Adhikari Tole Bato Dhalan
Adhikari Tole Bato Dhalan
Adhikari Tole Bato Dhalan
4mm th. Commercial Plywood for the Road joint with all
15.00 3.50 0.08 3.94
3.94 Sqm 250.00 984.37
Carry out additional tests for material and works as required and
5 1.00 1.00 PS 5,500.00 5,500.00
instructed by the Engineer.
Sub Total 701,763.36
VAT @ 13% 91,229.24
Grand Total 792,992.60
4 4mm th. Commercial Plywood for the Road joint with all complete
18.00 3.40 0.10 6.12
6.12 Sqm 277.30 1697.08
Carry out additional tests for material and works as
5 1.00 1.00 PS 5,500.00 5,500.00
required and instructed by the Engineer.
Sub Total 707,899.28
VAT @ 13% 92,026.91
Grand Total 799,926.19
इनोभेटिभ बिल्डर्स , Pokhara-8, Kaski
१. आर्थिक प्रशासन महाशाखा,पो.म.न.पा.को कार्यलय।
२.वडा कार्यलय,पो.म.न.पा.२६
३. ई.श्री रामजी प्रसाद त्रिपाठी ; सब ई.श्री
संकल्प ढुंगाना डिजाईन स्पेसिफिकेशन तथा
ठेक्का सम्झौतामा रहेका सर्तहरुको परिधिमा
रहि तोकिएको समयभित्र,तोकिएको गुणस्तर तथा
देव भारती
kf]v/f dxfgu/kflnsf
gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] sfof{no
Go"/f]8, sf:sL
अधिकारि टोल बाटो ढलान वडा -१ को सम्झौता पत्र
kf]v/f dxfgu/kflnsf j8f g+=०१ l:yt अधिकारि टोल बाटो ढलान योजना अन्तर्गत tklzn
adf]lhdsf] sfo{ kf]v/f dxfgu/kflnsf, वडा कार्यलय १, sf:sL / >L इनोभेटीभ बिल्डर्स
kf]v/f–०८ jLr ldlt २०८०/७/२४ ut] lgDgfg';f/sf] zt{x? kfngf ug]{ u/L ;Demf}tf
kqdf ;xL 5fk u/L lbof} lnof} .
qm=;+= sfo{ laj/0f kl/df0f OsfO{
lg=Ao=sf] b/sjf]n c+ss}lkmot
A Civil Works
1 Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures,
including construction of shoring and bracing, removal
of stumps and other deleterious matter and backfilling
with approved Material as per Drawing and Technical 83.28 Cum 135.00 11,243.21
Specifications.(Mechanical Means) in ordinary soil.
!= dfyL pNn]vzt{x?
ul/Psf] sfo{x?sf] hDdf ;Demf}tf -Eof6 ;lxtsf]_ c+s ?
=७,९३,४७४.२३ -अक्षरुपी: सात लाख तिरानाब्बे हजार चार सय चौरत्तर
@= त्यहिसpNn]v
;Demf}tfdf पैसा ul/Psf]
मात्र sfo{x?
_ dfq x'g]5 .
ldtL २०८०/८/०४ ut] leq ;DkGg u/L ;Sg'kg]
{5 .
# lgdf{0f Aoa;foLnfO{
$=tf]lsPsf] sfo{sf]
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b[lisf]0fn] u'0f:t/ubf{ ah]6lgdf{0f
g7xl/Pdf Pj+ k|flalws d"Nofs+gsf]
Aoa;foL :jo+n] ;f] l;
sf] Ifltk"lt{ Aoxf]g'{ kg]{5 .
%= dfyL pNn]lvt zt{x? afx]s cGo s'/fsf] xsdf k|rlnt P]g sfg'g tyf ;fj{jlgs vl/b P]g
tyf lgodfjnL adf]lhd x'g]5 .
