Lightening Arrestar: The Most Common Device Used For Protection The Power System Against High Voltage
Lightening Arrestar: The Most Common Device Used For Protection The Power System Against High Voltage
Lightening Arrestar: The Most Common Device Used For Protection The Power System Against High Voltage
The most common device used for protection the power system against high voltage surges is the surge diverter the incoming high voltage wave to earth such a divider alternatively called as lightening arrester Fig Shows the basic form of a surge diverter. It consists of a spark gap in series. 1.1 CONSTRUCTION Series with a non linear arrester One end of the diverter it is connected to the terminal of the equipment to be protected and other end effectively grounded. The length of the gap is so set that normal line voltage is not enough to cause an across the gap but dangerously high voltage will break down the air insulation and farm of an arc. The property of non - linear resister is that resistance decrease as the voltage or current increase and vice versa .this is clear forms the volt /amp characteristics of the resister shown in fig.
Fig. lightening arrester 1.2 ACTION The action of lightening arrester as surge diverter is as under. 1. Under normal condition, the lightening arrester is off. The line i.e. It Conduct no current to earth as the gap break down an arc is formed providing an arc low voltage resistance path
the surge to the ground in this way the excess charge on the line due to surge is harmlessly connected through the arrester to the ground instead of being sent over the line 2. It is worthwhile to mention the function of a liner Resister in the operation of in the arrester. Since the characteristics of resistor are to offer high arrester .As the gap spares over due to over voltage. The arc would be short resistors to high resistance to high voltage at current It prevent the Surge is over the resistances high resistance to make the gap none conducting. 1.3 TYPE OF LIGHTENING ARRESTER There are several type lightening arrester in general use they differ are in construction details but operate on same principle viz. production low resistance path has the surge to the ground. The fallowing lightening arrester is used. 1. Rod gap arrester. 2. Horn gap arrester. 3. Multi gap arrester. 4. Expulsion type lightening arrester. 5. Value type lightening arrester. 1.4 APPLICATION OF LIGHTING ARRESTER The electrical terminal equipment installed at a sub-station are often subjected to over voltages as high frequency line such traveling impulse waves are required to be diverted to ground by providing lighting arresters at the termination of each transmission line. These surges also get doubled as they are reflected from inductive termination elements like transformers which have to be protected by providing lighting arresters. (Also known as the surge arrester) close to the H.T and L.T bushings of the transformers. At 20K.V G.S.S madar the 220kv/ 132kv/ 33kv/ and 11kv high voltage lighting arresters are used. 2. POTENTIAL TRANSFORMER P.T which step down the voltage at the system to sufficient low values is necessary an every power system has1. Indicating of voltage conditions. 2. Metering of the supply exchange of energy. 3. Relaying and Synchronizing. The P.T is employed for voltage above 380 volt to the potential coils of metering and indicating instrument.
The primary winding of P.T is connected to the main bus bar of the switch-gear installation and to the secondary winding. Various indicating and metering instruments are connected. It is located between the C.T and isolators.
2.1 APPLICATION P.T is used for the measurement and protection .Accordingly these are either measuring protective type voltage transformer. They may be either signal phase or three phases.
Measuring of A.C are of most frequency operation not only because of its inherent but also because it is necessary in determining parameters of electrical circuit a sample of current is required for 1. For indicating and graphic commuters. 2. K.W.H. and K.W. meters 3. Telemeter and 4. Protective relay A current transformer is intended to operate normally with the rated current of network. Flowing through the primary winding which is inserts in series network. The secondary winding of C.T connected to measuring instrument & relay supplies a current which is proptional to and in phase with the current circulating error and phase displacement inherent in the design of C.T.
The C.T. basically consists of core on which are wound a primary and one of two secondary winding. The primary is directly inserted in power circuit (The circuit current is to be measured) and to the secondary winding. The indicating and metering instruments are connected when the rated current of C.T. flows through its primary winding, a current of 5 Amp. Will a par in its secondary windings. The primary winding usually a singal turn winding and numbers of turns as the secondary winding depend upon the power circuit to be measured
Fig. circuit diagram 4. ISOLATORS Isolators as disconnecting switch is used to upon same same given part of a power circuit after breaker. Thus isolators surges only have preventing the voltage from being applied to same given section of bus. In a given insulation as to one as another piece of app-rates in the insulations. In same case isolator may be used as a circuit breaking device but their use for this purpose is strictly limited by thereinafter condition such as then power rating of the given circuit . These are two types of isolators. 1. Single pole Isolators. 2. Three pole Isolators.
