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Bharat Education Society’s


Practical Journal

Bharat Education Society’s

Karthika High School & Junior College
New Hall Road, Kurla (W)


Seat No: …………… Roll No:

STD:12 Div: A


1 SOP 1: Creation of website using
.. 2
SOP3: Create a website using HTML
and CSS code to design a web pages as
SOP 5: Use of Audio on web pages
using html5.

4 SOP 6: Use of video on web pages

using html5.

5. SOP7: Navigation on am image using

Client Side Image Mapping on web
page using HTML5
6 SOP 1: Digital Marketing

SOP 2: Digital Marketing

8 SOP 1. Computerized Accounting

With GST
9 SOP 2: With the help of any open
source or free education version
accounting software create a
company using following details
10 SOP 3: With the help of any open
source or free education version
accounting software enter the
following transactions in
appropriate vouchers by creating a
company. Company details are as
11 SOP1. Database Concepts With Libre
Office Base
12 SOP2. Database Concepts With Libre
Office Base
SOP 1: Creation of website using HTML5
Create a website using html5 and CSS using any 4 css properties. Write
a code for 2 separate pages having different file name such first page as
in- dex.html, 2nd page as page2.html as form.html. Use any theme such
as college profile or company profile etc. Every page must contain
proper Meta information and design webpage as follows-

1) The index page must contain a heading which is highest among other text on pages
and must be at center of the page. There must be a paragraph which introduces
general information about the theme chosen must have at least 3 physical style tags
and one image with alternate text. This page must be connected to other two pages
with proper navigational links.
2) The 2nd page must contain the feedback or enrollment form related with theme
chosen with feature of html5. The form must contain text element and email address
of the company or person. Include the submit button.
HTML5 Code For Index.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta name="SOP1" content="EXP1">
<meta name="descreption" content="Advance Web Designing">
<meta name="Copyright" content="copyright all right reserve">
<h1> Hotel Taj</h1>
<img src="taj.jpg" height="100" width="100" alt="Hotel Taj">
<p>Taj Hotels is a chain of luxury hotels and a subsidiary of the Indian Hotels Company
Limited; headquartered at Express Towers, Nariman Point in Mumbai. Incorporated by
the founder of the Tata Group, Jamsetji Tata, in 1903, the company is a part of the Tata
Group, one of India's largest business conglomerates.
Number of locations?: ?
100 Hotels Revenue?: ??4,174 crore (US$590 million) (2018)
Net income?: ??100.87 crore (US$14 million) ... Industry?: ?Hospitality</p>
<a href="page2.html">Feedback</a>
Code for Page2.html
<!DOCTYPE html> <html>
<title>Forms in html 5 </TITLE>
<meta name="SOP1" content="EXP1">
<meta name="descreption" content="Advance Web Designing">
<meta name="Copyright" content="copyright all right reserve">
DATE of Inception: <input TYPE="DATE" NAME="BDAY"><BR><BR>
Office time: <input type="time" NAME="USR_TIME"><BR><BR>
Number of YEARS completed (between 1 AND 100): <input type="number" min="1"
Office phone number: <input type="tel" NAME="PHONE" PATTERN="[0-9]{2}-[0-
9]{10}" required><br><br>
Add your Comment:<textarea name="t1" rows="10" cols="10"></textarea><BR><BR>
<input TYPE="Submit" ALT="CLICK here to submit" >
<a href="index.html">Home Page</a>
Output: Index.html

First Page.html
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<h1>Traveller's Information Form</h1>
Name Of the Traveller:<input TYPE="TEXT" AUTOCOMPLETE><BR><BR>
Date Of Travel:<input TYPE="DATE" NAME="dateoftravel"><BR><BR>
Telephone No.:<input type="tel" NAME="PHONE" PATTERN="[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{10}"
<input TYPE="IMAGE" src="Tulip.jpg" ALT="CLICK here to submit" >
<a href="secondpage.html">Transporter Information</a></p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css">
<h1>Transporter's Information Form</h1>
<ul style="list-style-type:disc">
<li><p>NAME of TRANSPORTER – Air ASIA</p></li>
<li><p>Time - 09:30 AM</p></li>
<li><p>DESTINATION - Delhi</p></li>
<a href="firstpage.html">Traveller's Information</a></p>
p{font-family :arial;font-style :italic;font-size:40pf;font-weight:300;}
h1{color: navy; margin-left:20px;}
SOP 5: Use of Audio on web pages using html5.
Create a webpage named audio.html to set an audio file in web page with controls such
that it uses html 5 elements. The audio file must play as soon as the webpage loads in
browser and it will start over again, every time when it is completed.