Measurement Book
Final Bill
Pokhara Metropolitan City
पोखरा महानगरपालिका
नगर कार्यपालिकाको कार्यालय
u08sL k|b]z, sf:sL
नापी किताब
स्वीकृत गर्ने:
Pokhara Metropolitan City
Office of Municipal Executive
New road, Pokhara
Gandaki Province, Nepal
Name of project :- Adhikari Tole Bato Dhalan Bill No: Final bill
Contractor : इनोभेटिवभ बिल्डर्स , Pokhara-8, Kaski Previous Voucher No:
Contract No. : current of Payment:
Contract Price: NRs. 7,93,474.13 (With vat ) Date of Payment:
Contract Agreement Date: 2080/07/24 Page no of Payment book:
Intened Date of Completion: 2080/8/04 M.B.Number:
Type of Statement: Final Bill No.from 1 to1
Contracted BoQ Amount Upto this bill Previous bill Current bill
S.No. Description of the work Unit Amount Remarks
Quantity Rate Amount (NRs.) Quantity Amount (NRs.) Quantity Quantity Amount (NRs.) %
A Civil Works
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter and backfilling with approved Material as per Drawing Cum 83.28 135.00 11,243.21 74.37 10,040.49 - - 74.37 10,040.49 89.30
and Technical Specifications.(Mechanical Means) in ordinary soil.
Stone Soling & Levelling works in foundation including 30m lead with all
complete Cum 45.26 4550.00 205,944.37 45.35 206,342.50 - - 45.35 206,342.50 100.19
4 4mm th. Commercial Plywood for the Road joint with all complete Sqm 6.12 250.00 1,530.00 3.94 984.37 - - 3.94 984.38 64.34
Carry out additional tests for material and works as required and
instructed by the Engineer. PS 1.00 5500.00 5,500.00 1.00 5,500.00 - - 1.00 5,500.00 100.00
Sub Total Without VAT and Contingencies 702,189.58 701,763.36 701,763.36 99.94
VAT @ 13 % of Sub Total 91,284.65 91,229.24 91,229.24
Sub Total 793,474.23 792,992.60 792,992.59
Grand Total 793,474.23 792,992.60 792,992.59
For Account Section Use:
Submitted By: Prepared By: Checked By: Recc. By: Approved By:
kf]v/f dxfgu/kflnsf
gu/ sfo{kflnsfsf] sfof{no
Go"/f]8, sf:sL
sfo{ ;DkGg k|ltj]bg
sfdsf] gfd : Adhikari Tole Bato Dhalan
;+emf}tfsf] s'n c+s : 793,474.23 (including VAT)
vr{ ePsf] s'n c+s : 792,992.60 (including VAT)
;+emf}tf eGbf 36L a9L : 481.62 36L
36L a9L k|ltzt : 0.06
sfd z'? ePsf] ldlt : 7/25/2080
;DkGg ePsf] ldlt : 8/4/2080
qm s}lk
Osf ;+emf}tf adf]lhd v'b ePsf] sfd km/s
=; sfdsf] lja/0f kl/ kl/ kl/ mot
O{ b/ hDdf b/ hDdf b/ hDdf
A Civil Works
df0f df0f df0f 0.00
Earth work in excavation of foundation of structures, including
construction of shoring and bracing, removal of stumps and other
deleterious matter and backfilling with approved Material as per Cum 83.28 135.00 11243.2 135.00 10040.49 -8.91 135.00 -1202.71
Drawing and Technical Specifications.(Mechanical Means) in ordinary
soil. 74.37
2 Stone Soling & Levelling works in foundation including 30m lead with
Cum 45.26 4550.00 205944.4 4550.00 206342.50 0.09 4550.00 398.13
all complete 45.35
3 Providing and laying of Ready Mixed Concrete in complete as per
Cum 36.21 13200.00 477972.0 13200.00 478896.00 0.07 13200.00 924.00
drawing and technical specifications. PCC Grade M15 36.28
Sqm 6.12 250.00 1530.0 250.00 984.38 -2.18 250.00 -545.63
4mm th. Commercial Plywood for the Road joint with all complete 3.94
5 Carry out additional tests for material and works as required and
PS 1.00 5500.00 5500.0 5500.00 5500.00 0.00 5500.00 0.00
instructed by the Engineer. 1.00
Sub Total 702189.58 Sub Total 701763.37 Sub Total (426.21)
VAT @13% 91,284.65 91,229.24
Total With VAT 793,474.23 792,992.60