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0>Dig ita l India

Power To Empower lO
Amrit (y) a h o ts a v
Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology
Government of India


Contents Introduction 1

Genesis of the National Strategy in India 2

Vision, Mission and Objectives 3

Principles 5

2 Strategy O utcom es 6

^ Background 7
Technology Overview 7
Industrial Applications and Advantages of AM Technologies 9
Additive Manufacturing Process 10

4 International Scenario
Key International Developments
Global leaders in AM sector 20

5 National Scenario
National Developments
Potential Im pact of Additive Manufacturing 24
Focus Sectors 25
Challenges to Adoption 32

^ Recom m endations 35
National Additive Manufacturing Centre 35
Strengthening Technology Leadership 31

Conclusions 43

A n n e x u re - 1 45
A n n e x u re - II 46
G lossary 4S
Emerging technologies, such as Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence
etc., have already transformed major segments of the economy. Rapid
transformation has also been witnessed in next generation manufacturing.
Improvements in productivity, automation have already been achieved using
digital technologies in conventional manufacturing. The rapid transformation is
now being noticed in manufacturing process. Next generation manufacturing has
shifted the priorities to sustainability, speed-to-market, agility for mass products
and supply chain resiliency.

Additive Manufacturing (AM) (or 3D printing), produces objects layer by layer and
has the potential to transform next generation manufacturing through expanding
design freedom, reducing tim e to market, bringing production closer to demand
and improving industrial sustainability.

Additive Manufacturing is ushering the world into an Industrial Revolution 4.0,

offering immense potential that could revolutionize India’s manufacturing and
industrial production landscape through digital processes, communication,
imaging, architecture and engineering that provide digital flexibility and efficiency.
Valued above US$ 7 billion1 in 2017, the industry is growing rapidly, and is expected
to beat USD35.6 billion by20232. ,

As countries and companies choose to

diversify and recalibrate their supply chains,
thus restructuring the global manufacturing
order, India is also facing generational
opportunity to strengthen its value
proposition and realign its global positioning.
A strategic effort is, therefore, required to
develop indigenous technological capabilities,
as also, fully tap and leverage the potential
opportunities of the Fourth Industrial
Revolution. Collective focus on Additive
Manufacturing can immensely augment
India’s efforts to position itself as
Manufacturing Hub of the world. Globally,
Governments are closely evaluating the
impact of AM technologies on their
economies, skills and capability development;
and thus developing their National
Manufacturing Strategies. In this

1Robert Bogue, ‘3D Printing: The Dawn of a New Era in Manufacturing’, available a t : www.researchgate.net
2TJ McCue, ‘Wohler's Report 2018:3D Printer Industry Tops $7 Billion’, available a t : www.forbes.com


backdrop, National Strategy on Additive such as, machines, materials, software
Manufacturing is extremely pertinent to and design within the Additive
aspire for India’s Manufacturing Value Manufacturing. It will further accelerate
Add to l Trillion USD per annum. the adoption of untapped potential
business opportunities, and strengthen
This strategy document has been execution of recommendations laid in
formulated to promote all sub-sectors, the National Electronics Policy, 2019.

1.1 Genesis of th e National Strategy in India

To keep pace with rapid global manufacturing prowess, India needs to adopt an
integrated approach to additive manufacturing in all segments including defence
and public sectors, especially within the nation’s small, medium and large-scale
industries. The National Strategy on Additive manufacturing (AM) will aim to create
a conducive ecosystem for design, development and deployment, and to overcome
technical and economic barriers for Global AM leaders to set up their operations
with supporting ancillaries in India, facilitating development of the domestic market
and enhancement of global market share.

It will also seek to encourage and

promote local manufacturers to
seamlessly adopt this emerging
technology, creating a support base
for foreign companies. Attempts will
be made to bring together industry,
academia, Government and user
organizations on a single platform for
information exchange on national
priorities, latest innovation and
research outcomes, international
standards etc., ensuring India
optimises the benefits from the
commercialization of Additive
manufacturing (AM) technologies.


Additive manufacturing (AM) is the
digital revolution of industrial
production that embraces innovation in
digital processes, communications,
imaging, architecture and engineering
to provide digital flexibility and
efficiency to manufacturing operations.
The computer-aided-design (CAD)
software data is used directly to the
hardware under this technology to
deposit material layer upon layer in
precise geometric shapes. Presently,
digital Technology involves CADs to
make products using subtractive
processes. Future of digital V

manufacturing will use additive

processes, which can sustain agile
environment in mass production of
hi-tech products and to reduce
significant process wastes.

Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY), being a nodal agency for
Digital Technology, has evolved a strategy to promote all the verticals of the AM
sector, including machines, materials, software and designs to leverage the
untapped business opportunities in this emerging technology that will unfold in the
near future.

1.2 Vision, Mission and O bjectives


The National Strategy for Additive Manufacturing aspires to postulate the tenets of
‘Make in India’ and ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat Abhiyan’ that advocate self-reliance
through technological transformation of the production paradigm.

It aims to inspire maximum economic benefits from future

growth opportunities, while minimizing risks and mitigating
associated challenges.

The key goals envisaged are to:

• P o sitio n India as a g lo b a l h u b fo r A d d itiv e M a n u fa c tu rin g
d e v e lo p m e n t a n d d e p lo y m e n t

• C reate a n d p ro te c t th e in te g rity o f In d ia ’s AM
in te lle c tu a l p ro p e rtie s



• E nsure c re a tio n o f a s u s ta in a b le e co syste m

fo r th e A M in d u s try to c o m p e te g lo b a lly

• E n c o u ra g e A M tra n s fo rm a tio n a n d d riv in g

c a p a b ilitie s in th e c o u n tr y fo r d e v e lo p in g
co re c o m p e te n c ie s

• P o s itio n In d ia as a g lo b a l In n o v a tio n a n d
R esearch h u b fo r A d d itiv e M a n u fa c tu rin g

• E nsure AM m a n u fa c tu re d e n d -u s e r
fu n c tio n a l c o m p o n e n ts fo r d o m e s tic a n d
e x p o rt m a rk e ts

• P ro m o te c re a tio n o f In d ia n I PR

• E n sure a d e q u a te m e a s u re s fo r
th e p ro te c tio n o f AM te c h n o lo g y

Objective J

• E n c o u ra g e d o m e s tic m a n u fa c tu rin g across th e v a lu e -c h a in to p ro m o te ‘Make in India’

a n d ‘AtmaNirbhar Bharat’.

• Incre ase d o m e s tic v a lu e a d d itio n in co re a n d a n c illa ry c o m p o n e n ts , m a c h in e s , m a te ria ls

a n d s o ftw a re

• R e d u ce im p o r t d e p e n d e n c y o f d o m e s tic m a rk e t by d e v e lo p in g local skill, te c h n o lo g y ,

scale o f p ro d u c tio n etc. •«

• E n c o u ra g e g lo b a l m a rk e t le a d e rs to e s ta b lis h g lo b a l bases fo r m a n u fa c tu rin g AM

c o m p o n e n ts a n d s u b -a s s e m b lie s in India, fu r th e r s tre n g th e n in g In d ia ’s d o m e s tic
m a n u fa c tu rin g e co syste m .

• N u rtu re d o m e s tic a d d itiv e m a n u fa c tu rin g in d u s trie s .

• E sta b lish a “ N a tio n a l C e n tre on A M " fo r h a rn e s s in g A M tra n s fo rm a tio n a n d d riv in g

c a p a b ilitie s by c o n tin u o u s ly e n g a g in g all key s ta k e h o ld e rs .

• P ro m o te In n o v a tio n a n d Research in fr a s tru c tu r e fo r c o m m e rc ia liz a tio n o f e n d -u s e r

a p p lic a tio n based in d u s tria l A M p ro d u c ts s u ite d fo r d o m e s tic a n d g lo b a l m a rk e ts .

• S tr e n g th e n In d ia ’s c o lla b o ra tio n s w ith g lo b a l A M o rg a n is a tio n s a n d In n o v a tio n and

R esearch C entres.

• C reate a n d u p d a te in n o v a tio n ro a d m a p fo r A M te c h n o lo g ie s .

• P ro m o te ease o f a d o p tio n o f AM in In d ia b y in tr o d u c in g p o lic y in te rv e n tio n s t h a t p ro v id e

• enhancing manufacturing capabilities and encouraging manufacturing with foreign technology in India.

• encouraging and further incentivizing manufactures with indigenous technology that promote
a sustainable AM eco-system, both nationally and globally.

. encouraging export and re-export of machines, materials, AM produced goods and services

• discouraging import for domestic AM market


1.3 Principles

• Focus on o p p o r tu n itie s and

c o rre s p o n d in g c h a lle n g e s in h ig h e r-
g ra d e in d u s tria l AM te c h n o lo g y .

• L o n g -te rm e c o n o m ic v ia b ility and

m a rk e t d o m in a n c e o f d o m e s tic AM
c o m p a n ie s in s tra te g ic s e c to rs and
areas o f n a tio n a l se cu rity.

• L o n g -te rm te c h n o lo g ic a l • le a d e rs h ip
th r o u g h p re v e n tio n o f th re a ts in
d is ru p tiv e A M te c h n o lo g ie s .

• G a in in g user c o n fid e n c e a n d tr u s t via

A M s o ftw a re u tility , re lia b ility a n d ease
o f access.


2. Strategy Outcomes
The National Strategy for Additive Manufacturing aspires to enhance India’s AM
market share to 5% of Global market with a target to add nearly US$lBn to the GDP
by 2025. This growth will aspire to achieve the following specific targets:

O © ©
50 India spe cific
for m aterial, machine,
100 new
Start-ups O
10 existing
1 Lakh
new skilled

process, and software and new manu­

to m ake India a 3D
printed design and
m anufacturing hub © facturing
sectors ©
Awareness for
500 adoption
products of AM

The strategy would address key sector specific technical challenges for making
3D printing economically viable for MSMEs, which include:

(i) Properties o f th e materials (vii) Surface finish of contoured surfaces

(ii) Limited types of options on AM suitable materials (viii) Fabrication speed
(iii) Process technology and perform ance (ix) Build volum es/part size
(iv) Lim ited in-process, in-situ m onitoring m echanism (x) Data form ats
(v) Q ualification & certification of AM processes and parts (xi) AM Standards
(vi) Part accuracy
3.1 Technology O verview

Additive Manufacturing (AM) is defined as the technology th a t constructs a three-dim ensional object
fro m a digital 3D m odel or a CAD model by adding material layer by layer. The addition of m aterial can
happen in m ultiple ways, nam ely power deposition, resin curing and fila m e n t fusing. The deposition
and solidification are controlled by com puter to create a three-dim ensional object.

3.7.7. Global M arket Trend

Asia AM market size
a»ion USD. 2019
Global spending on AM in 2019 was nearly $13.8 Bn w ith
a grow th o f 23.5% per annum and expected to reach
$34.8 Bn by 2024, w hich is grow ing at CAGR of 23.25%.
South Korea
SmarTech Publishing had estim ated the global AM 10-12%
m arket at $14Bn in 2020 and w ould reach to $41 Bn by
2027, w ith a year on year grow th of 27%. USA's m arket 1 mpr
share on AM is 36%, foil owed by EU as 26% and China 14%
and India holding a meagre 1.4 % of the global m arket

Fig.l Global Additive Manufacturing Market Distribution3

As per International Developm ent Corporation (IDC),

Asia's AM spending is estim ated at US$ 3.8 billion for
2019, after the United States and Western Europe w hich
account for nearly tw o-th irds o f the overall m arket (US$
■ Printers/Machines 8.6 billion).
■ Materials
■ Software Despite this impressive grow th, Additive M anufacturing
Services accounts for only around 1% of the global m anufacturing
revenue3, and may eventually account for only 5%-10% of
total global m anufacturing4. However, given its
revolutionary potential and inherent advantages, a
Fig.2 Business wise Market Distribution3 necessary ecosystem m ust be created and nurtured for
m axim um adoption and proliferation.