Fig. Isolato Isolators operate under no load condition. It does not have any specified current breaking capacity or current making capacity. Isolators are not even used for breaking load current. Isolators are used in addition C.B. isolators used in power system are generally 3 pole isolators. The 3 pole isolators have three identical poles. Each pole consists of two or three insulation parts mounted on a fabricated support. The conduction posts are supported on the insulator posts. During opening operation the conduction rod swings and isolation is obtained. The simultaneous operation of three poles is obtained by mechanical inter locking of the three poles. 4.1 CONSTRUCTION The vertical pantograph type design is preferred for rated voltages of 420 K.V. and above fig. Shows the single pole outline of a 245 K.V.1200Amp isolator. The blades do not twist because of adopting reverse loop contact resulting in greatly simplified construction for this reason inspection and maintenance are almost unnecessary and sure operation is provided with small operating torque. The insulators are mounted on a galvanized rolled steel frame. . The three poles are interred- locked by means of steel shaft. The common operating mechanism is provided for all the three poles. Fig. shows one pole of a triple pole isolator in closed Position.
Circuit breaker plays an important role in the design and performance of a power system is that these are the key piece of apparatus protecting. The system and that ensure the continuity of supply from consideration of cost .The circuit breaker represents a Males them and is perhaps next only to the generation and transformer. A circuit breaker is a piece equipment which can 1. Make as break a circuit either manually as key by remote control under contrition. 2. Breaker a circuit automatically under fault condition.
3. Make a circuit either manually as by remote control fault conditions.
5.1 OPERATING PRINCIPLE A circuit essentially consist of a fixed and moving contacts, called electrodes .Under normal operating condition these contacts remain closed and will not open automatically unit and unless the system becomes faulty. of course , the contact can be opened manually or by remote control whenever desired When a fault occurs in any parts of the system , The trip coils of the breaker get energized and the moving contact are pulled operate by same mechanism, thus opening the circuit and oil from one chamber is prevented from mixing with the chamber. This arrangement permits two advantage firstly the circuit breaking chamber require a small volume of the coil which is just enough for arc extinction secondly, the amount of oil to be replaced is reduced as the oil in the supporting chamber does not get contaminated by the arc. The annular disc and balkanized paper is employed for insulation purpose only. 5.2 OPERATION Under normal operating condition the moving contact remains engaged with the upper fixed contact. When a fault occurs, the moving contact is pulled down by the tripping and an arc stack. The arc energy appraises the oil and produces gasses under high pressure. The action constrains the oil pass through. The respective passages of the tabulator. The process of tabulation is orderly one , which the section of the arc are successively quenched by the effect of separate. Streams of the oil moving across each section in turn and bearing away its gasses. 5.3 ADVANTAGE A M.O.C.B has the following advantage a bulk oil C.B 1. It require lesser than quantity of oil 2. It require smaller space 3. There is reduced risk of fire.
4. Maintenance problem are reduced. 5.4 DISADVANTAGE 1. Due to smaller quantity of oil, the degree of carbonization increased. 2. There is a difficulty of remaining the gases. 3. The dielectric strength of oil detritus rapidly due to high degree of combinations. 5.5 AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER Air blast circuit breaker is used to day from 11to 1100 K.V. for various applications. They offer several advantage such as faster operation ,suitability for the repeated operation , Auto - recto sure , Unit type multi break construction , Simple assembly ,The Modest maintenance, etc. A compressor plant in necessary to maintain high air pressure in the air receiver .air blast circuit breaker are especially suitable for Railways not are furnaces where the breaker operated repeatedly. Air-blast circuit breaker is used for interconnected lines, important lines, where rapid operation is desired. 5.5.1 CONSTRUCTION OF AN AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER :In air blast circuit breaker high pressure air is forced on there are through a nozzle at instant of contact separation. The Ionized medium between the contacts is blown away by the blast of the air. After the arc extinction the chamber is filled with high-pressure air, which prevents restrict. In some low capacity circuit breaker.
