help them acquire a culture, shape their behavior in adulthood, and orient them
that: “The State shall protect and promote the right of all citizens to quality
education at all levels, and shall take appropriate steps to make such
education accessible to all.”
This stated
quality education that a child requires. Because of their physical, mental, and
emotional disabilities, they should all be treated fairly and provided specific
Teachers that employ explicit instruction make lessons crystal apparent. They
demonstrate to children how to begin and complete a task. They also provide
improve educational formats. The phrase can also refer to educated people's
mental moods and traits. It can also refer to the academic field of education
studies to enable young people make informed and reasoned decisions for the
make their courses very apparent. They demonstrate to children how to begin
and complete a task. They also provide plenty of feedback and opportunities for
individuals to fulfill their full potential and contribute effectively to the nation's
implementation of Republic Act No. 10533, or the Enhanced basic Education Act
of 2013, the Department of Education (DepEd) issues the enclosed policy on the
explains clearly and in detail, leaving no room for confusion or doubt to students.
It involves direct explanation. Concepts are clearly explained and skills are
The value of studying social studies is that it provides pupils with a grasp
of the real world around them. Students learn about places, cultures, and events
around the world, how they came to be, and can draw conclusions about how the
rest of the world works. Students study about government, political beliefs, the
country's economy and resources, and other topics in social studies classes.
Students develop political skills by examining and criticizing existing systems and
imagining the future of their community. Through Explicit Instruction the student
will fully understand the lesson and what the teacher is being taught. It will help
the students and also the citizens who wants to change the world and respect the
vital aspect of education for students in their academic careers as well as the
years that follow as they establish their roles as adult in a democratic society and
global world. The study of social studies provides students basic skills and
society, and achieve personal goals of interest. Social studies has the ability to
expose students to common biases and multiple perspectives from an early age
preparing them for the reality that waits for them after high school, including
students in Grade 10 Student at Morong National High School. The teachers that
students how to begin and complete a task, leaving no room for confusion.
located on Tomas Claudio Street in Brgy. Rizal, San Juan, Morong. Morong
school with the most students in the town. Morong National High School is also
country and whose competencies and values enable them to realize their full
better serve its stakeholders. Moreover, its mission is to protect and promote the
Bee District Level to improve the knowledge of students on the historical period,
Camp, Its purpose is to close the learning gap for K-12 children in all elementary
and secondary schools across the country in math, English, social studies, and
scientific topics. The school also conducted special program in journalism, the
program aims to enrich the experiences, hone the journalistic skills and
Development Authority (CDA) in every locality in the province of Rizal for the
Tomas Claudio Memorial
Elementary School
To Baras
Figure 1
Vicinity Map of Morong National High School
Theoretical Framework
This study is anchored on the Cognitive Load theory by Paas, F, & van
Merrienboer (2020). This is based on three assumptions: There are two separate
channels (auditory and visual) for processing information; there is limited channel
replace productive cognitive burden for unproductive cognitive load. This article
learning task, the learner, and the learning environment. Understanding the
This theory is closely related to the present study in the sense that they
are both focusing on teaching methods. The way it works is that the educator
gives students clear, guided instructions from the front of the classroom or
lecture hall. This could serve as basis on how did Explicit Instruction will affect
learning the history. So, it is the teacher to make the student interested to listen
and acknowledge what does the lesson meant and how it will affect them.
Conceptual Framework
process, and output together with the feedback. The first frame contains the input
which includes the profile of the respondents of the study defined in terms of age,
sex, sibling position, number of children in the family, monthly family income,
Profile The
of second theframe refers to the process which pertains to the various
stages were undertaken in the conduct of the study which includes the
Age development and validation of the questionnaire-checklist, administration and
Sibling Position Development and Validation
retrieval of Children
of questionnaire checklist
of Questionnaire
and tabulation, analysis,Action
Checklist Plan to Enhance
and interpretation of the
in the family Effectiveness of Explicit
data. Family Administration and Retrieval Instruction on the Academic
Income of Questionnaire Checklist Performance of Grade 10
Parents’ Educational Students in Araling
The last frame refersTabulation, Processing,
to the output which is and
on action plan toPanlipunan
enhance the
Interpretation of Data
Parents’ Occupation
effectiveness of explicit instruction on the academic performance of grade 10
Level of Effectiveness of
Instruction on thePanlipunan at Morong National High School. The arrow from
in Araling
Academic Performance of
Grade the 10 output
Students in to the input represents the action from the feedback as a
going back
Araling Panlipunan
result of the study.
Figure 2
Conceptual Framework Showing the Effectiveness of Explicit Instruction
on the Academic Performance of Grade 10 students in Araling Panlipunan
Statement of the Problem
The study aimed to determine the effectiveness of explicit instruction on
1.1 age;
1.2 sex;
2.1 visual;
2.3 verbal;
the extent of effects of explicit instruction with respect to the cited aspects
The results and findings of the study will be beneficial to the following:
School Administrators. The results of the study may encourage the
Teachers. This study will be beneficial for students because it will help
them design and provide appropriate explicit teaching for their students.
Students. The results of this study will help learners determine and
Parents. This study will help the parents to be able to help their children to
enhance their children’s cognitive skills and monitor the flow of their learning.
Future Researchers. This study will help to give reference about the
National High School during the School Year 2023-2024. The respondents of the
study were comprised of 100 grade 10 students of the said institution. The
respondents were described according to their age, sex, sibling position, number
needed data.
Definition of Terms
For the clarity of purpose in the study, the following terms are defined
way. When teachers use explicit instruction, they make lessons crystal clear.
benefits received from either mother or father labor for family every month.
who are living at home and have the status of being a child.
respondents were born first, last or any order of number in the family.