Achieving ISO 26262 Compliance with Reactis

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ISO 26262 Compliance

with Reactis

Facilitate walk-throughs and inspections. Track coverage:

Statement, Branch, MC/DC. Check software safety requirements via
semi-formal verification. Back-to-back testing: test conformance of
code to model.

June 14, 2012

1 Introduction 1

2 Concepts Underlying ISO 26262 1

2.1 Automotive Safety Integrity Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
2.2 V Model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
2.3 Model-Based Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

3 Reactis 5
3.1 Simulator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Reactis Tester . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6
3.3 Reactis Validator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6

4 ISO 26262 Tasks Supported by Reactis 7

4.1 ISO 26262-6: Product Development at the Software Level . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
4.2 Architectural Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
4.3 Unit Design and Implementation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
4.4 Testing Methods and Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.5 Unit Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5.1 Unit Testing Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.5.2 Unit Test Generation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
4.5.3 Unit Test Coverage Metrics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.6 Integration Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
4.7 Verification of Software Safety Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

5 An ISO 26262 Process using Reactis 17

6 Requirements-Based Testing with Reactis 18

7 Back-to-Back Testing with Reactis 20

7.1 Back-to-Back Testing with Reactis for C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
7.2 Back-to-Back Testing with the Reactis for C Plugin . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
7.3 Back-to-Back Testing with Reactis Runtests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
7.4 Back-to-Back Testing with External Tools . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
7.5 Errors During Testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7.6 Comparing Outputs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
7.7 Evaluating Coverage Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

8 Conclusions 28
About Reactive Systems, Inc.
Reactive Systems, founded in 1999, is a privately held company based in Cary, NC. The com-
pany’s Reactis product line provides automated testing and validation tools to support the
development of embedded control software. Reactis, Reactis for C Plugin, and Reactis Model
Inspector support model-based design with Simulink and Stateflow while Reactis for C sup-
ports a C code process. Reactis Tester automatically generates comprehensive yet compact
test suites from a Simulink model or C code. Reactis is used at companies worldwide in the
automotive, aerospace, and heavy-equipment industries.

Reactive Systems, Inc.

341 Kilmayne Dr.
Suite 101
Cary, NC 27511
Tel.: +1 919-324-3507
Fax: +1 919-324-3508
E-mail: [email protected]

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 3


This white paper discusses how Reactis ® a , an automated testing and vali-
dation tool, may be used to comply with the ISO 26262 standard. The stan-
dard prescribes a system of steps to manage the functional safety of auto-
motive electronics. Part 6 (ISO 26262-6) addresses product development at
the software level and is the focus of this paper. When using a model-based
design process employing MATLAB ®/ Simulink ®/ Stateflow ® b , Reactis
automates a number of the verification activities mandated by ISO 26262.
Reactis offers a number of model navigation capabilities that facilitate de-
sign walk-throughs and inspections at both the architectural and unit levels.
The Reactis Validator component lets you formalize safety requirements
as assertions and then check for violations using semi-formal verification.
These checks can be performed on both architectural design models and
unit design models. Reactis Tester can automatically generate test suites
that aim to maximize statement, branch, and modified condition/decision
(MC/DC) coverage. Finally, Reactis offers extensive support for back-to-
back testing (in which the behavior of code is compared to the behavior of
a model).
a Reactis is a registered trademark of Reactive Systems, Inc.
b MATLAB, Simulink, and Stateflow are registered trademarks of The MathWorks, Inc.

1. Introduction
Safety-critical functions in automobiles are increasingly being performed by programmable
electronic systems. Systems which were formerly controlled using other means (mechanical,
hydraulic, pneumatic, electrical, etc.) are ever more likely to be controlled by embedded soft-
ware. In addition, automakers continue to add new safety features, such as electronic stability
control and autonomous emergency braking. These trends are driving an explosive growth in
both the amount and complexity of safety-critical software embedded in the typical car. This
in turn is making it ever more difficult to minimize the risk posed by embedded automotive
ISO 26262 is a new (published in 2011) international standard which addresses the the
safety of electrical and electronic systems within road vehicles. Part 6 of the standard (a.k.a.
ISO 26262-6) prescribes best practices for ensuring the safety of the software component of a
safety-related system. In the rest of this document, we will show how Reactis can help you
comply with the ISO 26262-6 software validation requirements.

2. Concepts Underlying ISO 26262

ISO 26262 prescribes a system of steps to manage the functional safety of automotive electri-
cal/electronic (E/E) systems. It is a road vehicle-specific adaptation of IEC 61508, and targets
the safety of both the hardware and software components of automotive E/E systems.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 1

Figure 1: The ISO 26262 product lifecycle is shown. It consists of 6 phases: management,
development, production, operation, service, and decommission.

ISO 26262 is based on the concept of a safety lifecycle, shown in Figure 1, which consists
of 6 phases: management, development, production, operation, service, and decommission.
The goal of the standard is to maximize product safety by requiring specific steps to be taken
during each of the phases. This ensures that safety is taken into consideration from the earliest
conception of a vehicle to the point when the vehicle is retired from use. This document fo-
cuses primarily on the development phase, since this is the step in which embedded software
is designed, developed, and validated.

2.1. Automotive Safety Integrity Level

Figure 2: The ISO 26262 automotive safety integrity levels (ASILs) are A, B, C, and D, where
ASIL level A represents the least amount of risk and level D represents the most.

A second key concept in ISO 26262 is the automotive safety integrity level (ASIL), a measure-
ment of the risk imposed by a specific system component. As risk increases, more stringent
methods must be employed to ensure safety. As shown in Figure 2, there are four ASIL val-
ues, named A-D, in which A is the minimum amount of risk, and D is the maximum. The
ASIL for each component in a system is determined by three factors: severity, probability, and
Severity is a measure of the health consequences of an event. There are four classes of sever-
ity, ranging from no injuries to life-threatening injuries.
Probability is the likelihood of the conditions under which a particular failure would result
in a safety hazard. The probability of each condition is ranked on 5 point scale ranging

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 2

from incredible to highly probable. For example, a failure of the headlights would result
in a hazard when driving at night, when raining, or during other conditions which re-
sult in poor visibility — which would be considered highly probable due to the regular
occurrence of these conditions.

