tress is any threatening event that sympatho-adreno-medullary system that
causes to reveal the behavioral and releases catecholamine's (epinephrine and
physiological responses in an norepinephrine), and the other is
individual (1). The stresses during pregnancy hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis (HPA)
and after the birth are related to many mental, that releases glucocorticoids (corticosterone in
behavioral and cognitive abnormalities in rodents and cortisol in humans) by stimulating
humans and animals (2). The types of stress the adrenal cortex (5-8).
include, physical (motion limitation, foot shock, Glucocorticoid receptors are found in
exercise, cold, intense light, etc.), metabolic, hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing
immunological, cardiovascular and mental hormone (GnRH) neurons and cells of
stress and so on can be pointed (3). It has pituitary gonadotropin. Glucocorticoids with
been reported that female reproductive the same concentration as stress state block
system is very sensitive to stress and effect of the level of GnRH in the pituitary gland and
stress on gonads in adults may be reversible subsequently, the responsiveness of
but it may not be true during initial stages of gonadotropins to GnRH is also reduced, thus
development. Thus, stress experienced during the reduction of LH level and consequently the
neonatal or pre-pubertal phases might have lack of ovulation and the defect of the
serious side effects on the ovarian follicular menstrual cycle happen (9). Glucocorticoids
Arabameri et al
510 International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017
Effects of Stress and Propolis on Ovary
and free enough access to standard diet and evaporated using a rotary vacuum evaporator
water in plastic cages. to obtain the purified propolis extract. The EIP
In this experimental study, the animals concentrations were measured and diluted to
were randomly divided into six groups the required dilutions (weight to volume) using
(n=8/each) as follows: 1) Control group (C) 10% ethanol. The extracts were stored at 2-
included 21-day pups without any intervention, 8oC under protective light conditions and
2) Sham group included 15-day pups that warmed to room temperature just before
were beside their mothers during this period injecting (22, 23).
and received 0.1 ml saline solution daily, 3)
Stress group (S), included 15-day pups that Assay of serum concentration
were separated from their mothers 6 hr/day corticosterone and 17-beta-estradiol
during this period, 4) the S+P50 group which The corticosterone and 17-beta-estradiol
were under stress and received 50 mg/kg EIP serum concentration were determined by
daily, 5) the S+P100 group which were under enzyme linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA)
stress and received 100 mg/kg EIP daily, and using the kits Corticosterone, ELISA, DRG,
6) S+P200 group which were under stress and Marburg, Germany and 17-beta estradiol,
received 200 mg/kg EIP daily (16-18). ELISA, Bolden, England. The sensitivity of
The animals in groups C and Sham didn't these kits is 0.39 nanograms per milliliter. To
have any stress and had enough diet and do this, the blood was collected from the
water, and the animals in the third to sixth hearts of the animals under complete
groups were separated from their mothers 6 anesthesia 24 hr after the last injection at the
hr/day, were kept in separate cages with dose of 80/20 mg/kg Ketamine/Xylazine and
suitable beds and their injections were done after centrifugation at 300 rpm for 20 min; the
intraperitoneally daily. The timing of obtained serum was stored at -20oC until
separation from the mothers (6 hr/day) was measuring the hormone levels (24).
randomly changed every day to avoid
habituation (for example, as the periods from Assay of antioxidant activity
8AM-14PM, 9AM-15PM, and so forth). The After EIP treatment, all the pups were
EIP was injected to the animals of the fourth, anesthetized by administering ketamine/
fifth and sixth groups intraperitoneally for xylazine (80/20 mg/kg) intraperitoneally. After
seven days (from 15th day to 21st day after opening the abdominal cavity, the left ovary
birth) before stress. The right ovaries were was removed, washed with physiological
fixed in 4% paraformaldehyde, embedded in saline and was homogenized (10% w/v) in
cold saline (1.15 M KCl) to prepare for the
paraffin. They were then serially sectioned (5
assay for activity of antioxidant enzymes. The
µm), mounted on glass slides for histological
homogenates were centrifuged at 20,000× gr
and immunohistochemical studies. The blood
for 10 min at 4oC. The supernatants were
sample was collected, serum was separated,
collected and used for assessment of Ferric
stored at -20oC until corticosterone, and 17- reducing antioxidant power, MDA levels, T-
beta-Estradiol concentration was determined SOD (Total superoxide dismutase), and GPx,
(20, 21). activities (Randox Laboratories, Shanghai,
china) (25-26).
