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Soul Sacrifice

“​Come what may, I leave these words behind...as a trail of my life. This is where my story

You wake up locked inside a cage. It reeks of decay. Corpse and skulls litter the cage in a
macabre fashion. You hear the crackle of a single torch that lights your prison. You have space
to stand up you can’t. Your legs have been broken to keep you in from escaping. You crawl over
to the edge of the cage and peer down.

Find yourself suspended over a dark canyon. With your legs as they are, you can’t do anything
but wait. The fleshy mass growing around the metal bars is edible enough. And the strange pool
of water rest under you for drinking. So starvation isn’t an issue. But you have no recollection
how long you been here. The Great Sorcerer’s magic prevents the sun from shining bathing the
area in eternal darkness. You remember the Great Sorcerer, Magusar.

You heard tales of the elders of how he has ruled for generations. Using the lost magic of the
Druids, he has taken captives to his pits to use as sacrifices to fuel his immortality. You look
around. There are two other cages but both are empty. You panic as you know that soon you
will be next. But you have no hope of escape. You try to get some sleep and think up a plan with
a calmer mind.

“Hey, you there!” a voice says loudly. Your eyes flutter open as you think you are dreaming. But
you realize it isn’t a dream.

“Yeah, you! Over here!” You notice bones a pile of bones rattling as the voice comes from them.
You moved some of the bones away.

“You must read me next. It’s your destiny.” the voice says. You swipe more of the bones away.

The bones rattles as it continues speaking, “Did you see how that last one died?”

You sweep more of the bones away. It is a book. “Hurry up and hide me, you idiot! Before
Magusar discovers me!”

You bite back your anger and continue moving bones. You manage to get a good grasp on it
and pull into your cage. You hold it to your face and examine it. It screams to live, a large red
eye opens up and along with a mouth with spark teeth. “Whoa!”

You drop it in shock and it lifts itself up. “That hurts, you bumbling fool!” It screams at you.”

You try to ask it questions, like how the hell do you escape. It shushes you, “Calm down, you
spineless half-wit!”
It introduces itself, “I am Librom. I am a book. And a fine one at that. I am the journal of a certain
sorcerer. But I am no ordinary journal. You can revisit my contents in Phantom Quest. Go on
have a peek.” Librom opens himself up and you instantly transported to a different land. It is
different somehow.

You mind instantly know what it is. It is life this place is teeming with life. From the hard rain
falling on your cheeks to birds that hide under the castle’s stone work. You see a man standing
beside you. He turns to you and says with a gentle smile, “We are companions. We walk this
bloodstained path together.”

You instantly know he is a sorcerer and you are one too. You and your companion are suddenly
surrounded by monsters. Your companion dashes ahead in battle leaving no room for
misinterpretation. You are here to fight and kill these things. You focus on yourself. Power
courses through your veins as you will it to your hand. With a bit more focus you make it form. A
fireball. You actually formed a fireball. You hit one of the monster attacking your companion.

You summon a flaming sword to your hand. Then you start hacking away at monster as they
appeared. Your companion in the midst of combat says, “I am Magusar. Am I not your

You are taken back. This can not be the same Magusar you knew. This Magusar despite
wielding his magic didn't allude the same air of terror as the one you knew. That Magusar was a
malevolent force. A monster far greater than this lowly beast.

“Stay focus.” He says as the enemies surround him. He maintains his composure even against
these odds. Are the two really one in the same?

Before you move to assist, he dispatches them all in a burst of volt. He turns to you. “Good.
That is all of them. Our work is done. You are not injured, I trust?”

You go to speak but the castle begins to shake violently. A gigantic sea serpent arose from the
ocean floor. It turns to you both. There was the face of a man on the head a serpent. Both
mouths roar at you as Magusar and you prepare for battle.

You battle for hours but you or Magusar are unable to harm it.

“No choice.” You barely dodge a blast of superheated water from the creature's serpent mouth.

“A sacrifice must be made.” He begins performing a spell you have never scene. Impossible
keeps running through your mind.
“Behold the Black Rites.” Magusar’s body ignites in an unholy flame. An equally powerful flame
spirit appears over head. But before you can see the spirit’s work, a white light sends you back
to the cage.

Age: ​2d8 + 20 or you can spend 50CP to choose any age.

Sex​: You may remain your sex from your previous jump or spend 50CP to change it.