Controllability is a measure of the probability that harm can be avoided when a hazardous
condition occurs, either due to actions by the driver, or by external measures. If the
brakes fail to engage when the brake pedal is pressed, for example, the driver could use
the emergency brake instead. The controllability of a hazardous situation is ranked on a
four point scale from controllable in general to difficult to control or uncontrollable.

Once the severity, probability, and controllability have been determined, Table 4 of Part 3
(ISO 26262-2) is used to determine the ASIL.

2.2. V Model

Figure 3: The V-model used in ISO 26262 software development.

The software development phase in ISO 26262 is subdivided into sub-phases according
to a V-Model, as shown in Figure 3. The “V” shape is due to the fact that the testing and
verification steps are performed in reverse order from design and implementation. Reactis
can be used during each of the testing and verification steps.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 3

2.3. Model-Based Design
The usefulness of mathematical models has been long-recognized in domains such as aerospace,
civil, and electrical engineering. Model-based software design is attempt to apply this concept
to the software engineering domain. While ISO 26262 does not require the use of model-based
development, the value and importance of the model-based engineering paradigm is empha-
sized in Annex B of ISO 26262-6.

Figure 4: Model-based development using Simulink/Stateflow and C.

Figure 4 shows an idealized view of a model-based development process using Simulink/Stateflow

and C, which consists of three phases.
In the first phase, requirements are gathered. Many of these requirements will be logical
in nature, such as mutually exclusive conditions, limits on values which are sent to an output
device, or actions which much performed in a specific order.
In the second phase, an executable model is developed based on the requirements. This
model is tested as much as possible to ensure that it satisfies all the requirements before pro-
ceeding to the next phase.
In the third phase, C code is produced from the model. This code may consist of compo-
nents which were written by hand or automatically generated. The behavior of this code must
be tested to ensure that its behavior matches the behavior of the model.
The model-based development process offers a number of advantages over traditional
First, since the models are executable, testing can be done during the design phase by test-
ing the model against its requirements specification, by using a tool such as Reactis Validator.
This allows design flaws to be caught and fixed earlier in the development process. In a pro-
cess which uses non-executable designs, it’s likely that such flaws will not be discovered until
after the implementation phase, making the cost of fixing them significantly higher.
Second, since the models are graphical, they serve as visual representations of system
structure and data-flow. A control system expressed as a Simulink model, for example, is
typically much easier to comprehend than the corresponding design expressed in a textual
Third, executable models make it possible to automate the implementation testing to a
large degree. Tools such as Reactis Tester can be used to automatically compare the imple-
mentation behavior against the model. When non-executable designs are used, on the other

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 4

hand, the process of generating tests based on the design is more complicated and involves
much more manual labor.
Fourth, when design issues are found, the executable models can be easily tweaked and
then re-tested. The executable nature of the model also makes it an excellent platform for
experimenting with different design alternatives. Without the ability to execute designs, de-
sign alternatives can only be explored through a more cumbersome and error-prone process
of thought experimentation.

3. Reactis
Reactis is an automated debugging and test-generation tool which discovers defects in Simulink/Stateflow
models and C programs using a Simulate/Test/Validate paradigm. Using Reactis, engineers
• Generate test suites from Stateflow/Simulink models or C code. The tests comprehen-
sively exercise all parts of a model or program (structural testing).
• Find run-time errors, such as memory errors, overflow errors, divide-by-zero errors, etc.
• Interactively execute a model or program while tracking progress towards full coverage
of a variety of coverage targets including MC/DC targets.
• Perform functional tests to determine if a model or program can ever violate any of its
requirements, including safety properties.
• Replay a specific execution sequence which triggers a defect in order to understand,
diagnose, and fix a bug.
• Perform back-to-back comparisons of model and code to ensure that they are function-
ally equivalent.
Reactis consists of three basic components, as shown in Figure 5. These components are
Simulator, Tester, and Validator.

3.1. Simulator
Reactis Simulator is an interactive execution environment which supports debugging and vi-
sualization. In addition to basic debugging features, such as single-stepping and breakpoints,
Simulator provides a number of advanced debugging features, including reverse-stepping
and the ability to plot the values of a variable or signal over time. Simulator also performs a
large number of runtime error checks as it executes a model/program, so that bugs such as
reading from memory which has been de-allocated trigger an immediate pause in execution.
When an error occurs, you can step backwards while inspecting variable values, making it
easier to trace an error back to its original source.
In addition to debugging, Simulator also allows you to visualize test coverage and inspect
models or code. Colored annotations indicate the coverage status of all coverage targets in the
model/code, including MC/DC targets. This makes it is easy to comprehend which parts of
a program require additional testing.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 5

Figure 5: The main components of Reactis.

3.2. Reactis Tester

Reactis Tester uses a patented 1 technique known as guided simulation to generate test suites
which exhaustively exercise a model or program. The test suites produced by Reactis are both
comprehensive and compact. They are comprehensive in the sense that they attempt to cover as
much of the program structure as possible, as measured by structural testing metrics including
statement coverage, decision coverage, condition coverage, and modified condition/decision
coverage (MC/DC). The test suites are compact because test steps which do not lead to cov-
ering a previously-uncovered target (such as a statement which was not executed during any
of the previous tests) are pruned from test suite as it is generated.

3.3. Reactis Validator

Reactis Validator allows you to perform functional testing of program requirements, includ-
ing safety properties. When viewing a model in Reactis, you can annotate the model with
assertions and user-defined targets. These annotations are stored in a separate file so that the
underlying model is not modified. An assertion is a universal property which should always
be true, such as requiring that the brake and cruise control of a vehicle never be engaged at the
same time. A user-defined target is an existential property which should become true at least
once during at least one test. For example, a target would be used to ensure that the vehicle
speed reaches 75 miles per hour at least once during the test of a cruise control unit.
1 United States Patent 7,644,398 titled System and Method for Automatic Test-Case Generation for Software

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 6

Figure 6: Reactis Simulator.

4. ISO 26262 Tasks Supported by Reactis

The ISO 26262 standard consists of ten parts, enumerated as ISO 26262-1 to ISO 26262-10.
These parts cover the phases shown in Figure 1. The part of the standard to which Reactis
can best be applied is Part 6, Product development at the software level. This part specifies how
vehicular software components should be developed in order to minimize safety risks.

