tr-616 Timber Abut W CVR
tr-616 Timber Abut W CVR
tr-616 Timber Abut W CVR
Final Report
September 2012
Sponsored by
Iowa Highway Research Board
(IHRB Project TR-616)
Iowa Department of Transportation
(InTrans Project 10-372)
About the BEC
The mission of the Bridge Engineering Center is to conduct research on bridge technologies to
help bridge designers/owners design, build, and maintain long-lasting bridges.
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Technical Report Documentation Page
As funds for replacing bridges decline and construction costs increase, effective rehabilitation and strengthening techniques for
extending the life of the timber substructures in bridges with structurally sound superstructures has become even more important.
Several counties have implemented various techniques to strengthen/repair damaged piling, however, there is minimal data documenting
the effectiveness of these techniques. There are numerous instances where cracked and failed pilings have been repaired. However, there
are no experimental data on the effectiveness of the repairs or on the percentage of load transferred from the superstructure to the sound
pile below.
To address the research needs, a review and evaluation of current maintenance and rehabilitation methods was completed. Additionally,
a nationwide survey was conducted to learn the methods used beyond Iowa. Field investigation and live-load testing of bridges with
certain Iowa methods was completed. Lastly, laboratory testing of new strengthening and rehabilitation methods was performed.
Final Report
September 2012
Principal Investigator
Brent Phares
Director, Bridge Engineering Center
Institute for Transportation, Iowa State University
Co-Principal Investigator
David White
Associate Professor of Civil Engineering
Institute for Transportation, Iowa State University
Justin Dahlberg, Brent Phares, Jake Bigelow, and F. Wayne Klaiber
Sponsored by
the Iowa Highway Research Board
(IHRB Project TR-616)
A report from
Bridge Engineering Center
Institute for Transportation
Iowa State University
2711 South Loop Drive, Suite 4700
Ames, IA 50010-8664
Phone: 515-294-8103
Fax: 515-294-0467
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ............................................................................................................. xi
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ......................................................................................................... xiii
1 GENERAL ...........................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction ..............................................................................................................1
1.2 Research Objectives and Scope ...............................................................................1
1.3 Report Content .........................................................................................................2
2 DETERIORATION MECHANISMS IN TIMBER BRIDGES ..........................................3
2.1 Biological Deterioration...........................................................................................3
2.2 Physical Deterioration ..............................................................................................4
3 TIMBER CONDITION ASSESSMENT.............................................................................6
3.1 Visual Assessment ...................................................................................................6
3.2 Probing and Pick Test ..............................................................................................7
3.3 Moisture Measurement ............................................................................................7
3.4 Sounding ..................................................................................................................7
3.5 Stress Wave Devices ................................................................................................7
3.6 Drill Resistance Devices ..........................................................................................8
3.7 Core Boring ..............................................................................................................8
3.8 Preservative Retention Analysis ..............................................................................8
4 TIMBER PRESERVATIVE TREATMENTS ..................................................................10
4.1 Plant-Applied Preservative Treatments .................................................................10
4.2 In-Place Preservative Treatments ..........................................................................15
5 PILE MAINTENANCE STATE OF PRACTICES ...........................................................21
5.1 Preventive Maintenance .........................................................................................21
5.2 Remedial Maintenance...........................................................................................21
5.3 Major Maintenance ................................................................................................34
6 QUESTIONNAIRE STATE OF PRACTICE ...................................................................36
6.1 Iowa County Timber Repair ..................................................................................36
6.2 Non-Iowa County Timber Repair ..........................................................................48
6.3 State and Federal Timber Repair ...........................................................................58
7 FIELD TESTING OF EXISTING TIMBER REPAIR METHODS .................................69
7.1 Bridge Test 1 ..........................................................................................................71
7.2 Bridge Test 2 ..........................................................................................................77
7.3 Bridge Test 3 ..........................................................................................................83
7.4 Bridge Test 4 ..........................................................................................................89
8 DEVELOPMENT OF NEW STRENGTHENING SYSTEM...........................................94
8.1 Control Specimens .................................................................................................97
8.2 Steel Posting Connection .....................................................................................101
8.3 Steel Sisters ..........................................................................................................102
8.4 Field Demonstration.............................................................................................105
9 SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS, AND RECOMMENDATIONS...................................107
REFERENCES ............................................................................................................................111
APPENDIX A. PILE AND ABUTMENT REPAIR QUESTIONNAIRE ..................................115
APPENDIX B. PILE STRENGTHENING AND REPAIR DETAILS .......................................122
Figure 2-1 Breaks in preservative barriers by exterior damage leads to premature decay
(Bigelow et al. 2007)............................................................................................................4
Figure 5-1 Splicing timber piles using concrete jacket or timber fishplate (White et al. 2007) ....22
Figure 5-2 Schematic layout of posting and epoxy grouting repair (Avent 1989) ........................23
Figure 5-5 Concrete encasement repairs to timber, steel, or concrete piles (White et al. 2007) ...26
Figure 5-6 Repair method using HDPE pipe with a lap splice (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005) ...........27
Figure 5-7 Wrapping timber piles with polyvinyl chloride (White et al. 2007) ............................28
Figure 5-8 Cross-section of timber pile with FRP composite shells (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005) ...29
Figure 5-11 FRP super laminates helically wrapped around underwater piles (Ehsani 2010) ......32
Figure 5-12 Cross sections of field-repaired timber piles (Emerson 2004) ...................................33
Figure 5-13 Addition of supplemental timber or steel piles (White et al. 2007) ...........................35
Figure 5-14 Addition of supplemental concrete or steel piles (White et al. 2007) ........................35
Figure 6-1 Iowa county utilization of timber piling or backwall results .......................................37
Figure 6-2 Iowa county past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for bridges ......37
Figure 6-4 Iowa county past and current use of timber piling for bridges ....................................40
Figure 6-6 Usage and effectiveness of plant-applied preservative treatments in Iowa .................43
Figure 6-8 Abutment repair on stream side of existing timber abutment ......................................45
Figure 6-9 Corrugated metal pipe form connector ........................................................................45
Figure 6-15 Non-Iowa county utilization of timber piling or back walls ......................................49
Figure 6-16 Non-Iowa county past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls
for bridges ..........................................................................................................................50
Figure 6-18 Non-Iowa county past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for
bridges ................................................................................................................................52
Figure 6-20 Non-Iowa County expected service life for timber backwall ....................................55
Figure 6-21 St. Louis County, Minnesota backwall repair by us of vertical pile stays .................56
Figure 6-22 Cable tying wing walls together to prevent tip out ....................................................57
Figure 6-23 New piles placed on mudsill next to rotted existing columns and braced .................57
Figure 6-25 State past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for bridges ................59
Figure 6-27 State past and current use of timber back walls or wing wall for bridges .................62
Figure 6-29 State expected service life for timber backwall .........................................................65
Figure 6-30 Completed Oklahoma DOT injected and FRP repaired timber piles .........................66
Figure 6-31 Minnesota DOT posting and concrete encasement repair for piles ...........................67
Figure 6-32 Minnesota DOT channel pile splice for piles next to backwall .................................68
Figure 7-1 Example of timber piles and abutment repairs in Iowa................................................69
Figure 7-4 Schematic of Bridge 1 instrumented piles and load paths ...........................................73
Figure 7-5 Comparison of strains between repaired and non-repaired piles .................................75
Figure 7-7 Schematic of Bridge 2 instrumented piles and load path positions .............................78
Figure 7-8 Bridge 2 comparison of old and new pile strain under each axle ................................79
Figure 7-9 Back walls strain under each axle between pile groups ...............................................82
Figure 7-12 Bridge 3 load comparison at pile and casted portion of Pier 1 ..................................88
Figure 7-14 Schematic of Bridge 4 instrumented pier and load paths ...........................................90
Figure 8-10 Steel sister load test results – Stress .........................................................................104
Table 4-1 Properties and uses of plant-applied preservatives for timber bridges
(Bigelow et al. 2007)..........................................................................................................11
Table 4-2 Estimated service life of treated round fence post in southern Mississippi
(Bigelow et al. 2007)..........................................................................................................12
Table 4-3 AWPA use category and commodity specifications for timber bridge elements
(Bigelow et al. 2007)..........................................................................................................14
Table 4-4 Properties and uses of in-place preservatives for timber bridges (Bigelow et al.
2007) ..................................................................................................................................16
Table 7-1 Bridge 3 Pier 1 calculated loads at each pile and cast, lbs ............................................84
This research project was sponsored by the Iowa Department of Transportation and the Iowa
Highway Research Board. The authors would like to thank the technical advisory committee and
the federal, state, and county level engineers for their participation in the questionnaire and
assistance in identifying current and past uses of timber in bridge construction, preservative
treatments, and maintenance practices.
The authors would like to thank the county engineers in Iowa who helped identify and locate
bridges for field investigation and testing. Thanks to Doug Wood, Iowa State University
Structures Laboratory manager, for assisting with laboratory testing.
Based on previous National Bridge Inventory data, the state of Iowa has nearly 20,000 bridges
on low-volume roads (LVRs. Thus, these bridges are the responsibility of the county engineers.
Of the bridges on the county roads, 24 percent are structurally deficient and 5 percent are
functionally obsolete. A large number of the older bridges on the LVRs are built on timber piling
with timber back walls. In many cases, as timber abutments and piers age, the piling and back
wall planks deteriorate at a rate faster than the bridge superstructure. As a result, a large
percentage of the structurally deficient bridges on LVRs are classified as such because of the
condition of the timber substructure elements.
As funds for replacing bridges decline and construction costs increase, effective rehabilitation
and strengthening techniques for extending the life of the timber substructures in bridges with
structurally sound superstructures has become even more important. Several counties have
implemented various techniques to strengthen/repair damaged piling, however, there is minimal
data documenting the effectiveness of these techniques. There are numerous instances where
cracked and failed pilings have been repaired. However, there are no experimental data on the
effectiveness of the repairs or on the percentage of load transferred from the superstructure to the
sound pile below.
To address the research needs, a review and evaluation of current maintenance and rehabilitation
methods was completed. Additionally, a nationwide survey was conducted to learn the methods
used beyond Iowa. Field investigation and live-load testing of bridges with certain Iowa methods
was completed. Lastly, laboratory testing of new strengthening and rehabilitation methods was
Results from Iowa field investigations and live-load testing of currently used repair and
rehabilitation methods are presented. Most of the evaluated techniques exhibited their
effectiveness by restoring the desired stiffness. The additional methods of repair and
strengthening evaluated in the Iowa State University structures laboratory showed promise of
improving techniques currently used in Iowa counties.
1.1 Introduction
Based on previous National Bridge Inventory data, the state of Iowa has nearly 25,000 bridges,
which rank it fifth in the nation, behind Texas, Ohio, Illinois, and Kansas. In Iowa, close to 80
percent of these bridges are on low-volume roads (LVRs) and, thus, are the responsibility of the
county engineers. Of the bridges on the county roads, 24 percent are structurally deficient and 5
percent are functionally obsolete. A large number of the older bridges on the LVRs are built on
timber piling with timber back walls. In many cases, as timber abutments and piers age, the
piling and back wall planks deteriorate at a rate faster than the bridge superstructure. As a result,
a large percentage of the structurally deficient bridges on LVRs are classified as such because of
the condition of the timber substructure elements. This situation is especially common for
bridges constructed in the period 1950-1970 that have reinforced concrete stringers and decks or
reinforced concrete decks with steel stringers and timber substructure elements. The
soil/water/air interface area of the piling is particularly prone to severe cracking and rot. Because
there have been instances where bridges with legal rated superstructures and no load posting
have failed under traffic loading due to pile failure, this represents a critical infrastructure
As funds for replacing bridges decline and construction costs increase, effective rehabilitation
and strengthening techniques for extending the life of the timber substructures in bridges with
structurally sound superstructures has become even more important. Several counties have
implemented various techniques to strengthen/repair damaged piling, however, there is minimal
data documenting the effectiveness of these techniques. There are numerous instances where
cracked and failed pilings have been repaired. However, there are no experimental data on the
effectiveness of the repairs or on the percentage of load transferred from the superstructure to the
sound pile below.
Review existing products for timber preservation and repair and to document their
effectiveness in extending the life expectancy of various bridge components.
Determine techniques used by county engineers and other engineers to repair and restore load
carrying capacity of piling damaged by deterioration and cracking.