Preparation of propolis extract
In this investigation, propolis was collected Histological evaluation
from the bee-hives located in different parts of To study the Histomorphometry and to
the Semnan province and verified by the count of oocytes and ovarian follicles, the
agricultural organization. Extracts were ovaries were removed from the body and their
prepared according to the method of weights were determined after blood
Greenaway (23). In summary, the major collection. The right ovaries fixed in 4%
components of propolis were chopped into paraformaldehyde, were processed according
small pieces, mixed (25 gr) with 250 ml of to the standard histological method and 5μm
80% ethanol, and incubated at room thick serial paraffin sections were cut and
temperature for 48 hr with shaking (150 rpm). stained with hematoxylin and eosin. Different
The extract was clarified twice by Whatman categories of ovarian follicles were counted
grade 42 filter paper and ethanol was according to Pedersen and Peters methods
International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017 511
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512 International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017
Effects of Stress and Propolis on Ovary
stressed pups with EIP (100 and 200 mg/kg) 100, and 200 mg/kg) in the animals were
significantly increased the number and under stress reduced the number of these
diameter of the oocytes (F=2.627, p=0.032; cells (F=4.456, p=0.002, Figure 3, 4).
F=3.100, p=0.016 respectively; Table I).
Effect of postnatal stress and EIP on Effect of postnatal stress and EIP on the
apoptosis of granulosa cells and atretic Lipid peroxidation and antioxidant activity
follicles The EIP showed a strong effect on lipid
The mean number of ovarian atretic peroxidation and antioxidant parameters. A
follicles in stressed rats was significantly significant increase in MDA and reduction in
higher than the normal groups, control and T-SOD, GPx, and FRAP concentration were
under treatment with EIP. The treatment with observed in the stress rats as compared to the
EIP reduced the number of atretic follicles that control group (F=3.324, p=0.012) (Figure 5
this reduction was significantly in the treated and 6). The increase in MDA concentration in
groups with doses of 100 and 200 mg/kg in the ovary of stress animals indicated an
general (F=6.544, p=0.001, Table II). The exasperated oxidative stress. The treatment of
number of TUNEL positive granulosa cells in rats with EIP (100 and 200 mg/kg) resulted in
the ovaries of rat pups in the normal and a significant reduction in MDA and
control groups was significantly lower than upregulation of FRAP, T-SOD, and GPx levels
stress group. The neonatal stress increased in the ovarian tissue compared to vehicle-
the number of TUNEL positive granulosa cells treated stress rats (F=2.879, p=0.028) (Figure
in the ovarian follicles and the use of EIP (50, 5, 6).
Table I. Effect of postnatal stress (maternal separation stress) and Iranian propolis extract on the number and diameter of oocytes and
the number of different kinds of ovarian follicles in the rat neonates.
Normal follicles in the ovaries (n) Diameter of the
Variables Number of
Primordial Primary Secondary oocyte
Groups Antral follicles oocytes (at level)
follicles follicle follicle (micrometer)
Control 119.7 ± 7.05 40.5 ± 2.96 ** 11.4 ± 1.19 ** 9.7 ± 1.32 # 153.25 ± 23.63 # 22.25 ± 2.6
Sham 116.6 ± 6.15 38.7 ± 5.67 ** 9 ± 1.27 * 8.6 ± 1.21 164.25 ± 26.19 * 21.5 ± 1.75
Stress + Saline 67.2 ± 4.38 12 ± 1.24 3.5 ± 0.40 5.1 ± .060 71.75 ± 16.45 15.25 ± 1.6
Stress + Propolis 50 82.7 ± 4.18 31.8 ± 4.98 * 9.5 ± 1.1 * 8.5 ± 1.30 119.75 ± 16.66 19.5 ± 2.03
Stress + Propolis 100 120.8 ± 7.52 # 33.1 ± 3.14 * 11 ± 1.01 ** 8.1 ± .085 140 ± 21.32 # 24.5 ± 2.1 #
Stress + Propolis 200 124.8 ± 8.97 * 42.6 ± 1.33 ** 12 ± .097 ** 9.9 ± 1.20 # 166.75 ± 25.56 * 25.25 ± 2.15 *
All data are presented as Mean ± SEM.
#: The difference between the desired group and the stress group is significant at p<0.05 level.
*: The difference between the desired group and the stress group is significant at p<0.01 level.