4.1. ISO 26262-6: Product Development at the Software Level

ISO 26262-6 specifies what steps should be taken during the development of software compo-
nents to ensure product safety. The requirements given in ISO 26262-6 fall into seven phases,
which are listed in Figure 7 and described below.
Clause 5. Initiation of software development. During this phase, the software development
process to be used must be selected, as well as which tools will be used. If you are using
model-based development in your organization, then you will be required to create a devel-

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 7

Clause Name
5 Initiation of software development.
6 Safety requirements specification.
7 Architectural design. X
8 Unit design and implementation. X
9 Unit testing. X
10 Integration testing. X
11 Safety requirements verification. X
X Supported by Reactis

Figure 7: Software development phases in ISO 26262-6.

opment plan which includes, among other things, the development of one or more models,
the implementation of software based on those models, and plans to confirm that the imple-
mentation behaves the same as the model. For tool selection, you will need to decide what
language the models and implementation will use, and which tools will be used throughout
the software development phase. If you decide to use Stateflow/Simulink as a modeling lan-
guage and C as an implementation language, then we’ll show how Reactis makes an excellent
choice as a support tool.
Clause 6. Safety requirements specification. The primary objective of the safety requirements
specification phase is to identify all software-based functions which could potentially impact
safety by either (a) directly producing an unsafe state, such as a software module which con-
trols traction while braking, or (b) failing to correctly handle a hardware or software fault.
The requirements for each identified software component must be determined, including such
things as timing requirements and the interface between the software component and other
system components.
Clause 7. Architectural design. During this phase, a high-level design for each software
component is developed. The conformance of the architectural design to the safety require-
ments must be verified. If the architectural design is in the form of a Stateflow/Simulink
model, then Reactis can do this for you automatically, once Reactis Validator objectives have
been created for each safety requirement.
Clause 8. Software unit design and implementation. During the software unit design and
implementation phase, each subsystem is designed and implemented. Reactis Validator can
be used to ensure the correctness of any models created during this phase.
Clause 9. Unit testing. The goal of unit testing is to individually test the correctness of each
low-level software module. Reactis is extremely useful during this phase, which is covered in
more detail in Section 4.5.
Clause 10. Integration testing. The purpose of integration testing is to validate the safety of
software systems comprised of multiple units. Once again, Reactis will prove to be very useful
during this phase. More details on integration test requirements are given in Section 4.6.
Clause 11. Safety requirements verification. Safety requirements verification is performed
in order to ensure that the embedded software works correctly in its target environment. Al-
though Reactis is not intended for use in the final target environment, the use of Reactis during
the previous phases will minimize the number of issues which arise during target environ-

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 8

ment testing. Additionally, tests generated by Reactis during the previous phases can be used
to check the embedded software as it executes on the actual target hardware.
The following sections detail how Reactis supports the tasks mandated by clauses 7-11.

4.2. Architectural Design

Requirement Description

7.4.1 Use of appropriate notation

7.4.2 Design considerations
7.4.3 Modular design
7.4.4 Identification of software units
7.4.5 Design aspects
7.4.6 Component categorization
7.4.7 New/modified components
7.4.8 Re-used components
7.4.9 Safety requirements
7.4.10 ASIL of combined components
7.4.11 Software partitioning
7.4.12 Dependent failure analysis
7.4.13 Safety mechanisms
7.4.14 Error detection
7.4.15 Error handling
7.4.16 New hazards
7.4.17 Resource usage
7.4.18 Architectural design verification X
X Supported by Reactis

Figure 8: ISO 26262-6, Clause 7: Architectural design requirements.

The software architectural design phase is covered by Clause 7 of ISO 26262-6. Figure 4.2
lists the requirements of this phase. Most of these requirements pertain to the design itself.
Only the last requirement (7.4.18) covers the testing and validation of the design. In a model-
based development process, some or all of the software architectural design will be in the
form of an executable model. Verification of these models must be done to satisfy ISO 26262-6
requirement 7.4.18.
Figure 9 shows the methods recommended to verify the safety of software architectural
designs by Table 6 of ISO 26262-6 (requirement 7.4.18). For designs captured as models (con-
sisting of Simulink, Stateflow, C Code, Embedded MATLAB), Reactis offers a number of capa-
bilities to assist with the verification. For undertaking design walk-throughs and inspections
(1a and 1b), Reactis offers:

• Hierarchical browsing of models, including Simulink, Stateflow, C Code (included as

S-Functions or Stateflow custom C code).

• Tracing signals through the model.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 9

Method ASIL Supported by
A B C D Reactis?
1a Design walk-through ++ + o o X
1b Design inspection + ++ ++ ++ X
1c Simulation of dynamic parts of the design + + + ++ X
1d Prototype generation o o + ++
1e Formal verification o o + +
1f Control flow analysis + + ++ ++ X
1g Data flow analysis + + ++ ++ X
+ Recommended o No recommendation for or against
++ Strongly recommended X Supported by Reactis

Figure 9: Software architectural design verification methods recommended by ISO 26262-6,

Table 6 (requirement 7.4.18).

• Text search of the model (including C code).

Reactis Validator can be used to test compliance of designs to their software safety require-
ments. Note that the guided simulation used by Reactis employs a combination of simulation
and data- and control-flow analysis (methods 1c, 1f, and 1g).

4.3. Unit Design and Implementation

Requirement Description

8.4.1 Safety-related components

8.4.2 Design notation
8.4.3 Unit specification
8.4.4 Design principles
8.4.5 Unit verification X
X Supported by Reactis

Figure 10: ISO 26262-6 Software unit design and implementation requirements.

The software unit design and implementation phase is covered by Clause 8 of ISO 26262-6. The
requirements which must be satisfied during this phase are listed in Figure 10. Any models
created during this phase must be verified in order to satisfy ISO 26262-6 requirement 8.4.5.
Figure 11 shows the methods recommended to verify the safety of software unit designs
by Table 9 of ISO 26262-6 (requirement 8.4.5). For unit designs captured as Simulink models,
Reactis offers the same capabilities enumerated above for conducting walk-throughs and in-
spections of architectural designs (1a and 1b). Reactis Validator can also be used in a similar
fashion to test compliance of unit designs to their software safety requirements. The underly-
ing guided simulation technology employed to perform the check is a semi-formal verification
technique (1c) that employs a combination of data- and control-flow analysis, static code anal-
ysis, and semantic code analysis (methods 1e, 1f, 1g, 1h).

