Digital leadership in tanzania
Digital leadership in tanzania
Digital leadership in tanzania
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All content following this page was uploaded by Joan Jonathan on 17 January 2023.
The objective of this study was to examine the attributes of a compelling Digital leadership; digital
leader to lead Digital Transformation in a formal organization. The study transformation; exploratory
conceptualized a digital leader with 26 characteristics grouped into 5 factor analysis; confirmatory
roles. Sample respondents were drawn from some organizations in factor analysis; digital
Tanzania and a self-reported questionnaire was used for data collection.
Preliminary analysis involved examining inter-correlation among
leadership attributes, dropping 3 out of 26. Exploratory factor analysis
of 23 items produced 7 factors which were grouped into 5 roles while
dropping 2 factors with one item each. Only 4 factors and 13 items
qualified for confirmatory factor analysis which provided better fit for
the sample data. The validity check showed that the digital leadership
construct somehow converges and the four factors were different from
one another. It is implied that good digital leader is anticipated to
foster economic growth, promote innovation and entrepreneurship, and
improve service deliveries.
1. Introduction
Digital technologies change the way services are delivered, businesses are conducted, people com-
municate, and even the way relationships are sustained. Firms are putting in place initiatives to
explore digital technologies in order to exploit the benefits thereof to transform key business oper-
ations – production, organizational structures, and business management. These dynamics invari-
ably lead to the concept of Digital Transformation (DT). Firms adopting DT and thus using digital
technologies are likely to be competitive in this digital era (Magesa & Sanga, 2020).
Digitally transforming firms increase productivity, create value, and improve social welfare (Ebert
& Duarte, 2018), thus exerting pressure on firms to go digital. The migration into the digital realm is
motivated by the need to survive and accrue business competitive advantages. According to Forres-
ter Research (2015), DT facilitates business transformation via Digital Development (DD). DT focuses
on setting clear objectives that are tied directly to measurable business outcomes for businesses to
thrive and prosper. Thus, the ideal Digital Leadership (DL) embraces innovations which improve DD
by creating jobs, improving access to markets, promoting and commercializing products, and enhan-
cing the acquisition of knowledge.
ICT adoption and DT represent two enabling mechanisms which work to improve business
efficiency, effectiveness, and transformation of business models adopted. Consequently, the duo
enhances interactivity and flexibility; and smoothly connects business transactions and
CONTACT Mawazo Mwita Magesa [email protected] Centre for Information and Communication Technology, Sokoine
University of Agriculture, P.O. Box 3218, Morogoro, Tanzania
Silvia Masiero is the accepting Associate Editor for this paper
This article has been republished with minor changes. These changes do not impact the academic content of the article.
© 2021 Commonwealth Secretariat
organizations to their customers. Factors which make firms adopt DT and use ICT include the lower
prices of ICT devices and global network connectivity (Bharadwaj et al., 2013; Magesa & Sanga, 2020);
pressure from customers, employees, competitors (Westerman et al., 2011); and globalization –
which increases competition and pressurizes companies to go digital to survive and attain competi-
tive advantages (Westerman et al., 2011). Firms are, therefore, considering adopting ICT and digitally
transform their service delivery, operations, and change structures of their organizations.
Despite the positive effects, contemporary literature indicates that several project failures are
major issues in the DT context (Kozak-Holland & Procter, 2020; Rajala & Aaltonen, 2020). Examples
of DT failures are scant and are always under-reported for commercial reasons (Kozak-Holland &
Procter, 2020). Digital project failures rate remain high despite the efforts made in the past
decades to improve ICT projects management (Hidding & Nicholas, 2017).
Studies accord project failures to the reluctance on the part of business management to change
their management methodology and plan. This failure includes not involving the users right from the
early stage of project conception, inadequate communication of change processes, leaders not
managing user resistance to digital changes within the organization, and leaders over-emphasizing
the technical aspects of project delivery (Damoah & Akwei, 2017; Ebad, 2018). Abouzahra (2011)
attributed the failure to unclear project scopes, undefined risks, undefined stakeholders, and poor
digital communication. Poor conceptualization of management requirements; misunderstanding
of the requirements, changes in the requirements, inadequate requirements, and unclear require-
ments may lead to project failure (El Emam & Koru, 2008; Pan et al., 2008). Likewise, inadequate
support, lack of executive engagement with the project, ineffective sponsorship, and overall lack
of commitment of senior management may lead to project failure (El Emam & Koru, 2008).