Review methods used to repair failed piling.
Determine/develop effective methods for transferring bridge loads through the failed portion
of the pile.
Determine that safe load capacity is restored by the repair methods (existing or new)
determined to be structurally efficient.
1.3 Report Content
This report is divided into nine chapters. A brief review of deterioration mechanisms in timber
bridges is presented in Chapter 2. Methods for pile condition assessment are presented in
Chapter 3. Chapter 4 presents preservative treatment options for timber bridge elements. The
state of practice of pile maintenance is reported in Chapter 5. Chapter 6 presents the results of a
survey administered throughout the United States regarding timber pile and abutment back wall
repair and rehabilitation methods. Results from four live-load field tests are presented in Chapter
7. Methods developed and modifications of existing methods to strengthen timber piles are
presented in Chapter 8. Lastly, conclusions and recommendations are presented in Chapter 9.
In Iowa, low-volume bridge foundation problems are often associated with timber substructures
(White et al. 2007). Timber piles are subjected to deterioration, which, at initial stages, can be
difficult to detect. Furthermore, information regarding the soil profile and pile length at a given
bridge site is often unavailable. There are currently no reliable means to estimate the residual
capacity of an in-service deteriorated pile; and thus, the overall safety of the bridge cannot be
determined with confidence. Although the majority of inadequate substructures have timber
piling, there are numerous cases in which the steel substructures are inadequate (problems with
corrosion, misalignment, damage due to impact, etc.). If procedures can be developed to assess
the integrity of existing timber substructures and rehabilitate/strengthen inadequate substructures
components, it will be possible to extend the life of those bridges and have increased confidence
in predicting their performance.
In most timber bridge applications, decay fungi are the most destructive organisms (Bigelow et
al. 2007). Fungi are microscopic thread-like organisms whose growth depends on mild
temperatures, moisture, and oxygen. There are numerous species of fungi that attack wood, and
they have a range of preferred environmental conditions. Decay fungi are often separated into
three major groups; brown rot fungi, white rot fungi, and soft rot fungi. Soft-rot fungi generally
prefer wetter, and sometimes warmer, environmental conditions than brown or white rot fungi.
Termites rank second to fungi with respect to damage to wood structures in the US (Bigelow et
al. 2007). Their damage can be much more rapid than that caused by decay, but their geographic
distribution is less uniform. Termite species in the US can be categorized by ground-inhabiting
(subterranean) or wood inhabiting (non-subterranean) termites. Most damage in the US is caused
by species of subterranean termites.
Other types of insects such as powderpost beetles and carpenter ants can cause notable damage
in some situations, but their overall significance pales in comparison to the decay caused by
fungi and termites. Other organisms, including bacteria and mold can also cause damage in some
situations, and several types of marine organisms degrade wood placed in seawater.
The two greatest factors influencing regional biodeterioration hazards are temperature and
moisture (Highley 1999). The growth of most decay fungi is negligible at temperatures below 36
F and relatively slow at temperatures below 50 F. The growth rate then increases rapidly, with
most fungi having optimum growth rates between 75 F and 95 F. The natural range of native
subterranean termites is generally limited to areas where the average annual temperature exceeds
50 F. Decay fungi require a moisture content of at least 20 percent to sustain any growth, and
higher moisture contents (over 29 percent) are required for initial reproduction (Highley 1999).
Most brown and white rot decay fungi prefer wood in the moisture content range of 40 to 80
percent. In almost all cases, wood that is protected from ground contact, precipitation, or other
sources of water will have insufficient moisture to sustain growth of decay fungi. In contrast,
wood that is in contact with the ground often has sufficient moisture to support decay, even in
relatively dry climates. On the other hand, wood can be too wet to support fungal growth. For
example, void spaces in the wood are increasingly filled with water as the moisture content
exceeds 80 percent. The lack of oxygen and build-up of carbon dioxide in the water limits fungal
growth (Bigelow et al. 2007).
There are several forms of physical deterioration that occur in timber bridge piling and back
walls, as shown in Figure 2-1. In almost all cases, the physical deterioration causes exterior
damage that breaks down the protective preservative barrier and allows entry of biological decay
mechanisms into the untreated wood. One of the most common types of physical deterioration is
abrasion or debris damage. This generally occurs by the impact of floating debris and/or ice in a
channel (White et al. 2007). The velocity of water moving past the pile and the quantity, shape,
size, and hardness of particles being transported have been linked to the rate of abrasion (U.S.
Army Corps of Engineers et al. 2001).
(a) Mechanical Damage (b) Debris Damage (c) Fire Damage (d) Weathering/UV
Figure 2-1 Breaks in preservative barriers by exterior damage leads to premature decay
(Bigelow et al. 2007)
Overloading of piles can result from continuous heavy loads, infrequent severe loads, loss of the
pile structural capacity, or more frequently, complete loss of adjacent supports (White et al.
2003). Failure of one pile requires the adjacent piles to carry additional load. Overloading can be
caused by vertical and/or horizontal loads. Continuous overloading results in several modes of
compression failure including splitting of the top portion and misalignment or “mushrooming” at
a hollow portion after breakage (USDA 1999). These stages include development of initial entry
holes, active deterioration of the inner core with a significant increase in the size of the hollow
space, compression failure of the shell, and finally separation of the hanging top portion of the
pile from the pile cap (Buslov and Scola 1991). In addition, overloading can occur from the
mechanical fasteners used to connect bridge elements. Many times fasteners are over tightened
causing bulging around the head, nut, or washer. The bulge generally leads to entry holes for
deterioration of the inner portions of the timber to occur.
Fire is a threat to all timber bridge elements and has the potential to destroy an entire bridge in a
matter of hours. However, thermal degradation of wood occurs in stages. The degradation
process and the exact products of thermal degradation depend upon the rate of heating as well as
the temperature (White et al. 2007). A timber pile has a generally uniform strength throughout its
cross section. Thus, the unburned section of the timber pile retains its strength, and its load
carrying capacity is reduced in proportion to the loss of cross section. When exposed to high
temperatures, wood will decompose providing an insulating layer of char that retards further
degradation. Therefore, the amount of charring of a cross section controls the fire endurance of a
timber pile (USDA 1999).
Other noteworthy physical agents that damage timber piles are connection failure, which exposes
untreated wood allowing entry for fungi or insects, ultraviolet (UV) degradation, chemical
degradation, and foundation settlement (Manuel 1984).
A number of tools exist to assist the inspector with the diagnosis of deterioration and preventive
maintenance (Bigelow et al. 2007). The tools vary considerably in the amount of experience
required for reliable interpretation, accuracy in pin-pointing a problem, ease of use, and cost. No
single test should be relied upon for inspection of timber bridge components. Rather, a standard
set of tools should be used by inspectors to ensure conformity in inspections and consistency
between inspectors.
A general visual inspection can give a quick qualitative assessment for corroded fasteners, split,
cracked, and checked wood; and crumbling, collapsed, fuzzy, or discolored wood (Bigelow et al.
2007). All color changes in the wood, such as darkening, presence of bleaching, staining, and
signs of moisture accumulation in a joint or on any wood surface should be noted. Wood with
advanced brown-rot decay turns dark brown and crumbly with a cubical appearance or may be
collapsed from structural failure. White-rot decay is characterized by bleaching and the wood
appears whiter than normal. White-rotted wood does not crack across the grain like brown-rotted
wood and retains its outward shape and dimensions until it is severely degraded. Soft rot decay is
most likely to occur at the water line. Soft rot is characterized by a shallow zone of decay on the
wood surface that is soft to the touch when the wood is wet, but firm immediately beneath the
surface. Staining of the wood can be caused by mold or stain fungi, watermarks or rust stains
from metal fasteners. Stain generally points to areas that have been wet or where water has been
trapped. Salt abrasion, from spills or splashes, gives wood a fuzzy appearance and is primarily a
concern because it can damage the protective barrier of the preservative.
Listed below are definitions of several physical properties and defects that can be visually seen
as indications of protective performance and degradation or may suggest areas of future concern
(Bigelow et al. 2007).
Checks: Longitudinal separations that extend perpendicular to the growth rings at the end
grain of a member
Decay at Fasteners: Biodeterioration at holes and cuts used to connect bridge members
End Grain Decay: Biodeterioration at the ends of board or other timber members that
extend into the member parallel to the grain
Splitting: Damage at the end grain of a log or board that extends perpendicular through the
board from face to adjacent face
Staining: Discoloration on the wood surface
Surface Decay: Biodeterioration on the exterior faces of a timber member
Ultraviolet degradation: Chemical reactions causing a grayish color of wood that is easily
eroded from the surface exposing new wood cells; also called weathering
3.2 Probing and Pick Test
Use of an awl or other sharp pointed tool can be used to detect soft spots created by decay fungi
or insect damage (Bigelow et al. 2007). Probing can locate pockets of decay near the surface of
the wood member or can be used to test the splinter pattern of a piece of wood. Non-decayed
wood is dense and difficult to penetrate with the probe and results in a fibrous or splintering
break (Wilcox 1983). In a fibrous break, splinters are long and separate from the wood surface
far from the tool. A splintering break results in numerous splinters directly over the tool. A pick
test on non-decayed wood will give an audible sound that one would expect to hear when wood
breaks. A pick test on decayed wood will result in a brash or brittle failure across the grain with
few, if any, splinters, and the sound will not be as loud. The pick test can subjectively
differentiate between sound and decayed wood in weathered specimens that might otherwise be
mistaken as decayed under comparable conditions. This simple test does require some
experience to interpret the results reliably.
Moisture measurements are taken with an electronic hand-held moisture meter (Bigelow et al.
2007). The moisture meter consists of two metal pins that are driven into the wood. The meter
displays a measurement of electrical resistance (moisture content) between the pins. Moisture
content greater than 20 percent indicates that enough moisture is present for decay to begin.
Moisture measurements provide information on areas where water is being trapped, such as
joints, and serves as an indicator that a more thorough assessment of an area with high moisture
content is necessary.
3.4 Sounding
In this method, a hammer is used to strike the wood surface (Bigelow et al. 2007). Based on the
tone, the inspector might be able to differentiate a hollow sound created by a void or pocket of
decay from the tone created by striking sound wood. Some experience is necessary for reliable
interpretation of sounding since many conditions can contribute to variations in sound quality.
Sounding is best used in conjunction with other inspection methods (Ross et al. 1999).
Stress wave devices measure the speed (transmission time) at which stress waves travel through
a wood member. Stress wave measurements locate voids in wood caused by insects, decay fungi
or other physical defects. Stress wave signals are slowed significantly in areas containing
deterioration. Because stress wave signals do not distinguish between active decay, voids, ring
shakes or other defects, this method should be used with other inspection methods (Clausen et al.
A single stress wave measurement can only detect internal decay that is above 20 percent of the
total cross section of a timber pile (White et al. 2007). Therefore, multiple tests are often
conducted to increase the test reliability. In the field, however, it is not always feasible to access
the complete circumference of the pile due to the presence of a backwall behind the timber pile.
The impulse response (Ir) is determined by coupling the sensors with the timber surface. Most
piles exhibit splits and cracks, which results in poor acoustic coupling between the transducer
and the timber surface leading to unstable reading (Emerson et al. 1998). Furthermore, in severe
internal pile deterioration, and due to high stress wave attenuation in void spaces, a stress wave
travel time measurement may not be obtained.
Drill resistance devices record the resistance required to drill through a piece of wood. The
amount of resistance is related to the density of the wood in that particular area and can be used
to determine if deterioration exists. This method should be used with other inspection tools
(Emerson et al.1998).
Increment core borings of representative areas should be taken perpendicular to the face of the
member being sampled (Bigelow et al. 2007). All test holes must be plugged immediately after
extracting the increment core with a tight-fitting wood plug treated with a preservative similar in
performance to the member being sampled. Increment cores can be visually examined for signs
of deterioration and may be submitted to a laboratory for biological and/or chemical analysis.
In most cases, the pressure-treated shell in bridge members contains more than enough
preservative to protect the wood (Bigelow et al. 2007). However, in older members, or in
situations where deterioration is evident in the treated shell, analysis may be a worthwhile means
to determine the preservative retention characteristics. Preservative retention can be determined
from a wood sample by an analytical chemist using AWPA standardized test methods. A list of
recognized methods (A15-03) is provided by AWPA to assist in the determination of
preservative retention in freshly treated or aged wood. Instrumentation necessary for analysis and
associated methods vary for each preservative treatment. Recommended methods of analysis for
preservative treatments commonly used in timber bridge construction during the past 10 years
are provided and referenced here.
