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Hourly Fees Invoice 2024.06.24.

Client 146

1519 Client Street

Client City

Client Country

<REDACTED> vendor 1398

1218 Law Firm Street

Law Firm City

Law Firm Country

Invoice No: 246810

Date: 15/11/21

Matter Name: Project Arrogant Turnip

Matter Ref: 56521a39

Invoice Summary

Amount (USD) Tax (0%) Total (USD)

Fees 3,069.50 0.00 3,069.50

Disbursements/Expenses 155.00 0.00 155.00

Discount -500.00 0.00 -500.00

Invoice Total 2,724.50 0.00 2,724.50

Fees for Professional Services

Date Timekeeper Hours Rate (USD) Description Amount (USD)

03/11/21 PJ 2:00 217.00 Call with client re: statement of work 434.00

05/11/21 TC 1:00 700.00 Drafting statement of work 700.00

07/11/21 PJ 0:30 217.00 Review email from client 108.50

09/11/21 TC 2:00 700.00 Travel to client office 1,400.00

11/11/21 PJ 1:00 217.00 Review and collate documents 217.00

13/11/21 TC 0:18 700.00 Call with client 210.00

Total 3,069.50

Timekeeper Details

Initials Name Role Time Rate (USD) Total (USD)

PJ <REDACTED> Consultant 3:30 217.00 759.50

time_keeper_name (secondment)
33394 <REDACTED>

TC <REDACTED> PT 3:18 700.00 2,310.00

36305 <REDACTED>


Description Amount (USD)

Travel expenses 90.00

Photocopying 65.00

Total 155.00

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