Hdpe Procedure Sec Ix

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as) ASME BPVCIX-2015 PART QF PLASTIC FUSING ARTICLE XXI PLASTIC FUSING GENERAL REQUIREMENTS QF-100 SCOPE ‘The rules inthis Part apply to the preparation and qua- lifcation of the fusing procedure specification (FPS), and the performance qualification of fusing machine operators, QF-101 FUSING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION A fusing procedure specification used by an organiza- tion that will have responsible operational control af pro duction fusing shall be an FPS that has been qualified by that organization in accordance with Article XXII, or it shall be a standard fusing pracedure specification (SFPS ‘or MEFPS) as defined in QF-201.2. ‘The fusing procedure specification (FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS) specifies the "variables" (Including ranges, if any) under which fusing must be performed, The fusing procedure specification (FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS) shall ad dress the applicable fusing process variables, both essen tial and nonessential, as provided in Article XXII for production fusing, QF-102 FUSING PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION (FPQ) Fusing operator performance qualification is intended to verify the ability of the fusing operator to produce a sound fused joint when following an FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS. The fusing operator performance qualification record (FPQ) documents the performance test of the fusing op erator, and the results of the required mechanical tests. QF-103 RESPONSIBILITY QF-103.1 Fusing. Each organization shall conduct the tests required in this Section to qualify the FPS and the performance of the fusing operators who apply these pro cedures. Alternatively, an organization may use an SFPS (or MEFPS under the provisions of QF-201.2. The organi- zation shall perform and document the tests required by this Article to qualify the performance of fusing opera- tors for fusing operations 266 QF-103.2 Records. Each organization shall maintain 1 record of the results of the mechanical testing per- formed to satisfy the requirements for FPS and fusing op. erator performance qualifications QF-110 FUSED JOINT ORIENTATION Orientation categories for fused joints are illustrated in Figure QF-461.1 QF-120 TEST POSITIONS Fused joints may be made in test coupons oriented in any of the positions shown in Figure QF-461.2, QF-130 DATA ACQUISITION AND EVALUATION QF-131 DATA ACQUISITION RECORD REQUIREMENTS ‘The fusing variables listed in QF-131.1 and QF-131.2 shall be recorded for each fused test joint. QF-131.1 Butt-Fusing Procedures. (a) heater surface temperature immediately before in- serting the heater plate (b) gauge pressure during the initial heat cycle (6) gauge pressure and elapsed time during the heat soak cycle (a) heater removal (dwell) time (¢) gauge pressure and elapsed time during the fusing/ cool eyele drag pressure (a) joint configuration (h) pipe diameter and wall thie (type of polyethylene (PE) material (specification and classification) and manufacturer G) FPS or SFPS used, operator identification, time, date, and fusing machine identification ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-131.2 Electrofusion Procedures (a) date (B) ambient temperature (©) material temperature (@) pipe diameter and wall thickness (6) the FPS or MEFPS used (@ nominal fusion time (g) adjusted fusion time (A) termination code fitting description @ fitting manufacturer (&) elapsed time for fusion and cooling @ manual or barcode entry (im) lot number for fitting (n) operator identification (0) operator verification of scraping and cleaning (p)fit-up gap (a) fasion number (©) fusion energy (5) fusion processor serial number (9 voltage (u) preheat voltage and time, if applicable QF-132 DATA ACQUISITION RECORD REVIEW The data acquisition record for each fused test joint shall be compared to the FPS after completion. QF-485 provides a suggested format to document the data acqui- sition record review. The reviewer shall verify that the qualifications listed in QF-132.1 and QW-132.2 are met. QF-132.1 Butt-Fusing Qualification. (a) All data required by QF-131 was recorded. (2) Interfacial fusing pressure was within the FPS or SFPS range. (6) Heater surface temperature recorded was within the FPS or SPS range, (q) Butt-fusing pressure applied during the fusing/cool cycle was correctly calculated to include the drag pres- sure, is within the FPS or SEPS range for the applicable size (eg, pipe diameter), and agrees with the recorded hydraulic fusing pressure (@) Butt-fusing pressure was reduced to a value less than or equal to the drag pressure at the beginning of the heat soak cycle. @ Fusing machine was opened at the end of the heat soak cycle, the heater was removed, and the pipe joint tends brought together at the fusing pressure within the time frame specified by the FPS or SFPS. (@) Cooling time at butt-fusing pressure met the mini- ‘mum time specified by the FPS or SFPS If the recorded data is outside the limits of the FPS or SFPS, the joint is unacceptable, QF-132.2 Electrofusion Qualification. (a) All data required by QF-131 was correctly recorded. (®) Voltage was within the FPS or MEFPS range. (©) Nominal fusion time was within the FPS or MEFPS range. 267 (@) Absence of any electrical fault during fusing ‘operation, QF-140 EXAMINATIONS AND TESTS Results ofall required examinations and tests shall be recorded on the Fusing Procedure Qualification Record (PQR) or Fusing Operator Performance Qualification (FPQ), QF-141 VISUAL EXAMINATION (a) Butt-Fusion, All fused joints shall receive a visual ex- amination ofall accessible surfaces of the fused joint. (®) Electrofusion. Test joints shall be visually inspected ‘upon completion of the test coupon, and when sectioned for evaluation, QF-1411 Visual Acceptance Criteria. (@)Butt-Fusion. See Figure QF-462 for evaluation examples, (A) There shall be no evidence of cracks or incom: plete fusing @)Joints shall exhibit proper fused bead configuration (3) Variations in upset bead heights on opposite sides of the cleavage and around the circumference of fused pipe joints are acceptable. (4) The apex of the cleavage between the upset beads of the fused joint shall remain above the base material surface (5) Bused joints shall not display visible angular mis- alignment, and outside diameter mismatch shall be less than 10% of the nominal wall thickness (6)'The data record for the FPS or fusing operator performance qualification test shall be reviewed and com- pared to the FPS or SFPS to verify abservance ofthe sp cified variables applied when completing the fused test joint (b) Blectrofusion Assemblies (1) There shall be no visible evidence on external and accessible internal surfaces of cracks, excess internal (LD) melt caused by overheating fitting malfunction, or incomplete fusion. Maximum fit-up gap, or maximura mis- aligament and out-of-roundness, shall be within FPS or MEPPS limits (2) The data record for the FPS or fusing operator performance qualification test shall be reviewed and com- pared to the FPS or MEFPS to verify observance of the specified variables applied when completing the fused test joint, (6) Sectioned Electrofusion Joints. Voids due to trapped air or shrinkage during the coaling process are acceptable only ifround or elliptical in shape with no sharp corners, and provided they meet the following requirements [see Figure QF-468, illustrations (a) and (b)) (1 Individual voids shall not exceed 10% of the fu- sion zone length. ASME BPVCIX-2015 (2) Multiple voids shall not exceed a combined total of 20% of the fusion zone length (@) When voids are detected, additional sections or examinations shall be made to verify that the void does not follow a diametric path connecting with the pressure: containing area of the joint. [See Figure QF-466, illustra tion (0) QF-142 PRESSURE TESTS ‘QF-142.1 Elevated Temperature Sustained Pressure ‘Tests — Butt Fusing. These tests assess the resistance to slow crack growth of the fused joint. QF-142.1.1 Test Coupons. (a) Fusion joint test coupons shall be made with mini ‘mum of NPS 8 (DN 200) DR 11 pipe, or the maximum size to be fused, whichever is less. NOTE: Dimension Ratio (DR) = Outside Diameter = Minimum “Thickness. (6) The completed test coupons shall contain pipe on ether side of the joint with a minimum length of 15 times the pipe outside diameter or 12 in, (300 mm), whichever is greater, from the fused joint to free-end closures on elther end. (6) The testing shall be performed in accordance with ‘ASTM D3035-08 or F714-10, as applicable. QF-142..2 Test Conditions. (a) Test Temperature. All tests shall be conducted at 176°F = 4°F (80°C + 2°C) (b) Test Pressure, The assemblies