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The 2003 - 2004 Season

Concert 2 The Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale
Dr. John Weiss conducts music from Thursday, December 18, 2003 at 7:30 pm Concert 2003-2004
Magnificats including works by
Pachabel, Bach, Mozart, Schubert, Administration Auditorium, UIdaho, Moscow, Idaho
Pinkham, and Hogan and our Friday, December 19, 2003 at 7:30 pm
popular Carol Sing-A-Long.
St. Boniface Catholic Church, Uniontown, Washington

Concert 3 Brahms Ein Deutsches Requiem (A German Requiem)

Enjoy what is perhaps Brahms’ most Sunday, March 7, 2004 at 3:00 pm

popular work sung in Germanand
performed with orchestra and soloists. Clarkston High School Aud., Clarkston, Washington

Conducted by Dr. John Weiss. Saturday, March 13, 2004 at 7:30 pm
Gladish Aud., 115 NW State Street, Pullman, Washington

Concert 4 Chiaroscuro: Light & Dark

“Chiaroscuro” literally means light Friday, April 30, 2004 at 7:30 pm
and shade. It often applies either to
color shades in painting or vocal tone First Presbyterian Church, 405 S Van Buren, Moscow, ID
color in singing. We use it to reflect Sunday, May 2, 2004 at 6:00 pm

bright and dark choral tones and text
St. Boniface Catholic Church, Uniontown, Washington

moods. Dr. John Weiss, Conductor.

Harmony A Chorus of Wine, Cheese & Song

Hosted by the Palouse Enological
Society, our wine tasting fundraiser
Sunday, March 28, 2004 at 3:00 pm
received rave reviews in 2002. The St. James Episcopal Church, 1410 NE Stadium Way,
Wine folks talk about the wines, Big Pullman, Washington
John’s in Seattle provides imported
cheeses, and the music is fabulous. $25 with Wine, $15 without Wine

Other Area Events

Salzburg Hyperion Ensemble

Friday, November 7 at 8 pm
Friday, October 10  7:30 pm  Pullman, Washington
University of Idaho Auditorium
Tickets: 885-7212 or 1-800-325-SEAT Saturday, October 11  7:30 pm  Lewiston, Idaho
From Our President Our Business Supporters
Thank you for coming! I anticipate that you will thoroughly enjoy tonight's
performance. Dr. Brinckmeyer has assembled a program that includes music
from a wide variety of periods and styles. Taken together they illustrate very
well what an ensemble of our size and caliber is capable of.
I sincerely hope that you will join us for the rest of our performances this
season. Dr. John Weiss will be leading us in those concerts and the details are
on the back page. For Christmas, we plan an extravaganza of "Magnificats,"
music based on the "Song of Mary" from Luke 1:46-55 ("My soul magnifies
the Lord, . . ."). Many classical composers have used this prayer as the basis
for some beautiful music. A portion of that program will include our
traditional Carol-Sing-Along.
In March we plan to perform Brahms' Ein Deutsches Requiem (A German
Requiem), a great work that will require a full orchestra. You may remember
at our Uniontown concert this past May, we performed "How Lovely Is Thy
Dwelling Place," which is the centerpiece of the requiem; this year we will be
singing the entire requiem in German, but we do plan to have subtitles.
We end our season at St. Boniface Catholic Church in Uniontown, a setting
that is inspiring for the kind of choral music that we enjoy bringing to you.
If you haven't yet bought season tickets, please consider purchasing a packet
The Wild Ivy Flowers & More...
of three tickets for the remaining concerts for only $24 during intermission. We’ll make your gift giving easy this year.
Season tickets are one of the best values we offer: each season ticket may be Remember… “It’s all in the details.” Victorian & Country Designs
used at any concert. After tonight you can still purchase a bundle of four
Season Tickets, good at any concert, for just $32 through our Box Office.
 Gordon Thomas, President of the Chorale

