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Mock Test
Q1. Select the correct idiom that can substitute the underlined
group of words in the given sentence.
My business partners thought that I would simply accept
their cheating, but they will soon realise that I am more
powerful than what they expected.
a) damsel in distress
b) they caught a tartar
c) cutting a cloth
d) casting pearls before swine
Q2. Select the most appropriate option that can substitute the
underlined word in the given sentence.
The Board of Film Analysts vituperated the novice
Indonesian film-maker and cancelled its nomination for the
‘Golden Globe Award’.
a) lamented the untimely death of
b) censured with harsh and abusive language
c) dealt in a delicate and polite manner
d) recognised and praised the talent of
Q3. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute
for the given group of words.
Evoking a keen sense of sadness or regret
a) Pungent
b) Poignant
c) Impactful
d) Unaffecting
Q4. In the following question, a sentence has been given in
Active/Passive voice. Out of four alternatives suggested,
select the one which best expresses the same sentence in
Passive/Active voice.
John was arrested on a charge of murder, but for lack of
evidence he was released.
a) The police arrested John on a charge of murder, but for
lack of evidence released him.
b) John was arrested on a charge of murder but was released
for lack of evidence.
c) The police arrested John on a charge of murder, but for
lack of evidence he was released.
d) John had been arrested on a charge of murder, but for
lack of evidence he had been released.
Q5. Select the most appropriate synonym of the given word.
a) Enlarge
b) Entail
c) Entrap
d) Ensure
Q6. The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences.
Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of
the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
P- In that frame of mind, we have little sense of identity,
safety or security.
Q- Courage is required to explore our secret life because we
must first withdraw from the social mirror, where we are
fed positive and negative feedback continuously.
S- As we get used to this social feedback, it becomes a
comfort zone.
R- And we may opt to avoid self-examination and idle away
our time in a vacuum of reverie and rationalization.
Q7. Choose the most appropriate option to change the narration
(direct / indirect) of the given sentence.
Her mother said, “We must have a party to celebrate your
a) Her mother said that they must have a party to celebrate
her promotion.
b) Her mother said she had been planning a party for
celebrating her promotion.
c) Her mother says that they should plan a party to
celebrate her promotion.
d) Her mother told that they would be having a party to
celebrate her promotion.
Q8. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
a) Cold
b) Lush
c) Equatorial
d) Sultry
Q9. The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of
them contains an error. Select the part that contains the
error from the given options.
After Ravi (A)/ read the (B)/ magazines and newspapers, and
watched the TV programme, he decided (C)/ to go out and
meet some old friends. (D)/ No error (E)
a) No error
b) to go out and meet some old friends
c) magazines and newspapers, and watched the TV
programme, he decided
d) read the
Q10. Select the most appropriate idiom for the given situation.
He started with an online company and became a
millionaire. Then, he sold it and invested in the share
market and earned more money. Now, he has invested in the
transportation industry and is generating huge wealth.
What does he have?
a) As genuine as a three-dollar bill
b) Midas touch
c) Rule of thumb
d) Sticky fingers
Q11. In the following question, four words are given out of which
one word is incorrectly spelt. Find the incorrectly spelt
a) Guidance
b) Ambassador
c) Handkercheif
d) Labourer
Q12. The following sentence has been divided into parts. One of
them contains an error. Select the part that contains the
error from the given options.
To the ordinary man, in fact, the pealing of bells (A)/ is a
monotonous jangle and a nuisance (B)/ tolerably when
mitigated by remote distance and sentimental association.
(C)/ No error (D)
a) tolerably when mitigated by remote distance and
sentimental association
b) To the ordinary man, in fact, the pealing of bells
c) No error
d) is a monotonous jangle and a nuisance
Q13. Select the most appropriate antonym of the given word.
a) Serious
b) Cynical
c) Callous
d) Giddy
Q14. Identify the best way to improve the underlined part of the
given sentence. If there is no improvement required, select
‘no improvement’.
The metro service is so good that one doesn’t have to wait
since a few minutes.
a) beyond a few minutes
b) No improvement
c) for some few minutes
d) up to a few minutes
Q15. Select the incorrectly spelt word.
a) Renassance
b) Rendezvous
c) Remuneration
d) Remonstrate
Q16. The question below consists of a set of labelled sentences.
Out of the four options given, select the most logical order of
the sentences to form a coherent paragraph.
P: When all the credit worthy people were given loans to a
logical limit, they ceased to be a part of the market.
Q: Even this would have been understandable if it could
work as an eye opener.
R: Owing to the materialistic culture elsewhere, it was
possible to keep selling newer products to the consumers
despite having existing ones which served equally well.
S: They were lured through advertising and marketing
techniques of 'dustbinisation' of the customer; and then
finally, once they became ready customers, they were given
loans and credits to help them by more and more.
Q17. Choose the most appropriate option to substitute the
underlined segment of the given sentence.
Some schools require children to wear black leather
expensive shoes.
a) Black expensive leather shoes
b) Expensive leather black shoes
c) Expensive black leather shoes
d) No improvement
Q18. Select the option that can be used as a one-word substitute
for the given group of words.
A person who introduces the performers or contestants in a
variety show.
a) Calligrapher
b) Compeer
c) Compere
d) Cypher
Q19. Choose the appropriate word to complete the given
After losing her job, Anchal had the _______ to pick herself
up and start her own business.
a) Dread
b) Academia
c) Insensitivity
d) Resilience
Q20. Select the most appropriate synonym to substitute the
underlined word in the given sentence.
He had created a cocoon of human activities – conservation,
interaction, affection – and it filled his life like an
overflowing soup bowl.
a) Bundle
b) Fabric
c) Encasement
d) Downy
In the following passage some words have been deleted, fill in
the blanks with the help of the alternative given, select the most
appropriate option for each blank.

