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Bringing the Very Latest

Useful Information
Equipment to the Rental Market

As a part of its commitment to client requirements, Elmar offers a
range of catalog equipment as part of our rental pool - one of the
worlds largest.
Equipment is available for rent from each of our international
locations in Houston, Aberdeen, Dubai, Singapore and Perth. This
means that our rental pool is brimming with the very latest equipment
and ready for immediate dispatch anywhere in the world.

Complete skid comprising of grease and hydraulic

control modules, transport frame and a full set of pres-
sure control equipment.

Wireline Winch Unit

This Zone 1 offshore wireline mast is a compact, heavy-duty unit capable of

operating in wind gusts of up to 60 mph at fully variable operating
heights from 27 feet (8.23m) to 70 feet (21.3m). The
hydraulically operated mast sections are easily erected
by 2 men in approximately 15 minutes. The SWL is
rated at 20,000lbf column load.

Westhill Industrial Estate, Westhill, Aberdeen, AB32 6TQ, Scotland, United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)1224 740261/748748 Fax: +44 (0)1224 743138 Sales E-mail: [email protected]
Website: Page 1 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM


Typical Conductor Cable Construction 2 Cable Stretch ................................... 18

Wireline Drum Capacity ......................4 Cable Seasoning .............................. 19
Wireline Remaining on Drum ..............5 Stuck Point Determination ................ 20
Cable Spooling Tension ......................6 Running-In and Pulling-Out of a Well 21
Cable Conductor .................................8 Cable Armor in Hostile Fluids .......... 22
Sheave Wheel Diameter ...................10 Cable Inspection and Maintenance .. 24
Braided Wireline Sheave Stranded Wireline Procedure ........... 26
Wheel Diameter ................................11 Slickline (Measuring Line) ................ 30
Wireline Sheave Groove ...................12 Use & Care of Slickline .................... 31
Sheave Fleet Angle ..........................13 Slickline Handling Pointers .............. 33
Electric Wireline Breaking Strength ..14 Total Stretch of Slickline ................... 34
Weak Point Selection ........................15 Wire Fall Calculations ...................... 35
Wireline Tension Limits .....................16 Sinker Bar Weight Requirements ..... 37
Cable Torsion and Rotation ..............17

Copyright© 2004, Varco International Page 2 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Typical Conductor Cable Construction



Conductor Cable Nomenclature

Single Conductor Cables

Monoconductor cables are normally used in cased hole applications

when a small diameter is needed to limit the well pressure push on the

2 Page 3 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Typical Conductor Cable Construction

Coaxial Cables

To allow higher data rates on small diameter lines, coax cables can
replace monoconductor cables. Coax cables have a conductive shield
around the insulated center conductor, called a "serve". This is made of
thin copper wires spiralled over the center core, with the same lay as the
inner armor. The serve is covered by a thin jacket to separate it from the
inner armor, although in smaller OD coaxes will not isolate it. Coax cables
are normally available with nominal OD of 0.23", 0.27" or 0.32"

Coaxial Cable

Multi-Conductor Cables

Primarily used in openhole applications. 3, 4 and 7 conductors cables are



3 Page 4 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Wireline Drum Capacity


To determine the amount of wire that will fit on a drum, use the following
Π × (Dd + H ) × H × W
12 × (di ) 2 × 0.866
simplified as
0.3 × (Dd + H ) × H × W
(di ) 2
L in feet, all other dimensions in inches.

Π × (Dd + H ) × H × W
( di ) 2 × 0.866
simplified as
3.6 × (Dd + H ) × H × W
( di ) 2
L in metres, di in millimeters, all other dimensions in centimeters.

F = Drum flange diameter
Dd = Drum core diameter
W = Width of drum between flanges
x = Distance of last cable wrap from edge of flange
di = Diameter of line
L = Length of wire
H = Depth of wire on the drum H=(F-Dd)/2

4 Page 5 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Wireline Remaining on Drum

The equations assume that the wire is perfectly spooled, in a level wound
fashion, with each winding sitting in the valley between two windings of
the layer below.

To avoid cable overspill, it is recommended to subtract 1"-1.5" from the

flange height to define "H". For multi-conductor electrical wirelines it might
be necessary to increase the clearance to allow for a "bridle".


To determine the amount of wire that is left on a drum, measure the dis-
tance "X" from the top of the flange to the top of the cable, and use the fol-
lowing formula:
(H − X ) × Dd + (H − X ) 2
L= ×W
4 × (di ) 2
L in feet, all other dimensions in inches.

(H − X ) × Dd + (H − X ) 2
L = 3× ×W
(d i ) 2
L in metres, di in millimeters, all other dimensions in centimeters.

The above equations will slightly underestimate the amount of wire, pro-
vided the wire is perfectly spooled.

5 Page 6 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Cable Spooling Tension


During the initial installation of a wireline cable on a hoist unit drum, the
cable must be spooled in level wound pattern with controlled tension on
the cable. This not only prevents cable damage, prolongs the life of the
cable, but allows trouble-free operations of the equipment at the wellsite.