3.8.1 Creosote
AWPA standard A6-01 (AWPA 2007) is specified for the determination of oil-type preservatives
in wood. Wood borings or samples that have been reduced to shavings, chips or slivers are
extracted with toluene to provide a qualitative analysis of residual creosote in aged wood. The
volume of wood extracted (i.e. diameter of the drill bit for drill shavings) must be known to
calculate retention on a lb/ft3 or kg/m3 basis.
3.8.2 Pentachlorophenol
The Volhard Chloride procedure, commonly referred to as “lime ignition”, is one method of
analysis of wood treated with pentachlorophenol. An alternative method, the copper pyridine
method, can be used for the determination of technical pentachlorophenol and should be used
when a method that is specific for chlorinated phenols is required. Both methods are described in
AWPA standard A5-05 (AWPA 2007).
The method for chemical analysis of wood treated with copper naphthenate (A5-05) is based on
the oxidation of iodide to iodine by cupric ions followed by titration of iodine by thiosulfate. The
method essentially determines the total copper in a sample. Results are expressed as copper
metal (AWPA 2007).
Elemental copper, chromium, arsenic, zinc and boron can be determined by inductively-coupled
plasma (ICP) emission spectrometric analysis for any of the following preservatives: CCA, ACC,
and ACZA The test is conducted following AWPA standard A21-00 (AWPA 2007). Elemental
determination in ppm (parts per million) should be converted to and reported in the oxide form of
the metal. Metallic elemental analysis will be used for ACQ and CA-B determinations in the
future for new installations. Copper, chromium, arsenic and zinc concentrations in treated wood
can also be determined using X-ray spectroscopy as described in AWPA standard A9-01.
Both plant-applied and in-place applied preservative treatments are expected to protect timber
members from attack by a broad range of organisms without posing significant risks to people or
the environment (Bigelow et al. 2007). Preservatives must also resist weathering and other forms
of depletion for extended periods of time. Because of toxicity, however, many of preservatives
are labeled by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) as Restricted Use Pesticides (RUP).
The RUP classifications restrict the use of a chemical preservative, but not the treated wood, to
certified pesticide applicators only. The State of Iowa requires that personnel applying
supplemental preservatives to bridges on public property undergo Pesticide Applicator Training
(PAT) and become certified Commercial Pesticide Applicators under Category 7E (Wood
Preservatives). More information on obtaining this training and certification can be found by
contacting the Pest Management and Environment Program at Iowa State University
( or 515-294-1101).
Wood preservatives can be broadly classified as either oilborne or waterborne, based on the
chemical composition of the preservative and the solvent/carrier used during the treating process.
Generally, oilborne preservatives are used with petroleum based solvents ranging from heavy
oils to liquefied gases. Waterborne preservatives are applied using water based solutions such as
water and ammonia (Ritter 1992). There are advantages and disadvantages associated with using
each type that depend upon the application.
A summary of plant-applied preservatives is presented in Table 4-1. For comparison, the table
includes information on material usage, surface characteristics, color, odor, and fastener
corrosion. Not listed in the table are changes in engineering properties. However, oilborne
preservatives generally do not reduce engineering properties because no chemical reaction
occurs in the wood’s cellular structure. All waterborne preservatives affect the engineering
properties of the wood and should be taken into account in the design process.
Table 4-1 Properties and uses of plant-applied preservatives for timber bridges (Bigelow et
al. 2007)
All uses Creosote Oil-type Oily, not for Dark brown Strong, No worse
frequent human lasting than
contact untreated
All uses Ammonia cal Water Dry, but Brown, Mild, Worse than
copper zinc contains arsenic possible blue short term untreated
Worse than untreated w
arsenate areas Mild, short termwood Worse than unt
All uses Chromated Water Dry, but use is Greenish None Similar to
copper restricted by brown, untreated
arsenate EPA weathers to wood
All uses Pentachlorop No. 2 fuel oil Oily, not for Dark brown Strong, No worse
(except in henol Type A frequent human lasting than
seawater) (heavy oil) contact untreated
All uses (except Copper No. 2 fuel oil Oily, not for Green, Strong, No worse
in seawater) naphthenate frequent human weathers to lasting than
contact brownish untreated
gray wood
All uses Alkaline Water Dry, okay for Greenish Mild, Worse than
(except in copper quat human contact brown, short term untreated
seawater) weathers to wood
All uses Copper azole Water Dry, okay for Greenish Mild, Worse than
(except in human contact brown, short term untreated
seawater) weathers to wood
Aboveground, Pentachlorop Mineral spirits Dry, okay for Light brown, Mild, No worse
fully exposed henol Type C human contact weathers to short term than
(light oil) if coated gray untreated
Aboveground, Oxine copper Mineral spirits Dry, okay for Greenish Mild, No worse
fully exposed human contact brown, short term than
weathers to untreated
gray wood
Aboveground, Copper HDO Water Dry, okay for Greenish Mild, Worse than
fully exposed human contact brown, short term untreated
weathers to wood
The longevity or service life of preservative treated wood depends on a range of factors
including type of preservative, treatment quality, construction practices, type of exposure, and
climate. To understand these factors better for long term performance, the USDA Forest Service
Forest Product Laboratory has conducted various field tests since the 1930s. The FPLs
comparison of treated posts is expected to be representative of the performance of treated piles
and poles. For these tests, Southern Pine posts, with diameters of 4 – 5 in. were pressure-treated
with preservatives and placed in the ground in southern Mississippi. The posts were periodically
stressed to a possible failure point by the use of a 50 lb (22.73 kg) pull test (Freeman, et al.
2005). The most recent inspection was conducted after 53 years of exposure, at which time a
sufficient number of posts had failed to allow calculation of expected service life as shown in
Table 4-2. The posts were treated to retentions below those currently specified in AWPA
standards; however, the preservative treatments are performing surprisingly well.
Table 4-2 Estimated service life of treated round fence post in southern Mississippi
(Bigelow et al. 2007)
90 percent Confidence Limits for
Service Life (years)
Average Retention Estimated Service
Preservative (lb/ft3) Life (years) Lower Upper
Copper Naphthenate 0.03 65 55 78
Creosote 5.60 54 47 62
Pentachlorophenol 0.32 74 60 91
ACA 0.34 60 51 69
Untreated 0 2.4 2.1 2.7
Bigelow et al. (2007) conducted field investigations of several timber bridges in the state of Iowa
to determine the life expectancy of various bridge components. The life expectancy, however,
was difficult to determine due to the multitude of variables that cause biodeterioration of
different bridge elements. Comparisons were also difficult because of the small number of
bridges constructed with non-creosote treated timber. The large number of creosote bridges
investigated, however, did reveal general trends for individual bridge elements. Creosote
abutment piles that were kept up and back from the stream channel were found to last 60 to 70
plus years. Creosoted piles located in the stream channel or in moist areas were generally found
to have a life expectancy of 40 to 50 years. Creosoted elements that were not in contact with the
ground (e.g., stringers) were generally found to last 50 years or more. Bridges treated with
pentachlorophenol and copper naphthenate were too few and too new to determine any longevity
trends from field inspections.
Field investigations (Bigelow et al. 2007) also revealed that regardless of treatment type,
member protection also contributed to the longevity and performance of the bridge. Bridge
elements that appeared to be field cut and treated in place generally had less decay than untreated
cut members did. Several older bridges used bituminous coatings on cut or damaged areas
helping extend the longevity of the bridge members. Bridge elements that were protected by the
deck, such as interior stringers, had better performance and less decay compared to members that
were exposed. Interior stringers had very little decay and physical defects; however, the exterior
stringers tended to have checking along the length of the members. When comparing new and
old exterior stringers all members had checking on the face regardless of age. Bridges with
wearing surfaces were also seen to have less damage and decay than when the deck also was
used as the wearing surface. Although gravel decks can trap and hold moisture, the timber decks
with gravel wearing surfaces were performing better than decks without any added wearing
surface. Bridges without a wearing surface had more mechanical damage and weathering-
causing decay and physical defects. The overall condition of piles and cap beams that had metal
or felt covers was much better than piles and caps left uncovered. Specifically, a reduction in end
grain decay and checking was seen on all piles and caps with covers. Both metal and building
felt caps were used for protection, however, metal caps were found to have better longevity and
The American Wood Protection Association (AWPA) is the primary standard-setting body for
preservative treatment in the United States (Bigelow et al. 2007). The AWPA Standard-07
contains standards for Use Category System (UCS) Standards, Non-pressure Standards,
Preservative Standards, Analysis Method Standards, Miscellaneous Standards, and Evaluation
Standards. The UCS Standards and Miscellaneous Standards are the most applicable to timber
bridge preservatives. UCS Standards also identify proper preservative retention and penetration
for various timber materials. The Miscellaneous Standards have sections pertaining to the care of
preservative treated wood and guidelines for pole maintenance programs. These programs may
possibly be adapted to bridges. To guide selection of the types of preservatives and loadings
appropriate to a specific end-use, the AWPA recently developed the UCS standards (AWPA
2007). The UCS Standards simplify the process of finding appropriate preservatives for specific
end-uses. AWPA groups treated wood applications by the service environment and the timber
usage. The service environment is divided further by use category designations. The AWPA has
five use categories with the lowest category, UC1, for wood that is used in interior construction
and kept dry; while the highest, UC5, includes applications that place treated wood in contact
with seawater and marine borers. The use category designations also integrate the structural
importance of members. Most applications for highway construction fall into categories UC4B
and UC4C. To specify the proper treatment and penetration of different bridge elements, the use
category designations are used in conjunction with the Commodity Specifications (U1) and the
Processing Standards section (T1) of the UCS. The Commodity Specifications have nine
classifications (Section A through I) for relating appropriate preservative retentions and the
member usage. The Processing Standard, Sections 8.1 through 8.9, provide penetration
requirements appropriate to species and use categories. To use the UCS Standards, the intended
use category and the commodity classification must be known. Table 4-3 shows the use category,
Commodity Specifications, and Processing Standard for most timber bridge elements.
Table 4-3 AWPA use category and commodity specifications for timber bridge elements
(Bigelow et al. 2007)
Specification (U1) Processing
Bridge Use Special Standards
Element Commodity Use Exposure Category Reqs (T1)
Piling Piles, round Highway Ground contact 4C E - 8.5
construction or fresh water
Backwall Lumber & Highway Ground contact 4B A 4.3 8.1
timbers construction or fresh water
Cap beam Lumber & Highway Ground contact 4B A 4.3 8.1
timbers construction or fresh water
Stringer Lumber & Highway Ground contact 4B A 4.3 8.1
timbers construction or fresh water
Decking Decking Highway Above ground 4B A 4.3 8.1
Glue- Glue- Highway Ground contact 4B F - 8.6
laminated laminated important or fresh water
beams and beams structural
Glue- Glue- Highway Ground contact 4C F - 8.6
laminated laminated critical or fresh water
beams and beams structural
Handrails & Handrails & Highway Above ground, 3B A 4.3 8.1
guardrails guardrails construction exterior
Guide, Sign, Post round Highway Ground contact 4A B - 8.2
& Site Post construction or fresh water
guide, sign
and sight
Guardrail Post round Highway Ground contact 4B B - 8.2
post & spacer construction or fresh water,
block including moderate decay
posts, spacer
Guardrail Post (sawn 4 Highway Ground contact 4A A 4.3 8.1
post & sign sides) construction, or fresh water
post general
The AWPA Standard for the Care of Preservative-Treated Wood Products (Standard M4)
describes requirements for the care of treated piles and lumber at storage yards and on job sites.
The standard states that all boring, framing, chamfering, etc. should be done prior to treatment
whenever practical. If fabrication must be done in the field, however, surface treatment shall be
applied to areas where the preservative barrier has been broken. Copper naphthenate is
recommended in the standards for most field applications; however, coal tar roofing cement can
also be used for patching nail holes, bolt holes and other damaged areas. Timber piles, in
addition to surface treatments, are required to have galvanized metal or aluminum sheets
securely fastened to their tops for end grain protection.
