Uu Dd Gg Rr Mm
ap cap tap coco toto an at en ap in it ab et ug en ag an ap at un ut ad ig
at cat pat coat papa can bat ten sap bin bit tab bet mug den bag ran map mat bun but bad dig
ot cot pot coot coop tan sat pen nap tin pit sab pet rug men rag man gap rat sun nut sad pig
op top pop potato pan eat sen tap pin sit nab net bug ten tag dan rap gat run rut cad rig
ban nat ben pap sin nit cab set dug pen tag tan tap sat gun cut pad tig
Sight words sight words sight words
a an is on has the this and his what who with saw only many there under where
Read the sentences Read the sentences Read the sentences
This is a cap. This is a pot. Who is this? This is mama cat. This is the batsman.
Toto sat with his net. What is in the net? A
This is a cot. This is papa cat.
This is Toto cat. Papa cat pot and a pen. Two pens in a bin. Who is Where is Toto cat? Toto cat is under the car. Toto cat was sad.
has a cap. The cap is in the this? This is Toto cat with his net. What is Mama got him. Toto ran under the car. This is a cat, this is a rat,
pot. The pot is on the cot. this ? This is a can, a tin and a bin, a pot this is a mat. The cat, rat sat on the mat. Dad had a bag, the bag
Toto cat is on the Cat. Toto and a pan, a pin and a pen has a tag. Ten pens in the den, ten men in the den. The top is on
cat has the cap the mop. Sam had a bog big, sam put the rag in his bag.
5. Ff Hh Ll Ww Yy 6. Jj Kk Qq Vv Xx Zz Months
if the
ad ip an oy et it ot ay aw ed an et it ip ix ug ack ark ax ank year
had hip fan toy let hit hot hay haw fed van jet bit hip fix hug back dark fax bank 1 January
lad lip man boy wet fit lot lay yaw wed fan vet hit lip mix jug quack park tax tank 2 February
fad sip van coy yet wit got way law led man wet kit zip six rug track cark max rank 3 March
sight words sight words 4 April
he she into said wake went are off down from goes here 5 May
Read the sentences Read the sentences 6 June
The dog said Bow wow. Did he wake up Daddu? No The letters went into the bag. Down goes lzzy into the bag. The
7 July
The cow said Moo Moo. Did she wake Daddu up? No bag goes into a box. The box goes into a van. Off goes the van,
8 August
How did Daddu wake up? The fly went up his nose. with the bag in the box and lzzy in the bag. There is lzzy up on
Daddu lay on the hay. The rays of the sun hit Daddu’s face. the wall. Here are the letters in the bag. Down goes lzzy from the
wall into the bag. There goes the bag into the box. Here goes the 10 October
How can we wake up Daddu? The cow said moo-moo The dog 11November
box into the van. Off goes the van, zip zap zoom. Where did lzzy
said bow-wow. Who said caw-caw. What did the pig say? what
go? 12December
did the fly do? Up she went into Daddu’s nose.
2nd standard 1 Alphabet, Vowels and Consonants
Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz cat cup cap car cot dog pin pig pat bat pan
A E I O U pen pot hen men mat nut bee fit hay hat van
Cat pat cap pen ten men tin bin wet jet lip sun rug bug kit fox fan zip dog
pin cot pot top mug rug bug queen man jug key
Shivashankaraiah H.L Teacher GHPS Cheelagondanahalli, Vaddagere cluster, Koratagere tq, Madhugiri Edn dist Mo 9980980644
2 Word families-1
an en in ot un and end ind ank ink ast est ing ong ang Sentences
man ken bin cot bun land bend wind bank blink bast best king long sang I play on the sound.
man men tin lot run sand Send bind tank brink mast chest sing song pang I think with my mind.
ran den hin got gun hand Lend find rank clink last crest ding dong fang We must always be kind.
pan ben fin pot nun band Mend kind sank kink fast jest ping wrong gang I blend to wear my socks.
van hen pin dot run stand Fend blind dank fink cast nest ring gong rang I tie my hair with a band.
ban ten sin hot sun bland Blend behind hank link hast fest wing prong bang He is writing a test.
can fen win jot fun grand Spend remind plank mink vast quest thing strong hang Ravi, ring the bell.
tan pen chin not spun gland
Friend mankind blank pink past test cling belong yang
Sita, sing a song.
plan yen grin pot stun flank sink blast rest sting Sight words Rahim, bang on the drum.
clan wren shin rot prank slink vest doing
Sentences Rita, beat the going.
scan glen spin tot frank strink west eating him her again
span open thin blot There is water in the tank. thank think zest reading Vicky, hang the coat.