High-pressure air, at a pressure between 20 cm to 30 cm is stored in the Air Reservoir. Air is taken from compressed Air system. The opening is fast because the air takes a negligible time of travel from the Reservoir to the moving contact. They are extinguished within a cycle. Air blast circuit breaker is very fast in breaking the current. Closing the also fast because the pressure in the extinction hampers drops impeded or the Air blast circuit breaker requires an auxiliary compressed air system. Air blast circuit breaker for 12 K.V. generally has a different type of construction. They capacitors are connected across the interrupter unit for the equal distribution of voltage between the units .closing resistors are connected across the interrupter unit of limiting the over voltage during closing operation. Opening resisters are connected across the interrupter units to make the circuit breaker Restrict free 5.5.3 PRINCIPLE OF AIR BLAST CIRCUIT BREAKER The air blast circuit breaker needs an auxiliary compressed air system which supplies air to the air receiver of the breaker. For opening operation, the air is admitted in the extinction chamber .It pushes away moving contacts. In doing so, the contact are separated and the air blast takes away the Inside gas along with assists are extinction. After a few cycles arc is extinguished by air blast and the arc extinction chamber is filled with high-pressure air (30 kg/cm). The high-pressure air has higher dielectric strength than that of atmosphere pressure. Hence, a small contact gap of few centimeters is enough. The difference in pressure and desire of nozzle 13 such that as the air expands into the lowpressure zone. If attains almost supreme velocity. The air flowing at a high speed axially along the arc causes removal of heat from the periphery of the area and the diameter of the area reduces to a low value of current Zero. At this instant the area is interrupted and the contact space is flushed with fresh air flowing through nozzle . 5.6 VACCUM CIRCUIT BREAKERS (VCB) In such breaker, Vacuum is used as a quenching media. Its quenching properties are superior any other medium for example, when contacts of a breaker are opened in vacuum the interruption, occurs of first current zero with deadener strength between the contacts building up at a rate thousands times higher than that obtained with other circuit breaker. 5.6.1 PRINCIPLE
The production of arc in a vacuum circuit breaker and its extinction can be explained as follows. When the contact of the breakers are opened in vacuum , an arc is produced between the contact by the ionization of metallic vapours, electrons and iron produced during are rapidly condense on the surface of the breaker contacts, resulting in quick recovery of dielectric strength. The reader may note the salient feature of vacuum as are quenching medium. As soon as the arc is produced in vacuum, it is quickly extinguished due to the fast rate of recovery of dielectric strength in vacuum.
Fig. internal structure 5.6.2 CONSTRUCTION Part of a typical vacuum circuit breaker. It consists of fixed contact, moving contact and are should mounted inside a vacuum chamber. The movable member 13 connected to the control mechanism by stainless steel bellows this enables the permanent sealing of the vacuum chamber so as the eliminate the possibility of leak glass vessel or ceramic vessel 13 used as the other insulating body. There are shield prevents the deterioration of the internal dielectric strength by preventing metallic various falling on the inside surface of the outer insulating. 5.6.3 WORKING When the breaker operates, the moving contact separates from the fixed contact and an arc is truck between the contacts the production of arc is due to the ionization of metal is quickly extinguished because the metallic vapors, electrons and iors produced during arc diffused in a short time and seized by the surface of moving and fixed member shields since vacuum has a
very fast rate of recovery of dielectric strength, the extinction in vacuum breaker occurs with 9 short contact separation. 5.7 SF6 GAS CIRCUIT BREAKER The SF6 circuit breaker makes use of sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas which has excellent arc quenching capability and exceptionally high electrical insulating cartelistic. In this breaker the gas flow puffed by a puffer cylinder extinguishes the arc. The simple principle makes the breaker operation very simple, with low breaking noise. The pneumatic operating mechanism which is operated by air pressure for opening and spring force for closing is very simple and reliable. 5.7.1 CONSTRUCTION Construction of the breaker is broadly the breaker consist of a 3 pole units containing puffer type interrupter housing comprising a pneumatic operating mechanism. Construction of the breaker is broadly the breaker consist of a 3 pole units containing puffer type interrupter housing comprising a pneumatic operating mechanism and a compressor and a motor air reserve and a horizontal rod assembly. Opening operation is carried out a compressed air stored in the air reservoir of approximately 15 kg/cm(231 psi) pressure indicated by air pressure gauge and closing operation is accomplished by closing operation. Each interrupting unit is filler with Sf6 gas and kept at same pressure same pressure through the interconnections copper gas pipe which is also connected to the gas pressure switch and the bags feed port .All the moving contacts of the three interrupting units are inter linked mechanically the operating mechanism.
