair
Headquater – J.N. Stadium (New Delhi)
Wada artical 2.1 to 2.8 of the code:
1. Presence of prohibited substance or method.
2. Use or attempt to use a prohibited collection after being notified.

161 XI – Physical Education

3. Tampering with any part of doping comport board.
4. Possession of a prohibited substance.
5. Trafficking a prohibited substance and method.
Classification of Doping
• Performance enhancing substance. • Physical method
1. Performance enhancing substance
(a) Stimulants: Enhance alertness increasing heart rate and breatring rate/
function of brain stimulates the body physically mentally.
Effect Usage Example
• Mind in more alert injection nasal • Cocaine
• Reduces feeling of fatigue spray orally • ephendrine
• More aggressive • Adrafinil
• Amphetamines
(b) Anabolic steriods: Growth of muscles and help athlete to train harder and
recover rapidly. Boosting muscle power and strength.
Effects Usage Examples
• Muscle power growth Intra muscle • Drostanolove
• Muscle size increases Injection • Metenolone
• Rapid recovery rate Orally • Oxandrolone
(c) Peptide Hormones: Substance produces by glands is the body. Carry O 2
and circulate the blood production of RBC/growth of muscles.
Effects Usage Examples
• Increases in R.B.C. By injection • Erothropoetin
• Muscle growth orally • Insulin
• Hormonial in balance • Human growth hormones

XI – Physical Education 162

(d) Beta-Beta Agonist: Treat asthma relan muscles/increases repratory
Effects Usage Examples
• Increases O 2 in blood. Inhals orally • Acebutolol
• open air passage. • Bentanotol
• Rapid recovery • Carteolol
(e) Narcotics: Reduces or eliminates pain four injuries. Reduces anxiety which
further increases the risk of injury.
Effects Usage Examples
• Reduces pain By injection • Morphine
• Improves stamina orally • Heroine
• Reduces anxiety inhalling • pethidine
(f) Diuretics: None performance enhancing drug bal used in spoils to remove
fluids (water) reduces body weight.
Effects Usage Examples
• Rapid weight loss Orally • Dexatran
• Remove water from the body injection • Amiloride
• Evade anti doping test • Canreone
(g) Glucocoslicosteriods: Relieve fatigue and pain give more tolerance/
continous efforts.
(h) Cannabinoids: Psycho active chamicals feeling of relaxation.
Examples– Hashis and Marijuna
(i) Blood doping: Aritfical O2 carrier injection Hameogolobin O2 carrier
are chemicals or purified proteins. Which have the ability to carry O2.
It enhances aerobic capacity.
Autologous Homologous blood

163 XI – Physical Education

(j) Gene doping:
• Manipulation of cells and genes to enhance performance.
• Increases physical strength.
• Based on gene therapy– Gene theraphy play a vitral role in development
of musculo-skeletal structure.
• Repair of the injuries of muscles/tandon and ligaments etc.
Disadvantages of doping:
The athletes uses different types of banned substances to

Beta blockers

i) Stimulants -
1. Cause insomnia, anxiety and aggressiveness
2. Poor Judgement
3. Increases hypertension and body temperature
ii) Anabolic steroid
1. Can cause Sudden heart attack
2. High blood pressure
3. Mood swings, aggresion/depression
4. Can cause impotency and bald ness in males
5. Can cause facial hair growth and deep voice in females
iii) Cannabinoids :
1. Reduce concentration and co-ordination

XI – Physical Education 164

2. Reduce lung capacity
3. May cause heart decease and lung cancer
4. Loss of memory
iv) Beta Blockers :
1. Reduces endurance
2. Headache and weak digestion.
3. Risk of heart attack due to slow heart rate.
v) Narcotics :
1. Loss of balance and coordination
2. May cause drowsiness, vomiting, constipation
3. May cause fainting and coma
vi) Diuretics :
1. Can cause dehydration
2. May lead to kidney damage
3. Mineral imbalance and low blood pressure and drowsiness
vii) Beta-2 Agonists
1. Cold hands, drowsiness
2. Headache, vomiting etc.
3. May cause insomnia and depression.