There are so many variables to consider, therefore, no exact formula is

available to calculate installation tension. As a guide, however, the follow-
ing procedure is recommended.

For average depths up to 15,000 feet

• 1st bed layer

Tension applied 15% to 20% of cable breaking strength

• 2nd bed layer

Tension applied 20% to 25% of cable breaking strength

• 3rd bed layer

Tension applied 25% to 30% of cable breaking strength

The 3rd bed layer tension is held until half of the cable length is
spooled on the drum, then tension is reduced after each 1,000 feet is
installed. The tension is reduced to a minimum of 300 lbs for 7/32"
OD and smaller cables, and 1,000 lbs for larger cable. This minimum
is held until the entire cable is installed.

For depths greater than 15,000 feet

• 1st bed layer

Tension applied 20% to 25% of cable breaking strength

• 2nd bed layer

Tension applied 25% to 35% of cable breaking strength

• 3rd bed layer

Tension applied 35% to 45% of cable breaking

• 4th bed layer

Tension applied 35% to 45% of cable breaking strength

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Wireline Useful Information

Cable Spooling Tension

The 4th bed layer tension is held until half of the cable length is
spooled on the drum, then tension is reduced after each 1,000 feet is
installed. The tension is reduced to a minimum of 500 lbs for 1/4" OD
and smaller cables, and 1,000 lbs for 5/16" OD and larger cables.

As a general guide, the following table can be used.

Line Size Bed Wrap 2nd Layer 3rd Layer Maximum

3/16" 400 800 1200 1200
7/32" 600 1200 1700 1700
5/16" 900 1800 2600 2600
3/8" 1100 2100 2800 2800

Once half of the cable length has been installed, the tension should be
reduced by 100 lbs per wrap.

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Wireline Useful Information

Cable Conductor


Insulation Temperature Ratings

The temperature rating of a wireline electrical conductor cable is deter-

mined by the type of plastic material used in the insulation. The same rat-
ing applies to either a single or multiconductor cable. Corrosive well fluids
may reduce the ratings.

Insulation Material Temperature
ºF ºC
Polypropylene EPC (Ethylene-Propylene Co-Polymer) 280º 138º
Polymethylpentene PMP 375º 190º
*Vectorene TPX 360º 182º
†Camtane 420º 216º
‡Datex 420º 216º
**Teflon® Insulation with a Tefzel® or Neoprene Jacket 450º 232º
Teflon® FEP (Fluorinated Ethylene-Propylene) 450º 232º
Tefzel® ETFE (Ethylene-Tetrafluoroethylene) 500º 260º
Teflon® PFA 550º 288º
Teflon® PTFE 600º 316º
* Vectorene is a registered trademark of Vector Cable Company
† Camtane is a trademark of Camesa Inc.
‡ Datex is a trademark of Rochester Corporation.
** Teflon is a registered trademark of the DuPont Company.

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Wireline Useful Information

Cable Conductor

Short Location

S= × CL
2 RT
S = Location of short (leak) in ft (meters) from cablehead end
RCH= Resistance of OHMS of conductor to armor from cablehead
RD = Width of drum between flanges
RT =Resistance in OHMS of conductor end to end
CL = Total length of cable in feet (meters)

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Wireline Useful Information

Sheave Wheel Diameter


Wirelines operating over sheaves are subjected to cyclic bending

stresses causing fatigue to the wireline. The magnitude of these stresses
depends upon the ratio of the diameter of the sheave to the diameter of
the wireline. Sheaves must be of the correct diameter if optimum service
is to be obtained from the wireline.

Also, there can be additional limitations to wireline movement because of

excessive pressure caused by a sheave wheel groove size smaller than
the wireline. Changing the bending direction from one sheave to another
should be avoided as this reverse bending further accelerates wireline

For slicklines, the minimum sheave wheel diameter should be equal to

the line OD multiplied by 120 in case of plough steel lines and by 185 in
case of stainless steel and alloy lines.

Sheave OD= Slickline OD x 120 (IPS Lines)

Sheave OD= Slickline OD x 185 (S/S and Alloy Lines)

Note: Sheave wheels are manufactured in a variety of

sizes. When the minimum size listed is not available,
use the next largest size to prevent fatigue damage to
the wireline.

Slickline Minimum Sheave Wheel Diameters

Nominal Slickline
0.072” 0.082” 0.092” 0.105” 0.108” 0.125”
Size Material
7” 10” 11” 12” 13” 15” IPS
Sheave Stainless &
13” 15” 17” 19” 20” 23”
Diameter Alloys

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Wireline Useful Information

Braided Wireline Sheave Wheel Diameter



To determine wireline cable minimum sheave wheel diameter, the gener-

ally accepted method is to multiply the largest wire diameter in the armor
by 400. As an example, if the largest armor is .049", then the minimum
sheave wheel size would be 19.6" or 20". Another common method, valid
for cables used often at a maximum of 50% of breaking strength (heavy
duty) is to multiply the cable OD by 64.

