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Finan&al yeon |-4-20 24



Department of Commerce (Hons. in Accounting & Finance),
Subject: Computerized Accounting and e-filing of Tax Return (SEC 6.1 Chg))
Semester-VI Unit-1 Duration: 2hrs

Opcning of TALLY
Chck on Tally ERP 9 software>Alt+W.
Click on Tally shortcut softwarc>Al+W>Alt+.
Creation of a Company
Gateway of Tally (GOT)>Company Info (Alt+F3)>Create Company(C)>Fill the detail in the Company Creation
Screen>To save press "y" or "ENTER" or "Crl+A".
Company Name DELL INDIA LTD. (college roll no.)
Mailing Name [email protected]
Country INDIA
Pin Code 700029
E-mail Address [email protected]
Financial Year From a1/4/2024
Books BeginningFrom 1/4/2024
Back Un:
Back Up refers to storing of data from the computer to sccondary storage devices like Compact Disk, Floppy Disk
or Pen Drive
Company nfo. (Al+F3)> Back Up(B)>Press Backspace> Select Destination>Select tine Company Name>Select
End of LisPicss "Y".
Resture rcfers to installing the tally data from the sccondary storage devices like Compact Disk, Floppy Disk or
Pen Drive.
KCompany Info. (Alt+F3)> Restore(R)>Press Backspace> Select Destination>Select the Company Name>Sclcct
End of Lis>Press *y".
Export of data:
Export of data refers ransferring of companies' data from one party to another party through mail or any other
GOT>Display (D)>Day book (D)>Press Alt+E>Select the Default (All languages) in the language ficld>Sclect
EXCEL (Spreadsheet) in the Format Field>Enter the path of the location where the Gles are to be exported in the
cxport location ficld>Press "Y to cxport the companics Data.
Import of data:
Import of data refers recciving of companics data from one party to another party through mail or any other
GOT>Imporl of Data>Select the required field (Masters, Vouchers, Bank Details)>Enter the reguired filename in
Import File Name (Exccl Sprcadsheet) ficld.
(2 9ud Clags
LEDGER CREATION:-GOT>Accounts Info(A)>Ledgcrs(L)>Create(C>Give a name of the ledger>Sclect a
group(under)>Give the Opening Balance>CirltA.
Name of thc Ledger Accounts Name of thc Groups Opening Balancc Dr/Cr.
Equity Share Capital A/C Capital Account 450000 Cr.
General Reserve Reserves & Surplus 75000 Cr.
Overdraft Balance at UBI Bank O/D A/C 25000 Cr.
Loan from IDBI Secured Loan 55000 Cr.
Loan from GE Finance Unsecured Loan 33000 Cr.
Outstanding Sales Tax Current Liabilitics 2800 Cr.
Building Fixed Assets 300000 Dr
Chowdhury Brothers Sundry Dcbtors 30000 Dr
Sinha &Sons Sundry Creditors 150000 Cr
State Bank of ndia Bank Accounts 100000 Dr
Accounting Voucher:
Accounting Vouchers are mainly of four types:- CONTRA. PAYMENT, RECEIPT &JOURNAL voUCHERS.
From GOT press F12>Voucher Entry>Make the option Use Single Entry Mode for Payment/Reccipt/Contra
Alternatively, to pass entries in double cnty mode, from GOT press FI2>-Voucher Enury>Make the opton Use
Single Entry Mode lor Paymen/ReceipUConra NO>Crl+A.
CONTRA VOUCHER:- GOT>Accouning Voucher(V)>Press F4 lor Contra Entry>F2 for Changing
Date>-SclecUCrcatc Onlinc(Alt+C) the account to be credited>Give the amount in the credit coloumn Press
"Enier twice>SclecvCrecatc online Alr+C) the account to be deoited Give the amoun in the dcbi
Coloumn>Press "Enier"'>G ve the narrationCrltA.
Entties:- T) Cash Rs 500c0 withdrawn from SBI bank.
V I) Cash Rs 25000, depositedinto SBI Bank.
PAYMENT vOUCHER:- GOT>Accounting Voucher(VPPress FS for Payment Entry> F2 for Changina
