CRE Grade 1

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A skilled and Ethical Society



First Published in 2017

Revised 2024

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any
means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher.

ISBN: 978-9914-43-059-2

Published and printed by Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development

The Government of Kenya (GoK) is committed to ensuring that policy objectives for Education, Training and Research meet the
aspirations of the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the Kenya Vision 2030, National Curriculum Policy 2018, the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and the regional and global conventions to which Kenya is a signatory. Towards achieving
the mission of Basic Education, the Ministry of Education (MoE) has successfully and progressively rolled out the implementation
of the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC) at Pre-Primary, Primary and Junior School levels.

The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) reviewed the curriculum and rationalised the number of learning areas in
2024. The review and rationalisation process was informed by several factors, among them, the recommendations of the Presidential
Working Party on Education Reforms (PWPER) and reports of the continuous curriculum monitoring and evaluation activities.

The reviewed curriculum designs build on competencies attained earlier by learners. The designs prepare the learner for smooth
transition to the next level. The designs will also afford the learner opportunities for developing requisite competencies and enable
them to interact with other people and the environment around them.

The key components of the curriculum designs include the National Goals of Education, the essence statement, general and specific
learning outcomes as well as the strands and sub strands. Suggested learning experiences, key inquiry questions, core competencies,
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues (PCIs), values and assessment rubrics are also outlined in the curriculum designs.

It is expected that all Government agencies and other stakeholders in Education will use the designs to plan for the effective and
efficient implementation of the Competency Based Curriculum.

Thank you.



The Ministry of Education (MoE) rolled out the Competency Based Curriculum (CBC), nationally in 2019, following a national
convention in 2017 where the Basic Education Curriculum Framework (BECF) was adopted by stakeholders and a national pilot of
the curriculum in the Early Years of Education (EYE) in 2018.According to the UNESCO IBE requirements, a curriculum should be
reviewed every five years. So, the review of CBC was due from 2023. In view of this, the reviewed curriculum designs will enhance
the implementation of CBC since it corporates the lessons learnt from the implementation of CBC so far.
Consistent periodical review of the curriculum is also critical in the realisation of the Vision and Mission of the on -going curriculum
reforms as enshrined in the Sessional Paper No. I of 2019 whose title is: Towards Realizing Quality, Relevant and Inclusive Education
and Training for Sustainable Development in Kenya. The Sessional Paper explains the shift from a content-focused curriculum to a
focus on producing an engaged, empowered and ethical citizen.
Therefore, the reviewed curriculum designs will facilitate the inculcation of core competencies in CBC, which are identified as:
communication and collaboration, critical thinking and problem solving, creativity and imagination, citizenship, digital literacy,
learning to learn and self-efficacy.
The curriculum designs provide suggestions for interactive and differentiated learning experiences linked to the various strands and
sub strands and other aspects of the CBC. The designs also outline suggested learning resources and varied assessment techniques. It
is expected that the use of these designs will lead to enhanced learning outcomes at various levels, prepare the learner for smooth
transition to subsequent grades and make learning enjoyable.
The MoE requests all stakeholders to keep giving feedback on the curriculum designs to inform the review during the next cycle.
Thank you.



The Kenya Institute of Curriculum Development (KICD) Act Number 4 of 2013 (Revised 2019) mandates the Institute to develop and
review curricula and curriculum support materials for basic and tertiary education and training. The curriculum development process is
guided by research, international best practices as well as stakeholder engagement. The Institute conceptualised the Competency Based
Curriculum (CBC) in consultation with the Ministry of Education and other stakeholders. According to the Basic Education Curriculum
Framework (KICD, 2017) the conceptualisation of CBC was informed by 21st Century learning needs, the Constitution of Kenya 2010, the
Kenya Vision 2030, the East African Community Protocol, the International Bureau of Education (IBE) Guidelines and the United Nations
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
KICD is funded by the Kenya Government to discharge its mandate. The institute also receives support from development partners targeting
specific programmes. The reviewed curriculum designs were developed with the support of the World Bank through the Kenya Primary
Education Equity in Learning Programme (KPEELP) - a project coordinated by MoE. KICD wishes to most sincerely thank the Government
of Kenya, through the MoE and other development partners. More speci fically, KICD appreciates the Cabinet Secretary - MoE and the
Principal Secretary State Department of Basic Education,
Additionally, the Institute expresses gratitude to all the KICD staff members, teachers, university lecturers, MoE staff, Sem i-Autonomous
Government Agencies (SAGAs) and representatives of various stakeholders; among others, for their contributions to the development of
the reviewed curriculum designs. Finally, KICD acknowledges the Chief Executive Officers of the Teachers Service Comm ission (TSC)
and the Kenya National Examinations Council (KNEC) as well as the KICD Council for supporting the curriculum review process.
May God bless all the individuals and respective institutions who in one way or another supported the curriculum review process. Indeed,
these designs will effectively guide the implementation of the CBC at Primary level, thereby preparing the learner to transition to theJunior

Best wishes to all learners and curriculum implementers .