3.7.2 G row th in M arket Value

The AM m arket globally focused on the sectors including autom otive, consum er products, medical,
business machines, aerospace, governm ent/m ilitary, academic and others. Autom otive or m otor
vehicles account for the largest share in this m arket due to its easy applications in th e production of
end-products (engines, spare parts, other interior, and exterior parts) as com pared to other segm ents
such as consum er products and business machines, w hich have lim ited usage in m anufacturing of

3 Ibid, pp. 173,175

4 Ruth Jiang, Robin Kleer, and Frank T. Piller, "Predicting the Future of Additive Manufacturing: A Delphi Study on Economic
and Societal Implications of 3D Printing for 2030,” Technological Forecasting and Social Change, vol.117 (April 2017), pp. 84-97;
Terry Wohler’s, Ian Campbell, and Olaf Diegel, et al., Wohler’s Report 2019 (Fort Collins, CO: Wohler’s Associates, Inc., 2019), p.
341; Duncan Stewart, 3D Printing Growth Accelerates Again, Deloitte Insights, at www2.deloitte.com


The m ajor drivers to propel global AM m arket are new and improved technologies, financial support
fro m governments, large application area, rapid product developm ent at a low cost, and ease of
developm ent of custom products.

Total Additive Manufacturing Market Size 2014-2027


AM Market Growth: (Sector includes Hardware, Materials, Services, Software)

Fig.3 Growth path of Global Additive Manufacturing Market

3.7.3 G eographic Trends

The global online 3D printing dem and is
prim arily generated by USA, and UK. US alone
am ounts to nearly 50% of the w orldw ide
dem and for 3D printed parts w hile UK stands at
~ 18%. O ther dem ands are m ostly com ing from
developed countries o f North America, Europe
and Australia. India along w ith China is still
producing low dem ands for AM printed parts as
com pared to developed countries.

Fig.4 Global Online 3D printing demand by country5

• 3D printing applied in gold &silver. World's first 3D printed car, robotic

aircraft introduced.

* Solid Concepts produced a 3D printed metal gun

* Fused deposition modelling (FDM) * Implementation of multi-arm bio printer to integrate tissue fabrication with
printed vasculature
•First SLA machine was produced using . F jf S | 3 D p r in t e d pjjj approved by US FDA. Organovo announced the
3D system release of data on the first fully bio printed kidney

* Clinical application of biomaterials for

tissue regeneration


• Dr. Hideo Kodama filed first patent for * MCP technologies introduced SLM technology • 3D printers essential in Covid 19
RP technology response to build ventilator parts,
• The term ‘Organ Printing’ coined testing equipment, Personal
• Stereo lithography apparatus (SLA) Protective Equipment and other
was invented by Charles Hull • Dr. Bowyer conceived the RepRap concept of medical supplies
an open-source, self-replicating 3D printer
• Carl Deckard invented production of
parts by selective sintering * First colour 3D printer was introduced by Z
• Patent was granted to Carl Deckard
for SLA • Selective layer customization &on-demand
manufacturing of industrial parts.

Fig.5 Historical Timeline for Additive Manufacturing Technologies6

53D printing trends 2020 Industry highlights and market trends : downloads.3dhubs.com


3.2 Industrial A pplications and Advantages o f AM Technologies
A transform ational, cross-sectoral and, inter-disciplinary technology, AM is revolutionizing product
design and on-location m anufacturing globally, enabling radical product design and re-design, w hich
further accelerate developm ent of new material properties, and transform ation of business
capabilities th ro u g h production of m ore sustainable designs realised at lower cost.

Industrial applications and advantages unique to AM include:

Industry Application Advantages

Aerospace & Defence Landing gears, Thrust reverser Low volum e production of high
doors, Small surveillance drones, value products w ith com plex
Gim bal eye, Grenade Launchers, geometries.
Complex Brackets, and Jet
Engine com ponents. Fuel efficiency thro ugh w e ig h t
Repair o f turb ine blades and reduction o f parts,
high-value com ponents.
Improved product utility
th ro u g h on-dem and production
of replacem ent parts.

A u to m o tive Engine bay parts, intake valves, Cost effective solution for
engine com ponents, gear Customization of luxury vehicles
boxes, air inlet, engine control
unit, and lower fairing baffle. Obsolescence M anagem ent
for defective parts

• • Testing &Production of
lightw eight, high strength parts

Electronics Wearable devices, soft robots, High resolution, m ulti-m aterial,

structural m onitoring & large area fabrication o f electronic
building elem ents and RFID devices th a t are free o f printed
(Radio Frequency circuit boards (PCBs).
Identification) devices
em bedded inside solid Production o f complex, lig h tw e ig h t
substrates. im pact resistant structures w ith
m ultiple functionality

Designing o f com plex geom etry

parts w ith em bedded electronics,
sensors and antennas, w hich
cannot be produced by
conventional m anufacturing

Internal m anufacturing of circuits

and circuit boards w hich reduces
procurem ent tim e and elim inates
intellectual property related issues.

Healthcare Surgical Models: Production o f custom ized im plants,

Organs, Vasculature, Tum or devices, dental crowns etc.
Models, and Disease Models.
Reduction in healthcare costs due
Surgical Instruments:
to m inim al re-intervention enabled
Forceps, retractors, medical
by accurate diagnosis.
clamps, and scalpel handles.


Industry Application Advantages

Healthcare Implants: Limbs, Craniofacial Rapid response tim e during

im plants, Casts, and Stents. em ergencies th ro u g h rapid
scaling of production.
Dental: crown, bridges, and Staff trainin g in specific
splints. applications, leveraging datasets
of patients affected by rare
Patient centric healthcare
th ro u g h personalisation o f drugs
for com plex patient specific
release profiles.

Consumer Goods Consum er electronics, Fabrication o f com plex internal

jewellery, shoes, clothing, and external structures com pels
cosm etics products, toys, innovative product design.
figurines, furniture, office Faster tim e to m arket and
accessories, musical cost-effective custom ization of
instrum ents, bicycles, custom er centric products.
and food products.
Decentralized m anufacturing
reducing transferred costs to

Note: This table is not exhaustive

3.3 A dditive M anufacturing Process '

Additive M anufacturing technologies are essentially classified into virtual and physical m odels The
virtual m odel represents com putational m odels and applications for sim ulation and optim ization. The
physical m odel represents three-dim ensional virtual design m odels th a t are then speedily fabricated
into a physical object. This process is known as rapid prototyping.

The Additive Manufacturing process is detailed below:

3D Cad .STL Slicing Layer Slices & AM 3D

Model File Software Tool Path Process Object
Source: Atal Tinkering Lab7
Generalized Additive Manufacturing process

Fig.6 Basic Additive Manufacturing process

7 https://aim.gov.in/pdf/3D_Printing-Guidelines_and_Unks.pdf

3.3.1 Design
The Additive M anufacturing process begins
w ith a software program m e used to design a
digital m odel for prototyping a physical object, a
process referred to as Com puter Aided Design. A
digital model m ay also be created through
reverse engineering using a 3D scanner. The
validation of the technical and com m ercial
feasibility of producing com ponents at
pre-production volum es is allowed under AM.
Related sim ulations tools along w ith production
planning are used to capture the shape
distortion in the building o f a com ponent so
geom etric adjustm ents are understood in
advance; to fin d th e m elt pool dynam ic and
residual stress state in the ready com ponent
w hich can be disastrous to its load carrying
capacity; to im prove the building sequence
and/or energy deposition in order to improve
the state o f the com ponent.

3.3.2 STL conversion and file m a n ip u la tio n

The digital m odel is then converted to a
Stereolithography file (.STL). STL breaks it down
into a series of polygons, w hich represent
surfaces o f an object, and the model is then fed to
a si icer program m e/ C om puter Aided
M anufacturing software (CAM).CAM converts the
STL file into a num erical control (NC)
program m ing language - G Code, thro ugh w hich
it directly com m unicates w ith the machine. This
allows custom ization o f design parameters like
part orientation, layer height etc.

3.3.3 P rin tin g

American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) has classified Additive M anufacturing processes,
broadly into seven categories, each supported by specific materials and laser-based technologies. As
defined by ASTM C om m ittee F42, the 7 categories of AM process are sum m arized below:

Process Technology Material Applications

Vat Photopolymerization: Stereo lithography Photo polymers Prototyping, Consumer

a process to selectively (SLA.),digital light Toys, Electronics,
cure liquid photopolym er processing Guides and Fixtures.
in a vat by light-activated (DLP)

Binder Jetting: a process Powder bed and inkjet Polymers, Prototyping and
to selectively deposit head (PBIH), Waxes Tooling
liquid bonding agent to plaster-based 3D
jo in powder materials printing (PP)


Process Technology Material Applications

Directed Energy Laser m etal deposition Metals Repairing or

Deposition: process in (LMD) build ing-up of
w hich focused therm al high-volum e parts
energy ((e.g. laser, electron
beam, or plasma arc) is
used to fuse materials by
m elting as they are being

Material Extrusion: a Fused deposition Polymers Prototyping, Tooling

process to selectively m odelling (FDM) and Office
dispense material thro ugh M anufacturing
a nozzle or orifice

Material Jetting: process in M ulti-jet m odelling Polymers, High Resolution

w hich droplets o f build (MJM) Waxes Prototypes, Circuit
material are selectively Boards and other
deposited electronics, Consumer
products and Tooling

Powder Bed Fusion: Electron beam m elting Metals, Aerospace,

process in w hich therm al (EBM),selective laser Polymers Autom otive, Medical
energy selectively fuses sintering (SLS), products,Tooling and
regions o f a powder bed selective heat sintering Dental im plants
(SHS), and direct metal
laser sintering (DMLS)

Sheet Lamination: a Lam inated object Paper, Metals Large parts and
process to bond sheets of m anufacturing (LOM), Tooling
material to form an object ultrasonic
consolidation (UC)

Source: Wohler's Report 2014, www.omnexus.specialchem.com

3.3.4 A d d itive M an ufa ctu ring M aterials

In myriad applications, the following m aterial categories have been revolutionary in
Additive Manufacturing.

(i) Thermoplastics
Therm oplastic polymers are the m ost popular types of AM materials. Acrylonitrile butadiene
styrene (ABS), polycarbonate (PC) and polylactic acid (PLA) each offer distinct advantages in
different applications. W ater-soluble polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) is typically used to create tem porary
support structures, w hich are later dissolved away.

(ii) Metals
Different metals and metal alloys are used in additive m anufacturing, w hich include precious
metals like gold and silver to strategic metals like stainless steel and titaniu m .

i) Ceramics
A variety of ceramics including zirconia, alum ina and tricalcium phosphate are also used in additive
m anufacturing. Also, alternate layers o f powdered glass and adhesive are baked together to
develop entirely new classes of glass products.


(iv) Bio Materials
The biomaterials used in AM applications include the hardened m aterial like silicon, calcium
phosphate and zinc to support bone structures as new bone grow th occurs. The bio-inks fabricated
fro m stem cells are also being explored by researchers to form blood vessels, bladders and m any
other hum an organs. Also 3D Printing o f hum an organs such as liver tissues, kidney, heart etc are
being printed using biomaterials and living cells.

3.3.5 Post-Processing
The material needs to be heat treated after AM to g et the desired m icrostructure and mechanical
properties. Further reduction of porosity by hot isostatic pressing (HIP) m ay additionally be required
for some applications. The post-process treatm ents, generally used on conventional produced, are
also applicable to AM produced parts. Post processing has th e follow ing five m ajor stages like stress
relieving, part separation fro m supports, post heat tre a tm e n t (to achieve required m etallurgical
properties), surface roughness im provem ent, and final m achining (to achieve profiles and
geometries). *
4. International Scenario
Recent geopolitical and econom ic instabilities have exposed the jarring fault lines in global supply
chains. Governments across the world are leading efforts to identify systemic vulnerabilities, de-risk,
and restructure existing value chains. Many countries have taken this o p p o rtu n ity to proactively
advocate self-reliance by developing strategies and roadmaps for adopting Advance M anufacturing
technologies such as Additive M anufacturing.