There is money in the bank.
when of ate Rani, wear your ring.
than then twin clot spank wink going
I write a letter with my hand. After hard work people take rest. The person who stands at the end of a line is last.
There are pans in the sink. To win a race we must run fast. The girl is skipping on the grass.
We close one eye when we wink. The man who wins is the best. The boy is climbing up the tree.
After the exam all childer get a rank. In a ship the flag is on the mast. The boys are jumping into the water.
We mix red and white colour to get pink. The boy is running on the road. The girls are playing in the garden.
The king was thin. The king got fatter. The queen got thinner. The queen was fat.
The king ate more food. The queen ate less food. The king and queen were the same size.
3 Word families-2
ack black eck ick ock knock uck cluck all ell well ill
sill ull Sight words
back crack beck pick lock mock duck stuck ball bell hell bill
gill bull
rack knack heck click sock smock buck pluck call tell shell dill
kill dull
Thought how people
jack stack check brick cock crock puck truck mall sell smell fill
till null you out almost
lack track peck stick rock frock yuck struck hall well spell gill
chill skull
pack flack deck wick block flock luck potluck tall yell swell will
drill pull Sentences
hack slack speck lick jock stock muck quick stall dell fell hill
install full The cards are in the rack.
tack smack wreck chick shock chuck slick small fell farewell mill
overall We use a straw to suck.
jack attack thick clock snuck trick squall gell pill
rainfall The key fits into the lock
Pay the water bill. There is a house on the hill. Cricket is played with a bat and a ball.
Keep the books in the hall. You will fall if you push or pull. Seema wears her shoes and socks. Shivashankaraiah H.L Teacher
When birds eat food, they peck. Neena puts the tie around her neck. Ghps Cheelagondanahalli,
The key fits into the lock. Ravi carries his bag on his back. John did not come to school as he was sick vaddagere cluster, koratagere
tq , madhugiri edn dist
I can hear the school bell. Toto cat looked at the mirror. The birds that says quack quack is a duck. Ph 9980980644
There is water in the well. Toto cat threw a stone at the cap. Toto cat walked down the street wearing the cap
Days of the week;- Sunday , Monday , Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday .
4 Long vowels-1
ail pail ain drain ay way ake take ate ate ate ace age ea sea ee keep y
nail sail main grain bay gay bake wake abate late sate face bage eat pea bee need baby
fail wail gain plain day jay cake jake create mate crate lace cage beat meat feed seek donkey
rail frail pain spain say bray fake brake debate date plate mace rage bean feet knee body
tail quail vain stain may clay lake flake donate rate skate pace sage leaf week green money
weak jeep three copy
bail snail rain train lay make shake relate gate grate race wage read meal heel teeth candy
hail trail brain strain ray rake snake calculater fate slate brace stage tea least meet sweet worry
mail chain obtain pay sake awake space hate state grace engage beak eagle beef coffee dusty
remake trace place team
Sight words Sentences;- The train moves on the Use a cutter to cut your nail. It is very hot in the month of may.
next want why too rail. Do not play in the rain. Daddu lay on the hay. In the morning, you can see the
write found first last The dog wags its tail. We come to school every day. sun’s rays.
Daddu saw the lion in a cage I am never late. The plant grows from a seed. In the morning I wash my face.
My shoe has a red lace. It is a green leaf. Bananas have a yellow peel. Take the reader and turn the page.
The sisters look the same. I want a cup of tea. Look at the smiling baby. She found a pretty feather.
What is your name? For lunch, what do we eat? We are a small family. The animals were very angry.
The dog came to the gate. The parrot has a red beak. Do you have any money? May I take some letters to deliver?
We like to eat cake I am going to school. Bobo was to get a bone. No one saw Toto take four packets
The duck was in the lake. Please show me the way. He got reading glasses. Mother Hen was waiting for her feather.
We bite with our teeth. My cycle has a blue seat. Mail was to get a carrot. Toto cat ran as fast as his feet could
The police go in a jeep. We wear shoes on our feet. She found a carrot. carry him.
5 Long vowels-2
I Pilot y oa loan on os oo mood ue u-e ew Sight words Sentences
die item fry coat goal bone nose cool shoot blue tube new am most all My tie is on my neck.
tie ivory sly boat broom few much together
soak tone hose zoo true tune I like to eat a pie.
tie idea spy road tooth dew
lie iron my float cloak cone rose moon soon queue June stew another The sun is in the sky.
cry iris by toast coach alone chose took choose orgue rule drew Will you give me a ride on you bike?
sky ice why throat coast zone close look droop tissue flume chew There is a bee hive on the tree.
dry idol july soap goal stone dose good troop rescue chute flew
Try to read the page. Let us cook the rice on the fire. His coat is made of wool. The fireman rescued the cat. Shivashankaraiah
Put the socks out to dry. Buses and bikes go on roads. He took the rose near his nose. The body is cute.