Minimum Sheave Wheel Size for Electrical Conductor

Wireline- Medium Duty

1/10” 1/8” 3/16” 1/5” 13/64” 7/32” 1/4”
6” 7” 13” 16” 12” 14” 14”
9/32” 5/16” 3/8” 7/16” 15/32” 0.474” 17/32”
16” 18” 21” 24” 24” 26” 26”

Note: Sheave wheels are manufactured in a variety of

sizes. The larger the sheave used, the longer the cable
life will be. In the case where the minimum size listed is
not available, it is best to use the next largest size to
prevent damage to the wireline. For heavy duty use the
"x64" rule.

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Wireline Useful Information

Wireline Sheave Groove


Sheave groove size must be adapted to the wireline size. Correct sheave
groove should have a diameter 3-4% larger than the cable size and cradle
at least 130° of the cable diameter. Smaller grooves pinch the cable and
increase wear, larger grooves allow the cable to flatten causing the armor
to deform, and may damage the insulator and/or conductor.

Wireline Sheave Groove

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Wireline Useful Information

Sheave Fleet Angle


The fleet angle is the angle between the cable and a line drawn from the
sheave to the drum normal to the drum surface. For proper spooling and
to avoid excessive cable wear, the maximum fleet angle should be 1-1/4
degree. This can be obtained by positioning the drum at a distance from
the lead sheave equal or greater than 25 times the drum width.

Sheave Fleet Angle

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Wireline Useful Information

Electric Wireline Breaking Strength



Electric wireline breaking strength defined in the manufacturers' data

sheets is the minimum guaranteed breaking strength for a newly manu-
factured cable. This is the "ends-fixed breaking strength", (i.e. when both
end of the armored cable are unable to rotate), and is a function of the
number and size of wires used in both the inner and the outer armor, of
the individual wires breaking strength, and of the armor lay angle.

Actual breaking strength of an armored cable during field operations can

be less than the end fixed breaking strength because of several factors:

• Uneven distribution of pull between the inner and outer armor due
to rotation and torque imbalance. The "ends-free breaking
strength" (i.e. the tension at failure when one cable end is free
and able to rotate) varies between 60 and 75% of the ends-fixed
one. Refer to the wireline manual for a detailed explanation of the
cable behavior. In field operations the wireline will be in a condi-
tion between ends-fixed and end-free.

• Wear and corrosion of the wireline.

A properly installed cable will withstand a pull close to the ends free
breaking strength with only minor damage, but repeated pulls to this ten-
sion will cause permanent and irreversible damage, which may show-up
only after a few additional runs.

During normal field operations, the maximum allowable pull on an electri-

cal wireline is 50% of the rated breaking strength.

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Wireline Useful Information

Weak Point Selection


Weak point selection

S = Cable breaking strength
D = Maximum well depth (ft or m)
TW = Toolstring weight (lbs or kg)
CW =Cable weight per unit length (lbs/1000 ft or kg/1000 m)
f = Buoyancy factor


WPmax = Max re-head strength available (lbs or kg)

⎛ cw × D ⎞
WP max = 0.5 × S − f × ⎜ + Tw ⎟
⎝ 1000 ⎠

Choose the weak point (spider or tension link) to have a rating equal or
lower but within 500 lbs of WPmax.

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Wireline Useful Information

Wireline Tension Limits


Observing the following tension limits will avoid cable damage and
unwanted pull-off:

1. Normal operations (whichever is lower)

• Do not exceed 50% of new cable breaking strength rating

• Do not exceed 50% of nominal weak point rating

2. Attempt to free stuck tool (whichever is lower)

• Do not exceed 60% of new cable breaking strength rating

• Do not exceed 75% of nominal weak point rating

Consult with your customer before attempting to exceed the above value.
A cable pulled above 60% of its nominal breaking strength may break at
the surface.

In openhole, it is normally easier to fish for a tool when it is still attached

to the cable. Pull above the weak point breaking strength only if the cus-
tomer has agreed on the procedure.

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Wireline Useful Information

Cable Torsion and Rotation


All oilfield armored cables are built with spiral-wound inner and outer
armor layers. With this type of construction the cable generates a specific
torque, and has a tendency to rotate when subject to a varying load.

A new cable will spin-out several revolutions (4-8 revs/1000 ft/1000 lbs
tension change) on the first run, according to its tension profile. It will con-
tinue to rotate a reduced amount of turns when the tension profile
changes. During round trips in and out of the hole, the difference between
tension-in and tension-out should be kept below 50% of the static tension.

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Wireline Useful Information

Cable Stretch


A cable exhibits two types of stretch: inelastic stretch and plastic stretch.

Inelastic Stretch

When a cable is first put into service it will permanently stretch. This will
continue for the first 20-25 runs before the cable is fully seasoned. A per-
manent stretch of 1 foot/1000 feet of cable is common. After the season-
ing period, the cable length is stable, and additional inelastic stretch takes
place only if the cable is subject to excessive tension or excessive tem-

Elastic Stretch

A seasoned cable subject to a tension within its elastic limit will stretch
elastically. The cable effective length in a well (depth of the tool) will be
longer than the length paid-out from the drum at surface conditions. The
stretch can be calculated knowing the cable stretch coefficient, the cable
tension at surface, and the weight of the tool in the well.