Governments o f China, United States o f Am erica and Russia have bolstered user-confidence in these
technologies thro ugh adoption and developm ent o f applications for their m ilitary forces. For instance,
the Additive M anufacturing unit o f the US Marine Corps Systems Com m and has created the w o rld’s
largest 3D concrete printer capable o f printing a 500-square-foot barracks h ut in 40 hours8.

Extensive investm ents by Governments, Industry, and Academia to advance research and develop
intellectual capital assets have fu rther propelled adoption o f AM technologies. A recent report by the
European Patent Office (EPO)9 noted patent activity increasing by 239%, fro m 1,200 applications filed
in 2014 to m ore than 4,000 applications in 2018. Of the patents registered w ith EPO during 2000-18,
European countries account for 47% (7,863) of the AM inventions, largely attributable to Germany,
w hich generated 19% (3,155) of all patent applications in AM. The Unites States of Am erica followed w ith
34.7% o f the applications filed, and Japan w ith 12%.

AM techniques have also witnessed active industry participation, leading to a substantial grow th in
related research, w ith the num ber of publications exponentially rising to m ore than 4,500 globally, in

Fig.7 Total number of AM publications globally per year

The collected data on AM publications is based on online research via the search tool 'Web of Science' on 1st January 2020.

8 www.army~technology.com
9 European Patent Office, ‘Patents and Additive Manufacturing- Trends in 3D Printing', available at www.documents.epo.org


No. of Publications
Fig.8 Top 20 countries that work on AM research

The Unites States of Am erica has th e highest AM related publications. G overnm ent initiatives and
program m es have also translated to increased publications for Germany, UK, Italy, and France, w hile
India too has found itself in th e top 10 countries for AM related publications.



0 100 200 300 400

No. of Publications
Fig.9Top 20 organizations that work on AM research internationally

It should be noted th a t geographical data can skew conclusions, as com pared w ith data fro m centres
of excellence. For example, as a country Singapore is relatively low on the ranking, but fro m
institutional data, we know th a t Nanyang Technological University is th e highest-ranking university in
term s of num ber of publications.


4.1 Key International Developments
Detailed below are some key initiatives undertaken by Governments o f countries at the forefront
of adopting and advancing AM technologies.

4.7.7 In te rn a tio n a l Strategies & Projects

Association for
Future Additive

The Moroccan Association

of Additive Manufacturing
and 3 0 Printing

Fig.10 Country wise initiatives on additive manufacturing

United states of Am erica Makes : The flagship institute of AM, National Network for
America M anufacturing Innovation supports com m ercialization of AM
technologies thro ugh ease o f access to inform ation resources, IP and
research, training of workforce, and developm ent and deploym ent of
AM technologies.

America Makes and The American National Standards Institute’s

Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC):
Largely funded by the US D epartm ent of Defence, it has published the
'Standardization Roadmap for Additive M anufacturing’ and the ‘AMSC
Standards Landscape’ to identify standards, assess gaps and give
recom m endations. As a result, 'Gaps Portal’ was developed to track
standardization developm ents in AM

South Korea Roadmap for 3D Printing Strategic Technology, 207410: The 10-year
roadm ap identified 15 m ajor strategic technologies in th e areas of
equipm ent, material and software for 3D printing in 8 product
categories including medicine, defence and electronics.

The Sm art Manufacturing R&D Mid- to Long- term Roadmap, 11:

O utlined a 5 year plan to invest $376 m illion in 8 core sm art
m anufacturing technologies, including 3D Printing.



United Kingdom National Strategy for Additive M anufacturing 2018-202512 aims to
achieve £3,500M GVA per year by 2025 and 60,000 jobs across sectors

The National Centre for Additive M anufacturing aims to com mercialize

AM adoption in UK.

Japan The Technology Research Association for Future Additive

M anufacturing (TRAFAM) was instituted as a National Project to drive
developm ent o f Metal Additive M anufacturing systems and
technologies for producing high value-added products.

China The Additive Manufacturing Industry Development Action Plan

20i7-20u : It aims to develop a dom estic AM industry w ith an annual
average grow th rate o f 30% or above to exceed $3 Bn by 2020.The plan
prioritises a goal to carry o u t 100 pilot projects across 10 key industries
and formalize standardisation of these technologies.

'Made in China 2025n4 focuses on im proving th e coun try’s industrial

base by integrating technology w ith industry and fostering Chinese
brands inlO key sectors thro ugh developm ent o f capabilities in
Aerospace equipm ent, high end medical equipm ent, electrical
m achines and new materials.

4.7.2 Talent
Government led initiatives are focusing on upskilling th e workforce by developing curriculum
specifically for AM in consultation w ith industry and academia.

China China founded the w o rld’s first 3D printing educational institute,

Baiyun-W inbo 3D Printing Technology College in Guangzhou. The
Chinese governm ent also installed 3D printers in all of its 400,000
elem entary schools15 between 2015-17 to grow an educated and skilled
hum an resource base for 3D printing.

The ’Mass Makerspaces' initiative, 201516, extended governm ent support

th ro u g h grants, free office space and subsidised rent to setup
Makerspaces for collaborative learning.

South Korea In 2018, the National Certification test for 3D printin g was introduced to
provide certifications in 3D printer developm ent and operation17.

Europe Sector Skills Strategy in Additive M anufacturing Project (SAM),

: This European Commission funded project aims to develop a strategy
to anticipate, m ap and m onitor current and future skills in the AM
sector to design relevant industry qualifications th a t address potential
skill gaps.



4.7.3 Supply Chain Development
Many countries have m ade proactive efforts to provide supporting infrastructure and com m ercial
tools to integrate Additive M anufacturing technologies across the value chain.

Germany The “Platform Industrie 4.0”19 supports German SMEs w ith

standardization, security, legal fram eworks, research, and workforce
transform ation.

The State of Bavaria provides incentives such as low-interest loans and

non-repayable subsidies and funding to com panies for research in
em erging technologies such as 3D printing, thro ugh the Bavarian
Research and Innovation Agency.

United States of The National Institute of Standards and Technology’s M anufacturing

America Extension Partnership Centre partnered w ith ‘A m erica Makes’ to place
trained personnel w ho link m atured technologies developed by the
institute w ith Small and M edium enterprises across the country.

America Makes supports a subscription based digital storefront to give

m em ber industries access to exclusive inform ation, data and
intellectual capital assets.

China The current patent laws in China recognise m ost 3D printed designs as
IP and extend protection of 15 years fro m the date of application20.

South Korea Regulatory Approvals : A fast-track approval procedure for 3D printed

medical instrum ents and devices21.

Tax incentive : To prom ote 3D printing, the South Korean M inistry of

Strategy and Finance allowed tax deduction of up to 30% on R&D
expenses for small and m edium sized companies, and 20% deductions
for Large com panies and conglom erates22.

4.7.4 Funding
Countries w ith leadership in AM have ramped up public funding.

South Korea In 2014, the South Korean Government invested $2.3 m illion in 3D
p rin tin g 23 equ ip m e n t and facilities for supporting small and m edium
sized companies. In 2016, the governm ent funded a $20 Mn five-year
research project in Ulsan24 for th e developm ent o f actual 3D printed
ships and offshore equipm ent. Furthermore, in 2017, the governm ent
invested $37 m illion23 into the developm ent and expansion of 3D
printing technology. This was increased to $52.7 m illion in 201925.

20 www.iptechblog.com
22 www.3ders.org
24 www.3ders.org


Japan In 2014, $38.6 m illion26 in funding was provided by the governm ent
largely to support R&D in 3D printers for m anufacturing m etal end-use
products for industrial use. Remaining funds were also directed to the
developm ent o f super-precision 3D printing technology like Fused
Deposition M odelling (FDM), and Selective Laser Sintering (SLS),
technology for post-processing and powder recycling, and new 3D
m easurem ent devices and im age processing software.

United Kingdom The Government has invested £60 m illion27 to establish an ‘A erospace
Research Centre' and ‘National Centre for Net Shape and Additive
M anufacturing’ w ith the em erging 3D printing technology to design
and develop products for aircraft landing gear and aeroengines.

China The Additive M anufacturing and Laser M anufacturing Program28 is a

Key Developm ent Program m e in th e M inistry of Science and
Technology’s 13th five-year national plan. In 2017,15 new projects on AM
were awarded a total funding o f 235 m illion RMB (~$37.3 million) under
the program m e.

4,7.5 Research Partnerships

Academ ia- Industry- Government collaborations and associated consortium s enable innovation by
leveraging pooled resources to com m ercialize academic know ledge th a t also ensure align m en t w ith
national interests.

Germany Federal M inistry of Education and Research awarded Siemens the

op p o rtu n ity to lead ~ €14 m illion grant project, entitled “Industrial
im plem entation of digital engineering and additive m anufacturing
(IDEA)”, in partnership w ith EOS and TRUMPF and institutions
including Fraunhofer Institute for Laser Technology (ILT), the
Fraunhofer Institute for Production Technology (IPT), and the RWTH
Aachen University. The project aims to reduce developm ent and
production tim es in powder-based AM by approxim ately 50%29.

Singapore HP partnered w ith Nanyang Technological University (NTU) and the

National Research Foundation (NRF) to establish a $61 m illion advance
m anufacturing corporate innovation lab w ith a focus on additive
m anufacturing and digital design30.

United States Am erica Makes’ awarded GE Global $2.6 m illion to develop an open
of America source, m u lti laser m anufacturing machine, and AM platform to
address the challenges faced in Single Laser m elting (SLM). This project
was planned in partnership w ith Applied Research Laboratory (ARL) at
Penn State and GE Additive31.

4.2 Global leaders in AM sector

The geographical location of the global leaders in AM under varied verticals including materials,
machines, software and services are dom inated by USA, Germany and few other European countries.
A list of com panies w ith th e ir area of specialization, technology used and geographical presence are
provided at Annexure I

28 Wohler’s report 2018: 3D printing and Additive Manufacturing state of the industry
29www.3d printingindustry.com
30www.3dprintingmedia. network
31w w w3dprintingm edia. network


5. National Scenario
In comparison to some of the leading countries
across the globe such as the US, China, Germany
and Japan, the adoption of AM hasn’t seen as
m uch traction in India. However, it has generated
considerable interest in the Indian m anufacturing
ecosystem, due to its potential to support
trem endous socio-econom ic growth.

5.1 National D evelopm ents

Detailed below are some initiatives undertaken by
various stakeholders to develop a dom estic AM
ecosystem in India.

5.7.7 G overnm ent led effo rts

Establishment of 3D printing M anufacturing Lab at
National Institute of Electronics & Inform ation
Technology, Aurangabad32. The Institute also offers
a certificate course in 3D P rinting33.

• Atal Innovation Mission: Under the aegis of Atal Innovation Mission, Atal Tinkering Labs, 1200-1500
square feet dedicated innovation workspaces have been set up, where do-it-yourself (DIY) kits on
latest technologies like 3D Printers, Robotics, Internet o f Things (IOT), M iniaturized electronics are
installed th ro u g h governm ent financial support of Rs 20 Lakhs so th a t students fro m Grade VI to
Grade XII can tinker w ith these technologies and learn to create innovative solutions. As part of the
program me, some initiatives such as 3D design challenges were also launched.

• The Gujarat governm ent has signed an MoU w ith the US Institute o f 3D Technology (USI3DT) in
California, and OEM 3D systems (a leading global 3D printing companies) for establishing seven 3D
printing Centres of Excellence across seven engineering colleges and technical institutes in the

• Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone collaborated w ith University o f W ollongong to set up a 3D

Bioprinting Lab.