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 10

Method ASIL Supported by
A B C D Reactis?
1a Walk-through ++ + o o X
1b Inspection + ++ ++ ++ X
1c Semi-formal verification + + + ++ X
1d Formal verification o o + +
1e Control flow analysis + + ++ ++ X
1f Data flow analysis + + ++ ++ X
1g Static code analysis + ++ ++ ++ X
1h Semantic code analysis + + + +
+ Recommended o No recommendation for or against
++ Strongly recommended X Supported by Reactis

Figure 11: Software unit design verification methods recommended by ISO 26262-6, Table 9
(requirement 8.4.5).

4.4. Testing Methods and Metrics

Figure 12: An overview of ISO 26262-6 software testing methods and metrics.

The testing methods and metrics recommended by ISO 26262-6 are shown in Figure 12.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 11

We will show how Reactis can be used to comply with the requirements for unit testing (Sec-
tion 4.5) and integration testing (Section 4.6).

4.5. Unit Testing

Figure 13 lists the requirements which must be satisfied during software unit testing.

Requirement Description

9.4.1 Safety-related components

9.4.2 Test planning and execution X
9.4.3 Unit testing methods X
9.4.4 Test cast generation X
9.4.5 Test coverage metrics X
X Supported by Reactis

Figure 13: ISO 26262-6 Software unit testing requirements.

The objective of software unit testing is to demonstrate that all software units conform
to their design and do not contain any undesired functionality. A software unit is the smallest
testable section of source code. These units are then combined to form a completely functional
system. Testing at the unit level prior to testing the system as a whole makes it easier to
identify and fix bugs in the code, since the cause of any erroneous behavior found during unit
testing must be within the source code unit under test.
Clause 9 of ISO 26262-6 specifies which unit testing methods should be used, how test
cases should be derived, and what coverage metrics should be used to assess the effectiveness
of unit testing.

4.5.1 Unit Testing Methods

Method ASIL Supported by

A B C D Reactis?
1a Requirements-based test ++ ++ ++ ++ X
1b Interface test ++ ++ ++ ++ X
1c Fault injection test + + + ++ -
1d Resource usage test + + + ++ -
1e Back-to-back test + + ++ ++ X
+ Recommended X Supported
++ Strongly recommended - Not supported

Figure 14: Unit testing methods recommended by ISO 26262-6, Table 10 (requirement 9.4.3).

The unit-testing methods recommended by Table 10 of ISO 26262-6 (requirement 9.4.3) are
shown in Figure 14. There are five methods, which can be explained as follows:

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 12

1a. Requirements-based test. Requirements-based testing derives input values from from the
(previously developed) set of behavioral requirements. Reactis provides two primary ways
to capture requirements for use in testing: assertions and user-defined targets. Assertions are
used to express properties which should always hold true. For example, the requirement
“when the cruise control is engaged, the desired speed and actual speed should never differ
by more than 5 miles per hour” could be captured as an assertion. User-defined targets are
properties which should hold true at least once, and are typically used to express conditions
which should be tested. A typical user-defined target is “the brake should be disengaged
for at least 20 consecutive steps during one or more tests.” Section 6 explains in detail how
requirements-based testing can be done using Reactis.
1b. Interface test. Interface testing determines if each software unit is properly communi-
cating with the other units in the system. Reactis supports interface testing in several ways.
First, Reactis allows you to specify what input values are possible via the use of inport types
and virtual sources. Inport types are used to restrict the values of an input to a specified set
or range. Virtual sources are used to capture more complicated properties of inputs, such as
an input which repeatedly increases by one. Second, Reactis makes it easy to isolate units for
testing via its subsystem extraction feature. This makes it possible to test a specific unit of a
Simulink model without any manual editing. Third, Reactis for C allows you to create an un-
limited number of test harnesses. Each test harness can call any function in a program, allowing
separate units to be tested without modifying any source code or even recompiling.
1c. Fault injection test. The goal of fault-injection testing is to ensure the correct behavior of
a unit when errors occur. Faults can be injected either at compile-time (typically by mutating
the source code in some manner, such as changing a + operator to a − operator), or at runtime
(which is typically done by corrupting a value in memory). Reactis does not inject faults in
either of these ways. What it does instead is automatically find input values which lead to
errors such as overflows, division by zero, etc.
1d. Resource usage test. Resource usage testing attempts to ensure that the unit under
test does not consume an excessive amount of CPU time or memory. While resource usage
testing is not the primary intended use of Reactis, Reactis for C does report call counts and the
maximum recursive depth reached for each C function.
1e. Back-to-back test. The purpose of back-to-back testing is to ensure that a unit under test
behaves the same way as the model which served as the design for the unit. Reactis provides
very strong support for this type of testing when models are expressed in Simulink/Stateflow
and code is developed using the C programming language. Reactis allows you to generate
test suites from models and apply them to C source code. Test suites generated from code can
also be applied to models if desired. Section 7 explains in detail how back-to-back testing can
be done using Reactis.

4.5.2 Unit Test Generation

Figure 15 lists the methods for deriving unit test cases recommended by Table 11 of ISO 26262-
6 (requirement 9.4.4).
1a Requirements analysis uses the behavioral requirements of a unit as a basis for determin-
ing input values. For example, if a requirement of a function f ( x ) is that it return a value
of zero when x is negative, then, based on this requirement a negative value of x, such as

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 13

Method ASIL Supported
A B C D by Reactis?
1a Requirements analysis ++ ++ ++ ++ X
1b Equivalence classes + ++ ++ ++ X
1c Boundary values + ++ ++ ++ X
1d Error guessing + + + + X
+ Recommended X Supported
++ Strongly recommended - Not supported

Figure 15: Unit test-case generation methods recommended by ISO 26262-6, Table 11 (require-
ment 9.4.4).