Create another web page named audio1.html which provides multiple source file
formats for the same audio file that plays a sound automatically with controls. The
browser should display the message with appropriate attribute when audio file is not
supported by browser. The code must incorporate the list of sound files formats (like
wav, MP3 or ogg etc).


HTML5 Code for Audio.html:

<!DOCTYPE html>



<title>Audio on webpage </title>



<p>Audio Sample</p>

<audio controls autoplay loop="-1">

<source src="test.mp3" type="audio/mp3">



Code for Audio1.html

<!DOCTYPE html>



<p>Audio Sample</p>

<audio controls autoplay>

<source src="test.mp3" type="audio/mp3">

<source src="test.ogg" type="audio/ogg">

<source src="test.opus" type="audio/ogg">




SOP 6: Use of video on web pages using html5.
Create a webpage named video.html to display a video file on web page and plays
automatically with controls. The dimension of video area should be 150* 150 pixels.
Create another webpage which provide multiple source file formats for the same audio
file that plays a sound automatically with controls. The dimension of video area should
be 100* 100 pixels. The browser should display the message with appropriate attribute
when audio file is not supported by browser. The code must incorporate the list of video
files formats (like web M, MP4 or oggetc).

Solution Code for Video.html

<!DOCTYPE html>





<video width="150" height="150" controls autoplay>

<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">



Code for Video1.html

<!DOCTYPE html>
<video width="100" height="100" controls autoplay>
<source src="movie.mp4" type="video/mp4">
<source src="movie.ogg" type="video/ ogg">
Your browser does not support the video tag.

<head><title>image map</title>
<h1>An example of Image Map
<img src="Tulip.jpg" usemap="#imagemap" alt="Image of Tulip">
<map name="imagemap">
<area href="" shape="rect" coords="140,30,226,87" alt="google
<area href="" shape="circle" coords="53,55,37" alt=" great wall
of china"/>
<area href="" shape="poly"
coords="90,102,164,124,135,170,53,162" alt="maharashtra stateboard site"/>


SOP1(Digital Marketing): With the help of SEO tool which is freely available
optimize the website and write down the following findings. Ask
the teacher/examiner to provide URL of the website to be
1) Name of the website you are optimizing.
2) Whether the site has Title Tag?
3) Whether the site has Header Tags? If yes, which tags are there?
4) Whether the Images used has Alt Attributes?
5) What is the comment about usability?

SEOptimer is a free available tool with the help of that we are going to analyse or make
an audit of a free website named
1. Name of the website you are optimizing.
2. Whether the site has Title Tag?
3. Whether the site has Header Tags? If yes, which tags are there?

4. Whether the Images used has Alt Attributes?

5. What is the comment about usability?

SOP 2(Digital Marketing): Assume that you are appointed as a Digital Marketing Expert for
a company name as XYZ Marketing Private Ltd. They have a website hosted on a web server.
Suggest your client changes needed in the website to improve the speed of website and also
make him aware about following
1) Total numbers of recommended improvements are?
2) Mention grades given for the following points
i) SEO
ii) Usability
iii) Performance
iv) Security
3) Check for broken links and images.
4) Whether the website has links with the social media? If yes, Give
name of the social media.
(Take the name of the website from your teacher/examiner and get a report for Search
Engine Optimization with tool freely available.)

Solution: SEOptimer is a free available tool with the help of that we are going to analyze
or make an audit of a free website named
1. Total numbers of recommended improvements are?
2. Mention grades given for the following points
a. SEO
b. Usability
a. Performance
b. Security

3. Check for broken links and images.

4. Whether the website has links with the social media? If yes, Give name of the
social media.
YES it is linked with facebook pixcel

SOP1 (Computerized Accounting with GST): Mr. Ravindrakumar started business

by the name M/s Bitwise Trading Company in the year2019

CompanyName: M/s Bitwise TradingCompany
Address: 102 M.G. Road, BhavanaNagar, Latur- 413512
State: Maharashtra
E-mail Id: [email protected]
Maintain: Account with Inventory
FinancialYearFrom: 01-04-2019
Books BeginFrom : 01-04-2019

With the help of any open source or free education version accounting software pass
the following transactions in appropriate vouchers to display and print various
reports such as Trial Balance, Profit & Loss A/c, Balance Sheet and Day Book.
Date Particulars Amount (Rs)

1/04/2019 Mr. Ravindrakumar started business with cash 5,00,000

1/4/2019 Purchased goods from Sharada Steel works on credit 20,000

2/5/2019 Paid salary to staff 5,000

1/6/2019 Cash deposited into Bank of India 50,000

2/6/2019 Sold goods to Rakesh Enterprises on cash 25,500

2/7/2019 Purchased Machinery 10,000

2/12/2019 Received Interest on cash deposited in Bank of India 2,000

1. Open Tally ERP9 Package from Your Computer by double clicking shortcut icon
from your desktop.
2. Press Alt+F3 for Company info Menu
3. Select Create company submenu and create a company with following Details
4. Once Company is formed you will be in Gateway of Tally Screen.
5. Select Accounting Vouchers From Transactions. (During voucher creation
ledgers are to be created)
6. Check out the first transaction is “Mr. Ravindrakumar started business with cash
7. Flow is Capital A/c credited to Cash A/c Debited so it’s a cash related entry.