5.7.2 Private Sector Initiatives
INTECH Additive Solutions, Bengaluru is pioneering in m etal 3D Printing in India and has the
largest com m ercial set up available. INTECH has developed new software called O ptoM et for
developm ent o f new parameters and alloys. They have also developed process software called
A M B u ild erfor building qua lity parts at lower cost and user friendly. Also has succeeded in design
and developm ent o f India’s firs t m etal printer under MAKE IN INDIA scheme. INTECH has also
started digital academy enabling orientation and trainin g for industry, academia and R&D
organisations. Design for Additive M anufacturing (DfAM) is part of the digital academy activities
enabling custom ers to identify design and re-design parts for AM.

• W ipro has launched A ddw ize’ - An additive technology Adoption & Acceleration program m e w ith
an aim to enable organizations and institutions to systematically adopt and scale the usage of
metal Additive M anufacturing for tangible business benefits.

• Bengaluru based start-up, Accreate Additive Labs Private Limited, announced th a t it will produce
user interface panels for ISRO operated CSLV.

5.7.3 Collaborative Efforts

• D epartm ent of Heavy Industries’ COE at lISc
Bengaluru (Additive M anufacturing for High
Performance Metallic Alloys) collaborated w ith
W ipro to build India’s first industrial grade 3D

• HP Inc has signed an MoU w ith the

Government o f AP to build a Centre of
Excellence for 3D printing. •

• Stratasys has announced a collaboration w ith

NTTF (NetturTechnicalTraining Foundation) to
launch India’s first additive m anufacturing
certification course. The training program m e
aims to help students learn new technologies
in 3D printing, plugging-in skill gaps in the


5.7.4 Academ ia and Research organisations
AM technology is presently being used in Indian institutions like:
• International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy & New Materials (ARCI), Hyderabad
(SLM and DED)
• Defence Metallurgical Research Laboratory (DMRL) (LENS)
• Raja Ramana Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore (LENS)
• Central Mechanical Engineering Research Institute (CMERI), Durgapur
• Central Class and Ceramic Research Institute (CCCRI), Kolkata (SLM)
• Central Electrochemical Research Centre (CECRI),
• Central Manufacturing Technology Institute (CMTI) Bengaluru (SLM, DED)
• Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai (IITB) (wire-LAM, CMT)
• Indian Institute of Technology Hyderabad (IITH) (Wire ARC)
• IIT Kharagpur (SLM)
• Raja Ramana Centre for Advanced Technology (RRCAT), Indore (LENS) and Central Glass and
Ceramic Research Institute (CCCRI), Kolkata (SLM) have been carrying out AM research on
components using Ni and Ti alloys. A research group of DMRL had attempted to build discrete and
compositionally graded dual materials based on SS316 and IN625 alloys using ™ process. A
laser group from RRCAT has developed indigenous laser engineered coaxial powder fed AM system
and investigated few alloys at coupon level to study microstructural and mechanical properties.
• International Advanced Research Centre for Powder Metallurgy and New Materials (ARCI) and SLM
have established a joint demonstration centre at ARCI Hyderabad to develop AM based
technologies. Various technologies in aerospace, defence, and automotive sectors are being
developed. ARCI also has unique facilities that can cover all the aspects of AM such as software for
design for AM, numerical simulation for design optimization, powder development, AM process
development using laser powder bed fusion system, HIP and vacuum furnace for post heat
treatment and state of the art characterization facilities. It is also actively working on the
development of AM technologies for component^ for various industrial applications and already has
obtained expertise in AM of steels, nickel-based superalloys, aluminium, and titanium alloys.

The research being carried o ut in these institutions is at a nascent stage and has not yet evolved for
strategic industrial integration in sectors like aerospace. Private industries too are exploring plastic and
metal AM technologies such as laser w ire deposition, TIG, LENS and direct m etal deposition, along
w ith laser powder bed m ethods such as laser sintering, laser m elting and electron beam m elting. The
production o f com ponents thro ugh AM by these com panies is based on technical parameters given
by the suppliers.
5.2 Potential Im pact o f A d ditive M anufacturing:
Evidently, Additive M anufacturing is expected to im pact the m anufacturing ecosystem significantly.
The technology is likely to have a relatively different im pact across different sectors.

5.2.7 Econom ic C om petitiveness

Supply Chains
Upstream Supply Chains w ill be flattened and sim plified as sem i-fabricated products replace raw
materials. AM w ill enable supplier consolidation as a single source may suffice for a variety o f parts,
increasing production agility. Consequently, procurem ent costs w ill decrease due to lower labour costs
associated w ith fewer m anufacturing touch points.

Production AM technologies w ill enable fast and cost-effective m anufacturing of sm aller batches, and
greater product custom isation thereby elim inating the need for tooling and moulds. Traditional
m anufacturing processes may be reduced to a single step process.

Downstream Supply Chains w ill also consolidate as warehousing and distribution channels rationalize
due to on-dem and m anufacturing of m ultifunctional products and spare parts, thus reducing
physical inventory and associated costs Direct custom er delivery w ill also become feasible for

Increase in Gross Value Addition (GVA)

AM w ill ensure dem ocratization of innovation by em pow ering individuals to create and actively
participate in the global value chain thereby developing new technology-driven industries and jobs.
This w ill also accelerate the grow th of new support industries The grow th and assimilation of AM
technology in the Indian m anufacturing sector w ill have im p o rta n t effects on Indian macroeconomic
statistics and enhance India’s econom ic power.

Increased productivity is a contributor to the reduction of em ploym ent in m anufacturing. Even if, AM
results in a significant increase in productivity th a t attracts other jobs, it m ay fail to net increase
em ploym ent in m anufacturing. AM may, however, facilitate a net increase in em ploym ent thro ugh
new products and other means. Effective measures m ust be adopted to proactively provide skilling
and upskilling program m es on AM to ensure a technically com petent, readily available workforce.

5.2.2 Social Im plications

AM has significant potential to contribute to sustainable d eve lop m en t It results in a considerable
reduction in use o f raw materials due to m aterial efficient designs and obviating (or significantly
reducing) the need for m anufacturing tools, dies and moulds. Indirectly, AM also facilitates
developm ent o f new materials and technologies w hich are m ore energy and resource efficient. These
advantages w ould enable India to alleviate its carbon fo o tp rin t and increases its energy security by
m inim izing its dependence on fossil fuel imports.

5.2.3 Innovation D iffusion

AM enables greater design flexibility through m odification of virtual designs m odels and new material
properties. It allows for lim ited design constraints w ith o u t the risk of high expenditure thereby
boosting innovation in the product developm ent process. Enhanced product differentiation and
flexibility in design innovation through AM enables ease o f access for smaller businesses to new and
high value markets.

5.2.4 H ealthcare
Additive m anufacturing has the potential to fabricate biomedical implants, prosthetics, skin and
tissues and intricate organs. Specialised surgical instrum ents and medicals devices can be
m anufactured quickly and cost effectively. In this way AM technology is going to create the patient
specific medical care in the future.


5.2.5 M ilita ry S uperiority
Technological advancem ents in AM have the
potential to fortify India against m ilitary and cyber
warfare. AM technology also promises to transform
the Indian m ilitary supply chain system. In place o f
storing im portant stocks, our m ilitary entities w ill
only require adequate AM facility and im p o rta n t
raw materials to help the m anufacturing process
even in th e rem ote places. Transformation of
physical inventory into a digital one w ill help in
reduction of supply chain overhead, conveyance
costs and additional logistical challenges faced by
m ilitary forces in the battleground.

5.3 Focus Sectors

The potential o f AM is grow ing very rapidly, and the
global value of the industry has increased fro m
US$1.71 Bn in 2011 to US$ 13.8 Bn in 2019, a rate o f
more than 25% per year since 1989. The 5-year
grow th outlook for these technologies averages to
23.5% per annum , alm ost doubling every three
years. This is the next wave o f technology driven
industrial grow th and to achieve self-reliance in its
m anufacturing ecosystem, India m ust focus on
accelerating this adoption.

Detailed below are sectors where potential

application o f AM technologies may reap digital
dividends th a t w ill fu rth e r strengthen and facilitate
India’s supply chains.

5.3.7 Electronics
Electronics sector suffers a disability ranging between 8.5-11%K on account o f inadequate
infrastructure, high cost of finance; dom estic supply chain and logistics; unavailability o f quality power;
lim ited design capabilities and focus on R&D by the industry; and inadequacies in skill developm ent.
The im p o rt dependency on electronic com ponents has a significant im pact on cost o f production o f
allied industries like Autom otive, Defence and Aerospace, Medical Devices etc., thereby hindering
India’s capabilities to develop a self-reliant m anufacturing ecosystem.

34h ttps://Www. meity.gov.i n/esd m/pl i


Electronics is a high-volum e m anufacturing sector. As AM m anufactured electronics is only suitable for
low volum e prototyping, its proliferation in electronics has been relatively slow. The dem and for 3D
printed electronics is com ing fro m m any applications areas such as regular and special circuit boards,
high frequency antenna for satcoms, anechoic cham bers and m obile handset. O ther key application
areas are sm art glass, power electronics, sensors and non-electronic com ponents in electronics such as
m obile accessories, com puter m otherboard backplane, decorative lam ps etc. Normally, AM for
electronics involves je ttin g o f material, in w hich conductive and insulating inks are je tte d on to a
platform in m icrons and ultraviolet light solidifies th e inks. The significant feature o f this je ttin g process
is th a t it helps in m u lti m aterial je ttin g . This helps the electronics industry in fabrication o f functional
circuits and enclosures at once, thereby sim plifying and shortening the process of assembly.

The recent developm ent o f low viscosity techniques such as aerosol printing has been able to
dem onstrate a faster process and could be suitable for com m ercial products such as m obile antenna.
Since m ost o f the electronic com ponents are nanometre-sized, there is a need to develop nanoscale
materials for additive m anufacturing.

Additive M anufacturing is generally used for prototyping applications in the electronic industry.
However, th e layer-based process provides potential applications in real-tim e health care and
autom otive industry too, as it provides access to individual layers during fabrication, also supports a
unique architecture for a single object w ith m ultiple materials and em bedded com ponents.

Apart fro m applications, advancem ents in design software is im perative as it describes the
arrangem ent o f electronic com ponents th a t can be printed inside the com ponent itself. A lth ough it is
at a nascent stage of developm ent, it shows potential for industrial use cases.

Electronics for AM Machines

W ith advancem ent in industrial application of AM in various sectors including aerospace, building
construction, military, defence, and healthcare, supporting industries such as electronic com ponents
and photonics used for developing these AM m achines w ill also see a com m ensurate growth.
Electronics materials such as metals, ceramics, polymers, glass and sem iconductors have been printed
w ith m in im u m dim ension o f few m icrons and all basic com ponents o f electronics such as resistor,
capacitor, inductor, filters, PCB substrates, waveguides, transformers, ferrite core, motor,
electrom agnet and so on had been successfully dem onstrated. The fundam ental electronics required
in AM m achines include m odules (including special types of printed circuits boards), passive and active
com ponents, SMD com ponents and so on.

The M inistry o f Electronics and Inform ation Technology has reinforced its co m m itm e n t to develop the
dom estic electronics ecosystem by introducing schemes such as the Production Linked Incentive (PLI)
for m obile handset manufacturers, Scheme for Prom otion o f M anufacturing of Electronic Com ponents
and Semiconductors (SPECS), and Electronic M anufacturing Clusters (2.0).These schemes aim to
anchor part o f th e production base o f global electronics m anufacturers and th e ir downstream
suppliers to India and help India integrate into global supply chains. This provides an opp ortun ity for
Indian electronics com ponent m anufactures to adopt advanced technology fro m foreign OEMs,
actively adapt to m arket dem ands and strengthen th e national m anufacturing base of electronic
circuits, antennas, sensors, m oulded interconnected devices, resistors, conductors and sem iconductors
for product developm ent and advancem ent of functional applications o f AM machines.