L = Length of cable from reference point (ft or m)
D = Depth of tool from reference point (ft or m)
∆L = Total cable strength (ft or m)
TS =Tension in cable at surface (lbs or kgs)
Wt = Tool weight in mud (lbs or kgs)
K = Stretch coefficient (ft/1000 ft/1000 lbs or m/1000 m/1000

D = L + ∆L and
L ⎛ Ts + Wt ⎞ 1
∆L = K × ×⎜ ⎟×
1000 ⎝ 1000 ⎠ 2

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Wireline Useful Information

Cable Seasoning


Special care should be taken to break-in a new logging cable and similar
precautions must be taken for the first 20-25 runs, and when a large
unused portion is first run in the well.

Follow the following recommendations:

1. Choose an appropriate run for the first job: straight well, no pressure
control equipment; ideally in a test well.

2. Avoid tools with caliper arm or use a swivel-head. Avoid deviation sur-
veys because of the large amount of cable rotation.

3. Run the cable in slowly, stopping every 1,000 ft and picking up 100ft.

4. Maintain down-tension above 80% of static tension and up-tension

below 120% of static tension. Do not exceed 50% of breaking

5. Use additional tool weights if possible.

6. If a grease injection head must be used, use minimal hydraulic pres-

sure on the pack-off and oversize flow-tubes.

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Wireline Useful Information

Stuck Point Determination


To determine the approximate depth at which an electrical cable is stuck,

you can use the stretch measurement method as follows:

1. Find the stretch coefficient of your line K from the manufacturer's data

2. Pull adequate tension to overcome the weight of the stuck line plus

3. Put a mark on the cable adjacent to a fixed reference point,

4. Increase the tension by a ∆T amount (normally either 500 or 1000

lbs). Make sure not to exceed 50% of your line breaking strength or
75% of your weak point rating.

5. Measure the stretch distance in feet ∆L when applying the tension


6. The approximate depth of the stuck point D is

D= ×106 ( ft )
K × ∆T

Notice that this method assumes a vertical well with no friction between
cable and wellbore.

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Cable Speed General Guidelines

Depth Environment Running-In Pulling-Out
0-100 ft (0-30 m) 2,000 FPH 2,000 FPH
or DHSV depth (600 m/hr) (600 m/hr)
100-300 ft (30-100 m) 4,000 FPH 4,000 FPH
(1,200 m/hr) (1,200 m/hr)
>300 ft (>100 m) Cased Hole Keep line pull > 80% of Static Keep line pull <120% of Static Pull or
Pull <50% of Cable Breaking Strength
>300 ft (>100 m) Openhole Keep line pull > 67% of Static Keep line pull <133% of Static Pull or
Pull <50% of Cable Breaking Strength
Tight Spots, Casing or Tubing Shoe, D/ 3,000 FPH 3,000 FPH
H Valves, Packers (900 m/hr) (900 m/hr)

Running-In and Pulling-Out of a Well

WHE Job under pressure 1,000 FPH 500 FPH
0-50 ft (0-15 m) (300 m/hr) (150 m/hr)

Wireline Useful Information

Operator On
WHE Job under pressure 1,000 FPH 10,000 FPH
>300 ft (>100 m) (300 m/hr) (3,000 m/hr) or max
speed to maintain grease seal in GIH

Cable Armor in Hostile Fluids

Wireline Useful Information Page 22 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Logging cable armors are affected in varying degrees by fluids in the well. Main causes of armor corrosion and
mechanical properties deteriorations are Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S), Carbon Dioxide (CO2), (from formation fluids) and
Chlorides (from formation water or drilling/completion brines).

Armor Chlorides H2S + CO2 H2S+CO2+ Remarks

Type Chlorides
GIPS Good Very Poor Extremely Poor Least expensive
Clean after use and use Use only if H2S Water is needed for H2S or CO2 to become aggressive.
an inhibitor for added partial pressure is UTS: 270-300,000 psi
protection. below 0.05 psia
316 SS Good Good Acceptable Lower Tensile Strength
up to 2-3% chloride up to 30% H2S up to 30% H2S, if Cl UTS: 200-240,000 psi
are below 2-3%
SUPA 75 Excellent Excellent Very Good Expensive
Tensile Strength decreases with Temperature
UTS: 240-270,000 psi
HC265 Excellent Excellent Very Good Expensive.
Tensile Strength decreases with Temperature
UTS: 240-270,000 psi
MP35HN Excellent Excellent Excellent Most Expensive.
Same Tensile Strength as GIPS. Only alloy resistant to all
UTS: 240-300,000 psi Page 23 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Cable Armor in Hostile Fluids

GIPS (Carbon Steel) cables used in even minimum amounts of H2S are
subject to "hydrogen embrittlement". The surface of the armor exposed to
hydrogen sulphide blackens. The H2S attack is partially reversible and
exposed cables must be left to rest for 3-4 days. Higher ambient tempera-
tures will facilitate dissipation of the hydrogen absorbed in the steel struc-
ture. Despite this, there is always a high risk of cumulative, permanent

Caution: Avoid using carbon steel cables whenever

H2S is present.