Q.1. Woman who take _________ tend to masculinize?

(a) Beta-blockers (b) Amphetamines
(c) Diuretics (d) Steroids
Ans. (d) Steroids
Q.2. Which of the physical method of doping is ______
(a) Sumulants (b) Steroids
(e) Gene doping (d) None of the above

165 XI – Physical Education

Ans. (c) Gene doping
Q.3. Which substance help in increasing oxygen in the body ______
(a) Blood doping (b) Gene doping
(c) Steroids (d) Narcotics
Ans. (a) Blood doping
Q.4. Which substance is help in increasing strength of the musles in the
human body.
(a) Steroids (b) Autologous doping
(c) Blood doping (d) Gene doping
Ans. (a) Steroids
Q.5. Which of the one is not the performance inhancing substance-
(a) Blood doping (b) Gene doping
(c) Fibre (b) Autologous doping
Ans. (c) Fibre
Q.6. What is the full form of ‘NADA’
(a) National Auto doping Agency (b) National Anti doping Academy
(c) National Anti drugs Agency (d) National Anti doping Agency
Ans. (d) National Anti doping Agency
Q.7. What is the full from of ‘WADA’.
(a) White Anti doping Agency (b) Wide Anti doping Academy
(c) World Anti doping Agency (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) World Anti doping Agency
Q.8. “Taking of prohibited or banned substances is calleld ______”
(a) Steriods (b) Alcohal
(c) Doping (d) Autologous doping
Ans. (c) Doping
Q.9. Which is a short term activity carried out prior to any severe activity?
(a) Skill (b) Technique
(c) Limbering down (d) Warming-up
Ans. (d) Warming-up

XI – Physical Education 166

Q.10. Which is the short term activity carried out after the severe activity?
(a) Technique (b) Warming-up
(c) Limbering down (d) None of the above
Ans. (c) Limbering down
Q.11. How many types of warming-up?
(a) 3 (b) 4
(c) 10 (d) 2
Ans. (d) 2
Q.13. Which principle formed on training according to specific requirements
of particular sports?
(a) Principle fo programm (b) Principle of continuity
(c) Principle of specificity (d) Principle of Individual Diffence
Ans. (c) Principle of specificity
Q.13. Given below are the two statements labeled Asserton (A) and Reason (R).
A. Assertion (A): An athlete must properly and adequatly warm-up before
the event to avoid Injury.
B. Reason (R): There is all likelihood of a chess player getting injured
during a high level of competition.
Select the answer from the codes given below:
(a) Both (A) and (R) one true and (A) is the correct explanation of (R).
(b) Both (A) and (R) one true but (A) is not correct explanation of (R).
(c) (A) is true but (R) is true.
(d) (A) is false but (R) is true.
Ans. (b) Both (A) and (R) are true But (A) is not correct explanation of (R)


Q.1. Explain in detail the classification of skills.

Ans. There are a number of sports activities and each activity requires a set of skills.
Owing to many characteristics of skill , it is difficult to classify. Generally there
are the following skills:

167 XI – Physical Education

(a) Open skill : The Skill which are not under control and are unpredictable
are classifieds open skill.
(b) Closed skill : Closed skill take place in a stable, predictable environment
(c) Simple skill : The skill which do not require large amount of co-ordination,
timings and decision. These skills are straightforward, easy to learn and
not difficult to perform, e.g. chest pass, under arm service.
(d) Complex Skill : The skills which requires large amount of co-ordination,
timing and quick thought process are called complex skills e.g. over head
kick in football.
(e) Continues skills : These skills have no obvious beginning and of one of
one cycle of movement and beginning of next. e.g. cycling is an example
of continues skills.
(f) Fine skills : These skills include complex precise movements using small
muscle groups e.g. snooker shot.
(g) Individual skills: Individual skills are thore skills which are performed in
isolation, e.g. high jump and long jump.