Bus bar term is used for a main bus as conductor caring electric current to which many connections may be made. Bus bar is mainly commitment means of connecting other equipment in to various arrangements. The usual arrangement of connection in most of sub-station permits working an almost piece of equipment two buses are provided to which the incoming and outgoing Feeders and the principle equipment may be connected one bus bar usually called Main Bus and other auxiliary the main bus may have a more elaborate with it. The bus bar is usually of aluminum and of rectangular gas section. 6.1 VARIOUS BUSBAR ARRANGEMENTS 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
switches and
Single bus bar Single bus bar with bus sectionalized Double bus bar Double breaker Scheme Main and transfer bus bar Breaker and a half scheme Double bus bar with by pass isolator
Mesh scheme bus bar coupler is used to couple and decouple two bus bar in a bus bar arrangement. 7. INSULATOR
To prevent the flow of current to the earth form support to transmission line as distribution line. One all secured to the supporting towers and poles with the help of insulator. Thus the insulator plays an important role in the successful operation of the lines. Principally the insulator are made of porcelain and steatite the later had the advantage of very much higher tensile and bending strength compared with porcelain tightened glass is another material which is some time is used for insulators. 7.1 TYPES OF INSULATOR 7.1.1 PIN INSULATOR It is attached to a steel bolt pin which is secured to a cross arm on the pole the conductor is supported in the given at top end and side of insulator. This types of insulator is commonly employed for operating voltage up to about 25 K.V Through two piece, three piece, four piece insulator can be constructed for a working voltage respectively 45 H.V 66 K.V and beyond 66 K.V.
In the insulator the conductor need in a clamp which is the suspended from the cross arm of tower by a string of use insulator units connected to each alder by metal link and pins. There are three type insulators. 1. 2. 3. Hewlett suspension insulator Cement cap insulator Care and link type insulator
Fig. suspension insulator 7.1.3 STRAIN INSULATOR Such type of insulator agreement to take gust of tension of conductor at line terminal and at point the line is dead ended.
Fig . Strain insulator 8. POWER TRANSFORMER A power transformer is used in sub-station to step up and step down the voltage. Except at the transformer all the sub station use step down transformer to gradually reduce the voltage of electric supply and finally deliver it at utilization voltage. The modern practice to use
three phase transformer in sub station. In such transformer load tap changing mechanism can be used. The transformer is generally installed upon lengths of wall fixed on concrete. Labs having foundation 1 to1.5M Depth far rating up to 10 M.v. a naturally cooled oil immersed transformer is used. For higher rating the transformer is used air blast cooled.
FiG. Power Transformer 8.1 TYPES OF POWER TRANSFORMER 8.1.1. According to construction of core and winding a. core type b. shell type 8.1.2. According to type of connection a. Star-star b. Delta-delta c. Star-delta d. Delta-star 8.1.3. According to type of cooling a. Oil Natural Air Natural (O.N.A.N.) b. Oil Natural Air Forced (O.N.A.F.)