5.3.2 Aerospace
Currently, presence o f Indian private players in the Aerospace Industry is lim ited to Tier 2 (Avionic and
flig h t systems), Tier 3 com ponent m anufacturing (castings, forgings, Power electronics com ponents,
cables, w iring etc)and design Engineering and IT solutions. To support th e upward m o b ility o f dom estic
m anufacturers in the value chain, governm ent and private sector partnerships are recom m ended
through strategic investm ents in advanced technologies like AM.

The aerospace sector is dependent on materials such as special alloys o f steel, alum inium , tita n iu m etc
and composites for production. Currently, about 70% o f these raw materials® required are im ported,
largely due to lack o f in-house R&D and a strong vendor base. Im po rt dependency o f electronics
com ponents also is an im p e d im e n t to scale dom estic production of products like satellites. In fact, over
50% of the electronic com ponents used in a large satellite, and 10% used in a rocket are im ported3 36.

The airline industry was one o f the earliest advocates o f AM and is also responsible for its advancem ent
in both end-use parts m anufacturing and prototyping. The evolution o f m aterial engineering
capabilities of these technologies provides a prom ising o p p o rtu n ity for dom estic m anufacturers to
adopt AM methods, using custom alloys and high-end therm oplastics to develop lig h tw e ig h t vital
com ponents for aircrafts and spaceships thereby reducing im p o rt dependency on raw materials. Rapid
on-dem and production o f aircraft parts fu rth e r saves space, tim e, and money, supporting dom estic
m anufacturers to capture a larger share o f th e value chain.

India is expected to purchase approxim ately 750s7 aircraft and helicopters in th e Defence sector.
Moreover, th e total defence MRO m arket segm ent in India is projected to reach approxim ately $25
billion by 202537. Reverse engineering capabilities o f AM technologies are well suited to help capitalize
on this o pp ortun ity by aiding repair and obsolescence m anagem ent o f aircraft com ponents.

5.3.3 Defence
India is currently the second largest im porter of defence equipm ent. Im ports by Ordnance Factory
Boards and Defence Public Sector Undertakings are estim ated to be INR 20,000 crore annually38.
Digitization o f defence forces is im perative to build required infrastructure to protect th e sovereignty of
India against cyber warfare, biowarfare and strategic warfare.

India gives orders w o rth $100 billion39 a year for

defence procurem ent, m aking it one o f th e
world's m ost attractive m arkets for defence
companies. Revised FDI norms have now allowed
74% foreign investm ent in the defence sector
under autom atic route and 100% th ro ugh
Government approval route. This will provide
incredible im petus to private com panies to
acquire advanced 3-D technology from foreign
OEMs. The new offset guidelines also extend
higher m ultipliers for Transfer of Technology to
private companies/DPSUs/ DRDO and OFB to
fu rther enable acquisition o f niche AM
technologies to strengthen Indian defence forces.
Moreover, the Defence Procurem ent Policy 2020
also prom otes indigenous design capabilities and
higher localisation to increase participation o f th e
dom estic industry.

35CII, India asan Aerospace H ub-O pportunities, Challenges and th e Way Forward, Available a t www.cdtioficial.es
“ t.ly/fMXu


5.5.4 A u to m o tiv e
India im ported auto com ponents w orth $17.6
billion, of w hich 27% ($4.75 billion40) was fro m
China during 2018-19. Im ports o f drive
transmission and steering parts, electronic and
electrical items, cooling systems, suspension,
and braking parts are d o m in a tin g fro m China.
Apart fro m the cost differential, lack of
com petence on technologies in segm ents
including BS-VI com ponents and electronics has
fu rther worsened the disability in dom estic

The Indian Auto sector constituted 7.5%41 of th e

GDP in FY19, and has been at the forefront of
adoption o f AM. AM technologies can be utilised
to reduce im p o rt dependency by im proving th e
cost advantage o f m anufacturing in India.
O n-dem and production o f tooling and spare
parts drastically lowers the cost o f inventory.
Rapid tooling also helps reduce redundancy of
the traditional production process, saving on
tim e and costs. In India, a leading Auto
m anufacturer has been able to save Rs 74 lakh of
m anufacturing cost and 14,138 days of
hour-utilization th ro u g h Stratasys’ additive
m anufacturing technology42.

Autom akers rely on production processes th a t

achieve better fuel efficiency and econom y to
grow revenue and deliver greater value to
customers. This may be enabled thro ugh AM
th a t allows m ore com plex designs th a t
overcome the need for m u ltip le parts and
perm it w e ig h t reduction by m aking alterations
at a structural level. Adoption o f such
technologies becomes instrum ental as vehicle
Fuel efficiency norm s get stricter in India.

As autom akers m igrate to BS-VI norms, AM

offers the benefit to test these solutions as
functional prototypes in smaller batches w ith
shorter production cycles. It also enables
flexibility in custom ization of pre-production 3D
design files to m eet structural requirements.

AM technologies also present opportunities in

the Advanced M obility segm ent due to th e ir
material engineering offerings and capabilities.



5.3.5 M edical Devices
The dom estic medical devices ecosystem faces a significant production disability. 70-90% of dom estic
dem and for m edical devices is m et th ro u g h imports, o f w hich the US, largest exporter to India,
contributes 25-30%43. Diagnostic e q u ipm ent is th e m ost im ported, w hile other im ports include
im aging devices such asscanning apparatus, X-Ray machines, and C om puter Tom ography Apparatus.
Currently, m anufacturing w ith in India is largely lim ited to disposables and consumables.

The Medical Devices segm ent is expected to grow at a CAGR o f 16%, and w ill becom e a $25-30 billion
industry by 2025444 , significantly higher than the global in dustty grow th in term s o f cost. It is estim ated
th a t the share of m edical devices, along w ith diagnostic services, constitutes 20- 25% o f all healthcare
costs44. It also contributes to about 30-40%44 to costs o f establishing a tertiary care hospital. This sector
can gain fro m lower production costs thro ugh adoption o f AM, as it enables shorter supply chains due
to lack o f tooling, reduced inventory, supplier consolidation and lesser wastage. This in tu rn may
translate to lower healthcare costs, m aking such services cheaper and m ore accessible.

As per NSO46, the percentage o f people in India w ith disability was 2.2% -23% in rural and 20% in urban
areas. Moreover, India is witnessing a rise in road accidents w ith 4,67,04446 road accidents reported in
2018. However, currently, a prosthetic leg fro m a private centre in India costs between INR 8 lakh to over
IN R 10 lakh47.

AM provides custom ization flexibility using cross sectional im aging fro m datasets obtained fro m
CT/MRI scans to build a 3D anatom ical m odel w ith geom etric com plexities specific to the patient.
Customized, high-tech and m ulti-functional 3D printed prosthetic lim bs in India are less than half th e
cost of the ones im ported, w hich are upwards o f INR 15 lakh48, w ith som e starting as low as INR
40,00049. G overnm ent Centres providing artificial lim bs require upgraded technology to be able to
provide m ore sophisticated products, and effectively utilise th e material engineering benefits o f AM to
provide subsidised prosthetics.

44Deloitte, Medical Devices Making in India - A Leap for Indian Healthcare, 2016, available at: www2.deloitte.com


5.3.6 Capital Goods
Some o f the products are m anufactured in India
by the Capital Goods sector such as
earthm oving and m ining machinery, textile
machinery, heavy electrical equipm ent,
m achine tools, printing machinery, food
processing m achinery etc. India im ported $12.78
billion50 o f capital goods during March 2019 to
February 2020 fro m China, m aking it th e second
largest category of im ports after electronics,
televisions and electrical appliances ($18.12
billion50). India’s total co m m o d ity im p o rt bill
fro m China for this period was $49 billion50. The
low technological com petitiveness o f th e Indian
Capital Goods sector has proven to be a m ajor
im p e d im e n t to the grow th o f this sector.

The Capital Goods sector is instrum ental to the

industrial gro w th o f India as it is the backbone
for the m anufacturing base o f allied industries.
Sustainable and innovative m echanization is
needed to address issues of crop burning and
capitalize on India's farm e q u ip m e n t m arket
w hich is likely to grow to USD 18 billion by 202551.
Additive M anufacturing supports tooling by
enabling low cost- on dem and production of
replacem ent parts in sub sectors w ith im m ense
investm ent potential such as agricultural

Additive M anufacturing m achines are also

equipped to m anufacture using a variety of
metals thro ugh the appropriate print head.
Technologies such as Selective Laser M elting
(SLM) and Selective Electron Beam M elting
(SEBM)-based pow der bed processes may be
utilised for m aking com plex m etallic objects.
Advanced AM m achines can provide high speed
and drive dow n costs low enough to cater to
mass production. There w ould be cost savings
arising out of w e ig h t and energy saving over th e
product life cycle as well as in post processing.

5.3.7Consum er Goods
The consum er goods sector is extrem ely price sensitive and is highly dependent on im ports to m eet
the grow ing dom estic dem and. Products in this sector include furniture, office accessories, toys,
figurines, art, jewellery, m useum displays, musical instrum ents, and fashion products am ong other

50www.th eh in d u .com


Jewellery m anufacturing in India is one such sub sector w ith th e potential to become self-reliant.
However currently, China constitutes 35-40% m arket share o f India’s Rs 35,000-crore fashion jew ellery
business52. India is also the largest im porter of gold, im porting around 800-900 tonnes annually, largely
to cater to the dem and of the dom estic jew ellery industry53.

The consum er goods segm ent is characterized by rapidly changing consum er needs and dem and for
custom er centric products and personalization. The Gems and Jewellery (G&J) sector itself contributes
to 7% of the country's GDP and constitutes 12% of its exports54. AM is well suited to enable reduction in
cost of raw materials for this sector through its layer-based production process w hich may reduce the
requirem ent and wastage of high value materials. Further, AM ’s com patib ility w ith advanced materials
provides alternatives for fabrication o f cheaper, lig h tw e ig h t m ore resistant products. The design
freedom promised by AM allows intricate custom izations to develop bespoke products w ith com plex
geometries through on dem and production thereby satiating th e fast-evolving dem ands of this sector.
5.3.8 C onstruction and A rch ite ctu re
In India as o f March 2020, as m any as 403s5infrastructure projects, each w o rth R sl50 crore55 or more,
have witnessed cost overruns o f over Rs 4.05 lakh crore55. Historically reasons for such delays include
changes in design and specifications, design errors, incom plete design, changes in scope, additional
works, delay in design delivery, w hich translates to delayed construction, excess contractual claims,
disputes at site and poor project m anagem ent.56 Moreover, th e m ajority o f the materials used in
construction sector, especially, those in high-end category falls in th e 28% GST slab and has been a
great im p e d im e n t for all stakeholders.

Additive M anufacturing technologies have been prim arily used in developing housing fabrication,
construction com ponents (cladding and structural panels and columns), bridges and civil
infrastructure, artificial reefs, follies, and sculptures. AM technologies have given a new dim ension to
construction and architecture by m eeting com plex designs o f m odern architecture th ro u g h
com patibility w ith a variety of m aterials AM also offers design flexibilities w hich can be used for
building com plicated geom etries and to optim ize large scale m odel m aking or shadow studies to
reduce m aterial wastage. Geographic Inform ation Systems AM data can also be printed to show actual
city landscapes in India. Innovative technology developed by NT Madras and an Indian startup allows for
concrete to set in 3-5 hours as opposed to th e traditional tim e lin e o f 28-30 days taken for curing.
Therefore, AM is a prom ising technology for reducing tim e and costs o f construction.

