Group9 M114
Group9 M114
Group9 M114
M 114:
Cueto, Neon Mico I.
Singson, Carl Michael
Enriquez, Erika C.
Mojica, Hazel
Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
College of Education and Allied Sciences
Mathematics is one subject that pervades life at any age and in any circumstance. Thus, its value goes beyond
the classroom and the school.
Mathematics as a school subject, therefore, must be learned comprehensively and with much depth.
The framework is supported by the following underlying learning principles and theories:
1. Experiential and Situated Learning
2. Reflective Learning
3. Constructivism
4. Cooperative Learning and Discovery
5. Inquiry-based Learning
Mathematics is a skills subject. By itself, it is all about quantities, shapes and figures, functions, logic,
and reasoning.
Mathematics is also a tool of science and a language complete with its own notations and symbols and
“grammar” rules, with which concepts and ideas are effectively expressed.
Contents of mathematics
-Numbers and Number Sense
- Geometry
-Patterns and Algebra
-Statistics and Probability
Numbers and Number Sense as a strand include concepts of numbers, properties, operations,
estimation, and their applications.
Measurement as a strand includes the use of numbers and measures to describe, understand, and
compare mathematical and concrete objects. It focuses on attributes such as length, mass and weight,
capacity, time, money, and temperature, as well as applications involving perimeter, area, surface area,
volume, and angle measure.
Geometry as a strand includes properties of two- and three-dimensional figures and their relationships,
spatial visualization, reasoning, and geometric modelling and proofs.
Patterns and Algebra as a strand studies patterns, relationships, and changes among shapes and
quantities. It includes the use of algebraic notations and symbols, equations, and most importantly,
functions, to represent and analyze relationships.
Statistics and Probability as a strand is all about developing skills in collecting and organizing data
using charts, tables, and graphs; understanding, analyzing and interpreting data; dealing with
uncertainty; and making predictions about outcomes.
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of numbers and number
sense (sets and real number system); measurement (conversion of units of measurement);patterns and
Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
College of Education and Allied Sciences
algebra (algebraic expressions and properties of real numbers as applied in linear equations and
inequalities in one variable); geometry (sides and angles of polygons); and statistics and probability
(data collection and presentation, and measures of central tendency and variability) as applied - using
appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making
connections, representations, and decisions in real life.
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra
(factors of polynomials, rational algebraic expressions, linear equations and inequalities in two
variables, systems of linear equations and inequalities in two variables); geometry (axiomatic structure
of geometry, triangle congruence, inequalities in a triangle, and parallel and perpendicular lines); and
statistics and probability (probability of simple events) as applied - using appropriate technology - in
critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning, communicating, making connections, representations, and
decisions in real life.
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra
(quadratic equations and inequalities, quadratic functions, rational algebraic equations, variations, and
radicals) and geometry (parallelograms and triangle similarities and basic concepts of trigonometry) as
applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning,
communicating, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life.
The learner demonstrates understanding of key concepts and principles of patterns and algebra
(sequences, series, polynomials, polynomial equations, and polynomial functions); geometry (circles and
coordinate geometry); and statistics and probability (combinatorics and probability, and measures of
position) as applied - using appropriate technology - in critical thinking, problem solving, reasoning,
communicating, making connections, representations, and decisions in real life.
Curriculum Framework
The framework designed for the revised Mathematics curriculum for Grades 1 to 10 guides teachers in their
preparation of mathematically rich lessons and helps them in working towards the main curriculum goal.
To achieve the main goal, three facilitating facets have been developed: content, skills, and disposition.
The three facilitating facets are further reinforced by three supporting components:
Pedagogy is concerned with the methods used to deliver a curriculum. The quality of mathematics learning
depends on the quality of the various learning experiences employed to engage and instruct learners.
Resources the learning of mathematics needs to be supported with a variety of teaching and learning resources.
Electronic and print resources need to be carefully selected and judiciously used. Teachers and other
instructional leaders are acknowledged as key resources in the implementation of the curriculum.
Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
College of Education and Allied Sciences
Through the teaching and learning of the revised curriculum, it is also intended that learners exhibit the qualities
emanating from the five intertwining strands of mathematical proficiency as defined by the National Research
Council (NRC, 2001).
These strands are:
• Conceptual Understanding – comprehension of mathematical concepts, operations, and relations;
• Procedural Fluency – skill in carrying out procedures flexibly, accurately, efficiently, and appropriately; •
Strategic Competence – ability to formulate, represent, and solve mathematical problems;
• Adaptive Reasoning – capacity for logical thought, reflection, explanation, and justification; and
• Productive Disposition – habitual inclination to see mathematics as sensible, useful, and worthwhile, coupled
with a belief in diligence and one’s own efficacy.
Curriculum Organization
It is proposed that the curriculum organizers described below are used together to form the curriculum
description in the Grades 1 to 10 Mathematics Curriculum Guide. The definitions within this section are drawn
from DepEd Order No. 8, s. 2015 and DepEd Order No. 21, s. 2019.
1) Standard – In its broadest sense, it is something against which other things can be compared to for the
purpose of determining accuracy, estimating quantity or judging quality. It is a stated expectation of what one
should know and be able to do.
2) Key Stage – This refers to stages in the K to 12 Program reflecting distinct developmental milestones. These
are Key Stage 1 (Kindergarten – Grade 3), Key Stage 2 (Grades 4 – 6), Key Stage 3 (Grades 7 – 10), and Key
Stage 4 (Grades 11 and 12).