PREFACE ......................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................................................. v
NATIONAL GOALS OF EDUCATION ........................................................................................................................................ vii
LESSON ALLOCATION AT LOWER PRIMARY ........................................................................................................................ ix
LEVEL LEARNING OUTCOMES FOR PRIMARY SCHOOL EDUCATION ............................................................................ ix
CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ACTIVITIES GRADE 1 ............................................................................................. 10
CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ACTIVITIES GRADE 2 ............................................................................................. 46
CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS EDUCATION ACTIVITIES GRADE 3 ............................................................................................. 86
APPENDIX 1: COMMUNITY SERVICE LEARNING AT LOWER PRIMARY ...................................................................... 125

1. Foster nationalism, patriotism, and promote national unity
Kenya’s people belong to different communities, races and religions and should be able to live and interact as one people.
Education should enable the learner acquire a sense of nationhood and patriotism. It should also promote peace and mutual
respect for harmonious co-existence.

2. Promote social, economic, technological and industrial needs for national development
Education should prepare the learner to play an effective and productive role in the nation.
a) Social Needs
Education should instil social and adaptive skills in the learner for effective participation in community and national

b) Economic Needs
Education should prepare a learner with requisite competences that support a modern and independent growing economy.
This should translate into high standards of living for every individual.

c) Technological and Industrial Needs

Education should provide the learner with necessary competences for technological and industrial development in
tandem with changing global trends.

3. Promote individual development and self-fulfilment

Education should provide opportunities for the learner to develop to the fullest potential. This includes development of
one’s interests, talents and character for positive contribution to the society.

4 Promote sound moral and religious values
Education should promote acquisition of national values as enshrined in the Constitution. It should be geared towards
developing a self-disciplined and ethical citizen with sound moral and religious values.

5. Promote social equity and responsibility

Education should promote social equity and responsibility. It should provide inclusive and equitable access to quality and
differentiated education; including learners with special educational needs and disabilities. Education should also
provide the learner with opportunities for shared responsibility and accountability through service learning.

6. Promote respect for and development of Kenya’s rich and varied cultures
Education should instil in the learner appreciation of Kenya’s rich and diverse cultural heritage. The learner should value
own and respect other people’s culture as well as embrace positive cultural practices in a dynamic society.

7. Promote international consciousness and foster positive attitudes towards other nations
Kenya is part of the interdependent network of diverse peoples and nations. Education should therefore enable the learner
to respect, appreciate and participate in the opportunities within the international community. Education should also
facilitate the learner to operate within the international community with full knowledge of the obligations,
responsibilities, rights and benefits that this membership entails.

8. Good health and environmental protection

Education should inculcate in the learner the value of physical and psychological well-being for self and others. It should
promote environmental preservation and conservation, including animal welfare for sustainable development.

S/No Learning Area Number of Lessons Per Week
1. Indigenous Language Activities 2
2. Kiswahili Language Activities / Kenya Sign Language Activities 4
3. English Language Activities 5
4. Mathematical Activities 5
5. Religious Education Activities 3
6. Environmental Activities 4
7. Creative Activities 7
8. Pastoral/Religious Instruction Programme 1*
Total 31


By the end of Primary Education, the learner should be able to:
a) Use verbal and or non-verbal cues to convey information in varied contexts.
b) Demonstrate mastery of number concepts to solve problems in day to day life.
c) Use appropriate social skills, moral and religious values to positively impact the society.
d) Develop individual talents and interests for self-efficacy.
e) Make informed decisions as local and global citizens of a diverse, democratic society in an interdependent world.
f) Devise innovative strategies for environmental conservation and sustainability.
g) Apply digital literacy skills for learning and enjoyment.
h) Appreciate the country’s rich and diverse cultural heritage for harmonious living.


Christian Religious Education is the study of God’s self- revelation to human beings through the Holy Bible, the person of Jesus
Christ and the Holy Spirit. This learning area builds on competencies introduced at Pre-Primary Level. Christian Religious
Education aims to equip the learners with moral values, life skills and attitudes that assist them to make informed moral decisions
guided by the word of God. This is in line with the National Goal of Education number (IV) which states that education should
promote sound moral and religious values. These values include obedience, sharing, responsibility, honesty and respect among
others. The skills include, praying, interpreting the scriptures, reciting scriptures, leadership skills, self-esteem, self-awareness,
assertiveness and decision making.

