individual counselling
individual counselling
individual counselling
The term “counselling” is an American origin and was first used by Carl Rogers. Counselling
is derived from the word “counsel “that literally means “to give advice”. Dictionary meaning
of this word is that it is a kind of help with personal or psychological matters that is usually
given by the professional.
Counsellor is someone who gives counselling whereas a counselee is the person receiving
Counselling is a process in which the individual, family, couple meet with a trained
professional counsellor to talk about issues and problems they are facing in their lives.
Counselling can help people to gain clarity surrounding issues. It can also provide people with
new opportunity to share their views, to be heard and gain new perspectives on their situation
and experiences. Together with the counsellor people identify and work towards achieving
their desired outcomes and goals for counselling.
Group counselling is a form of therapy which posits and people benefits from shared
experiences. It usually focused on a particular issue. Example anger management while a
therapist usually manages group counselling, contributions from other members in the group
are considered valuable since all in the group share similar issues. One of the main principals
behind group counselling is to attempts to counteract the isolation by assembling people with
similar issues to enforce that difficulties are not singular to one person.
Individual counselling is a method of bringing about change in a person by exploring his or her
feelings, attitude, thinking and behaviour. It is a process of meeting with therapist to assist a
person in dealing with symptoms or problems a person is having.
1. Abreaction therapy
2. Reality therapy
3. Hypnosis
4. Supportive Psychotherapy
5. Psychoanalysis
In this therapy a patient is put into an altered state of consciousness by giving them repetive
monotonous auditory stimuli to crteate a state of focussed attention and increased
suggestibility. This therapy it involves following three factors:
• Absorption
• Dissociation
• Suggestibility
In this therapy patient with chronic disabling psychiatric conditions for whom basic change is
not seen as a realistic goal.
This therapy focuses primarily on the influence of unconscious forces such as repressed
impulses and memories, internal conflicts and childhood traumas on the mental life. The
therapist helps the clients to identify unresolved conflicts and traumas from early childhood.
• Chances of getting too personal and emotionally attached to the counsellor are high
• The outcomes will be from one person only that is the counsellor.
• Sometimes counsellor have limited knowledge to tackle the situation
• It is expensive just for one session of counselling.
• Clients may talk but not make any changes.
• Some clients don’t have interest in talking about their problems.
Individual counselling is indeed a very effective way to solve one’s problem. It is a process
through which severe problems can be tackled properly. In order to carry out effective
counselling one should keep individual respect and dignity in mind.