Macular Degeneration
● PURPOSE: To investigate the prevalence and clinical EOVASCULAR AGE-RELATED MACULAR DEGENER-
significance of cystoid macular degeneration in eyes that ation (AMD) causes severe and irreversible vi-
underwent intravitreal ranibizumab injections for exuda- sion loss if untreated, with loss of 3 lines of visual
tive age-related macular degeneration. acuity by 1 year and 4 lines of visual acuity by 2 years.1
● DESIGN: Retrospective, interventional case series. Ranibizumab (Lucentis; Genentech, Inc, South San Fran-
● METHODS: We reviewed the charts of 56 consecutive cisco, California, USA) is a recombinant, humanized,
patients (19 male, 37 female; mean age ⴞ standard monoclonal antibody antigen-binding fragment that neu-
deviation, 80.81 ⴞ 4.8 years) with exudative age-related tralizes all biologically active forms of vascular endothelial
macular degeneration who received the last intravitreal growth factor A.2 Intravitreal ranibizumab was the first
ranibizumab injection at least 6 months before and were therapy for exudative AMD to show, in 2 phase III clinical
judged to have a fibroatrophic scar without signs of studies, an improvement in mean visual acuity.3,4 These
progression by fluorescein angiography or spectral-do- results were obtained by a fixed-dosing regimen of ranibi-
main optical coherence tomography. Main outcome mea- zumab 0.5 mg or 0.3 mg monthly injected over 24 and 12
sures were the estimated prevalence and clinical months, respectively.3,4
significance of cystoid macular degeneration. The Prospective OCT Imaging of Patients with Neo-
● RESULTS: Twenty-two eyes showed various combina- vascular AMD Treated with intraOcular Ranibizumab
tions of degenerative pseudocysts, whereas 34 eyes did study demonstrated a variable dosing regimen, mainly
not show any pseudocysts. The 95% confidence interval based on optical coherence tomography (OCT) findings,
for the prevalence estimate was 36.98% to 41.02%. to be as effective as a fixed-dosing regimen in improving
Degenerative pseudocysts appeared square-shaped, did visual acuity and OCT findings with a far lower number of
not change their overall appearance over time, and were injections over 24 months.5,6 It is noteworthy that retreat-
located just below the internal limiting membrane in 11 ment with ranibizumab (0.5 mg/0.05 mL) was performed if
eyes (50%), in the inner nuclear layer in 16 eyes any qualitative increase in the amount of fluid was de-
(72.7%), in the outer nuclear layer in 8 eyes (36.3%), tected using OCT (during the second year of the study).6
and in all the retinal layers in 6 eyes (27.2%). Best- This highlights how meaningful, to date, is the OCT
corrected visual acuity improved in eyes with and with- evaluation of intraretinal or subretinal fluid accumulation
out degenerative pseudocysts and decreased significantly in making the retreatment decision on an as-needed basis.
in eyes with degenerative pseudocysts (P ⴝ .03). Mean Recently, Cohen and associates, using spectral-domain
central macular thickness decreased significantly (P < (SD) OCT, reported on a characteristic and relatively
.001) to 324.1 m and to 328.2 m in eyes and without frequent retinal finding of atrophic AMD that they called
degenerative pseudocysts, respectively. retinal pseudocysts.7 In their series, retinal pseudocysts
● CONCLUSIONS: Cystoid macular degeneration repre-
appeared as optically empty spaces, frequently located in
sents a well-distinguished clinical entity that may be the inner nuclear layer. The authors proposed the term
detected in exudative age-related macular degeneration pseudocyst rather than the term cyst because these retinal
eyes showing a posttreatment fibroatrophic scar and lesions had no obvious wall. Interestingly, fluorescein
should not be considered as a manifestation of choroidal angiography (FA), which was performed in 80% of eyes,
neovascularization activity. (Am J Ophthalmol 2011; showed no evidence of choroidal neovascularization
152:100 –107. © 2011 by Elsevier Inc. All rights (CNV), and there was no macular edema in any of the eyes
with pseudocysts. They proposed that retinal pseudocysts
may correspond to Müller cell degeneration (degenerative
Accepted for publication Jan 13, 2011. pseudocysts), and not to exudation (exudative cysts), and
From the Department of Ophthalmology, Centre Hospitalier Inter-
communal de Creteil, University of Paris XII, Creteil, France (G.Q., F.C., thus their presence should not require prompt treatment.
