Principles 5
2 Strategy O utcom es 6
^ Background 7
Technology Overview 7
Industrial Applications and Advantages of AM Technologies 9
Additive Manufacturing Process 10
4 International Scenario
Key International Developments
Global leaders in AM sector 20
5 National Scenario
National Developments
Potential Im pact of Additive Manufacturing 24
Focus Sectors 25
Challenges to Adoption 32
^ Recom m endations 35
National Additive Manufacturing Centre 35
Strengthening Technology Leadership 31
Conclusions 43
A n n e x u re - 1 45
A n n e x u re - II 46
G lossary 4S
Emerging technologies, such as Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence
etc., have already transformed major segments of the economy. Rapid
transformation has also been witnessed in next generation manufacturing.
Improvements in productivity, automation have already been achieved using
digital technologies in conventional manufacturing. The rapid transformation is
now being noticed in manufacturing process. Next generation manufacturing has
shifted the priorities to sustainability, speed-to-market, agility for mass products
and supply chain resiliency.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) (or 3D printing), produces objects layer by layer and
has the potential to transform next generation manufacturing through expanding
design freedom, reducing tim e to market, bringing production closer to demand
and improving industrial sustainability.
1Robert Bogue, ‘3D Printing: The Dawn of a New Era in Manufacturing’, available a t : www.researchgate.net
2TJ McCue, ‘Wohler's Report 2018:3D Printer Industry Tops $7 Billion’, available a t : www.forbes.com
To keep pace with rapid global manufacturing prowess, India needs to adopt an
integrated approach to additive manufacturing in all segments including defence
and public sectors, especially within the nation’s small, medium and large-scale
industries. The National Strategy on Additive manufacturing (AM) will aim to create
a conducive ecosystem for design, development and deployment, and to overcome
technical and economic barriers for Global AM leaders to set up their operations
with supporting ancillaries in India, facilitating development of the domestic market
and enhancement of global market share.
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), being a nodal agency for
Digital Technology, has evolved a strategy to promote all the verticals of the AM
sector, including machines, materials, software and designs to leverage the
untapped business opportunities in this emerging technology that will unfold in the
near future.
The National Strategy for Additive Manufacturing aspires to postulate the tenets of
‘Make in India’ and ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ that advocate self-reliance
through technological transformation of the production paradigm.
• C reate a n d p ro te c t th e in te g rity o f In d ia ’s AM
in te lle c tu a l p ro p e rtie s
• P o s itio n In d ia as a g lo b a l In n o v a tio n a n d
R esearch h u b fo r A d d itiv e M a n u fa c tu rin g
• E nsure AM m a n u fa c tu re d e n d -u s e r
fu n c tio n a l c o m p o n e n ts fo r d o m e s tic a n d
e x p o rt m a rk e ts
• P ro m o te c re a tio n o f In d ia n I PR
• E n sure a d e q u a te m e a s u re s fo r
th e p ro te c tio n o f AM te c h n o lo g y
Objective J
• C reate a n d u p d a te in n o v a tio n ro a d m a p fo r A M te c h n o lo g ie s .
• enhancing manufacturing capabilities and encouraging manufacturing with foreign technology in India.
• encouraging and further incentivizing manufactures with indigenous technology that promote
a sustainable AM eco-system, both nationally and globally.
. encouraging export and re-export of machines, materials, AM produced goods and services
• L o n g -te rm te c h n o lo g ic a l • le a d e rs h ip
th r o u g h p re v e n tio n o f th re a ts in
d is ru p tiv e A M te c h n o lo g ie s .
O © ©
50 India spe cific
for m aterial, machine,
100 new
Start-ups O
10 existing
1 Lakh
new skilled
The strategy would address key sector specific technical challenges for making
3D printing economically viable for MSMEs, which include:
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is defined as the technology th a t constructs a three-dim ensional object
fro m a digital 3D m odel or a CAD model by adding material layer by layer. The addition of m aterial can
happen in m ultiple ways, nam ely power deposition, resin curing and fila m e n t fusing. The deposition
and solidification are controlled by com puter to create a three-dim ensional object.