Organizations are always eager to register successes in their DT initiatives. Years of research on
transformations have shown that success rates of these transformation efforts have been consist-
ently low (less than 30% succeed), which suggests that DTs are not accomplished easily (De la Bou-
tetière et al., 2018). A successful DT involves implementing the best digital solutions step-by-step
and the DT implementation process requires an understanding of how data, design, and technology
will impact the transformation across the organization. Organizations need to understand the
success factors of DT to be able to aim at a strategical transformation. These factors are those
things that must go well to ensure success for DT initiative. Thus, success of DT initiative can be
achieved when a digital solution has been implemented based on the stipulated steps to attain
its goals and its users are fully using it without difficulty. This success is gained when acceptance
of digital solution and process changes is achievable. Heeks (2002) argues that for a successful initiat-
ive (i.e. DT), most stakeholder groups attain their major goals and do not experience significant
undesirable outcomes.
Among the success factors for DT identified by some scholars (e.g. Cichosz et al., 2020; Moraka-
nyane et al., 2020; Sing & Amin, 2020) include having visionary leaders who can set roadmaps for
organizations to follow. Such a leader should exhibit strong DL traits required to cultivate a
digital culture and should develop digital vision for an organization (Morakanyane et al., 2020).
DT success depends on a leader with a vision supported by empowered, knowledgeable and colla-
borative employees (Cichosz et al., 2020) who can formulate and align DT strategies that provide for
growth (Sing & Amin, 2020). Willcocks (2021) acknowledges that the DT is costly, difficult, and require
investment, which necessitates early investment in digital talent and building technological plat-
form. Heeks (2002) asserts that today’s IS success may be tomorrow’s IS failure, and vice versa.
To implement digital projects successfully and minimize failures, scholars including Creasy and
Anantatmula (2013), Ebad (2018), and Hughes et al. (2017) have emphasized good leadership and
management support. Leadership characteristics for DT that are sought in this digital era include
innovation, digital skills, strong networks, collaboration, participatory engagement, and vision.
Valentine and Stewart (2015) emphasize that a digital leader should govern technology for competi-
tive advantage and business performance. They also observe that a digital leader should direct and
govern technology-enabled strategy, plan to maximize the advantages of technology, enhance
performance at all levels of the organization, and clarify additions from progress reviews and com-
ments. Thus, transforming a firm via DD requires a leader with a digital mindset.
Strategic DT of a firm led by a digital leader promotes DD and general development. Also, Digital
Transformation Strategy (DTS) serves to coordinate, prioritize, and implement a pre-digital organiz-
ation’s transformation efforts and; as a long-term objective, to govern its journey to achieve the
desired future state of being digitally transformed (Matt et al., 2015). DTS improves DD which in
turn, informs the firm’s development. DTS reliably improves organizational performance and has a
positive relationship with short- and long-term financial performance (Wang et al., 2020). DT relies
on a digital leader (Euler, 2015) and DL is essential to the success of any DT of a firm (El Sawy
et al., 2016).
This research investigates the pertinent issue of DL in DT observed during the initiation,
implementation, and management of DT processes. This is because the available literature pays
more attention to corporate management and structure for effective adoption of DT while relegating
DL. Therefore, the objective of this study is to examine the characteristics of Digital Leadership in
implementing effective DT. The research focuses more on the developing countries because these
countries are on the verge of adopting digital technologies. As its contribution, the study conceptu-
alizes DL into different dimensions with different characteristics and based on a clear methodology
and statistical analyses, the study establishes the dimensions and characteristics that define DL.
agricultural farming practices and marketing among smallholders. The ultimate outcomes of the
application of ICTs have been improved economic growth of individuals, societies, and countries
at large.