The life approach method will be used to facilitate the learning of Christian Religious Education. This implies that the teacher
begins the lesson by exploring the experiences of the learner and guides him or her to discover the religious significance of those
experiences in relation to the Christian faith. The concepts taught at this level will lay a strong moral, spiritual and intellectual
foundation for the learner as they transition to Upper Primary.


By the end of Primary Education, the learner should be able to:
a) Demonstrate an awareness of the love of God as the sole creator and heavenly father.
b) Utilize the teachings of the Holy Bible in their interaction with others to form harmonious relationships.
c) Apply the teachings of Jesus Christ in their day-to-day lives to promote social equality and responsibility.
d) Acquire Christian moral values and life skills to be able to overcome the challenges in their day-to-day life.
e) Respect the Church as a house of worship and actively participate in church activities.

Strand Sub strands Suggested Number of lessons
1.0 Creation 1.1 Self awareness 5
1.2 My Family 5
1.3 Creation of Plants and Animals 5
2.0 The Holy Bible 2.1 The Word of God 4
2.2 Joseph and His Brothers 8
2.3 The Chariot of Fire 8
3.0 The Early Life of 3.1 The Birth of Jesus Christ 8
Jesus Christ 3.2 Jesus Christ in the Temple 4
3.3 Baptism of Jesus Christ 5
3.4 Wedding of Cana of Galilee 8
3.5 Healing of Simons Mother-in-law 6
4.0 Christian Values 4.1 Sharing 4
4.2 Obedience 4
4.3 Honesty 4
4.4 Thankfulness 4
5.0 The Church 5.1 A House of God 4
5.2 A House of Prayer 4
Total Number of Lessons 90
The suggested number of lessons per Sub Strand may be less or more depending on the context.

Strand Sub- Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
Strand outcomes Key inquiry
1.0 1.1 Self- By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: What makes you a
Creation Awareness strand, the learner • in pairs read Genesis 1:27, special creation?
should be able to: • say why they are a special creation,
(5 lessons) a) identity their • sing songs related to their uniqueness,
uniqueness as • state their gender as guided by Genesis 1:27,
guided by the word • draw and colour a picture of a boy and a girl,
of God, • in turns read Isaiah 43:1,
b) state their gender • write their names on flashcards and display
according to them in class,
Genesis 1:27, • sing songs related to their names,
c) appreciate that God • watch a clip of a palm of a hand with a name
knows them by on it,
their names. • draw the palm of a hand and write their
• Sing the song, ‘I’ am fearfully and
wonderfully made’,
• memorise Isaiah 49:16.
Competencies to be developed:
• Self-efficacy: learners identify who they are as they engage in activities such as mentioning their names and singing songs
related to their names.
• Communication: learners can speak clearly and effectively as they read the Bible verses and memorise the scriptures.
Love is portrayed as learners sing songs and perform activities such as singing together.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Gender issues: learners say their gender as guided by the Bible and in accordance with the Christian faith.
Link to other Learning Areas:
• Language Activities: they learn new vocabulary.
• Creative Activities: creative skills are enhanced as they sing and draw.

Strand Sub- Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
1.0 Strand outcomes Key inquiry
Creation question(s)
1.2 My By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How do you relate
Family strand, the learner • list names of family members on flashcards, with members of
should be able to: • draw and colour family members, your family?
(5 lessons) a) name members of • demonstrate how they pray at home,
their family, • list the number of times they pray at home
b) pray with family as a family,
members to foster • mention instances they lead prayers at
unity, home,
c) identify five items • in groups or pairs, list items they share at
they share at home, home,
d) appreciate family • colour a picture of a family sharing a meal,
members by praying • sing the song, ’Read your Bible pray every
with them. day’,
• memorise Matthew 7:7.
Competencies to be developed:
• Communication: the skill of speaking clearly and effectively is enhanced as learners lead prayers at home.
• Learning to Learn: learners work on their own in assigned tasks such as listing the number of times they lead prayers at

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion is portrayed as learners share items with family members and pray together.
Unity is enhanced as learners pray with family members.
Link to other learning areas:
• Mathematical Activities: learners list the number of times they pray.
• Language Activities: reading skills are applied as learners read the Bible.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key inquiry
1.0 1.3 Creation of By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why should you
Creation Plants and strand, the learner should • picture-read Genesis 1:11, 24, take care of
Animals be able to: • name various plants and animals plants and
a) name plants and created by God and write them on animals?
(5 lessons) animals in the flashcards,
environment, • take a nature walk and identify different
b) take part in keeping plants and animals in their
the home environment environment,
clean, • draw and colour some plants and
c) appreciate God’s animals in the school environment,
creation by caring for • say how they participate in keeping the
plants and animals. home environment clean,
• model some animals and display their
work in class.
Competencies to be developed:
• Learning to Learn: learners recreate learning experiences outside the class as they explore and discover more about plants
and animals in their surroundings.
• Imagination and Creativity: learners come up with new and unique ideas by modelling and drawing animals and plants.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Environmental Awareness: learners identify plants and animals in the environment.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Environmental Activities: learners participate in keeping the home environment clean.