−1, would be chosen as one of the test cases. As discussed in Section 4.5.1, Reactis allows
requirements to be captured as assertions and user-defined targets. Once this is done, Reactis
will automatically find input values which lead to assertion violations and cause targets to be
1b Equivalence classes are ranges of input values for which the behavior of a unit under test
should be similar. Equivalence class partitioning is a form of white-box testing in which the set of
possible values for each input is partitioned into subsets based on the behavioral requirements
of a unit under test. Once the equivalence classes are determined, a representative value is
selected for each equivalence class and a test is generated for the chosen value. The underlying
approach of Reactis Tester to generate test suites that maximize different coverage criteria is
based on equivalence classes. Here the different equivalence classes are determined by the
coverage targets of the model. For each target Reactis selects one test step to represent the
equivalence class of all possible steps that might exercise the target.
1c Boundary values are the minimum and maximum possible value for an input. For exam-
ple, if an input x is an 8-bit signed integer, the maximum value of x is 127 and the minimum
value is −128. Reactis automatically generates test cases for boundary values by analyzing
the type of each input.
1d Error guessing refers to the use of domain-specific expertise and prior experience to
choose input values which are likely to trigger errors. Reactis supports this by allowing input
values to directly specified using its user-defined input feature.

4.5.3 Unit Test Coverage Metrics

Figure 16 shows the unit test coverage metrics recommended in Table 12 (requirement 9.4.5)
of ISO 26262-6. These metrics are defined as follows.
1a Statement coverage measures the percentage of statements that have been executed at
least once during testing. Reactis supports the metric for both C and Simulink/Stateflow.
1b Branch coverage measures the percentage of control-flow branches that have been taken
during testing. Reactis directly supports this metric for Simulink/Stateflow. For C code,
branch coverage is not directly supported; however, Reactis for C does support decision cover-
age, which measures the percentage of decisions (a boolean expression used to determine the
control-flow of a program) that have been evaluated to true at least once and false at least

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 14

Metric ASIL Supported
by Reactis?
A B C D Model Code
1a Statement coverage ++ ++ + + X X
1b Branch coverage + ++ ++ ++ X -
1c MC/DC + + + ++ X X
+ Recommended X Supported
++ Strongly recommended - Not supported

Figure 16: Unit test coverage metrics recommended by ISO 26262-6, Table 12 (require-
ment 9.4.5).

once. The decision coverage is equivalent to the branch coverage for all the if, while, for,
and do. . .while statements in the unit under test.
1c Modified Condition/Decision Coverage (MC/DC) is coverage metric which ensures that
each condition in a decision can independently effect the outcome of the decision. The MC/DC
standard defines a condition to be a maximal sub-expression of a decision which does not con-
tain any boolean operators. For example, consider the following statement:

if ( 50 < x && x < 100 ) y = 0;

This statement contains the decision 50 < x && x < 100, which is composed as the logical
and of two conditions, 50 < x and x < 100. Reactis supports the MC/DC metric for both C
and Simulink/Stateflow.

4.6. Integration Testing

Requirement Description
10.4.1 Integration planning
10.4.2 Test planning and execution X
10.4.3 Integration testing methods X
10.4.4 Test case generation X
10.4.5 Requirements testing X
10.4.6 Test coverage metrics F
10.4.7 Production release components
10.4.7 Test environment
X Supported by Reactis
F Supported in future release of Reactis

Figure 17: ISO 26262-6 Software integration testing requirements.

Figure 17 lists the requirements which must be satisfied during software integration and
Although unit testing will find many defects in a software system, it is likely that there
will be some bugs which arise due to incorrect communications between separate units. The

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 15

objective of integration testing is to demonstrate that the integrated software units conform
to the architectural design, including safety properties. ISO 26262 specifies which integration
test methods should be used, how test cases should be derived, and what coverage metrics
should be collected in order judge the effectiveness of the integration testing.
The software integration test-methods recommended by Table 13 of ISO 26262-6 (require-
ment 10.4.3) are identical to ones recommended for unit testing; therefore, Reactis can be used
at the integration level in the same way it can at the unit level as described in Section 4.5.1.
Similarly the test generation methods recommended by Table 14 of ISO 26262-6 (require-
ment 10.4.4) are identical to the methods for unit test generation, so discussion of unit test
generation with Reactis applies for the generation of tests for integration testing as well.

Metric ASIL Supported

by Reactis?
A B C D Model Code
1a Function coverage + + ++ ++ X F
1b Call coverage + + ++ ++ X F
+ Recommended X Supported
++ Strongly recommended F Supported in future release

Figure 18: Integration test coverage metrics recommended by ISO 26262-6, Table 15 (require-
ment 10.4.6).

The integration test metrics recommended by ISO are listed in Figure 18. While Reactis
currently doesn’t directly support function or call coverage for C code, these will be supported
in the near future.

4.7. Verification of Software Safety Requirements

Requirement Description

11.4.1 Verification planning and execution

11.4.2 Test environments
11.4.3 Target hardware
11.4.4 Evaluation of results X
X Supported by Reactis

Figure 19: ISO 26262-6 Software safety verification requirements.

The last phase of software verification under ISO 26262 is the verification of software safety
requirements phase, during which the embedded software is tested to ensure that it operates
safely in the target operating environment. Figure 19 lists the requirements which must be
satisfied during software safety verification. Since the testing in this phase should be per-
formed on the actual target hardware, the best use of Reactis is to generate tests from the
model and/or C code which are then exported from Reactis and used to test the embedded

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 16

software in its target environment. Test data can also be imported from the target environment
into Reactis and compared against the model and/or C code. Details on how to do this are
given in Section 7.4.

5. An ISO 26262 Process using Reactis

In this section we describe how the specific ISO 26262 tasks enumerated in the previous sec-
tion can be assembled into a complete ISO 26262-compliant model-based process (shown in
Figure 20).

Figure 20: An ISO 26262 model-based development process. Numbers indicate the relevant
clause of ISO 26262-6.

