A Pir Fp 12032020
A Pir Fp 12032020
A Pir Fp 12032020
RFP for
booking the tickets of RSRTC buses (A/c, non-A/c)
through Application Programming Interface (API)
from various channel partners
Date 12/03/2020
1. ABOUT RSRTC: ................................................................................................................................................. 4
2. PURPOSE OF THE BID: ................................................................................................................................... 4
3. RFP ISSUER: ....................................................................................................................................................... 4
4. PRICE OF RFP ................................................................................................................................................... 4
5. NON-TRANSFERABLE RFP ............................................................................................................................ 5
6. BID SUBMISSION ..............................................................................................................................................5
7. CORRESPONDENCE AND SUBMISSION DETAILS: ................................................................................. 5
8. KEY EVENTS: .................................................................................................................................................... 6
9. ELIGIBILTY CRITERIA: .................................................................................................................................7
10. BID SECURITY DEPOSIT: ..........................................................................................................................8
11. PERFORMANCE SECURITY DEPOSIT: ................................................................................................. 9
12. WORKING CAPITAL: ................................................................................................................................. 9
13. INSTRUCTION TO BIDDER: ................................................................................................................... 10
12.1 Prevailing of Law: ........................................................................................................................................ 10
12.2 Amendment of RFP Document.................................................................................................................... 10
12.3 Language of Bids .......................................................................................................................................... 10
12.4 Bid Price ........................................................................................................................................................ 10
12.5 Firm Price ..................................................................................................................................................... 11
12.6 Authorized Signatory ................................................................................................................................... 11
12.7 Period of Validity of Bid ..............................................................................................................................11
12.8 Last date of Receipt of the Bid .................................................................................................................... 12
12.9 Evaluation of Bid .......................................................................................................................................... 12
1. Phase 1 – Technical Evaluation............................................................................................................... 12
2. Phase 2 – Financial Evaluation ............................................................................................................... 12
12.10 Post Qualification and Award Criteria .................................................................................................. 12
12.11 RSRTC Right to accept any bid or Reject any or all bids .................................................................... 12
14. SCOPE OF WORK: ..................................................................................................................................... 13
15. PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION PLAN: ................................................................................................. 14
16. CONTRACT PERIOD: ............................................................................................................................... 14
17. LIQUIDATED DAMAGE: .......................................................................................................................... 14
18. SERVICE LEVEL AGREEMENT/PENALTIES: .................................................................................... 15
19. TERMINATION: ......................................................................................................................................... 16
20. DISPUTE RESOLUTION: .......................................................................................................................... 16
21. FINANCIAL BID: ........................................................................................................................................ 17
Financial Evaluation.................................................................................................................................................. 17
22. DRAFT AGREEMENT: .............................................................................................................................. 18
23. ANNEXURES: .............................................................................................................................................. 21
Annexure-1 ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Annexure-2 ............................................................................................................................................................. 22
Annexure-3 ................................................................................................................................................................. 23
Annexure-4 ................................................................................................................................................................. 24
Annexure-5 ................................................................................................................................................................. 26
Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC) intends to invites the RFP from
suitable and experienced companies/firms/agencies for booking tickets of RSRTC buses
through API. The main object of this RFP is to provide the facility of tickets from various e-
Commerce channel partners in rural areas. This is a B2C arrangement i.e. the customers
are directly allowed to book tickets through B2C registered website and its mobile apps.
Booking through other modes of channel partners like counter booking, booking by B2B
travel agents, telephone booking, home delivery and subletting of contract etc. is not
allowed. Bid document can also be downloaded from website:
https://eprocure.gov.in/eprocure/app and https://transport.rajasthan.gov.in/rsrtc and
RFP Issuer Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC), Head Office, Parivahan
Marg, Chomu House, Jaipur - 302001, Rajasthan.
The price of this RFP document is Rs. 5000/- (Rupee Five Thousand Only) inclusive of all
taxes. This amount will be Non-Refundable. Bidders have to pay the cost of the RFP in the
form of Cash/DD/Bankers Cheque which should be in favour of “Financial Advisor, RSRTC”
payable at Jaipur. RFP Document should be downloaded from RSRTC website i.e.
http://transport.rajasthan.gov.in/rsrtc or https://www.eproc.rajasthan.gov.in and
This Request for Proposal (RFP) is not transferable. The bidder, to whom the Bid has been
issued, only can participate in the bid.