Special alloy cables will not rust or corrode, therefore the armor will be
free to rotate also in seasoned cables, and will be more susceptible to
torque and birdcage problems. Special care should be exercised: run-in
slowly, use minimum pressure in pack-offs, minimize differences in cable
tension between running-in and pulling-out. Special alloy cables should
be inspected for signs of loose armor every 4-5 runs.

23 Page 24 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Cable Inspection and Maintenance


Regular periodic inspection and maintenance of a wireline is a must to

avoid well-site catastrophic failures. Inspections should be carried out by
qualified personnel, and be recorded in the cable maintenance record.

Aspects to check are:

1. Mechanical

• armor wire brittleness

• surface wear, corrosion, abrasion

• operational damage: kinks, nicks, flat spots

• outer armor tightness

2. Electrical

• conductors resistance

• conductors insulation

Regular maintenance includes:

• cutting off the used portion of the cable that does not meet mini-
mum requirements in the inspection. Cut 500ft and repeat inspec-

• cable cleaning; with brushes, water, compressed air

• postforming i.e., running through offset rollers to open-up the

armors and loosen any rust and mud deposits
• re-spooling the cable to normalize its tension profile on the drum

• re-marking if magnetic marks are used.

• re-coating the cable with suitable lubricants/inhibitors

• re-tightening of the outer armor (in a qualified cable maintenance


24 Page 25 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM
Cable Periodic Inspection
1. Mechanical
Armor wire •Perform a wrap test, by bending a wire around a rod twice its-own diameter. Minimum wraps before breaking must be 5.
brittleness •Alternatively bend the wire until it doubles-up and straighten again. Minimum cycles before breaking must be 5.
•Look for uniformly worn sections where wireline OD is reduced, or polished sections, indicating uneven wear.
•Discard any section where the cable wear is over 5% of the cable diameter.
Surface wear,
•Thoroughly clean from rust and measure individual wires diameter for ten inner and outer wires. Discard section where
corrosion, OD of wires is reduced below 90% of original diameter for more than 3 wires, or any wire is reduced below 25%.
abrasion •In case of doubts perform a full tensile test over a 40ft section of cable and verify that breaking strength is within 10% of
•Discard any section showing a broken wire within 500 ft of the head. Discard any section showing more than one broken
wire within 500 ft length. (Repair broken wire with shims)
Kinks, nicks, •Discard any section showing nicks on more than two outer wires within 10 feet length.
broken wire •Discard any section showing a kink.
•Never re-use wireline damaged by a knot.
•Qualitative tests to detect a loose armor:
•Loop test: form a right-hand loop in the wireline by firmly holding a section and rotating it 180°. If the loop does not tend to
Outer armor straighten, it indicates a loose armor.
tightness •Prick Test: insert a small wide-blade screwdriver between two armor wires and try to lift. If a wire can be lifted easily, this
indicates a loose armor.
2. Electrical

Cable Inspection and Maintenance

•Thoroughly clean conductors at both ends of the wireline, after disconnecting from heads and collectors (slip rings). Use a
Conductors precision ohm meter.

Wireline Useful Information

Resistance •Measure each conductor's resistance end-to-end. Resistance should be within 5% of each other and of nominal value.
Notice nominal value is given at 68 °F, corrections are needed if temperature is higher.
•Thoroughly clean conductors at both ends of the wireline, after disconnecting from heads and collectors (slip rings).Use a
Conductors Megger set at 500 volts.
Insulation •Insulation resistance should be higher than 1,500 Megaohms/1000 ft.
25 Page 26 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Stranded Wireline Procedure


Stranding of a wireline is one of the worst problems encountered when

working with pressure control equipment. Prevention is much better than
cure. It is important to keep wireline speeds at a reasonable rate to pre-
vent torque imbalance in the cable and consequent bird-caging.
ALWAYS, use an H2S inhibitor or inhibited sealing grease if H2S is
present, even in traces, this will avoid hydrogen embrittlement. Cut the
wireline often so the wireline does not become worn or flattened.

A stranded wireline is first noticed when cable tension increases for no

apparent reason or the operator notices the missing strand or strands as
the wireline comes on the drum or over the sheave wheels.

In the event of a stranded wireline, follow the procedure below:

1. STOP the winch.

2. Close the Wireline Valves and bleed the pressure off the lubricator.
Pump grease between the Wireline Valves if you are on a gas well.
3. Monitor lubricator pressure for at least 15 minutes to ensure that the
Wireline Valves are holding the pressure.
4. Open the lubricator connection onto the BOP.
5. Raise the lubricator a few feet and attach a cable clamp to the wire-
line on top of the Wireline Valve. Do not allow the wireline to slip
through the Wireline Valves as this may damage the seals. (For
added safety you can use a "flow diverter" which can be installed on
top of the Wireline Valve and includes a cable clamp).
6. Slack off the wireline and check that the clamp is holding.
7. Pull the wireline down through the control head and inspect the dam-
age. If the damaged wireline cannot be pulled back through the con-
trol head, you may have to rig down the lubricator string and open a
connection on the top. Notice that if you have a single lift rig-up on a
workover/mast job, or if you are using a turn-around sheave, special
procedures or special equipment must be used to be able to open the
lubricators and slack the wireline. Elmar has developed a Telescopic
Lubricator Section and In-Line Cutter for use in this situation.