* Fused deposition modelling (FDM) * Implementation of multi-arm bio printer to integrate tissue fabrication with
printed vasculature
•First SLA machine was produced using . F jf S | 3 D p r in t e d pjjj approved by US FDA. Organovo announced the
3D system release of data on the first fully bio printed kidney
• Dr. Hideo Kodama filed first patent for * MCP technologies introduced SLM technology • 3D printers essential in Covid 19
RP technology response to build ventilator parts,
• The term ‘Organ Printing’ coined testing equipment, Personal
• Stereo lithography apparatus (SLA) Protective Equipment and other
was invented by Charles Hull • Dr. Bowyer conceived the RepRap concept of medical supplies
an open-source, self-replicating 3D printer
• Carl Deckard invented production of
parts by selective sintering * First colour 3D printer was introduced by Z
• Patent was granted to Carl Deckard
for SLA • Selective layer customization &on-demand
manufacturing of industrial parts.
53D printing trends 2020 Industry highlights and market trends : downloads.3dhubs.com
Aerospace & Defence Landing gears, Thrust reverser Low volum e production of high
doors, Small surveillance drones, value products w ith com plex
Gim bal eye, Grenade Launchers, geometries.
Complex Brackets, and Jet
Engine com ponents. Fuel efficiency thro ugh w e ig h t
Repair o f turb ine blades and reduction o f parts,
high-value com ponents.
Improved product utility
th ro u g h on-dem and production
of replacem ent parts.
A u to m o tive Engine bay parts, intake valves, Cost effective solution for
engine com ponents, gear Customization of luxury vehicles
boxes, air inlet, engine control
unit, and lower fairing baffle. Obsolescence M anagem ent
for defective parts
• • Testing &Production of
lightw eight, high strength parts
7 https://aim.gov.in/pdf/3D_Printing-Guidelines_and_Unks.pdf
3.3.1 Design
The Additive M anufacturing process begins
w ith a software program m e used to design a
digital m odel for prototyping a physical object, a
process referred to as Com puter Aided Design. A
digital model m ay also be created through
reverse engineering using a 3D scanner. The
validation of the technical and com m ercial
feasibility of producing com ponents at
pre-production volum es is allowed under AM.
Related sim ulations tools along w ith production
planning are used to capture the shape
distortion in the building o f a com ponent so
geom etric adjustm ents are understood in
advance; to fin d th e m elt pool dynam ic and
residual stress state in the ready com ponent
w hich can be disastrous to its load carrying
capacity; to im prove the building sequence
and/or energy deposition in order to improve
the state o f the com ponent.
Binder Jetting: a process Powder bed and inkjet Polymers, Prototyping and
to selectively deposit head (PBIH), Waxes Tooling
liquid bonding agent to plaster-based 3D
jo in powder materials printing (PP)
Sheet Lamination: a Lam inated object Paper, Metals Large parts and
process to bond sheets of m anufacturing (LOM), Tooling
material to form an object ultrasonic
consolidation (UC)
(i) Thermoplastics
Therm oplastic polymers are the m ost popular types of AM materials. Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC) and polylactic acid (PLA) each offer distinct advantages in
different applications. W ater-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is typically used to create tem porary
support structures, w hich are later dissolved away.
(ii) Metals
Different metals and metal alloys are used in additive m anufacturing, w hich include precious
metals like gold and silver to strategic metals like stainless steel and titaniu m .
i) Ceramics
A variety of ceramics including zirconia, alum ina and tricalcium phosphate are also used in additive
m anufacturing. Also, alternate layers o f powdered glass and adhesive are baked together to
develop entirely new classes of glass products.
3.3.5 Post-Processing
The material needs to be heat treated after AM to g et the desired m icrostructure and mechanical
properties. Further reduction of porosity by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) m ay additionally be required
for some applications. The post-process treatm ents, generally used on conventional produced, are
also applicable to AM produced parts. Post processing has th e follow ing five m ajor stages like stress
relieving, part separation fro m supports, post heat tre a tm e n t (to achieve required m etallurgical
properties), surface roughness im provem ent, and final m achining (to achieve profiles and
geometries). *
4. International Scenario
Recent geopolitical and econom ic instabilities have exposed the jarring fault lines in global supply
chains. Governments across the world are leading efforts to identify systemic vulnerabilities, de-risk,
and restructure existing value chains. Many countries have taken this o p p o rtu n ity to proactively
advocate self-reliance by developing strategies and roadmaps for adopting Advance M anufacturing
technologies such as Additive M anufacturing.
