OSY Practical Answers

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OSY Practical Questions and Answers 2024-25

1. Write theory & procedure for installing and configuring Linux/Ubuntu operating systems.

To install and configure Ubuntu:

- Download the ISO image from the Ubuntu official site.

- Create a bootable USB using tools like Rufus or Etcher.

- Boot your system from the USB by modifying BIOS/UEFI settings.

- Follow the installation prompts to set up partitions, time zones, user accounts, etc.

- Post-installation, update the system using 'sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade'.

- Configure settings such as network, firewall (ufw), and user permissions as required.

2. Execute and explain general-purpose commands date, time, cal, clear, banner, tty, script,


General purpose commands:

- `date`: Displays the current date and time.

- `time`: Measures the duration of command execution.

- `cal`: Shows the calendar for a month or year.

- `clear`: Clears the terminal screen.

- `banner`: Creates ASCII art-style text (requires installation).

- `tty`: Displays the terminal name being used.

- `script`: Records terminal session to a file.

- `man`: Displays manual pages for commands.

3. Execute and explain basic commands: who, who am i, login, passwd, su, pwd.

Basic commands:

- `who`: Lists logged-in users.

- `who am i`: Shows your session information.

- `login`: Logs in to a session (used rarely in modern systems).

- `passwd`: Changes the user password.

- `su`: Switches the user.

- `pwd`: Prints the current working directory.

4. Execute and explain commands to start, stop and restart the specified service in Linux.

Service management:

- Lightdm: `sudo systemctl start|stop|restart lightdm`

- kmod: `sudo systemctl start|stop|restart kmod`

- cron: `sudo systemctl start|stop|restart cron`

- udev: `sudo systemctl start|stop|restart udev`

5. Execute and explain process-related commands: ps, wait, sleep, exit, kill.

Process-related commands:

- `ps`: Lists active processes.

- `wait`: Waits for a process to complete.

- `sleep`: Pauses execution for a specified time.

- `exit`: Exits a terminal or script.

- `kill`: Terminates a process by PID.

6. Execute and explain file and directory manipulation commands.


- `ls`: Lists files and directories.

- `rm`: Removes files.

- `mv`: Moves or renames files.

- `cp`: Copies files or directories.

- `join`: Combines lines from two files based on a common field.

- `split`: Splits a file into smaller parts.

- `cat`: Concatenates files; can redirect output to another file.

- `head`: Displays the beginning of a file.

- `tail`: Displays the end of a file.

- `touch`: Creates empty files.

7. Execute file and directory manipulation commands (with wildcards).


- `diff`: Compares file differences.

- `comm`: Compares two sorted files.

- `pr`: Formats text for printing.

- `chmod`: Changes file permissions.

- `mkdir`: Creates a directory.

- `rmdir`: Removes an empty directory.

- `cd`: Changes the working directory.

- `pwd`: Prints the working directory.

- `cmp`: Compares two files byte-by-byte.

8. Execute and explain text processing commands.


- `tr`: Translates or deletes characters.

- `wc`: Counts words, lines, and characters.

- `cut`: Extracts fields from lines.

- `paste`: Joins lines from files side-by-side.

- `spell`: Checks for spelling errors in a file.

- `sort`: Sorts lines in a file.

- `grep`: Searches for patterns in files.

- `more`: Paginates file output.

9. Use vi editor and perform all important VI editor commands and explain them.
VI editor commands:

- `i`: Insert mode.

- `:w`: Save changes.

- `:q`: Quit editor.

- `:wq`: Save and quit.

- `/pattern`: Search for a pattern.

- `dd`: Delete a line.

- `u`: Undo last change.

10. Write, execute & explain the Shell Script by using the 'if' statement.



if [ $1 -gt 0 ]; then

echo 'Positive number'


echo 'Non-positive number'



11. Write, execute & explain the Shell Script by using the 'for' statement.



for i in {1..5}; do

echo $i



12. Write, execute & explain the Shell Script to check file permissions.


if [ -r file ]; then echo 'Readable'; fi

if [ -w file ]; then echo 'Writable'; fi

if [ -x file ]; then echo 'Executable'; fi


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