3) Key Stage Standard* – This shows the degree or quality of proficiency that the learner is able to
demonstrate in each key stage after learning a particular learning area in relation to the core learning area
4) Grade Level Standard – This shows the degree or quality of proficiency that the learner is able to
demonstrate in each Grade after learning a particular learning area in relation to the core learning area standard.
5) Content Domain** – This is a particular strand (or ‘domain’) of the curriculum in which the scope and
sequence of a set of related topics and skills are covered.
6) Content Standard – The content standards identify and set the essential knowledge and understanding that
should be learned. They cover a specified scope of sequential topics within each learning strand, domain, theme,
or component. Content standards answer the question, “What should the learners know?”
7) Learning Competency – This refers to a specific skill performed with varying degrees of independence. It
has different degrees of difficulty and performance levels. It also refers to the ability to perform activities
according to the standards expected by drawing from one’s knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
8) Performance Standard – The performance standards describe the abilities and skills that learners are
expected to demonstrate in relation to the content standards and integration of 21st century skills. The
integration of knowledge, understanding, and skills is expressed through creation, innovation, and adding value
to products/performance during independent work or in collaboration with others.
Experiential Learning
- as advocated by David Kolb (1975), is learning that occurs by making sense of direct everyday experience.
According to Kolb, concrete experience provides the information that serve as a basis for reflection. From these
reflections, we assimilate the information and form abstract concepts. We then use this concepts to develop new theories
about the world, which we then actively test.
Situated Learning
- theorized by Lave and Wenger (1990), is learning is the same context in which concepts and theories are applied.
Workshops, kitchens, gardens and farms are used as classrooms. Research has shown that real life applied activities and
problem-solving activities establish a contextual setting for many lessons, providing motivation and encouraging curiosity
(Hiebert and Carpenter, 1992).
Reflective Learning
- refers to learning that is facilitated by reflective thinking. It is not enough that learners encounter real-life situations.
Deeper learning occurs when learners are able to think about their experiences and process these, allowing them the
opportunity to make sense of and define meaning from their experiences.
- explains that we learned by 'constructing' knowledge in our minds through interaction with our environments.
Constructivism argues that learners have an active role in thinking things through, mulling them over, and coming to
logical conclusion.
Cooperative Learning
- is the instructional use of small groups so that students work together to maximize their own and each other’s
learning. Most of the active learning procedures, such as problem-based learning, team-learning, collaborative learning,
and PALS, require that students work cooperatively in small groups to achieve joint learning goals.
Discovery Learning
- takes place in problem solving situations where the learner draws on his/her own experience and prior knowledge
to solve a problem. As a method of instruction, teacher makes students interact with one another, with instructional
materials, or with their environment by experiences and manipulating objects, wrestling with questions and controversies,
or performing experiments.
Inquiry-based Learning
- is an educational approach where students actively pose questions, investigate and seek out knowledge
to satisfy their natural curiosity.
The procedural approach is the traditional teacher-led direct instruction that depends heavily on
memorization of rules or procedures for solving problems. While procedural-based instruction provides
mathematical facts, algorithms, and formulas that can be used to solve mathematical problems,
conceptual-based instruction seeks to provide the reasons why algorithms and formulas work.
Mathematics teaching should pay attention to the mastery of foundation concepts with a balance of
computational and procedural skills, conceptual comprehension and problem-solving practice.
Frei (2008) cites some features of the balanced approach in Math teaching:
Standards-based. Math teaching should abide by the DepEd K to 12 Curriculum Guide for
Integrated. The real-life context of teaching Math comes from integrating other subjects into
mathematics instruction.
Engaging. When students are actively engaged they move towards successful mastery of key
concepts and meaningful learning.
Open to and practices differentiated instruction.
Makes use of problem-solving. One study found out that children improved in overall
mathematical proficiency when they were taught mathematics through problem-solving
Guided practice. Teacher and students do things together, thus the “we do” strategy
Makes use of manipulatives, games and calculators. When learners use manipulatives or
concrete objects to represent mathematical ideas, they learn to organize their thinking and
reflect on concrete representations (Dean and Florian)
Assessment-driven and data-driven instruction. Instruction begins with clarifying the
outcomes of instruction.
For skill mastery, laying games can help in reinforcing skills, rehearsing information, and building
retention of mathematical concepts.
2. Three-tiered principle (J. Bruner). Teach Math beginning with the enactive level proceeding to
the iconic level and finally to the symbolic level. The enactive level involves encoding action-based
information and storing it in our memory.
Kolehiyo ng Lungsod ng Lipa
College of Education and Allied Sciences
3. For effective math teaching, employ experiential and situated learning, reflective learning,
constructivism, cooperative learning and discovery and inquiry-based learning. Exploration of
math concepts through manual manipulation of mathematical concepts is vital to understanding and
Teaching Methods
1. Problem-Solving
*Understanding the problem. Students ask what the problem is asking, what information is needed to solve
the problem and what information is given.
*Planning and communicating a solution.
*Drawing diagram
*Drawing a table
*Acting it out or using concrete materials
*Guessing and checking
*Creating an organized list
*Looking for a pattern
*Creating a tree diagram
*Working backwards
*Using simpler numbers
*Open-ended problem solving
*Analyzing and investigating
*Using logical reasoning
*Breaking down ideas into smaller pieces
*Writing a number sentence
*Writing down ideas as work progresses so students do not forget how the problem was approached
*Approaching the problem systematically
*Re-reading the problem in order to rethink strategies if the student becomes “stuck”
*Orally demonstrating and explaining how an answer as reached
*Reflecting and generalizing. Students reflect on their answer and determine if their answer makes sense
*Extension— Students explore on other perhaps even simpler way of arriving at the answer.
4. Direct Instruction
This is the deductible method of teaching as explained in the previous Chapters.