are to be subjected to pipe fiber stresses as follows: (2) PE2708 material: $80 psi (4.0 MPa) for 1,000 hr ‘or 670 psi (4,6 MPa) for 170 hr (2) PE3608 material: 580 psi (4.0 MPa) for 1,000 hr or 670 psi (4.6 MPa) for 170 hr (3) PE4710 material: 660 psi (4.5 MPa) for 1,000 hr ‘or 750 psi (5.2 MPa) for 200 hr QF-142..3 Test Procedure. Elevated temperature sustained pressure tests shall be performed in accordance with ASTM D3035 or F714, QF-142.1.4 Acceptance Criteria. Any failures with in the specified time periods shall be of the pipe, indepen- dent ofthe joint. With one ductile pipe failure, the average time before failure for all three specimens shall not be less than the specified time. If more than one ductile pipe fallure occurs at the higher pressure, the pressure of the test may be reduced and repeated until 1,000-hr results are obtained. Any brittle failures shall necessitate new tests using different pipe. QF-142.2 Elevated Temperature Sustained Pressure ‘Test —Electrofusion. These tests assess the resistance to slow crack growth at points of stress concentration due to electrofusion fitting design, 268 QF-142.2.1 Test Coupons. Four test coupons shall be prepared and conditioned in accordance with ASTM F1055. Pipe material PE designation shall not be less than the electrofusion fitting, QF-142.2.2 Test Conditions. The assemblies are to be subjected to pipe fiber stresses as follows: (a) Temperature, All tests shall be conducted at 176°F APP (BO°C + 2°0) (b) Test Pressure. The assemblies are to be subjected to pipe fiber stresses as follows: (1) PE2708 pipe material: 580 psi (4.0 MPa) for 41,000 hr or 670 psi (4.6 MPa) for 170 hr (2) PE3608 pipe material: 580 psi (4.0 MPa) for 1,000 hr or 670 psi (4.6 MPa) for 170 hr (3) PE4710 pipe material: 660 psi (4.5 MPa) for 1,000 hr or 750 psi (5.2 MPa) for 200 hr F-142.2.3 Test Procedure. Elevated temperature sustained pressure testing shall be performed in accor- dance with ASTM F1055, QF-142.2.4 Acceptance Criteria. Any failures within the specified time periods shall be of the pipe, in- dependent of the fitting or joint, and shall be of a “brittle” type pipe failure, not “ductile” If ductile pipe failure ac- ccurs at the higher pressure, the pressure of the test may be reduced and repeated until either 1,000-hr results are obtained or pipe brittle failures are achieved, QF-142.3 Minimum Hydrautic Burst Pressure — Electrofusion. This test assesses the short-term burst ca pacity ofthe fitting and joint in order to identify any fun- damental weaknesses in the integrity of the assembly. ‘This test shall be performed in accordance with ASTM 1599, QF-142.3.1 Test Coupons. Four burst test coupons shall be prepared and conditioned in accordance with ASTM F105. Pipe material PE designation shall not be less than the electrofusion fitting. F-142.3.2 Test Conditions. (a) Test Temperature. The test shall be performed at ‘73°F £ °F (23°C # 2°). (b) Test Pressure, ‘The minimum hydraulic burst pres: sure ofthe test coupon shall not be less than that required to produce the following fiber stress in the pipe: (1) PE2708 pipe materials; 2,520 psi (17.4 MPa) (2) PE3608 pipe materials: 2,520 psi (17.4 MPa) (3) PEA710 pipe materials: 2,900 psi (20 MPa) OF-142.3.3 Test Procedure, The coupons shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D1599. QF-142.3.4 Acceptance Criteria. The assembly shall not fail in the fitting or electrofusion joint. QF-143 BEND TESTS ‘These tests are designed to impart bending stresses to a fused plastic specimen to evaluate the soundness of the fused joint. ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-143.1 _Reverse-Bend Test (RBT) This testis for butt fusion joints of PE pipe with a wall thickness approximately 1 in. (25 mm) or less, but may be used for thicker pipe. QF-143.1.1 Test Specimens. Reverse-bend test speci- ‘mens shall be cut to.a minimum width of 1.5 times the test coupon thickness for testing and removed as shown in Figure QF-463, illustration (a) QF-143.1.2 Test Conditions — Test Temperature. ‘The reverse bend test shall be conducted ata temperature between 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C). QF-143.13 Test Procedure. (a) One test specimen shall be bent to place the inside surface of the joint in tension, and the other test specimen shall be bent to place the outside surface of the joint in tension, (2) The bending process shall ensure the ends of the specimens are brought into contact with one another. (o Testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM F2620, Appendix X4. QF-143.2 Guided Side-Bend Test (GSBT) This testis limited to butt fusion joints of HDPE pipe with a wall thickness greater than 1 in, (25 mm), F-143.2.1 Test Specimens. (a) Test specimens shall be removed from the fused test coupon with the upset bead remaining on the outside and inside surfaces. A strip having the full thickness ofthe test coupon and measuring approximately 1 in, (25 mm) ‘wide and 18 in, (450 mm) long shall be removed along the longitudinal axis of the test coupon, with the joint lo- cated in the approximate center of the strip. See Figure QF-463, illustration (b). (b) Plane or machine the width to 0.50 in. + 0.03 in. (13 mm + 0.75 mm) with a smooth finish on both sides, See Figure QF-463, illustration (c). QF-143.2.2 Test Conditions. (a) Test Temperature. Conduct the GSBT at 60°F to 80°F (26°C to 27°C). () Test Speed. The elapsed time of the test shall be be- tween 30 sec and 60 sec, QF-143.2.3 Guided Side-Bend Test Procedure. QF- Jigs. Test specimens shall be bent in a test jig consisting of a fixed member with two support ‘mandrels to support the specimen while force is applied. ‘The hydraulic ram, used to supply the bending force, is also attached to the jig and has a ram attached to the end of the cylinder. See Figure QF-463, illustration (4) QF-143,2.3.2_ Bend Procedure. Position the side- bend test specimen with the butt fusion joint in the center of the jig between the support mandrels, Position the ram in the center of the fusion bead on the test specimen. Move the ram slowly until it makes contact with the test specimen and is positioned in line with the fusion bead. 269 Begin to apply the bending force and deflect the side-bend test specimen. The test is complete when the test speci- men is bent to an angle of 60 deg + 10 deg between the inside surfaces ofthe specimen or until failure occurs. See Figure QF-463, illustration (4), QF-143,2.3.3 Acceptance Criteria. The test specimen shall not break or exhibit cracking or fractures on the con- vvex (outer) surface atthe fusion interface during this test. QF-143.3 _Electrofusion Bend Test. This testis used to assess the Integrity of electrofusion couplings and fi tings, It is used for couplings and fittings NPS 12 (DN 300) and greater. 0F-143.3.1 Test Specimens. (a) Socket Fittings (Full Wrap). Test coupons shall be prepared and conditioned, with four specimens cut from ‘each half of the fitting and machined to ig in. (1.5 mm) width in accordance with ASTM P1055. See Figure QF-467, illustration (a). (8) Saddles (Not Full Wrap). The stack and bottom half of the pipe should be removed. The saddle shall be cut in half in the transverse direction and then each half eut again in the longitudinal direction as shown in Figure ‘QF-467, illustration (c). Specimen slices shall be removed at all four cut edges and machined to 4,4 in. (1.5 mm) width through the fusion base of the sadale fitting. Two diagonal quarters shall be used for the transverse speci- ‘mens, and the two remaining diagonal quarters shall be used for the longitudinal specimens. See Figure QF-467, illustration (c). QF-143.3.2 Test Conditions — Test Temperature. The test shall be performed at 73°F + 4°F (23°C + 2°C), un- less otherwise specified. F-14333 Test Procedure. (a) The cross-section of the machined specimens shall be inspected for visual discontinuities (0) Each Yoon, (1.5 mm) wide specimen shall be placed ina clamp such thatthe bond line between the fitting and the pipe is located at the plane of bending. The entire length of the bond isto be flexed 90 deg along the plane of bending — four times in both directions. See Figure QF-467, illustration (b) QF-143.3.4 Acceptance Criteria. (a) The cross-section of the machined specimens shall meet the criteria of QF-141.1 (@) Separation of the specimen along the fusion line constitutes failure of the specimen. Minor separation at the outer limits of the fusion heat source and voids be- ‘tween the wires are acceptable as long as the voids do not exceed the limits of QF-141,1, Ductile failure in the pipe, fitting, or the wire insulation material is acceptable as long as the bond interface remains intact. ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-144 TENSILE TESTS QF-144.1 High-Speed Tensile Impact Test (HSTIT). This test method is designed to impart tensile impact en ergy to a butt-fused polyethylene (PE) pipe specimen to evaluate its ductility QF-144.1.1 Test Specimens. (a) Test specimens shall be removed from the butt: fused test coupon with the upset bead remaining on the outside diameter and inside diameter surfaces. Speci ‘mens for test coupon thicknesses less than or equal to 2 in, (50 mm) shall include the full wall thickness of the fused joint. Specimens for test coupon thicknesses 2 in. (60 mm) and greater may be cut into approximately equal strips between 1 in. (25 mm) and 2.5 in. (64 mm) wide for testing with each segment tested individually such that the full cross section fs tested. (b) Test specimens shall be prepared by machining to achieve the dimensions given in Figure QF-464, with the upset beads remaining intact. (6) A smooth surface free of visible flaws, scratches, or imperfections shall remain on all faces of the reduced area with no notches, gouges, or undercuts exceeding the dimensional tolerances given in ASTM F2634, Marks left by coarse machining operations shall be removed, and the surfaces shall be smoothed with abrasive paper (600 grit or finer) with the sanding strokes applied paral Tel to the longitudinal axis of the test specimen, (@) Mark the test specimens in the area outside the hole with the applicable specimen identification using a per- manent indelible marker of a contrasting color, of an etching tool (c) Condition the test specimens at 73°F + 4°F (23°C 42°C) for not less than 1 hr just prior to conducting the test. QF-144.12 Test Conditions. (a) Test Temperature. Conduct the high speed impact test at a temperature of 73°F # 4°F (23°C + 2°C) unless otherwise specified. (b) Test Speed. The speed of testing shall be in accor: dance with Table QF-144.2 with a testing speed tolerance of +015 in./sec to -1 in/sec (+13 mm/s to -25 mm/s) Table QF-144.2 Testing Speed Requirements Testing Speed zn Gem) Gin se (150 m/s) in. G2 mm) ‘in eee [100 mm/s QF-144.1.3 Test Procedure (a) Set up the machine and set the speed of testing to the rate specified in QF-144.1.2(). 270 (b) Pin each specimen in the clevis tooling ofthe testing machine, aligning the long axis of the specimen and the tooling with the pulling direction of the test machine. (c) Testing shall be performed in accordance with ASTM F2634, (@) Evaluate the test specimen fracture to determine the mode of fallure, and note the results in the test record and on the PQR. QF-144.1.4 Test Record. The HSTIT shall be documented by preparing a test record that includes the following information: (a) testing speed applied (b) testing temperature observed (€) specimen dimension verification (a) test machine calibration data (6) test specimen identification (test date (test operator identification (h) testing failure mode and acceptance/rejection (i) test equipment identification QF-144.1.5 Acceptance Criteria. Failure mode shall be ductile, with no evidence of brittle failure at the fusion interface. See Figure QF-465, illustrations (a) through (4), for evaluation examples, QF-144.2 Etectrofusion Axial Load Resistance Test. This test assesses the ability of a socket-type elec trofusion joint to transmit axial loads. QF-144.2.1 Test Specimens. (a) Except as permitted in (b), tensile test coupons and specimens shall be prepared and conditioned in accor- dance with ASTM F1035. Tensile tests shall be made on a complete electrofusion test assembly, not on specimen straps cut from the coupon, (4) When equipment to conduct full scale tensile tests ‘on test coupons larger than NPS & (DN 200) is not avail able, testing for resistance to axial loads shall be con- ducted through one peel test plus one short-term hydrostatic pressure test for each material temperature. (1) Peel Test, Four specimens shall be cut at approxi- mately 90-deg intervals from each test coupon and pre- pared as shown in Figure QF-469, illustration (a), (2) Short-Term Hydrostatic Test, To ensure axial forces are exerted only on the fusion joint, test coupons shall be constructed using flanged or capped pipe seg- ‘ments such that essentially no exposed (unreinforeed) pipe protrudes outside of the socket. See Figure QF-470, F-14422 Test Conditions. (a) Test Temperature. The tests shall be performed at 73°F = 4°F (23°C ¢ 2°). (b) Peel Test Speed. Peel test load shall be applied at a rate of 0.2 in,/min (5 mm/min) QF-144.2.3 Test Procedure. (a) Tensile Test. Testing shall be performed In accor: dance with ASTM P1055, using the test apparatus de- scribed in ASTM D638. ASME BPVCIX-2015 (2) Peel Test. Specimens shall be subjected to a tensile load as shown in Figure QF-469, illustration (b) until fail- ture as shown in Figure QF-469, illustration (c). (c) Short-Term Hydrostatic Test (1) Test coupons constructed to QF-144.2.1(b)(2) shall be filled with water. (2) The test coupon shall be pressurized using the apparatus described in ASTM D1599 to the pressure shown in Table QF-144.2.3 at a rate sufficient to achieve the full test pressure within 60 sec. (3) The test coupon shall remain under the full test pressure for a period of not less than § min. QF-144.2.4 Acceptance Criteria. (a) Tensile Test. Test coupons less than or equal to NPS @ (DN 200) shall not fail in the pipe or fitting when sub- jected to a tensile stress that causes the pipe to yield to an elongation of 25% or greater, or causes the pipe to bbreak outside the joint area. Yielding shall be measured only in the pipe, independent of the fitting or joint. (b) Peel Test. Specimens for sizes larger than NPS 8 (DN 200) shall not separate in the fusion interface in a brittle ‘manner, Ductile failure between wires, tearing through the coupling wall or pipe wall, and up to 15% separation at the outer limits of the heat source are permitted [see Figure QF-469, illustration (c) for examples} (¢) Short-Term Hydrostatic Test. Test coupons for sizes larger than NPS 8 (DN 200) shall not rupture or break through the fitting or fusion interface. QF-145 Crush and Impact Resistance Tests Crush tests and impact resistance tests assess the integ- rity of electrofusion joints QF-145.1 Crush Test. Crush tests are used to evalu- ate socket-type (full-wrap) or saddle-type (not full wrap) electrofusion joints. These are required for pipe sizes less than NPS 12 (DN 300), and may be used as an alternative to the electrofusion bend test for pipe sizes NPS 12 (DN 300) and greater. QF-145.1.1 Test Specimens. (a) Socket Type. Socket-type joint crush test coupons shall be prepared and conditioned, and specimens re- ‘moved by cutting in halflongitudinally at the fusion zones in accordance with ASTM L055, See Figure QF-466, illus tration (a), Table OF-144.2.3, Pipe Mater Test Pressure PER60@ 725 psig (5.0 MPa) puro 725 pig (5.0 MPa 2m (b) Saddle Type. Saddle-type crush test coupons shall be prepared, conditioned and tested in accordance with ASTM FLOSS. See Figure QF-466, illustration (b) QF-145.1.2 Test Conditions — Test Temperature. ‘The test shall be performed at 73°F « 4°F (23°C # 2°C),un- less otherwise specified. F-14513 Test Procedure. (a) Socket Type. Crush testing shall be performed on each end half by clamping at a distance of 1'/, in. {82 mm) from the outermost wires and closing the jaws until the inner walls ofthe pipe meet in accordance with ASTM F1055. See Figure QF-466, illustration (b). (6) Saddle Type. Crush testing shall be performed by placing the jaws of a vice or hydraulic press within ‘jin. (13 mm) of the edges of the saddle and tightening tnt the inner walls of the pipe meet, in accordance with ASTM F1055. See Figure QF-466, illustration (c). QF-145.14 Acceptance Criteria. Separation of the fitting from the pipe at the fusion interface constitutes a failure ofthe test, except that minor separation at the out- cr limits ofthe fusion heat source up to 15% of the fusion length is acceptable, Ductile failure in the pipe, fitting, or the wire insulation material, is acceptable as long as the bond interface remains intact QF-145.2 Impact Resistance Test. Impact tests are used to evaluate saddle-type branch connection joints, QF-145.2.1 Test Specimens. Impact test speci- ‘mens shall be prepared and conditioned in accordance with ASTM F105 QF-145.2.2 Test Conditions — Test Temperature. ‘The test shall be performed at 73°F # 4°F (23°C # 2°C). QF-145,2.3 Test Specimens. The joint branch con- nection shall be impacted ina direction parallel to the axis of the pipe with a force sufficient to break the body or ‘other portion of the specimen, The test device and meth- od of testing shall be in accordance with ASTM F905, QF-145.2.4 Acceptance Criteria. Breakage shall initiate outside of the joint area, Separation in the fusion interface greater than 15% ofthe fusion length at the out- er limits of the fusion heat source constitutes