LEVEL Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to identify their Identifies their Identifies their Identifies their Identifies their
uniqueness as guided by uniqueness as uniqueness as uniqueness when uniqueness but with
the Bible. guided by the Bible guided by the prompted. consistent guidance.
and cites relevant Bible.
Ability to identify five Identifies five items Identifies five items Identifies four to three Identifies two to one
items they share at home. they share at home they share at home. items they share at items they share at home
illustratively. home.
Ability to name six plants Names six plants Names six plants Names five to three Names two to one plants
and animals in the and animals in the and animals in the plants and animals in and animals in the
environment. environment using environment. the environment environment.
Ability to take part in Constantly takes Takes part in Sometimes takes part Takes part in keeping
keeping the home part in keeping the keeping the home in keeping the home the home environment
environment clean. home environment environment clean. environment clean clean but with consistent
clean. guidance.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested
Key inquiry
2.0 The 2.1 The By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why should you
Holy Word of strand, the learner should be • say how they take care of the Holy Bible, handle the Holy
Bible God able to: • tell why they should respect the Holy Bible with
a) identify five ways of Bible, respect?
(4 lessons) handling the Holy Bible, • role-play handling the Holy Bible with
b) mention the two care and respect,
divisions of the Holy • in small groups mention the two divisions
Bible, of the Holy Bible (Old and New
c) name the first two books Testament),
in the New Testament, • name the first two Gospel books (Matthew
d) desire to handle the and Mark),
Holy Bible with respect. • listen to and sing a song about the Bible,
• sing a song on ‘read your Bible pray every
Core Competencies to be developed:
Digital Literacy: learners behave safely and ethically as they use digital devices.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Spiritual Awareness: learners mention the first two divisions of the Bible and name two Bible books.
Responsibility: learners handle the Bible with care and respect.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Mathematical Activities skills are reinforced through the aspect of division and the number of books in the Holy Bible.
• Creative Activities: creative skills are nurtured as learners role-play handling the Holy Bible with care and respect.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key inquiry
2.0 2.2 Bible By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: How did Joseph
The Story: strand, the learner should • watch a video on Joseph’s coat of many relate with his
Holy Joseph and his be able to: colours in Genesis 37:3-4, brothers?
Bible brothers a) narrate the story of • draw a coat and colour it,
(8 lessons) Joseph and his • in turns, picture-read Joseph’s dream in
brothers, Genesis 37:5-8,in groups, picture-read
b) discuss ways they Genesis 37:9-11,
treat their siblings, • role-play the story of Joseph,
c) identify three values • say why Joseph’s brothers hated him,
needed for peaceful • in groups, share experiences of how they
co-existence, should treat their brothers and sisters,
d) desire to live • list values needed to live well with
harmoniously with others,
family members. • sing a song about Joseph and his coat of
many colours.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Digital Literacy: the skill of interacting with digital technology is enhanced as learners watch a video about Joseph and his
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of imagining and coming up with original ideas is exhibited as learners draw and
colour a coat.

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion is nurtured as learners list values needed to live well with others.
Love is nurtured as learners share experiences of how they should treat their brothers and sisters.
Link to other learning areas:
• Language Activities: learners picture-read Bible texts.
• Creative Activities: learners draw, colour and role-play the story of Joseph.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key inquiry
2.0 The 2.3 Bible Story: By the end of the The learner is guided to: How did Elijah
Holy Bible The chariot of sub-strand, the • picture-read 2 Kings 2:1,11-12, honour God?
fire learner should be • in groups draw and colour the chariot of
able to: fire,
(8 lessons) a) retell the story • watch a video clip of Elijah and the
of Elijah and the Chariot of fire,
chariot of fire, • in pairs, tell their friend three ways of
b) list three ways pleasing God,
of having a • sing a song about Elijah and the Chariot
good of Fire,
relationship • write 2 Kings 2:12 on flashcards and
with God, display it in the Christian Religious
c) desire to respect Education learning corner,
God and their • in groups, tell ways they respect their
parents. parents or guardians at home.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of coming up with new ideas is enhanced as learners role-play the Bible story.
• Communication: the skills of listening and speaking are demonstrated as learners in groups read the Bible text and retell
the story.

