IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration_AG_en_V01
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration_AG_en_V01
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration_AG_en_V01
Values Configuration
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration - Application Guide
Objective: This application guide will help users configure Megger’s SMRT/FREJA test instruments and the SVA software
the Sampled Values Analyser (SVA) for use in a variety of are compliant with IEC 61850 9-2 Light Edition (LE), which
applications in a digital substation environment. is NOT a standard. Rather, it is a Utility Communication
Architecture (UCA) profile that has been widely accepted
Introduction to Sampled Values: across the world for use in digital substations. Some points
worth noting as per the LE edition:
IEC 61850-9-2 Sampled Values (SV) standardise the
transmission of instantaneous power system data over Datasets carried by the SV message are fixed to 4 voltages and
an Ethernet/fibre optic communication channel using 4 currents
a publisher/subscriber mechanism. In a move towards Sampling frequency is 80 samples per cycle (4000 samples for
digitalisation of substation architecture, analogue signals 50 Hz and 4800 samples for 60 Hz systems, respectively) for all
protection applications
transmitted on copper wires are getting replaced with digital
Time synchronisation is 1-PPS. There is formally no support for
signals on fibre optic Ethernet networks. These digital signals IEEE 1588 PTP time synch, which is typical of Edition 2 of the
are either generated by standalone merging units (MU) or IEC 61850 standard. Regardless, some users move forward to
compliant IEDs with digital signal processing capabilities. deploy IEEE 1588 PTP (IEC 61850-9-3) with the consideration of
future standards and higher accuracy. PTP to 1-PPS converters
Data gathering starts at the process level with instrument can be used in such cases with SMRT/FREJA to satisfy the need.
We recommend Meinberg SyncBox/N2X.
transformers. Current transformers (CTs) and voltage
The quality string has one ‘extra bit’, the 14th bit, for deriving
transformers (VTs) measure analogue currents and voltages,
or measuring the analogue quantity, which differs from the
respectively, and send the outputs to MUs. Typically, usual ‘normal’ quality string of 13 bits for IEC 61850 and IEC
analogue filters in MUs receive analogue signals from CTs/ 61869.
VTs which are then pushed to the sample and hold circuitry.
Required equipment:
Analogue to digital converters then transform analogue
signals into digital counts. Once converted, MUs will add Depending on the tests that the user wants to perform, the
a timestamp from a time reference and then the count in following is some of the equipment that may be needed:
timestamp becomes part of the dataset. Once the data is
Test unit: SMRT/FREJA with the two-app firmware (>6.252) and
ready, MUs broadcast it to the process bus which can then bootloader > 1.052 version
be received by relays, controllers, and metering equipment Software: RTMS and SVA
simultaneously, if they are subscribed to receive the data. Managed Ethernet switch: To connect various IEDs and clocks
Figure 1 provides a visualisation of how a merging unit High accuracy clock for time synchronisation: 1-PPS or IEEE
samples the data and how a subscriber re-samples based 1588 PTP
on the first sample (sample count = 0). It also displays the PTP to 1-PPS converter: Only if IEEE 1588 PTP is used as the
external clock
significance of high accuracy time synchronisation.
IEC 61850 9-2 LE compliant IEDs (relays, RTUs, controllers etc.) 3
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration
SV 9-2 LE configurator 2. Data sets can be expanded to see which one
needs to be used for monitoring or testing. Once
This screen allows users to set some crucial parameters
related to Sampled Values testing. The SVA allows the user decided, right click and copy to either Stream 1,
to set parameters for all the streams on one screen, thereby Stream 2, or Stream 3.
eliminating the need to switch screens. The user can either
manually enter the settings or import an SCD file to auto-
populate the settings. 5
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration
streams subscribed/published by an IED in the “SV Snapshot” timescales. Examples of these are GPS, NTP, and NIST servers.