R.F., N.M., M.S., E.H.S.). Iida and associates recently proposed the term cystoid
Inquiries to Giuseppe Querques, Department of Ophthalmology, Uni- macular degeneration to describe a similar entity in central
versity of Paris XII, Centre Hospitalier Intercommunal de Creteil, 40
Avenue de Verdun, 94000 Creteil, France; e-mail: giuseppe.querques@ serous chorioretinopathy.8 Cystoid macular degeneration
hotmail.it was characterized by intraretinal cystoid spaces (degener-
E.H.S.) by analyzing recorded horizontal and vertical
scans. In exudative AMD, as in atrophic AMD,7 there are
different kinds of degenerative pseudocysts: unique versus
multiple and superficial versus deep. However, despite
these differences, all degenerative pseudocysts typically
show a more-or-less square shape (at least 1 of their borders
appears concave or straight). The same 3 authors also
evaluated the location of degenerative pseudocysts: just
below the internal limiting membrane, in the inner nu-
clear layer, in the outer nuclear layer, and in all the retinal
layers. In rare cases when interpretation varied between
the 3 authors, the SD OCT scans were reviewed as a group
to reach consensus.
Also, we assessed the clinical significance of cystoid
macular degeneration in terms of outcomes by comparing
mean final BCVA and CMT, as well as mean final number
of injections between eyes judged to be stable with cystoid
macular degeneration and eyes judged to be stable without
cystoid macular degeneration. Finally, we investigated the
estimated prevalence of outer retinal tubulation (ORT) in
eyes with cystoid macular degeneration.13
Statistical calculations were performed using the Statis-
tical Package for Social Sciences (version 17.0; SPSS, Inc,
Chicago, Illinois, USA). The prevalence of cystoid mac-
ular degeneration was estimated by dividing the number of
stable eyes with cystoid macular degeneration by the total
number of stable eyes. Also, the prevalence of ORT was
estimated by dividing the number of stable eyes with ORT
by the total number of stable eyes. Comparisons of mean
BCVA (ETDRS letters), mean CMT, and mean number of
injections were performed using the paired t test. The odds
ratios (ORs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were
calculated using a logistic regression model to assess
influence of cystoid macular degeneration on BCVA and
CMT. The 95% CIs of the prevalence estimates was
calculated. Correlation between development of ORT
FIGURE 1. Images from the left eye of an 87-year-old man and final BCVA was obtained with the Spearman rank
with exudative age-related macular degeneration. (Top left) correlation. The chosen level of statistical significance
Late-frame fluorescein angiogram (FA) and optical coherence was P ⬍ .05.
tomography (OCT) scan showing an active choroidal neovas-
cularization (CNV) characterized by fluorescein leakage and
exudative cysts at baseline. (Top right) After 3 monthly
intravitreal injection of ranibizumab were administered,, the
CNV was still active, but both FA and OCT showed a 5 further intravitreal injections of ranibizumab that the patient
reduction in fluorescein leakage and exudative cysts compared underwent over a further 12-month period, the patient underwent
with baseline. (Second row, top left) Late-frame FA showing the fifteenth and last intravitreal injections of ranibizumab in the
the CNV staining without leakage and (Second row, bottom left eye. He returned 2 weeks later for follow-up examination of
left) OCT scan showing a fibroatrophic scar and a degenerative his right eye, also affected with CNV and treated by intravitreal
pseudocyst located just below the internal limiting membrane injections of ranibizumab. Spectral-domain (SD) OCT also ob-
(ILM; dotted arrow) obtained after 9 intravitreal injections of tained in the left eye at that time revealing overall unchanged
ranibizumab that the patient underwent over a 12-month findings. (Bottom) Spectral-domain OCT scan showing a fibroa-
period. (Second row, top right) Late-frame FA showing the trophic scar after a further 12 months, without receiving any
CNV staining without leakage and (Second row, bottom right) intravitreal injection of ranibizumab. Note that the SD OCT scan
OCT scan still showing a fibroatrophic scar, a degenerative still shows almost the same degenerative pseudocyst located just
pseudocyst located just below the ILM (dotted arrow), and an below the ILM (dotted arrow). Also note the continued presence
of an ORT (arrowhead).