c. Oil Forced Air Forced (O.F.A..F.) d. Oil Forced Air Natural (O.F.A.N.) e. Oil Forced Water Forced (O.F.W.F.) 8.2 CORE AND FRAME Core is used to produce a closing magnetic coupling between L.V and H.V winding. Also to minimize leakage flux and to provide a low reluctance path for the flux. Laminated core for transformer is made lamination of high silicon contents containing 4silicon. On each lamination insulating varnish is coated. Core and assembly is done by two methods by built joint method and by interleaved method. 8.3 TRANSFORMER WINDING The low voltage and high voltage windings are fitted on the limbs by the se input voltage is stepped up as stepped down. Low voltage winding are nearer to the core. Winding are made of insulated copper wires. Wires are insulating by supper annealed paper as cotton. Each coil can again insulate by insulated paper by separately .in distribution and power transformer two types transformer used. 1. Concentric 2. Interleaved Each phase winding is separately placed on separately limbs. This winding is given rectangular shape after construction of these winding are placed inside the oil tank of transformer .The winding are complete by dipped in oil. The winding are topped to control the number of turns of H.V. windings by which transformer ratio is changed. 8.4 BUSHING Transformer terminal bushing parodies insulation to the terminals of windings coming out of tank and cannot them to deferent type of electrical system. Transformer bushings are of different types and shapes which depend on the voltage Power and on transformer where they are to be fitted. When high current flaws through conducting rod of bushing a high magnetic field is produced between side cares and transformer care which heat it. These are six bushing used three of incoming 33KBV and there are for outgoing 11KV.
A Protective relay is a device that ducts the faults and initiates the operation of the circuit breaker to isolate the defective element from rest of the system. 8.5 TAP CHANGER Tap changer is a type of which by which high voltage turn number is changed by changing the taping by are done to control the voltage. Tap changer are attached the care of transformer and the channel as vertically along the wall of the transformer tank. Tap changer has insulated laminated base plate shaft and handle. in insulated base plate contacts are made with pressure. in shaft electrical moving contact are there and a lock is there is there in handle. So that handle. So that handle may be stopped at desire position. On insulated base plate stationary contact are there which tapping of undoing join. By rating handle the moving contact with shaft are connected respectively to fixed contacts. Hence by this way different transformer ratio can be obtained at different conditions. 8.5.1 ON-LOAD TAP CHANGER The Tap changer, if dispatched separately, is to be fitted to the tank. The insulation resistance value of each tap changer lead to earth should be measure and the cause of low values, if any investigated, the leads from the tap changer should then be connected to their respective position on the terminal board provided on the tank. The tightness of all connections of the selector switch and terminal board should be ensuring. Any protective taping on the diverter switch bushing is to be removed. In transformer of large ratings the space above the oil in the vent is usually connected by a pipe to the top of the conservator to equalize the pressure & vent it to the atmosphere through the breather. For transformer supplied without equalizing pipe an air-cock is is fitted at the top which must be opened when the tank is being filled with oil and closed again. 8.6 CONSERVATOR Oil immersed power transformer has a used an its causer in which level of increase in transformer and vice versa. With this such facilities is provide that three must be minimum contact of oil with air so that is may be safe from oxidation and moisture. Such tank is called conservator.