Digital technologies can also be used to introduce and diffuse the concepts of knowledge
sharing, community development, and equality, and thus implicate social development (Kamel,
2008). Gigler (2011) assumes a direct relationship between ICTs and social development. Qureshi
(2019) equated social development with government programs that offer healthcare, education,
environmental protection, and other public services. Improved social development includes
enhanced access to formal and non-formal education, improved access to health services, and
improved knowledge and access to social programs of the government (Gigler, 2011). Scholars
have indicated how DT has influenced social development in sectors like education, teaching, and
lifelong learning methods (Mahenge & Sanga, 2016; Tchamyou et al., 2019); and in medicine,
health outcomes and well-being (Aceto et al., 2018; Kouton et al., 2020).
Human development focuses on the improvement of the lives of the people and intends to
provide more freedom and opportunities to live the lives they value (UNDP, 2020). Human develop-
ment broadens individual people’s freedom to pursue the lives they choose (Sen, 2013). Qureshi
(2019) points that in pursuing the freedom to life choices, income is seen to be an instrument of
this freedom forcing individuals to pursue their goals. To determine the impact of ICTs on human
well-being, it is necessary to enhance people’s ability to access and use information through ICT.
It can lead to improvement in people’s lives when their abilities to access and use information
through ICTs are transformed into expanded human and social abilities in the economic, political,
social, and cultural dimensions of their lives (Gigler, 2011). While well-being may vary considerably
between individuals (Qureshi, 2019), development, which is about expanding the choices people
have, make people lead lives that they value. Again, a motivated and innovative digital leader can
utilize digital technologies to foster human development in different countries. Examples of
human development are found in governance, service provisions, and building citizens’ trust
(Adesola, 2012; Mahmood et al., 2019), entrenching democracy (Adesola, 2012), and enhancing
human informational capabilities (Magesa et al., 2020).
Digital Transformation is affected by project failures, that is the inability to meet budgetary pro-
jections, functional, and time objectives (Finch, 2003). The failures include the system not meeting its
objectives, the system not delivering or delivered but failed to meet project specifications, the
system not being adopted by stakeholders, benefits not being realized, and the system not
meeting the needs and expectations of stakeholder groups (Hughes et al., 2017). Some statistics
of DT failure cases include Forbes who reported that 84% of companies fail at DT (Rogers, 2016),
and Morgan (2019) who reported that a staggering 70% of DTs fail. In developing countries, ICT
project failures are reported in Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Malaysia, and South Africa
(Masiero, 2016; Rajala & Aaltonen, 2020). Scholars such as Dada (2006), Gunawong and Gao
(2017), and Hossan et al. (2006) reported failures of the e-governments which were expected to
transform the public administrative system and to improve the efficiency of public service in devel-
oping countries. In Heeks (2003), Heeks provided a baseline assessment of e-government failures in
the developing world stating that total failures stood at 35%, partial failures at 50%, and success
cases at 15%.
Examples of failures cited include Indira Gandhi Conservation Monitoring Centre in India. This
project was intended to be a national information provider based on a set of core environmental
information systems but never became operational (Puri et al., 2000). The Tax Computerization
Project in Thailand’s Revenue Department set out seven areas of taxation that were to be computer-
ized. Unfortunately, only two areas were partly computerized at the end of the project (Kitiyadisai,
2000). The creation of a set of touch-screen kiosks for remote rural communities in South Africa’s
North-West Province which were initially well received by the communities was removed within
less than a year later because the kiosks lacked updated or local content and interactivity which
led to their disuse (Benjamin, 2001).
Thus, firms need to have DTS since the failure to plan may be an obstacle to digital maturity
within an organization. Matt et al. (2015) argued that a DTS is supposed to coordinate, prioritize,
and implement a pre-digital organization’s transformational effort and; as a long-term objective,
to govern its journey to achieve the desired state of being digitally transformed. SAP (2017) reported
that 84% of global companies considered DT as critical to their survival in the next five years. SAP
(2017) also found that DT was cited as a top-three driver of future revenue across all industries
and among companies of all sizes. Within organizational contexts, DTS enabled organizations to
quickly profit from the innovative image within their industries owing to their DT intentions and
highly developed knowledge of social actors (Chanias et al., 2019).
