Recent GK-1 for Bank by EBC-
Recent GK-1 for Bank by EBC-
Recent GK-1 for Bank by EBC-
Stock Exchanges, Stock Dealers & Brokers, Merchants Banks, Asset Management
Company (AMCs), Credit Rating Agencies etc. দক টনয়ন্ত্রণ কশর BSEC.
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18 Life and 44 Non-Life Insurance Companies দক টনয়ন্ত্রণ কশর IDRA।
Previous Question
Q. Financial Sector of Bangladesh has multiple regulatory agencies to regulate
Banks, Non-bank Financial Institutions, Insurance Companies, and Micro-
finance Institutions. Who are the regulatory agencies for the mentioned BB AD
institutions? Written-
Ans. Bangladesh Bank, Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority of 22
Bangladesh (IDRA), Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA).
Q. Microfinance & Insurance sectors are regulated by two separated regulatory
agencies. What are the regulatory agencies of Microfinance & Insurance BB O
Companies in Bangladesh? Officer
Ans. Microcredit Regulatory Authority (MRA) and the Insurance Development Written-
and Regulatory Authority of Bangladesh (IDRA) are the regulatory agencies 22
of Microfinance & Insurance Companies in Bangladesh
Q. Which organization regulates the scheduled banks of Bangladesh? BB AD
Ans. Bangladesh Bank, the central bank of Bangladesh regulates the scheduled Written-
banks of Bangladesh. 21
Insurance Authority
Insurance Development and Regulatory Authority (IDRA) was instituted on January 26,
2011 as the regulator of insurance industry
Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) performs the functions to regulate the capital
market intermediaries and issuance of capital and financial instruments by public limited
companies. It was established on June 8, 1993 under the Securities and Exchange Commission
Act, 1993.
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Bangladesh Insurance Academy
The Bangladesh Insurance Academy (BIA), established in 1973, is the only public training
institute imparting insurance training and education for the insurance professionals of the
Stock Exchanges
A stock exchange facilitates stock brokers to trade company stocks and other securities. A stock
may be bought or sold only if it is listed on an exchange.
1. Stock Exchanges: Apart from Dhaka Stock Exchange, there is another stock exchange in
Bangladesh that is Chittagong Stock Exchange established in 1995.
2. Central Depository: The only depository system for the transaction and settlement of financial
securities, Central Depository Bangladesh Ltd (CDBL) was formed in 2000
3. Asset Management Companies (AMCs): AMCs are authorized to act as issue and portfolio
manager of the mutual funds which are issued under SEC (Mutual Fund) Rules 2001. There are
15 AMCs in Bangladesh at present.
4. Credit Rating Companies (CRCs): CRCs in Bangladesh are licensed under Credit Rating
Companies Rules, 1996 and now, 5 CRCs have been accredited by SEC.
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Repo Rate= Standing Deposit Facility (SDF)
Special Repo Rate= Standing Lending Facility (SLF)
BAFEDA=Bangladesh Foreign Exchange Dealers' Association
LIBOR Is Out, SOFR Is in From 1 July-2023
The London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR) was a benchmark interest rate at
which major global banks lent to one another in the international interbank market for
short-term loan
Secured Overnight Financing Rate (SOFR) is a secured overnight interest rate. SOFR
is a reference rate.
SMART= Six Month Moving Average Rate
আশলযচনযয় BRICS
15th BRICS Summit will held in South Africa from August 22 to 24
BRICS started in 2001 as BRIC(Brazil, Russia, India, China)
In 2010, South Africa began efforts to join the BRIC> BRICS ( letter S for South
Member Country-5
The New Development Bank (NDB), formerly referred to as the BRICS Development
Bank, is a multilateral development bank established by the BRICS states in 2014
In September 2021, Bangladesh, the United Arab Emirates and Uruguay joined the
NDB Member-9
NDB HQ=Shanghai, Chaina.
ব্যাংক নযি পটরবেতন ও টিটিিযল ব্যাংক এর আগিন।
Uttara Bank PLC (লযস্ট দচইঞ্জি) PLC=Public Limited Company
Bangladesh Bank has approved the Digital Bank at 14.06.2023
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Nagad, the country's second-largest MFS provider, is planning to set up a digital bank.
Paid-up capital at Tk125 crore for Digital Bank. (500 cr for Other Bank)
The minimum shareholding of each sponsor will be Tk50 lakh *IPO=initial public Offering,
*KYC=Know Your Customer (e-KYC= electronic KYC) *ETC=Electronic Toll Collection
CBS=Core Banking Solution
CHIPS=Clearing House Interbank Payment System
RTGS=Real Time Gross Settlement
FDR=Fixed Deposit Receipt
MTDRA=Mudaraba Term Deposit Receipt (Islami Banking এর FDR)
SND=Special Notice Deposit
MICR=Magnetic Ink Character Recognition
SWIFT=Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications.