Since 1-PPS is the standard for IEC 61850 9-2 LE, UCA states that
tab, the SV ID of the IED must be entered. If the traffic of
if the pulse length >= 5 us and < 500 ms then PPS signal is the
SMRT/FREJA needs to be monitored in the “SV Snapshot” global signal and SmpSynch = 2.
tab, enter SMRT_SVID01, SMRT_SVID02, SMRT_SVID03 as
SVA allows the streams to be forced to a particular SmpSynch
Config Rev – ConfRev increases when the referenced attribute when SMRT/FREJA is used as publisher or Merging
data set is modified. Config Rev is a counter indicating Unit. “No Sync” is chosen by default. The user can toggle
the number of configuration changes. Both the SV sender between “No Sync” and “Local” as per the requirements.
and the receiver must have the same ConfRev value. This Note that if 1-PPS with global length requirements is sensed
ensures that both IEDs have the same configuration level in on BI-1, then the “SV Snapshot” tab will automatically
the substation configuration. If the receiver has a different detect “Global sync” and will display that in the window.
ConfRev than the sender, the receiver may treat the message In that case, the “Force Signal Sync” setting is overridden.
as invalid and reject the message. ConfRev usage is done
automatically by tools. If the latest system configuration
is not downloaded to all required IEDs, the configuration
revision may differ between sender and receiver.
SV Channel Map – Through this setting, SVA allows the
Force Signal Sync – Time synchronisation is of utmost user to select channel 1-4, channel 5-8, or channel 9-12 to
importance in the world of Sampled Values. Merging Units be mapped to any of the streams. Each stream needs unique
and all IEDs as subscribers should be synchronised to a mapping otherwise an error will appear. If a stream is not
common clock, and it is recommended to have redundant desired, do not map it with any channels but rather select
clocks for back-up. The time synchronisation mechanism of “No Mapping”.
the clock when sending SV messages in IEC 61850 is defined
After all the parameters are set, either manually or through
by an attribute called “SmpSynch”, available in SV buffer. In
the import of a SCD feature, the user can click the DETECT
IEC 61850 9-2 Ed 1 2004, SmpSynch can either be “TRUE” or
TEST SET IP button on the bottom left
“FALSE”. When it is “TRUE”, SVs are synchronised by a clock
signal. As per IEC 61850 9-2 LE, clock signal is standardised
to auto-detect any units in the network. If the auto-detect
to 1-PPS. No synchronisation source available if “FALSE”.
function does not work, there is a provision to manually
IEC 61850 9-2 2011 provides more clarity on SmpSynch enter the IP address . It
attributes, which can be equal to any of the following:
is important to remember that the IP address of the SMRT/
0 – None – With this setting, the system is running on free- FREJA on the test set label or in the normal mode may differ
wheeling mode with no time synchronisation of the Sampled
from its IP address in the SV mode. Once the correct unit is
1 – Local – This setting allows local synchronisation. The device
selected, press the DOWNLOAD SV CONFIGURATION button
accepts Sampled Values that are locally synchronised to the to download all the mapped
degree required to meet the measuring accuracy class phase
error limit and forwards them to the protection applications. If
parameters to the SMRT/FREJA. A successful message will
the unique identifier of the specific local area clock is known,
the “SmpSynch” attribute can be set to that value. A local area pop-up with information on the number of streams
clock is a source that provides time that advances at essentially downloaded.
the correct attribute, which may have a time offset from global
area clocks. When 1-PPS is used and if the pulse length is >= 0.9 Sample Rate – Based on the frequency profile, 50 Hz or 60
us and <= 1.1 us, then 1-PPS is a local signal and SmpSynch = 1. Hz in the installed firmware, SVA auto-calculates the sample
2 – Global - This setting allows global synchronisation. The rate after the DOWNLOAD SV CONFIGURATION button is
device accepts Sampled Values that are globally synchronised to
the degree required to meet the measuring accuracy class phase
pressed and displays the value in this field. The value must be
error limit and forwards them to the protection applications. A 4000 Hz for a 50 Hz profile and 4800 Hz for a 60 Hz profile.