Q.2 What are the physical methods of doping? Define methods prohibited in


XI – Physical Education 168

1. Blood Doping: Blood doping is a method to increase the count of red blood
cells, which is done by the use of wrong banned substances. There are two
methods under this.
(a) Autologous blood doping : Two units of bloods are taken some weeks
prior to competition. Then the blood is frozen until one or two days before
competition when it is injected into the athlete. This is called autologous
blood doping.
(b) Homologous blood doping : The injection of fresh blood, taken from a
second person, straight into the athlete is called homologous blood doping.
This improves the oxygen carrying capacity to the muscles by increasing
the count of red blood cells (RBC) so the muscle endurance is increased
which improves the aerobic capacity and sports performance.
2. Gene Doping : Gene doping is the manipulation of cells or genes to enhance
the body's sports performance. It can be used to improve the work function of
normal healthy cells. Gene therapy plays an important role in growth and
development of muscles and bones. It also speeds up the person to repair of
the injured muscle tendons and ligaments.
3. Chemical and Physical Manipulation:Any tampering with the samples during
doping control during or after any competition is prohibited.
Q.3 Explain the principles of sports training ?
Ans. To perform physical activities and sports if we want to remain healthy and fit for
longer duration, there are certain principles we have to follow. They are as
under :
(a) The principles of use : The Principle of use indicates that if we use any
part of the body then that part will remain healthy for longer duration. It is
essential to perform one or the other physical activity. Regular exercise
also improves muscular strength, will power, increased metabolic changes
that are responsible for increased efficiency of the total body, improves
the system due to regular input and out put of healthy impulse.
(b) Principle of Disuse: Principle of disuse means absence of physical activity.
It may be due to any fracture, illness, old age or any personal reason. If

169 XI – Physical Education

we stop using of our body, our growth and development of muscles, brain,
system etc. will also either stop or the growth will be very slow.
(c) Principle of over load : Principle of overload means using the body
beyond its capacity. It is necessary for an athlete to use his body maximum
to get a better result but on the other hand over use of the body is also
very harmful for the body.

XI – Physical Education 170

Practice Solved Paper-1
Physical Education (048)
Time : 3 Hrs. Max. Marks : 70
General Instructions
1. The question paper consists of 5 sections and 37 Questions.
2. Section A consists of question 1-18 carrying 1 mark each and is multiple
choice questions. All questions are compulsory.
3. Sections B consist of questions 19-24 carrying 2 marks each and are very
short answer types and should not exceed 60-90 words. Attempt any 5
4. Sections C consist of Question 25-30 carrying 3 marks each and are short
answer types and should not exceed 100-150 words. Attempt any 5 questions.
5. Sections D consist of Question 31-33 carrying 4 marks each and are case
studies. There is internal choice.
6. Section E consists of Question 34-37 carrying 5 marks each and are short
answer types and should not exceed 200-300 words. Attempt any 3 questions.

Q.1 Shudhikriyas are also called __________ . 1
(a) Asana (b) Shatkarmas
(c) Tratakas (d) Kapalbhati
Q.2 Nauli is the method of massaging and strengthening the __________ .
(a) Mind (b) Heart
(c) Lungs (d) Abdominal organs
Q.3 Tool for the collection of information in numeric form: 1
(a) Test (b) Measurement
(c) Evaluation (d) Assessment
Q.4 In which test the length of various bones are measured and tested?

171 XI – Physical Education

(a) Achievement tests (b) Cardiovascular test
(c) Anthropometric test (d) Motor ability test
Q.5 Ram’s height is 4ft. 4ft in is an example of- 1
(a) Test (b) Measurement
(c) Evaluation (d) Assessment
Q.6 The sutures of the skull are the best example of- 1
(a) Cartilaginous joints (b) Synovial joints
(c) Fibrous joints (d) Freely movable joints
Q.7 The science that deals with the structural aspect of the human body is
known as- 1
(a) Physiology (b) Anatomy
(c) Botany (d) Kinesiology
Q.8 __________ carry blood away from the heart. 1
(a) Arteries (b) Veins
(c) Capillaries (d) Bones
Q.9 Lifting your arms sideways in the jumping Jacks is an movement of-
(a) Adduction (b) Flexion
(c) Abduction (d) Adduction
Q.10 Sports biomechanics can be described as- 1
(a) Mechanics of sports (b) Kinesiology
(c) Physics of sports (d) Biology of sports
Q.11 The term ‘biomechanics’ to describe the application of mechanical
principles in the study of living organism was adopted in: 1
(a) Early 1970s (b) Late 1970s
(c) 1970 (d) Early 1980s
Q.12. __________ is a movement that decreases the angle between two body
parts. 1
(a) Extension (b) Flexion
(c) Abduction (d) Adduction