Receipt Voucher (F6)

8. Next Transaction is “Purchased goods from Sharada Steel works on credit

(20000) so the Flow of Cash is Purchase Debited A/c to Sharada Steel A/c

Generate Payment Voucher (F5)

9. Next Transaction is “2/5/2019 Paid salary to staff 5,000 So the Cash Flow is
Cash A/c Credited To Salary A/c Debited

10. Contra Voucher (F4)

11. Next Transaction is 01/06/2019 Cash deposited to Bank of India 50000 so Cash
flow is cash (Credit) A/c to Bank of India A/c (Debit)
12. Sales Voucher (F8)

Next Transaction is “02/06/2019 Sold goods to Rakesh Enterprises on cash 25500”

so the Cash flow is Rakesh Enterprise a/c (Credit) to Cash a/c (Debit)

Purchase Voucher (F9)

13. Next transaction is “02/07/2019 Purchased Machinery 10000” So the Cash flow
is cash a/c (credit) to machinery a/c (debit)

14. Receipt Voucher (F6)

Next transaction is “02/12/2019 Received Interest on cash deposited in Bank of

India 2000” So the Cash flow is interest (credit) a/c to cash a/c (debit)

15. Display Trial Balance: Gateway of Tally DisplayTrial Balance

16. Display Profit and Loss Gateway of Tally Reports Profit and loss

17. Display Balance Sheet Gateway of tally Reports Balance Sheets

18. Display Daybook: Gateway of tally DisplayDaybook
Solution: The above transaction clearly indicate that the purchase and sale both are
within Maharashtra State therefore 28% GST is applicable as 14% CGST and 14% SGST
Step1: Create a new company
(i) Create a new company in the name of M/s Bags and Baggage traders with the
given address and pin code, financial yeat begins on 1/04/2019.
(ii) Enable GST features by selecting features -features F11Statutory and
TaxationEnable goods and Service tax (GST)yes Set/Alter GST detailsYes.
Type StateMaharashtra, GSTIN27STUVW1234C2Z1

Step2: Create following ledger accounts

Accounts infoLedgerSingleCreate
Ledger Group Details to be Filled
Purchase Leather Purchase Accounts Is GST applicable –
Handbags A/c ‘Applicable’ Set/Alter
GST details – ‘Yes’,
Nature of Transaction-
‘Purchase Taxable’, (from
configuration make yes
to ‘show all GST tax
types’) Type integrated
tax as ‘28%’ then Central
tax and State tax will
automatically reflects as
‘14%’ and ‘14%’
respectively; Type of supply – ‘Goods’)

After Set/Alter GST details – ‘Yes’ GST details Screen will appear select Nature of
Transaction – ‘Purchase Taxable’ GST detailsNature of TransactionPurchase taxable show
all GST tax typesYes
Tax type-integrated tax-28%; then Central Tax and State Tax will
automatically reflects as ‘14%’ and ‘14%’ respectively. Cess 0% and then press
Ledger Group Details to be Filled
Sales Leather Handbags Sales Account Is GST applicable – ‘Applicable’
A/c Set/Alter GST details – ‘Yes’, Nature
of Transaction- ‘Sales Taxable’, (from
configuration make yes to ‘show all
GST tax
types’) Type integrated tax as ‘28%’
then Central tax and State tax will
automatically reflects as ‘14%’ and
respectively; Type of supply – ‘Goods’)

SGST a/c Duties and Taxes Type of Duty/Tax- ‘GST’,Tax

Type-‘State Tax’, Percentage of
Calculation- ‘0%’

CGST A/c Duties and Taxes Type of Duty/Tax- ‘GST’,Tax Type-

‘Central Tax’, Percentage of
Calculation- ‘0%’

