Bree Top in Fonty Soyeuse
Designed by Aubrey Busek
Extra Small (Small, Medium, Large, 1X)
(2X, 3X, 4X, 5X)
Shown in Extra Small size with no ease.
Chest: 32 (35¼, 38½, 41½, 44¾) (48, 51¼,
56, 59¼)”
Length: 21½ (22, 22½, 23½, 24) (24½,
25½, 26, 26½)”
Fonty Soyeuse (70% merino, 30% silk;
• 117 – 7 (8, 8, 9, 10) (11, 12, 13, 14)
Needle: US Size 6 (4 mm) straight or
your preferred needle for knitting flat
and 16” circular and set of DPNs or size
needed to obtain gauge
US Size 5 (3.75 mm) 16” circular and your
preferred ndl for knitting small
Notions: Tapestry Needle, stitch
markers, removable stitch markers
20 sts x 28 rows = 4” in Texture patt
with larger ndl
21 sts x 28 rows = 4” in Stockinette Stitch
(St st) with larger ndl
Save time, check your gauge
Shape Left Front Neck Note 2: Armhole shaping occurs at the same time
as Back Shaping. Please read through the entire
Row 1 (WS): Bind off 4 (4, 4, 4, 4) (4, 5, 5, 5), cont
section before proceeding.
as est’d to end – 26 (28, 30, 32, 36) (38, 39, 42,
44) sts rem.
Knit, Relax, Smile, Repeat!
2024 © Universal Yarn, Inc.
All rights reserved. This pattern may not be reproduced for business, trade or sale.
Questions? Contact [email protected]
Dec Row (RS): Cont as est’d in next row of Even Row (RS): K2, cont as est’d in next Row of
Texture patt over 38 (42, 46, 50, 54) (58, 62, 68, Texture patt to end.
72) sts, k2tog, k1. Place rem 41 (45, 49, 53, 57) (61, Cont in patt as est’d, working a Dec Row as
65, 71, 75) Left Back sts on holder or waste yarn – outlined below every 6 rows, 14 (14, 14, 12, 12) (12,
1 st dec’d, 40 (44, 48, 52, 56) (60, 64, 70, 74) sts 8, 8, 8) more times, then every 4 rows, 6 (6, 6, 9,
rem for Right Back. 9) (9, 15, 15, 15) times – 20 (20, 20, 21, 21) (21, 23,
Even Row (WS): P2, cont as est’d in next row of 23, 23) sts dec’d.
Texture patt to end. Dec Row (RS): K1, ssk, cont as est’d to end – 1 st
Even Row (RS): Cont as est’d in next Row of dec’d.
Texture patt to last 2 sts, k2.
Cont in patt as est’d, working a Dec Row as At the same time, when piece meas 14 (14, 14, 14½,
outlined below every 6 rows, 14 (14, 14, 12, 12) (12, 14½) (14½, 15, 15, 15)” from cast-on edge, shape
8, 8, 8) more times, then every 4 rows, 6 (6, 6, 9, armhole as follows.
9) (9, 15, 15, 15) times – 20 (20, 20, 21, 21) (21, 23,
23, 23) sts dec’d.
Shape Left Back Armhole
Dec Row (RS): Cont as est’d to last 3 sts, k2tog,
k1 – 1 st dec’d. Note: Maintain Texture patt as est’d during
armhole shaping.
Bind off 1 (2, 3, 4, 4) (5, 6, 7, 8) sts at the beg of
At the same time, when piece meas 14 (14, 14, 14½,
the next two WS rows – 2 (4, 6, 8, 8) (10, 12, 14, 16)
14½) (14½, 15, 15, 15)” from cast-on edge, shape
sts bound off.
armhole as follows.
When all Armhole and Back shaping is complete,
18 (20, 22, 23, 27) (29, 29, 33, 35) sts rem for
Shape Right Back Armhole Right Back. Cont even as est’d in Texture patt
Note: Maintain Texture patt as est’d during until piece meas 7½ (8, 8½, 9, 9½) (10, 10½, 11, 11½)”
armhole shaping. from first underarm bind off. Place rem live sts on
Bind off 1 (2, 3, 4, 4) (5, 6, 7, 8) sts at the beg of holder or waste yarn.
the next two RS rows – 2 (4, 6, 8, 8) (10, 12, 14, 16)
sts bound off. Join Right Front and Right Back Shoulders using
When all Armhole and Back shaping is complete, the three-needle-bind-off with RS facing. Rep For
18 (20, 22, 23, 27) (29, 29, 33, 35) sts rem for Left Front and Left Back Shoulders.
Right Back. Cont even as est’d in Texture patt
until piece meas 7½ (8, 8½, 9, 9½) (10, 10½, 11, 11½)”
from first underarm bind off. Place rem live sts on
With RS Front facing, beg at Right Front shoulder
holder or waste yarn, and return held Left Back
seam and with smaller circ ndl, pick up and knit
sts to ndl, ready to work a RS Row.
44 (44, 44, 46, 46) (46, 48, 50, 50) sts along
Front neck, cast on 44 (44, 44, 46, 46) (46, 48,
Shape Left Back 50, 50) sts for Back Neck – 88 (88, 88, 92, 92)
Note 1: Maintain Texture patt as est’d during Back (92, 96, 100, 100) sts. PM and join to knit in the
Shaping. rnd, being careful not to twist.
Note 2: Armhole shaping occurs at the same time Rnd 1: Work Rnd 1 of K3, P1 Rib to end.
as Back Shaping. Cont as est’d in K3, P1 Rib until piece meas 4”
Dec Row (RS): K1, ssk, cont as est’d in next row from cast-on edge. Bind off all sts in patt.
of Texture patt over 38 (42, 46, 50, 54) (58, 62,
68, 72) sts– 1 st dec’d, 40 (44, 48, 52, 56) (60, 64,
Working I-Cord over Back Neck
70, 74) sts rem for Right Back.
With smaller circ ndl and beg at first cast-on
Even Row (WS): Cont as est’d in next row of
stitch of Back Neck, pick up and knit 44 (44, 44,
Texture patt to last 2 sts, p2.
46, 46) (46, 48, 50, 50) sts along Back Neck.
Right Sleeve
Gently wash and block to finished measurements.
Work as for Left Sleeve. Weave in ends.