“Fine Gifts, Bath,

Palouse Chapter Enological Society Jewelry, home and garden”

of the Pacific Northwest Monday-Friday 9:00 am–5:30 pm

Saturday 10:00 am-2:00 pm
k SouthOctober
American Wine & Food k
18 at 7:00 pm Open Daily 275 SE Bishop Blvd.
Pullman, Washington 222 S Main
www.palousewine.org $25 Members, $34 Guests St. Mark’s Episcopal Church, Moscow Mon. – Sat. 10-6
All events are reservation only. If you would like to attend an event, please send payment to: Palouse Chapter, PO Box 8274, Moscow, ID 83843
Sunday 11-5 509.332.1403 Colfax, Washington 509.397.3021
Our Business Supporters Program Notes
eorge Frideric Handel, considered one popular works. Tallis was known for his ability
First United of the greatest composers of the to wed the melody to the natural cadence of the
baroque period, was born in Halle, poetry he used. So highly regarded were Tallis’
Methodist Church Germany, in 1685. He died in 1759 Latin compositions that alternative English texts
Services: Sunday at 10:30 am and was buried in Westminster Abbey. As were found for several of his Latin motets, thus
supermarkets musical director of the Royal Academy of Music allowing the pieces to be performed in Anglican
Kevin Dow, Pastor he became London’s leading composer and Church services. Tallis was one of the first to write
director of Italian operas, though he is best known for the new Anglican liturgy of 1547-53. Much
1906 Broadview Drive, Lewiston (208) 743-2971
for his oratorios, particularly the Messiah (1741), of his music is set in four parts with clear syllabic
Large bakery and deli www.lewistonfirstumc.org the most influential and widely performed
oratorio of all time. Among his other outstanding
word setting, representative of the standard early
English anthem.
Artistic Images
oratorios are Samson (Awake the Trumpet’s
Hans Leo Hassler, an important German
Lofty Sound) (1741), Belshazzar (1744), and
composer and organist of the late Renaissance,
Photography Solomon (1748). Based on Old Testament stories,
was born in Nuremberg in 1564. He left
the oratorios are three-act dramatic works, similar
411 N Main Street Nuremberg in 1584 for further studies in Venice.
Moscow Seniors, Families and Weddings to operas but performed in concert, without
“Outstanding portraits at reasonable prices…” During his eighteen months in Venice, Hassler
staging or action. They are unusual in their
studied with Andrea Gabrieli (1510-1586) and
prominent use of the chorus and the middle class
322 Thain Road Lisa Blumenshein, Photographer became a colleague of Giovanni Gabrieli (c.1554-
Lewiston [email protected] 509. 648. 4226 welcomed his use of English.
1612), with whom he composed a wedding motet
2152 Pennington Road, St. John, WA 99171
Randall Thompson, Glory to God in the in 1600. This piece was written to be performed
Highest, has been described as American in in Venice’s St. Mark’s Cathedral. Compositions
spirit, yet universal in his appeal. Although for double choir worked especially well in that
Thompson was born in New York City in 1899 venue with the men and women facing each
and grew up in New Jersey, he was a New other. Text for Verbum caro factum est is
Englander at heart. In 1933 he received his paraphrased from the King James version of St.
doctorate in music from the University of John I:14. Hassler is seen as the first great German
Rochester School of Music. In 1935, a survey Protestant composer. His early works for the
which Thompson organized was responsible for Roman church reflect much Italian and Venetian
revolutionizing the instruction and performance influence. His later works are more ethnically
Open for your Convenience of music on America’s college campuses. The German and seem to flow out of the spirit of
printed study led to increased competence and German folk song.
5:00 am to 1:00 am Everyday professionalism in the performance of college
Contemporary composer Jere Hutcheson uses
choirs. Thompson died in 1984 after a musical
spontaneous sounds and gestures of children to
career that covered more than 60 years. He
430 SE Bishop Blvd., Pullman, WA 99163 helped define American choral music and left a
compile the bulk of Lament for a Lost Child.
Hutcheson uses these activities in such a way as
legacy of both composition and instructional
509.334.0803 method for which all lovers of choral music can
to express memories of a lost child.
be grateful. Igor Stravinsky, the Russian/international
composer of Ave Maria, studied with Nicolai
Come visit us in our new location across from the Wheatland Shopping Center Thomas Tallis uses text taken from St. John 14:
Rimsky-Korsakov, and his early works, Symphony
15-17, and If Ye Love Me is one of his most
No. 1 in E Flat for example, show the influence of
Program Notes Our Business Supporters
that master. Soon after he came under the Curtis Institute of Music in Philadelphia, where
influence of the French impressionists Claude he was the only composer in the previous four
Debussy and Maurice Ravel, while retaining his
nationalist outlook. At the end of World War I
years to be granted admission on full scholarship. Creason, Moore &
Hennagin embarked on a long and successful
Stravinsky became interested in classical
procedures and with expanded harmonic
career as a university professor and composer of
concert music. By the time of his death in 1993
Dokken, PLLC
language. Between the two wars, he was probably at the age of 56, Hennagin was recognized as LAWYERS
the most influential modern composer, especially one of this country’s leading composers of choral
in the US and France. music. He had just completed a major choral Providing a variety of legal services
René Clausen, All That Hath Life and Breath
work, Proud Music, based on the poetry of Walt for over 100 years
Whitman and commissioned by the Oklahoma
Praise Ye the Lord!, is the conductor of the 1219 Idaho Street
Summer Arts Institute, which performed the work
Concordia Choir at Concordia College,
Moorhead, MN, where she teaches choral
in the several days after his death. Bookpeople P.O. Drawer 835
Lewiston, Idaho 83501
conducting and serves as artistic director of the Lyrics for The Water is Wide are part of a long of Moscow, Inc.
college's nationally-broadcast Christmas concerts
Scots ballad: “Lord Jamie Douglas”. 521 South Main
Moscow, Idaho 83843-2977 208.746.2231 fax
each year. Dr. Clausen also regularly conducts
major choral and orchestral performances Music plays a central role in African societies and 208.882.7957 www.cmd-law.com
is an integral part of everyday life. Distinction fax: 208.883.4347
throughout the world. In Oh My Luve’s Like a [email protected]
Red, Red Rose both the melody and text of this between performers and audience is blurred; Theodor e O. Creason David E. Dokk en
lyrical song are familiar to the people in the British everyone participates. Characteristics of hymns New, Rare & Used Books and Art Chris J. Moor e Tod D. Geidl
Isles and America. A stained glass window honors brought by missionaries from various Christian
this poetry of Robert Burns in St. Giles Cathedral, denominations have been incorporated into
Edinburgh, Scotland. choral music of South Africa. The Swazi people
might sing NoDolly at a wedding or other family
Traditional spirituals are always enjoyable to sing or community event. Notice that the movement
for choral groups of all levels and Witness is no during the second part of the song is based on a
exception for the chorale. Spirituals were only gesture of embrace.
written during the period of American slavery and
many of them had coded references to Once the Civil War came to a close and freed
emancipation. slaves moved into the cities of the North, the
spirituals did not seem to fit their new lifestyle.
Michael Hennagin, Walking on the Green Consequently, Gospel music, Praise His Holy
Grass, was born in Oregon in 1936, but grew up Name!, was created in the early 1920’s. Most
in Los Angeles. During his later student years, Gospel artists agree that the message of the music
Hennagin supported himself by frequently is the most important aspect of the song.
copying and orchestrating for Jerrie Goldsmith
and by ghostwriting portions of some film scores  Lynn Brinckmeyer
for Goldsmith and the famed choral conductor
Roger Wagner. Hennagin left Hollywood in 1961,
to attend the Aspen Summer Music Festival as a
student of French composer Darius Milhaud, and
afterwards, to pursue a degree at the renowned
From Glory t
o Gospel
Our Business Supporters