M/s Shoppers Stock A/c Sundry Debtors Fill the details with PIN code

Genuine Leather A/c Sundry Creditors Fill the details with PIN
(a) Create Unit Of Measure
(b) Create Stock Groups or Category as ‘Bags’
(c) Create Stock Item/Product as ‘Leather HandBags’ with GST rates 28%
1) Purchase Voucher:>Accounting Vouchers>(Purchase Voucher)>Type Voucher
Date as 1/08/2019>Supplier Invoice No. >Party’s name field : > Enter Genuine
Leather Bags>Purchase Ledger field>Select Purchase Leather Handbags a/c>
Select Name of the item/product as CCTV>Enter Quantity as 150 and Rate
Rs.2500>Select ‘SGST’> Select ‘CGST’>Save/Accept.
NOTE: GST rates applicable for each commodity are given at the time of creation
of stock items/products. For the creation of inventory items/products, following
are the steps:

Step 3.1 Create Unit of Measure: Inventory/Inventory Info> Unit of Measure/

Measurement>>Give unit name/symbolas Ut>Formal Name/description as
>Select applicable Unit Quantity Code (UQC) from the pop up list(optional).>
Accept/Save the details.

Category as Leather Hand Bags>Accept/Save the details without changing
Step 3.3 Create Stock Items/Product: Inventory /Inventory Info>Stock Items/
Product>Type the name of the item/Leather Hand Bags >Select the Under
Group/Category as Bags>Select Unit of Measurement/ Measure as Ut> Set /
Alter GST Details: Yes (then give all the GST details for that Stock Item like HSN
, Taxability, IGST%, CGST%, SGST%, etc.) Type of supply – ‘Goods’ Accept/Save
the details.
2) Sales Voucher: Accounting Vouchers > Select Sales Voucher > Enter Voucher
Date>Party’s name field: Ms. Shoppers Stock>Sales Ledger field–Select Sales >
Select Name of the item/product as Leadher Handbags>Enter Quantity 80
units and rate Rs.3500>Select ‘SGST’> Select ‘CGST’ > Save/Accept
Step 5. Display Reports:
1) Tax Invoice i.e. Sales Invoice–
Reports ->Display ->Day Book ->Sales Voucher
2) GST Reports

i) Display > Statutory Reports > GST>GSTR2

ii) GST Annual Computation -- > in Pdf form(printmode)->
Solution: The above transaction clearly indicate that the purchase and sale both are
outside Maharashtra State therefore 12% IGST is applicable.
Step1: Create a new company
(iii) Create a new company in the name M/s Swastik Garment Suppliers with the
given address and pin code, financial year begins on 1/04/2017.
(iv) Enable GST features by selecting features -features F11Statutory and
TaxationEnable goods and Service tax (GST)yes Set/Alter GST detailsYes.
Type StateMaharashtra, GSTIN27KLMNA4321V1Z2

Step2: Create following ledger accounts

Accounts infoLedgerSingleCreate
Ledger Group Details to be Filled
Purchase T Shirts A/c Purchase Accounts Is GST applicable –
‘Applicable’ Set/Alter
GST details – ‘Yes’,
Nature of Transaction-
‘Purchase Taxable’,
(from configuration
make yes
to ‘show all GST tax
types’) Type integrated tax as ‘12%’
then Central tax and State tax will
automatically reflects as ‘6%’ and
respectively; Type of supply – ‘Goods’)

After Set/Alter GST details – ‘Yes’ GST details Screen will appear select Nature of
Transaction – ‘Purchase Taxable’ GST detailsNature of TransactionPurchase taxable show
all GST tax typesYes
Tax type-integrated tax-12%; then Central Tax and State Tax will
automatically reflects as ‘6%’ and ‘6%’ respectively. Cess 0% and then press
Ledger Group Details to be Filled
Sales T Shirts A/c Sales Account Is GST applicable – ‘Applicable’
Set/Alter GST details – ‘Yes’, Nature
of Transaction- ‘Sales Taxable’,
(from configuration make yes to
‘show all GST tax
types’) Type integrated tax as ‘12%’
then Central tax and State tax will
automatically reflects as ‘6%’ and
respectively; Type of supply – ‘Goods’)

SGST a/c Duties and Taxes Type of Duty/Tax- ‘GST’,Tax

Type-‘State Tax’, Percentage of
Calculation- ‘0%’

CGST A/c Duties and Taxes Type of Duty/Tax- ‘GST’,Tax Type-

‘Central Tax’, Percentage of
Calculation- ‘0%’

M/s Dress Align Sundry Debtors Fill the details with PIN code
Garments A/c
M/s Jalaram Textiles Sundry Creditors Fill the details with PIN code

Create Unit Of Measure

(d) Create Stock Groups or Category as ‘Tshirt’
(e) Create Stock Item/Product as ‘T Shitrs’ with GST rates 12%
NOTE: GST rates applicable for each commodity are given at the time of creation
of stock items/products. For the creation of inventory items/products, following
are the steps:

Step 3.1 Create Unit of Measure: Inventory/Inventory Info> Unit of Measure/

Measurement>>Give unit name/symbols Ut>Formal Name/description as
>Select applicable Unit Quantity Code (UQC) from the pop up list (optional).>
Accept/Save the details.