In addition to in-place treatment of members, reuse, burning, and disposal practices are outlined
within the standard. The AWPA also has guidelines for a pole maintenance program. Although
the information is presented for utility and pole owners the same maintenance principals may be
able to be applied to bridges. Various components for an effective maintenance program are
presented in the guidelines. The first requirement is to have properly trained personnel and a
quality control process to insure that trained personnel, whether in-house or a consultant,
perform the work as specified. The next major requirement is to perform routine inspections; the
inspection methods described herein are the same inspection tools presented in the guidelines.
However, partial and full excavation techniques are additional steps outlined that help to ensure
decay is not occurring below the surface. After inspections have taken place, evaluation of the
structural integrity must be completed as well as the in-place maintenance or remaining service
life. In-place treatments are suggested for remedial treatment. Lastly, bridge marking, record
keeping, and data management are indicated to be vital for a successful maintenance program.
Good records can help identify changes to new or in-place details.
On-site fabrication of timber bridge components (Bigelow et al. 2007) typically results in breaks
in the protective plant-applied preservative barrier. Pile tops, which are typically cut to length
after installation, specifically need reapplication of an in-place preservative to the cut ends.
Likewise, the exposed end-grain in joints, which is more susceptible to moisture absorption, and
the immediate area around all fasteners, including drill holes, require supplemental on-site
Installers should be provided with a supplemental preservative and instructions for its safe
handling and proper use during the construction process. Periodic inspections should seek to
identify cracks, splits, and checks that result from normal seasoning as well as areas of high
moisture or exposed end grain in joint areas. These areas require periodic reapplication of a
supplemental preservative. Supplemental in-place treatments are available in several forms:
surface-applied chemicals, pastes, diffusible chemicals, and fumigants. Several of the in-place
preservatives are RUP and require certified applicators licensing.
A summary of the in-place preservatives discussed herein is presented in Table 4-4. For
comparison, the table includes information on application locations, leaching and diffusing
characteristics, bridge applications, and handling.
Table 4-4 Properties and uses of in-place preservatives for timber bridges (Bigelow et al.
Preservative Active Solvent Internal vs. Leeching or Handling &
Type Ingredient Type External Diffusing Bridge Location other
Surface Copper Oil External Insoluble in Bolt holes, exposed Non-RUP
treatment naphthenate sprayed or water end grain, checks
liquid brushed & splits
Surface Borate Water External Leach away by Bolt holes, exposed Non-RUP
treatment solutions sprayed or precipitation end grain, checks
liquid or brushed & splits
Surface CuNap, Oil or External & Boron & Ground line area of Non-RUP
treatment sodium Water covered with fluoride move terrestrial piles &
paste fluoride, Cu- wrap into wood, under pile caps
Hydroxide, Copper stays
borates at surface
NA = Not Applicable
The simplest method for applying a supplemental preservative treatment during fabrication
(Bigelow et al. 2007) or routine maintenance involves brushing or spraying the preservative onto
the known break in the treatment barrier or over the suspected problem area (e.g., joints,
fasteners, pile tops). Flooding of bolt holes and the tops of cut-off piles is particularly important.
Often these surfaces will be covered or closed during construction and will no longer be
available for surface treatment. Cracks, checks and splits should be retreated during subsequent
inspections. Because surface treatments do not penetrate deeply into the wood where
deterioration is mostly likely to occur and because their application does present some risk to the
environment, their use should be limited to problem areas such as bolt holes, exposed end-grain,
checks and splits. CuNap
For brush or spray applications, copper naphthenate in oil is the preservative that is most often
used. The solution should contain 1 to 2 percent elemental copper. Copper naphthenate is
available as a concentrate or in a ready-to-use solution in gallon and drum containers.
Borate solutions can also be sprayed or brushed into checks or splits. However, because they are
not fixed to the wood they can be leached during subsequent precipitation. Borates are sold either
as concentrated liquids (typically formulated with glycol) or as powders that can be diluted with
4.2.2 Pastes
Another type of surface treatment are the water soluble pastes containing combinations of copper
naphthenate, sodium fluoride, copper hydroxide, or borates (Bigelow et al. 2007). The theory
with these treatments is that the diffusible components (i.e., boron or fluoride) will move through
the wood; while at the same time, the copper component remains near the surface of a void or
check. These pastes are most commonly used to help protect the ground-line area of poles. After
the paste is applied, the pole is covered with a wrap to hold the paste against the pole and to
prevent loss into the soil. In bridge piles, this type of paste application should be limited to
terrestrial piles that will not be exposed continually or frequently to standing water. These pastes
may also be effective if used under cap beams/covers to protect exposed end-grain.
Reapplication schedules will vary based on the manufacturers recommendations as well as the
method and area of application.
Surface-applied treatments often do not penetrate deeply enough to protect the inner portions of
large bridge members (Bigelow et al. 2007). An alternative to surface applied treatments is
installation of internal diffusible chemicals. These diffusible treatments are available in liquid,
solid or paste form, and are applied using treatment holes that are drilled deeply into the wood.
They are similar (and in some cases identical) to the surface-applied treatments or pastes. Boron
is the most common active ingredient, but fluoride and copper may also be incorporated. In
timbers, deep holes are drilled perpendicular to the upper face on either side of checks. In round
piles, steeply sloping holes are drilled across the grain to maximize the chemical diffusion and
minimize the number of holes needed. The treatment holes are plugged with tight fitting treated
wooden plugs or removable plastic plugs. Plugs with grease fittings are also available so that the
paste can be reapplied without removing the plug.
Solid rod treatments are a good choice in environmentally sensitive areas or in applications
where the treatment hole can only be drilled at an upward angle. However, solid rods may
require more installation effort. Further, the chemical does not diffuse as rapidly or for as great a
distance when compared to a liquid form (De Groot et al. 2000). One reason that the solid forms
may be less mobile is that diffusible treatments need moisture, which is lacking in a solid, to be
able to move through wood. Concentrated liquid borates may also be poured into treatment holes
and are sometimes used in conjunction with the rods to provide an initial supply of moisture.
Fortunately, when the moisture content falls below 30 percent, little chemical movement occurs,
but growth of decay fungi is also substantially arrested below 30 percent moisture (Smith and
Williams 1969). Since there is some risk that rods installed in a dry section of a timber would not
diffuse to an adjacent wet section, some experience in proper placement of the treatment holes is
necessary. The diffusible treatments do not move as far in the wood as do fumigants (described
in the subsequent sections), and thus the treatment holes must be spaced more closely. A study of
borate diffusion in timbers of several wood species reported that diffusion along the grain was
generally less than 5 in. and diffusion across the grain was typically less than 2 in. (De Groot et
al. 2000).
Currently, diffusible chemicals are not listed as RUPs and have the advantages of having
relatively low toxicity and ease of handling. Although many diffusible chemicals list piles for
labeled usage, the treatment should be applied so the chemical is deposited above the mean high
water mark on piles.
4.2.4 Fumigants
Like diffusible chemicals, fumigants are applied in liquid or solid form in predrilled holes
(Bigelow et al. 2007). However, they then volatilize into a gas that moves through the wood. One
type of fumigant has been shown to move in poles more than 8 ft from the point of application
(Highley and Scheffer 1989). To be most effective, a fumigant should be applied at locations
where it will not leak away or be lost by diffusion to the atmosphere. When fumigants are
applied, the timbers should be inspected thoroughly to determine an optimal drilling pattern that
avoids metal fasteners, seasoning checks, and severely rotted wood. In vertical members such as
piles, holes to receive liquid fumigant should be drilled at a steep angle (45° to 60°) downward
toward the center of the member, avoiding seasoning checks. The holes should be no more than 4
ft apart and arranged in a spiral pattern (Highley and Scheffer 1989). With horizontal timbers,
the holes can be drilled straight down or slanted. As a rule, the holes should be extended to
within about 2 in. (5.08 cm) of the bottom of the timber. If strength is not jeopardized, holes can
be drilled in a cluster or in pairs to accommodate the required amount of preservative. If large
seasoning checks are present, the holes should be drilled on each side of the member to provide
better distribution. As soon as the fumigant is injected, the hole should be plugged with a tight-
fitting treated wood dowel or removable plastic plug. For liquid fumigants, sufficient room must
remain in the treating hole so the plug can be driven without squirting the chemical out of the
hole. The amount of fumigant needed and the size and number of treating holes required depends
upon the size of timber being treated.
Fumigants will eventually diffuse out of the wood, allowing decay fungi to recolonize.
Fortunately, additional fumigant can be applied to the same treatment hole. Fumigant treatments
are generally more toxic and more difficult to handle than the diffusible treatments. Some are
considered to be RUP by the U.S. EPA, requiring extra precautions (Highley 1999) and should
only be applied above the mean high water mark on piles. Another disadvantage of pre-
encapsulated fumigants is the relatively large size of treatment hole required. Chloropicrin
Methylisothiocyanate (MITC) is the active ingredient in several fumigants, but is also available
in a solid-melt form that is 97 percent active ingredient. The solid-melt MITC is supplied in
aluminum tubes. After the treatment hole is drilled, the cap is removed from the tube, and the
entire tube is placed into the hole. This formulation provides ease of handling and application to
drilled treatment holes that slope upward.
fumigants. Some suppliers recommend the addition of a catalyst to speed up the breakdown
Ritter (1992) divided pile maintenance activities into three categories. The first category is
preventive maintenance, in which the repair involves keeping the structure in a “good state”. At
this stage, deterioration has not started, but the conditions or potential are present. The second
category is early remedial maintenance. At this stage, deterioration is present; however, the
capacity or performance of the structure is not affected. More severe damage is imminent unless
corrective action is taken. The last category is major maintenance, which involves immediate
corrective measures to restore the structure to its original condition (White et al. 2007).
The simplest preventive maintenance for timber piles is moisture control (White et al. 2007).
Moisture control can be used as an effective technique to extend the service life of many timber
piles. When exposure to moisture is reduced, timber piles will dry to moisture contents below
that required for fungus and insect growth (Ritter 1992 and Seavey and Larson 2002). Timber
abutments placed up and away from stream banks will have an extended service life compared to
elements near the stream that are repeatedly going through wet and dry cycles.
Small to medium cracks and splits caused by weathering or shrinkage create pathways for decay
fungi to enter the untreated wood at the core of the timber pile (White et al. 2007). Therefore,
cracks and splits must be repaired regularly. Epoxy grout can be injected under pressure for
filling checks and splits. The epoxy seals the affected area preventing water and other debris
from entering. It can also restore the bond between separated sections, increase shear capacity,
and reduce further splitting. Low viscosity epoxy is injected to fill the void, which is then sealed
using a sealing epoxy (U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers et al. 2001 and Ritter 1992).
Once wood decay has begun, it tends to grow exponentially. Often the damage caused by decay
is localized around the wet-dry area near the water level, which can cause strength reduction.
Restoring strength of the pile elements by repairing the damaged portion can be achieved by
many techniques (Purvis 1994).
5.2.1 Posting/Splicing
This method is used for repairing timber piles that are deteriorated at or above the ground level.
The method involves cutting out the deteriorated section and replacing it with a new timber
treated section. No more than half the piles in a bent should be repaired using this method.
In general, the posting technique uses a timber strut to support the hydraulic equipment needed to
lift the pile cap. The old section is cut below the damaged, rotted, or insect infested area. The
new pile section is then placed at the same location as the original pile (White et al. 2007)
Connecting the new section to the original pile can be done using concrete jackets or fishplates
as shown in Figure 5-1.
If the concrete jacket is used, there should be a minimum cover of 6 inches around the pile.
Using concrete jackets as a splicing method greatly enlarges the pile diameter, which could cause
flow restrictions on the waterway (Wipf et al. 2003).
If fishplates are used, they must be treated and bolted to the pile using galvanized bolts. All ends
and cuts must be treated (Wipf et al. 2003 and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers et al. 2001). There
is difficulty in providing full load transfer using mechanical connectors in wood. Furthermore,
the flexural stiffness of the pile is usually greatly reduced, and the mechanical connections are
subject to corrosion (Avent 1989).
Metal Post cut
fastener to fit
New pile Timber
section fishplates
Timber strut
Ground level
Concrete jacket
Figure 5-1 Splicing timber piles using concrete jacket or timber fishplate (White et al.