26 Page 27 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Stranded Wireline Procedure

8. Proceed with the In-situ Repair Procedure or Cut-and-Thread Proce-

dure depending on the extent of damage.

In-Situ Repair Procedure

1. There will be a ball of wireline strands caught under the control head.
Remove the ball from the lubricator and cut away with a sharp pair of
wire cutters.
2. Very carefully unwrap each of the damaged strands 3 or 4 turns. Do
not bend strands back from the cable.
3. Make a clean cut and, with a fine file, taper the end of the strand and
lay it back in the cable. If necessary, a very slight bend can be given
to the tip of the strand to ensure that it remains pointed towards the
cable core. Use a fine file to smooth down any small excess of wire-
line that may be protruding. If more than one strand is damaged,
ensure that the strands are terminated at widely spaced intervals.
Instant glue often works to hold the strand in place.
4. Take up the slack and pick up the full tension.
5. Remove the cable clamp, reconnect the lubricators.
6. Pressure up the control head and equalise pressure in the lubricators
through the Wireline Valve equaliser manifold.
7. Once the lubricators are at well pressure the Wireline Valve can be
opened and the wireline slowly spooled-in.
8. Monitor tension and watch the wireline coming out of the control head
to check that the strands pass through the flow tubes.

The whole process may need to be repeated several times until success-

Cut & Thread Procedure

If the damage is too extensive, it may not be practical to adopt the above
approach or the strength of the wireline may be considerably reduced. A
"Cut-and -Thread" procedure must then be followed:

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Wireline Useful Information

Stranded Wireline Procedure

1. Cut the wireline at a point as high above the Wireline Valves as possi-
ble. There must be enough wireline to feed through the flotubes as
described in the next step.
2. Taper the end of the wireline to allow it to pass through the flow tubes.
Cut off the damaged wireline on the winch side also.
3. Lay down the pressure control equipment, remove one or more sec-
tions of lubricator, and thread the wireline through the control head
from the bottom.
4. Tie a reef knot outside the control head so that the winch can again
pull the wireline.
5. Pick up the remaining lubricator and reconnect following the same
procedures as before.
6. Spool the wireline back on the winch until the knot reaches the top-
most sheave wheel. The knot may or may not pass over the sheave
depending on the size sheave you are using.
7. If the knot cannot pass over the sheave, close the Wireline Valve,
bleed off the pressure, lift the lubricators and clamp the wireline as
8. Lower the block - or the hoist holding the top sheave - slacking wire-
line so that the knot can be repositioned on the winch side of the
9. Undo the cable clamp, reconnect the lubricator string, and pull out.
10. When close to surface, go through the same procedure, open the
knot, reconnect the lubricators that were previously removed, pass
the wireline back through the GIH, retie the knot and continue to pull
out of hole after removing the clamp and reconnecting the lubricator
This step may be eliminated if excess risers were used in the initial rig
up and sufficient lubricators remain to cover the tool length. If only
one lubricator length remains after eliminating the first wireline dam-
age, it is advisable to add again lubricators after a few hundred feet,
to allow for the wireline to strand again.

An alternative solution is to use a T clamp with appropriate size cable

inserts. When the knot reaches the upper or lower sheave the wire-
line may be clamped with a T clamp suspended from an air hoist
while the travelling block is again lowered to allow the knot to be repo-
sitioned on the winch side of the sheave. Remember to raise the

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Wireline Useful Information

Stranded Wireline Procedure

block to its original position once the knot is spooled on the drum.
This eliminates one series of opening and closing the risers.

Telescopic Lubricator

There are two scenarios when it is beneficial to utilise the Telescopic

Lubricator System:

1. When the top sheave is an integral part of the rig-up and any upwards
movement of the lubricator string/top sheave will result in a move-
ment of the wireline tool.
2. When a stranded wire situation has occurred and the wire is "stuck" in
the flotubes.

In both situations, the Lubricator cannot be opened and lifted for access
to the stranded wire, without a consequential movement of the wire and
possible failure of the Wireline Valve seal. The Telescopic Lubricator Sys-
tem enables the length of lubricator to be decreased without upwards
movement of the rig-up. This allows access to the stranded wire for
remedial action.

In-Line Cable Cutter

The Elmar In-Line Cable Cutter allows abandonment of wireline opera-

tions by cutting the wireline without opening the Lubricator or using Shear
& Seal Rams. The hydraulically operated Cable Cutter is positioned
between the Ball Check Valve and the Grease Injection Control Head. In
the event of the wireline becoming stuck in the flotubes so that no
upwards or downwards movement is possible, a last resort is to cut the
wire and fish by conventional methods. Alternatively, the In-Line Cable
Cutter allows to cut the line at the top of the lubricator string during the
Cut-and-Thread procedure.