Step3.2CreateStockgroupsorCategory: Inventory/Inventory Info>Stock groups

or Category as T Shirts>Accept/Save the details without changing any field.

Step 3.3 Create Stock Items/Product: Inventory /Inventory Info>Stock Items/

Product>Type the name of the item/Leather Hand Bags >Select the Under
Group/Category as T Shirts>Select Unit of Measurement/ Measure as Ut> Set /
Alter GST Details: Yes (then give all the GST details for that Stock Item like HSN
, Taxability, IGST%, CGST%, SGST%, etc.) Type of supply – ‘Goods’ Accept/Save
the details.

3) Purchase Voucher:>Accounting Vouchers>(Purchase Voucher)>Type Voucher

Date as 1/08/2019>Supplier Invoice No. >Party’s name field : > Enter M/s
Jalaram Textiles>Purchase Ledger field>Select Purchase T Shitrs a/c> Select
Name of the item/product as CCTV>Enter Quantity as 150 and Rate
Rs.450>Select ‘SGST’> Select ‘CGST’>Save/Accept.
4) Sales Voucher : Accounting Vouchers > Select Sales Voucher > Enter Voucher
Date>Party’s name field: M/s Dress Align Garments >Sales Ledger field–Select
Sales > Select Name of the item/product as T Shirts>Enter Quantity 100 units
and rate Rs.600>Select ‘SGST’> Select ‘CGST’ > Save/Accept
Step 5. Display Reports :
1) Tax Invoice i.e. Sales Invoice–
Reports ->Display ->Day Book ->Sales Voucher
2) GST Reports

i) Display > Statutory Reports > GST>GSTR2

ii) GST Annual Computation -- > in Pdf form(print mode)->
SOP 1 (Database Concepts Using Libre Base Office):

⮚ Create a table student with fieldnames- rollno, studname, class, div,

city, dob etc.

⮚ Insert minimum 8 records.

⮚ Create a form based on the employee table.

1. Start and Open Libre Office Base
2. From Task panel select create table in design view
3. Create Table students with appropriate fields and data types.

4. Save the table Student and insert at least 8 records

5. Follow same steps for creation of Employee table

6. Click on Form from left panel and select option use Wizard to create form

Steps for creating a Database:
Click in Start→ All Programs →LibreOffice→LibreOffice Base.
Database wizard window appears, select Save and Proceed→ Click on finish button,
select proper location where you wish to save database with appropriate name, and
database will be created.
Steps for creating a Table:
To create a table click table in the Design view→ Table design window appears in that
window set filenames and datatype as follows:

Field Name Data Type Description

Empid Number[NUMERIC] ID of Employee (Primary


Empname Text[VARCHAR] Name Of Employee

Empdept Text[VARCHAR] Department of Employee

Empqual Text[VARCHAR] Qualification of Employee

Empjoindate Date[DATE] joining date of Employee

Empsal Number[NUMERIC] Salary of Employee

To assign Primary key to Empid field, right click on the small button present on the left
side of the field name and select the Primary Key Option.
To Save Click on save button or control CTRL + S, Give table name as Employee and
press OK button Table will be Saved.

Steps For Inserting Records in a Table:

For inserting records in a Table, Double click on the table in which data is to be insert, a
window will appear on the screen, Type data under each field and complete all records.

Steps For Creating a Query:

Click on the Query object and in the right pane click on Create Query in Design.
From the add table window select the table click on Add button and Click on Close.
Select all fields one by one by clicking on Fields Column.
To Display records Where Qualification is “MBA” In Criterion type “MBA” and Click on
run query option of F5 key.
To Display records where the Employee Department is “Accounts” In Criterion type
“Accounts” and Click on run query option of F5 key.
To Display records where the Employee Salary is >70000 In Criterion type “>70000”
and Click on run query option of F5 key.
To Display records where the Employee Name is “Prakash Kale” In Criterion type
“Prakash Kale” and Click on run query option of F5 key.
Bharat education society’s


This is to certify that

Mr. /Miss

has completed his / her journal in computer laboratory during the year 2022-2023 at

H.S.C Practical Examination, on behalf of the Higher Secondary Board of Mumbai.

He / She has completed the prescribed practicals.

Roll No. Std :- XII Commerce

Seat No. Examination Date

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