Governments o f China, United States o f Am erica and Russia have bolstered user-confidence in these
technologies thro ugh adoption and developm ent o f applications for their m ilitary forces. For instance,
the Additive M anufacturing unit o f the US Marine Corps Systems Com m and has created the w o rld’s
largest 3D concrete printer capable o f printing a 500-square-foot barracks h ut in 40 hours8.
Extensive investm ents by Governments, Industry, and Academia to advance research and develop
intellectual capital assets have fu rther propelled adoption o f AM technologies. A recent report by the
European Patent Office (EPO)9 noted patent activity increasing by 239%, fro m 1,200 applications filed
in 2014 to m ore than 4,000 applications in 2018. Of the patents registered w ith EPO during 2000-18,
European countries account for 47% (7,863) of the AM inventions, largely attributable to Germany,
w hich generated 19% (3,155) of all patent applications in AM. The Unites States of Am erica followed w ith
34.7% o f the applications filed, and Japan w ith 12%.
AM techniques have also witnessed active industry participation, leading to a substantial grow th in
related research, w ith the num ber of publications exponentially rising to m ore than 4,500 globally, in
8 www.army~technology.com
9 European Patent Office, ‘Patents and Additive Manufacturing- Trends in 3D Printing', available at www.documents.epo.org
The Unites States of Am erica has th e highest AM related publications. G overnm ent initiatives and
program m es have also translated to increased publications for Germany, UK, Italy, and France, w hile
India too has found itself in th e top 10 countries for AM related publications.
No. of Publications
Fig.9Top 20 organizations that work on AM research internationally
It should be noted th a t geographical data can skew conclusions, as com pared w ith data fro m centres
of excellence. For example, as a country Singapore is relatively low on the ranking, but fro m
institutional data, we know th a t Nanyang Technological University is th e highest-ranking university in
term s of num ber of publications.
Association for
Future Additive
United states of Am erica Makes : The flagship institute of AM, National Network for
America M anufacturing Innovation supports com m ercialization of AM
technologies thro ugh ease o f access to inform ation resources, IP and
research, training of workforce, and developm ent and deploym ent of
AM technologies.
South Korea Roadmap for 3D Printing Strategic Technology, 207410: The 10-year
roadm ap identified 15 m ajor strategic technologies in th e areas of
equipm ent, material and software for 3D printing in 8 product
categories including medicine, defence and electronics.
4.7.2 Talent
Government led initiatives are focusing on upskilling th e workforce by developing curriculum
specifically for AM in consultation w ith industry and academia.
South Korea In 2018, the National Certification test for 3D printin g was introduced to
provide certifications in 3D printer developm ent and operation17.
China The current patent laws in China recognise m ost 3D printed designs as
IP and extend protection of 15 years fro m the date of application20.
4.7.4 Funding
Countries w ith leadership in AM have ramped up public funding.
South Korea In 2014, the South Korean Government invested $2.3 m illion in 3D
p rin tin g 23 equ ip m e n t and facilities for supporting small and m edium
sized companies. In 2016, the governm ent funded a $20 Mn five-year
research project in Ulsan24 for th e developm ent o f actual 3D printed
ships and offshore equipm ent. Furthermore, in 2017, the governm ent
invested $37 m illion23 into the developm ent and expansion of 3D
printing technology. This was increased to $52.7 m illion in 201925.
20 www.iptechblog.com
22 www.3ders.org
24 www.3ders.org
United Kingdom The Government has invested £60 m illion27 to establish an ‘A erospace
Research Centre' and ‘National Centre for Net Shape and Additive
M anufacturing’ w ith the em erging 3D printing technology to design
and develop products for aircraft landing gear and aeroengines.