DTS of a firm can lead to its development. However, Euler (2015) insisted that DT relies on leader-
ship, especially DL. El Sawy et al. (2016) noted further that DL is essential to the success of any DT and
requires a focus on customer engagement, the need for advanced technical tools, a high capacity for
storage, and framing of the culture to support DT in different forms. Digital leaders can lead digital
natives and provide leadership during the process of DT (Euler, 2015). Morakanyane et al. (2020)
identified DL among the factors leading to successful DT. DT is about leadership and Kane et al.
(2015) pointed out that what separates digital leaders from the rest is a clear digital strategy com-
bined with a culture and leadership poised to drive the transformation.
Thus, organizations require digital leaders who must focus on generating innovative ideas that
create value for customers, design digital-enabled services quickly using advanced technologies,
and build organizational capability to deliver such services to meet customer expectations
(Tanniru, 2018). A digital leader is one who can make quick and right decisions and influence
others to achieve desired goals (De Waal et al., 2016). These abilities require agility within the infor-
mation technology under the co-leadership of IT executives (Tanniru, 2018), with the central role in
driving fast decision-making processes and propelling the change.
To windup, scholars have described DL differently based on digital technology and digitalization,
innovative behavior, environment (context) in which it is applied, and existing leadership styles and
theories. Mihardjo and Sasmoko (2020) point out that DL comprises the culture and competence of a
leader to use digital technology to add value to the organization. De Waal et al. (2016) conceived DL
in terms of accomplishment of goals that rely on ICT through the direction of human assistants and
uses of ICT.
We adopt a definition by El Sawy et al. (2016) who define DL as doing the right things for the stra-
tegic success of digitalization for the enterprise and its business ecosystem. According to El Sawy
et al. (2016), such a definition indicates the difference between leadership and management.
Bennis and Townsend (1989) argued that leadership is about doing the right thing for the success
of the organization while management is about doing the thing right.
Based on Hambrick and Mason (1984), DL can be considered as part of the study about leadership
based upon the upper echelon theory where the characteristics of the manager determine the
output of an organization. DL is created by combining a person’s leadership skills and digital capa-
bility to optimize the benefit of digital technology in order to increase business performance
(Wasono & Furinto, 2018). Günzel-Jensen et al. (2018) point out that DL is linked with three leader-
ship styles – transactional, transformational, and empowering (authentic) leadership. They also assert
that the three styles of leadership go hand in hand with innovative behavour. According to them,
innovation is critical for organizations to identify the kind of innovation needed in new product
development and continuous improvement. Tidd and Bessant (2020) argue that innovation is gen-
erally driven by the ability to see relationships, opportunities and take advantage of those opportu-
nities. Thus, it is expected that a digital leader should display a wide range of capabilities and may be
explored based on a combination of leadership styles (transactional, transformational, and empow-
ering). This suggests that DL relates to digital technologies, strategies, and skills, and has different
attributes; that is leadership characteristics and behavours.
This study explores five (5) roles of DL showing characteristics, behavour, or skills necessary for
describing a digital leader during Digital Transformation. These roles are inspirational role, visionary
role, absorbing uncertainty role, innovative role, and adaptation role. These are summarized in
Table 1.
Based on the discussions above, Table 1 describes a summary of the characteristics of different
roles of a digital leader. The roles and the associated characteristics and behavours of a digital
leader are conceptualized and presented in a framework in Figure 1. The framework shows a
digital leader is expected to execute different roles to which we can associate his/her skills, charac-
teristics, and behaviors. The framework signals that an effective digital leader requires a new way of
operating, where conscious choices need to be made based on priorities and areas of focus. Based
on the conceptual framework proposed, this research will study the attributes (i.e. characteristics and
behaviors) of digital leaders that can facilitate DT within an organization.
4. Hypotheses
Leaders motivate and inspire people around them in order to create attractive visions of future
states, boosting follower goals, and inspiring enthusiasm and optimism (Afshari et al., 2012).