Chevron Awake the Trumpet’s Lofty Sound George F. Handel

from Samson (ed. & arr. by John Cramer) (1685-1750)
We are proud
Glory to God in the Highest Randall Thompson
to support 1958 (1899-1984)
the arts If Ye Love Me Thomas Tallis
in our community (1505-1585)

Verbum caro factum est Hans Leo Hassler
Coleman Oil The Word Was Made Flesh (1564-1612)
Dyna Mart Verbum caro factum est The Word was made as flesh,
Fueling Our Community Stores
Et habitavit in nobis. And dwelt among mankind.
Et vidimus gloriam ejus And we beheld his own glory,
Gloriam quasi unigeniti a Patre. Glory as of the one begotten of the Father.
Plenum gratiae et veritatis Full of grace and of the greatest truth.
Lament for a Lost Child Jere Hutcheson
Marilyn Bingham, Soprano
Ave Maria Igor Stravinsky
1949 (1884-1971)
Ave Maria, gratia plena Hail Mary full of grace
Dominus tecum: The Lord is with thee
Benedicta tu in mulieribus Blessed art thou amongst women
Et benedictus fructus ventris tui Jesus. And blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Sancta Maria, mater Dei, Holy Mary, mother of God
Ora pro nobis peccatoribus, Pray for us sinners now and at the
Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Hour of our death.
From Gospel to Glory Our Business Supporters
All That Hath Life and Breath, Praise Ye the Lord!
René Clausen Aitken, Schauble,
Jill Price Freuden & Beth Day, Sopranos (October 10) Patrick, Neill & Ruff
Mary Macey & Janice Willard, Sopranos (October 11)
Attorneys at Law
Witness arr. Jack Halloran

165 NE Kamiaken, Suite 210
Pullman, Washington 99163

O My Luve’s Like a Red, Red Rose René Clausen Supporting

text Robert Burns
Colin Gordon, Violin Emily Nelson, Cello the Arts
Walking on the Green Grass Michael Hennagin
Steve Swannack, Baritone

The Water is Wide arr. Richard Smith

NoDolly traditional Swazi
Janice Willard, Soprano
Nodolly, Nodolly Dolly is a name
We NoDolly sthandhwa sam my beloved one
Ngigutanda nom ulele I love you when you are asleep
Ngigutanda nom auka I love you when you are awake.