Origin​: In Soul Sacrifice, you are either a sorcerer or archfiend. While, Sorcerers can belong to
either Avalon, the default for this setting, Sanctuarium, Independent or Grim. If you choose the
archfiend origin, you were a non-sorcerer human turned into monster twisted by either your own
greed or desires. Ex-archfiend, you were once a horrid monster but instead of being sacrificed
you were spared. The event has left its mark on forever.
● Avalon (Drop-In): ​you and your best were inseparable growing. Make sense would go
off to trained to become sorcerers together. You two went on your trials together and
overcame many hardships together. You were more than companions, you were
partners. But nothing could prepare you two for final test. The only way to become a true
sorcerer of Avalon was to defeat and sacrifice your partner. After an emotionally charged
battle, you emerged victorious. In the end you defeated and sacrifice your partner. They
became the first human soul to dwells in your right arm. You are now considered a full
fledged member of Avalon.
○ Avalon is the first and, by their standard, the only sorcerer’s guild. Formed in a
response to the rising monster and archfiend crisis. Avalon hunts down archfiend
and sacrifices them with mercy. Young sorcerers are hardened against
attachments. Avalon sorcerers understands sacrifice will increase their magical
strength but it will eventually damn them to be sacrificed as well.

● Archfiend: ​You were once a proud guard for the town. You took pride in your work and
tried your best to maintain justice. One night while on patrol you saw your captain having
a conversation with a known bandit. You attempted to confront your captain about this.
He denied it. A few days later he had you arrested for consorting with bandits. While
imprisoned you could hear the sound of battle. They were attacking while everyone
though the plot had been undercovered. You wanted to protect your town from them.
Then it appeared, the grail. It asked you a simple question. What do you desire? To
protect the town was your answer. What would you sacrifice? Anything you declared
aggressively. You could feel your body changing. The prison bars weren’t able to hold
you. And in flash you were free. However, you attacked everyone indiscriminately no one
was spared your wrath. You saved the town from the bandits. But you slaughtered all the
townsfolk in the process.

● Ex-Archfiend: ​For what seemed decades, you ravaged the ruins of your hometown.
You single-handedly turned a prosperous village into a ghost town full monsters
seemingly overnight. Anyone who entered your territory was viewed as a threat. And
dealt with accordingly. Quite a few sorcerers tried their hands at killing but you were
leagues above them. Until a certain sorcerer appeared. If you were leagues above the
common rabble of Avalon. She was in a league of her own. All during your fight you
could tell she was toying with you. She was letting hit her. This only fueled your rage.
Before you can genuinely harm her she struck a devastating blow. You collapsed to the
ground. Your monstrous form melted away in a horrid black ichor revealing your human
form. You pleaded for your life but sorcerer only kill. As you braced yourself for end,
something weird happened. She spared you. She gave you enough energy to heal your
wounds and departed. When you were strong again you searched her out. When you
found her you wanted to know why she spared you. She laughed and for a time you
traveled. Being an archfiend has forever marked you. You can now you magic and you
retain some of your archfiend powers.

● Grim: ​Fate has always been a fickle mistress to you. There are times when you are the
luckiest son of a bitch to exist. Time when you are the unluckiest. You were unsure
about this time though. As you traveled around, you defeated an archfiend. While you
didn’t want to kill the people that emerged you didn’t to save them either. Then you had
a thought. Let fate decide. You left them to there at the mercy of Fate. A few day later,
you find yourself at a narrow pass with a woman named Similia block your way. She had
been spying on you. She knew of your dissatisfaction with Avalon and what you did
early. She offered you a position at Grim. You accept. Fate is in did a fickle mistress.

● Independent: ​While many of the druid tribes decide to met the romulus in battle, your
tribe fled. Using their vast knowledge and powers to find a safe haven to weather the
storm. After centuries of isolation, your tribe is one of the last remaining to hold true to
your druid teachings and actively still worship the younger of the brothers, Earth, instead
of the elder, Sky. You were adventurous and while the elders forbade you from leaving,
you did it away. The world beyond your safe haven was full of wonders. But when
people discovered you were a sorcerer, they tried to force you into the service of Avalon.
You scoffed at them. They are weaklings who turned their backs on their true god. You
refuse to be bound by any of them.