According to Afshari et al. (2012), leadership involves intellectual stimulation which aims at devel-
oping followers’ capacities to higher levels and the practices of this process stimulate effort to
become more innovative and creative (Afshari et al., 2012). Bass et al. (2003) point out that a
leader must influence, inspire, motivate and mentally stimulate others. Innovation enables a firm
to create new digital products and services and enhance and expand them into new domains
(Mihardjo & Sasmoko, 2020).
Leaders should adapt approaches to strategize for new digitization challenges and enable their
firms adapt and change markets through creating innovative business-models via DT. Uncertainty
means unclear situations or lack of predictability (Petry, 2018) and leaders must develop the individ-
ual capacity and competence to better manage uncertainties and create organizations with strong
dynamic capabilities with which to adapt to change i.e. leaders should define a vision and develop
growth for the future (Mihardjo et al., 2019). A visionary leader is required to quickly adapt and
provide the direction and to become a mastermind in transforming the digital businesses (Mihardjo
& Sasmoko, 2020). Thus, the characteristics of the five roles in Table 1 can be considered as factors
that represent the attributes of a digital leader necessary for DT. This leads us to the following five
Hypothesis 1: Different characteristics of inspirational role have positive influence on the ability of a digital leader
to lead DT;
Hypothesis 2: Different characteristics of the innovation role have positive influence on the ability of a digital
leader to lead DT;
Hypothesis 3: Different characteristics of absorption uncertainty role have positive influence on the ability of a
digital leader to lead DT;
Hypothesis 4: Different characteristics of adaptation role have positive influence on the ability of a digital leader
to lead DT; and
Hypothesis 5: Different characteristics of a visionary role have positive influence on the ability of a digital leader
to lead DT.
To test the above five hypotheses, the next two sections will describe the research methodology
adopted and discuss the results.
5. Methodology
This research employed a quantitative research design in studying the constructs that define the
characteristics and behaviors of a digital leader. This involved a self-reported questionnaire com-
pleted by respondents drawn from some organizations in Tanzania. Survey questions were com-
posed based on the items presented in Figure 1 and described in Table 1. Questions were
categorized based on the roles of a digital leader. Targeted organizations were those with a high
degree of digitalization, both public and private and have more than 20 employees, and were
founded five years prior to the survey. The respondents were the management teams, senior
staff, and other employees. Digital leaders and their followers in their sections were also requested
to volunteer in completing the questionnaire. The completed surveys were collected through phys-
ical visits and contacts through telephone calls, email, professional social media (Facebook and
WhatsApp), and personal networking.
After the data collection exercise, incomplete and wrongly filled questionnaires were discarded.
Questionnaires which were well filled out were included in data analysis. The reliability of the ques-
tionnaire was tested and found to be adequate.
6. Research findings
6.1. Respondents and characteristics
A total of 212 respondents were involved in this study and were drawn from 4 universities, 2 respon-
dents from media companies, 1 respondent from the ministry, 1 respondent from the insurance
company, 2 respondents from the examinations council, and 4 respondents from regulatory auth-
orities. These organizations had a minimum of 50 employees each and some had more than 500
employees. Table 2 summarizes the characteristics of the respondents.
Table 2 shows that the majority of the respondents were males 155 (73.1%) while females were 57
(26.9%). A large section of the respondents were drawn from universities – 99 (46.8%) respondents
had masters degrees and 85 (40.3%) had doctorate degrees. In terms of age, 155 (73.3%) respon-
dents were of the ages between 30 and 50. The data also show that the majority of respondents
117 (55.4%) had worked for 10 years in the same organizations. The respondents were as well cate-
gorized in terms of leadership skills as illustrated in Table 3.
The study involved respondents in leadership positions and others not in leadership positions.
Table 3 shows that 116 (54.7%) of the respondents were leaders while others i.e. 124 (58.3%) of
respondents had attended leadership training at some point. The table also shows that 84
(72.3%) of the leaders have assumed leadership positions for 3–10 years.
In terms of the education levels, the study involved people with different educational back-
grounds. The majority of the respondents had a minimum of a bachelor’s degree; these are expected
to have good knowledge of leadership and also can provide a valid assessment of the quality of
leaders. Most of the respondents were aged above 30 years, thus were considered matured
enough to rank leadership attributes in their institutions. Also, as most of the respondents were
leaders, their leadership knowledge and experience could have facilitated the correct assessment
of leadership attributes.