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion: is nurtured as learners share ideas and work in groups or pairs.
Link to Values:
Love is portrayed as learners take turns to air their views and respect each other’s opinions
Link to other Learning Areas:
• Language Activities: they learn new words such as, ‘a chariot.’
• Creative Activities: learners sing about Elijah and the Chariot of Fire.

LEVEL Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to identify five Identifies five ways of Identifies five ways Identifies four to three Identifies two to one
ways of handling the handling the Holy Bible of handling the Holy ways of handling the way of handling the
Holy Bible. and cites relevant Bible. Holy Bible. Holy Bible.
Ability to retell the Retells the Bible stories Retells the Bible Retells the Bible stories Retells the Bible
Bible stories as guided as guided by the Bible stories as guided by as guided by the Bible stories as guided by
by the Bible Texts. Texts in details. the Bible Texts. Texts but omits minor the Bible Texts but
details. omits major details.
Ability to list moral Lists moral lessons Lists moral lessons Lists moral lessons learnt Lists moral lessons
lessons learnt from the learnt from the Bible learnt from the Bible from the Bible stories but learnt from the Bible
Bible stories. stories in details. stories. leaves out minor details. stories but leaves out
major details.
Ability to identify Identifies three values Identifies three Identifies two values Identifies one value
three values needed needed for peaceful co- values needed for needed for peaceful co- needed for peaceful
for peaceful co- existence citing relevant peaceful co- existence. co-existence.
existence. examples. existence.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
inquiry question(s)
3.0 The 3.1 The By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why do we celebrate
Early Life Birth of the learner should be able to: • picture-read the birth of Jesus the birth of Jesus
of Jesus Jesus Christ a) retell the birth of Jesus according to Luke 2:4-13 and retell Christ?
Christ Christ, the story,
(8 lessons) b) dramatise the birth of • role-play the birth of Jesus Christ,
Jesus Christ, • listen and dance to a recorded
c) express the joy of the Christmas carol ‘We wish you a
angels through song and Merry Christmas’,
dance, • sing a song related to Luke 2:13-14,
d) appreciate the birth of • observe pictures of Jesus Christ’s
Jesus by participating in parents and name each of them as
Christmas celebrations. they point at the pictures,
• observe pictures or watch a video
clip of angels worshipping Baby
• sing and dance to the song of the
angels (Luke 2:13-14).
Core competencies to be developed:
• Communication is portrayed as learners listen actively and picture-read the birth of Jesus Christ.
• Imagination and Creativity is demonstrated as learners come up with creative ways and role-play the birth of Jesus Christ.
• Digital Literacy is enhanced as learners interact with digital technology and watch a video clip of angels worshipping baby

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion is portrayed as learners in groups role play, sing, listen to, and dance to a recorded carol ‘We wish you a
Merry Christmas.’
Unity is exhibited as learners work together in groups.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: creative skills are reinforced as learners sing and role-play the birth of Jesus Christ.
• Language Activities: learner’s picture-read the Bible text and retell the story.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested
Key inquiry
3.0 The 3.2 Jesus Christ By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why did Jesus
Early in the Temple the learner should be able to: • draw and colour the church, Christ visit the
Life of a) retell the story of Jesus • in turns picture read Luke 2: 42-49, temple?
Jesus (4 lessons) Christ in the Temple, • observe pictures of Jesus Christ in the
Christ b) obey their parents as temple,
portrayed by Jesus • sequentially arrange flashcards on the
Christ, events that took place when Jesus was left
c) take part in Sunday or in the temple,
Sabbath school • tell how Jesus Christ obeyed His parents,
activities, • share experiences of how they obey their
d) desire to accompany parents at home,
their parents to church as • list activities they engage in at Sunday or
portrayed by Jesus Sabbath School.
Core Competencies to be developed:
Communication and Collaboration: the skill of speaking clearly and effectively is enhanced as learners picture read the Bible
in turns.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Peace Education is enhanced as learners share experiences of how they obey their parents at home.
Link to Value:
Peace: learners tell how Jesus obeyed His parents and share experiences of how they obey their parents at home.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Creative Activities: learners draw and colour the church.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key inquiry
3.0 The 3.3 Baptism By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: Why is the
life of of Jesus strand, the learner should • mention occasions, they witnessed people being baptism of
Jesus Christ be able to: baptised in their churches, Jesus Christ
Christ a) name the place • in turns, picture-read Matthew 3:13-15, important to
(5 lessons) where Jesus Christ • watch a video clip on the Baptism of Jesus Christians
was baptised, Christ, today?
b) identify the person • mention the place where Jesus was baptised,
who baptised Jesus • name the person who baptised Jesus Christ,
Christ, • in groups draw and colour Jesus being baptised,
c) practise humility in • tell how Jesus showed humility during His
their interaction with baptism,
others. • sing baptismal songs familiar to them.
Core competencies to be developed:
Digital Literacy: the skill of digital citizenship is demonstrated as learners act safely and responsibly in digital environments.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion is portrayed as learners sing songs in different languages.
Respect is nurtured as learners take turns to picture-read Matthew 3:13-15.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Creative Activities: learners draw, colour and sing baptismal songs familiar to them.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key inquiry
3.0 The life 3.4 Wedding By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: What happened at
of Jesus at Cana of strand, the learner should • in groups, tell a story of a wedding that Cana of Galilee?
Christ Galilee be able to: they attended and what they liked most,
a) retell how Jesus • picture-read the story of changing water
(8 lessons) changed water into into wine; John 2:1-10,
wine, • watch a video clip on the miracle of
b) obey instructions as changing water into wine,
portrayed in the • tell how the servants responded to Jesus’
wedding at Cana, instructions in John 2:7-9,
c) desire to be obedient • sing a song related to this miracle,
in their interaction • share experiences of how they depend on
with others. God to provide for their needs,
• in groups, role-play how they obey their
parents and teachers, ,
• draw and colour the six jars of water.
Core competencies to be developed:
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of communicating ideas is enhanced as learners draw and colour the six jars of wine.
• Self-efficacy: the skill of self-expression is demonstrated as learners confidently share experiences of how they depend
on God to provide for their needs.