Slickline (Measuring Line)

Wireline Useful Information Page 30 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Slickline (solid single strand line), also called "measuring line", "piano wire" or simply "wireline" is used for conveying
operating and measuring tools in oil wells, and to mechanically operate downhole completion equipment. Slickline is
available in 0.072", 0.082", 0.092", 0.105", 0.108" and 0.125" wire outside diameter. The most commonly used sizes
are 0.092", 0.108" and 0.125". Continuous lengths normally manufactured by the mills are 10,000, 12,000, 15,000,
20,000, 25,000 and 30,000 ft.

The most popular material for slickline is improved plow steel (IPS). Because of the need for higher tensile strength or
better corrosion resistance, ultra-high tensile (UHT), carbon steel, or other stainless steels and specialty alloys are also
used. Standards for carbon steel slicklines are defined in API9A "Specifications for Wire Rope".

The following table shows general average properties for slickline made of some common materials.

Mat’l Dia. Brk Strn Rec. Max Load Weight Avg Strt Coeff Recommended Use
in lbs kgs % of Brk Strn lbs/1000ft kgs/1000m 10/1000ft/1000m
IPS 0.092 1550 704 75% 22.6 33.8 6.7 Non-corrosive wells. Clean wire after use
0.108 2110 958 75% 31.1 46.3 4.8 if used in brine. Do not use in H2S.
0.125 2840 1289 75% 41.9 62.4 3.6
UHT 0.092 2050 931 75% 22.6 33.8 6.7 Better strength that IPS, similar corrosion
0.108 2730 1239 75% 31.1 46.3 4.8 resistance. Do not use in H2S/CO2
0.125 3665 1664 75% 41.9 62.4 3.6
316SS 0.092 1400 636 65% 22.7 33.8 6.8 Very good resistance to H2S+chlorides
0.108 1900 863 65% 31.2 46.6 4.9
0.125 2500 1135 65% 41.9 62.4 3.7
Supa 75* 0.092 1530 695 60% 23.1 34.4 6.7 Very good resistance to H2S+chlorides
0.108 2030 922 60% 31.9 47.5 4.9
0.125 2560 1162 60% 42.7 63.6 3.6 Page 31 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Use & Care of Slickline


Slickline is subject to high tensile stress and bending fatigue and is often
operated under high temperature conditions and corrosive environments.
The main cause of slickline premature failure is brittleness due to bending

Periodic testing of slickline is recommended to identify weakened or dam-

aged line before it breaks.

Tensile Tests

This is a shop test to be carried out at frequencies dictated by local condi-

tions: frequency of use, line material, well fluids, etc. Different types of
tensile testers are commercially available, the hydraulic ones being the
most practical.

Cut 50 ft from the end of the wireline, and take a 12" sample. Breaking
should occur at a tension not lower than 95% of the nominal breaking
strength as defined in the manufacturer's specifications.

Ductility Tests

Wireline ductility testers are commercially available and easily transport-

able. Tests can be carried out in the field at regular intervals during a job

For carbon steel lines (IPS/EIPS) a torsion test is used over an 8" length
of wire held in tension with a minimum specified weight.

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Wireline Useful Information

Use & Care of Slickline

The line should reach a number of complete turns as in the chart below
before failing.

Torsion Test for IPS Lines

Line OD (in) 0.082” 0.092” 0.105” 0.108” 0.125”
Min Breaking (lbs) 1239 1547 1966 2109 2794
Min applied weight (lbs) 16 19 21 21 25
Min # of turns before failure 26 23 20 19 17
* Weights can be up to twice the minimum listed.

For stainless steel and special alloy lines a torsion test is not representa-
tive. Ductility testers use a simple 360° wrap test. Refer to the wire tester
instructions for the minimum number of wraps for each wire size.

32 Page 33 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM
Cause of Line Damage Result Corrective Action
Damage of supply reel: bent flanges or dis- Nicks and surface Use slings or ramps when unloading. Do not drop reels.
torted barrels defects on line
Poor spooling practice from supply reel Excessive bending Spool on the service reel following natural curvature of line. Never spool
fatigue, wire tangling from top of one drum to underside of the other. Use tensioning capstan to
ensure regular tension of 400-500 lb. (1st layer 220 lb, 2nd 350 lb)
Poor spooling practice in service. Wire locking between Make sure bottom layers are evenly spooled. Maintain regular traverse
adjacent turns, snags, across the full width of the drum. Avoid loose layers below high-tension lay-
indentions ers.
Wire abrasion, on the ground, on the drum, Reduction of wire cross Avoid slack wire, position drum properly to control total angle of the wire. Do
in the stuffing box section and line strength. not use worn rubber seals allowing line to rub against metal. Align top
sheave to stuffing box.
Wire embrittlement Premature breaking due Minimize bending cycles. Use proper size sheave wheels (Wire OD x 120
to fatigue. for IPS and wire OD x 185 for S/S and Alloys) Ensure sheave grooves are
wide enough for the line.
Wire fatigue due to heavy jarring, abrupt Shock load peaks Avoid excessive jarring, especially with s/s lines. Cut back and re-head
braking. This is more acute for s/s and alloy exceed design loads. between jarring runs at the same depth to avoid cumulative damage over
lines which are more elastic than plough Reduced lifetime and sheaves.
steel lines. premature breaking.
Corrosion in storage. Mostly affect IPS Pitting, stress corrosion, Ensure carbon steel lines are oiled for long term storage. Store under cover.
lines, but also s/s and alloy lines can be hydrogen embrittlement. If tarpaulin cover is used, ensure it is kept off the wire and air is allowed to
affected in saline air environment. circulate to avoid condensation.

