Jurnal 2 Lapsus Nadya
Jurnal 2 Lapsus Nadya
Jurnal 2 Lapsus Nadya
Mehmet Ö. Özhan, MD, Mehmet B. Eşkin, MD, Bülent Atik, MD, Mehmet A. Süzer, MD, Ceyda Ö. Çaparlar, MD.
clotting time (ACT) measurements, heparinization the patients were awakened without complication
to a target ACT levels, renal protection to prevent and referred to awake fiberoptic intubation. The
contrast- induced nephropathy, gastric protection, other 2 cases had insufficient anesthetic data in their
bladder catheterization for urine output measurement, medical records. Finally, the data obtained from 88
and warming of patients to prevent hypothermia. cases were used for the analysis. TT was used in 46
A single neuroradiologist performed all interventions. patients (Group TT, n=46) and LMA in 42 patients
Digital subtraction angiography was performed to (Group LMA, n=42). Patient characteristics and the
visualize the 3-dimensional structure of the aneurysm duration of the procedures did not differ between
after femoral artery catheterization. Multiple Guglielmi groups (Table 1). All neuroradiological treatments
detachable coils were deployed through a microcatheter were completed successfully without procedure-related
into the aneurysm until sufficient occlusion was complications.
achieved. After completion of the EVT, anesthesia was After the induction of anesthesia, MAP levels were
discontinued and airway instruments were removed within ± 20% of the baseline levels in 30 TT patients
after achieving extubation criteria. Neostigmine, an (65.2%) and 37 LMA patients (88.1%) (p<0.05). In
anticholinesterase agent, was given to patients who were the remaining patients in both groups, MAP levels were
intubated to reverse the effect of the neuromuscular reduced to >20% below baseline but did not reach >30%.
blocking agent (rocuronium) to facilitate orotracheal Therefore, vasopressor drugs were not used to increase
intubation. blood pressure after induction (Table 2). After securing
Clinical outcome was assessed with the Glasgow the airway with the TT or LMA, postintubation MAP
outcome scale (GOS). Criteria for transfer to the levels were >20% of the baseline level in 14 patients
intensive care unit were stable neurological and (30.4%) in the TT group and 0 patients in the LMA
cardiovascular status, a modified Aldrete recovery score group (p<0.05) (Table 2). Those 14 TT patients received
>9, and a dry femoral artery puncture site. metoprolol.
Anesthetic protocol, MAP levels, peripheral oxygen Peripheral oxygen saturation, end-tidal CO2 levels,
saturation (SpO2), end-tidal CO2 levels and heart rate and peak airway pressures were within normal limits
were monitored and recorded before and after induction in both groups during the procedure. Recovery times
of anesthesia, of airway management, of removal of
airway instruments and also with 5 min intervals
throughout the procedure. Bolus doses of metoprolol Table 1 - Adverse respiratory events, recovery and discharge times of 88
(40 µg kg-1), a selective ß1- blocking agent, were given
when the MAP increased >20% above baseline values to Group TT Group LMA
avoid further increase in blood pressure. Also, respiratory Parameters P-value
(n=46) (n=42)
adverse events including laryngospasm, coughing, and Age (years) (mean ± SD) 47.3 ± 14.3 45.30 ± 12.8 0.521
straining, time to extubation, time to neurological Gender (female/male) 25/21 24/18 0.651
assessment (with GOS) and time to discharge (using Weight (kg) (mean ± SD) 73.8 ± 11.3 76.5 ± 8,9 0.127
Body mass index
modified the Modified Aldrete Recovery Scoring (mean ± SD)
25 ± 3.4 27± 3.0 0.221
Sytem) were recorded in all patients. ASA status
Statistical analysis. Data were analyzed using the ASA I 20 (43.5) 18 (42.9)
Statistical Packages for Social Sciences for Windows ASA II 21 (45.6) 20 (47.6) 0.782
version 11.5 pocket program (IBM Corp., Chicago, ASA III 5 (10.9) 4 (9.5)
IL, USA). For intergroup comparisons, the Chi-square
Hypertension 15 (32.6) 14 (33,3)
test and Fisher’s exact test were used to analyze nominal Coronary artery disease 5 (10.9) 4 (9.5) 0.535
data and the t-test for independent samples was used for Diabetes mellitus 6 (13.0) 6 (14.3)
quantitative data. Data were expressed as means ± SD Mallampati
for continuous variables and numbers, and percentages Class I 35 (76.1) 30 (71.4)
for categorical variables. The value of p<0.05 was Class II 9 (19.6) 9 (21.5) 0.759
Class III 2 ( 4.3) 3 (7.1)
considered significant.
