Esophageal disorder
The esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food and liquids from your mouth
to the stomach. You may not be aware of your esophagus until you swallow
something too large, too hot, or too cold. You may also notice it when something
is wrong. You may feel pain or have swallowing. The most common problem with
the esophagus is GERD (gastro esophageal reflux disease). With GERD, a muscle
at the end of your esophagus does not close properly. This allows stomach
contents to leak back, or reflux, into the esophagus and irritate it. Over time,
GERD can cause damage to the esophagus.
Risk Factors
Nursing Management
Teach the client to avoid factors that increase lower esophageal irritation.
Avoid irritants, such as spicy or acidic foods, alcohol, caffeine, and tobacco,
because they
increase gastric acid production. Avoid food or drink 2 hours before bedtime or
lying down after eating
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Lose weight if necessary If symptoms persist, prepare the client for surgical
repair, which includes funduplication (i.e. wrapping a portion of the gastric
fundus around the sphincter area of the esophagus) Administer medications,
which may include antacids, histamine-receptor antagonists, and proton-pump
Acute gastritis
Risk factors: - Hot drinks & spices use of drugs & alcohol, smoking
Clinical manifestation
Diagnostic Evaluation
Upper GI x – ray series
Histologic examination
Serologic testing for antibodies for the H. pylari antigens.
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
1. For Acute Gastritis:
Instruct the pt to refrain from alcohol & food until symptoms
Recommend non irritant diet
If symptom persist administer fluids parenterally
Aluminium hydroxide sos 2 tsp tid
Nasogastric intubation
2. For chronic Gastritis:
Modify the pt’s diet
Promote rest
Reduce stress
Treat H.pydori with (tetracycline or Amoxicillin) and bismuth salt.
Nursing Process
Nursing Intervention
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Stress or anger
Familial tendency
Use of NSAIDS, alcohol ingestion & excessive smoking.
Bacterial infection (H. Pylori )
Clinical Manifestation:
- Pain (burning Sensation cramp like, gnawing pain) in the mid-
epigastrium or in the back
- Vomiting & Nausea
- Constipation & bleeding
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Medications are prescribed for clients with PUD for 4 major reason:-
B. Hypo-secretory Agents
H2 – receptor Antagonists
Prostaglandin Analogs = suppresses secretion of gastric acid & stimulate
the production of cyto-protective mucus.
Proton pump inhibiters
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Preoperative nursing care for the patient undergoing surgery for peptic
ulcer disease includes:-
1) Preparing the pt for diagnostic tests (Laboratory analysis, x-ray, & general
physical examination).
2) Attending to the pt's fluid & nutritional level & to maintain an optimal fluid &
electrolyte balance.
4) Naso-gastric Suction often is required to empty the stomach in Pt. with Pyloric
Nursing Process
1) Assessment
- History
- P/E
2) Nursing Diagnosis
Pain related to the effect of gastric acid secretion.
Anxiety related to coping with an acute disease
Knowledge deficit about prevention & treatment.
Altered nutrition, less than body requirement, related to
pain associated with eating.
3) Plan:-
To relief pain.
Increase pts awareness
maintain adequate nutrition
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Nursing Intervention
Administer Medication
Advise the pt to avoid foods that are irritant: -
Alcohol, caffeine & Cigarettes Reassure the pt.
Teach necessary Information
Experiences less pain
Free of anxiety
1) Perforation ( DU>GU)
2) Gastric out late obstruction ( Pyloric Stenosis )
Sign and symptom
Delayed gastric emptying
Weight loss
3) Hemorrhage
1) Inflammatory Conditions:-
Acute appendicitis
Acute Cholecystitis
Acute Salpingitis
Acute Diverticulitis
They cause localized peritonitis, which may lead to generalized
peritonitis. The initial signs are therefore those of local peritonitis.
2) Perforations of hollow Viscera
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
- Pallor
- Sweating g
- Rising [pulse rate
- falling B/P
- Abdominal distention & tenderness
5) Acute Pancratitis
6) Colic
- Ureteric Colic
- Biliary Colics
- Gastro-enteritis
- Dysentery
- Gastritis
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Diagnostic Evaluation
Nursing Intervention:-
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Initial Vomiting
Normal Stool may be passed or bloody.