In the reference process, executable models are produced as components of the architec-
tural and unit designs, which are used to guide the implementation of the software. During
the testing phases, the conformance of the implementation is confirmed via testing. Reactis
can help during all of these phases.
During the architectural design phase (ISO 26262-6 clause 7), Reactis can be used during
walk-throughs, inspections, and to verify architectural designs by testing them against their
safety requirements (ISO 26262-6 requirement 7.4.18). The architectural design phase is de-

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 17

scribed in Section 4.2. Requirements-based testing of models with Reactis is explained in
Section 6.
During the unit design and implementation phase (ISO 26262-6 clause 8), Reactis can be used
for walk-throughs and inspections and to verify unit designs by testing them against their
safety requirements. When appropriate Reactis can also help compare the behavior of units
to subsystems of architectural models (ISO 26262-6 requirement 8.4.5). See Section 6 for more
details. Also see section 4.3 for some additional details of the unit design and implementation
During the unit testing phase (ISO 26262-6 clause 9), Reactis can be used to perform back-
to-back comparisons of implementations and models, and also directly test C code against
requirements if desired, in order to satisfy ISO 26262-6 requirement 9.4.3 (see item 1e in Fig-
ure 14). Additional details of the unit testing phase are given in Sections 4.5-4.5.3, and guide-
lines for performing back-to-back testing with Reactis are given in Section 7.
During the integration testing phase (ISO 26262-6 clause 10), Reactis can be used to perform
a second round of back-to-back testing, this time comparing systems composed from multiple
units against architectural models, in order to comply with ISO 26262 requirement 10.4.3. See
Section 7 for details on how such testing is done.
During the safety requirements verification phase (ISO 26262-6 clause 11), Tests generated by
Reactis can be used to test the embedded software in its target environment. More details on
this are given in Section 4.7.

6. Requirements-Based Testing with Reactis

Figure 21: Workflow for testing model requirements with Reactis.

Models can serve as an essential part of the architectural or unit-level design of a system.
When models are used in an architectural design, ISO 26262-6 requirement 7.4.18 requires
verification to be done. Similarly, when models are used in a unit-level design, ISO 26262-
6 requirment 8.4.5 requires verification of the models. During the verification process, each
model will be tested against safety requirements which were identified during the previous
development phase (safety requirements specification). Reactis Validator can be used to perform
requirements-based testing on Simulink/Stateflow models.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 18

Before testing can be done, a model must first be annotated with the relevant safety re-
quirements, as shown in Figure 21. This is done by loading the model in Reactis, and then
right-clicking on the area of the model where you want to place an validator objective to ap-
pear. A pop-up menu lets you choose the type of objective to add (assertion, user-defined
target, or virtual source). After choosing the objective type, an editor for the new objective
will appear.

Figure 22: Creating an expression assertion in Reactis.

For example, a cruise control system would typically be required to disengage during
braking. This requirement can be represented by an assertion that it is never the case that
the brake signal and the cruise control’s active signal are ever true at the same time. Figure 22
shows such an assertion being created in Reactis.
Each validator objective you add will appear as part of the model schematic in Reactis.
Recall that, as noted in Section 3.3, the objectives only appear within Reactis and are stored in
a separate file, so that the model itself is never modified. Figure 23 shows an annotated cruise
control model loaded in Reactis, to which four objectives have been added (these are shown in
the magnified portion of the screen). The brake assertion whose creation is shown in Figure 22
is represented by the lightning bolt in the lower left corner of the magnified region.
Once the model has been annotated with Validator objectives, a check for violations of any
requirements can be launched from the Reactis Validator menu entry “Check Assertions”, or
by launching Reactis Tester. Reactis will automatically generate tests based on the assertions
and the model. These tests will include any tests that lead to an assertion violation or cover
a user-defined target. In addition to Validator objectives, the tests will also aim to maximize
the number of built-in targets (such as MC/DC) exercised. A test suite with a high level of

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 19

Figure 23: A model annotated with validator objectives.

MC/DC coverage and no assertion violations gives assurance that the model is conforming to
the checked requirements.
Depending on the test parameters and model size, generating a test suite can take any-
where from a few seconds to multiple hours. As testing proceeds, a progress dialog shows the
current coverage status for each coverage objective and estimated time remaining.
During test suite generation, Reactis may detect runtime errors or assertion violations,
in which case it will remember the inputs which lead to the erroneous behavior. When this
happens, you can use Reactis Simulator to debug your model and determine the cause of the
error. The result of executing a test suite is shown in Figure 23. Note that the Speed assertion
is colored yellow, which indicates that an assertion violation occurred. When this assertion is
hovered over, Reactis displays blue lines showing the inputs to the assertion and text giving
the test and step number when the violation occurred. As shown in Figure 23, the inputs to
the assertion are the signals active and speed, and the first violation occurred at step 962 of test

7. Back-to-Back Testing with Reactis

When using model-based development within an ISO 26262 process, ISO 26262-6 require-
ments 9.4.3 and 10.4.3 recommend performing back-to-back comparisons of a model and the
implementation derived from the model. The goal of back-to-back testing is to determine that
an implementation and model both produce the same outputs when given the same inputs.
There are four essential requirements for back-to-back testing to be successful. First, there
should be a high degree of confidence in the correctness of the model due to prior testing
of the model against its requirements. Second, the implementation should produce outputs
which are reasonably close (small differences are likely to rounding of results during numer-

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 20

ical calculations) to the outputs of the model for all inputs. Third, the tests which were used
to perform the comparison should achieve a high degree of coverage of the model and its re-
quirements. Fourth, the tests should achieve a high degree of coverage of the implementation.
This last point deserves some emphasis because, if you simply take the tests which were used
during model verification and apply them to the implementation, you may satisfy the first
three criteria without covering the full implementation structure.

Figure 24: Back-to-back comparison of a model and code.

A generic back-to-back comparison process is shown in Figure 24. For the sake of brevity,
the implementation is referred to simply as code. As shown in Figure 24, there are four fun-
damental activities involved in back-to-back testing. These are (1) generating tests from the
model, (2) executing tests on the code. (3) generating tests from the code, and (4) executing
tests on the model.
There are four basic ways to perform such testing with Reactis, depending primarily on
how the code is to be executed. Code can be tested using Reactis for C, the Reactis for C
Plugin, the Reactis runtests utility, or an external tool. Each of these approaches has its own
unique advantages and disadvantages, which need to be considered before deciding which
approach to use.

7.1. Back-to-Back Testing with Reactis for C

If the implementation is written in C, Reactis for C can be used, as shown in Figure 25. The
transitions in Figure 25 are numbered 1-5. The numbers correspond to the five steps in the
testing process:

1. Generate a test suite from the model. Reactis Tester is used to generate the test suite from
the model, as described in Section 6. The test suite will be in the form of a Reactis test
suite (.rst) file.