XI – Physical Education 172

Q.13 Who said, “psychology is the study of human behavior.” 1
(a) Pillsbury (b) McDougall
(c) Woodworth (d) Crow and crow
Q.14. What is the meaning of word ‘Psyche’. 1
(a) Behavior (b) Science
(c) Mind (d) Consciousness
Q.15 Which one of the following is NOT a problem related to adolescence?
(a) Eating disorder (b) Substance Abuse
(c) Anti-Social Behavior (d) Lack of language development
Q.16 Which among the following is NOT recommended to improve team
cohesion- 1
(a) Set team goals (b) Better communication
(c) Reward (d) Set individual Identity
Q.17 Which one of the following affects team cohesion? 1
(a) Satisfaction (b) Popularity
(c) Similarity (d) All Of these
Q.18 Which of the one is the performance enhancing substance ________ .
(a) Blood doping (b) Fibres
(c) Vitamins (d) Fat

Q.20 Mention any two out of six Shat karmas?
Q.19 What is Dugdha neti?
Q.21 What do you mean by Anthropometric Tests?
Q.22 Give any two points to explain the importance of test, measurement
and““evaluation in sports.
Q.23 Define physical fitness test.
Q.24 Write down the function of Skeletal system?

173 XI – Physical Education

Q.25 Discuss the guidelines for advance preparation in test administration.
Q.26 Discuss the principles of biomechanics.
Q.27 Explain the details different types of movements.
Q.28 Differentiate between abduction and adduction
Q.29 Discuss the types of team cohesion.
Q.30 Diferentiate between load and overload.

Q.31 Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath. This is an essential part
of any yogic practice. While it is one of the eight limbs of modern yoga, it is
considered among the most important aspects of yoga. Recommended to be
done early morning, it has three distinct phases. While most people know
about and do two or three types of Pranayama, there are, in fact, fourteen
distinct types of Pranayama. It offers multiple benefits and has to beLearned
to get the most out of yoga practice.
(a) What are the three steps in performing Pranayama?
(b) What are the common types of Pranayama practiced by most people?
(c) List the benefits the regular practice of Pranayama offers.
Q.32 Mind and our thought processes determine our life. Success and failures arise
with our thoughts. Our behavior is linked to our feelings and thoughts. This
is important in all aspects of life but vital in the field of sports. Today, sports
psychology plays an important role in shaping champions. In fact, most top
sportspersons seek sports psychologists' help to reach their peak. Although
it is a relatively new field, it has proven to be of immense value for top players
and sportspersons. While sports psychology focuses on skill development,
counselling and training most modern sports trainings are designed keeping in
mind the athletes psychology. As stresses of modern life grow, understanding
of and implementation of sports psychology into training is becoming more
and more important.
(a) Define sports psychology. What areas does it focus on?
(b) How does having a sports psychologist help a sportsperson?
(c) How does aid from a sports psychologist enhance an athletes' performance?