FIGURE 3. Images from the right eye of an 82-year-old woman
with exudative age-related macular degeneration. (Top left)
Fluorescein angiogram (FA) and (Top right) spectral-domain
optical coherence tomography (SD OCT) scan obtained at FIGURE 4. Images from the left eye of a 77-year-old woman
baseline showing an occult (type 1) choroidal neovasculariza- with exudative age-related macular degeneration. (Top left)
tion and subretinal fluid (asterisks). (Middle left) FA and Fluorescein angiogram (FA) and (Top right) spectral-domain
(Middle right) SD OCT scan showing a fibroatrophic scar optical coherence tomography (SD OCT) scan obtained at
(staining without leakage) in the same patient 24 months later, baseline showing a mixed classic plus occult (type 1 plus type 2)
after 12 intravitreal injections of ranibizumab. Note that the choroidal neovascularization and subretinal fluid (asterisks).
SD OCT scan shows a degenerative pseudocyst located both (Middle left) FA and (Middle right) SD OCT scan showing a
just below the internal limiting membrane (ILM; Middle left, fibroatrophic scar (staining without leakage) in the same patient
dotted arrow). Also note the presence of an outer retinal 15 months later, after 7 intravitreal injections of ranibizumab.
tubulation (ORT; Middle right, arrowhead). (Bottom left) FA Note that the SD OCT scan shows a degenerative pseudocyst
and (Bottom right) SD OCT scan still showing a fibroatrophic located within the inner nuclear layer (INL; Middle left, dotted
scar (staining without leakage) in the same patient 6 months arrow). Also note the presence of an outer retinal tubulation
later, without receiving any further intravitreal injection of (ORT; Middle right, arrowhead). (Bottom left) FA and (Bot-
ranibizumab. Note that the SD OCT scan still shows almost the tom right) SD OCT still showing a fibroatrophic scar (staining
same degenerative pseudocyst located both just below the ILM without leakage) in the same patient 12 months later, without
(Bottom right, dotted arrow) and the ORT (Bottom right, receiving any further intravitreal injections of ranibizumab.
arrowhead). Note that the SD OCT scan still shows almost the same
degenerative pseudocyst located within the INL (Bottom right,
dotted arrow) and the ORT (Bottom right, arrowhead).
Among the 56 eyes judged to be stable, 37 eyes (66.1%)
showed ORT (Table 1). Overall, prevalence of ORT was
follow-up visit, the mean CMT in eyes with cystoid
significantly greater than prevalence of cystoid macular
macular degeneration was 324.1 m; thus, eyes showing
degeneration (P ⫽ .01). The 95% CI for the prevalence
cystoid macular degeneration did not actually present an
estimate for ORT was 64.22% to 68.37%. In 15 (68.2%) of
increased macular thickness on SD OCT compared with
22 eyes with cystoid macular degeneration and in 22
eyes with no known retinal disease (recently proposed to
(64.7%) of 34 eyes without cystoid macular degeneration,
be 315 m).9 Of note, there was no difference in mean
we also found ORT (Table 1). No significant difference
CMT at last follow-up visit between eyes with and without
was present between the 2 groups regarding the presence of
cystoid macular degeneration (324.1 vs 328.2 m; P ⬎
ORT (P ⬎ .05). The 95% CI for the prevalence estimate
for ORT in eyes with cystoid macular degeneration was
65.94% to 69.98%. There was no correlation between
presence of ORT and location of degenerative pseudocysts
(P ⬎ .05). A nonsignificant correlation was found between DISCUSSION
development of ORT and BCVA change during follow-up
Different from typical exudative cysts, degenerative cystoid macular degeneration in a subset of eyes with
pseudocysts showed, in all eyes, at least 1 of their borders exudative AMD that underwent last intravitreal ranibi-
to be concave or straight; thus, degenerative pseudocysts zumab injection at least 6 months before and that were
presented a square shape rather than the typical biconvex judged to have a fibroatrophic scar. We also estimated the
shape of exudative cysts (Figure 5). Moreover, at the last prevalence of degenerative pseudocysts and their distribu-
Cystoid Macular Degeneration No Cystoid Macular Degeneration P Value (between the 2 Groups)
No. 22 34
Age (yrs) 80.81 ⫾ 4.8 ( range, 67 to 87) 81.29 ⫾ 3.9 ( range, 72 to 88) .5
BCVA (ETDRS letters) 43.86 ⫾ 8. 43.08 ⫾ 7.1 .5
Duration of macular thickness (mos) 1.3 ⫾ 0.6 1.2 ⫾ 0.8 .09
CMT (m) 437.81 ⫾ 69.3 442.5 ⫾ 53.9 .7
CNV .5
Type 1 12 18
Type 2 5 8
Type 1 ⫹ 2 5 8
ORT (%) 15 (68.2) 22 (64.7) .3
Follow-up (mos) 29.86 ⫾ 5.2 29.92 ⫾ 4.4 .8
Injections (no.) 11.63 ⫾ 3.3 11.58 ⫾ 2.8 .7
Time to last treatment (mos) 9.00 ⫾ 2.4 9.08 ⫾ 2.0 .8
BCVA ⫽ best-corrected visual acuity; CMT ⫽ central macular thickness; CNV ⫽ choroidal neovascularization; ETDRS ⫽ Early Treatment
Diabetic Retinopathy Study; mos ⫽ months; ORT ⫽ outer retinal tubulation; yrs ⫽ years.
