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Considerati instructiunile de mai jos si descrieti continutul fiecarei variablile la executia

acestora cand n are valoarea 3
Consider the instructions below, describe the content of each variable while
executing the program when n is 3.

x <- n
for k <- 0 to n-1 do
j <- 0
while j <= k do
x <- x + x
j <- j + 1


We will create a table, who will volunteer?

Step Instruction Memory

1 x=3 x=3

2 k=0 x=3, k = 0

3 j=0 x=3, k=0, j=0

2. Sa se determine numărul de operații efectuate de către un algoritm care determina
numărul ​de inversiuni ale unei permutări.
Determine the number of operations performed by an algorithm that determines the
number of inversions of a permutation.

Pentru o permutare (a1, . . . , an), a.i. i∈ {1, . . . , n}, i = 1, n o inversiune este o pereche de indici (i,
j) cu proprietatea ca i < j si a​i​ > a​j​ .

For a permutation (a1, . . . , an), a.i. i∈ {1, . . . , n}, i = 1, n; an inversion is a pair of indices (i,j)
with the property that i<j and a​i​ > a​j​ .

procedure inverse(a[1,..,n], n):

1 k=0
2 for i = 1; i < = n-1; i++ do
3 for j = i + 1 ; j <= n ; j++ do
4 if a[i] > a[j] then
5 k=k+1
6 return k

Index Cost Numar executii

1 1 1

2 2*n 1

3 2*(n-i+1) i=1,n-1

4 1 i=1,n-1; j = i+1,n

5 T i=1,n-1; j = i+1,n
3. Precizati si demonstrati complexitatea timp a următorului algoritm.
Determine and specify the time complexity of the following algorithm:

1 sum <- 0
2 for i <- 0 to n-1 do
3 for j <- i to n-1 do
4 for k <- 0 to 4 do
5 sum <- sum + 2

Index Cost Repetitions

1 1 1

2 2(n+1) 1

3 2(n-i+1) i=0,n-1

4 2*5 i=0,n-1, j=i,n-1

5 1 i=0,n-1, j=i,n-1, k=0,4

SUM​n-1​i=0​ is a sum from i=0 till n-1

T(n) = 1 + 2 * ( n + 1 ) + 2*SUM​n-1​i=0​(n-i+1) + 2*SUM​n-1​i=0 ​SUM​n-1​j=i​(5) +SUM​n-1​i=0 ​SUM​n-1​j=i​SUM​4​k=0​(1)

After this we need to calculate...

4. Sa se determine termenul dominant si ordinul de crestere pentru expresiile:
Determine the dominant term and the growth order for the expressions:

● T(n)=2lgn + 4n + 3nlgn
The dominant term in 2lgn + 4n + 3nlgn is 3nlgn and the growth order is n log n.
● 2 + 4 + 6 + . . . 2n - is it 2n?

Dominant term of the sum 2 + 4 + 6 + . . . 2n is not 2n but n^2

2(1+2+..+n) = 2(n(n+1))/2 = n^2 + n

Dominant term is n^2 and the growth order is n^2.

5. Prove that: n! ∈ O(n​n​)
n! < = n ^ n

Deci, in limbaj natural, sa se demonstreze ca n! este MARGINIT SUPERIOR de n^n.

In natural language we must prove that n! is bounded by n^n, n^n is an upper bound.

Do not forget O is the notation that means: “worse case scenario of an algorithm”

We must demonstrate that n! < = n ^ n

-----------------------------------------------Base case--------------------------------
P(1) : 1! < = 1 ^ 1 ? Yes
P(2): 2! < = 2 ^ 2 ? 2 < = 4 ? Yes
-----------------------------------------------Induction step---------------------------
P(3): Say that: 3! = 3 * 2! write (k + 1) ! = ( k + 1 ) * P(k) - current step * last step

3 * P(2) < = 3 ^ 3 ( Yes, 6 < = 27 )

Suppose that P(k) is true, which means k! < = k ^ k and we will prove P(k+1)

Prove P(k+1) is true:

P(k+1): (k+1)! = (k + 1) *​ (k) * (k-1) … (3)*(2)*(1)

= (k + 1) * ​k! “-​ P(k)”
⇒ using the upper supposition that ( k! < = k ^ k )

It will result that (k+1) * k! <= (k+1)* k ^ k

Knowing that k < k +1 din (k+1) * k! < (k+1)* k ^ k it will result that

(k+1) * k! <= (k+1)* k ^ k <= (k+1)(k+1)^k

= (k+1)^(k+1)
or calculate

lim n!/n^n
n-> infinity

limita e 0, daca stam sa calculam, asta inseamna ca n! creste mai greu decat n^n => n^n il
margineste superior => am demonstrat

limit is 0 if we calculate, that means that n! grows slower than n^n hence it is a superior bound,
hence we proved.

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