The bidders are expected to submit their offers in two parts namely, “Technical Bid” and
“Financial Bid” in the format has given in this document.
i. Technical Bid: All the requested documents along with fee submitted by the firm
will be scanned and uploaded on E-Procurement Portal as mentioned in the NIB.
ii. Financial Bid: Financial Bid forms must be submitted as prescribed format of
BoQ (Bill of Quantity) in (.xls) only.
All above events will be held at Head Office Rajasthan Road State Transport
Corporation, Jaipur
In the event of the date specified above being declared as a holiday for Corporation the
due date will be the following working day.
Eligibility Criteria
A. The Bidders should be Indian Company(s) registered under the Indian Companies Act 1956 or
any other legal entity registered in Indian Law. (Enclosed: Certificate)
B. A Bidder should have a minimum average annual turnover of INR Two Crores in the previous
two financial years 2017-18 & 2018-19. A certificate from a Chartered Account firm should
be attached with the application clearly stating the year-wise turnover.
C. The Bidder should have executed at least 1 work order for any Govt. Organization/PSU within
last year regarding the tickets booking from API. (Enclosed: Client Certificate)
D. The Bidder should have minimum 10 personnel on its pay roll in transport domain. (Enclosed
E. Bidder shall not be blacklisted/ banned/debar by any Central/State Government /PSU/ Govt.
agencies. An undertaking on Rs. 500/- Non-judicial stamp paper to be submitted.
F. The bidder should submit an undertaking on their letterheads to the fairness of these
documents in support of their claim while submitting the proposal.
The Bidder shall prepare the bid based on details provided in the RFP
documents. The Bidder shall carry out all the tasks in accordance with the
requirement of the RFP documents and it shall be the responsibility of the Bidder
to fully meet all the requirements of the RFP documents.
The Bidder as part of its Financial Bid should account for all out of pocket and
other expenses that the Bidder shall incur during the contract period.
12.5 Firm Price
Prices quoted and negotiated must be final and shall remain constant throughout
the period of the contract and shall not be subject to any upward modifications, on
any account whatsoever. The Bid Prices shall be indicated in Indian Rupees (INR)
RSRTC reserves the right to validate the technical specifications supplied with
respect to specifications as provided in RFP using competent technical
committee/agency acting on behalf of RSRTC.
The Financial Bid should clearly indicate the price to be charged without any
qualifications whatsoever and should include all taxes and other charges as
may be applicable in relation to the activities proposed to be carried out.
In case the taxes are not including in bid prices, the amount so mentioned
would be deemed as inclusive of taxes.
A proposal submitted with an adjustable price quotation or conditional
proposal shall be treated as non-responsive and the bid shall be rejected
A bidder granting the request will not be permitted to modify its bid.
12.11 RSRTC Right to accept any bid or Reject any or all bids
RSRTC reserves the right to accept any bid, and to annul the Bid process and
reject all bids at any time prior to award of Contract, without thereby incurring
any liability to the affected Bidder or Bidders or any obligation to inform the
affected Bidder or Bidders of the grounds for RSRTC action.
Work Timelines
Project Project Start T (Within 07 days of
Start signing of agreement)
Phase I White listing IP address, sync data from T1 = T + 30 days
RSRTC DB server, configuration of API,
testing the booking data at
website/mobile app.
Phase II Ticket Formation, User Testing and Live T 2 = T1 + 15 days
Total T + 45 days
Note: - The timeline to complete the Phase I to Phase II is 45 days from the signing of
the agreement. However, the bidder may complete the phases before the stated
SLA is the contract between RSRTC and the successful bidder. SLA defines the terms of the
Successful bidder’s responsibility in ensuring the timely deliver the services and the
correctness of the same based on the agreed Performance Indicators as detailed in the
Amount of penalty to be imposed
Sr. No. Nature of irregularity 1st time 2nd time 3rd time
Offence (Rs) Offence (Rs) Offence (Rs)
1 Non-submission of reports
1000/- 3000/- 5000/-
sought by RSRTC
Non-accepting the
2 200/- 1000/- 2000/-
cancellation of bus tickets.