H.L Teacher Ghps
Boats sail on water. He ware boots on his feet. There is no paste in the tube. vaddagere cluster,
koratagere tq ,
That is the line of bikes We burn coal to get fire. Ravi went to buy a book. The song has a simple tune.
madhugiri edn dist
Ph 9980980644
Is it time for the race? We use fire to cook food Paste the letter with glue. The wind blew my cap.
All the colours sad, “ I am the best” Green and brown were next. They coloured the grass, the hills, the leaves and the
Father sun sent the colours to fill the earth. ground. White and black pushed and pulled to paint the clouds. So some clouds wre
All the colours raced out. white, some black and some grey. Red, orange, purple, yellow, and pink painted the
Blue was first and coloured the sky. fruits, the flowers and the vegetables.
6 blends-consonants- 1
bl cl fl gl pl sl br cr dr fr gr pr tr Sight words
black climb flag glow plan slam brown crow drink frog green pray train to over under
blank close float glass play slap broom cricket dress frock grass prize tree across below above
bland clap fly glue plug sled brick crab drop fruit grey truck
prince sentences
blame clay flop glance please slipper breeze cry dragon fry great traffic
glide promise travel Girls wear fracks.
blouse clothes flower plumber sliver bright credit dry free grow practice I like to travel by
glamour trust
blue cluster flute global plywood slot brother crayon drawer friend grab pretty trade train.
blunder clever floating glitter plus slop brake crew draw from greasy prim try The crow says caw-
bleach cloudy flit glad plenty sleeve bracelet creature drag frozen grin prom tractor caw
The bear climbed up the hill. The colour of the bear is brown. The lawn is covered with green grass.
The door to the class is closed. We play a cricket with a bat and Babies cry when they are hungry.
Shivashankaraiah H.L Teacher
All the children clapped and played. ball. Clouds can be black or grey. Ghps Cheelagondanahalli,
Balloons fly or float in the sky. We drink water from a glass. Pencils are used to write. vaddagere cluster, koratagere
The clock tells us the time, The frog croaks when it is happy. Toto cat was flying in the air. tq , madhugiri edn dist
Ph 9980980644
The lamp glows in the dark. The train goes faster than a truck. He could not come down.
We can see through the glass. We clean the floor with a broom. Toto cat grabbed a pole and held on to it.
Let us plan for a picnic. Sita wore a pretty blue dress. Toto was holding on to a traffic light pole.
Plug the hole in the jug. Apples grow on trees. He was directing traffic wth colourful balloons.
The clouds were black. Beat the drum loudly. He got the balloons all mixed up.
7 blends-consonants- 2
sc sl sk sm sp st sw sk Sight words Sentences
scab sleep skip smell spice stand swan desk for forward awayStraight is the opposite of slant.
scale slant skirt smile spoon strong sweet mask behind around
Swallow is the opposite of spit.
scan slide sky small speak stick swim flask Sentences
scarf slice skate smart spell star switch disk Awake is the opposite of sleep.
school slim skill smoke spend stop swallow tusk Fast is the opposite of slow. Sink is the opposite of swim.
scoop slip skin smooth speech store swing husk Weak is the opposite of strong. Sit is the opposite of stand.
scram slope skip smash speed stove sway ask Bland is the opposite of spicy. Big is the opposite of small.
Sentences;- Daddu went to the zoo with the grains. Daddu saw many animals in the zoo. Daddu saw the animals sleeping, eating,
and playing. Daddu walked into a cage and fell asleep. The keeper dropped fresh hay in the cage and locked the door behind him.
8 digraphs
ch match th that sh shoe wh when Sight words;- Inside Through side back
chip pitch tooth earth wash sheet white why Sentences
chair watch thread cloth rash shoot wheel while The fox chased the chicken. Do not rush to get into the bus.
teach chase thin thumb cash shot wheat whom He ate fish for lunch. Children shout in the playground.
lunch check teeth path dish shop where whose We have two thumbs. Do not push each other on the stairs.
torch rich think three fish shade who which Do not push to get into the train. A baby hen is called a chicken.
which catch bath mouth rush shame what whip We eat lunch in the afternoon.