Date>SélectCrcate Oniinc( Alt+C) the account to be dcbitcd>CGive the amount in thc debit coloumn> Press "Enter
tyice>SclectCrcate online (Alt+C) the account to be creditcd>Give the amount in the credit Colounr Press
Enter'>Give thc narration>Ctrl+A.
Entries;- I) Paid Cash Rs 20000 to Sinha &Sons.
II)Salary Paid to Shyam Roy by Cheque of SBI Rs 20000
RECEIPT VOUCHER:- GOT>Accounting Voucher(V)>Press F6 for Reccipt Entry>F2 for Changing
Date>SelccuCrcate Online( Alt+C) the account to be credited>Give the amount in the credit coloumn-Pres
"Eater" twice>SclccvCreate online (Al+C) the account to be debited>Give the amount in the debit
ColomnPress "Enter>Give the narration>Curl+A, g
Epries:- ) Cash Rs 10000 reccived from Chowdhury Brohers.
II) Amount Rs 5000 Received From Chowdhury Brothers through NEFT (National Electronic Funds
JOURNAL VOUCHER:- GOT>Accounting Voucher(V)>Press F7 for Joumal Entry>F2 for Changing
Dale>SclecuCrcaie Online(Al+C) the account to be dcbitcd>Give the amount in the debil coloumn-Pres "Enter
twice>SclecUCreate online (Alt-C) the account to be credited>Give theamount in thecredit Colounu Press
"Enter>Give the narration> C1rl+A.
Entries:- 1) Stationary purchased from Ganguly Papers Lid Rs 2000,
II) Purchased Gdods from Sinha & Sons Rs,. 25000,
REPORT:-G0T>Display (D>Day book (D),.
Prepaid wsamee Exp
NOE-To activatc Caleulator in Tally ERP Press "Crl+N". To deactivate Calculator in Tally ERP Press
MEMORANDUM VOUCHER:-Memorandum Voucher is anon- accounting voucher and the entrics made
using the memo vouchcr will not allcct accounts.
From GOT press "F1|" Accounting Features>Make the option "Use reversing journals and optional vouchers"
under budget andscenarno management "YES">Go to Galeway Of Tally (GOT)> Accounting Vouchers/Inventory
Vouchers>Press "Curl+F10" for MEMOS Entry.
REPORT:- GOT-Display (D)>Exception Reports>Memorandum Vouchers.
Step 1:-F12>Accounts/Inventory Info. (A)>Allow Component ListDetails (Bill of Materials)-"YES">Ctrl+A.
Step 2:-G0T> Inventory Info. ()>Stock Items (0>Create(C) Finished Goods(c.g. Computer)>Set the option
"Alter Componcnts (BOM)"YES>Sct the "Unit of Manufacture" as 1>SelccvCreate theraw materials (c.g.,
CDD, HDD, FDD, Monitor, Keyboard, Mouse. RAM, Motherboard, Scanner, etc) with godown name and
quantily required to manulacturelunit of the finished goods>Cul+A(wice).
Step 3:-GOT>Inventory Info. (I)>Voucher types (V)Create (C)
Name: Manufacturing Joumal
Type of Voucher: Stock Jounal
Use as a Manufacturing Journal- "YES"
Step 4:-G0T inveniory Voucher (T>Alt-F7>sclect the Voucher Typeas"ManufacturingJounal'".
Narneof the Product: Finished Product (c.g.. Computer)
S he ra'cs lor ilrc-raw materals, if not set previously, and go on pressing ENTER till voucome to the right hend
se ti ddito.aai cos ieid, Cieaierselect Freg1t (under: Direct Expemses), Carriage( under: Direct
ExDenses). or othcr dircct and indircct expenses incurrcd in relation to manufacturing of the product> Give the
RÉPORT:- GOT>Display (D)>Inventory Books (I)>Stock Transfer (T).
ihe HP LTD decided to produce "COMPUTER'. The following ingredients are required to
Manufhciure I oicce of COMPUTER to ALIPUR godown. Produce 25 picces of COMPUTER at ALIPUR
godownwith adaitional charges:
Wages - Rs G809, Power- Rs i500, freight &Cariagc charge - Rs 2500
Name Quantity/Unit RateJnit(Rs)
Motherboard 1Pcs 3500
RAM 8GB 2 Pcs 950
SSD 512 GB 1Pcs 3000
LED Monitor IPcs 5000