Imposing of penalties on any other irregularities detected at a later date and penalty will
be imposed on case to case basis, as per the gravity of the offence.
Bidder should provide the following details for smooth operation of the system:
Email Ids
Any others
Note: The above information is used for raising the complaint when the Passengers
are not getting correct information regarding their booking
1. Per Ticket mean single ticket up to 4 passengers.
2. Successful Bidder will print the ticket details on pre-define format of RSRTC.
Successful Bidder will display the bifurcated fare as below on their tickets:
Fare Calculation printed on ticket as below:
RSRTC Fare +
Service Charge (as quoted by the bidder) +
GST charges
Total Fare for bidder
Payment Gateway Charges (as per RBI Guidelines)
Final Fare for Passengers
This agreement is made and executed on this ______ day of___________, 2020
Executive Director (Traffic), Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation (RSRTC), Head Office,
ParivahanMarg, Chomu House, Jaipur – 302 001 (hereinafter referred to as “RSRTC”, which
expression shall, unless repugnant to the context hereof or excluded specifically, mean and
include its successors, assigns and administrators) of the FIRST PART
M/s <Name>.,<Address>, Phone :<Phone Number>, Fax :<Fax No> (hereinafter referred to as
<‘NAME’>), which expression shall, unless repugnant to the context hereof or excluded
specifically, mean and include its successors, assigns and administrators) of the SECOND PART
Both the RSRTC and <‘NAME’>), shall hereinafter be referred to individually as ‘Party’ and
collectively as ‘Parties’ in this Contract.
a) The RSRTC, party to the FIRST PART invited RFP vide no. ……….. Dated ………2020 and
subsequent corrigendum (hereinafter called as “RFP”).
b) The <NAME OF BIDDER>, party to the SECOND PART has submitted its offer for such services
in accordance with all the terms and conditions stipulated in the RFP.
c) The FIRST PART has placed work order to SECOND PART vide order no. ………………………. dated
……………. for the aforesaid works for a period of four years as per terms and conditions
mentioned in the RFP and this Agreement and whereas the SECOND PART has deposited a
sum of Rs. …………../- as a Performance Security Deposit as per Rajasthan Transparency in
Public Procurement Act, 2012 and Rules, 2013.
d) The SECOND PART has agreed to provide services as per terms and condition of the RFP,
including the terms of this Agreement, and subsequent corrigendum would be treated as a
part of this Agreement.
e) The terms and conditions laid down in the NIB/RFP documents, work order of contract; Bid
Submission Sheet and the Price Schedule submitted by the bidder; and all other relevant
documents attached with NIB/RFP shall be deemed to form and be read and constructed as
part of this Agreement.
f) In consideration of the foregoing and the mutual covenants and promises contained herein
and other good and valuable consideration the receipt and adequacy of which is hereby
acknowledged, the parties intending to be bound legally, agree as follows:
“Agreement” means this Agreement, the Schedules attached hereto and the agreed
terms as set out in the RFP including any amendments and modifications to the above
from time to time.
“Confidential Information” means any information disclosed to or by any Party to this
Agreement and includes any information in relation to the Parties, including any such
information that may come to the knowledge of the Parties hereto by virtue of this
Agreement that is :
by its nature confidential or by the circumstances in which it is disclosed
confidential; or
designated by the disclosing Party as confidential or identified in terms
connoting its confidentiality;
But does not include information which is or becomes public knowledge other
than by a breach of this Agreement;
“Document” means any embodiment in any text or image however recorded and
includes any data, text, images, sound, voice, codes or/and databases or microfilm or
computer generated micro fiche’
“Contract period” shall refer to three years.
“Services” means all such services that are set out in the Scope of work as per RFP and
includes any amendment, modification, clarification and addition to such Scope of work,
as the RSRTC may deem fit and mutually decide upon by both the parties during the
Term of this Agreement in order to enable the performance of the System, as set out in
this Agreement;
Bidding Authority refers to Executive Director (Traffic), RSRTC, Jaipur.