failure of the test. ASME BPVCIX-2015 ARTICLE XXiIl FUSING PROCEDURE QUALIFICATIONS QF-200 GENERAL Each organization shall prepare written Fusing Proce dure Specifications (FPS) or Standard Fusing Specifica tions (SFPS or MEFPS) as defined in QF-201 to provide direction to the fusing operator for making production fused joints. QF-201 PROCEDURE QUALIFICATION QF-201.1 Fusing Procedure Specification (FPS) (a) Fusing Procedure Specification (FPS). A FPS is a writ ten fusing procedure that is qualified by an organization In accordance with the rules of this Section, (6) Contents of the FPS. The completed FPS shall ad: dress all of the essential and nonessential variables for teach fusing process used in the FPS, The essential and nonessential variables for fusing are outlined in Table QF-254 for butt fusion and Table QF-255 for electrofu sion. The organization may include any other information in the FPS that may be helpful in making a fused joint, (c) Changes: Changes in the documented essential vari- ables require requalification of the FPS. QF-2012 Standard Fusing Procedure Specifications (a) Standard Bute-Fusing Procedure Specification (SEPS) (C1) Prerequisites, an SFPS is a but- fusing procedure specification that contains acceptable polyethylene (PE) fusing variables based on standard industry practice and testing as reported in the Plastic Pipe Institute (PPD, Report TR-33, or ASTM F2620. A SEPS may be used for production fusing by organizations without further qualification, (2) Contents ofthe SFPS. The SFPS shall address all oF the essential and nonessential variables listed in QF-254. In addition, the SFPS shall include all of the conditions listed in QF-221.1. The organization may include any ad ditional information in the SEPS that may be helpful in making a fused joint. (3) Changes, Changes in the essential variables or conditions of an SFPS beyond the limits specified in QF-221.1 or Table QF-254 shall require the qualification of an FPS, (6) Manufacturer Qualified Blectrofusion Procedure Specification (MEFES) (1) Prerequisites. An MEEPS is an electrofusion pro: cedure that has been qualified by an electrofusion iting manufacturer, based on standard industry practice in 22 accordance with the Plasties Pipe Institute (PPI), Techni- cal Note TN-34 and ASTM F1290, for the electrofusion ft- ting manufacturer's specific electrofusion joint design, and qualified by the electrofusion fitting manufacturer in accordance with ASTM F1055 to define the ranges for the essential variables identified in Table QF-255. An -MEFPS may be used for production by organizations fus- ing the same electrofusion fitting manufacturer's quali fied fittings without further qualification, (2) Contents of the MEFPS. The MEFPS shall address all essential and nonessential variables listed in Table QF-255. In addition, the MEFPS shall include all of the conditions listed in QF-222.1. The manufacturer or con- actor may include any additional information in the -MEFPS that may be helpful in making a fused joint. (3) Changes. Changes in the essential variables or conditions of an MEFPS beyond the limits specified in QF-222.1 or Table QF-255 shall require the qualification of an FPS, QF-201.3 Format of the FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS, The information required to be included in the FPS, SFPS, or MEEPS may be in any format, written or tabular, to fit the needs of each organization, provided all essential and nonessential variables outlined in QF-250, and the parameters specified in QF-220 as applicable, are ad- dressed. Forms QF-482(a) and QF-482(b) have been pro- vided as suggested formats for preparing the FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS, QF-201.4 Availability of the FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS. The FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS used for production fusing shall be available for reference and review by the Inspector When fused joints are made. QF-201.5 Each organization who qualifies their own PS shall prepare a procedure qualification record (PQR) that is defined as follows: (a) Procedure Qualification Record (PQR). A record of the range of essential variables documented during the fusing ofthe test coupon(s) and the results of the required visual and mechanical tests performed, (2) Contents of the PQR. The completed PQR shall docu- ment the ranges for all essential variables listed in QF-250 during the fusing of the test coupon(s), Nonessen \ial varlables observed during the fusing of the test cou- pon may be recorded at the organization's option. ASME BPVCIX-2015 The PQR shall be certified by the organization to be a true and accurate record of the variables recorded during the fusing of the test coupon(s) and the required examina- tions and tests specified in QF-140. (6) Changes to the POR. Changes to the PQR are not per- mitted except for documented editorial corrections or those utilizing addenda, An organization may be per- mitted to fuse materials other than those used in the FPS qualification, when the alternative materials are as- signed to a material grouping in QF-420 whose fusing properties are considered essentially identical, Additional information may be incorporated into a PQR at a later date, provided the information is substantiated as having bbeen associated with the original qualification conditions by lab records or similar documented evidence. All changes to a PQR require recertification (including date) by the organization, (a) Format of the POR. The information required to be in the PQR may be in any format, written or tabular, to fit the needs of each organization, provided all essential variables outlined in QF-250 are included. The types and number of tests, and their results shall be reported fon the PQR, Forms QF-483(a) and QF-483(b) have been provided as suggested formats for preparing the PQR. When required, additional sketches or information may be attached or referenced to record the required variables (e) Availability of the POR. PQRs supporting an FPS to be used in production fusing operations shall be available for review by the inspector. () Multiple FPSs with One PQR/Multiple PQRs with One FPS, Several FPSs may be prepared from the qualification test data recorded on a single PQR. A single FPS may en- compass the range of qualified essential variables repre- sented by multiple PQRs supporting the qualified combination and range of essential variables. QF-202 TYPE OF TESTS REQUIRED QF-202.1 Mechanical Tests QF-202.11 High-Speed Tensile Impact Test (H1STIT). Specimens shall be prepared for butt-fusion joints In ac- cordance with Figure QF-464 and tested in accordance ‘with QF-144.1.1, The minimum number of specimens re- quired to be tested shall be as follows: (a) for pipe specimens less than 4 NPS (DN 100): not less than (wo specimens removed from fused pipe test coupons at intervals of approximately 180 deg apart (2) for pipe specimens 4 NPS (DN 100) and greater: not less than four specimens removed from fused pipe test coupons at intervals approximately 90 deg apart (@ other product forms: not less than two specimens removed from fused test coupons QF-202.12 Elevated temperature sustained pressure tests for butt fusing and electrofusion shall be conducted sm accordance with QF-142.1 and QF-142.2, respectively. 213 QF-202.13 Minimum hydraulic burst pressure tests for electrafusion joints shall be performed in accordance with QP-142.3 QF-202.1.4 Electrofusion bend tests shall be per- formed in accordance with QF-143.3 QF-202.1.5 Flectrofusion axial load resistance tests (tensile or peel plus short-term hydrostatic) shall be per- formed in accordance with QF-144.2, QF-202.1.6 Crush tests shall be performed in accor- dance with QF-145.1 QF-202.1.7 Impact resistance tests shall be per- formed in accordance with QF-145.2, QF-202.1.8 If any test specimen required by ‘QF-202.1 fails to meet the applicable acceptance criteria, the test coupon shall be considered unacceptable. (a) When it can be determined that the cause of failure is not related to incorrectly selected or applied fusing variables, additional test specimens may be removed as close as practicable to the original specimen location to replace the failed test specimens. If sufficient material is not available, another test coupon may be fused utilizing the original fusing parameters. (b) When it has been determined that the test failure ‘was caused by one or more incorrectly selected or applied essential variable(s), a new test coupon may be fused ‘with appropriate changes to the variable(s) that were de- termined to be the cause for test failure (c) When it is determined that the test failure was caused by one or more fusing conditions other than es- sential variables, a new set of test coupons may be fused ‘with the