2. Load the C code in Reactis for C. The C code must be loaded in Reactis for C before it can
be tested. Reactis for C uses its own internal C compiler, so it must know where each
source file is located. Reactis stores this information in a special file with extension .rsm.
A graphical editor eases the creation and editing of .rsm files.
Additionally, you will need to define at least one test harness. A test harness specifies a
top-level entry function to call, how to pass test inputs into the code under test, and how

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 21

Figure 25: Performing back-to-back testing with Reactis for C.

to read test outputs from the code. Reactis for C includes a graphical editor for creating
test harnesses, which are stored in files with extension .rsh.

3. Test the C code. Once the program is loaded in Reactis for C, testing is ready to pro-
ceed. The test suite produced from step 1 is loaded into Reactis Simulator and executed
using the code and test harness from step 2. Any output differences or runtime errors
which occur as the test suite is executed will be automatically flagged by Reactis. The
debugging features of Reactis Simulator can then be used to determine the cause of any

4. Generate a test suite from the C code. In this step, Reactis Tester is used to create a test
suite which maximizes structural coverage of the implementation under test. The test
harness from step 2 will be used, so no additional work is required. Optionally, Reactis
Validator can be used to generate additional tests based on assertions and user-defined
targets which have been added to the C code.

5. Test the model. In this step, the model is executed using tests generated from the im-
plementation. The test suite produced from step 4 is loaded into Reactis Simulator and
executed using the model from step 1. Reactis will automatically flag any output differ-
ences or runtime errors, which can then be debugged with Reactis Simulator.

The advantages of using Reactis for C are that (1) the test suites (.rst files) produced by
Reactis from the Simulink model can be directly re-used in Reactis for C, and (2) Reactis for C
will automatically detect many types of runtime errors (such as memory errors) while execut-
ing tests, (3) Reactis Simulator can be used to debug any errors that occur, and (4) Reactis for
C can be used to generate tests from the implementation. The disadvantages of the approach
are (1) there will be some effort involved in creating a test harness in Reactis for C, and (2) the
Reactis for C execution environment will likely differ to some degree from the target execution

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 22

7.2. Back-to-Back Testing with the Reactis for C Plugin

Figure 26: Using the Reactis for C Plugin to perform back-to-back testing.

If the C code implementation is wrapped in a Simulink S-function, the Reactis for C Plugin
can be used, as shown in Figure 26. The recommended testing process consists of five steps
(numbered 1-5 in Figure 26):

1. Generate a test suite from the model. Reactis Tester is used to generate the test suite from
the model, as described in Section 6. The test suite will be in the form of a Reactis test
suite (.rst) file.
2. Load the C code in Reactis for Simulink. The C code must be loaded in Reactis for Simulink
before it can be tested. First, you will need to create a “wrapper” model and S-function
which has the same the same top-level input and output ports as the model. If you
are using an automated code-generation tool to create the C code, your tool likely can
create the wrapper model automatically. Finally, in order to test the C code within the
S-function, you will need to create a .rsm file (see step 2 of Section 7.1).
3. Test the C code. Once the wrapper model for the implementation is loaded in Reactis,
testing is ready to proceed. The test suite produced from step 1 is loaded into Reactis
Simulator and executed. Any output differences or runtime errors which occur as the
test suite is executed will be automatically flagged by Reactis. The debugging features
of Reactis Simulator can then be used to determine the cause of any deviations.
4. Generate a test suite from the C code. In this step, Reactis Tester is used to create a test suite
which maximizes structural coverage of the S-function source code, which includes all
of the implementation C code. Optionally, Reactis Validator can be used to generate
additional tests based on assertions and user-defined targets which have been added to
the C code or the top-level of the wrapper model.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 23

5. Test the model. In this step, the model is executed using tests generated from the im-
plementation. The test suite produced from step 4 is loaded into Reactis Simulator and
executed using the model from step 1. Reactis will automatically flag any output differ-
ences or runtime errors, which can then be debugged with Reactis Simulator.

The advantages of this approach include all the advantages of using Reactis for C stan-
dalone. One additional advantage is that no test harness will be required to test the S-function.
The downside is that there will be work required to create S-function wrapper code for the
implementation, unless you are using an automated code generator, in which case the code
generator will probably produce S-function wrapper code.

7.3. Back-to-Back Testing with Reactis Runtests

Figure 27: Using the Reactis runtests utility to perform back-to-back testing.

A third approach which also requires the implementation to be in the form of Simulink S-
function is to test the implementation within MATLAB using the runtests command (included
in the Reactis distribution), as shown in Figure 27. The testing process depicted in Figure 27
consists of five steps:

1. Generate a test suite from the model. Reactis Tester is used to generate the test suite from
the model, as described in Section 6. The test suite will be in the form of a Reactis test
suite (.rst) file.

2. Export the test data to a .m or .mat file. In this step, the test data is exported to a format
which can be processed within MATLAB. This is done by loading the model under test
and .rst file in Reactis and then using Reactis Simulator’s test suite export feature. The
test data can be exported as either a MATLAB script (.m) or MATLAB binary data (.mat).
The only user input required is to select the format of the exported test data and name
of the file which will contain the exported data.

3. Load the code in MATLAB. The implementation code must be loaded in MATLAB before
it can be tested. First, you will need to create a “wrapper” model and S-function which

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 24

has the same the same top-level input and output ports as the model. If you are using
an automated code-generation tool to create the C code, your tool likely can create the
wrapper model automatically. The S-function will need to be compiled using MATLAB’s
mex command.

4. Test the C code. Once the wrapper model for the implementation is loaded in MATLAB,
testing is ready to proceed. Reactis includes a MATLAB script called runtests which auto-
mates the testing of MATLAB models. The model from step 3 is executing using the test
data contained in the .mat file produced during step 2. Any output differences which
occur as the test suite is executed are flagged for investigation. Since the S-function in is
the form of binary code, direct debugging of output differences may prove difficult. A
better option is to use the Reactis for C Plugin as a debugging tool.

The advantage of the runtests approach is that the S-function will execute faster, because
MATLAB compiles S-functions into native machine code which is then directly executed by
the CPU, while the Reactis for C Plugin generates virtual machine code which is necessarily
slower. There are two primary disadvantages. First, the errors which would trigger an im-
mediate error in the Reactis for C Plugin will typically not have any immediate effect in the
compiled S-function. Instead such errors are likely to produce corrupt values in the program
leading to an eventual crash or invalid output which is much more difficult to debug. One
option for debugging such cases is the Reactis for C Plugin. Second, Reactis will not be able to
generate any tests from, or measure coverage of the compiled S-function. Hence, there is the
possibility of latent code defects which are not being reached during testing.

