Empresa 2: Gabriela Anguiano Fernanda Arreguín Alejandra Menéndez

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The key takeaways are that the company offers dessert buffet and display design services for social and corporate events, focusing on creativity and customization. They aim to make events memorable through innovative dessert presentations.

The company offers conceptual design of dessert buffets and displays for special events. They provide handcrafted pastries, candies and treats artistically arranged using decorative materials. The goal is to match each client's event theme and preferences.

The main competitors are other bakeries and catering companies in Barcelona that include desserts as part of their food services for events, though not with the same focus on creative buffet designs. Think Sweet and Lolita Bakery are also competitors specialized in dessert displays.


Gabriela Anguiano Fernanda Arregun Alejandra Menndez

Business Plan
1 Executive summary
1.3 As a service we offer: 1.4 Competitive Advantage, differentiator, level of innovation: 1.7 Mission: 1.8 Vision: 2.1 Objetives 2.2 Personal qualities 2.3 Motivation

5 5 5 6 6 6 6 6 6 7 7 7 7 7 7 8 8 8 9 9 9

2 Team

3 Business model:
Key Partners: Key activities: Key resources Value proposition Relationships Channels client segments Cost structure:

4 Financial analysis
4.2 Sales projections 4.3 Capital spending 4.4 Operating costs 4.5 Funding 4.6. Quality 4.7. Hygine and enviromental management

5 External enviroment

5.1 Economy 5.2 Market anlisis & trends Strength: Opportunities: Weakneses: Threats: Trends: Anlisis del mercado: Resultados de encuestas: Short-term: Medium-term: Long-term: Diagrama de Grantt: 5.3 Competition anlisis Competencia: 5.4 Substitut products 5.4.Infrastucture, equipment and manpower 5.5 Tecnology

Marketing plan:

15 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18

9 10 10 10 10 10 11 12 13

6 Implementation road (projects milestones) 7 Risk anlisis

7.2 Critical success factors

18 18

Business Plan
1 Executive summary Baking ideas Our idea is to help our clients to throw the best social Business event using dessert tables or arrangement which match the concept of each one of them, making it different, fun and eye appealing. Our goal is using DESIGN as our main tool to help the even tan unforgetable one. It will not just be about he flavour and taste of our pastries, but about the decoration and design that will give a plus to the event. What we want is our client to know we can be versatile and capable enough to apply design to any kind of event they ask for. We have the creativity for designing from a baby shower to a New Years Business event.
1.1 Product or service description:

We are a design company which creates dessert buffets and displays for social events. What we offer is a combintion of product- service which includes handcrafted pastry and candy, everything displayed in the most creative way possible. Using decorative material and furniture for a perfect presentation. Product: Delicious handcrafted desserts and treats (it includes cupcakes, macarrons, cakes, mini cupcakes, pies, jellow, candies, cookies, brownies and any other thing the client may ask) displayed creatively on a buffet for all to see in any kind of special social event. Eveything according to the theme, concept and the client preferences.

Now here it is an image of our menu, remember the client can always ask for special petitions in size, flavor and color.

1.2 As a product we offer:

Conceptual design on dessert buffet displays for special events: social and corporative events. Our main target us to create dessert displays with a professional designed concept in order for our clients to through an unmemorable event. Great variety in flavour, and pastry decoration. Everything depending on our clients requests. Great design taking care of every single detail. o Basic Product: cakes, cupcakes, mini cupcakes, pies, cakepops, mousses, candy, cookies, brownies. Buffet assembly. o Producto Agregado: Personalization, uniqueness o Potential Product: Could personalize not just the displays but the pastry as well.

1.3 As a service we offer:

o o o o o o o

Complete Graphics and product design. Transportation, assembly of displays on time and place, this being either a salon, a house, garden or else. Staff capable of maintaining the displays in good condition throughout the event. Order and contct online Shipping the product Personalized relationship with our clients. Relacin personalizada con nuestros clientes.

1.4 Competitive Advantage, differentiator, level of innovation:

What make us different from our competition, is the fact that we dont just offer the taste experience, we offer as well, a warm visual experience based on emotional design. Our multidisciplinar team is formed by Graphics and product Designers, 2 bakers and a marketing Expert. We work independent, but we also have collaboration with catering services, and social event planners. This dessert buffet idea came from America and it is just starting to get stronger in Europe. We plan to be one of the Pioneers and be differenciated by our competition for the visual impact our designs will bring to the event.
1.5 Social and economical impact:

We want to pamper our client. We want them to feel free of showing off during their event. Who doesnt like to be remembered as the best hosts? Our target is people with a high economical postition willing to spend a bit more by offering a different experienc eto their guests.
1.6 Nature of the bussines: Our Business is an industrial and design enterprise (food production and

1.7 Mission:

Offer fresh foos services with high quiality living the client the option to choose the dessert table for their event, with high experience in design. Always search the optimization of our proceses and the use of resources to keep a growing supply chain. Compromise with our inner and outter clients, as well as with our comunity since we constantly favor a warm working field where developement of our people is essential , as well as an optimal experience for our clients.