appropriate changes to the fusing conditions that ‘were determined to be the cause for test failure. If the new test passes, the fusing conditions that were deter- ‘mined to be the cause for the previous test failure shall be addressed by the organization to ensure that the re- quired properties are achieved in all fused production joints. QF-202.2 Testing Procedure to Qualify the FPS QF-202.2.1 Polyethylene Pipe Butt Fusing (a) For pipe having a wall thickness less than or equal 02 in, (50 mm), one set of test coupons shall be prepared using any thickness of pipe less than or equal to 2 in. (50 mm) but not less than one-half the thickness of the pipe to be fused in production, (®) For pipe having wall thickness greater than 2 in. (50 mm), one set of test coupons shall be prepared using pipe of at least 2 in. (50 mm) thickness but not less than ‘one-half the maximum thickness to be fused in production. (€) Butt-fusing joint coupons shall be prepared in ac- cordance with the FPS using the following combinations of heater temperature ranges and interfacial pressure ranges: ASME BPVCIX-2015 (1) high heater surface temperature and high interfa cial pressure, five joints (2) high heater surface temperature and low interfa cial pressure, five joints ‘@) low heater surface temperature and high interfa cial pressure, five joints (4) low heater surface temperature and low interfa- cial pressure, five joints (d) Bach fused joint shall be subject to visual examina tion per QF-141, (¢) Two fused joints of each combination shall be eval uated using the elevated temperature sustained pressure tests for pipe specified in QF-142.1 (P. Three fused joints of each combination described in (©) shall be evaluated using the high speed tensile impact test (HSTIT) specified in QF-144.1 F-20222 Polyethylene Etectrofusion (a) Fittings shall be selected at random in the quantities shown in Table QF-202.2.2, along with pipe segments needed for making the fused coupons, and all material shall be prepared and conditioned for a minimum of 16 hr immediately prior to fusing, as fellows: Table QF-202.2.2 d Seder Saddle Saddle socket | s8enrs12 | socket enpsiz | anpsa2 anpse— | @pn200 | axesiz | cona00) | eon 300) son 200) | 863 (219) to «1275 (324) Lo > 1275 (324) tw s 24 (610) %qc0) > 24 (610) t0< 36 (900) od) Table OF-221.2 Maximum Heater Plate Removal Time for Pipe-to- pe Fusing ‘Maximum Heater Plate Pipe Wall Thickness in. (mm) Removal Time, see bar wo E wD) @ > 03610 085 (9.0 14) 10 >055 10118 (> 14 30) 15 > 118 9 25 (> 30% 6A) 20 2251045 ( otto 114) 25 2450114) 30 Fabrication Shop T1625 G0 6) w 2251045 ( oto 114 30 245 104) oo 276 ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-222 MANUFACTURER QUALIFIED FUSING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (MEFPS) QF-222.1 Electrofusion of Polyethylene. When the fusing procedure is limited to the following conditions, additional procedure qualification testing is not required. If the organization deviates from the conditions listed be- low, procedure qualification testing in accordance with QF-202.2 is required: (a) The pipe and fitting material is limited to PE 2708, PE 3608, and PE 4710 in the combinations shown in Table QF-222.1, unless otherwise qualified by the fitting manu- facturer (see QF-403.1) (2) The pipe ends shall be cleaned with water to re- move dirt, mud, and other debris prior to scraping, (c) For socket-type connections, the pipe ends shall be ceut perpendicular £5° to the pipe centerline on each pipe tend and fully inserted into the center of the fitting. (a) immediately before electrofusion, the external sur- faces of the pipe shall be scraped with a non-smearing scraping device to cleanly remove approximately 0.01 in, (0.25 mm) of material from the outer surface of, the pipe, such that a complete layer of material is re- ‘moved from the surfaces to be fused (see QF-407.3). (@) In the event of touching or recontamination of the pipe after scraping, 70% (minimum) isopropyl alcohol shall be used with a clean lint-free cloth for cleaning (see QF-407.3), @ For socket-type connections, the pipe shall be ‘marked with a non-petroleum-base marker for the proper insertion depth before installing the electrofusion fitting, and the fitting shall be installed on the pipe end to the marked depth taking care to avoid recontamination of, the clean fusion surfaces. (@ The fitting shall be connected to the electrofusion control box with the prescribed leads. (h) The values for fusing energy voltage, nominal fusing Lume, and cooling period qualified by the electrofusion fit- ting manufacturer based on permitted material tempera- ture range, shall be entered into the processor before energizing the coils (see QF-405.5, QF-405.6, QF-405.7, and QF-405.8) 20 ( The power supply/generator and any extension cords shall meet the electrofusion fitting manufacturer's specified requirements (see QF-406.3). @ Upon completion of energizing the coils, the leads may be disconnected. No movement of the fused assem bly shall be permitted until the end ofthe fitting manufac: turer's prescribed cooling period. (See QF-405.5.) Table QF-222.1 Etectrofusion Material Combinations Pipe Fitting QF-250 FUSING VARIABLES QF-251 TYPES OF VARIABLES FOR FUSING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS. These variables (listed for each fusing process in Tables QF-254 and QF-255) are categorized as essential or non: ‘essential variables. The "Brief of Variables" listed in the tables are for reference only. See the complete variable description in Article XXIV, QF-400, QF-252 ESSENTIAL VARIABLES Essential variables are those that will affect the me- chanical properties of the fused joint, if changed, and re- {quire requalification of the FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS when any change exceeds the specified limits of the values re- corded in the FPS for that variable. QF-253 NONESSENTIAL VARIABLES Nonessential variables are those that will not affect the ‘mechanical properties of the fused joint, if changed, and do not require requalification of the FPS, SFPS, ot MEFPS when changed, ASME BPVCIX-2015 Table QF-254 Fusing Variables Procedure Specification Polyethylene Pipe Butt Fusing x [ow x or08 3 [eo watmianes x |p cosas x 08 | ¢ Peston x 2 [oe eric presse x 3 [pees ant ead x ome 1 Fusing machine manufacturer x Equipment * e “ Table QF-255 Fusing Variables Procedure Specification Polyethylene Electrofusion i lef fares Testa Nonessnt ea gn x F406, Equipment oFa07 Technique ‘¢ Fusion voles f Materia temperature range “¢ Power supply x (¢ Powor cord ‘Processor x ‘Saddle day (¢leaning agent x Scraping device 278 ASME BPVCIX-2015 ARTICLE XxXill PLASTIC FUSING PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATIONS QF-300 GENERAL This Article lists the essential variables that apply to fusing operator performance qualifications. The fusing ‘operator qualification is limited by the essential variables given for the fusing process. These variables are outlined in QF-360, QF-301 TESTS QF-301.1 _ Intent of Tests. The fusing operator perfor- ‘mance qualification tests are intended to determine thy ability of fusing operators to make sound fused joints when following a qualified FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS QF-301.2 Qualification Tests. Each organization shall qualify each fusing operator for the fusing process (65) to be used in production, The performance qualifica- tion tests shall be completed using a qualified FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS. A fusing operator qualified for fusing in accor- dance with one qualified FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS is also qual ified for fusing in accordance with other qualified FPSs, SFPSs, or MEFPSs within the limits of the fusing operator essential performance variables given in Table QF-362. Visual and mechanical examination requirements are de- scribed in QF-302, Retests and renewal of qualification are given in QF-320. The fusing operator responsible for fusing any FPS qua- lification test coupons successfully qualifying the FPS is also qualified as a fusing operator within the limits of the essential performance qualification variables given in Table QF-362, QF-301.3 Identification of Fusing Operators. Each qualified fusing operator shall be assigned an identifying ‘number, letter, or symbol by the organization, which shall be used to identify production fused joints completed by the fusing operator. QF-301.4 Record of Tests. The record of fusing op- erator performance qualification (FPQ) tests shall include the qualified ranges of essential performance variables, the type of tests performed, and test results for each fus- ing operator. Suggested forms for these records are given in Forms QF-484(a) and QF-484(b), QF-302 TYPE OF TEST REQUIRED QF-302.1 