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Peace Education is enhanced as learners role-play how they obey their parents and teachers.
Peace is exhibited as learners display tolerance and respect for each other as they engage in different activities.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: learners sing, draw, colour and role-play.
• Mathematical Activities: learners draw six jars of water.
• Language Activities: learners read the Bible text and learn new words.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested
outcomes Key inquiry
3.0 The 3.5 Healing By the end of the sub- The learner is guide to: How did Simon’s
life of Simon’s strand, the learner • share experiences of how they help learners in mother-in-law
Jesus mother-in- should be able to: need, express
Christ law a) retell the healing of • role-play an instance where they helped a learner gratitude?
Simon’s mother- in need,
(6 lessons) in-law, • picture-read the miracle according to Luke 4:38-
b) show gratitude to 39,
others as portrayed • arrange pictures based on the miracle
by Simon’s sequentially,
mother- in- law, • retell the miracle after watching a video clip,
c) appreciate Jesus’s • role-play the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law,
power to heal the • write a thank you note to parents and others who
sick. help them in their daily lives,
• sing thanksgiving songs to express gratitude to
Core Competencies to be developed:
Self-efficacy is enhanced as learners role-play an instance they helped a learner in need.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Problem-solving is demonstrated as learners share experiences of how they help those in need.
Love is portrayed as learners write a, ‘thank you,’ note to parents and those who help them in their daily lives.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Creative Arts: creative skills are applied as learners role-play the healing of Simon’s mother-in-law.

LEVEL Exceeding Meeting Expectations Approaching Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations
Ability to retell the birth
Retells the birth of Retells the birth of Retells the birth of Jesus Retells the birth of
of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ in Jesus Christ. Christ but omits minor Jesus Christ but omits
details. details. major details.
Ability to take part in Frequently takes Takes part in Sunday Sometimes takes part in Takes part in Sunday
Sunday school activities. part in Sunday school activities Sunday school activities school with continuous
school activities. guidance.

Ability to narrate the Narrates the Narrates the Miracles Narrates the Miracles of Narrates the Miracles
Miracles of Jesus Christ. Miracles of Jesus of Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ but omits of Jesus Christ but
Christ in details. minor details. omits major details.
Ability to apply values Constantly applies Applies values Sometimes applies values Applies values
acquired from the values acquired acquired from the acquired from the acquired from the
miracles of Jesus Christ from the miracles miracles of Jesus miracles of Jesus Christ miracles of Jesus but
to form harmonious of Jesus Christ to Christ to form to form harmonious with consistent
relationships. form harmonious harmonious relationships. guidance.
relationships. relationships.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested
Key inquiry question(s)
4.0 4.1 Sharing By the end of the sub-strand, the The learner is guided to: Why is it important to
Christian learner should be able to: • identify items that can be share with others?
values (4 lessons) a) identify items they share at shared at home,
home as a family, • in pairs mention items shared at
b) practise the value of sharing home and school,
at home and school, • watch or listen to the miracle in
c) retell the story of the little John 6:1-14,
boy with two fish and five • role-play the story of the little
loaves, boy with two fish and five
d) desire to keep the loaves,
environment clean and avoid • draw and colour the two fish
wastage. and five loaves,
• sing a song on sharing,
• keep the environment clean
(John 6:12-13).