Duration of the
procedure (min) 70.1 ± 18.1 75.4 ± 19.8 0.219
Results. A total of 93 anesthesia documents (mean ± SD)
were reviewed, and 5 cases were excluded. Of those, P-value were considered as statistically significant. Data were
presented as number and percentage (%).
unanticipated difficult ventilation and intubation ASA - American Society of Anesthesiologists, TT - tracheal tube,
occurred in 3 cases, in which EVT was cancelled and LMA - laryngeal mask airway
Table 2 - Mean arterial pressure and heart rate at 3 periods of the procedure. (N=88)
were longer in the TT group than in the LMA group Discussion. The results of this retrospective
after completion of the procedure and anesthesia, but study demonstrated that the use of LMA decreased
the difference was not statistically significant (p>0.05) the incidence of hemodynamic changes during
(Table 3). No extubation event was observed in the LMA airway management and extubation, providing a
group, whereas coughing was observed in 3 patients smoother emergence from anesthesia without airway
and straining in another 3 in the TT group (p<0.05) complications compared to TT. However, the recovery
(Table 3). Postextubation MAP levels were >20% of times for neurological evaluation were similar between
the baseline levels in 6 patients in the TT group (13%) LMA and TT.
and no patients in the LMA group (p<0.05) (Table 2). In one of only 3 reports in the literature address this
Further increases in the MAP levels were prevented by issue, Golshevsky and Cormack8 reported on the use
administering metoprolol. The postoperative GCS score of LMA during GA in 3 patients undergoing EVT for
was 15 in all patients, with no neurological impairment. ICAs and concluded that LMA may be a safe alternative
Discharge times were similar in both groups (p>0.05) by avoiding the hemodynamic effects of tracheal
(Table 3). intubation. In a non-randomized study, Karwacki et al9
evaluated the usefulness of GA with propofol and LMA
Table 3 - Adverse respiratory events, recovery and discharge times. stimulate pain and airway reflexes, resulting in ABP and
ICP elevations. This hemodynamic response is associated
Time Group TT Group LMA P-value with cerebral hemorrhage with an incidence of one
Time to extubation (min) 10.1 ± 2.3 9.3 ± 2.7 0.202
percent during surgical clipping.18 Studies comparing
Time to neurological
assessment (min)
13.4 ± 2.3 12.5 ± 3.3 0.129 LMA with TT during induction and extubation have
Time to discharge (min) 16.0 ± 2.4 15.2 ± 3.3 0.222 indicated that the cardiovascular responses induced by
Adverse respirator events
6 (13) 0 0.017*
laryngoscopy and intubation may be more than twice as
(n=%) great as those induced by the insertion of an LMA.19,20
Data were expressed as mean ± SD. *p<0.05 were considered as
statistically significant. TT - tracheal tube,
Rapid recovery is an important factor in assessing
LMA - laryngeal mask airway neurological status and the early diagnosis of
post-procedural complications. In the present study, a
total intravenous anesthesia technique with propofol
for EVT of unruptured ICAs in 26 ASA I patients. They and remifentanil was used to for the maintenance
concluded that the use of LMA is the optimal method because these drugs reduce cerebral blood flow and
for securing the patency of the upper airways during ICP. They also provide stable hemodynamics and rapid
anesthesia for endovascular ICA repair.9 The 3rd study, recovery from GA.6,7,9 Recovery and discharge times in
Tan et al10 reported no complications related to the use our study were similar between 2 groups.
of LMA for GA in endovascular coil embolization. One limitation of this study is that the anesthetic
In contrast to the surgical treatment of cerebral depth was not monitored during the procedure due
aneurysms, securing the airway with tracheal intubation to the unavailability of a bispectral index, which
may not be necessary for EVTs under GA in which is also useful for detecting cerebral ischemia and
the patient lies supine on the operating table and intraventricular hemorrhage.21,22
the positions of the head and body are not changed. Another limitation is the retrospective design of the
Moreover, the procedure is shorter and painless and has study. Retrospective studies may suffer from selection
minimal blood loss compared to intracranial surgery. and recall bias. Therefore, we used the same inclusion
In the present study, the mean duration of the EVT and exclusion criteria for both groups to minimize
procedures was approximately 75 ± 20 min (range, selection bias. Additionally, all patients received the
30-125 min). This result is consistent with previous same EVT and anesthetic regimens except for the
studies that have reported a typical time frame of airway management interventions. We also attempted
approximately 1.5 hours (range, 1-2 hours) for coiling to minimize recall bias by using multiple data sources
an intracranial aneurysm.11 including an electronic medical records database,
Studies have reported that LMA can be used safely patient files, and anesthesia charts.
without gastroesophageal insufflation when inserted In conclusion, LMA may be routinely used
properly and used with positive-pressure ventilation at in patients undergoing EVTs under GA due to
volumes of less 10 mL kg-1, with ventilation pressuråes airway securing without respiratory complications.
kept lower than 20 cm H2O during procedures that last Hemodynamic stress responses at insertion and removal
longer than 120 min.12,13 periods were attenuated and emergence was smoother
The integrity of a cerebral aneurysm depends on the compared to tracheal intubation. Further prospective
transmural pressure (TMP), which is determined by the and randomized studies are required to determine the
difference between the pressure within the aneurysm availability of the routine use of supraglottic airway
(equivalent to the MAP) and the pressure surrounding devices in interventional neuroradiology.
the aneurysm (equivalent to the ICP).14 A rise in MAP
increases the TMP and makes rupture of the aneurysm References
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