Visual Examination. For test coupons, all surfaces shall be examined visually per QF-141 before cutting specimens. Test coupons shall be visually exam- ined per QF-141 over the entire circumference, 279 QF-3022 Mechanical Tests. (a) One butt-fusion coupon shall be prepared, from ‘which two bend test specimens shall be removed from the fused test joint at intervals of approximately 180 deg. Each specimen shall be tested by one of the fol owing methods: (1) Reverse-Bend Test, The specimens shall be re- ‘moved as shown in Figure QF-463, illustration (a), and tested in accordance with QF-143.1 (2) Guided Side-Bend Test. Each specimen shall be re- ‘moved as shown in Figure QF-463, illustration (b), and prepared and tested in accordance with QF-143.2. (2) One electrofusion coupon shall be prepared, from ‘which either of the following tests may be performed at ambient temperature between 60°F to 80°F (16°C to 27°C); (1) Electrofusion Bend Test. Four electrofusion bend test specimens shall be removed in accordance with (QF-143.3.1 and tested in accordance with QF-143.3.3 and QF-143.3.4 (2) Crush Test. Test specimens shall be prepared in accordance with QF-145.1.1 and tested in accordance with QP-145.1.3 and QF-145.1.4 QF-303 LIMITS OF QUALIFIED POSITIONS AND DIAMETERS (SEE QF-461) ‘QF-203.1 Pipe Positions. (a) Fusing operators who pass the required tests for butt-fusing in the test positions shown in Figures (QF-461.1 and QF-461.2 shall be qualified for fusing within the following limits: (1) The 5G test position qualifies for the horizontal position #45 deg. (2) Test positions other than 5G qualify for the orien- tation tested =20 deg. (@) Electrofusion operators who pass the required tests for fusing in any test position qualify for all positions. QF-303.2 Pipe Diameters. Pipe sizes within the ranges listed in Table QF-452.3 shall be used for test cou pons to qualify within the ranges listed in Table QE-452.3. QF-305 FUSING OPERATORS Each fusing operator shall have passed the visual and mechanical examinations and tests prescribed in QF-301 and QF-302. ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-305.1 Testing. Qualification testing shall be per- formed on test coupons in accordance with QF-311 and the following requirements: (a) The data required by QF-130 shall be recorded for each fusing machine operator. (b) The supervisor conducting the test shall observe the making of the fused joint and verify that the FPS, SFPS, lor MEFPS was followed, ‘QF-305.2 Examination. Test coupons fused in accor- dance with QF-305.1 shall be evaluated as follows: (a) The completed joint shall be visually examined in accordance with QF-302.1. (b) After the joint is complete, the data required by QF-130 shall be reviewed for compliance with the re quirements of the FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS used for the qua- lication test. (c) Test specimens shall be removed and tested and in accordance with QF-302.2. QF-310 QUALIFICATION TEST COUPONS QF-311 TEST COUPONS (a) The test coupons shall consist of fusing one pipe joint assembly in at least one of the positions shown in Figure QF-4612. (b) Test coupons may be produced at any ambient tem: perature within the range permitted by the PS, SFPS, or MEEPS, QF-320 RETESTS AND RENEWAL OF QUALIFICATION QF-321 RETESTS A fusing operator who fails one or more of the tests prescribed in QF-302, as applicable, may be retested un- der the following conditions QF-321.1 Immediate Retest Using Visual Examina- tion, When the qualification coupon has failed the visual examination of QF-302.1, retests shall be accepted by vi sual examination before conducting the mechanical testing. ‘When an immediate retest is made, the fusing operator shall make two consecutive test coupons. If both addi tional coupons pass the visual examination requirements, the examiner shall select one of the acceptable test cou pons for specimen removal ta facilitate conducting the re- quired mechanical testing. QF-321,2 Immediate Retest Using Mechanical Test- ing. When the qualification coupon has failed the mechan ical testing of QF-302.2, and an immediate retest is conducted, the fusing operator shall make two conseeu tive test coupons, If both additional coupons pass the me- chanical test requirements, the fusing machine operator is qualified 200 QF-321.3 Further Training. When the fusing opera- tor has undergone additional training or completed addi- tional fusing practice joints, a new test shall be made for each fusion test joint that failed to meet the requirements. QF-322 EXPIRATION AND RENEWAL OF QUALIFICATION QF-322.1 Expiration of Qualification. The perfor: ‘mance qualification of a fusing operator shall be affected when one of the following conditions occurs (a) When a fusing operator has not completed a fused joint using a qualified FPS, SFPS, or MEFPS for a time per: fod of 6 months or more, their qualification shall expire. () When there isa specific reason to question the abil- ity of the fusing operator to make fused joints meeting the requirements of this Section, the qualifications ofthe fus- ing operator shall be revoked. QF-322.2 Renewal of Qualification (a) Performance qualifications that have expired under the provisions of QF-322.1(a) may be renewed by having the fusing operator fuse a single test coupon and subject- ing the test coupon to the testing required by QF-302, A successful test shall renew all ofthe fusing operator's pre- vious qualifications for that fusing process. (b) Fusing operators whose qualifications have been revoked under the provisions of QF-322,1(b) may be re- qualified by fusing a test coupon representative of the planned production work. The fused test coupon shall be tested as required by QF-302. A successful test shall re: store the fusing operator's qualification within the quali- fied range of essential performance variables listed in Table QF-362 QF-360 ESSENTIAL VARIABLES FOR PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION OF FUSING OPERATORS QF-361 GENERAL A fusing operator shall be requalified whenever a change is made in one or more of the essential variables listed in Table QF-362. Table QF-362 Essential Variables Applicable to Fusing Operators eS a (Gy Bane Fusing ra0s a Pipe mater Matera! 2 [6 Pie diameter 404 a | + postion 406 08 ae |__| # taupment mantacurer ASME BPVCIX-2015 Table QF-362 Essential Variables Applicable to Fusing Operators (Cont'd) ragraph viet of Variables (o) Hlectrofuson rao 1 |g Socket anda & vce Joint Type vest F402 2 |e Ppe mater Matera 2 [¢ Ppedameter 2a1 ASME BPVCIX-2015 ARTICLE XXIV PLASTIC FUSING DATA QF-400 VARIABLES QF-401 GENERAL Each fusing variable described in this Article is applic: able for procedure qualification when referenced in QF-250 for each specific fusing process. Essential vari ables for performance qualification are referenced in (QF-360 for each specific fusing process. A change from tone fusing process to another fusing process requires re- qualification (e,g., a change from butt-fusing to electrofusion), QF-401.1 Fusing Data. The fusing data includes the fusing variables grouped as joints, pipe material, position, thermal conditions, equipment, and technique. QF-402 JOINTS QF-402.1 A change in the type of joint from that qual ified, except that a square butt joint qualifies a mitered joint. QF-402.2 A change in the pipe 0.D. surface misalign: ‘ment of more than 10% of the wall thickness of the thin rer member to be fused, QF-402.3 Any change in the design of an electrofu sion joint that causes a change in any other essential vari able of Table QF-254. The configuration of a fitting may change without impacting those variables, eg. from a 90-deg elbow to a 45-deg elbow; or from an NPS 2 x NPS 8 (DN 50 x DN 200) saddle connection to an NPS 3 x NPS 8 (DN 80 x DN 200) saddle connection. QF-402.4 An increase in the maximum radial fi-up gap qualified. This variable may be expressed in terms of maximum misalignment and out-of-roundness. QF-402.5 A change from socket-type (Full wrap) joint to saddle-type (partial wrap) joint, and vice versa. QF-403 MATERIAL QF-403.1 A change to any pipe material other than those listed in Table QF-422. QF-403.2 A change in the pipe diameter beyond the range qualified in Table QE-452.3. QF-403.3 A change in the pipe wall thickness beyond the range qualified. See QP-202.2.1 QF-403.4 A change in the thickness or cross- sectional area to be fused beyond the range specified, QF-403.5 A change in fitting manufacturer. 