In this Agreement unless a contrary intention is evident
The clause headings are for purposes of convenience of reference only and do not form
part of this Agreement
unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause number is a reference to all of its sub-
Unless otherwise specified a reference to a clause, sub-clause or Schedule is a reference
to a clause, sub-clause or Schedule of this Agreement including any amendments or
modifications to the same from time to time.
A word in the singular includes the plural and a word in the plural includes the singular.
A word importing a gender includes any other gender,
A reference to a person includes a partnership and a body corporate;
A reference to legislation includes legislation repealing, replacing or amending that
Where a word or phrase is given a particular meaning it includes the appropriate
grammatical forms of that word or phrase which have corresponding meanings.
In the event of an inconsistency between the terms of this Agreement and the RFP, the
terms hereof shall prevail.
_______________ _______________________
_________ Authorized Signatory,
Executive Director (Traffic), SECOND PART
Rajasthan State Road Transport Corporation, ADDRESS
Head Office, Jaipur
Witnesses :
Witnesses : ______________________
______________________ ______________________
______________________ ______________________
_____ ______________________
Covering letter for technical bid:
Executive Director (traffic)
RSRTC Head Office,
ParivahanMarg, C-Scheme
Jaipur- 302001
Having examined the RFP Document the receipt of which is hereby duly
acknowledged, I/we, the undersigned, offer to “XXXX.” under the project ‘XXX’ in
RSRTC as required and outlined in the RFP.
I/ We undertake, if our bid is accepted, to develop the XXX in accordance with the
I/ We agree to abide by this bid for a period of three months after the date fixed for
bid opening and it shall remain binding upon us and may be accepted at any time
before the expiry of that period. Until a formal contract is prepared and executed,
this bid, together with your written acceptance thereof and your notification of
award shall constitute a binding Contract between us.
Declaration by the Bidder
Format for “Request Clarification”
All queries for the pre-bid meeting needs to be submitted in the following format (both soft
copy and hard copy) as mentioned in “Key Events and Dates” clause
Pre-bid queries will be entertained only for those bidders who have purchased the RFP.
Name & Signature:
Company Seal:
Compliance with the Code of Integrity and No Conflict of Interest:
Conflict of Interest:-
The bidder participating in a bidding process must not have a Conflict of Interest.
A Conflict of Interest is considered to be a situation in which a party has interests
that could improperly influence that party’s performance of official duties or
responsibilities, contractual obligations, or compliance with applicable laws and
B Bidder may be considered to be in Conflict of Interest with one or more parties
in a bidding process if, including but not limited to:
a. Have controlling partners/ shareholders in common; or
b. receive or have received any direct or indirect subsidy from any of them; or
c. have the same legal representative for purposes of the Bid; or
d. have a relationship with each other, directly or through common third parties,
that puts them in position to have access to information about or influence on
the Bid of another Bidder, or influence the decisions of the Procuring Entity
regarding the bidding process; or
e. the Bidder participates in more than one Bid in a bidding process. Participation
by a Bidder in more than one Bid will result in the disqualification of all Bids in
which the Bidder is involved. However, this does not limit the inclusion of the
Grievance Redressal during Procurement Process:
(2) The officer to whom an appeal is filed under pare (1) shall deal with the appeal as
expeditiously as possible and shall endeavour to dispose it of within thirty days from the
date of appeal.
(3) If the Officer designated under para (1) fails to dispose of the appeal filed within the
period specified in para (3), or if the Bidder or prospective bidder or the Procuring Entity
is aggrieved by the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, the Bidder or
prospective bidder or the procuring Entity, as the case may be, may file a second appeal
to Second Appellate Authority specified in the Bidding Document in this behalf within
fifteen days from the expiry of the period specified in para (2) or of the date of receipt
of the order passed by the First Appellate Authority, as the case may be.
(b) Every appeal shall be accompanied by an order appealed against, if any, affidavit
verifying the facts stated in the appeal and proof of payment of fee.
(c) Every appeal may be presented to First Appellate Authority or Second Appellate
Authority, as the case may be, in person or through registered post or authorised