accounting for labor
accounting for labor
accounting for labor
Wage Plan
- the plan established by management
Hourly-Rate Plan
- Under this plan, a definite rate per hour is set Special Considerations in Factory Labor:
for each employee. The employees' wages – When the jobs are rushed, overtime pay is normally
are calculated by multiplying the rate per encountered to cover the extra hours the worker has
hour by the number of hours worked. rendered. Normally, overtime premium is charged to
factory overhead. However, if because of a rush job, it
Piece-Rate Plan is inevitable to work overtime, the whole overtime pay
- Under this plan, earnings are calculated by is charged to production.
multiplying the employee's output by the rate – Workers are also paid during idle time. Idle time
per piece. refers to the time workers have no work to perform
due to temporary changes in production setup. This is
Modified Wage Plan charged to FOH. However, a loss account is to be
- This plan combines the features of established when the changes production is due to
hourly-rate and piece-rate plans. Minimum negligence or inefficiency.
hourly wage will be paid by the company
1. Normal Idle Time - waste of time which we can not Holiday Pay (Regular Holiday)
stop because it is normal and employers have to pay – For work performed on a regular holiday, plus 100%
laborers for this idle time. Examples: Walking time or a total of 200% of the employee's daily wage rate
from one department to another department,
consuming time to set the machines, etc. Compensation for Rest Day, Sunday or Holiday
2. Abnormal Idle Time - wastage of time which we ● Plus 30% of the daily basic rate or a total of
can stop by good supervision, Examples: Waste of 130% for work performed on rest day or
time due to inefficiency of engineers, delay of supply special day.
of material. ● Plus 50% of the daily basic rate or a total of
150% for work performed on special day
Computation of Net Pay falling on the employee's rest day.
● Plus 30% of the daily basic rate or a total of
260% for work performed on a regular
holiday falling on the employee's rest day.
Regular Holidays
New Year's Day - January 1
Maundy Thursday Movable date
Good Friday - Movable date
Eid Ul Fitr - Movable date
Eidul Adha - Movable date
Day of Valor- Monday nearest April 9