Avent (1989) developed an economical pile repair procedure that consisted of posting and epoxy
grouting timber piles. The repair method consists of cutting the deteriorated section out of the
pile. A replacement section of similar diameter should be cut approximately 1/4 to 1/2 in. less
than the length of the void. Approximately 9 in. above and below where the new section is to be
placed a 1/4 in. wide by 1 in. deep trench is circumferentially placed in order to prevent
longitudinal migration of the injection epoxy. The replacement section should then be placed in
position and wedged tight in-place while maintaining a 1/8 to 1/4 in. gap at top and bottom. After
the new section is in place, 4 -14 in. pilot holes are drilled at a 60 degree angle from horizontal
from the existing pile into the new pile section. The tie pins are 3/8 in. square bars twisted to
form a spiral with one revolution for each 6 in. of length. The injection and venting ports are
placed at the two joints and at the opening of each pin. Then the epoxy trenches and outside
surface of the section are filled completely with an epoxy gel, such as Sika Dur Hi-Mod Gel, to
form an air tight seal around the joints. A low viscosity epoxy, such as Sika Dur Hi-Mod LV is
pressure injected into the injection ports. When epoxy leaks from the vents, a plug is inserted.
When all vents are plugged and the joint holds 20 psi for 5 seconds, the injection port is plugged
and the procedure is complete; this repair method is illustrated in Figure 5-2.
Figure 5-2 Schematic layout of posting and epoxy grouting repair (Avent 1989)
Laboratory testing was conducted (Avent 1989) on the post/epoxy technique. Axial compression
load tests showed the pile’s original ultimate strength and axial stiffness was restored after the
repair. The flexural ultimate strength, however, was found to be reduced by 50 percent to 75
percent. Even so, the test revealed very little change in the modulus of elasticity. The durability
of the technique was also evaluated at a repaired bridge in Alexandria, Louisiana; the bridge was
monitored for four years and no signs of deterioration were found.
White et al. (2007) investigated two posting type repair methods. For each method, two new
timber pile sections, each 4 ft long, were tested to failure in axial and/or bending. The piles were
then repaired using the selected repair method and the percent restoration of compressive
strength and bending capacity was measured. Two control pile sections, where the cross
sectional area was reduced by about 50 percent to simulate pile deterioration, were also tested.
The repair methods investigated were as follows:
The mechanical splice utilized lap splices at each end of the stub section that were connected to
the original pile section with metal screws that were 0.5 in. in diameter and 12 in. long. The
repair section, shown in Figure 5-3, was tested in axial compression and in bending. The results
of the axial compression tests show that Repair Method A restored about 70 percent of the axial
capacity of the original pile. When compared to the control sections that were tested, the repair
exceeded the full axial load carrying capacity by 2 percent. The bending test showed the
mechanical splice restored only 20 percent of the ultimate flexural load. The repair had just over
2 in. of deflection at failure.
2'-3" section
(a) Schematic diagram of the repair method (b) Connecting the pile sections using metal screws
Figure 5-3 Repair Method A (White et al. 2007)
Repair Method B: Replacing the damaged section with a new section and a FRP wrap
Repair Method B consisted of removing a 2 ft long damaged section and replacing the damaged
piece with a new pile section. The new and old pile sections were connected together by
wrapping the timber pile with five unidirectional glass fabric sheets. Each sheet had an overlap
of approximately 7 in. and each overlap was staggered to avoid lines of weakness. Prior to
wrapping the FRP sheets, a special epoxy, used typically for bonding applications, was prepared
and applied to the FRP sheets; the repair can be seen in Figure 5-4.
The results of the axial compression test showed that the repair restored nearly 100 percent of the
axial capacity; however, the deflection was approximately 10 percent higher. When compared to
the control section, the repair exceeded the axial capacity by 20 percent. The repair restored
approximately 50 percent of the ultimate bending load in the original pile, while the repair
achieved 80 percent of the ultimate bending capacity of the tested control section.
2' section 2'-6"
(a) Schematic diagram of the repair method (b) Actual repaired section
Figure 5-4 Repair Method B (White et al. 2007)
The Army and Air Force (1994) also developed a quick and simple posting technique for
repairing piles. If only a single pile in a bent needs repaired, the Army and Air Force recommend
cutting the pile 2 ft below the mud line, then placing a stub pile in for the defective portion. A
3/4 in. diameter center drift pin and three angle sections 2 ft long attached around the outside
third points with lag screws are used to connect the piles. If multiple piles need to be replaced,
the Army and Air Force recommend cutting the piles 2 ft below the mud line and placing a
mudsill on the portion of the piles remaining. The stub piles are then set on top of the mudsill
and connected to the mudsill with drift pins and angles.
According to NCHRP Report No. 222, concrete jacketing may be used for repairing timber,
steel, or concrete piles. Concrete jacketing can be used when approximately 10 to 50 percent of
the cross sectional area of the pile has been lost by deterioration (Purvis 1994 and Wipf et al.
A jacket form is wrapped around the length of the damaged area (White et al. 2007). The forms
could either be flexible forms or split fiberboard forms. For the flexible form, the zipper should
be closed, and the form is secured to the pile top and bottom, while for split fiberboard form,
straps are installed and secured every 1 ft (Wipf et al. 2003). A reinforcing cage is installed
around the pile using spacers to keep the reinforcement in place (Figure 5-5). The forming jacket
is then placed around the pile and sealed at the bottom against the pile surface. Concrete is then
pumped into the form through the top; the top surface of the pile jacket should be sloped to allow
runoff (U.S. Army Corps of Engineers et al. 2001 and University of Virginia Civil Engineering
Department et al. 1980). The Army and Air Force (1994) also recommend a minimum of 6 in.
cover is needed around the pile and that a reinforcing cage made of #3 bars is placed within the
Pile head
Pile head
cap cap
Pile head
Pile head
fabric fabric
form form
Steel Steel
reinforcement Strap Strap
Steel Steel Backfill
PVC spacers
PVC spacers reinforcementGround
reinforcement level level
Ground level level
Existing wood pile repair methods at the Portland Harbor in Maine were investigated by Lopez-
Anido (2005). Three basic concrete jacket repairs were found at the harbor. The first consisted of
a corrugated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) pipe encasing split into two halves and placed
around the wood pile; the pipe was held together with circumferential metal straps. The space
between the wood pile and the pipe was grouted with unreinforced concrete. During later
observations, the circumferential straps were damaged and the pipe halves were opened. The
concrete fill was deteriorated, spalling, and exposing the interior of the wood pile at the open
joints. The second pile repair treatment, shown in Figure 5-6, used the same HDPE pipe;
however, the pipe was installed as a continuous section, which eliminated the problem described
previously. The third type of repair utilized a lap joint splice where the top portion of the old
damage pile was removed and a new wood pile portion was spliced onto the existing using steel
bolts, also shown in Figure 5-6.
This repair method comprises of a flexible plastic wrap tightly drawn and attached to the timber
pile. This method is useful for pile regions subjected to wet-dry cycles since those regions are
most vulnerable to biological deterioration (Webber and Yao 2001). The PVC wrap prevents the
exchange of water behind the pile wrap and the surrounding environment essentially creating an
environment toxic to wood parasites. PVC wraps can extend the life of infested piles by 35 years
(U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers et al. 2001).
Figure 5-6 Repair method using HDPE pipe with a lap splice (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005)
The PVC wrap consists of an upper unit, which extends above the water level by at least 1 ft, and
a lower unit, which overlaps the upper unit and extends below the ground level (White et al.
2003). The PVC wrap is tightened using wood poles and fastened using aluminum alloy bands
around the top and bottom with aluminum nails placed along the vertical joints (Figure 5-7). This
method is less expensive than concrete jacketing. In addition, the PVC wraps provide protection
against abrasion (U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers et al. 2001). This method is used when
deterioration is discovered and prevention of further damage is required; however, this method
can only be used with wood piles that have adequate structural capacity, since the method does
not provide structural restoration (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005).
Timber capcap Timber
Timber capcap
Foam Foam
extension extension
1' 1'
Aluminum alloy
band andand
Nylon strap
3' 3'
Alluminum withwith plastic
plastic clipclip
alloy nailnail
PVC wrapper
W.T. W.T.
PVC wrapper
Backfill Backfill
Mudline Mudline
Two-unit wrap
wrap Single-unit
Single-unit wrap
(a) Two-unit wrap (b) Single-unit wrap
Figure 5-7 Wrapping timber piles with polyvinyl chloride (White et al. 2007)
This method is used when pile deterioration has occurred, or when an increase in strength
(retrofitting) of intact piles is desired. In either case, deterioration cannot be so extensive as to
require replacement. This system provides shear transfer capability between the timber pile and
the FRP composite shells, which strengthen the damaged portion. The FRP composite shells also
act as a barrier between the wood and wood parasites (Lopez-Anido et al. 2004). The fiber
reinforced polymer has both axial fibers, which contribute to both the axial stiffness and strength
of the shell, and hoop fibers, which provide integrity to the flexible shell allowing the shear
strength and mechanical fastener support to be developed (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005).
Upon review of methods that can be used for structural restoration of wood piles, Lopez-Anido
et al. (2005) found two marketed products. One was Hardcore Composites of New Castle,
Delaware, which developed the “Hardshell System.” The Hardshell System utilizes E-glass/vinyl
ester composite shells that are constructed around the pile in two halves and are joined together
by using bonded H connectors. Lopez-Anido et al. indicates the structural continuity in the
circumferential direction is lacking due to the bonded area of the H connector being relatively
small. Another company with a system that can be used to rehabilitate wood piles is Fibrwrap
Construction, LP. The repair uses a fabric reinforcement that is wrapped around the pile and then
impregnated with epoxy resin. Lopez-Anido et al. questions if the resin can cure properly in the
presence of water.
In lieu of the limited applicability of the repair methods investigated, Lopez-Anido et al. (2005)
proposed a new system utilizing FRP composite encasement that encapsulates and splices the
deteriorated portion of the pile. The system can both increase the strength and replace
deteriorated portions; however, the deterioration cannot be so extensive as to require
replacement. The system provides shear transfer capability between the timber pile and the FRP
composite shells.
The damaged portion of the pile is encased in a FRP shield made of bonded thin flexible FRP
composite prefabricated cylindrical shells. The cylindrical shells have a slit that enables them to
be opened and placed around the deteriorated timber pile. It is advantageous to encase the pile
with a series of overlapping FRP shells. A minimum of two shells is recommended; even so, the
number of shells used depends on the structural restoration required. The slits in each shell are
staggered to avoid lines of weakness through the entire shield as shown in Figure 5-8.
Figure 5-8 Cross-section of timber pile with FRP composite shells (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005)
As shown in Figure 5-9, there are two types of load transfer mechanisms between the timber pile
and the FRP composite shield. The first is a cement-based structural grout, and the second is
composed of steel shear connectors with an expanded polyurethane chemical grout. Installation
of the systems is very similar. After the pile is cleaned, shear connectors, such as lag screws, are
placed at the wood-grout interface. The shear connectors can also serve as spacers. The first FRP
shell is opened and placed around the wood pile after which adhesive is applied on the interior of
the second surface shell and the exterior of the first shell. The second shell is slid around the first
with longitudinal gaps staggered to avoid lines of weakness. Note, the previous two steps are
repeated if additional shells are needed. The shells are strapped together circumferentially until
the adhesive cures; then the FRP shield is driven to the required depth. At this point, if shear
connectors are used, holes need to be drilled and the shear connectors installed. Lastly, the grout
is pumped into place from the bottom of the wrap in order to avoid segregation.
(a) Concrete grout (b) Shear connectors and polyurethane grout
Figure 5-9 FRP repair system (Lopez-Anido et al. 2005)
According to a study by Lopez-Anido et al. (2003), two pre-damaged timber piles with 60
percent reduction in cross section were rehabilitated using the two load transfer mechanisms. The
pile repaired using FRP with cement-based structural grout had a bending capacity which
exceeded an intact referenced wood pile. In addition, this load transfer mechanism resulted in
three times the normalized peak load capacity of the intact reference wood pile. Only two thirds
and 90 percent of the bending capacity and the normalized peak load capacity, respectively, were
restored for the pile repaired using FRP and shear connectors mechanism. Furthermore, transfer
of stresses from the FRP shield to the wood pile is better accomplished using cement-based grout
than with steel shear connectors.
