Practical Exam De1
Practical Exam De1
Practical Exam De1
Subject: WED201c
Duration: 120 minutes
In this practice exam, you are given a folder “Resource”. You are going to use page “index.html” to
finish the exam.
1. Create a file with the name contact.html and save it to Resourse folder as shown below:
2. Create a file called styleindex.css to format the index.html page and save it to the Resource
3. Create a file called stylecontact.css to format the contact.html page and save it to the
Resource folder.
4. Create a file called “mycode.js” and save it to the Resource folder. You must link this file to
the contact.html page.
C. Javascript [1 marks]
- In mycode.js file, you must create function base on description:
o The function show(): This function is used to show message when the user clicks on
the button “Send”.
Total: 10 points
(Students do not change the path of all files in the Resource folder)
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