Core Competencies to be developed:
• Learning to Learn: the skill of developing relationships is enhanced as learners work in pairs and groups.
• Imagination and Creativity: is exhibited as learners role-play the story of the little boy with two fish and five
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion is portrayed as learners mention items shared at home and school, in pairs.
Unity is portrayed as learners work together in groups and take turns to perform different activities.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Creative Activities: learners sing a song on sharing. They also role-play the story of the little boy with two fish and five

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested
Key inquiry
4.0 4.2 Obedience By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why should you
Christian the learner should be able to: • in pairs read Ephesians 6:1-3, obey your
values (4 lessons) a) list the importance of • in groups mention why they should parents?
obeying parents, obey their parents,
b) practise obedience at • say the benefits of obeying parents,
home as guided by the • in pairs tell how they obey their
scriptures, parents at home,
c) exercise obedience in • listen to and sing a song on obedience,
day-to-day life. • memorise Ephesians 6:2-3.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Communication and Collaboration: is promoted as learners listen keenly to the song and speak clearly and
effectively during Bible reading.
• Learning to Learn: is enhanced as learners share experiences on the benefits of obeying parents.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion: is enhanced as learners sing songs on obedience.
Respect is enhanced as learners appreciate each other’s opinions and take turns to share experiences.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities are reinforced as learners listen and sing songs on obedience.
• Language Activities: speaking skills are enhanced as learners engage in activities such as mentioning why they
should obey their parents.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
4.0 4.3 Honesty By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why is it bad to lie?
Christian the learner should be able to: • game read Ephesians 4:25,
values (4 lessons) a) state reasons for telling • in groups say why they should
the truth, always speak the truth,
b) demonstrate honesty by • say why they should not steal or
not stealing other pick items that do not belong to
people’s items, them,
c) practise punctuality at • role-play situations of honesty
school and home, while dealing with other people’s
d) desire to be truthful in items,
their daily lives. • sing a song on truthfulness,
• story tell instances they took lost
and found items to the teacher,
• mention reasons for getting home
and school on time (punctuality).

Core Competencies to be developed:
Citizenship: the skill of information and communication is enhanced as learners share stories on instances they practised
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion: integrity is promoted as learners in groups say why they should speak the truth always.
• Responsibility is demonstrated as learners become accountable of their own actions and respect other people’s items.
• Peace is enhanced as learners avoid hurting others by not taking their items without permission.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Language Activities: learners speak clearly and effectively when telling stories on instances took lost and found items to the

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
4.0 4.4 By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why should
Christian Thankfulness the learner should be able to: • say why they should thank their parents, you thank your
values a) mention three ways of • in pairs share when to thank parents, parents or
(4 lessons) expressing gratitude to • role-play how to thank parents, guardians?
their parents or • compose and recite a poem on thanking
guardians, their parents,
b) practise thankfulness at • sing a song about praising God for the gift
home as guided by the of parents or guardians,
Bible, • write 1Thessalonians 5:18 on flashcards
c) desire to be thankful in and recite it,
daily life. • write flashcards on why they should be
thankful to their parents or guardians and
display the cards in class.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of coming up with new ideas is exhibited as they compose poems and role-play how
to thank parents.
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of speaking clearly and effectively is portrayed as learners say why they
should thank their parents.

Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social cohesion: the importance of having guiding values in life is enhanced as learners become thankful to their parents.
Respect is demonstrated as learners take turns to role-play and listen to each other’s opinions.
Link to other Activity Areas:
Language Activities: learners recite the Bible verses and learn new words.