XI – Physical Education 174

Adolescence has been rated as the most important and turbulent phase of
human growth and development. Considered the most formative years, the
age from 10 to 19 years needs not only special care but monitoring to
ensure healthy balanced adults. Most troublesome adults start as troubled
adolescents. This is the age of most dramatic change in humans not only
physically but also emotionally, mentally and hormonally. Growing from a child
to an adult brings with it a fair share of problems. Much research has been
done and continues to be done to help battle problems of this age.
(a) What changes does adolescence bring with it?
(b) What are the common challenges faced by adolescents today?
(c) What solution ought to be offered to ease transition from adolescence to
early adulthood?
Q.33 Performance enhancement is currently a very important aspect of modern
sports Training, discipline and regular practice all improve performance but
with the urge to attain excellence fast, a few people resort to aid of chemicals
that decrease fatigue or enhance performance. Fair play in sports demands
that competitors do not resort to any artificial means or aid but sometimes the
pressure of getting a result from a sportsperson or his family and peers leads
to indulging in what are unfair means. Use of performance-enhancing drugs as
well as many biochemical techniques pose challenge to the concept of fair
play in sports. Doping, which is use of substances or techniques to improve
athletic performance, is banned but is nevertheless a reality. In the long term,
doping harms but the urge to produce immediate results causes some
sportspersons to give it a try. While worldwide sports authorities have lots of
measures to prevent doping, it is still a reality of modern sport and indeed
modern life. While continuous testing for doping is done on most competitive
sportspersons, there is also a specific list of banned substances that are
available for all to see and avoid.
(a) What is the concept of doping with special reference to sports?
(b) What are the different types of doping resorted to by sportspersons?
(c) What broad groups of substances are prohibited for sportspersons?

175 XI – Physical Education

Q.34 What do you mean by respiration? Make a suitable diagram of respiratory
system. Write the function and structure of respiratory system?
Q.35 Describe various adolescence problems? How can they manage?
Q.36 Explain the types of doping in detail.
Q.37 Explain all constituents of ashtanga yoga in detail.


1. (b) Shat karmas

2. (d) Abdominal organs
3. (b) Measurement
4. (c) Anthropometric test
5. (b) Measurement
6. (c) Fibrous joints
7. (b) Anatomy
8. (a) Arteries
9. (d) Abduction
10. (c) Physics of sports
11. (a) Early 1970s
12. (a) Flexion
13. (a) Pillsbury
14. (c) Mind
15. (d) Lack of language development
16. (d) Set individual Identity
17. (b) Popularity
18. (c) Narcotics
19. Dugdhaneti is a yogic cleansing practice used to clear the nasal passageways.
It is recommended in the “Hatha Yoga Pradipika” as well as other sacred
yogic tests. It is considered important because nasal cleansing allows for

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easier breathing, which helps with pranayama and steady breathing during
asana practice.
20. Neti. This is nasal passage cleansing using neti pot with salt lukewarm water.
Dhauti. This is cleansing of the digestive tract.
Basti. This is colon cleansing.
Trataka. This is gazing practice.
Nauli. This is self-administered abdominal massage
21. Anthropometry involves the systematic measurement of the physical properties
of the human body, primarily dimensional descriptors of body size and shape.
22. 1. To get knowledge about the progress
2. For effective planning
3. For knowing the achievements in future
4. To discover the needs of participant
5. For motivation
6. For classification of player
7. for research and experimentation
8. For selection of a sportsperson
23. Physical fitness is considered as a measure of the body’s ability to function
efficiently and effectively during work and leisure activities. In order to remain
physically fit and healthy, we need to engage ourselves in physical activities
and take measures for physically fit.
24. 1. Provides support
2. Help in movement
3. Help in blood cell production
4. Acts as storage
5. Help in endocrine regulation
6. Provides protection
25. Trial run-through including how to exit during a test-Assessing students
with Exact is straightforward but before any student takes the test, the administrator

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should familiarize themselves with the tests. Ideally, this should be done under
test conditions. To do this, the administrator should register as a student
Testing environment and equipment- The ideal testing environment is one
that is reasonably quiet, with minimal distractions Ideally, this should be a
separate room. but Exact has been designed to be robust for use in the
ordinary classroom, provided visual and auditory distractions (both to the
student being tested and to other students in the class) have been minimized.
Student preparation - Before testing, each student must be registered on
Test wise. The tests can be done in any order but it is usually best to start
with word recognition which students generally find quick and easy. Instructions
are spoken by the computer, and each test commences with a practice or
demonstration of the task. When the student has completed the practice
items, the test phase begins.
Supervision -It is not usually necessary for students to be closely supervised
while attempting the tests, unless the teacher or administrator has a particular
reason to do so.
26. 1. Principle of Angular motion
2. Principle of angular momentum
3. Principle of counter action
4. Principle of linear motion
5. Principle of maximum velocity
6. Principle of maximum effort
7. Principle of stability 8. Principle of spin
27. Flexion and Extension-In the sagittal plane, flexion and extension are movements.
They refer to the angle between two body components being increased or
Abduction & Adduction-Abduction, like abducting someone, is a movement
away from the midline. Abduction of the shoulder, for example, raises the
arms out to the sides of the body. Adduction is a movement in the direction
of the midline. The legs are squeezed together when the hip is abducted.
Circumduction-Circumduction is a unique movement that is a mixture of
several others. Flexion is the first motion, followed by abduction, extension,
and ultimately adduction. However, the sequence must be followed. It can
begin with either flexion or adduction.

