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Journal of Science and Technology

ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 5, Issue 06 ( November – December 2020) DOI: - 143

Robust Finite-Time Consensus Tracking Algorithmfor Multirobot

P Kowmudi, P Rajesh Naik, K Tirupathi Rao
Assistant Professor1,2
Department of ECE
[email protected], [email protected]
Anurag Engineering College, Kodada, Telangana

To Cite this Article

P Kowmudi, P Rajesh Naik, K Tirupathi Rao, Robust Finite-Time Consensus Tracking Algorithmfor Multi robot
Systems” Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 05, Issue 06,November- December 2020, pp141-143
Article Info
Received: 23-10-2020 Revised: 8-11-20220 Accepted: 16-12-2020 Published: 27-12-2020

Abstract—This paper studies the finite-time consensus track- ing control for multirobot systems. We prove that finite-time con-
sensus tracking of multiagent systems can be achieved on the terminal sliding-mode surface. Also, we show that the proposed error
function can be modified to achieve relative state devia- tion between agents. These results are then applied to the finite- time
consensus tracking control of multirobot systems with in- put disturbances. Simulation results are presented to validate the analysis.
Index Terms—Finite-time consensus, multiagent systems, mul- tirobot systems, terminal sliding-mode (TSM) control.
N RECENT years, there has been an increasing research in-terest in the consensus control design of multiagent systems.
I Consensus algorithms have applications in rendezvous control of multinonholonomic agents [1]–[3], formation control [4]–[6],
and flocking attitude alignment [7]. In leader–follower mul- tiagent system, the leader is usually independent of their follow- ers, but
have influence on the followers’ behaviors. Hence, bycontrolling only the leader, the control objective of the networkscan be
realized easily. Such a strategy not only simplifies thedesign and implementation, but also saves the control energy
and cost [8], [9].
The objective of this paper is to address the following is- sues 1) Under what conditions, a nonsmooth control algorithm can be
developed to guarantee the leader–follower multiagent system to reach consensus in a finite time. 2) How to de- sign this
finite-time control algorithm systematically. Our in- terest in these two issues is motivated by the preliminary re- search work in
[10] on finite-time consensus design for first- order systems, and the work in [11] on finite-time consen- sus for second-order
systems with undirected communication topology.
In practice, the network topology might be directed and the time-varying control input of the active leader might not be
available to all the followers (e.g., multiple missiles tracking a

fighter aircraft). Therefore, it is important to investigate how to design consensus control algorithm applicable to the case, where
only a portion of the followers have directed communication with the leader under the condition that the control input of the
leader is unknown to any follower.
Based on the previous works on terminal sliding-mode (TSM) control [12]–[15], we present in this paper a practical robust
finite-time consensus tracking (RFTCT) algorithm for multia- gent systems. In particular, we show that for leader–follower
multiagent systems dominated by second-order systems, it is possible to achieve global finite-time consensus on the TSM
surface by switching control law. This conclusion is proved based on the Lyapunov theory for finite-time stability and TSM
control design methodology. Our proposed RFTCT algorithm is robust to system uncertainties and input disturbances. There-
fore, the proposed scheme does not require the information of the time-varying control input of the active leader. Since not all
followers have directed communication with the leader, our results assume that the agents in the network only need to com-
municate with their neighbors and not the entire community.In contrast to consensus tracking of the leader’s state, we showthat
the proposed error function could be modified to achieve finite-time relative state deviation between agents. The desired
deviation between agents could be specified in real time and hence different formations can be formed. The proposed con- trol
scheme is then applied to the finite-time consensus tracking control of multirobot systems with m degrees of freedom with input
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows. Sec-

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Journal of Science and Technology
ISSN: 2456-5660 Volume 5, Issue 06 ( November – December 2020) DOI: - 143
tion II reviews some basic concepts in graph theory, the Lya- punov theory for finite-time stability, and the basic principle of
TSM control. An error function for consensus control is pro- posed in Section III, where the design of RFTCT algorithm to
guarantee finite-time consensus tracking of multiagent sys- tems is discussed in detail. The proposed scheme is then ap- plied to
the consensus tracking control for multirobot systems with m-DOF in Section IV. Section V gives numerical exam- ples to
illustrate our results. Concluding remarks are given in Section VI.


In this section, we introduce some basic concepts in algebraic graph theory for multiagent networks and review some termi-
nologies related to the notion of finite-time stability and the corresponding Lyapunov stability theory first. Then, we brieflystudy
the basic principle of TSM control, focusing just on the second-order nonlinear system that we shall need.

A. Concepts in Graph Theory and Multiagent Systems

Consider a multiagent system consisting of one leader and n followers. To solve the coordination problems and model the
information exchange between agents, graph theory is in- troduced here. Let = , be a directed graph, where
V = {0, 1, 2,... , n} is the set of nodes, node i represents the ith agent, is the set of edges, and an edge in is denoted by an
ordered pairE (i, j).(i, j)
G if
E}only if the ith agent
G can send information to the jth agent directly, but not necessarily vice versa.
∈ E
In contrast to a directed graph, the pairs of nodes in an undirected graph are unordered, where the edge (i, j) de- notes that agent
i and j can obtain information from each other. Therefore, an undirected graph can be viewed as a special case of a directed graph.
A directed tree is a directed graph, where every node has exactly one parent except for the root, and the root has a directed path to
every other node. A directed spanning tree of G is a directed tree that contains all nodes of G [16].
A = (aij ) ∈ ঩n +1×n +1 is called the weighted adjacency matrix of G with nonnegative elements, where aii = 0 and aij ≥ 0
with aij > 0 if there is an edge between the ith
B. Lyapunov Theory for Finite-time Stability
Here, we recall some Lyapunov theorem for finite-time stabil- ity of nonlinear systems, which was discussed previously in [20] and
[21]. The classical Lyapunov stability theory is only appli- cable to a differential equation whose solution from any initial
condition is unique [22]. A well-known sufficient condition for the existence of a unique solution of a nonlinear differential
equation x˙ = f (x) is that the function f (x) is locally Lipschitzcontinuous. The solution of such nonlinear differential equationcan
have at most asymptotic convergence rate.
Since finite-time stability guarantees that every system state reaches the system origin in a finite time, finite-time stability has
a much stronger requirement than asymptotic stability. The following theorem presents sufficient conditions for finite-time

This paper has presented an RFTCT control scheme for leader–follower multiagent systems with applications to multi- robot
systems. A new error function is proposed for the systemto ensure consensus. By using this error function, the consen- sus control
problem is transformed to the conventional control problem. It is proven that finite-time consensus can be reached on the TSM
surface. Simulation results have validated the anal- ysis. The proposed RFTCT algorithm can be easily applied to practical control
of multirobot systems.

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