Praise His Holy Name! Keith Hampton

Creating memories
Special thanks to Neill’s Flowers & Gifts (Friday) and Hill’s Valley Floral
(Saturday) for the soloist flowers presented this evening.
our Specialty
Please turn off all cell phones, pagers and recording devices and refrain from using flash photography during the
performance. Musical Alchemy, Inc. is recording our performances in Pullman & Lewiston. 234 E Main Street, P.O. Box 218, Pullman, WA 99163
Please help us reduce our printing costs by recycling your program in the box by the door. 509.334.3545 800.752.5287
Our Business Supporters Lynn Brinckmeyer, Guest Conductor
Northwest Division Board as Immediate Past
President. Other offices include Music
Educators Journal Editorial Board, WMEA
General Music Curriculum Chair, MENC
2001 Music In Our Schools Month Music
Selection Committee, and the Choral Session
610 West Pullman Road
Moscow, ID 83843-2061 Committee for the 2002 MENC National
Authorized Distributor Fax 208.882.6395 Dr. Brinckmeyer received both the PTI
Maintenance Finishes
Excellence in Teaching Award and the
CenturyTel Award for outstanding faculty at
Musical Alchemy, Inc. Eastern Washington University. This spring
she will conduct the Idaho Music Educators
Jeremy Krug Association Elementary All-State Honor
Recording Engineer Choir. She directs the Eastern Washington
University Concert Choir and is the founding
1652 Grand Avenue, Suite 165 director of the South Hill Children’s Chorus.
Pullman, WA 99163 Dr. Brinckmeyer has conducted, lectured,
[email protected] given master classes, and performed across

the United States and in Korea, Taiwan,
Amsterdam, Italy, and the British Isles.
ynn M. Brinckmeyer is Conducting venues include WMEA
Professor of Music and Associate Elementary All State Honor Choir, Festival of
“We Make Computing Affordable”
Chair of the Department of the Arts, Mountain Treble Choir Festival, Bi-
Music at Eastern Washington County Gala Concert, Panorama Choral
University. Her degrees include a Bachelor of Festival, Gem State High School Girl’s Choral
Science in Education, Master of Music Festival, EWU Men’s Honor Choir, EWU
Education from Eastern New Mexico Women’s Honor Choir, and Pocatello Junior
211 S Main Street, Moscow, ID 83843 (208) 883-5500 University, and a Ph.D. in Music Education High Girls Choral Festival. She is also active
from The University of Kansas. She taught in community theatre.
elementary music and middle school choir in
New Mexico.
“A Mens & Womens
Clothing Store”
Dr. Brinckmeyer is one of the two final
candidates for the office of National President
Julie Janet for MENC: The National Association for
Music Education. She recently completed a
Caudillo Barbee two-year term as President for the Northwest
East 400 Main Street, Pullman, WA 99163 Division of MENC and will remain on the
(509) 332-0505 • Fax (509) 334-9134 1205-B East 6th Moscow, Idaho
(at 6th & Blaine) 882.1212
The Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale Our Business Supporters
Sopranos Altos Tenors Basses
Kathy Anderson
Nancy Beebe
Marilyn Bingham 
Alice Barbut
Cheryl Blackburn 
Susan Bohm
Erol Barbut 
Kevin Brackney
Tom Brandt 
Allen Alstad
Walter Asbe
Miles Dresser
Hill’s Eleanor’s
Corner Saloon
Nance Cecarelli
Beth Day 
Janet Brandt
Debbie Brudie
John Brewer
Bill Dugger 
Kirk McMichael
Gary Peterson
Valley Mark & Sherry Culbertson
Heather Dixon
Jill Price Freuden 
Elinor Butcher
Jennifer Coleman
John Haugen
Glenn Petersen 
Jim Reece
David Spencer 
Floral and gifts 101 N. Montgomery, Uniontown
509.229.3389 fax 509.229.3559
Jana Joyce  Nicole Derden Don Willows  Gerd Steckel [email protected]
Helen Lombard Mimi Dimitrovska Steve Swannack  Fresh, Fragrant, Best burgers on the Palouse & an ever-changing selection of micro-brews
Mary Macey June Douglas Gordon Thomas  and Always Her Favorite
Jackie Miyasaka Miriam Edlefsen Dean Vanderwall
Janet Mount Shirley Engerbretson  Chamber Choir Christopher Wang  Good Luck Tonight,
Heather Nelson  Mary Flores  Chorale!
Sharon Nitz Judie Hanley 800.743.3544
Ann Norton Amanda Luell 208.743.3544
Janet Parsons Laura McMichael Gayla Lamb
Janice Willard Jan Patrick Board of Directors Chorale Leadership Owner