Oil conservator is a circular and cylindrical steel drum with is attached horizontally along the cover of the tank up to so to 70 mm so that directly all may be not came from conservator to tank. 8.7 BUCHHOLZ RELAY Buchholz relay gas activated relay insulated in oil immersed transformer for protection against all kinds of protection against all kinds of faults. It is used to give an alarm in case of incipient developing fault in the transformer and to disconnect to transformer from the supply In the event of several internal faults. It is unusually installed in the pipe connecting the conservator to the main tank. It is a universal practice to use buchholz relay on all such oil immerged transformer housing rating in excess of 750 K.V.A. 8.7.1 OPERATION The operation of buchholz relay is as follow. 1. In case of incipient fault with in the transformer the heat due to faults causes the decomposition of the same transformer oil in the main tank the product of decomposition of contain more then 70%of hydrogen gas. The hydrogen gas being light tries to go in to the conservator & in the process gets entrapped in the upper part of relay chamber when a pre determined amount of gas get accumulated. It exerts sufficient pressure on the float to cause it to till and close the contacts of mercury switch attached to it .This complete the alarm circuit to sound an alarm. 2. If a serious faults occurs in the transformer and large amount of gas is generated in the main tank. The oil in the main tank riches towards the conservator via the buchholz relay and in doing so tills the float to close the contacts of mercury switch .This completes the trip circuit to open the circuit breaker controlling the transformer. 8.7.2 CONSTRUCTION Fig shows the constructional details of buchholz relay. It takes the from of a dammed vessel placed in the connecting pipe. Between the main tank and conservator. The device has two elements the upper element consist of a mercury type switch attached to a float. The lower elements consist of contains a mercury switch mounted on hinged type located in the direct path of the flow of oil from the transformer to the conservator. The upper elements close an alarm
circuit during incipient faults whereas the lower element is arranged to trip the circuit breaker in case of internal faults. 8.7.3 ADVANTAGE 1. It is the simplest form of transformer protection. 2. It detects the incipient faults at a stage much easier then the possible with outer forms of protection. 8.7.4 DISADVANTAGE 1. It can only be used with oil immersed transformer equipped with conservator. 2. The device can detect only fault below all level in the transformer. Therefore separate protection is needed for connecting cables. The lower part as surface of breather from where air enters has an oil. According to the amount of moisture present in the inner air. The callus of the silica get crystals changes color of the silica get crystals is finished. No change these as can be again used after heat treatment. 8.7.5 STORATION OF TRANSFORMER: Generally transformer are housed in tightly fitted sheet metal tanks filled with special insulating oil. Properties of oil 1. Free from alkalis, moisture. 2. Non inflammable. 3. Don't decompose to produce inflammable gases. 4. Sledging should not be there. Sledging is formed by decomposition of oil with the longs & continuous use. It is principal caused by exposure to oxygen during eating & results in the formation of large deposits of dark & heavy matter that cooling ducts in transformer. We have to change the oil in 10 to12 years. This oil is very costly. Instead of natural mineral oil, new insulating fluid is used know as "ASKARELS". Its properties are -Non inflammable.
-Less costly. -Changing time is more than mineral oil. -Don't decompose to produce inflammable gases. One such fluid is "PYROCLOR". EFFECT OF MOISTURE Moisture is one affects transformer the most. Even small % lowers the dielectric strength of oil. Precaution The tanks are sealed air tight in smaller unit. In case of large units, where complete air tight construction is impossible, chambers knows as breathers are provided. The atmospheric moisture is entrapped by these breathers & is not allowed to pass through the oil. COOLING OF TRANSFORMER
In this types of cooling, when core & winding of transformer gets heated, the oil expands. It then flow downwards by the inner walls of tank the heat is removed from the wall of tanks by air convection. ONAF-
In this types of cooling oil is circulated through the pump & flows through fans & heat is extracted quickly because this system works as oil to air heat exchanger. ODAF-
In this type cooling, oil is circulated through the pump & air flows through fans & heat is extracted quickly because this system works as oil to air heat exchanger. 9. EARTHING Connecting of electrical equipment and apparatus the earth curie with of a connecting wire of negligible resistance is known as earthing as grounding. There are two types of earthing1. Pipe earthing 2. Plate earthing At the substation rush, earthing is provided.
Pipe earthing is the best earthing and very cheap in cost. In this method, a galvanized steel and perfect pipe of approved length & diameter is placed. The size of pipe diameter upon the current to the carried and type of soil. Licensee/utility/company shall draw standards for earth resistance of the GSS and shall maintain record of measurement of earth resistively & earth resistance carried out before the commissioning of Grid sub-station or lines of above 33KV voltage or each earthed structure of 33 KV and lower voltage lines. The periodicity for me measurement of earth resistance will be as specified below: Each manned sub-station/guarding Other sub-station/line towers : : once every year 5% randomly selected locations every year
distance at least 10 times the height or length or depth of the earthing rode/electrode/earth +Mat. For such measurement, lead resistance will be subtracted.