United States Am erica Makes’ awarded GE Global $2.6 m illion to develop an open
of America source, m u lti laser m anufacturing machine, and AM platform to
address the challenges faced in Single Laser m elting (SLM). This project
was planned in partnership w ith Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at
Penn State and GE Additive31.
28 Wohler’s report 2018: 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing state of the industry
29www.3d printingindustry.com
30www.3dprintingmedia. network
31w w w3dprintingm edia. network
• Atal Innovation Mission: Under the aegis of Atal Innovation Mission, Atal Tinkering Labs, 1200-1500
square feet dedicated innovation workspaces have been set up, where do-it-yourself (DIY) kits on
latest technologies like 3D Printers, Robotics, Internet o f Things (IOT), M iniaturized electronics are
installed th ro u g h governm ent financial support of Rs 20 Lakhs so th a t students fro m Grade VI to
Grade XII can tinker w ith these technologies and learn to create innovative solutions. As part of the
program me, some initiatives such as 3D design challenges were also launched.
• The Gujarat governm ent has signed an MoU w ith the US Institute o f 3D Technology (USI3DT) in
California, and OEM 3D systems (a leading global 3D printing companies) for establishing seven 3D
printing Centres of Excellence across seven engineering colleges and technical institutes in the
• W ipro has launched A ddw ize’ - An additive technology Adoption & Acceleration program m e w ith
an aim to enable organizations and institutions to systematically adopt and scale the usage of
metal Additive M anufacturing for tangible business benefits.
• Bengaluru based start-up, Accreate Additive Labs Private Limited, announced th a t it will produce
user interface panels for ISRO operated CSLV.
The research being carried o ut in these institutions is at a nascent stage and has not yet evolved for
strategic industrial integration in sectors like aerospace. Private industries too are exploring plastic and
metal AM technologies such as laser w ire deposition, TIG, LENS and direct m etal deposition, along
w ith laser powder bed m ethods such as laser sintering, laser m elting and electron beam m elting. The
production o f com ponents thro ugh AM by these com panies is based on technical parameters given
by the suppliers.
5.2 Potential Im pact o f A d ditive M anufacturing:
Evidently, Additive M anufacturing is expected to im pact the m anufacturing ecosystem significantly.
The technology is likely to have a relatively different im pact across different sectors.
Production AM technologies w ill enable fast and cost-effective m anufacturing of sm aller batches, and
greater product custom isation thereby elim inating the need for tooling and moulds. Traditional
m anufacturing processes may be reduced to a single step process.
Downstream Supply Chains w ill also consolidate as warehousing and distribution channels rationalize
due to on-dem and m anufacturing of m ultifunctional products and spare parts, thus reducing
physical inventory and associated costs Direct custom er delivery w ill also become feasible for
Increased productivity is a contributor to the reduction of em ploym ent in m anufacturing. Even if, AM
results in a significant increase in productivity th a t attracts other jobs, it m ay fail to net increase
em ploym ent in m anufacturing. AM may, however, facilitate a net increase in em ploym ent thro ugh
new products and other means. Effective measures m ust be adopted to proactively provide skilling
and upskilling program m es on AM to ensure a technically com petent, readily available workforce.
5.2.4 H ealthcare
Additive m anufacturing has the potential to fabricate biomedical implants, prosthetics, skin and
tissues and intricate organs. Specialised surgical instrum ents and medicals devices can be
m anufactured quickly and cost effectively. In this way AM technology is going to create the patient
specific medical care in the future.
5.3.7 Electronics
Electronics sector suffers a disability ranging between 8.5-11%K on account o f inadequate
infrastructure, high cost of finance; dom estic supply chain and logistics; unavailability o f quality power;
lim ited design capabilities and focus on R&D by the industry; and inadequacies in skill developm ent.
The im p o rt dependency on electronic com ponents has a significant im pact on cost o f production o f
allied industries like Autom otive, Defence and Aerospace, Medical Devices etc., thereby hindering
India’s capabilities to develop a self-reliant m anufacturing ecosystem.
The recent developm ent o f low viscosity techniques such as aerosol printing has been able to
dem onstrate a faster process and could be suitable for com m ercial products such as m obile antenna.
Since m ost o f the electronic com ponents are nanometre-sized, there is a need to develop nanoscale
materials for additive m anufacturing.