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Rotation- Rotation is when the limb rotates around its long axis, similar to
how a screwdriver works. Like hitting a driving shot in golf, the same occurs
in the hip joint, and when playing a topspin forehand in tennis, the same
happens in the shoulder joint.
28. The main difference between abduction and adduction is the direction of the
movement of the body with respect to the midline. That is abduction is the
motion of an anatomical structure away from the midline. In contrast, adduction
is the motion of an anatomical structure towards the midline. For example, the
abduction of the shoulder raises the arms out to the sides of the body. On the
other hand, the abduction of the hip squeezes the legs together.
29. 1. Team cohesiveness. is a degree to which group members are attracted
or motivated by each other. Basically, group cohesiveness is the closeness
amongst the group.
2. Task Cohesion. The degree to which members of a team work together
to achieve a specific and identifiable goal.
30. Load that is safely managed may result in improved athletic capacity and
performance, and injury and illness risk reduction. Overload, as defined in this
document, is load that is excessive or not well managed.
31. (a) There are three distinct steps in performing Pranayama. These are
Inhalation called puraka, Exhalation called rechaka and Retention. known
as kumbhaka. Retention or kumbhaka further has two types called
antarakumbhaka, which is retention between inhalation and. exhalation,
and bhayakumbhaka, which is retention between exhalation and inhalation.
(b) Yoga describes fourteen distinct types of pranayam. These range
from the very basic natural breathing to abdominal or thoracic breathing,
but the common types practiced are vilom, anulomvilom. and fast breathing.
While vilom is the practice of interrupted breathing anulomvilom involves
alternate nostril breathing. One can also use only the right nostril called
suryabhedan while the cooling breath is called sheetali, sitkari and kaki
(c) Regular practice of correctly done Pranayama is one of the best ways for
the body to recover, repair and function better. Improved concentration is
a direct result. The calming of mind also occurs. Pranayama also helps in
preventing stress-related and psychosomatic disorders such as high blood
pressure, asthma, diabetes and sleeplessness.

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(b) Sports psychology is defined as the study of psychology as it influences
sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activity. Optimum
performance from an athlete is based on understanding their psychology
and using this knowledge not only to train them but also to help set goals
and offer encouragement. The principal area of focus is cognitive and
behavioral skill training. Improving concentration. setting goals and resetting
them as they are achieved as well as emotional stability-all arise from this.
Counselling and clinical intervention is required to increase motivation,
manage weight, avoid substance abuse as well as accept recognition and
adulation from fans. Team building and developing leadership skills and
interpersonal skills are other positives of sports psychology.
(b) Having exposure to a sport psychologist is a great career boosting idea for
most competitive sportspersons. Understanding the potential of a sportsperson
and getting support from their family and friends is a direct consequence
of a balanced psyche. Acceptance of coaching with appropriate mental
preparation is performance boosting. Better concentration and motivation
follows and setback and success are taken in one's stride. Controlling
emotions, learning motor skills and preparing for competition is also made
(c) Most athletes need continuous support, especially from persons they trust
and respect, and personal sports psychology trainers offer this. Trainers
help cope with performance fears and their inputs, both mental and during
training help boost performance. Everyone needs some mental preparation
for any competition and if one has access to a personal psychology coach,
mutual understanding is easy and performance enhancing.
(a) Adolescence is the age of big and dramatic change. These changes are not
only physical but emotional and mental as well. Adjusting to going from a
child to a young adult makes the transition a time of stress and confusion
in the young mind. Physical changes start with sudden increase in height
and weight. Facial appearance changes as does voice tonality. While males
develop facial hair and deep voices as a sign of adolescence, changes in
females are even more with development of secondary sex characteristics
as breasts and menarche.
(b) Adolescence brings with it emotional changes and makes them irritable,
argumentative and prone to mood swings. Teenage behavior sets in such