Step 1:-Fi|>Accounting Features (A)>Maintain Budgets and Controls- "YES">Crl+A.
Step 2:-G0TDAccounts Info (A)>Budgets (B)>Creale (C>Give the name of the expenses whose budget is to be
prepared Sclect the group as "PRIMARY" in under>Set the period of budget>Make the opion or "SeAler
Budyets of Groups""YES">SclecuCreate the Group (e.g, Indircct Expenses) under Account Name>Select Create
the name of the Cost Centre, if applicable, oherwise set il as "Not Applicable"Select the Type of Budget as "On
Closing Balance">Give the amount of the budget>Crl+A>Make the option of "Set/Alter Budyets of_ledgers .
"YES">Select/Create the Ledger Account (e.g., Advertisement under Indirect Expenses as he Group) under
Account Name> SelecvCreate the name of the Cost Centrc, if aplicable, otherwise sct it as "Not Applicable">
Sclectthe Type of Budget as "On Closing Balance"> Give the same amount as in GroupCrltA(1wicc).
Sten 3:-GOT>Accounting Voucher (V)>F5 (Payment)>Pass an Entry relating to the Expenditurc on which budget
has been set>Give Narration>Crl+A
Step to view the Budget Variances Report:- GOT> Display (D)>Trial Balance (T>Al+FI>Al+B(This key
combination implies Budget Variances)>Select the namê of the "Budget" crented.
Pass the cntry:
Croate aBUDGET for"ADVERTISEMENT" of Rs 45000.
Paid Rs 33000 for advertisement.
Step 1:-Fl|>Accounting Fcatures (A)
MaintainCost Centre- YES
wMore than ONE Payroll/Cost Catcgory - YES
Step 2:-GOT>Accounts Info (A)>Cost Categories (0)>Create (C>Give a name (e.g.) Branch, Deparument,
Employcc Narnc, ctc) and the options Allocate Revenue Items and Allocate Non-Reverue Items should bc
made". YES">Ctrl+A.

Step 3:-GOT> Accounts Info (APCust Centre (C)>Create (C)>Select the name of the cost-eaegory >Press
"ENTER">Give the name of the Cost Centre (e.g., Eastern or Westemn under Branch, Sales/Accounts uTider
Department, Mr. Roy/Mr. Sinba under Employec Name etc)>CrltA.
Step 4:-GOT>Accounting Voucher (V)>F5/F6>Select/Create online (Alt+C) the account to be debitea or credited
(while crcating he nccessary account, the option "Cost Centre are Applicable" should be made YES" Give the
amount in the debit or creditcoloumn as the case may be> Press ENTER">in the Cost Allocation box that opens,
select the cost category, cost centre and respective amountCrl+A> Press "ENTER"> Selec/Create online
(Alt+C) the account to be debited or credited>Give the amount in the debit or credit coloumn> Press "ENTER">
Give Narration>Cirl+A.
Paid Traveling expenses Rs 3000/- by cash as per following cost centre &Cost categories:
Branch Department Manager
Mumbai Marketing Sales Manager
REPORT:- G0T>Display (D> Statement of Accounts (S)>Cost Centres (C>Category Sunumary (C) Cost Centre
Brcak-JP (0)/Ledger Brcak-Up (L)/Group Brcak-Up(G).
Step 1:-GOT>Display (D)>Accounts Books (A> Cash/Bank book.
Step 2:-Selectthe required Bank Account> Press "ENTER" on the required month (or press F2 function button on
the keyboard and specify the required period from which date you want to rcconcile your bank account)Press
"FS" for bank reconciliation>Give the date of clearing from the bank statements into Bank Date coloumn next to
voucher type coloumn to reconcile the statements>CrltA to accept/save the reconciliation statenment prepared
Wor k iu folui mode fAIE +W)
S’ seleetcompany
comary TDel indin (21094)
Department of Commerce (Hons. in Accounting&Finance),
Paper: Computerized Accounting and e-filing of Tax Return (SEC 6.1 Chg)