The respondents rated 26 attributes which were used to describe constructs of DL as depicted in
Table 1. Attributes were ranked on a seven-point scale from 1 to 7 where 1 = greatly inhibits, 2 =
somewhat inhibits, 3 = slightly inhibits, 4 = has no impact, 5 = contributes slightly, 6 = contributes
somewhat, and 7 = contributes greatly.
there was no variable with low correlation or correlation > 0.9. Sampling adequacy was examined
using the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO) measure to assess the suitability of the data for EFA. The suit-
ability of the data for EFA was found to be 0.69 and KMO values for individual variables was >
0.50, confirming that EFA was appropriate for the sample data. Item communalities (except for
one item) were greater than 0.50 indicating that the sample size was adequate. The EFA produced
7 factors for loading items, but two factors were loaded with one item each. We first checked how
the model fitted the data using six fit indices: the comparative fit index (CFI), the root mean
square error of approximation (RMSEA), Tucker-Lewis index (TLI), the standardized root mean
square residual (SRMR), the relative chi-square test, and Coefficient of determination (CD). As
per Hu and Bentler (1999), CFI, and TLI are expected to be greater than or close to .95 to indicate
acceptable fit, and SRMR should be less than .08 for acceptable fit. Browne and Cudeck (1992)
argued that the RMSEA value of .05 or less is considered a good fit and .08 indicates an accep-
table fit. Table 4 shows the EFA results indicating how attributes were grouped into DL roles
based on the factor loading. All items loaded appropriately as the minimum loading value was
0.3. Based on the loading factors, items were grouped into five roles. Items in the first factor
appear to represent the inspirational role of a digital leader, items in the second factor represent
the innovation role of a digital leader, items in the fourth factor represent the ability of a digital
leader to absorb uncertainties, items in the fifth factor represent the adaption role of a digital
leader while items in the seventh factor represent the visionary role of a digital leader. The
third and sixth factors were each loaded with one item, hence were not grouped into roles.
Again, another single item was dropped for each role to be tested by Hypotheses 2 and 4
Hypothesis 2: The innovation characteristics of a digital leader that have positive influence on her/his ability to
lead DT include anticipatory; digital savvy; and risk taker;
Hypothesis 3: The absorption uncertainty characteristics of a digital leader that have positive influence on her/
his ability to lead DT include sensible communicative rapport and direction;
Hypothesis 4: The adaptation characteristics of a digital leader have no influence on her/his ability to lead DT;
Hypothesis 5: The visionary characteristics of a digital leader that have positive influence on her/his ability to
lead DT include visionary and encouraging.
The intercept for each item labeled _cons appears below each factor loading in the Coef. column.
The intercepts are the predicted values of the items when their respective factors are 0 or its mean.
The intercept for Communicative is 5.943; which means that when ABSORB is at its mean, the Com-
municative is predicted to be 5.943 on its scale from 1–7.
assessment of how ICTs enhance business in 182 firms in Tanzania revealed that ICTs are essential for
fostering socio-economic development. Analyzing a group of 10 countries from the Middle East and
24 from the OECD, Habibi and Zabardast (2020) showed that ICT has a more positive effect on econ-
omic growth, especially in countries with better access to education. Another study by Myovella et al.
(2020) examined how the diffusion of digital technologies in 41 Sub-Saharan Africa and 33 OECD
countries affects economic growth. The nature of DL is dynamic and central to integrating culture
and competence in optimizing digital technology to create value and thus, under good DL these
transformations will be successful and will lead to growth.