Additive M anufacturing is generally used for prototyping applications in the electronic industry.
However, th e layer-based process provides potential applications in real-tim e health care and
autom otive industry too, as it provides access to individual layers during fabrication, also supports a
unique architecture for a single object w ith m ultiple materials and em bedded com ponents.
Apart fro m applications, advancem ents in design software is im perative as it describes the
arrangem ent o f electronic com ponents th a t can be printed inside the com ponent itself. A lth ough it is
at a nascent stage of developm ent, it shows potential for industrial use cases.
The M inistry o f Electronics and Inform ation Technology has reinforced its co m m itm e n t to develop the
dom estic electronics ecosystem by introducing schemes such as the Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
for m obile handset manufacturers, Scheme for Prom otion o f M anufacturing of Electronic Com ponents
and Semiconductors (SPECS), and Electronic M anufacturing Clusters (2.0).These schemes aim to
anchor part o f th e production base o f global electronics m anufacturers and th e ir downstream
suppliers to India and help India integrate into global supply chains. This provides an opp ortun ity for
Indian electronics com ponent m anufactures to adopt advanced technology fro m foreign OEMs,
actively adapt to m arket dem ands and strengthen th e national m anufacturing base of electronic
circuits, antennas, sensors, m oulded interconnected devices, resistors, conductors and sem iconductors
for product developm ent and advancem ent of functional applications o f AM machines.
The aerospace sector is dependent on materials such as special alloys o f steel, alum inium , tita n iu m etc
and composites for production. Currently, about 70% o f these raw materials® required are im ported,
largely due to lack o f in-house R&D and a strong vendor base. Im po rt dependency o f electronics
com ponents also is an im p e d im e n t to scale dom estic production of products like satellites. In fact, over
50% of the electronic com ponents used in a large satellite, and 10% used in a rocket are im ported3 36.
The airline industry was one o f the earliest advocates o f AM and is also responsible for its advancem ent
in both end-use parts m anufacturing and prototyping. The evolution o f m aterial engineering
capabilities of these technologies provides a prom ising o p p o rtu n ity for dom estic m anufacturers to
adopt AM methods, using custom alloys and high-end therm oplastics to develop lig h tw e ig h t vital
com ponents for aircrafts and spaceships thereby reducing im p o rt dependency on raw materials. Rapid
on-dem and production o f aircraft parts fu rth e r saves space, tim e, and money, supporting dom estic
m anufacturers to capture a larger share o f th e value chain.
India is expected to purchase approxim ately 750s7 aircraft and helicopters in th e Defence sector.
Moreover, th e total defence MRO m arket segm ent in India is projected to reach approxim ately $25
billion by 202537. Reverse engineering capabilities o f AM technologies are well suited to help capitalize
on this o pp ortun ity by aiding repair and obsolescence m anagem ent o f aircraft com ponents.
5.3.3 Defence
India is currently the second largest im porter of defence equipm ent. Im ports by Ordnance Factory
Boards and Defence Public Sector Undertakings are estim ated to be INR 20,000 crore annually38.
Digitization o f defence forces is im perative to build required infrastructure to protect th e sovereignty of
India against cyber warfare, biowarfare and strategic warfare.
35CII, India asan Aerospace H ub-O pportunities, Challenges and th e Way Forward, Available a t www.cdtioficial.es
“ t.ly/fMXu
The Medical Devices segm ent is expected to grow at a CAGR o f 16%, and w ill becom e a $25-30 billion
industry by 2025444 , significantly higher than the global in dustty grow th in term s o f cost. It is estim ated
th a t the share of m edical devices, along w ith diagnostic services, constitutes 20- 25% o f all healthcare
costs44. It also contributes to about 30-40%44 to costs o f establishing a tertiary care hospital. This sector
can gain fro m lower production costs thro ugh adoption o f AM, as it enables shorter supply chains due
to lack o f tooling, reduced inventory, supplier consolidation and lesser wastage. This in tu rn may
translate to lower healthcare costs, m aking such services cheaper and m ore accessible.
