Biofuel From Algae Revanth Ganya Chowhan
Biofuel From Algae Revanth Ganya Chowhan
Biofuel From Algae Revanth Ganya Chowhan
Fossil fuels are used for the generation of electrical power, as well as
liquid fuels. There are a variety of renewable or low atmospheric
pollution technologies that can generate electrical power, including
solar, wind, hydroelectric, geothermal and nuclear. However,
renewable technologies to supplement or replace liquid fossil fuels are
still in their early developmental stages. The International Energy
Agency expects that biofuels will contribute 6% of total fuel use by
2030, but could expand significantly if undeveloped petroleum fields
are not accessed or if substantial new fields are not identified (Figure
1). The most promising sustainable alternatives are almost exclusively
categorized under the moniker ‘biofuels’. This term describes a
diverse range of technologies that generate fuel with at least one
component based on a biological system. The major technologies
presently employed for biofuels begin with terrestrial plants and
culminate with ethanol, whether this is corn starch to sugar to
ethanol, or sugarcane sugars to ethanol. The regional success of some
of these strategies is well noted; in particular, the sugarcane-to-
ethanol production in Brazil [5]. To a lesser degree, oils from
terrestrial plants – for example, soy and palm – are used to produce
biodiesel. These strategies are functional at the small scale; however,
as their use has increased, it is evident that they are not sustainable,
owing to the enormous amount of agricultural land that would be
required to supplant a significant fraction of petroleum using this
strategy [6,7]. A number of hybrid strategies have been discussed or
are currently being deployed. Examples of such strategies include
conversion of cellulose to sugars for fermentation into fuel, and
gasification of residual biomass into syngas that can then be used to
produce liquid fuels [8]. Although each of these strategies is being
used to produce fuels, they are insufficient to accommodate the global
demand for liquid fuels.
Previous and predicted global petroleum sources
(A) Global liquid fuel use in 2006 was predominantly (96.3%) conventional petroleum,
with slightly less than 1% being biofuels. (B) In 2030, the International Energy Agency
estimates that 29% of liquid fuels will originate from current conventional oil sources,
57% will be from undeveloped or unidentified conventional oil sources and 6% will be
biofuels [4]. The large gray area of undeveloped or unidentified sources provides ample
and possibly necessary expansion for nonconventional sources.
The high growth rates, reasonable growth densities and high oil
contents have all been cited as reasons to invest significant capital to
turn algae into biofuels. However, for algae to mature as an
economically viable platform to offset petroleum and, consequently,
mitigate CO2 release, there are a number of hurdles to overcome
ranging from how and where to grow these algae, to improving oil
extraction and fuel processing. The algal biofuels production chain is
outlined in Figure 3 and shows that the major challenges include
strain isolation, nutrient sourcing and utilization, production
management, harvesting, coproduct development, fuel extraction,
refining and residual biomass utilization.
Making algal growth & harvesting more efficient
Land use
Nutrient challenge
Algae require nutrients, light, water and a carbon source, most often
CO2, for efficient growth. The major nutrients required by most algae
include phosphorous, nitrogen, iron and sulfur. Often, the nutrient
requirement necessary for algal growth is ignored, since algae are
very efficient at sequestering these nutrients when present in their
environment [34,35]. Changes in nutrient load and algal growth have
been studies extensively in terms of eutrophication of lakes and
coastal regions, but not as heavily in terms of productivity in large-
scale aquaculture [36,37]. If terrestrial agriculture is a model for some
of the challenges for algal aquaculture, then providing sufficient
nutrients for large-scale algal growth is a significant challenge. Micro-
and macro-nutrient supplements, or fertilizer, account for significant
costs in the current terrestrial agriculture industry [38], and biofuels
are not expected to be an exception. The use of fertilizers has been
increasing globally. Unfortunately, many fertilizer components are
generated from fossil fuels or mined and, as such, they are not
renewable [39–42]. Algae, similar to plants, require sources of
phosphorus, nitrogen and potassium, which are the major
components of agricultural fertilizers, and large-scale aquaculture will
impact these already limited supplies. In addition, optimal growth of
many algal species requires chelated iron and sulfur.
In the open oceans, iron is a major limiting nutrient for algal growth,
as demonstrated by the induction of algal blooms by the addition of
exogenous iron to open oceans [47]. Interestingly, the addition of iron
to induce an algal bloom has been considered and tested as a strategy
to sequester CO2 [47–49]. Biologically, iron is required for electron
transport in all known photosynthetic organisms,
including Chlamydomonas reinhardtii, and is typically found in iron-
sulfur clusters in a variety of photosynthetic proteins [50]. Iron in its
oxidized form is not optimal for uptake, and most algae prefer
chelated iron. Fortunately, iron can be easily acquired and is more
available than many of the other required nutrients.
Sulfur, in addition to its key role in the electron transport chain, is also
required for protein synthesis and lipid metabolism. Sulfur deficiency
has been shown to limit algal density and stunt growth [51]. Thus, it
seems likely that sulfur will be important for optimal algal growth, and
cost/benefit analysis will need to be considered to determine the
optimal amount of sulfur to add to the media for the best economic
This is a model of how we expect nutrient utilization to occur as the field matures. Algae
will be harvested and the oil will be extracted, the remaining biomass
(carbohydrates/proteins) will either be recycled for nutrients through anaerobic
digestion or similar means, producing methane gas and a nutrient-rich slurry, which can
then be fed back into the algal pond, rather than exogenously produced fertilizers, or
used to for high-value co-products, ranging from industrial enzymes, nutraceuticals or
animal feed stocks. Some of these nutrients can be recycled through waste water, while
others will be lost due to runoff.
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Algae biofuels
Algae biofuels are advanced renewable fuels derived from algal
feedstock via different conversion processes, this is due to the oil-
rich composition of this feedstock that can be associated with its
ability to abundantly photosynthesize.
Algae are a promising source for biofuel production due to their high
biomass productivity and fast growth rate. Here are some abstracts about
algae biofuel production:
Utilization of algae for biofuel, bio-products and bio-remediation
This review discusses the use of algae for biofuel production, including biodiesel,
bioethanol, biobutanol, and biohydrogen. It also covers the environmental
applications of algae, such as wastewater treatment and CO2 sequestration
Biofuels from Algae
This chapter discusses the constraints and aspects associated with the
commercialization of algal biofuels. It also covers the potential conversion
technologies for algal biofuels, such as transesterification, pyrolysis, and
Review: Biofuel production from plant and algal biomass
This review discusses the cultivation of algal biomass for biofuel production,
including the use of photobioreactors and open-air systems. It also covers the
different methods for converting biomass into biofuels, such as thermochemical,
chemical, biochemical, and direct combustion.
The potentials and challenges of algae based biofuels
This review discusses the resource, economic, and life cycle assessments of
microalgae biofuel production. It also highlights the need for harmonized
assessments to enable direct comparisons of alternative processing technologies.
Using Algae for Biofuel Production: A Review
This review discusses the potential of algae for biofuel production, including the
quality of biofuels obtained from microalgae and the need to develop methods for
inexpensive biomass production.