Environmental Crisis and Concerns Quiz
Environmental Crisis and Concerns Quiz
Environmental Crisis and Concerns Quiz
22. How can clean energy resources help reduce air pollution?
A. Increase air pollution
B. Reduce carbon emissions
C. Encourage fossil fuel burning
D. Contribute to global warming
23. Which method involves utilizing microorganisms to degrade pollutants in the air?
A. Biological treatment
B. Advanced oxidation processes
C. Energy conservation
D. Waste segregation
25. What is the best method for disposing of high-level radioactive waste?
A. Near-surface disposal
B. Deep geological repositories
C. Transmutation
D. Open dumping
30. In conclusion, what is essential for reducing pollution and creating a cleaner world?
A. Increased waste generation
B. Public engagement
C. Ignoring regulations
D. Environmental degradation
6. B. Plastic waste
7. B. Recycle plastic