Data are presented as mean ⫾ standard deviation or number, unless otherwise indicated.
TABLE 2. Best-Corrected Visual Acuity and Central Macular Thickness at Baseline and at Last Visit in the 2 Groups of Exudative
Age-Related Macular Degeneration Eyes (with and without Cystoid Macular Degeneration)
Cystoid macular degeneration 22 43.86 ⫾ 8 39.09 ⫾ 8.4 .03 437.81 ⫾ 69.3 324.13 ⫾ 42.1 ⬍.001
No cystoid macular degeneration 34 43.08 ⫾ 7.1 45.0 ⫾ 13.4 .3 442.5 ⫾ 53.9 328.2 ⫾ 31.4 ⬍.001
BCVA ⫽ best-corrected visual acuity; CMT ⫽ central macular thickness; ETDRS ⫽ Early Treatment Diabetic Retinopathy Study.
TABLE 3. Logistic Regression Showing Influence of Cystoid Macular Degeneration on Best-Corrected Visual Acuity and Central
Macular Thickness and Correlation of Baseline Central Macular Thickness and Duration of Macular Thickening with Final
Best-Corrected Visual Acuity
Odds Ratio (95% CI) of Influence of Odds Ratio (95% CI) of Influence of Correlation between Duration of Macular
Cystoid Macular Degeneration on Correlation between Baseline CMT Cystoid Macular Degeneration on Thickening before Treatment and Final
3.642 (1.028 to 5.289), P ⫽ .01 Spearman , –0.18; P ⫽ .08 0.6 (0.274 to 2.531), P ⫽ .1 Spearman , –0.61; P ⫽ .05
BCVA ⫽ best-corrected visual acuity; CI ⫽ confidence interval; CMT ⫽ central macular thickness.
tion within the retinal layers. Identification of degenera- known to be present in the vitreous cavity, but the cystoid
tive pseudocysts was achieved through a retrospective spaces did not show any change in size or appearance after
analysis of multiple horizontal and vertical SD OCT scans treatment.
acquired during clinical practice. Unlike exudative cysts that typically show a biconvex
The recognition of cystoid macular degeneration as shape, degenerative pseudocysts present a peculiarly square
distinct from CME seems of great importance because its shape (Figure 5). Moreover, eyes with and without degen-
presence at least in some exudative AMD eyes that were erative pseudocysts showed similar mean CMT values;
undergoing treatment with intravitreal injections of these values should not be considered as increased com-
ranibizumab may not be considered as a manifestation of pared with that of eyes with no known retinal disease.14
CNV activity. It is noteworthy that, when SD OCT Interestingly, all cases included in our analysis did not
examination was performed 1 to 2 weeks after intravitreal show changes in the overall appearance of degenerative
ranibizumab injection (Figure 1), active levels of drug were pseudocysts at least 6 months after discontinuation of
Cohen and associates and others, degenerative pseudocysts
may correspond to Müller cell degeneration that has been
suspected to occur in various degenerative retinal disorders
such as tamoxifen retinopathy or group 2A idiopathic
juxtafoveolar retinal telangiectasis.7,15–18 Degenerative
pseudocysts may correspond to an intermediate stage of the
atrophic process involving the retina, characterized by the
loss of Müller cells. Therefore, degenerative pseudocysts
may develop before the thinning of the neurosensory
The design of the current study does not allow for
understanding why, among the eyes judged to be stable,
cystoid macular degeneration developed in some, whereas
in others it did not. Future studies specifically should
address this issue.