BAMLCO= Branch Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer
CAMLCO= Chief Anti Money Laundering Compliance Officer
World Bank
Established: 1944, Headquarters: Washington, D.C
Former President: David Malpass(13th) [1st President: Eugene Meyer]
President: Ajaypal Singh Banga(14th)
Chief Economist: Indermit Gill
Tenure: 5 years
Member Countries: 189 Country.
World Bank = IBRD+IDA
World Bank Group= IBRD+IDA+IFC+ICSID+MIGA=5Sister
Bangladesh became a member of the World Bank Group in August of 1972.(118th Nation)**
YouTube CEO Neal Mohan
World Food Program(WFP)’s President Shamim Ahsan (Bangladesh)
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DPDT=Department of Patents, Designs and Trademarks
DPDT recognizes and certifies GI products under the Ministry of Industry in accordance
with the norms of the International Property Rights Organization (WIPO).
Jamdani Saree was recognized as a GI product for the first time in Bangladesh in 2016.
Four new items - Yogurt from Bogra, Tulsimala rice from Sherpur, Ashwina and Langra
mangoes from Chapainawabganj
So far, Bangladesh has got the ownership of a total of 15 GI products
Budget 2023-24
Total Budget (দিযি বযশিি) 7,61,785 Crore (15.21%of
Total GDP (দিযি টিটিটপ) 44,61,785 Crore
Revenue Income (রযিস্ব আয়) 5,00,000 Crore
Budget Deficit (ঘযিটে) 2,61,785 Crore
Estimated Inflation Rate (প্রযক্কটলে িূ ল্টিটে হযর) 6%
Per Capita Income (Estimated) (িযথযটপছু আয়) 2765 USD
GDP Growth Rate (টিটিটপ প্রবৃ টির হযর) 7.5%
Annual Development Program (ADP) (বযটষতক উন্নয়ন কিতসূটচ) 2,63,000 Crore (36.3% of
Sector-wise Allocation
Tk. Share of Total Budget
1 - Public Administration 1,67,880 Crore 22%
2nd- Education & Technology 1,04,137 Crore 13.67%
3rd- Interest Payment 94,376 Crore 12.4%
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Exports Income $52b
Inflation rate 8.61%
Literacy rate 76.4%
Average life expectancy 72.3 years
Source: BBS, WB, Finance Ministry
Chat GPT Chatbot developed by OpenAI
[ Chat Generative OpenAI's GPT-3 family launched in November 30, 2022.
ChatGPT creator: Mira Murati, CTO at OpenAI, San Francisco, USA.
Transformer ]
[ Samuel H. Altman CEO of OpenAI ]
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Total No of least developed countries (LDCs) is 46.
Theme: From Potential to Prosperity
Once-in-a-decade(10 Years) opportunity to accelerate sustainable development (2022-
LDC Start in 1971>Bangladesh Listed in 1975>Recommended by UN in
2021>Bangladesh will free from the LDC list by 2026>Get GSP Till 2029.
G-20 Summit (18th Summit) **
The G20 Delhi summit is the eighteenth meeting of Group of Twenty (G20),
a summit scheduled to take place in Pragati Maidan, New Delhi in 2023
Motto: One Earth, One Family, One Future
Next G-20 Summit will host by Brazil in 2024
Erdogan Wins 3rd Time for Another Term As President of Turkiye
Capital: Ankara
Party Name: AK Party (Justice and Development Party)
Election: 28 May,2023
Engineer’s BCS Care এর “িুলযই-২০২৩” এ আপকযটিাং ব্যচ সিূ হ।
★ BB AD+2021 সযল টিটিক All Govt. & Private Bank টপ্রটল দেেযল @ব্যচ-৩২
★ BB AD+2021 সযল টিটিক All Govt. & Private Bank টরশিন দেেযল @ব্যচ-৩৩
★ প্রিপ্রি পরবর্তী BB Cash Written Short Course@ব্যচ-৩৭
Wagner Group
Known as PMC Wagner/ Wagner Private Military Company
Russian state-funded paramilitary organization.
de facto private army of Russian president Vladimir Putin
Leader: Yevgeny Prigozhin ***
HQ: Saint Petersburg, Russia.
Dates of operation: 2014(Crimea)
Size: 50,000
OceanGate Inc. is an American privately owned company based in Everett, Washington,
that provided crewed submersibles for tourism,
CEO and co-founder: Stockton Rush,
Titan imploded in June 2023, killing all five occupants including CEO Stockton
Titanic was a British passenger liner that sank in the North Atlantic Ocean on 15 April 1912
after striking an iceberg during her maiden voyage from Southampton, England to New York
City, United States.
2023 ICC Women's T20 World Cup-2023 was held in South Africa
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Australia won after beating the hosts South Africa.
Bangladesh Will be Host in 2024.
2023 SAFF Woman ‘Champion & Host’ was Bangladesh.
The "Smart Bangladesh" have four key pillars – "Smart Citizen", "Smart Government",
"Smart Society" and "Smart Economy" announced in 12 December 2022.
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