Create a highly profitable franchaise for our Partners that will estimulate the growth by opening various distributions centres.

2 Team Gabriela Anguiano Fernanda Arregun Alejandra Menndez Mauricio lvarez

2.1 Objetives

We are a group of enterprising people that are looping for a change in social events, we are motivated by the fact that we are Designers but we also like pastry and we think that with design we can get more easily into people, and also sweets are a very good way to get into people so if we mix this two things we get a very good result.
2.2 Personal qualities

Gabriela Anguiano: Graphic designer 24 years old, Studied at La Salle in Leon, Gto, Mex and in ESDi Social Relationships Creativity Alejandra Menndez Graphic designer 22 years old Studied at UIA Mexico and ESDi Innovation ideas Creativity Fernanda Arreguin Graphic designer 22 years old Studied at UIA Mexico and ESDi Organization and research qualities Creativity **And.. Mauricio lvarez 23 years old Studied at Hofmann, escuela de Hostelera, Barcelona Chef Cooking quialities

2.3 Motivation

As a team we want to satisfy the social needs to be remembered either if it just a birthday party or a baby shower, to a product presentation or Business events. 3 Business model:
Key Partners:

Bakers (to help with the pastry cooking) Printing (to unify the design of the hole table) Catering service (becoming Partners in order to offer a complete food service)

Key activities:

Branding: (Helping to achieve the event/brand goals) Manufacturing (baking all the pastries for the dessert table) Design (personalizad and conceptual design for each event) Marketing

Key resources

Time Money Public relationships Clients

Value proposition

Conceptual dessert tables or arrangements for especial events with personalized and tasty decoration that includes; colors, shapes and decoration. Everything tailored specifically to match the theme and colours required. DESIGN, ORIGINALITY AND DETAIL ATTENTION Why a dessert buffet is the best opton for an event: The child-like wonder it creates in your guests - your guests literally are "kids in a candy shop!" A great ice-breaker for corporate events We are both designers and culinary experts - we know what looks good and what tastes good.


Social event planners Event agencies Direct client Website Social Networks


Social events: weddings, anniversaries, baby showers, bachelorette parties, etc Bussines events: also offering the service to retaurants and event planners

client segments

middle-high class People looking for originality and a tasty decoration for a special ocation Firms, enterprises, companies and Brands Catering service enterprises

Cost structure:

$$$ design & display material $$ manufacturing (baking) $ branding

4 Financial analysis

4.2 Sales projections

At the begininhg the team will provide the inicial investement. The risks of losing are low since we ask our clients for payment in advance and use that Money to create part of the display. The complete payment will make up for the whole decoration and leave 15% for the expenses such as transportation, and sallaries. At the beginning of course. We plan to raise the percentage to a 25% in less than a year. Starting in Barcelona, we plan to expand throughout Spain in a near future becoming a strong brand and opening franchises. To set pricing, we take the price of whats needed for bakery, add an amount for hourly work, and then double that total. This will then cover the work for shopping, traveling to locations, and purchasing new containers and other items when necessary.

4.3 Capital spending

The capital spending represents the first money that we need to invest for our business, so at the beginning we need to buy all the machinery for make the cakes and cupcakes as the mixer and all the raw materials; for the displays we will need material too.

4.4 Operating costs

Light Water Gas Work salary

En cuanto a los gastos fijos, estamos tomando en cuenta gastos que se dan mes con mes y debemos considerar en el presupuesto como: sueldos de los trabajadores, mobiliario y equipo de trabajo que debemos considerar su mantenimiento y renovacin constante. Dentro de los costos variables como cada mesa de postres es diferente hay mesas en las que debemos de invertir ms dinero y algunas menos, adems que como ya lo hemos planteado hay partes dentro de las decoraciones que pueden ser reutilizadas. Los gastos administrativos son bajos ya que no tenemos una tienda fsicamente por que todo se maneja en la pgina web, y debemos pagar el dominio del sitio para que funcione. Adems tenemos el taller donde se realiza desde la decoracin de las mesas hasta toda la pastelera. Aqu debemos pagar luz, agua, renta, y los gastos que se vayan dando.

4.5 Funding

The inicial inversion would be the strongest in order to buy all the Tools and equipment to build the displays. Most of these tools will be reused on further events such as tables and trays.