White et al. (2007) also investigated a FRP wrap repair method. The method, referred to as
Repair Method C, comprised of removing 50 percent of the cross sectional area of the damaged
pile similar to the control section mentioned previously. Then wrapping the pile with a FRP
shell, and filling the void between the pile and the shell with a wood filler epoxy resin. The
diameter of the FRP shell was about 15 in., whereas the diameter of the pile section was about 12
in. The diameter of the reduced pile cross section was a nominal 8 in. A PVC pipe with a 15 in.
diameter was used to mold the FRP shell. Three FRP sheets were used to form the FRP shell.
The FRP shell was placed around the pile section with approximately 1.5 in. gap to allow for
placing the expandable wood filler epoxy. The repair method shown in Figure 5-10 restored
approximately 70 percent and 88 percent of the axial capacity and control section capacity,
respectively. The bending capacity of the repair section was restored to 70 percent and 175
percent of the ultimate load and control section ultimate load, respectively. Although the repair
had the highest bending capacity restoration, one disadvantage of the repair is that is requires
being slid over the top of the pile.
45" Epoxy
8" grout
Wood boring marine worms deteriorated and eroded the New York City Passenger Ship
Terminal piers (Pile Repair 2006). To restore the piles, a fiber glass reinforced plastic pile
encapsulation system was used. The system comprised of a molded fiber glass reinforced plastic
jacket, epoxy grout, and aggregate mix. After the piles were abraded and cleaned, the plastic pile
sleeves were placed around the piers. The pile sleeves had a single seam and resin bonded finish
that eliminated the need to sand-blast for chemical adhesion of the epoxy. Then a two-
component epoxy was pumped from the bottom of the sleeve upwards displacing the seawater.
The epoxy, Sikadur 35, Hi-Mod LV/LTL, was developed by SIKA, and is lighter than cement
filler, is moisture-tolerant, has low viscosity, and has high strength. The epoxy bonded sleeves
strengthened the existing timber piles to their original strength.
FRP super laminates (Ehsani 2010), an advance thin flexible FRP that combines unidirectional
and/or biaxial fabrics, have the potential to be very effective for pile repair. The super laminates
can be wrapped helically around a column or pile in a continuous manner. As the laminate is
wrapped around the pile the overlapping seams are coated with resins to create a seamless, solid,
cylindrical shell around pile. The top of the laminate is then wrapped with a band of resin
saturated fabric to prevent the top from opening due to its elastic memory. The annular space that
is located between pile and super laminate can be filled with expansive grout or resin. A
pressurized grout can also be pumped into the annular space to create improved confinement of
the column and fill any voids on the surface or within the pile. The super laminate can also be
used in submerged locations with the use of moisture-insensitive epoxy putties. Piles being fitted
with the FRP super laminates are shown in Figure 5-11.
Figure 5-11 FRP super laminates helically wrapped around underwater piles (Ehsani 2010)
This method involves injecting a low-viscosity high pressure epoxy grout into the decayed and
voided areas in piles. Prior to injecting the grout, the pile needs to be treated with an in-place
treatment and the voids must be cleaned and flushed. In addition, the piles must be wrapped with
a fiber material or the exterior cracks must be filled in order to prevent the grout from seeping
out and not penetrating the voids.
Figure 5-12 Cross sections of field-repaired timber piles (Emerson 2004)
Four segments of the field repaired piles were tested in the laboratory under compression
(Emerson 2004). Two of the segments contained repaired cores with reinforced fiberglass
wrapped around the pile. One of the segments was solid wood with fiberglass wrapped around it.
The last segment was a pile with a repaired core, but the fiberglass reinforcement was removed
prior to testing. Generally, the wrapped piles failed when the fiberglass wrap began to fail. The
non-wrapped segment failed at a lower strength when the wood shell separated from the core and
the wood shell failed in compression. The results from the compression test found the three
repaired and wrapped segments were stronger than required by the 1997 National Design
Specification for Wood Construction design values and the Wood Handbook average
compression strengths.
Historically, in 1973 the St. Louis-San Francisco (“Now: Grout-Filled Timber Piles” 1973)
developed a method of injecting cement grout under pressure to fill the voids of defective piles.
At the time the grout treatment was developed, the cost was one-tenth that of posting and would
add 15 to 20 years of life to the piles. The method was tested at Bridge L-173.3 near Miami,
Oklahoma. The bridge piling had been treated by the Osmose Wood Preserving Co. several
months prior to grouting to allow the preservative time to penetrate the sound wood surrounding
the voids. The treatment was needed to halt further decay of the pile. In order to inject the grout,
the pile voids were drilled with 1-1/4 in. diameter holes with two or three 3/8 in. diameter holes
above them to permit the release of air and show the progress of the grout. Prior to injecting, the
voids were flushed with water and blown out with air to remove loose particles. When the pile’s
shell was less than 3 in. thick, 60d nails with washers were driven at 6 in. on center to provide
shear connection between the grout and timber. The grout used consisted of two sacks of
standard Portland cement, one sack of fly ash, a small bag of non-shrink ad-mixture, four cu ft of
sand and 12 gallons of water. The grout, which tested at 2,100 to 2,400 psi after 28 days, was
pumped into the void at approximately 100 psi. When grout was found to escape through cracks,
a quick setting grout was rammed into the crack and briefly allowed to set. When the void was
filled, the pump nozzle was removed and all holes plugged. The crew was able to grout five six-
pile bents per day, while only being able to cut and post two piles per day.
Major maintenance corrective measures are conducted when deterioration has progressed to the
point where major structural components have experienced moderate to severe strength loss and
repair or replacement is mandatory to maintain the load carrying capacity (Ritter 1992).
There are two methods involving replacement of severely deteriorated timber piles (White et al.
2007). The first method involves the addition of supplemental steel or timber piles under a
timber deck, while the second method involves adding supplemental steel or concrete piles under
a concrete deck. Steel and timber piles can be supplemented by cutting the timber deck adjacent
to the damaged pile. The new pile is driven and cut to fit under the pile cap. The pile is pulled
laterally into place as shown in Figure 5-13. Shims are then placed as needed between the pile
and pile cap. For timber piles, the pile is fixed to the pile cap using a 7/8 inch diameter drift pin,
while, for steel piles, the pile is secured to the pile cap using a 1-1/4 inch expansion bolts (U.S.
Army Corps. of Engineers et al. 2001).
Using a similar procedure, concrete and steel piles are driven through a concrete deck. The piles
are cut below the top of the concrete deck, and a capital is formed under the deck, on top of the
new pile. The capital is then cast with the new section of the concrete deck as shown in Figure
5-14 (U.S. Army Corps. of Engineers et al. 2001). Both methods are limited primarily due to
Existing deck
Figure 5-13 Addition of supplemental timber or steel piles (White et al. 2007)
Existing timber
Capital cast
after pile is in place
New concrete
or steel pile
Figure 5-14 Addition of supplemental concrete or steel piles (White et al. 2007)
To collect information about timber abutment repairs and rehabilitation, a multiple question
survey was sent to federal, state, and local bridge owners across the nation. The survey was
divided into five sections; 1) current and past usage of timber for bridges, 2) specific usage of
timber back walls and wing walls, 3) timber piling and substructure repair, 4) use of timber
preservatives, and 5) the potential for destructive and non-destructive testing of bridges within
their inventory by the Bridge Engineering Center. The survey can be found in Appendix A
Overall, 93 agencies responded to the survey. Of the 93 respondents, 46 were Iowa county
agencies 20 were non-Iowa county agencies, and 27 were state, federal, or Canadian providence
Forty-six Iowa counties (46.5 percent) responded in various levels to the questionnaire. Of the 46
counties, several were asked for additional information regarding their respective repairs and
four counties were visited so that field investigations could be performed.
Agencies were first asked if they currently or previously utilize timber in bridge piling or
backwall substructures. Figure 6-1 shows the results for Iowa counties. Fourteen agencies stated
they currently utilize timber and ten stated they currently and previously utilized timber.
Therefore, over 50 percent of the Iowa county respondents currently utilize timber. Twenty-two
respondents stated they only previously utilized timber and currently do not. Many of the
respondents stated they do not use timber in bridges due to longevity of timber compared to that
of steel and concrete. Several also stated that timber requires more frequent and earlier
maintenance than other building materials.
No. of Respondents
Yes, we currently Yes, we have We currently and No, we previously
utilize timber previously utilized previously utilize and currently do
timber timber not utilize timber
Agencies were asked if they have bridges with timber back walls in their current bridge
inventory. As seen in Figure 6-2, all the Iowa counties that responded stated they have existing
bridges with timber back walls. However, only 13 responded stated they construct new bridges
using timber backwall. Many of the same reasons stated for not utilizing timber for bridges were
stated for not using timber specifically for the back walls.
No. of Respondents
Yes No
Backwall Construction
Does your agency have existing bridges with timber
Does your agency construct new bridges with timber
Figure 6-2 Iowa county past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for bridges
The county engineers were also asked about backwall service life, common problems
encountered with back walls, and what testing methods are used to determine if the backwall is
deteriorated. Figure 6-3 shows the results from the three questions.
No. of Respondents 10
1-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Over 50
Backwall Service Life
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Backwall Common Problem Ranking
No. of Respondents
Visual Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Other
Backwall Testing Method
(c) Backwall condition evaluation
Figure 6-3 continued
As seen in Figure 6-3a, the relationship of respondents to service life is nearly parabolic with the
curve peaking at approximately 40 years of service. Figure 6-3b shows the ranking counties gave
for various problems encountered with timber back walls. The two most common problems are
scour and biological deterioration. Although mechanical deterioration, misalignment, and lack of
maintenance were not the most common problems encountered, they were still ranked as being a
significant problem. In addition to the five listed problems, fire was also noted by several of the
counties as being a problem. When asked what methods were used to detect backwall problems
all responded that visual inspection was used. In addition, 13 counties also used a form of non-
destructive testing which was generally described as sounding with a hammer. Other types of
testing methods stated by respondents were boring, probing, and the pick test. Agencies were
asked to describe any remedial and/or strengthening measures they have used to repair or restore
the load carrying capacity of a backwall. The agencies responded with the following summarized
Of the remedial treatment they listed, the respondents were asked which were considered the
most effective. In general, most stated that removal and replacement of the structure was most
effective, however, some stated that using fabric behind the wall, adding plank to lower the
backwall below the scour line, and driving more piles can be simple and inexpensive methods to
obtain more years of service.
6.1.3 Timber Piling Utilization
Agencies were asked if they have bridges with timber piling in their current bridge inventory.
Similar results were found for piling as were found for backwall as seen in Figure 6-4. All
respondents stated they have existing bridges with timber piling, but only 12 stated they
constructed new bridges with timber piling. Reasons for not using timber piling for new
structures were timber longevity versus longevity of other materials, length of pile limitations,
and, in some cases, inadequate load capacity.
No. of Respondents
Yes No
Does your agency have existing bridges with timber piling?
Figure 6-4 Iowa county past and current use of timber piling for bridges
Similar to the back walls the Iowa counties were asked about pile service life, common problems
encountered, and testing methods. Figure 6-5 shows the results from the three questions.
Figure 6-5a shows most respondents chose 31 to 40 years as the service life of piling. Once again
similar to the backwall results the most common causes of pile problems is scour and biological
deterioration. Figure 6-5b shows the ranking counties gave for various problems encountered
with timber piling. Mechanical deterioration, misalignment, and lack of maintenance were also
noted as being problems. When asked what methods were used to detect piling problems 35
responded that visual inspection was used. In addition, 14 counties stated they use a form of non-
destructive testing which was generally described as sounding with a hammer. Other types of
testing methods stated by respondents were boring, probing, and the pick test.
No. of Respondents
1-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Over 50
Piling Service Life
(a) Piling service life
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Piling Common Problem Ranking
No. of Respondents
Visual Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Other
Pile Testing Method
Counties were asked what remedial and/or strengthening measures were used in the past and
which of those measures were most effective. The majority of respondents stated that driving
new piling next to or near rotten piles was the most common method of bridge strengthening. In
addition, posting, concrete encasement, and performing remedial preservative treatment were
also mentioned as ways to strengthen piling. In general, the respondents stated driving new pile
is the most effective repair treatment if access for driving the pile is available.
Inquiries were made regarding plant-applied and field-applied preservatives to determine the
commonality and effectiveness of the preservatives. The most common plant applied
preservatives used by the respondents were creosote, copper naphthenate, and CCA as shown in
Figure 6-6a. Several preservatives, such as, ACC, ACQ, CA-B, and Oxine Copper were used
sparingly or not at all. Creosote, copper naphthenate, and CCA were also selected as the most
successful preservative, as shown in Figure 6-6b.