“ t.ly/ICyE
56Factors influencing cost over-run in Indian construction projects,2017,A.Cindrela Devi and KAnanthanarayanan, accessed
at https://www.matec-conferences.org


5.4 Challenges to A d op tion

Since AM technology in India is still evolving, the

equ ipm ent and material costs are high. Most of
the industrial grade AM m achines and raw
materials need to be im ported. Therefore, th e
higher pricing structures for AM m achines and
materials in India make e ntry m ore expensive
w hen com pared to o ther m anufacturing
techniques such as CNC m achining and
injection m oulding.

5.4.2 Lack o f form al Standards

As industrial AM is still in th e early stages of
developm ent, there is a lack of form al AM
industry standards. ASTM international
(American Society for Testing and Materials) has
m ade an ASTM F42 standard for m etal powder
bed processes to standardize the quality for
critical aerospace, autom otive and medical
industry. However, th e scope o f the standards is
lim ited and a lot m ore w o rk is needed.
Standardization o f materials, machines and
processes w ill ensure the quality and
functiona lity o f AM m anufactured com ponents,
w hich w ill fu rth e r build confidence and
encourage the adoption of AM technology.

5.4.3 Lack o f AM Ecosystem >

Service providers in India are lim ited and m ost are not equipped w ith com petitive AM technologies
com patible w ith materials such as plastic, metal, ceramic. The AM ecosystem needs to develop by
aggregating all service providers under a single platform to provide com prehensive AM solutions.

5.4.4 M onopoly o f A M m a rke t by foreign OEM’s

Most o f the AM O riginal E quipm ent M anufacturers (OEM) are foreign companies. This has created a
m onopolistic approach towards consumables, w hich are therefore very expensive and thus ham per
the adoption o f AM technology.

5.4.5 Lack o f skille d m a n po w e r

The paradigm shift in design and production processes th ro u g h AM requires a workforce w ith a
technical know -how of the technologies. Lack of trained and experienced engineers and designers is a
m ajor im ped im ent to the adoption and advancem ent of AM.

5.4.6 D om estic M arket Transition

The reduction in physical production footprints w ith AM adoption may vacate large factory space and
creating obsolete traditional m anufacturing equ ipm ent may raise questions on how to repurpose,
recycle or dispose o f th is infrastructure. Moreover, fall in dem and of the m anpow er w ith traditional
m anufacturing skills w ould lead to significant unem ploym ent and subsequent large-scale retraining
program m es for them , especially for the blue collar workers w ith low to m edium salaried class. The
supply of AM skilled m anpow er may also be a challenge for keeping up w ith th e dem and, and w ould
create hurdles for the grow th of the AM industry. The AM adoption w ill allow m anufacturers to
elim inate interm ediate steps in prototyping, product design, and supply chains, w hich fu rth e r result
those service com panies out of business. These transition issues discourage m anufacturers from
em bracing AM on a larger scale th o u g h potential benefits in term s o f cost, tim e and energy savings are


5.4.7 Lack o f cla rity around the issue o f lia b ility
Additive M anufacturing has th e potential to conflate several different classifications on w hich current
laws and standards are built. For example, Additive M anufacturing could blur th e lines between
m anufacturers and consumers as consumers themselves can m anufacture goods for consum ption.
Raw materials used by the consum er in such cases are merely a CAD file and ink w hile th e printer acts
as a device. Laws and regulations, as they stand today, do not account for such a scenario and hence it
may be d iffic u lt to fix liabilities in case o f an error. Such lack o f clarity also has practical im plications. For
instance, autom otive m anufacturers may be reluctant to include 3D printed com ponents in their cars
as they w ould not be able to hold the supplier liable in case o f any faults. This could lead to lower
adoption due to low demand. Several laws will have to be tweaked to account for this new
technological developm ent. From consum er protection Act to crim inal laws, everything w ill have to be
revisited to establish a com prehensive legal regim e for affixing liability.

5.4.8 Legal & Ethical Issues

As a new technology, the first challenge may focus on laws related to intellectual property, and possible
concerns around tradem ark and design violations as m anufacturing gets dem ocratized significantly.
Additionally, several sector specific laws m ay also have to be tweaked to adequately address th e
challenges. For example, in th e Pharma and Medical devices sector, questions such as, w h eth er
dow nloading a CAD file for th e purpose o f producing a drug th ro u g h AM technologies am ounts to
im p o rt under the relevant laws or w h eth er a CAD file is in itself a drug or a medical device, are some of
the very critical questions which w ill have to be addressed if Additive M anufacturing has to realize its
true potential. Similarly, AM can provide a less traceable and m ore cost-efficient means o f acquisition
and production for com plex parts like nuclear centrifuge or missile com ponents.

In addition to these legal issues, Additive M anufacturing raises some critical ethical concerns, especially
around bio printing. Even w ith th e current level o f m a tu rity in th e technology, it is possible to p rin t
organs w hich are more advanced than regular hum an organs. This in m any ways is akin to issues raised
against gene-editing and presents its own challenges. Updating our regulatory architecture to address
these em ergent (legal & ethical) issues can engender a conducive fram ew ork for increased AM


6. Recommendations
To position itself as a pioneer in restructuring its
supply chain, India m ust adopt Additive
M anufacturing technologies in all m anufacturing
segm ents including defence and public sectors.
The National Strategy on AM aspires to create a
conducive ecosystem for design, developm ent,
and deploym ent of these technologies.

Detailed below are certain measures to prom ote

adoption o f Additive M anufacturing technologies
in India and achieve these aspirations.

6.1 National A d ditive M anufacturing Centre (NAMC)

A dedicated agency may be constituted to spearhead th e National Initiative for positioning India at the
forefront o f developm ent and adoption o f Additive M anufacturing Technologies th ro u g h a PPP model.
The Centre could be m andated to act as an aggregator o f know ledge and resources, and an accelerator
for technology adoption and advancement.

• An Apex Body should be established w ith subject m atter experts/cham pions fro m local & global
Industry or consortium o f com panies w ith capabilities to build products via additive m anufacturing
and end user agencies of AM Technologies, Academia, Research Institutions, and Governm ent
Ministries & Departm ents. The initiatives could be undertaken in consultation w ith all m embers.

• International Collaboration may be undertaken w ith sim ilar apex national bodies of other countries
to fast-track the establishm ent o f th e proposed NAMC.

• A detailed study be commissioned to analyse:

» The current ecosystem for m anufacturing o f AM m achines in India, th e existing disabilities and
im p o rt dependency across th e supply chain w ould be identified to develop a strategy to
indigenize m anufacturing. Accordingly, developm ent o f a Phased M anufacturing Program m e
for AM m achines w ould be explored.

» Analyse sectoral potential for integrating AM technologies (advantages, opportunities, and

lim itations) and align th e m w ith National priorities to identify critical sectors for channelizing
public and private sector investment.

» Through consultations w ith State governm ents and Industry, regional sector specific industrial
clusters w ith potential to integrate AM technologies and localize supply chains be identified. A
long-term strategy should be developed for building on supply chain strengths for AM
technologies to be adopted in Indian AM m anufacturing eco-systems and for addressing
deficiencies to m eet global standards th ro u g h clearly defined deliverable, responsibilities and
tim elines. The strategy should be published as techno-com m ercial roadm ap o f im plem entation
for the National Additive M anufacturing Centre.

» Short and long term strategy for MSME developm ent may be draw n w ith clear deliverables in
term s of access to market, access to technology, access to skill.

» A skill gap study be undertaken to track the dem and and supply parity in the workforce
requirem ent for adoption o f AM technologies. New jo b roles be id entified and m apped to th e
National Skills Q uality Framework. The required skills and com petencies for existing and new jo b
roles w ould be created.
• The centre could be m andated for th e developm ent, deploym ent and transfer of AM technologies
by undertaking the follow ing measures to address the key technical challenges corresponding to
the adoption of AM :

» Process : In order to create a niche m arket space in AM sector technological advancem ent in
faster, accurate, high resolution, large fo rm at-b uilt capacity AM machines w ould be needed.
W ider adoption o f AM could be supported th ro u g h the developm ent of process control,
m achine robustness, open platform equipm ent, and new AM process capabilities to enhance
applications o f AM for various sectors.

» Standard : Developm ent of robust qualification and non-destructive testing (NDT) w ould be
im portant to address standardization issues and ensure quality assurance thro ugh in-situ
m onitoring and control methods. It w ould also help to achieve AM process stability, repeatability
and reproducibility, as also, non-destructive post-AM detection and control of defects. The parts
produced th ro u g h AM process are naturally anisotropic. Though, num erous studies are carried
out to exam ine the porosity as a function o f process parameters, however, very few have linked
the results to mechanical properties. It w ill be im p o rta n t to m ap th e porosity to
therm o-m echanical properties (static, and cyclic) and also using the data to identify the right
NDT m ethods as well as to determ ine the probability o f detecting critical defect size. The
standardized protocols for post processes such as hot isostatic pressing, heat tre a tm e n t and
shot peening w ill be required. The Non-Destructive Evaluation (NDE) m ethods are required to
be ensured for both in-process and post-process applications using various in-situ sensors for
m onitoring. National laboratories on Standards should be engaged to address these issues to
ensure global acceptability o f these standards

» C e rtificatio n : Developm ent o f requisite AM standards and protocols for India thro ugh active
participation in relevant global forum s and extensive public-private consultations w ith
academia, R&D institutions, and industry experts

AM is greener approach to m anufacturing, however, presence of m etal powders, laser radiation

and toxicity risks fro m chem icals in AM are akin to other technologies To address these issues,
the global standard bodies are bringing AM specific safety standards such as UL 3400 and are
also w orking on developing standards th ro u g h th e ASTM F42 com m ittee. India could also adopt
these standards th ro u g h its existing standard eco-system to nurture a globally com petitive
dom estic AM ecosystem.

» M aterials : Focus on developm ent of advanced materials for industrial application in defence,
aerospace, autom otive, biomedical, industrial applications, electronics etc is needed. D efining
standards for m aterial requirem ents and establishing materials qualification and certification,
to be prioritized. Strategic focus needed to ensure developm ent o f - AM m aterial to im prove
com ponent performance, single source o f material, process and functiona lity docum ents, and
for advancem ent in material research.

» Software & Design : Developm ent o f design tools and Design for Additive M anufacturing
(DfAM).The stream ing o f m achine instruction for fabrication thro ugh a reduced cycle tim e and
developm ent of higher functiona lity products needs to be ensured.

» Legal Fram ew ork : S trengthening existing cyber laws is required to effectively ensure risk
m itigatio n and safety o f AM CAD files, software, and hardware, along w ith th e security o f AM
database structures, and tim e ly detection and incidence response for cyber attacks on AM
systems. It is im perative to build capabilities in the private sector to m itigate the risks of IP
in frin g e m e n t in AM technology. India should prioritize th e developm ent o f cyber security tools
for prevention and tim e ly detection and m itigation o f com prom ised data. A proactive approach
towards addressing Liability and Intellectual Property concerns may also be adopted to prevent
the em ergence o f risks rather than regulating th e m once they present themselves.•

• Developm ent o f a strategic AM Technology Advancem ent Plan to chart o ut R&D and IP creation
priorities m ay be undertaken. Existing Governm ent program m es and public funded research


should be analysed to ensure a lign m en t to this plan, to avoid duplication o f efforts, and to ensure
th a t investm ents m eet mission needs. A broad fram ew ork o f th e priority areas has been detailed in
Annexure II

6.2 S trengthening Technology Leadership

6.2.7 Talent
The National Strategy should address the need
for skilled m anpow er in various jo b profiles
including operators, engineers, R&D personnel,
technology broking and m anagem ent.