In developing countries, some actions and inventions of digital leaders with vision and mission
can promote DD. Using simpler digital technologies like mobile phones and the Internet, it is poss-
ible to design and develop digital applications that can be used by many people including lower-
income earners and those living in remote areas. The current widespread use of mobile phones
for financial transactions and banking via sim-banking contribute to development in developing
countries. Another implication of using digital technologies for economic development can be
found in tele-centers or information kiosks. These initiatives were introduced by policy-makers
and private organizations to foster the adoption and use of ICT in developing countries. The
centers enable poor people to receive information about their governments, market prices,
health, and education (Ashraf et al., 2007). In Tanzania, Lwoga and Chigona (2020) found that
tele-centers enabled rural women to build social, financial, human, and political capabilities
leading to economic development. As the financial capabilities of individuals grow, their digital capa-
bilities improve, their ability to acquire additional and more advanced ICT goods and services equally
grow, and their DD increases. Digital leaders and entrepreneurs can exploit such opportunities by
developing digital applications relevant to individuals. Again, this DT can lead to DD and develop-
ment in general.
ICT has been integrated into service delivery in health (e-health), education (e-education), and
business (e-commerce) to improve the delivery in both the public and private sectors. ICT has
also been integrated into social development to disseminate and share information in agriculture,
governance, and human empowerment. All these are DDs which requires leaders with good DL
skills to deliver to the public. The ultimate goal of DL is to efficiently deliver the services leading
to economic, social, and human development.
DT can be perceived as a threat to employees and the current status quo. We can consider DL as a
social influence process mediated by advanced information technology to produce a change in atti-
tudes, feelings, thinking, behavior, and/or performance with individuals, groups, and/or organiz-
ations. In this respect, a digital leader has an inspirational role to employees about the benefits of
DT with tangible proof of concept, even if the successful experiments are small in scale.
Currently, in most complex networked organizations the traditional hierarchical leadership
models do not work properly. Thus, DL requires networking with every employee and the use of
influence and knowledge brokering. This requires digital leaders to reshape their leadership roles
and functions to adapt to the complex networked organizations. This helps digital leaders to
build common understanding and agreement of what can or cannot be accomplished thereby
enhancing the effectiveness of these networks. As per Petry (2018), leadership needs to be more net-
worked, open, participative, and agile.
8. Conclusion
The study has shown the influence of DT in managing firms. The study has revealed that leaders with
digital mindsets are change agents toward DT. The study has as well presented strategies that digital
leaders can employ to manage the transformation process and perform their day-to-day duties. DT
of the services can lead to efficient and time management; improve businesses, and even establish a
network of participants. The transformation leads to DD, and development in general.
Based on the study results, it is important that firms and organizations develop criteria for asses-
sing the characteristics, behaviors and roles of digital leaders. The essence is to have a leader who
can initiate and spearhead DT and also motivate the employees to adopt the digital technologies.
The ultimate is to ensure firms embrace digital technologies in service deliveries, leading to
With the attributes of digital leaders identified with EFA, the transformational leadership style fits
better to be adopted by digital leaders. Digital leaders are expected to inspire positive changes in
their followers; are concerned and involved in the DT process; and are also focused on helping
every member of the group succeed as well. As the DT process requires team work, adopting trans-
formational leadership style can facilitate and encourage cooperation among digital leaders and
their followers for the success of their works. The ultimate is the successful DT with a happy team.
As DT is just more than developing digital technologies, it should be aligned with organization
culture for its adoption. Failure to align the DT effort with employee beliefs, values and behaviors
can create additional risks to an organization’s culture. Effort can be made to shift the culture to
understand, embrace, and advance DT. Thus, culture may also influence the way we judge
leaders, and a research can be conducted which incorporates a component of culture. A study of
this nature may easily generalize its results across sectors, organizations and culture.
Disclosure statement
No potential conflict of interest was reported by the author(s).
Notes on contributors
Dr Mawazo Mwita Magesa is a Senior Lecturer at the Centre for Information and Communication Technology of
Sokoine University of Agriculture. His research interests include ICT for sustainable development, digital transformation
and development, systems analysis and design, and computer-assisted decision-making.
Ms Joan Jonathan is an Assistant Lecturer at the Centre for Information and Communication Technology of Sokoine
University of Agriculture. Her research interests include ICT for Development (ICT4D), Machine Learning and Data
Mining for Disease Prediction and Detection, Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Big Data Analytics, Public Health Surveillance
Systems and Digital Transformation.
Mawazo Mwita Magesa
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