4.6. Quality

The quality is very important in the desserts because we are baking products that the client will eat , so we have to give special attention in the raw material at the beginning, and all the quality of them and then to the process of elaboration of our lovely cupcakes, cookies and all our desserts. Relation quality-price The quality of our desserts is going to be guaranteed to our clients. We offer a try-out. Our clients would be able to try our main pastries in order to choose the main desserts for their event. This service would be given strictly by appointment. As a Young business we know that at the beginning our customers will have many observations regarding our service and development, therefore, we will have aspace on our web-page so our clients can give us feed-back and help us grow.
4.7. Hygine and enviromental management

The hygiene in our business is a very important topic, because we are working with we have to look for a good service provider of the ingredients for all our recipes. About the environmental management we will separate the garbage, we will try to apply pretty garbage that can be reused by the guests as a souvenir from the event. We will try to re-use material from the display such as trays, vases, furniture, and decorative containers. These being positive for our environmental and economical impact.

5 External enviroment
5.1 Economy

Barcelonas population has experiment an interesting social renovation in the last years, due on its mayority by migration into the city.

The most commercial zone of the city is its historical downtown (streets: Portaferriza, Ramblas, Portal del AngeL, Pelayo and plaza catalunya) where small bussineses as well as big retail stores share Business. To the north of plaza catalunya in Paseo de Gracia, Rambla Catalunya and Diagonal are the top tier fashion stores from international Designers. Design articles can be found in Born neighbourhood that has gareded popularity in the last years. In the resto f the city there are various malls like Lilla, La Maquinista, Les glories, Maremagnum. Catalunya has various social classes from high, middle-high to working class and this is divided in qualified and non qualified. The working class and medium class represent the 70% of the population of Barcelona and 68% of Catalunyas. The other 30% is represented to mdium and high class are really influential in media and politics.

5.2 Market anlisis & trends Strength:

There is no end to what you can serve on a Dessert Bar. Cupcakes, pie, bite size brownies, rice krispy treats, cheesecake, etc. Big taste can come in small packages. The love for pastry is a common tradition in the Catalan community and a keyy factor for our Business to succeed. This way, we find a great advantage in creating a food business specialized on big social events where the consumption of dessert and sweet treats is of main importance. The target is middle-high and high social class, which will give us an economical advantage in order to create the best quality dessert display for our client. Experience in Graphic design and visual Communications Been living in America gave us the qualified knowledge about this new sweet buffet trend since its origins come from there. Capacity of going back and forth America where the development of this new concept is the strongest in the entire world.


Make our displays become a complete sensorial experience for the guests where the taste, smell and sight are completely satisfied. GUests will have an active roll in selecting their dessert. We are not just trying to sell a product and a service, but an experience as well. Some key factors: Innovating products Design in every single retail (retail attention) Attractive displays Promotional and catering campaigns Introducing sugar-free tretas for tthe healhy guests Give a nice variety of tastes to satisfy guests preferences. Even some sugar free selections would be nice if possible. Keep the servings small and presented beautifully.

Well-known competition Start our social relationships from cero Non-spanish people in our team (which can also be an advantage)


Half of our clients avoid pastry eating because of healthy issues. They relate dessert to fatness and they tend to reject them. This is a shocking fact since this type of clients are the biggest pastry and sweets lovers

They are the market share that enjoy desserts the most, but the most consumption controlling for the calories issue in this products.

Candy Buffets have become the hottest new trend for weddings and other events. What is a Candy Buffet? Candy Buffets offer a beautiful and fun party decoration as well as edible favors for guests. For birthday parties, they literally make guests feel like a kid in a candy store. Dessert Buffets can be coordinated to fit any color palette, theme, wedding or shower style as a fun treat for your guests. You may also supply creative containers or bags for guests to take some "to-go" as an event favor, especially if it is a kid-friendly event.

Anlisis del mercado:

Mesas de Postres y Displays. Sexo: F M.

Has odo hablar de las mesas de postres? S No Usted contrara el servicio de mesas de postres? S No Para una reunin o fiesta, Contratara solamente el servicio de mesas de postres o siempre junto al servicio de catering? Slo postres Con Catering Ambos Para qu tipo de eventos contrataras el servicio de mesa de postres? Fiestas personales Fiestas religiosas(bautizos, bodas)

Qu tipo de postres te gustara que tuviera esta mesa?

Cunto pagaras por el servicio de mesa de postres? 100-600 600-1000 1000-1500 adelante. Qu crees que le podra aportar la mesa de postres a un evento?


