Mid Term Sample Paper Eco 2023-24
Mid Term Sample Paper Eco 2023-24
Mid Term Sample Paper Eco 2023-24
Answer all the questions:
1.The component not included in money supply. 1
a. Currency with private individuals b. Currency with business firm
c. Stock of gold with RBI d. All of these
2. ------------ instruments of monetary policy affect the direction of credit in the economy. 1
3. What is meant by normal residents of a country? 1
4. Which of the following products are intermediate products or final products? Give
reasons. 1
i. Purchase of ticket for train journey by an individual.
ii. Machine bought by a firm for its own use.
State whether the following statement is true or false with a reason:
5. Income earned by foreigners working in branch of a foreign bank in India is a part of the
domestic factor income of India. True or False. 1
6. Does national income include the income earned by non-residents of a country who
happen to be citizens of that country? 1
33. Compare and contrast the development of India, China and Pakistan with respect to
sectoral contribution. 6
34. Study the following chart showing the Growth of Employment and Gross Domestic 6
product and analyse the trends of the two variables from 1951-2012.
Do you think that in the last 70 years, employment generated in the country is
commensurate with the growth of GDP in India?
3. Normal resident of a country refers to an individual or an institution who ordinarily resides in the
country and who’s Centre of economic interest also lies in that country.
5. True. This is because the branch of a foreign bank is located within domestic territory of India.
6. No. NI includes income of only the normal residents of a country but it does not include the
income of the non-residents, even when they happen to the citizen of that country.
8. Increase
9. Higher
11. Definition
14. a. GDP at current price measures NI using current year price prevailing in the market.
GDP at constant price measures NI using constant price or Base years price.
b. (i) Payment of interest on a loan taken by an employee from the employ is not included in the
estimation of NI as the loan is not taken for production purposes.
15. OMO- Buying and selling of securities by the govt. during inflation govt. will sell securities sand
During deflation govt. will buy the securities.
Margin requirement – Difference between the collateral surrendered and the loan granted.
During inflation RBI increases the margin requirement and during deflation RBI will decrease
the Margin requirement.
16. S>I
Consumer is not consuming as much as the firm expected them to
As a result, inventory rises above the desired level
To clear unwanted stock, firms would plan to reduce production till S=I
b. 45-degree line is AS curve which starts from the origin. It indicates that each and ave rpoint on
the AS curve is equi-distant from the horizontal and vertical axis.
17. a. NVAMP = Sale of rice in local market (+) Procurement by govt. (–) Expenditure made on the
maintenance of existing capital (Depreciation)
= 8000+400-200
=Rs. 8200 Cr.
b.Equilibrium level of income (y) (AD=AS=Y
At equilibrium Y=C+I
Y=60+0.8Y+70 AD=C+I)
ii) I=Rs.80cr
At equilibrium y=C+I
Y=Rs.700 cr
18. (C)
19. (B)
20. Distress sales
21. 1958
22.( c)
24. ( c)
25. (a)
26. False .China introduced its reforms in 1978.There was no compulsion from world bank and IMF
to open up their economy like India or Pakistan
27. Open unemployment
28. Organic farming is a eco-friendly technology which is a whole system of farming that restores,
maintains and enhances the ecological balance
i. It is a means to replace the expansive agricultural inputs with the cheaper locally produced
organic inputs.
ii. Organic food possesses more nutritional value
iii. It is pesticide-free (any relevant point)
29. i. Female education in India is a challenge which implies low opportunities for jobs.
ii. In most urban family’s job of women is still governed by family decisions rather than that of
iii. Higher employment of women in rural areas is owing to widespread rural poverty.
33. _China
Area suitable for cultivation is only about 10% reason.
Proportion of workforce in Agriculture decreased to 26% contributing to 7% of GDP.
Secondary sector with a workforce of 28% with 41% contribution of GDP
Service Sector with a workforce of 46% with 52% contribution to GDP
Agriculture with workforce of 43% contributed 16% of GDP
Industry 25% with 30% contribution to GDP
Service is 54% of contribution with 32% of workforce.
India and Pakistan shifted from agriculture to service sector while China shifted from agriculture to
industry then to service sector.
Agriculture contributed 24% with 41% of workforce.
Industry contributed 19% with 24% of workforce.
Service sector 57% with 35% of workforce
With relevant reasons
34. – Since 70 years of planned development, India aimed at expansion of economy through increase
in national product and employment.
During the period of 1950 -2010 GDP of India grew positively ranging between 4% to 7% and was
higher than the growth of employment. However there was always fluctuation in the growth f GDP.
During this period employment grew at a stable rate of about 2%.
During this period there was a widening gap between the growth of GDP and employment.
It means that in the Indian economy we have been able to produce more goods and services but
without generating employment. This phenomenon is referred to as jobless growth.
(Explain according to the data given in the graph)