International Universities

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University Name ‫ا ا‬

1 Brown University ‫ ن‬

2 California Institute of Technology  ‫ ر‬
3 Carnegie Mellon University ‫ن‬ ‫ ر‬
4 City University of Hong Kong    
5 Columbia University  
6 Cornell University ‫ ر‬
7 Delft University of Technology  ‫ د‬
8 Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne ‫ زان‬- ‫ر ا ارا‬
9 Fudan University ‫ دان‬
10 Georgia Institute of Technology  ‫ ر‬
11 Harvard University ‫رد‬ 
12 Imperial College London ‫ا­ل ج ن‬
13 Institut Polytechnique de Paris €­‫ ر‬-‫ ا‬
14 Johns Hopkins University ‚ ‚ 
15 Katholieke Universiteit Leuven ƒ „ 
16 King's College London ‫†‚  ج ن‬
17 Korea Advanced Institute of Science & Technology ‫اŠ اري اŠ‰م م وا‬
18 Korea University ­‫ ر‬
19 Kyoto University Œ 
20 Lomonosov Moscow State University Ž‫ ف  ا‬
21 London School of Economics and Political Science ’‫ر ن •”“د وام ا‬
22 Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitat Munchen – - ‫ د—  ’Šن‬
23 Lund University  
24 Massachusetts Institute of Technology  €˜Œ 
25 McGill University † 
26 Monash University ‫ ش‬
27 Nanyang Technological University š‫ — ا‬
28 National Taiwan University š‫ Œان ا‬
29 National University of Singapore š‫ †رة ا‬
30 New York University ‫ رك‬
31 Northwestern University ž‫ رث و‬
32 Osaka University  ‫ أو‬
33 Peking University ’  ‫ و‬
34 Pennsylvania State University   ‫ ر‬
35 Pohang University of Science and Technology ‫ م وا‬  
36 Princeton University ‫ ­’ن‬
37 PSL Research University €­‫ ر‬- ¢Ž 
38 Rice University €‫ را‬
39 Royal Institute of Technology  Š‫اŠ ا‬
40 Ruprecht Karls Universitat Heidelberg ‫ ج‬ - €‫ ور­˜ ر‬
41 Seoul National University š‫ ل ا‬
42 Shanghai Jiao Tong University ‫†ي و‬¤ 
43 Sorbonne University (merged from Paris IV & UPMC) ‫ن‬¥‫ ر‬
44 Stanford University ‫ رد‬
45 Sungkyunkwan University ‫   ان‬
46 Technical University of Denmark ‫ اŠرك‬- ‰‫ا  ا‬
47 The Australian National University ‫ا  اš ا ا‬
48 The Chinese University of Hong Kong   “‫ا  ا‬
49 The Hong Kong Polytechnic University ‰¦‫ ن ا‬  
50 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology ‫ م وا‬  
51 The University of Auckland § ‫ أو‬
52 The University of Manchester ’˜ 
53 The University of Melbourne ‫ نر‬
54 The University of New South Wales ‚‫ رك   وث و‬
55 The University of Queensland  ‚ 
56 The University of Sheffield ¤ 
57 The University of Sydney  
58 The University of Tokyo  š 
59 The University of Warwick ‫ واور‬
60 The University of Western Australia ‫ب أا‬ª 
61 Tohoku University   Œ 
62 Tokyo Institute of Technology   š 
63 The University of Warwick ‫ واور‬
64 Tsinghua University ‫ Œ’†ا‬
65 Universidad de Buenos Aires € ‫ اد دي‬
66 Universiti Malaya   
67 University College London ‫ ج ن‬
68 University of Amsterdam ‫ أ’دام‬
69 University of Birmingham ‫ †م‬
70 University of Bristol ‫ ­’ل‬
71 University of British Columbia ¦­‫  ا‬
72 University of California, Berkeley   ‫ ر‬
73 University of California, Los Angeles ‫ س ا س‬، ‫ ر‬
74 University of California, San Diego ‫  ن‬، ‫ ر‬
75 University of Cambridge ‫ ­ج‬
76 University of Chicago ª¤ 
77 University of Copenhagen ƒª 
78 University of Edinburgh ‫ أدة‬
79 University of Glasgow §ª 
80 University of Hong Kong   
81 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign ƒ¤ ¥‫ أور‬- ‫ إي‬
82 University of Leeds ‫ ز‬
83 Durham University ‫م‬ ‫ دور‬
84 University of Washington ƒ¦¤‫ وا‬
85 University of Michigan ‫ ˜†ن‬
86 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill  ˜Œ ، ‫ رث ور‬
87 University of Oxford ‫ أ ’رد‬
88 University of Pennsylvania ’ 
89 University of Science and Technology of China ƒ“‫ ا‬- ‫ ام وا‬
90 University of Southampton ‫ و„ن‬
91 University of St Andrews ‫  اورز‬
92 University of Texas at Austin ƒ‫ أو‬- ‫ Œ’س‬
93 University of Toronto ‫ Œر‬
94 University of Washington ƒ¦¤‫ وا‬
95 University of Wisconsin-Madison ‫ و’’ƒ د’ن‬
96 University of Zurich ‫ ز­رخ‬
97 Yale University  
98 Yonsei University ’ 
99 Zhejiang University — ˜Œ 
100 Zurich Swiss Federal Institute of Technology ‫ ز­رخ‬-  ‫ا’’ي‬ ‫اŠ ارا‬

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