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Plant Applied Preservative Usage
1 - Most 2 3 4 - Not 5-Not Used
Successful Successful
Plant Applied Preservative Effectiveness
Copper Naphthenate Creosote Oxine Copper
The number of Iowa counties that utilize field-applied preservatives was very low with only six
responding that they use some type of preservative. The majority of those respondents (five of
the six) use a liquid or paste copper naphthenate surface applied treatment. Fumigants and
diffusible chemicals were not used. When asked what field-applied preservative is most
successful, liquid copper naphthenate had the most respondents; however, this could be due to
copper naphthenate being the only treatment used.
6.1.5 Specific County Rehabilitation Methods
Polk County has used steel sheet pile to protect bridge abutments from scour problems. Bridge
BR2433 with sheet pile placed to prevent scouring of the foundation is shown in Figure 6-7.
Although the abutment in this bridge was reinforced concrete, the same solution can be applied
to timber abutments. The sheet pile is placed on the stream side of the abutment. The area
between the existing abutment and sheet piling was backfilled and capped with concrete to
prevent erosion of the backfill material.
Polk County has also used timber planks nailed to the front of the existing timber abutments to
help protect from scour and deterioration of the existing backwall. Figure 6-8 shows the timber
planks on the front of the existing timber abutment. The space created between the existing
backwall and new backwall planking was filled with concrete. Additional rip-rap was placed on
the stream bank and in front of the abutment to help prevent additional scour.
Figure 6-8 Abutment repair on stream side of existing timber abutment
Polk County has used a combination of splicing and concrete encasement to repair deteriorated
timber piles. The repair involves the removal of the decayed portion of the pile up to the pile cap.
A new section is placed and is connected to the existing pile with four steel straps. The steel
straps, approximately 1/4 in. thick, 1-1/2 in. wide, and 2 ft long, are spaced equally around the
pile. The straps are lag screwed with 3 to 4 screws above and below the joints. The splice is then
encased with concrete. A corrugated metal pipe (CMP) cut in half and clam shelled around the
pile is used for the form. The two halves are connected together using pipe and bolts (Figure 6-9)
spaced along the vertical seams of the CMP on approximately 32 in. spacing. The CMP form is
extended below the splice straps a minimum of 1 ft and the annular space between the CMP form
and the pile is then filled with C-4 concrete. The diameter of the CMP form is approximately 32
in. providing annular space around a 12 in. diameter pile of 10 in. The county did not place
reinforcing in the annular space, however, did recommend it for future repairs. One drawback to
the repair method stated by the county engineer was the pier bracing had to be reconfigured due
the larger diameter of the encased piling. The finished repair is shown in Figure 6-10; this repair
was completed in 2000 and is still in good condition.
Figure 6-10 Corrugated metal pipe pile repairs
Buchanan County has used steel “W” shapes to splice or post decayed or damaged piles. Figure
6-11 shows two repaired abutment piles. The deteriorated sections are removed and replaced
with a “W”-shaped steel section with cap plates welded on each end. The steel section is lag
screwed to the remaining pile and to the cap beam with two screws top and bottom. Buchanan
County has used this repair on several bridge piles and has seen repairs lasting over 10 years.
The one drawback, noted by the county engineer, is a reduction in lateral load capacity and
concerns that the abutment could push the wall out. Buchanan County has also used timber
sections for repair, however, the longevity of using new timber pile sections was found to be less
than that of the steel sections.
Buchanan County has also placed new steel piling at bridge abutments (Figure 6-12). In order to
install the new piles, openings were cut into the bridge deck and the piles were driven through
the openings. The new piles, however, did not provide lateral support for the bridge back wall.
The backwall was not shimmed against the new piling. After sufficient deterioration of the
existing timber piles took place, the back wall buckled. The county engineer suggested the piles
be driven as close to the back wall as possible and shims placed between the new piles and
existing backwall in order to prevent the backwall movement.
Buchanan County also uses concrete encasement for repairing deteriorated piles. Figure 6-13,
shows the encasements the County has completed on concrete piles, however both systems can
be applied to timber piles. The repair seen in Figure 6-13a uses a fabric sock that is placed
around the pile and filled with concrete. The cost of using the fabric sock concrete encasement
with the exclusion of excavating around the pile was approximately $1800/pile in 1998; the
fabric sock encasement was completed in 1998 and is still performing well. Similar to Polk
County, Buchanan County also repaired piles using CMP as forms for concrete encasement.
Figure 6-13b shows the CMP cut in half, reconnected using an angle welded to the CMP, then
bolted together. The CMP encasement was completed circa 1998 and is also still performing
(a) Concrete repair sock (b) CMP repair
Figure 6-13 Pile encasement repairs
Twenty county agencies not located in Iowa (referred to as non-Iowa counties) responded in
various degrees to the questionnaire. Since the geographical location of the respondent can affect
the use and effectiveness of timber, the state and number of respondents from that state are
shown in Figure 6-14. Of the 20 counties responding, five were asked for more information on
their repair methods.
No. of Respondents
State of Respondent
Agencies were first asked if they currently or previously utilize timber in bridge piling or
backwall substructures. Figure 6-15 shows the results for non-Iowa counties. Eight agencies
stated they currently utilize and two stated they currently and previously utilized timber;
therefore, 50 percent of the non-Iowa county respondents currently utilize timber. Eight
respondents stated they only previously utilized timber and currently do not. Two of the agencies
have not used nor currently use timber for bridges. Many of the respondents stated they do not
use timber for bridges due to the longevity of timber compared to steel and concrete. Several also
stated that timber requires more maintenance.
No. of Respondents
Yes, we currently Yes, we have We currently and No, we previously
utilize timber previously utilized previously utilize and currently do
timber timber not utilize timber
6.2.2 Timber Back Wall/Wing Wall Utilization
Agencies were asked if they have bridges with timber back walls in their current bridge
inventory. As seen in Figure 6-16, 17 non-Iowa counties responded stating they have existing
bridges with timber back walls. However, only seven responded stating they construct new
bridges using timber backwall. Many of the same reasons stated for not utilizing timber for
bridges were stated for not using timber specifically in the back walls.
No. of Respondents
Yes No
Backwall Construction
Does your agency have existing bridges with timber
Does your agency construct new bridges with timber
Figure 6-16 Non-Iowa county past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for
The county engineers were also asked about backwall service life, common problems
encountered with back walls, and what testing methods are used to determine if a backwall is
deteriorated. Figure 6-17 shows the results from the three questions. As seen in Figure 6-17a the
majority of respondents state the backwall service life is approximately 30 years. This is
approximately 10 years less than reported by Iowa counties. Figure 6-17b shows the ranking
counties gave for various problems encountered with timber back walls. The two most common
problems are scour and biological deterioration. Although mechanical deterioration,
misalignment, and lack of maintenance were not the most common problems encountered, they
were still ranked highly as a problem. When asked what methods were used to detect backwall
problems 18 responded that visual inspection was used. Very few of the respondents use non-
destructive testing. The three counties that use something other than visual inspection also used
sounding with a hammer, coring, acoustic wave analysis, and drilling resistance.
No. of Respondents
1-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Over 50
Backwall Service Life
(a) Backwall service life
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Backwall Common Problem Ranking
Visual Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Other
Backwall Testing Method
(c) Backwall testing methods
Figure 6-17 Non-Iowa county timber backwall metrics
Agencies were asked to describe any remedial and/or strengthening measure they have used to
repair or restore load carrying capacity of back walls. The agencies responded with the following
summarized repairs:
Of the remedial treatment they listed, the respondents were asked which were considered the
most effective. In general most stated that removal and replacement of the structure was most
effective, however, one stated that urethane seems to be a quick fix that provides easy void
filling and strength.
Agencies were asked if they have bridges with timber piling in their current bridge inventory.
Similar results were found for piling as were found for back walls as seen in Figure 6-18.
Seventeen of the non-Iowa counties have existing bridges with timber piling but only five stated
they construct new bridges with timber piling. The reasons for not using timber piling for new
structures were longevity versus other materials and limitations of pile length.
No. of Respondents
Yes No
Piling Construction
Does your agency have existing bridges with timber piling?
Figure 6-18 Non-Iowa county past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for
The non-Iowa counties were asked about service life, common problems encountered, and
testing methods. Figure 6-19 shows the results of the three questions. Figure 6-19a shows most
respondents chose 31 to 40 years as the service life of piling. Once again similar to the backwall
results, the most common causes of pile problems is scour and biological deterioration. Figure
6-19b shows the ranking counties gave for various problems encountered with timber piling.
Mechanical deterioration, misalignment, and lack of maintenance were also noted as being
problems. When asked what methods were used to detect backwall problems 14 responded that
visual inspection was used. In addition, five counties stated they use a form of non-destructive
testing which was generally described as sounding with a hammer. Other types of testing
methods stated by respondents were coring, probing, drill resistance and acoustic wave.
No. of Respondents
1-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Over 50
Piling Service Life
(a) Piling service life
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Piling Common Problem Ranking
No. of Respondents
Visual Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Other
Piling Testing Method
(c) Piling evaluation methods
Figure 6-19 Non-Iowa county timber piling metrics
Counties were asked what remedial and/or strengthening measures were used in the past and
which of those measures were most effective. The majority of respondents stated that driving
new piling or encasing the old pile with concrete was the most effective method of pile
strengthening. In addition, posting and mudsills were also used.
Inquiries regarding plant-applied and field-applied preservatives were also made to determine
commonality and success of the preservatives. The most common plant applied preservatives
used by the respondents were creosote, copper naphthenate, pentachlorophenol, and CCA as
shown in Figure 6-20a. Several preservatives, such as, ACC, ACQ, CA-B, and Oxine Copper
were used sparingly or not at all. Creosote, copper naphthenate, and pentachlorophenol were also
selected as the most successful preservative, as shown in Figure 6-20b.
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Plant Applied Preservative Usage
1 - Most 2 3 4 - Not 5-Not Used
Successful Successful
Plant Applied Preservative Effectiveness
Copper Naphthenate Creosote Oxine Copper
The number of non-Iowa counties that utilize field-applied preservatives was very low with only
four responding that they use some type of preservative. The majority of those respondents used
a liquid or paste copper naphthenate surface applied treatment. Fumigants and diffusible
chemicals were not used. When asked what field-applied preservative is most successful, liquid
copper naphthenate had the most respondents; however, this could be due to copper naphthenate
being the only treatment used.
6.2.5 Specific Non-Iowa County Rehabilitation Methods
One of the backwall repair methods used by St Louis County, Minnesota is to place “pile stays”
on the back side of the backwall. In order to place the pile stays, the embankment is excavated
away from the existing backwall, as shown in Figure 6-21a. The deteriorated backwall planks are
then replaced and vertical stays (e.g., round timbers) are bolted to the existing piles and cap
beam, shown in Figure 6-21b. The wall is then covered with geotextile fabric and backfilled,
seen in Figure 6-21c.
St Louis County has also had success preventing wing walls from tipping outward by using a
cable that is run between the wing walls to tie them together. Figure 6-22 shows the cable
running between the installation of the cable at an existing bridge.
(a) Excavation of embankment (b) Installation of new planks and pile stays
Figure 6-22 Cable tying wing walls together to prevent tip out
The Parish of Caddo in Louisiana has had success with placing new piles on mudsills. The repair
technique, shown in Figure 6-23, requires the soil around the existing pile to be removed a
suitable distance to expose a firm sound bearing soil layer.
(a) New piles placed on mudsill (b) New piles backfilled and braced
Figure 6-23 New piles placed on mudsill next to rotted existing columns and braced
A network of thick planking (approximately 6 in. thick) are placed, as shown in Figure 6-23a, to
provide a foundation for the new piles. If settlement has occurred, a jack is used to push the
bridge back up to finished grade. New treated timber piles are placed between the top of the
mudsill and bottom of the cap beam. Bracing is then attached to the new piles and existing piles
to provide stability. Lastly, the bases of the piles were backfilled up to existing grade. The Parish
of Caddo has been performing the mudsill repairs for several years; however, improvements
were made to the design approximately four years ago that have helped the performance of the
repair. The two biggest improvements consisted of digging deeper to allow the mudsill to rest on
a firm layer of soil and provide a larger network of planking and thusly a larger foundation
below the piles. The new technique has been used on 10 to 15 bridges all showing very little
settlement. The Parish of Caddo estimates the repair provides an additional 10 to 15 years of
service life to the repaired substructure.