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as listening to loud music, altered hairstyle and clothes. Substance abuse
is possible at this stage. Health problems start with lack of attention to
proper sleep, food and exercise. Current challenges include addiction to
social media and aggressive behavior which makes them prone to injuries.
Peer reassure makes adolescents prone to reckless behavior such as driving
vehicles fast and often without license, partying all night and neglecting
studies and personal hygiene. Food takes a back seat and focus shifts to
eating out at irregular times and a lot of unhealthy food choices because
of group behavior. Body image is also an important consideration at this
(c) To ease transition during adolescence, a lot of support is required. This
comes from family and friends as well as schoolmates and teachers.
Understanding rather than rigid discipline is warranted. Gentle explanations
yield better results than dictating. Understanding on the part of, especially,
parents goes a long way. Paying attention to healthy diet and adequate rest
and sleep also helps Being judgmental is not a good idea Rather, an
understanding and supportive environment helps.
(a) Doping in sports is a sad reality. Doping is defined as use of substances
or techniques to illegally improve sporting performance. Doping is universally
banned worldwide. Doping may cause a temporary boost in performance
but has long-term bad effects on health. First reported in 1904, doping has
since been regulated by WADA-the world anti-doping agency. Dope testing
is done both by blood as well as urine samples. Athletes are randomly
tested and in most events, medal-winners have to undergo compulsory
testing Even off-competition random tests are done to check for doping
Nothing that can interfere to artificially enhance performance is allowed
and use of any banned substance is known as doping.
(b) Doping methods include use of performance-enhancing substances as well
as physical methods of doing it. Performance- enhancing substances are
either taken orally or are injected. The most common of these are stimulants
such as amphetamines, ephedrine and cocaine. Anabolic steroids have
long been the favorite enhancers to build up muscle mass. Human growth
hormone used to increase hemoglobin and red blood cell production is
also widely used: Steroids are used to build up muscle and decrease
response to fatigue. On the other hand, we also have physical methods
such as blood doping where extra blood is injected into the athlete to

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increase endurance. These can be blood transfusions or injections of
erythropoietin. With the advent of science, gene doping is used to modify
a person's genetic structure to improve sports performance.
(c) WADA, the world anti-doping agency has classified many groups of substances
with the aim to inform athletes as to what they are not to use. These are
classified as per their mechanism of action as well as aim of use. Anabolic
steroids, derived from the male hormone testosterone, are banned as they
are used to increase muscle mass and strength. While they boost performance,
they also have side-effects like liver abnormalities, increased changes of
muscle rupture, heart and blood problems. depression and altered growth
in adolescents. A second group of banned drugs are adrenal derivatives
called androstenedione. These cause skin problems, enlargement of breast
and in males decreased sperm production, etc. A third group of banned
substances are the human growth hormones. Also known as somatotropin,
this increases muscle mass but leads to side-effects such as joint pains,
vision problems, high blood pressure and diabetes.
34. RESPIRATION: Respiration is a physical process by which living organism
take in oxygen from the surrounding and give out carbon dioxide. FUNCTIONS
OF RESPIRATORY SYSTEM. To exchange oxygen and carbon dioxide
between the air and blood.
Diagram of Respiratory System

The Respiratory System

Function of respiratory system
The lungs and respiratory system allow us to breathe. They bring oxygen into
our bodies (called inspiration, or inhalation) and send carbon dioxide out