The follow ing policies w ill be im p o rta n t for AM

related m anpow er developm ent:

Engineering curriculum suitable for bachelor and m aster’s degrees may

be developed th ro u g h th e University Grants Commission (UGC) and All
India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) in consultation w ith
Industry and be introduced in ITIs/NITs/NTs. The curriculum should focus
on the fundam entals, applications and im plications o f AM for design and
m anufacturing, product design and developm ent, m achine design and
developm ent, m aterial developm ent characteristics and applications,
production process optim ization, applications o f AM technology in space,
aerospace, defence, autom otive, navy, biomedical and engineering.

NSQF standardized and certified Open Access/Free O nline Resources,

diploma, and certification courses could be provided w ith custom izable
and self-paced training m odules to all educational levels. A special
curriculum for training of teachers could also be developed to acclimatise
th e m w ith the technology.

Inclusion o f STEM in school curriculum as it prioritizes inquiry-based

learning and critical th in kin g skills to solve application based problem s
by using an engineering design approach.

Lab based training initiatives like Atal Tinkering Lab to be undertaken to

inculcate skills like com putational thinking, design mindset, adaptive
learning, physical com putin g etc

Industry should also be encouraged to open AM centres at academic

institutes for proliferation o f different AM technologies and developm ent
o f skilled manpower. Financial support could also be extended through
Government and industrial funding via academic institutions.

MakerSpaces an d FabLabs
National network o f Industrial MakerSpaces and FabLabs may be
developed thro ugh a Public Private Partnership (PPP) fram ew ork fo r
encouraging co m m u n ity participation to prom ote th e horizontal
exchange o f knowledge.

This initiative could be modelled around 'Maker Village’, a Government-

Academia collaboration between MeitY, IHTM-K, G overnm ent o f Kerala
and Kerala Start-up Mission. The institute provides facilities for ideation o f
product developm ent including co-working spaces, conference rooms,
electronics and Instrum entation labs, Metal M achining area, Industrial 3d
Printing and Plastics facility, and an Industrial SMT Line. It also provides
financial assistance and co investm ent opportunities.


Skilling & Upskilling
Industry driven apprenticeship program m es should aim to inculcate the
knowledge, skills and behaviour required for specific jo b roles, to operate
in an end to end additive m anufacturing production environm ent.

To incentivize organizations to invest in re skilling th e ir workforce, a

certain percentage of CSR fund may be perm itted to be utilized for this

Technology Centres
At present, 76 courses offered by MSME TCs are National Skill
Q ualification Fram ework (NSQF) com pliant. They may be fu rth e r
leveraged to disseminate AM specific curriculum tailored for the MSME
segment. G overnm ent and industry partnership w ill be essential to
ensure th a t technological infrastructure is m ade available at such

Training on all the aspects of AM for all stakeholders is imperative.

Further, to increase visibility into these technologies, relevant
stakeholders could be engaged to prom ote th o u g h t leadership thro ugh
Seminars, Conferences and workshops in confluence w ith dom ain

6.2.2 Research and IP Creation

AM strategy prim arily focuses on encouraging research and developm ent in technologies
encompassing TRL-0 to TRL-9, prom oting com petitive markets, as also, educating and training the
next generation workforce. Dedicated R&D platform s should be established by private companies, and
Government at academ ic institutes and laboratories. Indian R&D laboratories should also be nurtured
and encouraged to w ork w ith industries to create Indian IP for AM technologies including materials,
machines, design, process, software to provide specific technology solutions w ith localization of supply

The following broad strategies for R&D in science and technology for AM could be followed:

R&D efforts in AM should be focussed on creating indigenous IPR on

materials, design, m achines and software. These research efforts on
Advanced M anufacturing could be supported by increase in
grants-in-aid. Funding agencies could also have a dedicated bud get
head for AM and encourage consortium m ode R&D. These funding
agencies should also create roadm aps for short-term (3 years), m id-term
(5 years) and long-term (10 years) R&D as per m arket dem and & jo b
creation objectives and ensure the funds are disbursed accordingly. The
fund release could also be based on perform ance and relevance to AM
industry applications. Government support m ay also be extended
th ro u g h tax incentives and other benefits if the R&D projects are fully
funded by private industry.

Centre for Prom otion o f Additive M anufacturing (CPAM) shall be initiated

for developing indigenous AM technology (material, machine, process
and application products) w ith high localization o f supply chain w ith PPP
m odel in partnership w ith State Governments. These centres can be hub
o f end to end AM innovation and serve to industry as com m on facilities
w ith o u t any d u p licity o f efforts. The CPAMs w ill address the needs of
m anufacturing sectors on skilled manpower; indigenous technology,
design, software, materials, machines, processes; and localization of


supply chain. IPR prom otion and creation shall be part o f the CPAMs
wherein incentive per IP m ay be provided by G overnm ent o f India to
increase rate o f IPR creation. CPAMs w ill also be responsible for
percolation of AM technologies to district levels and creation o f SME

All intellectual property developed th ro u g h public funded projects and

applied research program m es for th e AM Technology Advancem ent Plan
to be m ade available on this platform such th a t th e adoption of
technology may be expedited. Specific m echanism for creation o f such a
forum and term s o f access by the public could be devised in consultation
w ith Academia and Industry. This foru m m ay fu rth e r act as a knowledge
aggregating platform w ith all available industry reports, case studies,
training and skill developm ent courses, G overnm ent program m es and
schemes, AM specific tenders, and RFPs.

W hile prom oting em erging technologies like AM in th e country, it w ould

be appropriate to attract foreign leaders to set up th e ir base in India and
sim ultaneously prom ote Indian ancillary com panies for strengthening
their long-term value proposition. Bilateral and m ultilateral level
G overnm ent-to-G overnm ent collaboration, also w ith institutes and
industries should be encouraged for early success and long-term
benefits, specially, in production o f professional grade industrial AM
systems, materials, specific design and optim isation software. India w ill
thus be benefited fro m expertise developed in m ultiple global R&D h ub s
The approach could be as follows:

USA and Europe: Collaboration w ith leading com panies as core strategic
allies on issues of global AM security.

Germany, Netherlands, UK and USA:C ollaboratio

in AM supply chain technologies.

Singapore, Japan, South Korea, Russia an d South Africa: Collaboration

in R&D hubs in specialized areas for developing niche m arket capabilities
o f AM.

Israel: Institutional and industrial level collaboration on need-based

requirem ents due to th e country's significant production capability in
industrial AM systems.

6.2.3S upply Chain D evelopm ent

Government financial support and private fu nding (venture capital, start-ups & accelerators) w ould be
needed to prom ote th e dom estic AM eco-system and supply chains. To encourage integration o f AM
technologies across th e dom estic supply chain, th e follow ing measures are proposed:

Procurem ent policies o f R&D organisations, Defence, Public Sectors, and

Aerospace organisations should encourage purchase o f AM m achines
and m anufactured com ponents & systems for th e ir operations. These
organisations could also prepare a 5-year road m ap for adoption o f AM

PMA policies may be structured to supp ort local m anufacturers w ho

have availed support fro m certain technology upgradation program m es
extended by Central and State governm ents, purchased technology


fro m the IP Access Forum or whose operations are already aligned to the
AM Technology Advancem ent Plan.

Few existing MSME schemes and program m es initiated by Central and

state authorities to prom ote technology are in consonance w ith the
principles o f Additive M anufacturing Technologies. Schemes th a t extend
support to MSME’s for Technology upgradation should be prom oted to
augm ent adoption o f AM by MSMEs. It is recom m ended to included AM
technologies under schemes like:

• Credit Linked Capital Subsidy Scheme for Technology Upgradation

• Lean Manufacturing Competitiveness Scheme

• Technology and Quality Upgradation Support to MSMEs

• Software Product Innovation and Development Scheme and Production

Linked Incentive Scheme to all products made through AM irrespective of

O ther incentives and support th a t th e G overnm ent m ay extend to

prom ote and accelerate adoption o f AM technologies include:

• State authorities may consider fu rth e r incentives on Quality

Certification charges to encourage purchase of AM Machinery.

• A Single W indow System m ay be developed to ensure expedited

tim elines for all m ajor approvals like Factory Plan Approval, Factory
License, CTO, CTE etc
• Electricity ta riff benefit could be extended to units w ith high power
consum ption requirements.

• Plug and Play facilities could be provided by th e governm ent at a

subsidized rental cost.
- ft

• Developm ent o f Logistics and supporting infrastructure in case of

production facilities situated in rem ote locations.

• Long te rm Tax benefits to be considered for ease of availing loans to

encourage reinvestm ent and scaling o f production processes and
• Graded incentive strategy to be considered to encourage local
m anufacturing by Start-ups & SMEs, and Foreign players.
• A Dedicated program m e m ay be initiated by th e governm ent to
link AM w ith broader range o f industries.

• Financial support fro m Government and private funding (venture

capital, start-ups & accelerators) to prom ote dom estic AM
eco-system and supply chains

• Providing an attractive du ty structure lowering th e barriers to

encourage AM technology, patents, materials, m achineries etc.

• Financial support to prom ote IPR creation to enhance capability of

m arket breakthroughs.
• Encouraging global AM leaders w ith latest technologies and foreign
investm ents to Indian market.

« Specific AM technology developm ent platform s for facilitating

com m ercialization and m arket d e ve lo p m e n t



Cluster-based agglom eration has been integral in im proving

regional econom ic perform ance and localizing supply chains.

• Creation o f adequate infrastructure in a dedicated zone to

facilitate setting up a sm art m anufacturing facility in th e country
will be instrum ental in catalyzing investments.

• Existing sector specific Industrial clusters/zones w ith adequate

infrastructure and facilities suitable to Additive M anufacturing
could be offered to attract global leaders and large dom estic
m anufacturers to set up th e ir operation. Dedicated facilities, like
AMTZ, Vishakhapatnam, could be chosen for prom oting AM
hubs for specific sectors.

Support fro m State Governments w ould be required to harness

public and private sector investm ents to create and upgrade
infrastructural facilities in industrial clusters for MSMEs and set
up com m on facility centres. The facilities m ay also be equipped
for testing, designing, tooling, training workforce and as a raw
m aterial depot.
7. Conclusions
Building the m anufacturing eco-system in The National Strategy on Additive
developing countries is always a challenge due to M anufacturing is, therefore, im perative to keep
expensive physical infrastructure, production pace w ith technology, identifying AM's likely
machineries, lack of skilled m anpower and path for developm ent, and devising prudent
sustainable supply chain. Additive m anufacturing strategy to navigate th e path for future
technology opens up new opportunities for socio econom ic grow th. The adoption and diffusion of
econom ic grow th thro ugh cost effective and more this em erging technology w ould require new
flexible m anufacturing eco-system. Small standards, knowledge, and infrastructure to
m anufacturers can adapt to dem and very quickly facilitate its use. Innovation and R&D ecosystem
and the supply chain can be sim plified by the engaging academia and industry participations
industries by creating in-house AM printed would, therefore, be im p o rta n t for realizing the
end-use and spare parts. Though production fruits.
remains modest, the econom y o f scale for the
consumer m arket can, however, be achieved w ith The Strategy aspires to achieve 5% o f Global AM
advancem ent of this technology. AM technology m arket share and thereto add nearly $lBn to the
offers an alternative path to the developing GDP by 2025. This w ill create eco-system for
countries to overcome industrial com petitiveness various econom ic activities, such as, creation of
w ith o u t substantial investm ent in physical nearly 100 new Start-ups, 10 AM sectors, 1 lakh
infrastructure. new skilled m anpower, besides, developm ent of
500 AM products and 50 Indian AM
Fast evolving AM technology is im pacting global technologies on material, machine, process and
production processes w ith advancem ent of software. In addition, awareness for adoption of
industrial AM, where significant breakthroughs are AM products to facilitate this grow th will be
expected in near futures. The conventional created.
m anufacturing may com pletely replace small
production domain, where mass custom ization
holds the key. Foreign countries are aggressively
prom oting AM technology th ro u g h significant
financial support and other policy measures for
capturing global m anufacturing space in
em erging business opportunities. If India fails to
cope w ith the pace o f AM innovation, it may lose
control of technologies, w hich are being
em bedded in fu tu re strategic and com m ercial

India has a potential to create its dom inance and

leadership role in all th e four verticals o f AM
technology, viz. materials, software, machines
and service due to its existing expertise.
Innovation and R&D ecosystem engaging
academia and industry participations w ould be
im p o rta n t for realizing the fru its o f this
em erging technology.

