3 Years
“Baby” teeth are important to chew, speak, and Parents decide what food is served at 3 meals
save room for adult teeth. and 2-3 small snacks.
• “Baby” teeth must last 6-10 years. • Child decides how much and which food to eat,
• Brush child’s teeth along gums twice a day. will eat more on some days than others.
• Healthy foods include:
o Fruit, and vegetables (half the plate)
o Whole grain bread, cereal or pasta
o Protein and iron-rich foods, like meats,
chicken, fish, eggs, beans and tofu
• A child needs a “dental home.” Visit the dentist • Offer child new foods (may take 10 times).
twice a year, or as advised by dentist. • Limit fried and fast foods plus snacks high in
• Lift the lips and look at all sides of teeth. Call sugar and fat.
dentist if there are any white, brown or black
• Have child eat only during meals and snacks.
• Ask doctor or dentist about the fluoride varnish Make family meals a happy time.
and tablets for child. Keep fluoride out of child’s • Teach child to wash hands before meals.
• Sit and eat together and show table manners. Resources for Parents
• Do not force child to eat or clean plate. • Police, fire, ambulance: Call 9-1-1
• Medicines may have sugar or cause dry mouth.
• Have child help shop and prepare meals. • CA Poison Action Line: Call 1-800-222-1222
Follow with water or brush teeth.
• To find a Denti-Cal dentist, call 1-800-322-
Child uses a small cup for all drinks. 6384 or see
• Offer water often and 2 cups of nonfat or low • For health information about kids and teens,
fat milk a day. visit
• Whole fruit is best. Limit 100% fruit juice to • For help with food, housing, employment,
½ cup a day. health care, counseling, and more, call 2-1-1.
• Do not give soda or other sugary drinks. • If you feel overwhelmed, sad, or about to
• Stop the spread of cavity germs. Do not share shake or harm your baby, call your doctor,
anything that has been in your mouth with your 1-800-4-A-CHILD (1-800-422-4453), or a
toddler. friend for help.
o Do not share toothbrushes, cups, spoons, • To quit smoking, call 1-800-NO-BUTTS
straws, etc. (1-800-662-8887).
o Do not pre-chew or bite off food. Developed by the Nutrition, Oral Health, and Health
• Take care of your own teeth. Education Subcommittees of the California Child
o Brush with fluoride toothpaste morning and Women, Infants and Children (WIC): Health and Disability Prevention (CHDP) Program
night. Floss before bedtime. Call 1-888-942-9675 Executive Committee.
o Make a dental appointment for yourself. Food Stamps – Supplement Nutritional
o Ask your dentist about fluoride, gum or Assistance Program (SNAP): 1-877-847-3663
mints with xylitol and other ways to prevent
cavities. Reviewed 01/2018.
Health What to Expect Safety
Keeping Child Healthy Water Safety
• Use sunscreen when outdoors. • Set water heater to less than 120⁰F and check
• Take child for regular health check-ups and water before putting child in bath.
immunizations (shots). • Never leave child alone in bath, pool or near
• Keep child’s hair, hands, body, clothes, car water or toilet.
seat, and bedding clean and dry.
• Wash child’s hand with soap and water after
using toilet, and before eating.
• Keep child away from: • If child is very quiet and always sad, talk to the
o Loud noises and music to protect hearing doctor.
o Tobacco smoke and nicotine products Child may: Car Safety
• Get dressed without help • Always check behind car before backing out.
• Jump in place • Never leave child alone in car.
• Pedal in tricycle • Carry or hold child’s hand when near cars.
• Begin to draw • Use forward-facing car seat with a harness
• Use 4-5 word sentences and be understood by placed properly in the back seat. Make sure child
others is correct weight and height for the car seat.
• Know their name, age, and sex Environmental Safety
Preventing Injury • Talk about fears • Wooden play sets and picnic tables (made before
• If gun kept in the home, unload, lock up, store
2003) may contain arsenic. Wash child’s hands
bullets separately, and hid the keys.
after using and cover picnic tables while eating.
• Use stair gates and window guards
• Paint may contain lead. Do not let child eat paint
• Keep electrical cords, pot handles and other chips or play in spaces that have paint dust,
hot things out of child’s reach. peelings or chips.
• If child is using bike, tricycle, or scooter have
child wear helmet plus knee, wrist, and elbow
• Never leave child alone with a stranger or pet.
• Keep medicines, cleaning supplies, and plants
out of child’s reach. Use childproof safety Tips and Activities
latches and locks on cabinets. • Help child learn to share.
• Let child explore and try new thing and play
with other children. Prepare for Emergencies
• Arrange special time for you and your child and • Be prepared and plan for emergencies.
play outside with your child daily. • Learn infant CPR.
• Let child pick up toys and clothes. • Put smoke and carbon monoxide alarms in
• Answer child’s questions honestly and simply. hallways and bedrooms.
• Play, talk, sing and read stories with child daily. • Check alarms every 6 months.
Growing up Healthy 3 Years end