TAX DEDUCTED AT SOURCE TDS):- Tax deducted at source is deducted by an

individual or afirm who'which is making the payment and is deposited in the Government.
Some of the incomes subjected to TDS are salary, interest, dividend, interest on securities,
winning from lottery etc.
Step 1:-FI1>Statutory and Taxation (S) AL+C
Enable Tax Deducted at Source (TDS)YESh
Set/Alter TDS Detajls-YES"
Fill the details asked for or leave blank and press CtrlA,
Step 2:- GOT>Accounting Voucher (V>E7(Journal)
SExpense A/C (e,g., Legal Services ANC)...Drtn)YeeI Ex
To Sundry Creditors A/C(e.g., Sinha &Sons A)
Nature of Payment:- Fees for Professional or Technical Services
Section code: - 194J
Payment code: - 94J
Rate:- 20%(if pan is not applicable)
Note-The "Expenses A/C" must be created under Indirect Expenses and the "Sundry Creditors
¢/C" mustbe created under Sundry Creditors. While creating the Sundry Creditors A/C make
the option "Is TDS Applicable" YES and also select the deductee type as per the requirement,
"Is LowerNo Collection Applicable" as NO and Ignore Surcharge Exemption Limit" as NO.
The "TDS A/C" is to be created under Duties and Taxes (Type of Duty-TDS, Nature of
Payments- As per requirement).
Step 3:- GOT>Accounting Voucher (V)FS (Payment)g
Sundry Creditors A/C (e.g., Sinha &Sons A/C).Dr.
TDS A/C...Dr
To Bank A/C

REPORT:- GOT>Display (D)º StatutoryReports (0)> TDS Report (R)> Print Form 16A
(T)/E-TDS Form (Ey Print Form 27A (A).
Assignment:-Paid Rs95000 to Sinha &Sons. For legal services provided by them subject
to deduction of TDS.

Deyuchs Type-’ Jndvldu al Hop, Bet at

- enter

GOODS AND SERVICE TAX:- Goo and service tax means tax on supply of goods or serviccs.
or þoth, cexcept taxes on supply of alcoholic quor for human consumption.
3B- business to business
GSTIN NUMBER- WB CcODE (19) --LA 3digit is sclected by GST registercd office.
Maximum GST deals with purchase. and sales of company.
SGST- State Goods and Service Tax
CGST-Central Goods and Service Tax
IGST- Integrated Goods and Service Tax (mainly de with cxport and import)
entries can be made in tally in two formats. viz. "As V cher" or "As Invoice". To shift betvween both
the modes, the key combination used is "Alt+r" In gei al, the invoice mode is used (except entries
for Fringe Bencfit Tax and Job Costing).
The purchase and sale entries are passed in three stages:
" Order
" Challan
" Invoice
The first two steps are parts of invcntory voucher (Purchase Ordc 'Al+F4" for Purchase and Sales Ordct
"Alt+F5" for Sales, Reccipt Note-"Alt+F5" for Sales. Rcccipt N e-Al+F9" for Purchase Chalian and
Delivery Note-"Alt-F8" for Sales Challan) and the last step is part o. ccounting voucher (Purchase-"F9 for
Purchase and Sales-"F8" for Salcs).
While preparing the order challan, only Quantity of thc item must be me oncd and not the rate. The ratc is ko
be given along with the quantity in the invoice only.

Step 1:-"F11">Inventory Features (1)

Allow 0 (Zero) valued entries in voucher-"YES"
Allow Purchase Order Process ing-"YES"
Allow Sales Order Processing "YES"
Use Tracking Nurnbers-"YES
Step 2:-GOT>Inventory Vouch rs>"AlF4" (Purchase Order)/ "Al+F (Salcs
Order)>Select/Create the Party's 1ane (Sundry Creditors for Purchase/Su ry Debtors for
Sales)>Give the Order Number> reate/Select "Purchasc" or "Sales" Accc t in Purchase or Sales
lcdger respcctively (Sales Accoumust be crcated under the Sales Accour Group and Purchasc
Account must be created under P rchase Account Group and make the opt. "Inventory Values are
Affected" YES in both the cases) Sclect /Create the item (with proper unit f
mcasure)>-C°l+A>Repeat the cre ion or selection of the item, godown, anc iving quantity in the