202 QF-403.6 diameter. A change in nominal pipe (header) QF-404 POSITION QF-404.1 The addition of other fusing positions be- yond that qualified. See QF-303.1 QF-405 THERMAL CONDITIONS OF-405.1 to a value beyond the range qualified QF-405.2 A change in the interfacial pressure to a value beyond the range qualified QF-405.3, qualified Achange in the heater surface temperature ‘A decrease in melt bead size from that QF-405.4 An increase in heater plate removal time from that qualified QF-405.5 A decrease in the cool time at pressure from that qualified QF-405.6 A change in fusion voltage. QF-405.7 A change in the nominal fusion time. QF-405.8 A change in material fusing temperature beyond the range qualified QF-406 EQUIPMENT QF-406.1 manufacturer A change in the fusing machine QF-406.2 A reduction in power source KVA, QF-406.3 A change in power cord material, length, or diameter that reduces current at the coil to below the ‘minimum qualified. QF-406.4 A change in the manufacturer or model number of the processor. QF-406.5 A change in the type of saddle clamp. QF-407 TECHNIQUE QF-407.1 A change in fabrication location from the fabrication shop to field applications or vice versa, QF-407.2 A change in the type or reduction in con centration of joint cleaning agent o solution, QF-407.3 A change from a clean peeling scraping tool to any other type of tool QF-420 MATERIAL GROUPINGS High-density polyethylene pipe listed in Table QF-422 ‘may be fused in accordance with Section IX, ASME BPVCIX-2015 Table QF-422 Material Grouping Spedttcaion [| Clssifiation | Product Form 293 ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-450 PIPE FUSING LIMITS Table OF-452.3 ipe Fusing Diameter Li ‘Size Qualified — 15 [nom thar 20 (508)) Size of Test Coupon — 1 fn. (mm) Minimum Maximum (2) Bure Fusing Les than 6 [6625 (168) None ‘Sie texted 6 to es than 8 (6625 (168) to les than Nore ass than ls than 625 8625 (2199) (219) 20 (8625 (219) to 20 (508) 8 ae2s (219) 20 20 508)] Greater than 20 [greater shan 20(508)} | Greater chan 20 [greater Unlimited (b) Hlectrofusion 1414 G50) 14 10 24 [14 (356) t 24 (610}] Lager than 24 [24 (610) 14 (14 G56) 24 24 (610) Tas an 14 [4 (356) 24 (24 (610) Untiited QF-460 GRAPHICS QF-461 POSITIONS Vor plane 204 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure QF-461.1 Fusing Positions (Cont'd) Tabulation of Positions in Joints Inclination of As, Position ___Dlagram Reference deg GENERAL NOTE: Inclination ofthe axis i measured from the horizontal reference plane toward the vertical. Figure QF-461.2 Fusing Test Positions 01a) BE {1 Vertical 26) {(b) Imermediate 205 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure QF-462 Cross Section of Upset Beads for Butt-Fused PE Pipe (2) Visually Acceptable — Uniform Bead Around Pipe (©) Visually Acceptable — Non-Uniform Bead Around Pi But Localized Diameter Mismatch Less Than 10% ‘of the Nominal Wall Thickness {e) Visually Unacceptable — V.Groove Too Deep at Pipe Tangent {for Both Uniform and Non-Uniform Beads 206 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure QF-463, 5t_—+}« 15 +] [6.0m (150 mm) min} | [6.0 in. (150 ram) mind Tost strap But fusion {a} Reverse-Bend Tost Specimen Remo |—2.0 in, (228 mm) —>} 9.0 (228 mm) | Test trap But fusion en Removal, Configuration, and Testing 1 fe = 1. (25 ro) r in. (25 mm) (b) Guided Side-Bend Test Specimen Removal [for fax > Tn. (25 mmil 287 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure OF-463 Bend Test Specimen Removal, Configuration, and Testing (Cont'd) 25 in. t0 0.50 in. (6 mm to 13 mm) th of test specimen FO in. 108.51 120 in. 017.0 in (300 mm to 430 mm) (150 mm to 215 men) (cl Guided Side-Bend Test Specimen 60.deg +10 deg 90.75 in. (19 mm) = 0.50 in. to 1.00 i (13 mm to 25 mm) Leeman tut son (d) Guided Side-Bend Test Machine Dimensio 288 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure QF-464 HSTIT Specimen Configuration and Dimensions ot 8. (98 mm Li, (ae mnt 60 dog TYP 903%, (26.2 mm hough (2) PLES vba PS laa /G enti! iP int) La 1 in. (28 min) fe fein 1119 mj —— feo in | ___—6in (@) All machined surfaces 125 RMS or finer. YX ¢ of Fusion 16 mm) > (0) Al fractional dimensions shown are Yin. (1.5875 mn), (©) All decimal dimensions are 20.010 in (20.3 mm), (4) All nternal radi in (13 mm), external rat Yo {6} Fusion bead to remain in place alter machining in. (10 mm 40 9. (10 me) 299 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure QF-465 HSTIT Specimen Failure Examples (a) Brittle Rupture ae {} Duotile Rupture Outside Fusion Interface (e) Ductile Rupture Adjacent to Fusion Interface (d) Ductile Ruptures of Spit Specimens 290 ASME BPVCIX.2015, Figure QF-466 Electrofusion Crush Test Sin. (76mm) a ‘min. length typ PE pine of IN {a) Socket Specimens for Crush Test i coupling { ss nO until pipe walls = ee 7 AL assur ofaa ye easier en 291 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure OF-467 Electrofusion Bend Test ez Lz YJ ae ee (a) Socket Fusion Bend Specimens, Plane of bending a] A Hein sam Yesin.i45 mm) (ypeat Pipe -_— ‘stip Bent at Fusion Zone (©) Fusion Evaluation Bond Tost >| fs in. 5 mm) ‘Sede fusion > Stack removed Pipe Bottom half removed leetrofusion coupling [+e in. 11.5 men) Fina cuts for EBT specimens Transverse cut (c) Saddle Fusion Bend Specimens Longitudinal ext 292 ASME BPVCIX.2015, Figure QF-468 Fusion Zone Void Criteria Void ze not excooding 10% ‘of fusion tone length is aceptabe tiie / cteeeminneeaney 1s/ (Se coming. pun, | Shetatencrneee {a} Acceptable Voids / erat tovennure that the void doesnot follow a amie path connecting ‘ete prseureeomaining tthe jolts PE pipe section Hs Hj Spee Li {Path Investigation 293 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Figure QF-469 (a1 Peet Test Sample Configuration Tensile force (©) Pool Test Loading vette failure through ine wall permitted Ductile fature between r= wires permited Minor separation st outer 15% ‘of heat source permitted (el Acceptable Peo! Test Results 294 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Short-Term Hydrostatic Test Specimen [h Flanged Test Coupon Capped Test Coupon 298 ASME BPVCIX-2015 QF-480 FORMS FORM OF-482(a) Suggested Format for Butt-Fusing Procedure Specifications (FPS or SFPS) (See OF-201.3, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Company Name. Fusing Procedure Specification No. Revision No. Date Fes Qualification C] Bytesting sts Fusing Process Type If qualified by tosting, supporting POR No.(s) By. Date. Pipe Size (Diameter Other Pipe Wall Thickness. Joints (QF 402) Details Joint Type Pipe End Preparation Miter Joint Angle Pipe Surface Alignment ‘Skotches, production drawings, weld symbols, or writon description should show the general arrangement of the parts to be fused. Where applicable, the details ofthe joint groove may be specie. ‘Sketches may be attached to ilustrate joint design ‘Materials (0F-403) Specification Classification, to Specifieation. Classification Cross-Sectional Ares. Position (QF 404) Pipe Position. other Thermal Concitions (QF-405) Hester Surface Temperature Range, Fusing Interfacial Pressure Range. Drag Pressure Range. Melt Bead Size Rang: Cool-Down Time at Butt Fusing Pressure Range. Butt Fusing Pressure Range. Heater Plate Removal Time Range Equipment (OF-206) Fusing Machine Manufacturer Data Acquistion Used C1 Yos No. Hydraulic Extension Hose Length Data Acquistion Machine Manufacturer. Technique (OF-407), Location 1 Fabrication Shop Fits omnes 296 ASME BPVCIX-2015 ‘QF-482(b) SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR ELECTROFUSION FUSING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATION (FPS or MEFPS}] (See QF-201.3, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Company Name, ay, Fusing Procedure Specification No. bate. Revision No. Dare, FPS qualfcation[] —BytestingL] —MeFPS[] If qualified by testing, supporting POR No.(s) “Joints (QF-402) Details Joint Design Pipe End Cut max. out of square, Maximum Fup Gap, Max. Axil Misalignment, Max. outof-roundness: ‘Sketches, production drawings, joint symbols, oF written description should show the general arrangement of the parts to be fused Where applicable, the details ofthe joint graove may be specified Materials (F403) Fitting Specification, Classification, to Pipe Specification, Classification, Fitting Manufacturer Pipe Size (siamete Pipe Wall Thickness. ‘Thermal Conditions (QF-405) Minimum material & fusing temperature___‘F (°C) Maximum material and fusing temperature. SFC) Nominal fusion time at minimum temp. Nominal fusion time at maximum temp. Minimum coo! down time at min, temp Minimum coo! down time at max. tom Fusion Voltage. other Equipment (QF-406) Minimum Power Supply______{KVA) Processor Manufacturer Model Power Cord: Material___Max. length f(r) Min. Gage. Min. Amps. Saddle Clamp Type Ona other ‘Technique (QF-407) Pro-scrape cleaning fle Post scrape cleaning agent Scraping Device. Pipe matker type. other 297 ASME BPVCIX-2015 FORM OF-483(a) Suggested Format for Butt-Fusing Procedure Qualification Records (POR) (See OF-201.5(d), Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Company Name Procedure Qualification Record No, Date FPS No, Fusing Processtes} “Joints (QF-402) Pipe Surface Alignment Pipe End Preparation of Test Coupon Material (OF 403) Equipment (OF-208) ‘Specifcetion ______Classificetion Fusing Machine Manufacture to Specification _Classifcation Pipe Size (Diameter Data Acquisition Used LlYes CINo Pipe Wall Thickness, Data Acquisition System Manufacturer Cross-Sectional Area_____________ | iyarauie Extension Hose Length Other Technique (OF 407) Location 1 Fabricationsnop CI Fiela Position (OF-404) Postion of Pipe other Thermal Conditions (OF -405) Heater Surface Temperature Fusing Inorfacial Prossure other Drag Pressure. Butt Fusing Pressure Met Bead Sire Heatar Plate Removal Time Cool-Down Time at Butt Fusing Pressure. Other. 