Practical Exam De1

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Sample for PE

Subject: WED201c
Duration: 120 minutes


1. Create the css files and link it to the html files.

2. Create a file named yourCode.js and link it to the html files.
3. Use html tags to create a web page.


In this practice exam, you are given a folder “Resource”. You are going to use page “index.html” to
finish the exam.

Before styling index.html page

After styling index.html page
The index.html page structure when users access by smartphone

1. Create a file with the name contact.html and save it to Resourse folder as shown below:

2. Create a file called styleindex.css to format the index.html page and save it to the Resource
3. Create a file called stylecontact.css to format the contact.html page and save it to the
Resource folder.
4. Create a file called “mycode.js” and save it to the Resource folder. You must link this file to
the contact.html page.


A. Add html tags [4 marks]

- Use Bootstrap's 12-column grid to present the content of the index.html page [1 points].
- Use tags div, label, input to create contact.html [1.5 points].
- Create a link for the contact menu to open the contact.html page [0.5 points].
- Embed css and js files in their respective pages [1 points].
B. CSS [ 5 marks]
- Create classes for the divs to format the content of the index.html page[2 points].
- Use margin and padding to create the right spacing for the content [1 points].
- Use position,width, height to format the content [1 points].
- Use css to format the content as shown above when the user accesses by smartphone [1

C. Javascript [1 marks]
- In mycode.js file, you must create function base on description:
o The function show(): This function is used to show message when the user clicks on
the button “Send”.

Total: 10 points
(Students do not change the path of all files in the Resource folder)

--The End--

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