Elena Panchenco  Gordon Thomas Tom Brandt 812 Main Street McDonald’s of Pullman
Chorale President Tenor Section Leader Lewiston, Idaho 83501 1620 S Grand Avenue, Pullman
Mimi Pengilly 400 NE Stadium Way, Pullman
Laura Rankin  Janice O’Toole Judy Campbell
Chorale Vice-President Alto Section Leader
Ruth Vanderwall
Karen Weathermon
Jan Keller
Chorale Treasurer
Mary Flores
Audition Committee Accompanist
Northwest Center for Dog Training Louise Regelin
3729 14th Street Lewiston, Idaho 83501 Pacific Northwest Kiwanis
Shirley Engerbretson Heather Nelson
Chorale Secretary Box Office Manager District Governor, 2003-2004
Bernice Harris Ann Norton Books, Reading
LCSC Humanities, Lewiston Chorale Librarian Catherine Morris & Literacy
New Member Auditions Gordon Lamb, Laura McMichael Trainer
Lamb & Co., Pullman Front Door Manager 208.746.0778 Moscow Kiwanis meets Thursdays at 6:45 am at University Inn/ Best Western
Monday, October 13, 2003 Kirk McMichael, Jill Price Freuden 208.746.7471 fax
We Want You! If you are interested in singing with us, Chorale Member-at-Large Marketing Director P. O. Box 126 208.285.0164
[email protected]
please contact Janice O’Toole 509.229.3654 or Gary Peterson, Soprano Section Leader Genesee, Idaho 83832-0126 [email protected]
[email protected] for more information. Attorney, Genesee David Spencer
Rosemary Waldrop, Bass Section Leader
Private Voice, Pullman Steve Swannack Wine Company
Lori Wiest, Riser Crew Coordinator of Moscow
We Need Your Support! WSU Faculty, Pullman
The best selection of imported
The Idaho-Washington Concert Chorale is a self- wines & cheese on the Palouse!
sustaining nonprofit organization and your contribution is
Serving Washington & Idaho y Est. 1898
tax-deductible. If you are interested in learning more Guest Conductor Tuesday-Friday 12-8pm yCommercial yResidential
about us, please contact us at: yMedical yEducational
Dr. Lynn Brinckmeyer Saturday 10-6pm
IWCC, P.O. Box 8112, Moscow, ID 83843
Accompanist House Manager 113 E Third, Moscow, Idaho 83843 208.882.6502 509.332.3113
www.iwchorale.org Sheila Zilar Shelly Houghtaling 254 E. Main Street y Pullman
Our Business Supporters Glory by Courtney Powell
ourtney Powell, a freshman minoring in
Music at Whitworth College in Spokane, is
the featured artist for our 2003–2004 Season
Poster. Courtney hails from Guemes Island in the San
Juan Islands and graduated from Anacortes High School
Open Weekdays 10-5:30 pm in 2003. She has sung in choirs for many years and also
Saturdays 11-5:00 pm enjoys playing her guitar, listening to music, and reading.

227 E Main Street, Pullman, WA 509.334.4410 Glory was created during Courtney’s high school Crafts
www.saundersinteriors.com class using adhesive to fix the glass to plywood before
filling it in with grout. The design came from the glass,

(boot’zers) Coffeehouse Pub
Stretch Your
Music Budget
Buy Music Online!
she had a wing and a dress and decided to make them
into a girl or angel. The red corner pieces are were
intended as sun rays in a friend’s work. The background
http://www.meadowlarkmelodies.com pieces were broken up with a hammer and worked in.
x Over 100,000 titles on our website Courtney was invited to show two pieces at the 2003
x Access to 200+ other publishers
Anacortes Arts & Crafts Festival. Glory was named as
x Discount Pricing
x Custom Arranging Courtney completed the paperwork. Courtney gives this
explanation for her choice, “I wrote Glory because,
201 South Main, Moscow, Idaho 208.882.5216 Your Online Music Source for the 21st Century although I’m still not sure whether the person is an angel
or a human, I am sure that they are glorifying God.”