**: The difference between the desired group and the stress group is significant at p<0.001 level. Different as judged by Tukey–Kramer post-hoc
Table II. Effect of postnatal stress (maternal separation stress) and Iranian propolis extract on the average number of ovarian atretic
follicles in the rat neonates.
Variables Atretic ovarian follicles (n)
Categories Primary follicle Secondary follicle Antral follicles
Control 12.3 ± 1.12 * 8.4 ± .056 ** 3.8 ± .058 **
Sham 11.25 ± 0.92 ** 7.8 ± .064 ** 4.2 ± .059 *
Stress + Saline 21.4 ± 0.86 16.6 ± .048 8.75 ± .089
Stress + Propolis 50 18.3 ± 0.67 13.25 ± .046 7.44 ± .047
Stress + Propolis 100 14.75 ± 0.74 # 10.8 ± .067 * 5.2 ± .01.05 #
Stress + Propolis 200 11.75 ± 0.64 ** 8.25 ± .064 ** 3.4 ± .076 **
All data are presented as Mean ± SEM
#: The difference between the desired group and the stress group is significant at p<0.05 level.
*: The difference between the desired group and the stress group is significant at p<0.01 level.
**: The difference between the desired group and the stress group is significant at p<0.001 level. Different as judged by Tukey–Kramer post-hoc
International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017 513
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Figure 1: Effects of maternal separation stress and Iranian propolis extract on body weight in the rat neonates. Control group
(Control), control group+saline infusion (Sham), stress group + saline infusion (stress), stress group+50 mg/kg propolis extract
(SP50), stress group+100 mg/kg propolis extract (SP100) and stress group+200 mg/kg propolis extract (SP200). * P<0.001,
compared to the Control and Sham groups, # P<0.001compared to the Stress group. All data are presented as Mean ± SEM, n=8.
Figure 2. Effects of maternal separation stress and Iranian propolis extract on corticosterone level (ng/mL) and 17 beta-estradiol
level (ng/mL) in the rat neonates. Control group (Control), control group + saline infusion (Sham), stress group+saline infusion
(Stress), stress group+50 mg/kg propolis extract (SP50), stress group+100 mg/kg propolis extract (SP100) and stress group+200
mg/kg propolis extract (SP200). * P<0.001, compared to the Control and Sham groups, # P<0.001, compared to the Stress group. All
data are presented as Mean ± SEM, n=8.
Figure 3. Effect of propolis on the number of TUNEL positive granulosa cells (in 0.022 mm2 of the ovary surface) in the ovaries of a
rat with neonatal stress. Control group (Control), control group+saline infusion (Sham), stress group+saline infusion (Stress), stress
group+50 mg/kg propolis extract (SP50), stress group+100 mg/kg propolis extract (SP100) and stress group+200 mg/kg propolis
extract (SP200). * P<0.01, compared to the C and Sham groups, # P<0.001, compared to the S group. All data are presented as
Mean±SEM, n=6.
514 International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017
Effects of Stress and Propolis on Ovary
Figure 4. Effect of propolis on the number of TUNEL positive granulosa cells (in 0.022 mm2 of the ovary surface) in the ovaries of a
rat with neonatal stress. (A1, A2) Sham group, (B1, B2) stress group, (C1, C2) stress+100 mg/kg propolis extract group and (D1, D2)
stress+200 mg/kg propolis extract group. The arrows indicated by TUNEL positive granulosa cells in the ovarian tissue. TUNEL
positive granulosa cells in the stressed group (B1, B2) compared to other groups increased and propolis extract (C1, C2, D1, D2)
these cells is reduced. Magnification 100X and 400X, a bar in figures A1, B1, C1, and D1=250 µm and bar in figures A2, B2, C2,
and D2=100 µm.
International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017 515
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Figure 5. Effects of propolis on MDA (Malondialdehyde) content in ovarian tissue of rats with neonatal stress. Control group
(Control), control group+saline infusion (Sham), stress group+saline infusion (Stress), stress group+50 mg/kg propolis extract
(SP50), stress group+100 mg/kg propolis extract (SP100) and stress group+200 mg/kg propolis extract (SP200). * P<0.01, compared
to the C and Sham groups, # P<0.05, compared to the S group, ## P<0.01, compared to the S group. All data are presented as
Mean±SEM, n=8.