FIGURE 5. Diagram showing degenerative pseudocysts with at Zweifel and associates recently reported a novel OCT
least one concave or straight border, giving a squared aspect to finding occurring in a variety of advanced degenerative
the lesion, whereas exudative cysts have round borders, giving retinal disorders that they called outer retinal tubulation.13
the typical biconvex aspect to the lesion. ILM ⴝ internal ORT are branching tubular structures located in the outer
limiting membrane; INL ⴝ inner nuclear layer; ONL ⴝ outer
nuclear layer of the retina and appear as round or ovoid
nuclear layer.
hyporeflective spaces with hyperreflective borders on OCT
sections. In the current series, 37 of 56 eyes showed ORT,
and thus, prevalence of ORT was significantly greater than
intravitreal ranibizumab injection. In case of the cystoid prevalence of cystoid macular degeneration.
spaces being the result of vascular leakage, retinal thick- ORT originally was described as a common findings in
ening (outside normal ranges) is to be expected, as well as exudative AMD eyes that were undergoing treatment with
changes in size and overall appearance over time after the intravitreal injections of ranibizumab or bevacizumab, often
treatment has been discontinued. Therefore, our data overlying retinal pigment epithelium damage or subretinal
suggest that the cystoid spaces may reflect a tissue break- fibrosis, or in eyes with atrophic disorders or subretinal
down, rather than vascular leakage. fibrosis. It is hypothesized that with resolution of fluid, the
There were no differences between eyes with and degenerating photoreceptors become arranged in a tubular
without cystoid macular degeneration with respect to fashion.13 In our series, prevalence of ORT was similar in
mean age, gender, mean BCVA, and CMT at baseline, as both eyes with or without cystoid macular degeneration.
well as mean follow-up, number of intravitreal injections These data further support our speculation on the role of
of ranibizumab, and time from administration of the last degenerative retinal process (secondary to posttreatment
treatment. Interestingly, although mean CMT decreased fibroatrophic scar development in exudative AMD eyes) in
significantly from baseline to the last follow-up visit, in the development of cystoid macular degeneration, possibly
eyes both with and without cystoid macular degeneration, before the thinning of the neurosensory retina.
eyes with cystoid macular degeneration showed a signifi- Our study has several limitations. First, it is a retrospec-
cant decrease in mean BCVA. Moreover, although there tive analysis of a subset of eyes judged to be stable, and we
was a significant correlation between mean CMT decrease cannot exclude a selection bias. Second, multiple horizon-
and mean BCVA improvement in eyes without cystoid tal and vertical SD OCT scans were acquired during
macular degeneration, we did not find a similar correlation clinical practice, without a well-defined acquisition proto-
in eyes with cystoid macular degeneration. Based on these col, and our analysis relied on the recorded scans; there-
data, it seems that presence of cystoid macular degenera- fore, some degenerative pseudocysts may have been missed
tion may negatively predict long-term functional outcome. because of the relatively limited number of analyzed scans,
We speculate that a progressive retinal degeneration ultimately resulting in an overall underestimation of de-
(including photoreceptor degeneration) may be associated generative pseudocysts.
with the development of a fibroatrophic scar in patients In the era of anti–vascular endothelial growth factor
undergoing treatment with intravitreal injections of treatments, recognizing OCT features like degenerative
ranibizumab for exudative AMD. This may be responsible pseudocysts should not be considered as a manifestation of
for cystoid macular degeneration development and, possi- CNV activity in exudative AMD. It is of great importance,
bly, for negative functional outcome (decrease in BCVA) especially because, to date, the variable dosing regimen is
despite morphologic improvement (CMT decrease and mainly based on OCT findings. Future prospective studies are
fibroatrophic scar development without signs of CNV necessary to improve our understanding of the clinical signif-
activity over at least 6 months). In fact, as proposed by icance of cystoid macular degeneration in exudative AMD.
Giuseppe Querques, MD, PhD, is an Associate Professor of Ophthalmology at University Paris XII, and Consultant
Surgeon Ophthalmologist in the Department of Ophthalmology at Creteil University Eye Clinic in France. He earned his
MD and PhD degrees from the University of Foggia, Italy. Professor Querques has contributed to more than 70
peer-reviewed articles, mainly in the areas of imaging of AMD and hereditary retinal diseases. His area of research is
focusing on medical retina.
Eric H. Souied, MD, PhD, is Professor and head of Department of Ophthalmology at Creteil University Eye Clinic in
France. He earned his MD and PhD degrees from the University of Paris XII and a post-doctoral fellowship at UCLA,
USA. Professor Souied has contributed to more than 100 peer-reviewed articles published in the areas of AMD and
ophthalmic genetics. His main area of research is focusing on the genetics, prevention and treatment of AMD.