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(called expiration, or exhalation). This exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide
is called respiration.
It consists of nostrils, nasal cavities, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and
bronchioles inside the lungs. Lungs- Lungs occur in the thoracic cavity in
pairs. It is a pink to greyish air sac that functions as a respiratory organ.
35. 1. Physical changes
Physical changes happen due to changes in the teenager’s hormone levels.
• Development of full breasts in girls can be awkward in the beginning. Girls
may start to feel conscious about their figure.
• Change of voice and appearance of facial hair in boys is perhaps the most
prominent change that takes place during adolescence
2. Emotional changes and problems.
• Hormones affect your teenager not only physically but also emotionally.
• Adolescent girls are vulnerable to crying
• Mood swings are common among teenage boys and girls. Bodily changes
result in self-consciousness.
• Children who hit puberty early may even feel weird.
• Feelings of inferiority or superiority may arise at this time.
• Adolescence is the age when sexual feelings arise in youngsters. Feelings
and thoughts about sex can trigger a sense of guilt.
3. Behavioural changes
Overwhelming emotions can lead to impulsive behaviour, which can be
harmful to your child as well as others. Mostly, it is just teen behaviour that
will last as long as their adolescence.
4. Substance Use and Abuse
Teenagers are vulnerable and can be easily swayed to the wrong side.
Substance abuse is one of the biggest problems that parents of adolescents
around the world have to deal with.
5. Health problems
Adolescents are vulnerable emotionally and physically. Without proper
nutrition and healthcare, they are susceptible to illnesses. According to a
2015 WHO report, 1.3 million adolescents died in 2015, a majority of

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them had preventable diseases.
6. Psychological problems
Research has revealed that around 50% of mental health disorders that
adults have. begin at the age of 14. In fact, one-third of adolescent deaths
are suicides triggered by depression.
7. Social problems-dating and relationships
Attraction to the opposite sex begins during puberty. Adolescence is the
time when their sexual or reproductive organs start developing. At such a
vulnerable time, it is but natural for teens to feel awkward in social situations.
8. Sexual health-The development of secondary sexual characteristics during
adolescence gives rise to new feelings in teenagers and pushes them to
experiment with their bodies.
36. Types of Doping (Classification)
(i) Performance enhancing substance:
• Stimulants
• Anabolic Steroids
• Peptide hormones
• Beta-2 Agonist Narcotics
• Diuretics
• Cannabinoids.
(ii) Physical methods.
• Blood doping and Gene doping comes under physical method.
Blood doping: It is the process of increasing the Red blood cells by blood
Blood doping increases haemoglobin allows higher amount of to fuel an athlete’s
muscles. This can improve stamina and performance, particularly in long distance
Gene doping: It is the non-therapeutic use of cells, genes, genetic elements
or of the modulation of gene expression, having the capacity to improve
athletic performance.
37. Ashtanga means with eight limbs, and refers to yama, niyama, pranayama,
asana, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana,and samadhi aspect s of this tradition.

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Yama — social ethics. The five yamas are: ahimsa (non-violence, meaning no
- negative thoughts, words or actions towards yourself or others), satya (honesty,
with yourself and others), asteya (no stealing-of possessions or time),
brahmacharya (wise use of sexual energy), and aparigraha (non-possessiveness).
Niyama — personal ethics. The five niyamas are: saucha (cleanliness of
mind. body santosha (contentment), tapas (discipline), svadhyaya (self-study,
reflection. looking within), and isvarapranidhana (surrendering to a higher
power, keeping God in our hearts.)
Pranayama — breathing exercise for expansion of vital energy (prana).
Asana — physical exercise for stability of body. This is the one most people
associate with yoga, though it is only one part of eight.
Pratyahara — withdrawal of senses (so you can look within and listen to
your heart).
Dharana — single-pointed focus, concentration on a single point. Dhyana
meditation for stability of mind. This is perhaps the most important part of
yoga. Meditating on emptiness, releasing ego, witnessing thoughts but not
getting caught up in them.
Samadhi — a state of bliss.To achieve a state of bliss, we must practice all
eight limbs. Once you perform the ritual of the primary series a few times, it
is not hard to love this tradition of yoga, because the benefits are instantaneous.
You feel stronger, calmer and more capable of surfing the turbulence of life.zs

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