A qu tipo de pblico se orientara este servicio de postres? 0-18 aos 19-30aos 30-70aos. edades Crees que en Barcelona sera un buen negocio? S No

Todas las

Resultados de encuestas:

In this inquest we ask Barcelona people about the desserts tables, and the majority of the people that answer our questions are female customers than male ones. Has odo hablar de las mesas de postres? As we can see, the people in Barcelona have heard about the Desserts tables and just a few havent. But the important thing is that at the beginning we will have a lot of people who are interesting in our business.

Usted contrara el servicio de mesas de postres? The people in Barcelona that we ask this questions answer that they will hire the service of a Dessert table and just a few think that it is not necessary in party.

Para una reunin o fiesta, Contratara solamente el servicio de mesas de postres o siempre junto al servicio de catering? In Barcelona, the people dont get used to hire just the dessert table service for their parties, so thats the reason that most people think that they will have the desserts table service with the catering service. This question show us that its necessary for the begging to work as a partners with a catering business for the purpose of get known in town.

Para qu tipo de eventos contrataras el servicio de mesa de postres? To improve in the business of desserts, we have to know at what kind of events the people used to hire this type of service; the inquests show us that most of the people related our business to the Weddings, Baptists, etc and less people hire us for a birthday party or any personal reunion.

Qu tipo de postres te gustara que tuviera esta mesa? What kind of desserts we can offer to the Barcelona customers? In the city, the people related the desserts to sweet products as cupcakes and chocolates, and not to healthy desserts as fruits. So we can have more options in this type of desserts and buy more raw materials for these sweet desserts.

Cunto pagaras por el servicio de mesa de postres? Lets talk about the costs of the products as a general idea about the price, we can see that the people think that this type of service is cheaper, but the price can change because of the desserts that the customers chose.

Qu crees que le podra aportar la mesa de postres a un evento? This question is about what does the people think that our service give to their events?, and as a surprise most of the people think that is variety the adjective that makes different the service that we offer and as a second adjective is creativity, and for that we have our lovely designs on the displays that make a perfect complement to the table desserts

A qu tipo de pblico se orientara este servicio de postres? Our business need focus customers and for that we have to ask the people about the age that they think we are made for? The people said that the age that can be our focus customers is 30 to 70 years, maybe it sound like very general but maybe are that type of people the ones who can pay for the desserts table service

Crees que en Barcelona sera un buen negocio? Barcelona as a Cosmopolitan city represents a good market for our business because we can found a lot of people from different cultures and as a consequence with big opportunities to make the difference in their parties.

The results of the inquest show us that the first idea of work as a partner with a Catering business is a good idea, because most of the people relate the dessert tables with this business so it can a be a good opportunity for us and for the people to know our service and the creativity of these. About the variety of the desserts, the answers said that maybe we have to have more attention of the sweet ones like cupcakes and chocolates, because is the first idea when we ask for desserts, and maybe as a second option we can offer fruit as well. Finally, the price of the service maybe will be the problem because the people have the idea that this type of service is cheaper but it is going to change depending of the dessert and the display for it. Marketing plan:

Improve the business with all their innovating factors to present the new services and attract to the potential clients to the inauguration.

Present the concept of the new product with a clear image


Keep constantly present the brand in the mind of the clients. Become top of mind. Start franchises in Spain and hopefully expand throughout Europe.

Diagrama de Grantt:

5.3 Competition anlisis


http://think-sweet.com/ http://www.lolitabakery.com/#!__home/eventos-galeria http://www.dulzuraychocolate.com/

5.4 Substitut products

Como servicio sustituto se encuentran las empresas de catering y banquetera existentes en Barcelona que incluyen en el men del evento un postre. No como buffet sino simplemente como un platillo ms.
5.4.Infrastucture, equipment and manpower

The infrastructure of can be in our workshop-office once we have recovered our inversion and are able to pay rent, because our main contact with the customer is going to be by the web. But because of our type of business we need an office to make all the design things and the workshop, the place to build all the displays for our business. It is not essential, bit it could make our work more organized and easy.
5.5 Tecnology

The technology in this business is based in the new bakery that is made for our desserts. We will try to innovate applying new technologies, not only for the baking process, but the marketing and promotion aspect. For our baking process we will need: Horno Pastelero Batidora Semi industrial Conservadora/Congeladora For our custimers relationships: Web-page Mobile App (Where you cam select the flavors, themes, colors and desserts to build your display virtually) This would be a goal once we achieve the developing state of our business. Social networks: twitter and facebook where we can get feedback and give information to our costumers. 6 Implementation road (projects milestones) Buy equipment Hire bakers and assistants Buy Raw material Launch website Promote the website through social Networks and catering service

7 Risk anlisis - Inflation - Crisis - A higher cost of the raw material for the desserts(eggs, butter,etc)

7.2 Critical success factors

Acceptance from the clients Top quality Originality On time delivery

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