m Pesonma detaloyeg, eont o A

same manner if more than one itenm is purchased or sold from or to the same party>Give the
Step 3:-G0T>lnventory Voucher (T)>Alt+F9 (Receipt Note)/Alt+F8 (Delivery Note)>Give
the reference number (Challan Number)> Select the same Party's name (Sundry Creditors for
Purchase Sundry Debtors for Sales)>Select the order number given in the order>Go on pressing
ENTER till the narration field conmes (while pressing ENTER inthe item allocation box,be
careful to select the challan number in the Tracking No, field and order number inthe Order
No. field)>Give the narration>Ctrl+A.
Step 4:-GOT>Accounting Voucher (V)>F9(Purchase)/F8(Sales)>Give the reference
number(lnvoice number)> Select the same Party's name as in order and challan>Select the
challan number given in the receipt note or delivery note>Go on pressing ENTER till the rate
fieldcomes>Give the rates for all the items.one-by-one>Ctrl+a>Press ENTER twice>When the
cursor appears belov the line Select/Create CGST and SGST Account (Under: Duties and
Taxes)>Give the Percentage(hal)>Crl+A.(Calculation will be done automatically).
REPORT:-G0T>Display (D)>lnventory Books (I)>Purchase Order Book (BYSales order
beok (0) for Purchase or Sales Order.
the following entries:-GSTIN NUMBER for WEST BENGAL (19AAICP0987G1Zoy
alh Electrical is the elecrical goods dealer purchased the following items
(194A4(58S77K:DV) which will be dispatchedto HOWRAH godown
" Elerical Iron 1000 pcs (@ I200/pcs
(500pes delivered in 2,04,2024 &500 pes delivered in 31.07.2024)
" Electric Stove 750 pcs @ Rs 4500/pcs
Electric Toaster 900 pcs @Rs 750/pcs
According to the Purchase orde Pur/ord/T16/2024-2025) goods have been received in
KOLKATA godown (GRN/TI6 2024-2025)and also prepare Purchase Bill
(MMCPur/Bilil Tl6/2024-2025) in favour of RC Electrical goods against (GRN/T16/2024
2025) with the following rates and charges.
Additional Charges
GST rates @ 18% (CGST-9%, SGST-9%)
ChST Packing Charges Rs 650
wotappl Cartage Charges Rs 1050
Pass the following entries vith IGST: /Debh
Sale of 10 Monitors @Rs o00 to H-GOENKA TRADERS WITH IGST @28% outside
Late ie.,ANDHRA PRADESH(37AAACI5607C1ZY) and Invoice number is (AP-0218)
purthe alter
ALC, SB) + 100UU op)

Department of Commerce (Hons. in Accounting &Finance),
Paper: Computerized Accounting and e-filing of Tax Return (SEC 6.1 Chg)
Unit-I Duration: 2hrs

PAYROLL ACCOUNTING:- Payrollenables users to set up and implement salary structures, ranging
from simple to complex, as per the organizations requirements.
1Sep 1:-Fl1>Accounting Features (A)>Maintain Payrol|-"YES">Maintain Cost Centre -"YES">More than
ONE Payroll/Cost Category "YES">Ctrl+A.
Step 2:-GOT>FI2>Payroll Configuration (Y)>Make allthe options YES> Ctrl+A.
Step 3:-GO-Payroll Info. (L)>Attendance/Production Type (A)>Create (C)
Under: Primary - Varmetlut
Incom Snding
Attendance Type: Attendance/Leave with Pay
p4:- GOT> Payroll Info. (L)>Pay Heads (P)>Create (C)
(a) Basic Salary (b) Dearness Allowance
Pay Head Type: Earning For Employees Pay Head Type: Earning For Employees
Under: Indirect Expenses Under: Indirect Expenses
Net affect in salary: Yes Net affect in salary: Yes
Name to appear in Pay slip: Basic Salary Name to appear in Pay slip: Dearness Allowance
fnnUsed in Gratuity: Yes Used for Gratuity: Yes
Calculation Type: On Attendance Calculation Type: As Computed Value
Attendance/Leave with Pay: Attendance Compute: OnCurrent Sub-Total
Calculation Type: Months Siab Type: Percentage
Per day Calculation Basis: As Per Calendar Period,| Value Basis: Give the rate as applicable
(c) House Rent Allowance (d) Medical Allowance
Raunding Under:
Pay Head Type: Earning For Employees
Indirect Expenses
Pay Head Type: Earning For Employees
Under: Indirect Expenses
Net affect in salary: Yes Net affect in salary: Yes
Name to appear in Pay slip: House Rent Name to appear in Pay slip: Medical Allowance
Used for Gratuity: No Used for Gratuity: No
Basje Calculation Type: As Computed Value Calculation Type: On Attendance
Compute: On Specified Formula (Basic Salary +
Attendance/Leave with Pay: Attendance
Dearness Allowance)
Slab Type: Percentage Calculation Type: Months
Value Basis: Give the rate as applicable Per dayCalculation Basis: As per Calendar Period.
(e)Conveyance Allowance () ProfessionalTax
Pay Head Type: Earning For Employees Pay Head Type: Deduction from Employees
heod Under: Indirect Expenses
Under: Current Liabilities
Net affect in salary: Yes Net affect in salary: Yes
Name to appear in Pay slip: Conveyance Name to appear in Pay slip: Professional Tax
Used for Gratuity: No Calculation Type: As Computed Value
Calculation Type: On Attendance
Compute: OnSpecified Formula (Basic Salary +Deamess
Give the slab range, corresponding slab type as
Attendance/Leave with Pay: Attendance Percentage as Rates of Taxes as Applicable.
Calculation Type: Months
Per day Calculation Basis: As per Calendar Period.