● Sanctuarium:

Locations: ​ Roll 1d8 to determine your starting location. Or you can spend 100CP to choose
your starting location.
1. The Plains of Olympia:​ The Plains of Olympia was once the site of the greatest battle
between the warring tribes of the Romulus and the Druids. Here powerful Druids weaved
equally powerful magic against their foes, The Romulus. But in the end, it was the
Romulus that emerged victorious. Those Druids that weren't killed were subjugate and
integrated into Romulan culture. Now it serves not only as a massive graveyard but a
huge magical font. Broken statues of the old gods look down on the plain. They stand a
silent vigil to the folly of men. It common feeding ground for goblins and their foes the

2. Elvenvale:

3. The Worm: ​Once a greed merchant lost his wife from an suffered in silence because of
his greed. After reading her last words, he changed his ways for the sake of his sickly
daughter. He learned that his daughter desired to see a rare butterfly that lived for only a
few days in the east. After making multiple trips. After losing his camel and his
colleagues. He was still determined get the butterflies to his daughter. His desire was so
strong after eating a handful of the butterfly’s larvae he became a gigantic larvae himself.
Now a trip that takes weeks now takes days. He makes this trip back and forth without
end. Sorcerers use this creature as a means to travel from the West to the East and
back again in short order. This is common hunting ground for ghouls and fairies. Though
Orcs like to appear here.

4. Mount Helios:
5. Icarus Pastures:
6. Caverns of Goliath:
7. Noah’s Desert:
8. The Cage:

● Marked For Extermination By Avalon​ 100CP: Either you have gone rouge or the
governing body of Avalon views you as a threat to the safety and secure of the Guild.
Whether the reason you have been marked for extermination. Avalon allied sorcerers will
trying to actively kill you. There is view little you can stop them.

● Marked For Extermination By Everyone​ 300CP: Somehow you managed to end up

with all three major factions have marked you for extermination. You are possibly the
only thing the factions agree on. Don't expect to find mean sorcerers to aid you against
these odds.

● She Never Left Me!​ 400CP: Pick one of your imported companions. If didn't import
companion, pick either a custom or canon companion. The companion is now trapped
inside your right arm. They will remain there for the duration of the jump. They don't
appear back at the warehouse after a week nor can any amount of resurrection magic or
similar powers be used to bring them back. For the duration you experience throbbing
nearly crippling pain in your right arm at random moments. Your memories began to
blend and events that were part of your companion’s life now become yours. Though in
times of great stress or depression, the companion will manifest and comfort you.
● I Must Consume All!​ 500CP: The manifestation of you right arm is an intense hungry.
But you don't hungry for food or anything like that no. You hungry for magic. While at first
you can sate this hunger on the monster that ravage the land but over time it grows.
These creatures stop easing this hunger for ever decrease periods of time before they
no longer do anything for. You will be forced to move to Archfiends but they too will
eventually do nothing for you. Before the end of the jump you will began consuming
fellow sorcerers.

● In Debt To Carnatux​ ​400CP: You have the unfortunate pleasure of being partnered with
the infamous Carnatux. This infamously greed merchant sorcerer has itemized and
prepared you an invoice for each time he healed you, distracted a monster so you can
get the drop on them, each time he took damage from a blow and you failed to capitalize
on an archfiend’s weakness. You are now indebted to Carnatux for quite a lot. You will
never be able to play it off. And if you take Carnatux as a companion this debt follows
you from jump to jump.

● The Family of Carnatux​ CP: If thought that one Carnatux was bad wait til you meet his
family members. Carnatux has three siblings. Though not his family by blood, they all
look up to Carnatux after he either saved them. While you will eventually be welcomed
into the family as an equal sibling, you need to go through various task each sibling has
for you. Vidiara the Reader, an oracle, Aurelia, the Whisperer, a rumor-monger, and
Cassus the Flunky, the youngest and only non-magical sibling. While their end goals are
noble and altruistic, they are greedy merchants and cutthroat businessmen. **Taking this
drawback makes it possible to pay off the debt to Carnatux.**

● The Failure​ 500CP: Instead overcoming your opponent during your final test, you were
defeated. Now you are the one that has been sacrificed. This isn't death and it's jump
over. You are now a passenger in someone else's adventure. You however have a few
more tricks in addition to the ones laid out by She Never Let Me! You are always aware
of everything happening around. But you can not interact with anything. You may treat
your condition similar to that of ghost. You float through walls and what not. You can
only be so far away before you forced to return.You can assert your will briefly. No more
than a few minutes at a time and a few times a week. If your host is kill you die officially.
Jump over.

● Already At The End​ 1000CP: Instead your character being before Magusar’s reign, you
have the misfortune of being the person reading. Now you are sitting in a cage waiting to
be sacrificed to fuel the Great Sorcerer Magusar’s immortality. There is hope a magic
book named Librom has fell into your cage from above. This is your only salvation. If you
don't uncover Librom’s true identity and uncover Magusar secret by reliving the story of
the hero written on his pages before Magusar comes for you will consumed and your
jump will end in defeat.

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