As per NSO46, the percentage o f people in India w ith disability was 2.2% -23% in rural and 20% in urban
areas. Moreover, India is witnessing a rise in road accidents w ith 4,67,04446 road accidents reported in
2018. However, currently, a prosthetic leg fro m a private centre in India costs between INR 8 lakh to over
IN R 10 lakh47.
AM provides custom ization flexibility using cross sectional im aging fro m datasets obtained fro m
CT/MRI scans to build a 3D anatom ical m odel w ith geom etric com plexities specific to the patient.
Customized, high-tech and m ulti-functional 3D printed prosthetic lim bs in India are less than half th e
cost of the ones im ported, w hich are upwards o f INR 15 lakh48, w ith som e starting as low as INR
40,00049. G overnm ent Centres providing artificial lim bs require upgraded technology to be able to
provide m ore sophisticated products, and effectively utilise th e material engineering benefits o f AM to
provide subsidised prosthetics.
44Deloitte, Medical Devices Making in India - A Leap for Indian Healthcare, 2016, available at: www2.deloitte.com
5.3.7Consum er Goods
The consum er goods sector is extrem ely price sensitive and is highly dependent on im ports to m eet
the grow ing dom estic dem and. Products in this sector include furniture, office accessories, toys,
figurines, art, jewellery, m useum displays, musical instrum ents, and fashion products am ong other
50www.th eh in d u .com
The consum er goods segm ent is characterized by rapidly changing consum er needs and dem and for
custom er centric products and personalization. The Gems and Jewellery (G&J) sector itself contributes
to 7% of the country's GDP and constitutes 12% of its exports54. AM is well suited to enable reduction in
cost of raw materials for this sector through its layer-based production process w hich may reduce the
requirem ent and wastage of high value materials. Further, AM ’s com patib ility w ith advanced materials
provides alternatives for fabrication o f cheaper, lig h tw e ig h t m ore resistant products. The design
freedom promised by AM allows intricate custom izations to develop bespoke products w ith com plex
geometries through on dem and production thereby satiating th e fast-evolving dem ands of this sector.
5.3.8 C onstruction and A rch ite ctu re
In India as o f March 2020, as m any as 403s5infrastructure projects, each w o rth R sl50 crore55 or more,
have witnessed cost overruns o f over Rs 4.05 lakh crore55. Historically reasons for such delays include
changes in design and specifications, design errors, incom plete design, changes in scope, additional
works, delay in design delivery, w hich translates to delayed construction, excess contractual claims,
disputes at site and poor project m anagem ent.56 Moreover, th e m ajority o f the materials used in
construction sector, especially, those in high-end category falls in th e 28% GST slab and has been a
great im p e d im e n t for all stakeholders.
Additive M anufacturing technologies have been prim arily used in developing housing fabrication,
construction com ponents (cladding and structural panels and columns), bridges and civil
infrastructure, artificial reefs, follies, and sculptures. AM technologies have given a new dim ension to
construction and architecture by m eeting com plex designs o f m odern architecture th ro u g h
com patibility w ith a variety of m aterials AM also offers design flexibilities w hich can be used for
building com plicated geom etries and to optim ize large scale m odel m aking or shadow studies to
reduce m aterial wastage. Geographic Inform ation Systems AM data can also be printed to show actual
city landscapes in India. Innovative technology developed by NT Madras and an Indian startup allows for
concrete to set in 3-5 hours as opposed to th e traditional tim e lin e o f 28-30 days taken for curing.
Therefore, AM is a prom ising technology for reducing tim e and costs o f construction.
“ t.ly/ICyE
56Factors influencing cost over-run in Indian construction projects,2017,A.Cindrela Devi and KAnanthanarayanan, accessed
at https://www.matec-conferences.org
In addition to these legal issues, Additive M anufacturing raises some critical ethical concerns, especially
around bio printing. Even w ith th e current level o f m a tu rity in th e technology, it is possible to p rin t
organs w hich are more advanced than regular hum an organs. This in m any ways is akin to issues raised
against gene-editing and presents its own challenges. Updating our regulatory architecture to address
these em ergent (legal & ethical) issues can engender a conducive fram ew ork for increased AM
• An Apex Body should be established w ith subject m atter experts/cham pions fro m local & global
Industry or consortium o f com panies w ith capabilities to build products via additive m anufacturing
and end user agencies of AM Technologies, Academia, Research Institutions, and Governm ent
Ministries & Departm ents. The initiatives could be undertaken in consultation w ith all m embers.
