Latihan Soal 19 Januari
Latihan Soal 19 Januari
Latihan Soal 19 Januari
(Arsitek membangun apartemen pada tiba di rumah pukul 6.)
tahun 2010.) a. arrived
a. build b. was arriving
b. built c. had arrived
c. builded d. had been arriving
d. builted
8. He ... very pale yesterday at 3 p.m. (Dia
2. Jill ... for six hours. (Jill telah mengemudi sangat pucat kemarin jam 3 sore.)
selama enam jam.) a. was
a. had been driven b. were
b. had been driving c. had been
c. had been drove d. has been
d. had been drive
9. Sam ... attend math class yesterday. (Sam
3. Andi ... the dog when his father slept. tidak menghadiri kelas matematika
(Andi memberi makan anjing pada saat kemarin.)
ayahnya tidur.) a. was not
a. fed b. were not
b. feeding c. did not
c. was fed d. does not
d. was feeding
10. My family ... to the museum last holiday.
4. I ... my grandmother three days ago. (Aku (Keluargaku pergi ke museum pada liburan
mengunjungi nenekku tiga hari yang lalu.) lalu.)
a. visit a. go
b. visits b. gone
c. visiting c. went
d. visited d. wented
5. ... Milla been at your house till two days 11. Isabella ... a sandwich before breakfast
ago? (Apakah Milla ada di rumahmu sampai this morning. (Isabella telah menyiapkan
dua hari yang lalu?) sandwich sebelum sarapan pagi ini.)
a. was a. prepared
b. were b. was preparing
c. has c. had prepared
d. had d. had preparing
27. He did not ….. his holiday in his 33. My mother was in the kitchen 2 hours
hometown last week ago, she …. lunch
a. Spent a. Cook
b. Spending b. Cooks
c. Spend c. Cooked
d. Spends d. Cooking
a. Woke
b. Wakes
c. Wake
d. Waked
34. Please arrange these words into a good
simple past tense sentence!
1.Ignored – 2. Last night – 3. She – 4. My call
a. 1-2-3-4
b. 4-3-2-1
c. 3-1-4-2
d. 3-4-1-2
a. 1-4-2-5-3
b. 1-5-4-2-3
c. 1-4-3-2-5
d. 1-2-4-3-5
1. My Mom (write) a letter to Aunt Tina in Japan just now.
10. (the girls dance) beautifully on the main stage last night?