LEVEL Exceeding Expectations Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations
Ability to practise the Practises the value of Practises the value of Practises the value of Practises the value of
value of sharing at sharing at home and sharing at home and sharing at home and sharing at home and
home and school. school and encourages school. school when prompted. school with continuous
peers to do so. assistance.
Ability to retell the Retells the story of the Retells the story of Retells the story of the Retells the story of the
story of the little boy little boy with two fish the little boy with two little boy with two fish little boy with two fish
with two fish and five and five loaves in details. fish and five loaves. and five loaves but and five loaves but
loaves. omits minor details. omits major details.
Ability to mention three Mentions three ways of Mentions three ways Mentions two ways of Mentions only one way
ways of expressing expressing gratitude to of expressing expressing gratitude to of expressing gratitude
gratitude to their parents their parents or guardians gratitude to their their parents or to their parents or
or guardians. and cites relevant parents or guardians. guardians. guardians.
Ability to obey parents Constantly obeys parents Obeys parents as Makes effort to obey Obeys parents as guided
as guided by the word as guided by the word of guided by the word of parents as guided by the by the word of God
of God. God. God. word of God. with consistent
Ability to practise Practises honesty by not Practises honesty by Makes an effort to With continuous
honesty by not stealing stealing other people’s not stealing other practise honesty by not guidance practise
other people’s items. items and encourages people’s items. stealing other people’s honesty by not stealing
others to do so. items. other people’s items.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
outcomes Inquiry
5.0 The 5.1 A House By the end of the sub- The learner is guided to: 1. Why do you
Church of God strand, the learner should be • in pairs mention ways they respect the go to Church?
able to: church as a place of worship, 2. Why should
(4 lessons) a) recognise the Church as • list the benefits of going to church, you respect
a place of worship and • list the number of times they go to the Church?
respect it, church,
b) demonstrate • role-play activities they do in church (e.g.
responsibility by praying, reading the Bible, singing,
serving God in Church, dancing),
c) desire to grow in faith • sing and dance to the song in Psalms
by attending Sunday or 100:4 (I will enter His gates with
Sabbath School. thanksgiving……..).
Core Competencies to be developed:
Imagination and Creativity: the skill of communication and self-expression is exhibited as learners role-play activities they do
in church.
Link to Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Spiritual Awareness is enhanced as learners attend and participate in Sunday or Sabbath school activities.
Link to Values:
Responsibility is demonstrated as learners share roles during role-plays and take on different characters.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Mathematical Activities: learners record the number of times they go to church.
• Creative Activities: learner’s role play, sing and dance to the song in Psalms 100:4.

Strand Sub-Strand Specific learning outcomes Suggested learning experiences Suggested Key
5.0 The 5.2 A House By the end of the sub-strand, The learner is guided to: Why is it
Church of Prayer the learner should be able to: • picture-read Mathew 21:13, important to pray
a) recite simple • in groups compose and recite simple always?
(4 lessons) thanksgiving prayers, prayers,
b) practise saying simple • pray for family members,
prayers at different times • list the number of times they pray at home
of the day, or in Sunday or /Sabbath School,
c) desire to pray always as • say simple prayers before and after taking
taught by Jesus Christ. meals and before they leave for home.
Core Competencies to be developed:
• Communication and Collaboration: the skill of listening critically and understanding concepts is exhibited as learners
compose and say simple prayers in groups.
• Imagination and Creativity: the skill of exploration is portrayed as learners compose simple prayers.
Pertinent and Contemporary Issues:
Social Cohesion: living together in harmony is enhanced as learners in groups compose simple prayers and recite them.
Love is demonstrated as learners say simple prayers for family members.
Link to other Activity Areas:
• Creative Activities: creative skills are reinforced as learners compose simple prayers.
• Mathematical Activities: learners record the number of times they pray at home or in Sunday school.

LEVEL Exceeding Meeting Approaching Below Expectations
INDICATOR Expectations Expectations Expectations
Ability to demonstrate Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates Demonstrates
responsibility by responsibility by responsibility by responsibility by serving responsibility by
serving God in Church. serving God in Church serving God in God in Church when serving God in but
and encourages peers Church. prompted. with guidance
to do so.
Ability to recite simple Recites simple Recites simple Recites simple Recites simple
thanksgiving prayers. thanksgiving prayers thanksgiving prayers. thanksgiving prayers thanksgiving prayers
and other prayers with with prompts. with consistent
ease. guidance.

Strand Suggested Assessment Methods Suggested Learning Resources Suggested Non –Formal
1.0 Creation • Observation Schedules The Children’s Bible, Good News Take a nature walk in the school
• Written Quizzes Bible, Flash cards, Pictures, Songs, neighbourhood to appreciate
• Checklists Digital devices Charts, poems God’s creation
• Oral questions
The Holy Bible• Word search/ puzzle The Children’s Bible, Good News Participate in Bible Trivia
• Checklists Bible ,Flash cards, hymn books, competitions and quizzes
• Oral questions resource persons, digital devices
• Written questions
• Oral Questions
The Early Life of The Children’s Bible, Good News Role play the miracles of Jesus
Jesus Christ • Portfolio Bible, hymn books, resource persons, Christ during Programme of
• Observation schedules digital devices, poems Pastoral Instruction
• Written Quizzes
• Question and Answer
• Anecdotal Notes
Christian Values The Children’s Bible, Good News Visit the sick or the elderly in the
• Authentic Tests Bible, hymn books, resource persons, company of parents or guardians
• Word Search/ Puzzle digital devices, poems
• Projects

The Church • Oral Questions, The Children’s Bible, Good News Participate in Sunday
• Portfolio Bible, hymn books, resource persons, School/Sabbath School activities
• Observation schedules digital devices, poems and share their experiences with
• Written Quizzes others


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