• International Collaboration may be undertaken w ith sim ilar apex national bodies of other countries
to fast-track the establishm ent o f th e proposed NAMC.
» The current ecosystem for m anufacturing o f AM m achines in India, th e existing disabilities and
im p o rt dependency across th e supply chain w ould be identified to develop a strategy to
indigenize m anufacturing. Accordingly, developm ent o f a Phased M anufacturing Program m e
for AM m achines w ould be explored.
» Through consultations w ith State governm ents and Industry, regional sector specific industrial
clusters w ith potential to integrate AM technologies and localize supply chains be identified. A
long-term strategy should be developed for building on supply chain strengths for AM
technologies to be adopted in Indian AM m anufacturing eco-systems and for addressing
deficiencies to m eet global standards th ro u g h clearly defined deliverable, responsibilities and
tim elines. The strategy should be published as techno-com m ercial roadm ap o f im plem entation
for the National Additive M anufacturing Centre.
» Short and long term strategy for MSME developm ent may be draw n w ith clear deliverables in
term s of access to market, access to technology, access to skill.
» A skill gap study be undertaken to track the dem and and supply parity in the workforce
requirem ent for adoption o f AM technologies. New jo b roles be id entified and m apped to th e
National Skills Q uality Framework. The required skills and com petencies for existing and new jo b
roles w ould be created.
• The centre could be m andated for th e developm ent, deploym ent and transfer of AM technologies
by undertaking the follow ing measures to address the key technical challenges corresponding to
the adoption of AM :
» Process : In order to create a niche m arket space in AM sector technological advancem ent in
faster, accurate, high resolution, large fo rm at-b uilt capacity AM machines w ould be needed.
W ider adoption o f AM could be supported th ro u g h the developm ent of process control,
m achine robustness, open platform equipm ent, and new AM process capabilities to enhance
applications o f AM for various sectors.
» Standard : Developm ent of robust qualification and non-destructive testing (NDT) w ould be
im portant to address standardization issues and ensure quality assurance thro ugh in-situ
m onitoring and control methods. It w ould also help to achieve AM process stability, repeatability
and reproducibility, as also, non-destructive post-AM detection and control of defects. The parts
produced th ro u g h AM process are naturally anisotropic. Though, num erous studies are carried
out to exam ine the porosity as a function o f process parameters, however, very few have linked
the results to mechanical properties. It w ill be im p o rta n t to m ap th e porosity to
therm o-m echanical properties (static, and cyclic) and also using the data to identify the right
NDT m ethods as well as to determ ine the probability o f detecting critical defect size. The
standardized protocols for post processes such as hot isostatic pressing, heat tre a tm e n t and
shot peening w ill be required. The Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) m ethods are required to
be ensured for both in-process and post-process applications using various in-situ sensors for
m onitoring. National laboratories on Standards should be engaged to address these issues to
ensure global acceptability o f these standards
» C e rtificatio n : Developm ent o f requisite AM standards and protocols for India thro ugh active
participation in relevant global forum s and extensive public-private consultations w ith
academia, R&D institutions, and industry experts
» M aterials : Focus on developm ent of advanced materials for industrial application in defence,
aerospace, autom otive, biomedical, industrial applications, electronics etc is needed. D efining
standards for m aterial requirem ents and establishing materials qualification and certification,
to be prioritized. Strategic focus needed to ensure developm ent o f - AM m aterial to im prove
com ponent performance, single source o f material, process and functiona lity docum ents, and
for advancem ent in material research.
» Software & Design : Developm ent o f design tools and Design for Additive M anufacturing
(DfAM).The stream ing o f m achine instruction for fabrication thro ugh a reduced cycle tim e and
developm ent of higher functiona lity products needs to be ensured.