10.CONTROL ROOM Control room is used to control the working the battery the battery room, compressor room and electrical instrument and protecting devices present in the yard of the G.S.S. There are four main sets of panels in the control room 1. 220KV panel set 2. 132KV panel set 3. 33KV panel set 4. 11KV panel set
Different panels of different circuit breaker, Transformer, Lightning Arresters, Isolators, Current Transformer, and Potential Transformer P.L.LC etc. are coming to the control room. In each sets of panel there are at least over current and one earth fault relay. From control panel the operate can know what is happing in the substation yard is installed in control room. The diagram of main connections are given in the front face of the panel there diagrams indicate the position of the C.B. and Isolators. The controls operate get the idea as to which breaker is open as closed. In medium installation and panels that can be increased to accommodate relay and other equipment. In case complex protective scheme a separate relay panel is necessary the operator can control, start, regulate or switch off the main circuit from control panels. In substation the control and relaying equipment
11. D.C SYSTEM 1 (+) Plate: - It consists of lead bromide PbO2 deposited on the grid farm. 2. (-) Plate - It consists of porous. Sponge of lead deposited on a grid frame an antimony lead allows similar to that (+) plate. 3. Separator: - Its function to keep the +ve & -ve plate electrically part. It consists of a thin sheet of canon conducting porous material. 4. Container: - It is made of hard rubber it is a box in which assembly is kept. 5. Electrolyte:-It is dilute H2SO4 acid containing 31% acid by weight & 21 % by volume the specific gravity of electrolyte is 1.23 at 27c
6. Connector:-The Function of connector is to connect two battery in series in a battery tank, it is made of thick CU strip, specify gravity condition of Battery. 22 to 1.23 1.2 to 1.21 1.75 to 1.85 1.15 to 1.16 Less than 1.15 75% 60% 25% 100% charged charged charged charged
BATTERY CHARGING Discharged Battery burg charged by a battery charger. There are two battery charger one for 110V Battery & Other for 220V Battery .The different Methods are available for charging of battery such as. (1) Trickle charging (2) Float charging (3) Boost charging (4) Const. voltage charging (5) Const. current charging Pb+PbO2+2H2SO4 2PbSO4+2H2O 1. Float charging:- Cell can be float by keeping charge at different voltage such as 2.1V all Battery slowly discharge itself, must be charge fortnight 2.15-2.25 V per cell. Very small flow current requiring Battery to be overcharged once in two month. 2. Trickle charging: - 2.25 to 223 V per cell - This is done with trickle current of over one Milliamp of nominal capacity of cell & current should be adjusted by actually monitoring system.
3. Boost charging: - During winding, condition some time we require extra charge, so for this
4. Civilization charging: - For improving the performance & life of the battery, the battery charged regularly with a slow rate of charging with battery is unloaded.
12. COMPRESSOR-ROOM Compressor Room is used to provide compressed air. Air-Blast C.B in the order to make up compressed air and pressure of 30 kg/cm compressor room is consisting of compressor motor. Air dryer two compressed air cylinders and reduces. As shown in diagram compressed air from compressor, motor goes to air dryer. In air dryer moisture is separated and released through an automatic drain valve. Then air passes through filter where other dust particles and impurities are filtered. A non-return valve controls the flow of compressed air. Now it passes through absorbs bed where compound impurities separate out. Then this compressed air passes through artifice plate. There is a contact manometer range 0-100 kg/cm. This moisture free compressed air of 60 kg/cm pressure supply to the two outside cylinder providing with safety valve. In the end air passes to the reduces which reduced the pressure of compressed air . This reduced compressed air of pressure 30 kg/cm is supply to the ABCB with the help of pipes and 30 kg/cm pressure is maintenance in the air blast circuit breaker.
13. POWER LINE CARRIER COMMUNICATION SYSTEM Power line carrier communication system differs in the method of calling. The power supply or in the modulation system. Each end of the power line is provided with identical carrier equipment consisting of transmitter, receiver, line tuning unit, master oscillator; power amplifier etc. brief illustration of P.L.C.C. system is given in the section. 13.1 COUPLING CAPACITOR The carrier equipment is connected to the transmission line through coupling capacitor, which is of such a capacitance that is offers low reactance to carrier frequency but high reactance to power frequency.
