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The Proserver Das Server: R. M. Pettett 2006-04-21

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The ProServer DAS Server

R. M. Pettett 2006-04-21 ProServer is a simple, extensible DAS server framework built around POE. The architecture consists of: A server script which runs as a daemon A configuration module holding settings for sources A number of source adaptors, generally one for each back-end data source A number of back-end data transport helpers for handling database connections etc. These fit together in the following way:

Grey modules denote virtual classes. SourceAdaptor subclasses implement methods for the DAS calls they provide, e.g. build_features, build_types, build_entry_points. ProServer is not yet fully featured up to the DAS 1 specifications, so if there appears to be missing functionality, there probably is. However, ProServer in its current form is used successfully in production in many Sanger Institute projects.


Perl (tested on 5.6.1 and above) DBI for database connectivity Getopt::Long POSIX Sys::Hostname CGI POE Bundle::LWP Config::IniFiles Compress::Zlib

Before commencing with the installation of ProServer, please ensure you have a working Perl installation with the components listed above. ProServer has been successfully installed on Tru64, Linux, Mac OSX and Windows.

Downloading ProServer
A recent tarball of ProServer can be downloaded from its homepage: http://www.sanger.ac.uk/proserver/

The very latest version (CVS HEAD) is here

cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/Bio-Das-ProServer login

When prompted enter the password CVSUSER, then:

cvs -d :pserver:[email protected]:/cvsroot/Bio-Das-ProServer checkout Bio-Das-ProServer

Installing ProServer on UNIX

cd Bio-Das-ProServer

edit eg/proserver.ini to (de)activate desired services

/usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL make test

Note there currently aren't m(any) tests.

eg/proserver -c proserver.ini

Installing ProServer on Windows

It is possible to install ProServer on Microsoft Windows using either the ActivePerl port of perl for Win32 http://www.activestate.com/Products/ActivePerl/ or the Cygwin environment http://www.cygwin.com/

Installing on Cygwin
You may need to install the following Cygwin packages:
Devel/cvs Deve/gcc Devel/make Interpreters/perl Web/wget

Start a cygwin shell.

ln -s /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl

Follow the UNIX install instructions

Writing Extensions for ProServer

In order to implement extensions for new data sources, classes should inherit and extend ProServer::SourceAdaptor functionality, namely the data retrieval methods which are applicable for the new data set. For a full list of supported methods please look at the SourceAdaptor.pm code. Basic SourceAdaptor examples include cosmic.pm and swissprot.pm. SourceAdaptors retrieve data using a transport. Depending on the format of any new data set, it may be necessary to implement a new transport module. These already exist for some common sources mysql, oracle, SRS getz and are simple command-line or socket-handling modules. In order to run a server from your SourceAdaptor and data set, it needs to be configured. Edit lib/Bio/Das/ProServer/Config.pm and add the settings describing your adaptor. You may wish to turn other default, sources off. Before starting the server it is necessary to build the Bio-Das-ProServer source tree. Change to the top-level and run
/usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL make

Once this is complete, change to the 'eg' directory and run ./proserver with your preferred arguments.

Example: I need to present a hypothetical MySQL database with some data in. 1. Download the ProServer sourcecode and ensure your system meets the installation requirements. 2. cd lib/Bio/Das/ProServer/SourceAdaptor/ 3. Copy either simpledb.pm or cosmic.pm to myadaptor.pm 4. Edit myadaptor.pm modify the package name to end ::myadaptor and change the SQL to represent the database structure 5. cd ../../../../../ 6. cp eg/proserver.ini to eg/myconfig.ini 7. Edit eg/myconfig.ini 8. Copy the [image] section and change to [myadaptor]. 9. Set adaptor = myadaptor 10.Add your database credentials to host, port, username, dbname, password 11. /usr/local/bin/perl Makefile.PL 12. make 13. eg/proserver -c eg/myconfig.ini 14.The service should bind all available network interfaces, or that specified in the interface field under [general].

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