» Legal Fram ew ork : S trengthening existing cyber laws is required to effectively ensure risk
m itigatio n and safety o f AM CAD files, software, and hardware, along w ith th e security o f AM
database structures, and tim e ly detection and incidence response for cyber attacks on AM
systems. It is im perative to build capabilities in the private sector to m itigate the risks of IP
in frin g e m e n t in AM technology. India should prioritize th e developm ent o f cyber security tools
for prevention and tim e ly detection and m itigation o f com prom ised data. A proactive approach
towards addressing Liability and Intellectual Property concerns may also be adopted to prevent
the em ergence o f risks rather than regulating th e m once they present themselves.•
• Developm ent o f a strategic AM Technology Advancem ent Plan to chart o ut R&D and IP creation
priorities m ay be undertaken. Existing Governm ent program m es and public funded research
MakerSpaces an d FabLabs
National network o f Industrial MakerSpaces and FabLabs may be
developed thro ugh a Public Private Partnership (PPP) fram ew ork fo r
encouraging co m m u n ity participation to prom ote th e horizontal
exchange o f knowledge.
Technology Centres
At present, 76 courses offered by MSME TCs are National Skill
Q ualification Fram ework (NSQF) com pliant. They may be fu rth e r
leveraged to disseminate AM specific curriculum tailored for the MSME
segment. G overnm ent and industry partnership w ill be essential to
ensure th a t technological infrastructure is m ade available at such
The following broad strategies for R&D in science and technology for AM could be followed:
USA and Europe: Collaboration w ith leading com panies as core strategic
allies on issues of global AM security.
Indian R&D laboratories could be nurtured to provide specific AM grade materials, by prom oting
existing research till com mercialisation. Technology needs to be developed for 3D printer m achine ano
printed product recycling. The strategy w ould provide an ecosystem to em brace the latest
developm ents o f AM technology. The private and public partnership w ould be encouraged to focus on
developing applied design and engineering. *
India isa nascent m arket in the AM technology specially for metal, ceramic, biom edical and electronics.
The m arket m ay still require a decade to m atch the developed economies, A dedicated agency would
be created to spearhead th e National Initiative for positioning India at th e fore front o f developm ent
and adoption of Additive M anufacturing Technologies. The Centre w ould act as an aggregator of
knowledge and resources, and an accelerator for technology adoption and advancement.
The strategy focuses on identifying present challenges and th e ir im m ediate and long term solutions.
To nurture the Indian IP ecosystem in the areas o f material and process technology; software, design
and supply chain developm ent; and upgrading the exiting academic institutions and research
organisations have been recom m ended for requisite awareness, skilled workforce and IP creation. To
cope w ith global com petition, strengthening o f knowledgebase, standard infrastructure, certification,
robust legal fram ew ork, key tax benefits, preferential m arket access, specifically for start-ups/ SMEs,
has been proposed. Besides, providing requisite support to m anufacturers for m itig a tin g issues like
cyber security, export control etc. have also been identified.
Centres for Prom otion o f Additive M anufacturing (CPAMs) for developing sector specific indigenous
AM technology (material, machine, process and application products) w ould be created w ith high
localization o f supply chain thro ugh a PPP m odel w ith State Governments. These centres w ould serve
as com m on facilities and h u b of end to end AM innovation for industries and also cater to the need of
skilled manpower; indigenous technology and localization of supply chain. IPR creation and prom otion
shall be part of the CPAMs wherein incentive per IP may be provided by G overnm ent o f India to
increase rate of IPR creation.
6. ExOne, USA 3D Sand Pri nti ng, 3D Sand USA, Europe, United
. Machine Manufacturer Printing Kingdom, Israel,
Russia, Asia-Pacific
c. Software
d. Services
r ^ r
^ r Consolidated Impact ^
Focus Area Objective Description
L___________ J L___________ J L___________ A
• Streaming process of
• Enable strong and design w ith reduced
Design m ethods and sm art design tools cycle tim e, higher
tools are essential to functionality products
design AM parts like • Enable Design for
conventional m anu Additive Manufacturing • Apply design for additive
facturing m ethods
m anufacturing for
(Cast or machined part)
specific applications
3. AM Additive Manufacturing
k i i l K l It— r n \ r ^
S. No. List of Words Description