Lecture Notes-HTML Part 2

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Web Development for Business Applications

Lecture Notes: Fundamentals of HTML (2)

Learning Objectives:
• Understand Tags, Elements and Attributes
• Understand the basic Structure of HTML
• Text Elements
• Lists
• Article Tag
• Tables
• Embedded Content: image, Audio, video, links etc.
• Forms
• Meta Tag
• Layout
• Additional Tags

1. Tables:
Tables is used to arrange data in a row and column format, it is similar to show data in a
database format or excel sheet
<table> </table>: used to define the table
<th> </th>: define headings
<tr> </tr>: used to mention row
<td> </td>: represent column data in a table

Another Example with Table and borders:

<table border=”1”>
<tr> <th> Heading 1 </th> <th> Heading 2 </th>
<tr> <td> Col1</td> <td> <table border=”1”>
<tr> <th> Heading 1 </th> <th> Heading 2 </th>
</tr> <tr> <td> Col1</td> <td> Col2</td> </tr>
</table> </td>

Table with Header and Footer: Header and footer as they are used to specify some text before
row and after row like headings and subtotal
Example 1 With header and footer

<caption> Employee Salary </caption>
<table border="1">
<thead> <tr> <th> Month </th> <th> Salary </th></tr>
<tbody> <tr> <td> Jan </td> <td> $500 </td>
</tr> <tr> <td> May </td> <td> $500 </td></tr></tbody>
<tfoot> <tr> <td> 2018</td> <td> $1000</td> </tr>
</table> </body></html>

Example 2 with header and footer

<table border="1">
<caption>Table Caption</caption>
<thead><tr> <td> Heading 1 </td>
<td> Heading 2 </td>
<td> Heading 3 </td>
</tr> </thead>
<tr> <td> Col1</td>
</tr><tfoot><tr><td> Footer 1 </td>
<td> Footer 2 </td><td> Footer 3 </td>

Table with Row span and column Span

Rowspan and colspan: is to add spacing to the cell if you want to merge two cells together then
this attribute will help use it in <td> <th> or <tr>

<body> <table border="2">

<tr> <th colspan="2"> Language and
Frameworks </th></tr>
<tr> <td> Python </td> <td>
<tr> <td rowspan="2"> JavaScript </td>
<td> React.js</td></tr>
<tr> <td> Vue.js</td></tr>
<tr> <td>Ruby </td> <td> Ruby on Rails
</td></tr></table> </body>

2. Articles
Articles is used to define one group of content which has headings, links and paragraph to make
up one independent content on the page
A blog page can have list of all the articles displayed in a small summary
<section > : section tag used to group articles into one section
All these tags can be used inside the article tag
<section style="background-color: gray; padding:1px;">
<h1 style="color: white;"> Articles Today </h1>
<article style="background-color: lightblue; margin:3px;">
<header> <h2> Cybersecurity in Digital age </h2></header>
<p> Cybersecurity is the shield that guards our digital lives. In a world powered by technology, it's the
frontline defense against cyber threats. <br>It encompasses measures like strong passwords, firewalls, and
regular updates to safeguard our data and privacy.<br>
<br>From phishing scams to ransomware attacks, the digital landscape is rife with dangers. Cybersecurity is
our armor against these threats<br>ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of our information. It's a
constant race to stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, making it<br>
a critical concern for individuals and organizations alike. </p><footer> #Footer</footer>
<article style="background-color: lightgreen; margin:3px;">
<header><h2> Welocme To PSUT </h2> </header>
<p> This Spectaular University offer for stuednts the oppoutunity to choose the major want based on the
departments <br>they offer Engineering, computing science and business </p>
<footer>#Footer</footer></article> </section>


3. Embedded Content:
Embedded tags are used to include external resources into html page, these resources could be in
your server or located at some other location
Main purpose of www. : connect all contents together with a link and that makes the web so
❖ Images
❖ Image with attributes
❖ Image with Article
❖ Audio
❖ Video
❖ Embed one page into another (iFrame)
❖ Link page
❖ Anchor link
❖ Map Tag
Embed Image:
<img> tag: used to embed image in the html page, the image could be in the same server or
different server location file
<img src=” location”> src: point to the location of image file

Example: <html>
<h2> Flower Images </h2>
<img src="images.jpeg">
<img src="image34.jpeg"></body></html>

Embed Image with attributes

<img> tag has the same attribute to resize the image control the position of the image
Alt attribute : specifies the alternative text of that image ( when image cannot be loaded)
Width and height attributes are used to resize the image
<h2> Kinds of apples</h2>
<img src="apple1.jpeg" width="110" height="140" alt="Apple1">
<img src="apple2.jpg" width="110" height="140" alt="Apple2">
<img src="apple3.jpeg" width="110" height="140" alt="Apple3">
<img src="apple4.jpg" width="110" height="140" alt="Apple4">

Output with correct image load:

Output with wrong image load

Embed Image in the Article:

<figure> element inside the article that let you define image properly Example:


<td> <img src="camels-treasury-petra-jordan-ac93988c79b7.jpg" width="230" height="230"></td>

<td> </td><td> <img src="download.jpeg" width="230" height="230"> </td> </tr><tr><td> <article><h1>

Petra </h1> <p> Petra is located in the south of the <br>Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan<br>specifically in
the province of Ma’an<br> which was chosen as one of the seven<br> new wonders of the world in the
year<br> 2000 and 7 AD.</p></article></td> <td> </td>

<td> <article> <h1> Aqaba </h1> <p> The Gulf of Aqaba is the eastern part of the Red Sea<br>located to
the east of the Sinai Peninsula. <br> Egypt, Israel, Jordan and Saudi Arabia have coasts<br> on this Gulf. It
is called the Gulf of Aqaba <br>after the city of Aqaba on its northern coast</p></table>


Embed Audio
<audio> tag used to embed audio file in html page it include <source> tag to add path of audio
Controls: used to define the control buttons for the audio like : play , pause and close

<h2> Audio Example </h2>
<audio controls>
<source src="RZFWLXE-bell-hop-bell.mp3" type="audio/mpeg">


Embed Video
<video> elements are used to embed video file in the html page it include <source> tag to add
the path of the video and type , you can resize the video using width and height attributes

<h3> Video Example </h3>

<video width="320" height="320" controls>
<source src="Take a thrilling aerial ride through Jordan's iconic wonders with
this drone adventure!.mp4" type="video/mp4">


Embed Iframe:
<iframe> tag used to embed other html page inside the existing one

<iframe src="Page.html" height="300"></iframe>


Embed Link
<a> tag allows you to link other pages, images, audio or video file or any other url using the <a>
This is the most powerful and important tag in HTML that you will be using alot.
TAG: <a>
ELEMENT: <a href=” location” >
target – This attribute decides where the link should open
target = “_blank” – Will open the link in another window

<a href="https://portal.psut.edu.jo/"> Welcome to PSUT Portal </a><br>
<a href="PSUT_7.jpg"> Open PSUT </a></body>


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Embed Anchor
<a> tag allows you to link to the specific section of the page.
Anchors helps users to jump on the specific section of the same page.
id – This id attribute is first assigned to the tag to mark as a anchor.
Using <a> tag, we can provide link to that specific location of the page.

<h1> Anchor Example </h1>
<a href="#location">Go to location 1 </a>
<br><br><br><br> <br> <br> <br> <br>
<h1 id="location">Welcome To PSUT </h1>

Map Tag:
Used to define image map with clickable area contains number of area inside the map

<i> Map Example </i>
<img src="list-d14.jpg" usemap="#laptop">
<map id="laptop">
<area shape="rect" coords="780,249,875,324"

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