Tupperware for Home for Health for Life

Premier Alpacas
of the Palouse Courtney is adapting well to college and
although the weather is quite different
Ranch & Guest Home (she wishes for rain!), she finds that
 custom kitchens Uniontown WA
 bridal showers
Helen Lombard Whitworth is enough like island life that
Executive Manager B & B accommodations Farm tours she doesn’t miss home too much. She
 microwave classes
Selling alpacas & items made of their enjoys knowing most of her fellow
 fund raisers [email protected] cashmere soft fleece students and has already made many
 classic parties 208.743.2747
509-229-3655 www.premieralpacas.com great friends. She especially likes not
being dependant on the ferry. The last

ferry from Anacortes to Guemes Island
runs at 6:00 pm and Courtney is
Advertising Strategy enjoying the ability to hang out with
Drug & Hearing Steve Teare friends or run downtown at 8:00pm and
still sleep in her own bed that night!
Graphic Designer
[email protected]
IWCC thanks Courtney for sharing her art
307 South Main, Moscow, Idaho with us and Steve Teare of BetterBrochure for
509.878.1912 designing our season poster!
208.882.5536 Open Mon.-Sat. 9-6, Sun. 12-5
Donors Supporters
We would like to thank the following individuals and businesses for their support, contributions, and assistance.
Angels, $3000 +
Our Families BookPeople of Moscow Joan LaBar
Paul H. Knopf Family Memorial Our Season Ticket Churchyard Inn Bed & Latah Arts Commission
Edmund O. Schweitzer Holders Breakfast Lewis-Clark State
Doug & Linda Adams City of Colton College
Benefactors, $500 + American West Bank, Mimi Dimitrovska Kirstin Malm
Nance Ceccarelli & Paul McCawley Colton & Dick Domey Brian McQueen
Decagon Devices, Inc. Uniontown Albert & Ellen Eng, The Owl Southway
Idaho Community Fund Eleanor Asbe McDonald’s of Pharmacy
Athena Design Pullman Courtney Powell
Dene & Gordon Thomas Bev and Aldie Atwood First United Methodist St. Boniface Church,
Rosemary & Barney Waldrop Auditorium Chamber Church, Lewiston Uniontown
Music Series Shaun Freuden City of Uniontown
Patrons, $100 + Friends, $25 + Marilyn & Gary Jack & Jan Keller Lori Wiest
Ed & Marge Bennett Robert & Carolyn Allen Bingham
Steve Teare, BetterBrochure Kurtzi Anderson Our Advertisers
Monte & Helen Boisen Denise Beck Aitken, Schauble, First United Methodist Open Eye Consignment
Patrick, Neill & Ruff Church of Lewiston Shop
Flowers, Etc. Susan Bohm Artistic Images Hair, Etc. Pacific Northwest
Hilary Rose Catherine Cross Photography Hodgin’s Drug Kiwanis - Louise
Hill’s Valley Floral Gerald & Carol Druffel Bucer’s Ken Vogel Clothing Regelin, District
Neill’s Flower’s & Gifts Laura & Paul Hill Cactus Computers Helen Lombard, Governor
Coleman Oil/Chevron Tupperware Premier Alpacas
Sandra Ristow Jana & Paul Joyce DynaMarts Meadowlark Melodies Pullman Family
Mike & Judy Rooney Jan & Jack Keller Columbia Paint & Moscow Food Coop Medicine
Theresa Schrempp Barbara Kirschner Coatings Moscow Wine Rosauers, Moscow &
Roger & Esther Spencer Fred & Helen Koehler Creason, Dokken & Company Lewiston
Moore Musical Alchemy, Inc. Safeway, Pullman
Keith & Mary Stormo Robert, Janice & Gail Miller Design West Nelson Accounting Saunders Floor
The Wild Ivy Joan & Merton Pubols Eastside Marketplace New St. Andrew’s Coverings
Richard Wonderly Joe & Barb Uliman Eleanor’s Corner College Southway Animal
William Schmick Saloon NW Training Center for Clinic
FirstBank, Lewiston Dogs Wild Women Traders
Ralph & Valerie Yount Zumé Bakery & Cafe

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