Wireline Useful Information

Slickline Handling Pointers
Corrosion in service Pitting, stress corrosion, Select the correct line material for the well environment. Wipe off well con-
hydrogen embrittlement. tamination and re-oil IPS lines when rewinding. Avoid leaving wireline in the
well during prolonged shut-downs.
33 Page 34 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Total Stretch of Slickline


A simplified method, which assumes constant temperature and a vertical

well, computes the total stretch of a free slickline by multiplying the length
of the line in the well by the average stretch in the top and bottom 1-foot
lengths of lines in the well.

Stretch coefficient and weight of slickline can be obtained from the manu-
facturer's data sheets.

Fs = Stretch factor (in/ft/lbs)
Ws = Weight of tool string
Uw =Weight of line per foot (lbs/ft)
L = Length of line in well (ft)
Ts = Total stretch (ft)

The stretch in the bottom 1 foot is: S1 = Fs x Ws

The stretch in the top 1 foot is: S2 = Fs x [(Uw x L) + Ws]

The total amount of stretch in the line is:

T =
L× S + S
1 2 ft )
s 2 × 12

34 Page 35 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM

Wireline Useful Information

Wire Fall Calculations


When wire breaks on surface and falls in the hole, it is important to esti-
mate the position of the wire in the well to properly plan for a fishing job.

The following table gives an approximate value of the distance the wire
will fall inside tubing, based on the amount of wire remaining in the well.
Values are applicable for IPS and alloy steel lines. For stainless steel
lines use 50% of the table values.

Tubing Wireline Fall Distance Falls Distance

Size OD % of wire dropped (ft/1000 ft)
2-3/8 0.092 1.0 10
2-7/8 0.092 1.2 12
3-1/2 0.092 1.6 16
3-1/2 0.108 1.5 15
3-1/2 0.125 0.7 7
3-1/2 3/16 2.0 20
3-1/2 7/32 2.5 25
4-1/2 0.092 2.9 29
4-1/2 0.108 2.7 27
4-1/2 0.125 1.2 12
4-1/2 3/16 3.5 35
4-1/2 7/32 4.5 45
5-1/2 0.092 4.5 45
5-1/2 0.108 4.0 40
5-1/2 0.125 2.0 20
5-1/2 3/16 5.0 50
5-1/2 7/32 6.5 65
5-1/2 1/4 8.3 83
5-1/2 5/16 10.0 100
7 0.108 9.0 90
7 0.125 4.5 45
7 3/16 10.0 100
7 7/32 12.5 125
7 1/4 13.0 130
7 5/16 13.5 135

It is important to notice that the fall must be computed from the position of
the up-hole broken end of the line if the wire would stand straight. This
requires an estimation of the total length of wire left in the well, and of the
most likely position the tool has fallen to in the well. The length of the wire
in the well can be estimated from the counter reading when the broken
end of the line reaches the counter, knowing the rig-up length.

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Wireline Useful Information

Wire Fall Calculations

Example: While pulling out, overpull noticed at 7,350 ft wire breaks.

Counter reading with broken end at counter: 1,850 ft
Counter reading with wire broken end at zero would be
1,850 ft +170 ft = 2,020 ft
Wire left in hole = 2,020 ft wire fall back = 2,020 x 1.5%= 30ft

Assuming tool falls to NO-GO

Depth of top of straight wire: 7,560 - 2,020= 5,540 ft
Fall back point = 5,540 + 30 = 5,570 ft

The depth at which the wire can be expected is 5,570 ft below zero.

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Wireline Useful Information

Sinker Bar Weight Requirements


π × D2 × P
W = i wh − T
t 4B w

Wt = Weight required at balance point. Additional weight is
needed to overcome friction and to obtain downward
Di = Cable diameter
Pwh =Wellhead pressure
B = Well fluid buoyancy factor (from fluid weight, pressure &
buoyancy chart)
Tw = Downhole tool weight

In some cases, all of the factors to determine the sinker bar weight
required may not be readily available. Therefore, the following charts can
be used to determine an approximate amount.

37 Page 38 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM
Wireline Useful Information
Sinker Bar Weight Requirements
Sinker Bar Weight vs. WHP (lbs)
38 Page 39 Tuesday, April 13, 2004 11:03 AM
Wireline Useful Information
Sinker Bar Weight Requirements
Sinker Bar Weight vs WHP (kgs)

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