AlF+Fi Sele /ors

(g)Income Tax
Pay Head Type: Deduction from Employees
|Under: Current Liabilities
Net affect in salary: Yes
Name to appear in Pay slip: Income Tax
Calculation Type: As Computed Value
Compute: On Current Sub-Total
Give the slab range, corresponding slab type as Percentage as Rates of Taxes as applicable.
Step 5:- GOT> Payroll Info. (L)>Employee Groups (G)>Create (C)>Create/Select a category as
AllC Primary Cost Category or as Department, Branch and so on>Give the name (e.g., sales, accounts,
Dept. etc.)>Under: Primary>Ctrl+A.
Step 6:-GOT> Payroll Info. (L>Employee (E)>Create (C)>Select the category as givenGive a
Sados name>Select an Employee Group as Created>Fill the other details>Ctrl+A.
kAccrus Coegoy Sp
Step 7:-GOT> PayrollInfo. (L)>Salary Details (S)> Create (C)>Select the Employee>Select the pay
heads as applicable for a particular employee>Fillthe rates wherever necessary (for the pay heads which
is calculate on attendance or production basis)>Ctrl+A.
Step 8:-GOT> PayrollVoucher (Y)>Ctrl+F5 (Attendance)>Select the Employee>Select the
Attendance>Put the Value>Ctrl+A>Ctrl+F4 (Payroll)>Alt+A (Payroll Autofill>Give the starting date
of the financial year in From>Give the ending date of the financial year in To>Select the
Category>Select All item>Select PayrollLedger as Cash/Bank(the bank account must pre- exist, as
online creation is not possible)>Give the amounts for those pay heads which are calculated as user
defined fields>Give the narration>Ctrl+A.

REPORT:- GOT>Display (D)>Payroll reports (P>Statement of payroll(P>Pay Slip (P).

Pass the PayrollEntries for the following Employees:
Mr. Amit Sharma Mr. Subhasis Roy
Casc Basic Salary: Rs.40000per month Basic Salary: Rs. 50000per month
DA Medical Allowance: Rs.500per month Medical Allowance: Rs.650per month
CA Conveyance Allowance: Rs. 750per month Conveyance Allowance: Rs. 1250per month
MA Department: Sales Department: Accounts
HRA Attendance:24days Attendance:26days
The following details are applicable for both the employees
earness Allowance-25% wr
House Rent Allowance-40%
Professional Tax (slab type-value) Income Tax (slab type - percentage)
Up to Rs 10,000 @Nil 300000 @0%
Rs 10,000 Rs 15,000 @ Rs 110 300000-600000 @5%
Rs 15,000 Rs 25,000 @ Rs 130 600000-900000 (@10%
Rs 25,000 - Rs 40,000 @ Rs 150 900000-1200000 @15%
Above Rs 40,000 @ Rs 200 1200000-1500000 (@20%
Above 1500000 @30%

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