Figure 6. Effects of propolis on antioxidant enzyme activity in ovarian tissue of rats with neonatal stress. (A) T-SOD activity in the
ovarian tissue, (B) GPx activity in the ovarian tissue, and (C) Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) in ovarian tissue. Control
group (Control), control group+saline infusion (Sham), stress group+saline infusion (Stress), stress group+50 mg/kg propolis extract
(SP50), stress group+100 mg/kg propolis extract (SP100) and stress group+200 mg/kg propolis extract (SP200). * P<0.01, compared
to the C and Sham groups, # P<0.05, compared to the S group, ## P<0.01, compared to the S group. All data are presented as
Mean±SEM, n=8.
516 International Journal of Reproductive BioMedicine Vol. 15. No. 8. pp: 509-520, August 2017
Effects of Stress and Propolis on Ovary
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that are necessary for vital, growth and colon (48). It has been proven that propolis is
development of ovarian follicles and oocytes absorbed from the blood circulation and plays
by stimulating the activity of hypothalamus- a role as a hydrophilic antioxidant to absorb
pituitary-adrenal axis (40). The effect of stress vitamin C (48). In addition to flavonoids, a
on the adult gonads may be irreversible in the compound called caffeic acid phenethyl ester
early stages of follicular development (pre- (CAPE) is also responsible for the antioxidant
puberty). The increase secretion of ACTH properties of propolis; it was reported this
inhibits follicular development and ovulation compound protects the cell membrane against
(40). So, reducing the amount ACTH disrupts lipid peroxidation. Previous studies have
follicular development process and oocyte shown that CAPE reduces malondialdehyde
maturation, which eventually alters the (MDA) level by suppressing the production of
number and size of oocytes. an oxygen free radical as an antioxidant (49).
Stress as one of the factors that drastic To further investigate the mechanism of
changes in the level of glucocorticoid action of propolis, we measured the anti-
(corticosterone in rodents) and steroids oxidative capacity and the activity of FRAP.
hormones are created and played an We examined the total antioxidant activity in
important role in increasing the rate of the ovary tissue using FRAP as an indicator of
follicular atresia. The formation of free radicals the strength of non-enzymatic antioxidants.
increases by raising the levels of The results showed that in a postnatal stress
glucocorticoids in the stress state and rat ovary, there is a significant decrease in the
consequently, the production of sex steroids is antioxidant activity (FRAP) in stress group and
reduced. ROS may play an important role in treatment with the EPI (100 and 200 mg/kg)
the survival and development of ovarian enhanced the antioxidant capacity of the
follicles. Therefore, their increases may cause FRAP. SOD neutralizes the superoxide anions
drastic reduction in primordial follicles in the by converting them into hydrogen peroxide
ovaries. ROS may play an important role in and GPx reduces hydrogen peroxide to water;
beginning the apoptosis process of follicles, together SOD and GPx serve as an
including antral follicles. As well reducing the antioxidant defense mechanism (47, 48).
amount of glutathione (as a cellular
antioxidant) causes to stimulate follicular Conclusion
atresia and apoptosis in granulosa cells of the
follicles. However, previous studies have These findings suggest that propolis may
shown that estrogen has antioxidant prevent the destructive effects of
properties, and therefore its deficit during psychological stress (maternal separation of
stress may lead to the production of ROS (41- pups) as well as reduce the structural and
44). In this study, using EIP caused to developmental changes in the ovaries of rat
decrease ROS production and subsequently neonates using its strong antioxidant effects
to reduce the apoptosis of granulosa cells and
due to the compounds such as flavonoids and
follicular atresia, possibly by reducing the
polyphenols. Thus, propolis with more
levels of corticosteroids and increasing the
powerful antioxidant properties might be used
production of ovarian steroids.
as a compound with therapeutic potential
Propolis is one of the richest sources of
plant phenols (flavonoids and phenolic acids), protection against damage caused by stress.
which are widely recognized as powerful
antioxidants (12, 19, 44-47). Various Acknowledgments
flavonoids and phenolic are able to take the
free radicals and protect the lipids and other This article is derived from a student thesis
compounds such as vitamin C against approved by the Research Deputy of Semnan
Oxidation or the destruction during oxidative University of Medical Sciences and Damghan
stress (9, 45). It has been reported that the Islamic Azad University, Iran.
enzymatic and non-enzymatic activities of
antioxidants have been significantly increased Conflict of interest
using propolis; as well propolis has induced a
significant increase in the level of vitamin C in The authors confirm that this article content
plasma, kidney, stomach, small intestine, and has no conflict of interest.
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