Coupling capacitor allows carrier signals to enter the equipment but does allow 50 Hz power frequency to enter the carrier equipment 13.2 LINE TRAP UNIT Line trap unit is inserted between bus bar and connection of coupling capacitor to the line. It is parallel tuned circuit comprising L & C .It has a low impedance to 50 Hz and high impedance to carrier frequencies. This unit prevents the high frequency signals from entering the neighboring line and the carrier current flows. Only in the protected line. 13.3 PROTECTION & EARTHING OF COUPLING CAPACITOR Over voltage on power line are caused by lighting, switching, faults etc. produce stress on coupling equipment & line trap unit. On liner resistor in series with a protective gap is connected across the line trap unit & the inductor of line trap .the gap is set to spark at a set value of over voltage. Base of coupling unit is earthed by earth rod in the vicinity to obtain low earth resistance. 13.4ADVANTAGE OF P.L.C.C. No separate wires are needed for communication purpose, as the power lines themselves carry power as well as communication signals. Hence, the cost of constructing separate telephone line is saved.
When compared with ordinary lines the power lines have appreciable higher mechanical
strength. They would normally remain unaffected under the conditions, which might seriously damage telephone lines.
Power lines usually provided the shortest route between the power station. Power lines
have large cross sectional areas resulting in very low resistance per unit length. Consequently, the carrier signals suffer much less attenuation than when they travel on usual telephone lines of equal lengths.
Relays are the devices that detect abnormal conditions in electrical circuits by constantly measuring electrical quantities, which are different under normal and fault conditions. The basic electrical quantities, which may change under fault conditions, are voltage, current, phase angle and frequency. Having detected the faults the relays operates to competent the trip circuit which result in opening of the circuits breaker and therefore in the disconnection of the faulty circuits. 18.1 TYPES OF RELAYS USED IN G.S.S. a) b) c) d) Over current relay Differential relay Earth fault relay Distance relay
14.1.1 Over Current Relays: Directional type over current relays works on the induction principles and initiates corrective measures when current in the circuit. Exceed the pre-determined value. The actuating source is a current in the circuit supplied to the relay from a current transformer. These relays are used on a.c. circuits and can operate for fault flow in either direction. 14.1.2 Distance Relay: Distance protection is the name given to the protection, whose action depends upon the distance of the feeding point to the fault. The time of operation of such a protection is a function of the ratio of voltage and current, i.e. impedance. This impedance between the relay and the fault is dependent upon the electrical distance between them. An impedance
relay has an operating force proportional to the fault current and restraining force proportional to the line voltage at the relay. As soon as the ratio of this voltage to the fault current change i.e. falls below a certain value, the relay operates. This value is dependent upon the distance of the fault, which is predetermined. Hence for this reason the relay is discriminative and it does not operate for any fault occurring outside this distance. As it is very important to localize the fault, a relay of the above type is given a controlled time lag, so that the relay nearest to the fault operates first. Again, the time lag characteristic is inversely proportional to the fault current that is passing through the relay. In case of a fault, there is a steady fall of voltage along the line from the feeding point to the fault. This voltage gradient can be utilized for longer be in balance. This voltage difference will cause a current to flow through the operating coil of relay, which closes the trip circuit. 14.1.3 Differential Relays: A differential relay is one that operates when the difference of two or more electrical quantities exceeds a predetermined value. There are two fundamental system of differential protection viz. 1) Current balance protection 2) Voltage balance protection A current balance differential relay is one that compares the current entering a section of the system of the system with the current leaving the section. Under normal operating condition no longer applies. If this differential current is equal to or greater than the pickup value, the relay will operate & open the circuit breaker to isolate the faulty section. Under healthy condition equal current flows in both primary windings. Therefore the secondary voltages are balanced against each other & no current will through the relay operating coil. 14.1.4 Earth Fault Relays: Directional type over current relays work on the induction principle and initiates the char-active measures. When current in the circuit exceeds the predetermined values. The actuating source is a current in the circuit supplied to the relay from a CT. these relays are unsuitable for use as directional protective relays under short-circuit conditions. When a short circuit occurs, the system values falls to a low value and there may be insufficient torque
developed in the relay to cause its operation. This difficult is overcome in the directional over current relay, which is designed to be almost independent of system voltage and power factor.