7.4. Back-to-Back Testing with External Tools

Figure 28: Exporting a Reactis test suite for use with an external tool.

If the implementation is coded in a language other than C and is not in the form of an
S-function, or you want to do testing using a specialized target environment, then Reactis can
export the test suite to comma-separated value (.csv) format for use by an external tool. This
approach is shown in Figure 28, and consists of three steps (labeled 1-3 in Figure 28):

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 25

1. Generate a test suite from the model. Reactis Tester is used to generate the test suite from
the model. The test suite will be in the form of a Reactis test suite (.rst) file.
2. Export the test data to a .csv file. In this step, the data in the .rst file created during step
1 is loaded into Reactis Simulator and then exported to a comma-separated value (.csv)
3. Execute tests using external tool. In this step, the external tool executes the implementation
code using the test data produced in step 2. The external tool will be responsible for
comparing code outputs to model outputs and reporting any differences. Alternatively,
the outputs of the external tool can be saved and Reactis can be used to check for output
differences, as shown in Figure 29.

Figure 29: Importing test data from an external tool for use with Reactis.

Figure 29 shows how test data produced by an external tool can be used within Reactis.
As indicated by the numbers in Figure 29, there are four steps required to do this:

1. Generate a test suite from the code. The external testing tool is used to generate a test suite
from the implementation code.
2. Export the test data to a .csv file. The test data generated by the external tool is converted
to comma-separated value format and stored in a (.csv) file.
3. Import test data. The .csv test data produced during step 2 is imported into Reactis.
Reactis includes a test data import utility that lets you easily map test data onto model
inputs and outputs. You will need to make sure that each column in the .csv file is
mapped to the appropriate model component.
4. Execute tests with model. At the click of a button, Reactis Simulator will execute all tests
in the imported test suite with the model. Any runtime errors or output differences
which occur will be flagged. Additionally, you can visually inspect the model after all
tests have been executed to see which targets in the model were covered, or generate a
coverage status report.

The advantage of using an external tool is the very high degree of flexibility in testing it
allows, such as the ability to perform testing using specialized hardware. Testing can be done
at a level which is close to the final target on which the software will be deployed.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 26

A minor disadvantage of using an external implementation test tool is the extra work
required to exchange test data between Reactis and the external tool. Additionally, debugging
any errors or output differences which are detected may be more difficult, although it might
be possible to use Reactis Simulator as a debugging aid.

7.5. Errors During Testing

It is quite possible that one or more tests will fail to complete due to a runtime error such as a
memory access error or divide by zero. In this case, Reactis Simulator will prove very helpful
in determining the source of the error. Simulator has a number of features which make it
easy to inspect an execution sequence that leads to an error, including reverse-stepping, value
inspection, and scopes. These features are shown in Figure 6.

7.6. Comparing Outputs

Those tests which do not fail outright will need to be checked to ensure that the model and
implementation produce outputs which are reasonably close. Note that there are number
of legitimate reasons why the outputs will not be exactly the same. First and foremost, since
digital computations are done using finite precision, the final result of any calculation depends
on the order in which the calculation is done. In other words, the standard algebraic laws of
arithmetic do not apply: it will not be the case that x · (y + z) = x · y + x · z for all values of x,
y, and z. Second, it is possible that, in order to improve performance, the implementation may
use different numerical types than the model. A model might perform all calculations using
double precision floating-point values, while an implementation based on the model might
use a 32-bit fixed-point representation to perform the same calculations.
For these reasons, there will usually be some deviation between the outputs of the model
and code. For this reason, Reactis allows you to specify a tolerance for each output. When
comparing two results, the comparison is considered successful if the difference is within the
allowed tolerance.

7.7. Evaluating Coverage Results

Once all errors and output differences have been fixed, the issue of the structural coverage of
the implementation remains as the last hurdle to be cleared in order to have a strong level of
confidence that the model and implementation behave the same for all inputs. Reactis Sim-
ulator lets you visually inspect the coverage of a model and/or C code. The coverage status
of every target is displayed graphically, including MC/DC targets. For example, in Figure 6,
targets which have not been covered are colored red, covered targets are colored black, and
the state at which execution is paused is colored green. Reactis also generates comprehen-
sive coverage reports which give details on the status of all targets. This information allows
you to identify model/code regions which have low coverage, and focus additional testing
Reactis also provides several ways to improve coverage. The first is the test launch dialog,
which lets you specify where Reactis Tester should spend its time. The second is the ability
to add user-defined inputs to any test suite. The third are validator objectives, which can be

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 27

used to do things such as hold an input signal at a particular value for a specified amount
of time. These features work in synergy with Reactis’ patented guided simulation algorithm,
which takes a single input that leads to a new target being covered and, based on that input,
finds additional inputs which lead to the coverage of nearby targets.

8. Conclusions
For organizations which are using Simulink/Stateflow and C to develop software using model-
based design, Reactis provides excellent support for the validation and testing activities re-
quired by ISO 26262-6. In particular, Reactis does the following:

• Supports most of the coverage metrics recommended by ISO 26262, including the most
stringent (MC/DC).

• Automatically generates compact test suites which maximize coverage.

• Performs back-to-back comparison of C code and Simulink/Stateflow models.

• Supports functional requirements-based testing via Validator assertions and user-defined


• Detects a variety of runtime errors during the testing process, including memory errors.
Furthermore, this detection occurs immediately, not at some point in the future when
the memory error triggers an observable malfunction.

• When errors are found, produces a specific sequence of inputs which leads to the error.
Reverse single-stepping with value inspection helps determine the defect in the source
code which caused the error.

• Presents coverage data both textually (in the form of a customizable report that can be
incorporated into work products required by ISO 26262), and graphically (via a browser
which allows you to examine a Simulink/Stateflow model or C code and quickly iden-
tify which parts of a system require additional testing).

Please see the Reactive Systems web site at for ordering infor-
mation and for instructions on how to download a free 30-day evaluation copy of the software.

Copyright © 2012 Reactive Systems, Inc. All rights reserved. 28

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