298 ASME BPVCIX-2015 FORM OF 483(a) (Back! POR No. Visual Examination (QF-141) Elovated Temperature Sustained Pressure Tosts (OF-142) oint | Heater | tntertocist | Resut Joint | Hester | interacial | Resut No. | Temperature | Pressure No. | Temperature | Pressure High Speed Tensile Impact Tests (OF-144) oint | Spee.] Heater | tntertscia type of] toeation | | Joint | Spee. | Heater | interac! [Type of | Location No. | No. | Tomperature] Pressure [Faiure ot Falure| | No. | No. [Tomperature| Prossure | Faire af Faure Attach addtional sheets fr high-speed tensile test impact test deta for pipe lerger than NPS 4 (DN 100. Fusing Operator's Nome. Idontitieation No. Stamp No. “eats Conducted By. Laboratory Te No. ‘We certify thatthe statements in this record are correct and that the test joints were prepared fused, end tested in accordance with tre requirements of Section IX ofthe ASME Boiler ang Proseure Vose0l Code. Organization Date Centied By (Detaof record of tests ae lusrative only and may be modified to conform to the type and number af tests required by the Case.) 299 ASME BPVCIX-2015 (F-483(b) SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR ELECTROFUSION FUSING PROCEDURE ‘QUALIFICATION RECORDS (POR) [See OF-201.5(d), Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code] Page 1013 Company Name, Procedure Qualification Record No. FPS No, ote Fusing Process: Eloctrofusion Soeset type C] Electrofusion Sade type [1] ‘Joints (QF-402) Joint Design Manufacturer Model No, Fivup gap- Ses below ‘Coupon Detail Material (@F-403), Fiting Specifeation____Classifiation, Pipe Specitication, Classification Pipe Size (diameter Pipe Wall Thickness, other Equipment (QF 406), Power Supply —____ Power Cord Material____Gage__Length Processor Manufacturer Model No. Sate clamp — Technique (OF-407) Scraping Device Cleaning Agent Low Temperature Coupons Teint Number: Fup Geo (OFatza High Temperature Coupons! “ein Number Cook own tne (OFS) ASME BPVCIX-2015 Page 2 of 3 F-483(b) POR No. Visual Examination (QF-141) Elevated Temperature Sustained Pressure Test (QF-142.1), Low Temperature Coupons High Temperature Coupons oint_| Peseure| Fiting Joint Pie veel Acceot |} | Joint _| Presure|_Fiting Joint Pipe Ductal, Accent [Minimum Hydeaulle Quick Burst Test (OF-142.2) Low Temperature Coupons High Temperature Coupons J Joint Integrity Test (QF-145) Low Tomporature Coupons — Crush Test (QF 145.1) High Temperature Coupons — Crash Test OF 148.1) Low Temperature Coupons — Bend Test (OF-143.3) High Temperature Coupons — Bend Test (OF-143.3), int | specimen | Accept | ona [Fina Pine Wire| accent | | | Joint | soecinen| accept | Bord |Fiting Pipa wire | cop 301 ASME BPVCIX-2015 Page 3of3, POR No, F-48316) Electrofusion Axial Load Resistance Test (QF-144.2), Low Temperature Coupon Tensile Test (QF-1442(a High Tomperature Coupon Tensile Test (F-14421) Low Temperature Coupon High Temperature Coupon Poel Test (OF. 1442. 1bI(1) Poo! Test [OF-144.2. 11) sont | Specimen | sritie Sep [wie Fising Pipe | Aesopt ||| Joint | Specimen | sri Sop | Wie Fing Pipe | Accept LT i} « [TT Short Term Hydrostatic Test (OF 168.2. 042i) ‘Short Term Hydrostatle Tost [OF 148.2012 Impoct Resistance® (OF-165.2) ‘Only when required by contract Low Temperature Coupon Impact Resistance (QF-145.2.4) | _ High Temperature Coupon Impact Resistance (OF-145.2.4) Attach additional shoots for explanation as required. Fusing Operator Name donation No Stamp No, Tests Conducted by. Laboratory Test No. ‘We cortfy that the statomonts in this record are correct and that the tet joints wore propared, fused, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX ofthe ASME Boiler and Pressure Vestol Code, Manufacturer or Contractor Date Contifed by (Record of ot tals re ilustrative only and may be madiied to conform tothe type and numberof tests required by the Code.) 302 ASME BPVCIX-2015 FORM OF-484(a) Suggested Format for Butt-Fusing Machine Operator Performance Qualifications (FPQ) (See OF-301.4, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Fusing Machine Operator's Name Identification No. Test Deser ion Information Only) ‘Type of Test 1 originst qustitiation C1 Requalifiestion Identification of FPS or SFPS Followe Pipe Specification Classification to Specifieation_______Classifiation. Pipe Size (Diameter! Pipe Wall Thickness, Testing Conditions and Qualification Limits Fusing Variables (QF-360) Actual Values Range Qualified Pipe Material Pipe Size (Diameter! Pipe Position Fusing Machine Manufacturer RESULTS Visual Examination of Completed Joint (QF 305.21)] Examination of Data Acquisition Output [OF-305.2(b] Bond Tests (OF-3022) Specimen No. | Type of Bond Result Specimen No. | Type of Bend Result Bend Specimens Evaluated By. Company. ‘Mechanical Tests Conducted By. Laboratory Test No, Fusing Supervised By Data Acquistion Output Examined By. ‘We cartfy thatthe statements in this record ars correct and thatthe test coupons were prepared, fused, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX ofthe ASME Boiler and Prossure Vessel Code. Organization Date Conitied by 303 ASME BPVCIX-2015 ‘QF-484(b) SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR ELECTROFUSION FUSING OPERATOR PERFORMANCE QUALIFICATION (FPQ) [See OF-301.4, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code] Electrofusion Fusing Operator's Nam. Idntiieation No. “Test Description (Information Only) Type of test Orginal Qualifestion, Requalifcation donation of FPS or MEFPS followed, Fitting Specification Classification to Pipe Specifiation_____ Classification Pipe Sze (diameter Pipe Wall Thickness Testing Conditions and Qualifeation Limits Fusing Variables (OF-360) ‘Actual Value ange Qualified Socket or Saddle Pipe Material Pipe Diameter RESULTS: Visual examination of completed joint (OF 305.23), Examination of data acquisition output [OF-305.26)1 Joint ntgety Test (F-14831 Type oftest: Bena Testior-1433)[] Crh Tes ar-ve5.) ] Test specimens evaluated by Company Mechanical tate conduct by. Laboratory Test No, Fusing supervised by Data acquisition output reviewed by, We cont thatthe statements inthis record are correct and thet the test coupons were prepsred, fused, and tested in accordance withthe quirements of Section IK ofthe ASME Boller and Pressure Vessel Code Date Manufacturer or Contractor cont by 304 ASME BPVCIX-2015 FORM OF-485 Suggested Format for Plastic Pipe Fusing Data Acquisition Log Review (See OF-131 Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Job Information Job Number. Fusing Machine Operator Name. Fusing Machine Operator Identifestion FPS or SFPS Used. Date Time. Fusing Machine kdentification ________Fusing Machine Manufacturer______Joint Number. Pipe Speciation Classification to Specification Classification Pipe Size (Diameter Pine Wall Thickness, Joint Configuration FUSING VARIABLES Heater Surface Temperature Within Quatfication Range [] Yes (No Interfacial Fusing Pressure Within Qualieation Range C1 Yes No Drag Pressure. Butt-Fusing Pressure: Within Quatifestion Range C1 Yes. = C1 No Calculated Value_______ Recorded Hydraulic Fusing Pressure Acceptable [1 Yes 1 No Butt-Fusing Pressure Drop to Less Than Drag Pressure? ves (1 No Gauge Pressure During initial Heat Cyc Elapsed Time During Initial Heat Cyle {Gauge Pressure During Heat-Soak Cele Elapsed Time During Heat-Soak Cycle Gauge Pressure During FusingiCool Cycle Elapsed Time During FusingiCool Cycle Within Qualification Range C1 Yes C1] No Molt Bead Size Within Qualification Range 1 Yes 1 No Heater Plate Removal Time Within Qualifietion Range CI Yes C]_No Data Logger Probe External Probe Data Acquistion System Manufacturer Review of the Recorded Pressure/Time Diagram Acceptable C] Yes (1 No Data Acquisition Acceptable] Yes L] No Examiner name, Examiner signature Date QF-490 DEFINITIONS QF-492 DEFINITIONS QF-491 GENERAL Definitions relocated to QG-L09, Terms relating to fusing used in Section IX are listed in QG-109, Other common terms relating to fusing are de fined in ASTM F412, Standard Terminology Relating to Plastic Piping Systems.

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