Bulletin Advent 2024

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A prophetic, Franciscan, Catholic community welcoming all people through prayer and outreach.

We extend a special welcome to everyone visiting the Shrine for the first time.

Advent 2024

100 Arch Street Boston MA 02110

Telephone: 617-542-6440
Prayer Request Line: 857-206-7209
The Good Word: 617-542-0502
December 2024

Greetings of peace. At the beginning of the liturgical season of Advent, we humbly ask for volunteers. We have
a wide range of different kinds of projects, using very different skill sets. In some cases, we are able to adjust
the day and the time according to when you are available to do the work. Please think and pray about whether
you might be able to help the church in this way.

Church decoration. The church needs to be decorated for Advent and Christmas. When the liturgical seasons
of Lent and Easter come along, we will need decorations on those days as well.

Live-streaming. We could use volunteers who have some experience in live streaming events.

Painting. We have some areas of the Shrine which need windows and floors painted.

Mechanical people and tradespeople. We have some various ongoing projects and could use your expertise.

Logistics for Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve. We are going to need help with the Christmas Eve Midnight
Mass. We need ushers, people to be in the lobby welcoming worshipers and giving directions, doing group-
accompaniment to and from parking before and afterward. Also, assistance with communications between
security, the sacristy, the front desk, and housekeeping during this Mass. We need assistance before and after
the Mass: we expect that you will have plenty of time to attend the Mass itself.

The accounting office. We could use people who have simple bookkeeping experience. The tasks that we have
are simple to do, and would need to be done on an every-two-week basis.

Ushers at particular Masses throughout the year.

Sacristy volunteers during Mass.

Volunteers to sit at the front desk in the lobby during the afternoon, answering questions, and receiving
visitors and deliveries.

Please contact me so that we can set up a time to discuss your interests and availability. My email address is
[email protected] and my phone number at the Shrine is 617-542-6440. Thank you so much for
considering this request.

Fr. Thomas Conway, OFM

Executive Director
[email protected]

We are looking for Part-time employees to serve in the following capacity:
Sacristan – especially for the 5:30am to 7:30am shift.
Security – please note this is NOT an overnight shift.

If you would like to learn more about these job openings, please email
[email protected]. Thank you.
Christmas Mass Schedule
Christmas Eve: Tuesday, December 24
Vigil Masses 4pm (both churches)
5:30pm & Midnight (2nd Floor)
Christmas Day: Wednesday, December 25
Mass at 10am
No Confessions heard on Christmas Day. Lobby Booth Closed.
A note on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary:

Since December 8, 2024 is the Second Sunday of Advent, we transfer

the Feast of the Immaculate Conception to Monday, December 9.

Immaculate Conception is a Holy Day of Obligation.

The 4pm Mass on Sunday, December 8th will be for the 2nd Sunday of
Advent, not a vigil for the Immaculate Conception.

The Mass schedule on Monday, December 9th for the Feast of the
Immaculate Conception will be the usual schedule: 6am, 7am and
12:05pm, with an additional Mass at 5:15pm.

Lazarus Ministry Funeral Announcement

The Lazarus Ministry at St. Anthony Shrine will hold a funeral for
Mr. Stephen Marino on Monday, December 16 at 10am in the 2nd floor church.
All are welcome.

Celebrate the Joy of Advent with Our Online Advent Calendar

This Advent season, join us on a spiritual journey through hope, faith, joy,
and peace with St. Anthony Shrine's Online Advent Calendar!

Each day from December 1 to 24, you'll find inspirational reflections,

prayers, Bible verses, and meaningful ways to prepare for Christmas.

Explore the Advent Calendar at

and enrich your heart and spirit as we prepare to celebrate the birth of Christ. The friars are very grateful to
everyone for the outpouring of
love and support after the death
of our brother, John Maganzini.
John was a wonderful man and
friar and we miss him very
much. He was a good friend to
so many. Please continue to
pray for the repose of his soul
and please continue to pray for
the friars and all of us at St.
Anthony Shrine.

Fr Frank Sevola, OFM Guardian

* Seeking Worship Ministers *

Do you feel the call to volunteer as a Worship Minister, either as an
Extraordinary Minister of the Eucharist or a Lector?
If so, please email the Worship Committee at:
[email protected] for more information and to sign up for training.
St. Anthony Shrine
Comparative Statement of Revenues and Expenses
July 1 to October 31, 2024, comparative to the same period in 2023

July 1 to July 1 to Percent

Oct 31 Oct 31 Dollar
2024 2023 Incr (Decr)
Ordinary Income/Expense Year
Collections 215,000 177,000 38,000 21
Fundraising Income 545,000 1,462,000 (917,000) (63)
Program Income 11,000 14,000 (3,000) (21)
Wills & Bequests 64,000 94,000 (30,000) (32)
Other Income 3,000 7,000 (4,000) (57)
Total Income 838,000 1,754,000 (916,000) (52)
OLGP-Support & Other Expenses 0 103,000 (103,000) (100)
Collections Disbursed 3,000 5,000 (2,000)
Friary Expense 430,000 420,000 10,000 2
Development Expenses 102,000 292,000 (190,000) (65)
Facilities Expenses 139,000 118,000 21,000 18
General & Administrative 166,000 94,000 72,000 77
Professional Expenses 43,000 47,000 (4,000) (9)
Program Expenses 33,000 123,000 (90,000) (73)
Salaries & Related Expenses 614,000 608,000 6,000 1
Depreciation & Amortization Exp 110,000 110,000 0 0
Total Expense 1,640,000 1,920,000 (280,000) (15)
Net Ordinary Income (802,000) (166,000) (636,000)
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
Interest 30,000 26,000 4,000 15
Permanently Restricted Income 10,000 10,000 0
Temporary Restricted Income 106,000 140,000 (34,000) (24)
Asset Management Fees (9,000) (7,000) (2,000) 29
Realized Gain (Loss) - Shrine 35,000 (7,000) 42,000 (600)
Unrealized Gain (loss) 17,000 (206,000) 223,000 (108)
Total Other Income 189,000 (44,000) 233,000 (530)
Net Income (613,000) (210,000) (403,000)