Restless, dehydration & cry
Distention is late
2) Cause of large bowel Obstruction
Colorectal Cancer
Paralytic Ileus
Inflammatory bowel disease
- It occurs mostly in sigmoid colon but it can affect small intestine &
- Colicky lower abdominal pain
Cardinal S/S of large bowel Obstruction
- Absolute Constipation ( Flatus & Feces )
- Gross abdominal distention
- Nausea and Vomiting
- Abdominal x-ray reveals grossly distended 2 limbs of sigmoid colon
often with fluid - air level.
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
1) Hx
- PR – Tachycardia
- To - Increases if there is complication
Abdomen: - Distended
3) Ix - CBC
- Hgb
- V/A
- Abdominal x-ray
Medical Management:
A) General Management :-
- Keep the patient NPO
- NG tube should be inserted for small bowel obstruction to aspirate
intestinal content.
- Secure IV line ( Normal Saline or ringer Lactate )
- Triple antibiotic ( Ampicillin, Gentamycin,& CAF )
- Sedation
1) Haemorrhoids
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Clinical manifestation
Etiology: - idiopathic
Predisposing factor:-
Chronic Constipation
Excessive use of purgative
Pelvic masses ( Pregnancy )
Portal HTN
Avoid Constipation
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Non-operative Treatment:-
I. Infared Photocoagulation
II. Bipolar Diathermy
III. Laser Therapy
IV. Injecting Sclerosing Solution
A) Rubber - band ligation procedure: - The haemorthoid is visualized
through the anoscape, & its proximal portion above the muco-cutaneous
lines is grasped with an instrument. A small rubber band is then slipped
over the hemorrhoid. Tissue distal to the rubber band becomes necrotic
after several days & sloughs off.
It may cause infection, pain & hemorrhage.
B) Cryosurgical Hemorrhoidectomy
Involves freezing the tissue of the hemorrhoid for a sufficient time
to cause necrosis.
Not used widely because the discharge is very foul-smelling &
wound healing is prolonged.
C) Hemorrhoidectomy, or surgical excision, can be performed to remove all
of the redundant tissue involved in the process.
Providing nursing care for the patient with hepatitis
Def: - It is an inflammation of the liver .
Cause:- Virus
Toxic substance
Types of Hepatitis: -
viral hepatitis
Toxic hepatitis
Chronic hepatitis
Alcoholic hepatitis
Viral hepatitis
i. Hepatitis type A
ii. Hepatitis type B
iii. Hepatitis type C
iv. Hepatitis type D
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
v. Hepatitis type E
Hepatitis type A /Infectious hepatitis/
o It is endemic in some areas of the world, especially with poor
Mode of transmission: -
Clinical Manifestation
Hepatitis B
Mode of transmission: -
A. Parenteral route;
Blood transfusion from an infected person
Contaminated needles, syringes
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Clinical Manifestation:-
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
3. Biliary;
Scarring around bile ducts & lobes of liver.
Result from chronic biliary obstruction (With or without infection)
Much more rare than alcoholic & post necrotic cirrhosis
4. Post hepatic
Fine bands of scar tissue extend from portal areas
Usually due to chronic viral hepatitis.
Clinical manifestation:-
Patient Assessment:-
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Physical examination
Nursing Management
A/ Nutrition;
B/ Medication:
Multivitamins preparation
Vit. K – if a tendency of bleeding is manifested such as epistaxis, melena,
Vit B12 – to correct anaemia
Diuretics ex: - Spirinolacton
Electrolyte fluid balance
Avoid toxic drugs:-
barbiturates, diazepam
Oral contraceptive
• Hepatic comma
• Portal hypertension
• Spontaneous peritonitis
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
• Asites
• Hepatic encephalopathy
• Anaemia
C/M: -
Euphoria Drowsiness
Depression Insomnia
Apathy Agitation
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)
Providing Nursing Care for Medical & Surgical Health Problems
Prep by:- TEMESGEN A. (Bsc Nurse)