global area clock is a source that provides time that is traceable
to the international standards labs maintaining clocks that
form the basis for the International Atomic Time (TAI) and UTC
If there are no Sampled Values in the network, which is Figure 11: Use of RTMS home screen to publish SV
expected to be the case before the user downloads SV data Streams
to the unit, all the data in all the streams is displayed with
“xxx”. That is an indication of the absence of SV. Phase angle – Phase angle orientation (Figure 10) can be
chosen as either “Lead” or “Lag” orientation depending on
After the correct interface is selected, press the START button the IED settings, which helps with troubleshooting, provided
to start monitoring. The STOP button that the “Lead” and “Lag” orientation match the IED under
will stop the monitoring. It is advisable to
SV Data Window – The user can select button on
clear the cache by pressing the CLEAR ALL button any stream to visualise the live status of various parameters
before the monitoring is restarted. After in the stream. 7
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration
If stream data is lost due to Ethernet disconnection, loss of
time sync, or other unavoidable conditions, the values for
the stream will turn red indicating lost data. If the data for
the stream comes back, then the values will switch to black
colour. Loss of time sync will be accompanied by a hold-over
period, which is usually around 4 to 5 secs. In this hold-over
mode, the stream will still behave as if time synchronised. If
the time sync signal comes back, “Sync Status” will display
the mode based on the sensing of SmpSynch. Re-connecting
to the time sync source is also quite fast, less than 3 seconds.
The example in Figure 14 shows data loss for SMRT_SVID01:
This data is the captured data from the network during the
Figure 14: Data loss state due to either loss of sync or
monitoring state.
packet loss
Another application is when one injects analogue quantities
Simulating derived quality bit set for neutral
into a Merging Unit and monitors the published SV stream
quantities –
out of that Merging Unit. In that setup, the user is not
required to press DOWNLOAD SV. All the user needs to do is The combination of SVA and RTMS provides the user
to set the desired stream in the SVA configurator, choose the with the flexibility to either simulate derived bits or real
right network interface in SV Snapshot, and press START in measured quantities for neutral current and voltages. The
the “SV Snapshot” tab. The example in Figure 13 shows the fourth channel in any IEC 61850 9-2 LE based SV stream is
traffic. Stream-1 was programmed to sniff any SV streams a neutral quantity.
coming out of a Merging Unit. SMRT/FREJA in normal mode
was used to inject analogue three-phase voltages into the If the fourth channel in any stream is not armed in RTMS,
Merging Unit. then we automatically send derived quantity and calculated
zero sequence values to the fourth channel. It is crucial to
note that the derived value is I0/V0 and not 3I0/3V0. The
example in Figure 15 shows that SMRT_SVID01 is publishing
derived bits on I4 and V4 if I4/V4 is not armed in RTMS.
Calculation of I4/V4 is simple. 9
IEC 61850 Sampled Values Configuration
SV Viewer phasor diagram
Clicking on the will display a phasor diagram of the
monitored SV. Phasors of any two SV streams with
respect to a particular sample count can be compared.
Figure 19: Graph colour dialogue
The user can load a saved SVA configuration by clicking on
The user can also select which streams, current channels,
FILE -> OPEN or the button.
and voltage channels are displayed in the graph area by
checking or un-checking the boxes in the tree view as seen Save
in the blue outlined box in Figure 17. There is also an option
to view the data in “mA”, “A”, “kA”, “mV”, “V”, and “kV” The user can save their SVA configuration by clicking on FILE
by choosing the desired setting in the drop-down menu as -> SAVE or the button. All values that the user configured
shown in the black outlined box in Figure 17. will be saved (SV Configurator fields, Network Interface,
Phase Angle, Capture Frequency, Graph Colours, Selected
The recording feature for future analysis and data storage is Stream, and Current/Voltage channels).
also available within this tab. The user can record and save
the data into an ASCII 2013 COMTRADE (Common format RTMS tools that are functional with SV Mode
for Transient Data Exchange for power systems) “.cfg” file
PowerDB D100.53.15 and above allow the following screens
by clicking on the START ( ) button in the “Record/
to be functional in SV mode:
Save” area.
Home screen
The monitor must be running for data to be recorded. If
Ramp screen – Simple and advanced
the data is being recorded the user will see
TOC screen – Timing (directional not tested)
in the bottom left of the graph area. Clicking on the Stop
Click-onto-fault screen
( ) button will stop the recording. 11
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