LabVIEW Strain Integration
LabVIEW Strain Integration
LabVIEW Strain Integration
Different types of sensors are commonly used in real life engineering applications to acquire real time
data. Strain gages are one of these examples which are used to measure the strain in structures. Output
signal from these sensors is the form of voltage or current signals which is calibrated against some known
values of input.
These output signals (Volt /Amp) are weak signals and mostly of the order of 10-3 or even less. Direct
measurement of these signals makes it difficult to draw meaningful conclusions. Addition of noise makes
the task more cumbersome. In order to ease the task, these signals are amplified and filtered before
measurement. For any available equipment with some specified least count, amplification of signal
increases the sensitivity of the system. Filters are used to remove the un-wanted portion of signal (noise),
generated by surrounding or the circuit itself.
In this laboratory, you will build an analog circuit that will enable you to measure the voltage output of a
strain gage mounted on a cantilever beam (metal beam) to measure its deflection. You will then add a
non-inverting op-amp to amplify the voltage output from your circuit and an analog low-pass filter to
remove voltage fluctuations caused by high frequency noise. As an additional exercise, you will modify
the given LabVIEW program to configure another channel for simultaneous measurement of two input
Vout V’out V’’out Device
Sensor Non-Inverting Low-Pass PC
Circuit Amplifier Filter
Evaluate gain Av in Experiment 2 for Combination 3 before coming to class and include in your
Estimate the cutoff frequency ω0 of the filter both in rad/sec and Hz in Experiment 3 before coming
to class and include in your prelab.
Evaluate the transfer function between the input voltage V’out and V”out as shown in Figure 8
Experiment 3 before coming to class and include in your prelab.
Experiment #1: Building an analog circuit to obtain deflection measurements using a strain gage
In this experiment, you will build an analog circuit for using a 120-Ω strain gage to measure the voltage
output of the strain gage on the metal beam. You will then observe the voltage output from your
deflection sensor circuit using LabVIEW and the program “”. The strain gage, which includes
two wire leads, has already been attached (glued) to a bendable beam.
Vout Device
Sensor PC
See the breadboard connectivity Figure 12 at the end of this manual
the RB resistors are known as “bridge completion resistors”
The voltage output from the Wheatstone bridge is amplified by the NTE 987 (Quad op-amp)3 operational
amplifier, shown on the right side of the dotted line in Figure 3. The NTE 987 contains four op-amps with
identical capabilities (see Figure 4); any one of these can be used. The pin numbering in Figure 3 is
according to op-amp number 1. Care must be taken while connecting the amplifier in the circuit.
Reversing the power (V+ connection 4) and ground (V- connection 11) connections will heat up the
amplifier and ultimately burn it.
5. In order to make the system more sensitive there are two ways.
a. Use a more sensitive DAQ system
b. Amplify the signal
You will use option (b) and amplify the Vout available from the first circuit in the next experiment.
Once you are successful in obtaining a meaningful signal inform the GTAs or the instructor. You will be
given a short introduction to LabVIEW by setting up your own virtual instrument (VI) to acquire all the
three signals for this set of experiments. This step will also address Experiment 4.
Vout V’out Device
Sensor Non-Inverting PC
Ci it
V / out R
The voltage gain AV for the non-inverting op-amp is given by AV 1 F . Evaluate Av for
Vout RS
Combination 3 before coming to class and include in your prelab.
Connect the amplified voltage output V’OUT and ground (GND) from your circuit to the DAQ card. In
this step you will need to connect the amplified signal (V’out) to AI1 (analog input channel 1, red
cable). Leave the black cable connected to the ground on your breadboard. See Figure 14 in the
appendix for the wiring connections to the USB DAQ device. This will allow you to observe both the
initial or raw signal and the amplified signal on the same scope.
Deflect the beam upward and downward. Verify that the amplified voltage output V’OUT on the
LabVIEW graph is similar to what you observed at the end of Experiment #1. While deflecting the
beam, observe the increased sensitivity of the system. Theoretically, the system should be x-times
more sensitive to deflection than before, i.e. if the least count of the previous system was 1/3 or ¼
inch, it should be 1/x times the previous value, where x is the amplification value.
Evaluate the amplification ratio and compare with the expected one based on the resistors used.
Observe that you also amplify the noise of the measured voltage signal which is an undesirable effect.
The effect of the noise could be reduced by developing a filter, either a digital or an analog filter. In
the next step, you will add an analog filter to minimize this noise.
Experiment #3: Adding an analog low‐pass filter to the strain gage circuit
In this experiment, you will add an analog low-pass filter to your circuit to reduce the voltage fluctuations
caused by high-frequency noise.
Vout V’out V’’out Device
Sensor Non-Inverting Low-Pass PC
Ci it Filt
Figure 7: Strain Gage Sensor with Voltage Amplification and Analog Low-Pass Filter
Add the RC low-pass filter shown in Figure 8 to the circuit you built in Experiment #2. Choose the
resistor RLP and the capacitor CLP such that RLP = 100 kΩ and CLP = 0.1 μF. Estimate the cutoff frequency
ω0 of the filter if ωo =1/RC both in rad/sec and Hz.
Experiment #4: Adding another channel to the USB DAQ setup to acquire two or more signals
1. Lab Manual “Strain Gage Sensors” Department of Mechanical and Environmental Engineering.
University of California Santa Barbra.
2. LabVIEW User Manual
Reference Mark
Supply Ground
Note the labels for Analog and Digital signals on the actual hardware device.