Indian R&D laboratories could be nurtured to provide specific AM grade materials, by prom oting
existing research till com mercialisation. Technology needs to be developed for 3D printer m achine ano
printed product recycling. The strategy w ould provide an ecosystem to em brace the latest
developm ents o f AM technology. The private and public partnership w ould be encouraged to focus on
developing applied design and engineering. *

India isa nascent m arket in the AM technology specially for metal, ceramic, biom edical and electronics.
The m arket m ay still require a decade to m atch the developed economies, A dedicated agency would
be created to spearhead th e National Initiative for positioning India at th e fore front o f developm ent
and adoption of Additive M anufacturing Technologies. The Centre w ould act as an aggregator of
knowledge and resources, and an accelerator for technology adoption and advancement.

The strategy focuses on identifying present challenges and th e ir im m ediate and long term solutions.
To nurture the Indian IP ecosystem in the areas o f material and process technology; software, design
and supply chain developm ent; and upgrading the exiting academic institutions and research
organisations have been recom m ended for requisite awareness, skilled workforce and IP creation. To
cope w ith global com petition, strengthening o f knowledgebase, standard infrastructure, certification,
robust legal fram ew ork, key tax benefits, preferential m arket access, specifically for start-ups/ SMEs,
has been proposed. Besides, providing requisite support to m anufacturers for m itig a tin g issues like
cyber security, export control etc. have also been identified.

Centres for Prom otion o f Additive M anufacturing (CPAMs) for developing sector specific indigenous
AM technology (material, machine, process and application products) w ould be created w ith high
localization o f supply chain thro ugh a PPP m odel w ith State Governments. These centres w ould serve
as com m on facilities and h u b of end to end AM innovation for industries and also cater to the need of
skilled manpower; indigenous technology and localization of supply chain. IPR creation and prom otion
shall be part of the CPAMs wherein incentive per IP may be provided by G overnm ent o f India to
increase rate of IPR creation.

The National Strategy on Additive M anufacturing shall be re-visited in fu tu re to reflect changes in

m arket conditions.


Major Global leaders in Additive Manufacturing
a. Materials

Company Areas of Specialization Technology Geography of

S. No. 1
details and Operations Used Operations

1. Tekna, AM metal powder Plasma France, China, South

Canada m anufacturers Technology Korea, Japan, South
Metal Powder Africa, Australia, New
Powders: Titanium Alloys, System and Zealand, Singapore,
Nickel Alloys, A lum inium Powder Taiwan, India.
Alloys, Tungsten, Tantalum, Manufacturer

2. CKN AM metal powder Plasma South America, North

Hoeganaes, m anufacturers Technology America, Europe, Asia
Germany Metal Powder Pacific, Africa.
Powders: Alum inium alloys, System and
Low alloy steels, Inconel Powder
alloys, Titanium alloys Manufacturer

3. Hoganas, AM Metal powder Gas Atomised United States of

Sweden manufacturers powders America, United
Kingdom, Europe,
Powders: Nickel alloys, India, Indonesia,
Cobalt alloys, Iron South Korea
4. Praxair Surface AM Metal powder United States, Europe,
Technologies, m anufacturers Singapore, South
USA Powders: Cobalt alloys, Korea, United
Iron alloys, Nickel alloys, Kingdom, Canada,
Titanium alloys Japan, China, Brazil.

5. Sandvik AB, AM Metal powder Gas Atomised Sweden, United

Sweden m anufacturers powders States, Europe, United
Powders: Titanium alloys, Kingdom, India
tool steel, stainless steel,
nickel based super alloys,
Copper alloys

6 . Carpenter AM Metal powder Gas Atomisation, United States, Europe,

Additive, USA manufacturers Water United Kingdom,
Atomisation, Singapore, Canada
Powders:Titanium alloys, Plasma
tool steel, stainless steel, atomisation,
nickel based super alloys, Centrifugal
Copper alloys, Cobalt alloys, atomisation.
Iron alloys, Refractory
metals, scalmalloy

7. Pyrogenesis AM Metal powder Plasma Canada

Additive, m anufacturers atomisation
Canada Powders: Titanium alloys,
tool steel, stainless steel,
nickel based super alloys,


b. Machines

Company Areas of Specialization Technology Geography of

S. No.
details and Operations Used Operations

1. EOS GmbH, Metal Additive Powder bed Germany, USA, Asia -

Germany Manufacturing Machine fusion Pacific

2. Renishaw, Metal Additive Powder bed United Kingdom,

United M anufacturing Machine fusion Europe, USA,
Kingdom Manufacturer Asia-Pacific

3. GE Additive, Laser and electron beam Powder bed United Kingdom,

USA based Metal Additive fusion Europe, Sweden,
Manufacturing Machine USA, Asia-Pacific

4. SLM Solutions Metal Additive Powder bed Europe, United

AG, Germany Manufacturing Machine fusion Kingdom, Europe,
Manufacturer USA, Israel, Russia,

5. Voxelje t AG, 3D Sand Printing, 3D Sand Europe, United

Germany Machine Manufacturer Printing Kingdom, USA,
Israel, Russia,

6. ExOne, USA 3D Sand Pri nti ng, 3D Sand USA, Europe, United
. Machine Manufacturer Printing Kingdom, Israel,
Russia, Asia-Pacific

7. Optomec, Laser Metal Deposition 3D Sand USA, Europe, United

USA Machine and 3D Prigting Printing Kingdom, Israel,
o f Electronics Machine Russia, Asia-Pacific

a RPM Laser Metal Deposition Laser Metal USA

Innovations, Machine M anufacturer Deposition

9. Sciaky Inc., Electron Beam Additive Electron Beam USA, Europe,

USA Manufacturing, Machine Additive Asia-Pacific
Manufacturer Manufacturing

10. Additive Metal Additive Powder bed Europe, USA, Asia -

Industries, Manufacturing Machine fusion Pacific, United
Netherlands Manufacturer Kingdom

11. Trumpf, Metal Additive Powder bed Europe, USA, Asia -

Germany Manufacturing Machine fusion and Pacific, United
Manufacturer Laser Metal Kingdom, Mexico

12. Ham ilton Labs, 3D Construction Printing 3D Europe

Singapore Machine M anufacturer Construction

13. Cobod, 3D Construction Printing 3D Singapore, India

Denm ark Machine Manufacturer Construction


Company Areas of Specialization Technology Geography of
S. No.
details and Operations Used Operations

14. Stratasys, USA Plastic 3D Printing Fused USA, Europe,

Machine Manufacturer Deposition Asia-Pacific, Mexico,
Modelling Middle East
& Polyjet

c. Software

S. No. Company details Technology Used Geography of Operations

1. Materialise, Belgium Magics, Mimics, 3-matic, USA, Asia-Pacific

Streamics, and other
software products

2. Autodesk NETFAB, 3D CAD Software USA, Asia-Pacific,

USA Europe

3. Altair 3D Matic, USA 3D Matic optim ising USA, Asia-Pacific,

Software Europe, Mexico, Egypt,
Middle East, Mexico

d. Services

S. No. Company details Technology Used Geography of Operations

l. Protolabs, USA Plastic and Metal 3D USA, United Kingdom,

Printing, Injection Japan, Europe
Moulding, Machining

2. 3T Additive Plastic and Metal 3D United Kingdom

M anufacturing, Printing
United Kingdom

3. 3D Hubs, Plastic and Metal 3D Netherlands, Germany,

Netherlands Printing, Injection United Kingdom,
Moulding, Machining Europe, USA

4. Star Rapid, China Plastic and Metal 3D United Kingdom, USA,

Printing Asia Pacific, Europe

5. Agile M anufacturing Plastic and Metal 3D Canada

Inc. Canada Printing


Innovation Road Map

r ^ r
^ r Consolidated Impact ^
Focus Area Objective Description
L___________ J L___________ J L___________ A

• Streaming process of
• Enable strong and design w ith reduced
Design m ethods and sm art design tools cycle tim e, higher
tools are essential to functionality products
design AM parts like • Enable Design for
conventional m anu­ Additive Manufacturing • Apply design for additive
facturing m ethods
m anufacturing for
(Cast or machined part)
specific applications

• Describe standard AM • Set up the AM material

Material Material requirements development actions to
increase the component
Development of advanced • Set up vendor qualification performance
materials for industrial & encourage AM material
applications such as source expansion • Set up a single source of
material, process and
defence, aerospace, • Produce AM materials functionality documents.
automotive, biomedical,
• Develop materials Enhance material
industrial applications, research to provide quality
qualification and
electronics etc. of final AM components

Process • Facilitate the wider

• Develop stable & strong
application of AM
AM processes. Develop
Need for technological through process
process control
control and machine
advancem ent in faster,
accurate, high resolution, • Develop open platform
large form at-built capacity equipment
• Establish processes to
AM machines enhance the
• Develop new AM
applications of AM for
► process capabilities
various sectors

• Identify when, where

Value Chain * Develop cost models and how to use AM
and tools
• Installation of AM
Need for technological machines across various
• Establish qualification
im provem ents in AM industry segments.
and certification for AM
value chain economy, lead system and components • Setup up business plans
tim es and m arket launch to ensure the continuous
tim ing • Develop open platform
• Integration of AM
equipment. Develop new technology into the
AM process capabilities present supply chain


S. No. | List of W ords Description

1. 3D model Three-dimensional model

2. ABS Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

3. AM Additive Manufacturing

4. AMTZ, Vishakhapatnam Andhra Pradesh MedTech Zone, Vishakhapatnam

5. ASEAN Association of South East Asian Nations

6. ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

7. BS-VI norms Bharat Stage- VI norms

8. CAD model Computer Aided Design

9. CAM Computer Aided Manufacturing

10. CAGR Compound Annual Growth Rate

11. CMT Cold Metal Transfer

12. CNC Computer Numerical Control

13. CSR Corporate Social Responsibility

14. CTE Comprehensive Tax Evaluation

15. CTO Chief Tax Officer

16. DED Direct Energy Deposition

17. DfAM Design for additive manufacturing

18. DMLM Direct Metal Laser Melting

19. DMLS Direct Metal Laser Sintering

20. DRDO Defence Research and Development Organisation

21. FDM Fused deposition modelling

22. GDP Gross Domestic Product

23. HIP hot isostatic pressing

24. IPR Intellectual Property Rights

25. IIT Indian Institute of Technology

26. LENS Laser Engineered Net Shaping

27. LOM Laminated object manufacturing

k i i l K l It— r n \ r ^
S. No. List of Words Description

28. MJM Multi-jet modelling

29. MSME Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises

30. NDE Non-Destructive Evaluation

31. NDT Non-Destructive Testing

32. NSQF National Skill Qualification Framework

33. OEMs Original Equipment Manufacturers

34. OFB Ordnance Factory Board

35. PC Poly Carbonate

36. PCB Printed Circuit Board

37. PLA Poly Lactic Acid

38. PLD Pulsed Laser Deposition

39. PPP Public Private Partnership

40. PVA PolyVinyl Alcohol

41. SEBM Selective Electron Beam Melting

42. SHS selective heat sintering

43. SMD Surface Mount Device

44. SLM Selective Laser Melting

45. STEM Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

46. STED Simulated Emission Depletion

47. STL Stereolithography

48. SMT Surface-Mount Technology

49. TIG Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) welding

50. TRL Technology Readiness Level

51. UC ultrasonic consolidation


Ministry o f Electronics and Information Technology
Government of India

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