This statement is unaudited; figures are rounded to the nearest thousand.
Please direct questions or observations to Fr. Thomas Conway, OFM, at [email protected]

Help us hit 1000 subscribers by

December 31. Our YouTube Channel is
called ShrineBoston and has over 300
videos on it! Check us out and hit that
Subscribe button today!
Support for families who have had someone in their Are you, or someone that you know,
family die by suicide. contemplating a request for annulment?
Hosted by Fr. Tom Conway and Br. Richard McFeely
The Church rules pertaining
This is not group therapy, but rather a safe place to marriage annulments are somewhat
where people can come together to comfortably tell complex, but our resident expert on
the story of their family’s experience, wherever they annulments, Fr. Brian Cullinane, OFM, is
happen to be on that journey. willing and able to have a confidential
conversation with you about your particular
The Friars’ role will be to accompany families in a situation. Fr. Brian has years of experience as
non-judgmental manner. We expect that almost all of a pastor and has been able to guide many
the talking will be done by members of the group, people successfully through this process.
rather than by Fr. Tom and Br. Richard. Sometimes
people aren’t ready to share their story, so attending Of course, an annulment isn’t possible in
the meeting and listening without sharing is also every situation, but it’s best to talk it over with
perfectly acceptable. someone who understands the nuances of this
process and how they apply to you.
This group meets after the 11:30am Mass
(about 12:20pm) on the first Sunday of the month, in Contact Fr. Brian by phone at 617-542-6440
the second floor classroom of the Shrine. ext 192 to set up an appointment.
One need not be Catholic to participate.
Please follow the City of Boston on-street parking signs.
It has come to our attention that worshippers and other visitors
to the Shrine have recently been ticketed for parking in places
where there is restricted or no parking allowed.
The Shrine is pleased to offer discounted parking for our worshippers
and volunteers at the 33 Arch Street self-park facility (entrance on
Hawley Street, underneath the 33 Arch Street tunnel; 0.3mi walk to
the Shrine entrance.)
Discounted rates:
 Saturday and Sundays all day = $7
 Weekdays up to 3 hours = $17
 Weekday Evenings (entry after 3.30pm) = $7

For instructions and to receive a validated ticket for the discounted

parking please visit the info booth or security desk

Centering Prayer Thursdays at 12:30pm

Centering Prayer is a form of Christian
Coffee Social after the 10am Mass
contemplative prayer, to center awareness on on Sunday, December 8.
the presence of God.
Men's Spirituality Group
The Greater Boston LGBTQIA
Catholic Collective A gathering off men who frequent St. Anthony
invites you to Shrine and are looking to those aspects of their
lives that really matter: their values, their purpose
My Beloved Child in life, their relationships, their spirituality.
Monthly Zoom Meeting
In an atmosphere of trust, confidentiality and
prayer, this group meets twice a month to provide
this. The group meets on the second and fourth
Thursdays of each month from 5pm to 6:15pm.
If you are interested please contact Br. Tony LoGalbo
at 617 542 6440 ext 215 or
[email protected]
Upcoming meetings:
Our group provides support and resources for December 12
Catholics whose loved ones identify as members of .
the LGBTQIA community. AA Meeting Schedule at St. Anthony Shrine
Please email for the Zoom Link: Monday – Friday 7:30am – 8:30am.
[email protected] Tuesdays 12pm – 1pm AA Open Discussion
The Greater Boston LGBTQIA Catholic Collective is Thursdays 5:45pm – 6:45pm AA Big Book
sponsored by St. Anthony Shrine, The Paulist Center, The
All meetings are held in the Auditorium (Basement) Foyer
Rainbow Ministry at St. Cecilia's (Boston); St. Susanna Parish
(Dedham); Blessed Trinity Parish (Westford & Littleton);St. unless otherwise noted. Questions, please call
Ignatius Parish (Chestnut Hill) and Dignity Boston. Anthony Andreottola at 781-526-3679.
Giving a gift online is easy; giving a recurring gift is even easier!

Setting up a recurring gift is the

best way to make your regular
donation without having to
think about it. You can select
a monthly donation and
the gift will be automatically
and securely processed
on the first of the month.
Please scan the code or visit
stanthonyshrine.org/gift to
support the Shrine. Thank you
for your generosity.

St. Anthony Shrine LGBTQ+ Ministry

Upcoming Meeting Dates:
December 1
Immediately following 11:30am Sunday Mass
Lower Auditorium Stage

For more information, email:

[email protected]

Monday, Wednesday and Friday: 5:30am to 4pm
Monday through Friday: Tuesday and Thursday: 5:30am to 6:45pm
6am, 7am and 12:05pm Saturday: 1:30pm to 5pm
Sunday: 6:30am to 5pm
Thursday 5:15pm
Saturday: 4pm ♫
Monday through Friday: 9:30am to 1pm
Saturday: Closed.
Sunday: Sunday: 9am to 1pm
7am, 10am ♫, 11:30am ♫, 4pm ♫
♫ Music with The Arch Street Band Monday through Friday: 10am to 1pm
10AM Sunday Mass is Thursday: 4:30pm to 5:30pm
Saturday: 1:30pm to 3:30pm
Streamed Live on YouTube
Sunday: 3pm to 4pm

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