Teenage is a (21) __________ of _________ to learn new skills,

the life that everyone goes make lifelong friends and
through between childhood explore new experiences that
and adulthood, during this can shape their future. It is
time, teenagers go through important for parents,
many changes both physically educators and other adults to
and emotionally, they may provide teenagers with
experience mood swings, have guidance, support and
difficulty expressing their resources that can help them
feelings, and sometimes (22) (25) _______ the challenges of
________ impulsively. adolescence.
Teenagers are also trying to Q21. a) Transition b) Phase
figure out their place in the
world and may face pressure c) Feeling d) Milestone
from peers, parents and Q22. a) Pretend b) Run
society to (23) ________ to
certain expectations. It is c) Play d) Act
important for teenagers to Q23. a) Certify b) Match
have a support system that
c) Conform d) Appeal
allows them to explore their
interests, developing their Q24. a) Possibility b) Captivity
own identity and make
c) opportunity d) Ability
healthy choices. Despite the
challenges that come with Q25. a) Correlate b) Propagate
being a teenager, it can also c) Conclude d) Reduce
be an exciting and
transformative time.
Teenagers have the (24)
Answer Key
1-B 2-B 3-B 4-A 5-C
6-A 7-A 8-A 9-D 10-B
11-C 12-A 13-A 14-A 15-A
16-B 17-C 18-C 19-D 20-C
21-B 22-D 23-C 24-C 25-D

Q1. (B) They caught a tartar" means to encounter someone or
something that is unexpectedly difficult to deal with. (�कसी
ऐसे व्यिक्त या वस्तु से सामना होना िजससे �नपटना अप्रत्या�शत रूप से क�ठन हो)
Q2. (B) “Censured with harsh and abusive language” is most
appropriate to substitute.
Vituperated: Bitter and abusive.
Example: No one else attracted such vituperation from him.
Q3. (B) Poignant: Causing or having a very sharp feeling of
Q5. (C) Entrap: To cause someone to do something that they
would not usually do, by unfair methods.
Entice: To persuade somebody to do something or to go
somewhere by offering him/her something nice.
Q6. (A) QSRP is correct pair for the given jumbled sentences.
Here, ‘Q’ is the opening statement as it introduces ‘Courage’
it is followed by ‘S’ as it follows on the ‘Feedback’ chain,
then come by ‘R’ followed by ‘P’ which talk about the
‘Comfort Zone’ and ‘Frame of mind’ to sum up we can say
that ‘QSRP’ is most appropriate pair.
Q7. (A) Here, ‘Must’ would not be changed in indirect speech.
Change ‘We and your’ into ‘They and her’.
Q8. (A) Cold: Having a low temperature; not hot or warm.
Tropical: Extremely hot
Lush: A lush area has a lot of green, healthy plants, grass,
and trees.
Equatorial: Near the equator, or typical of places near the
Sultry: (Of weather) uncomfortably warm and with air that
is slightly wet.
Q9. (D) Add ‘Had’ before read make the sentence grammatically
Q10. (B) Midas touch: The ability to make a financial success of
everything you do.
Example: During the past couple weeks, gold has had the
Midas Touch.
Q11. (C) Incorrectly spelt word is ‘Handkercheif’ and the correct
spelling for the same is ‘Handkerchief’ that means a square
piece of cloth or paper used for cleaning the nose or drying
the eyes when they are wet with tears.
Q12. (A) Use Adjective ‘Tolerable’ in place of adverb ‘Tolerably’ to
make the sentence grammatically correct.
Q13. (A) Serious: Solemn and not humorous.
Witty: Clever and humorous.
Cynical: Distrustful and skeptical.
Callous: Insensitive and cruel.
Giddy: Dizzy and lightheaded.
Q14. (A) “Beyond a few minute” is most appropriate option for
the underlined segment.
Use of ‘Beyond/Since/For/Up’
Beyond: More than.
Since: Since introduces an action or event at a point of time
in the past.
For: To indicate a purpose.
Up: As far as.
Q15. (A) Incorrectly spelt word is ‘Renassance’ and the correct
spelling for the same is ‘Renaissance’ that means a new
growth of activity or interest in something, especially art,
literature, or music.
Q17. (C) As per the order of adjective Expensive black leather
shoe is most appropriate option.
Moreover, we must remember the order of adjective.
➢ Opinion: pretty, ugly, delicious, etc.
➢ Size: big, tiny, huge, etc.
➢ Age: old, young, antique, etc.
➢ Shape: round, square, flat, long, etc.
➢ Colour: green, blue, purple, etc.
➢ Origin: American, Indian, Turkish, etc.
➢ Material: wooden, plastic, cotton, etc.
➢ Purpose: wedding, sleeping, etc.
Q18. (C) Compere: A person whose job is to introduce performers
in a television, radio, or stage show.
Calligrapher: A person who is skilled at the art of
calligraphy (= producing beautiful writing, often with a
special pen or brush).
Compeer: A person of equal rank, status, or ability.
Cypher: A secret or disguised way of writing; a code.
Q19. (D) Resilience is most appropriate word for the given blank
that means the ability to be happy, successful, etc. again
after something difficult or bad has happened.
Dread: To be very afraid of or worried about something.
Q20. (C) Encasement: To cover or surround something or someone
Cocoon: A covering of thin threads that some insects make
to protect themselves before becoming adults.
Downy: Filled with feathers.

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