Twenty-seven state, federal, and Canadian providence agencies (which will all be referred to as
state-level agencies) responded in various levels to the questionnaire. One state, Tennessee, had
two separate responses providing 28 total responses. Since the geographical location of the
respondent can affect the use and effectiveness of timber, the states that responded to the survey
are as follows:
Agencies were first asked if they currently or previously utilize timber in bridge piling or
backwall substructures. Figure 6-24 shows the results for the various state-level responses. Five
agencies stated they currently utilize and two stated they currently and previous utilized timber,
therefore, 25 percent of the state-level respondents currently utilize timber. Thirteen respondents
stated they only previously utilize timber and currently do not. Seven of the agencies have not
used nor currently use timber for bridges. The seven agencies that currently and previously do
not use timber were not required to complete the remainder of the survey questions.
No. of Respondents
Yes, we currently Yes, we have We currently and No, we previously
utilize timber previously utilized previously utilize and currently do
timber timber not utilize timber
Agencies were asked if they have bridges with timber back walls in their current bridge
inventory. As seen in Figure 6-25, 13 state-level agencies that responded stated they have
existing bridges with timber back walls. However, only six responded stating they construct new
bridges using timber backwall. Reasons many of the respondents stated they do not use timber
for bridge back walls include: durability concerns, unreliable, uneconomical, design practices
exclude timber from being able to use, and environmental concerns with preservative treatments.
No. of Respondents
Yes No
Backwall Construction
Does your agency have existing bridges with timber
Does your agency construct new bridges with timber
Figure 6-25 State past and current use of timber back walls or wing walls for bridges
The state-level agencies were also asked about backwall service life, common problems
encountered with back walls, and what testing methods are used to determine if the backwall has
deteriorated. Results from these three questions are presented in Figure 6-26.
No. of Respondents
1-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Over 50
Backwall Service Life
(a) Backwall service life
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Backwall Common Problem Ranking
No. of Respondents
Visual Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Other
Testing Method
(c) Backwall investigation methods
Figure 6-26 State timber backwall metrics
As seen in Figure 6-26a, four or more respondents chose 21-30 years, 41-50 years, and over 50
years. The large range in the service life of back walls could be attributed to the variation in
geographical location of the respondents and their climates. Figure 6-26b shows the ranking
states-level respondents gave for various problems encountered with timber back walls. The
most common problem encountered was biological deterioration; scour was also listed as a
common problem. Although misalignment and lack of maintenance were not the most common
problems encountered, they were still ranked as being a problem. Mechanical deterioration had
three respondents stating it was the most common problem with back walls, however, four
respondents stated the mechanical deterioration was never a problem. When asked what methods
were used to detect backwall problems, 17 responded that visual inspection was used. Seven of
the respondents reported the use of non-destructing testing. The state-level respondents that use
something other than visual inspection stated the use of sounding with a hammer, cores, probing,
and resistance testing.
Agencies were asked to describe any remedial and/or strengthening measures they have used to
repair or restore load carrying capacity of back walls. The agencies responded with the following
summarized repairs:
Of the remedial treatments they listed, the respondents were asked which were considered the
most effective. In general, most stated that removal and replacement of the structure was most
effective, however, two stated that installing sheet pile behind the abutment is more cost
effective than new planks for total replacement since it requires no excavating, repair, and re-
compaction of the abutment soils.
Agencies were asked if they have bridges with timber piling in their current bridge inventory. A
similar trend, shown in Figure 6-27, was found for piling as was seen for back walls discussed
previously. Twenty of the agencies have bridge with timber piling while only five construct new
bridge using timber piling. The reasons for not using timber piling for new structures were stated
as follows:
Do not meet design requirements
Restricted by length of timber piles
Detection of percent defective is difficult
No. of Respondents
Yes No
Piling Construction
Does your agency have existing bridges with timber piling?
Figure 6-27 State past and current use of timber back walls or wing wall for bridges
The state-level agencies were asked about service life, common problems encountered, and
testing methods for timber piling; results from these three questions are presented in Figure 6-28.
No. of Respondents
1-10 years 11-20 years 21-30 years 31-40 years 41-50 years Over 50
Piling Service Life
(a) Piling service life
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Piling Common Problem Ranking
No. of Respondents
Visual Inspection Non-Destructive Testing Other
Piling Testing Method
(c) Piling investigation methods
Figure 6-28 State timber piling metrics
Figure 6-28a shows the service life of piling to range between 21 years to over 50 years. The
large range in service life may be attributed to the fact the respondents are located in different
climatic regions of North America which can affect the longevity of timber. The most common
causes of pile problems are mechanical deterioration and biological deterioration. Figure 6-28b
shows the ranking state-level agencies gave for various problems encountered with timber piling.
Scour, misalignment, and lack of maintenance were also noted as being problems. When asked
what methods were used to detect backwall problems 19 stated visual inspection. Thirteen of the
respondents also used non-destructive testing or other types of testing. The non-destructive
testing was generally described as sounding with a hammer, coring, probing, drill resistance, and
stress wave technologies.
State-level agencies were asked what remedial and/or strengthening measures were used on
piling in the past and which of those measures were most effective. The following list
summarizes the state-level responses.
The majority of respondents stated that driving new piling or encasing the old pile with concrete
in combination with posting was the most effective method of pile strengthening.
6.3.4 Timber Preservative Utilization
No. of Respondents
1 - Most Common 2 3 4 - Never
Plant Applied Preservative Usage
1 - Most 2 3 4 - Not 5-Not Used
Successful Successful
Plant Applied Preservative Effectiveness
Copper Naphthenate Creosote Oxine Copper
The number of state-level agencies that utilize field-applied preservatives was very low with
only four responding that they use some type of preservative. The majority of those respondents
used a liquid copper naphthenate surface applied treatment. Fumigants and diffusible chemicals
were not used. When asked what field-applied preservative is most successful, liquid copper
naphthenate had the most respondents; however, this could be due to copper naphthenate being
the only treatment used.
The Oklahoma Department of Transportation (2010) has had timber pile repair success with FRP
wraps; however, they have only used the repair technique on pile bents and not on abutment
piles. The technique was developed by personnel at the Oklahoma DOT and was studied by
Emerson (2004) as described previously in this report. The piles are excavated below the ground
line to expose a minimum of 2 ft of sound piling. Then, 3 inch-diameter holes are drilled through
the outer shell of the hollow or damaged section to clean the interior of the pile. The holes are
spaced to allow for cleaning and future placement of fill material in the pile. After both the
surface and interior portion of the pile are cleaned, the timber is allowed to drain and dry; the
timber is then remedially treated with borate fungicide, which is placed in drilled and then
plugged holes above and below the damaged section. The voids in the timber pile are then filled
with aggregate to lessen the amount of epoxy required and the heat from the epoxy exothermic.
Two wraps of FRP material are then placed around the pile and set with fabric impregnation
resin. After the resin has set, the injection port holes are drilled and spaced so that travel of
epoxy between ports is assured. After the epoxy resin mortar has cured, the ports are removed.
Lastly, an ultra-violet resistant coating is applied to the pile. Two views of FRP repaired piles at
an Oklahoma bridge are shown in Figure 6-30.
The Oklahoma DOT has used the FRP epoxy injection techniques since 1999. To date
approximately 120 piles on 12 bridges have been successfully repaired. The repair technique
when used on a need by need basis is estimated to cost $2,000 to $3,000 depending on the length
and condition of the pile. The Oklahoma DOT estimates the repair extends the service life of the
pile 10 to 15 years.
The Minnesota Department of Transportation has used a combination of posting and concrete
encasing to repair deteriorated piling. Shown in Figure 6-31 are example plans for repairing a
timber piling and a photo of an existing repair. The repair is completed by excavating 2.5 ft
below the unsound portion of the pile or to the base of the pile. Then the cap is jacked up to
remove load from the pile. The deteriorated portion of the pile is cut off 1 ft above and below the
deteriorated section. A new column section that is 1/4 in. longer than the removed section is
placed in the same location as the section removed; after which the temporary jack is removed.
The concrete jacket and reinforcing steel is placed; after which concrete is placed with 6 in. of
minimum cover around the pile.
The Minnesota DOT has installed two concrete encasements and explained that the repair is
generally only worthwhile when only one bad pile is found on the bridge. In most cases, there
are multiple bad piles in a bridge, which, for the Minnesota DOT, results in replacement of the
bridge being a more feasible option. The first concrete encasement repair done by the Minnesota
DOT was completed in 1993. According to Minnesota DOT personnel, the 1993 repair, although
on dry ground, is in as good of condition as the day is was installed providing an extended
service life thus far of 17 years.
The Minnesota DOT also provided information on repair for pilings next to a backwall or brace
members. Since the complete circumference of the piling is not exposed, concrete encasement
cannot be completed. Therefore, a combination of posting and splicing with channels is used. A
similar process as described above is completed except a new section of pile is placed from the
cut below the deteriorated location up to the cap beam. The new pile section is sandwiched
between two splice channels as shown in Figure 6-32. The channels extend 4 ft above and below
the joint between the new and old pile; through bolts are used to clamp the channels to the pile.
Figure 6-32 Minnesota DOT channel pile splice for piles next to backwall
The channel pile splice repair is a relatively new detail for the Minnesota DOT that was designed
by a local consultant. The repair is suited for rotted or damaged pile and can be placed next to a
backwall or brace member. To-date the repair technique has not been used, but Minnesota DOT
personnel feel that it will last at least as long as the remaining service life of the bridge.
Upon review and synthesis of the survey data, five counties in Iowa were selected for field
reconnaissance of bridges with timber pile and/or abutment repairs from which several could be
selected for live load testing. Within these counties, the methods of repair were both varied and
similar, allowing for a broad scope of testing and the ability to compare the performance of like
repairs. Figure 7-1 shows several of the repair methods encountered and are described in the
following. Images a) - f) show variations of casts created from corrugated metal pipe and
concrete infill. Images g) - i) show the addition of supplemental piles; those in image i) are steel
rather than timber. Additionally, new concrete sills and pile caps were constructed for those
bridges in images h) and i), respectively. Images j) and k) show the addition of an all-steel pier
that could effectively replace the timber bents in the event of failure. Images l), m), and n) show
steel posting, dough-boy casts, and another variation of corrugated metal pipe casts, respectively.
e) CMP repair 5 f) CMP repair 6
k) Added all-steel pier l) Steel posting
Upon completion of the field reconnaissance, the researchers along with the technical committee
selected four bridges for live load testing. The goal of the testing was to determine how each
repair performed when loaded and how that performance differed from that of a non-repaired
pile in good condition. Of all bridges considered, three repair systems were tested; these include
1) encasing the weak pile in concrete, 2) posting, and 3) installing additional piles. Each of the
tested bridges included at least one of these repairs; the results are discussed in the following
Bridge 1 is a 126 ft long bridge with three equal spans. The continuous span superstructure
consists of three steel girders and a concrete deck, while the substructure consists of timber piles,
five at each abutment and pier. The only timber pile repairs were located at the southernmost
pier; two of the five piles were repaired using the concrete encasement method. The
instrumented pier is shown in Figure 7-2. One of the repaired piles was completely encased,
while the other was only partly encased (Figure 7-3).
1 3 3 10 1 "
10 4 " 10'-1 4 " 10'-1 4 " 4
Load Path 2
2' 2'
8'-10" 8'-10"
Concrete Deck
Gage Locations
Gage Locations
Out of View
3 4 9 10 15 16 21 22 27 28
24" Corrugated Steel Pipe
w/Concrete In-fill
11" Dia Timber Piles (Typ)
18" Corrugated Steel Pipe
w/Concrete In-fill
5 6 11 12 17 18 23 24 29 30
Ground Line
3 3
4'-8 3 " 4'-8 3 " 4'-8 4" 4'-8 4 "
4 4
One can assume by visual inspection that the concrete encasement stiffens inadequate piles, yet
the need exists to quantify the actual force transferred to the encasement. Each of the five piles
within the pier were instrumented with multiple strain gages placed to enable quantification of
the force carried by the concrete encasement and, when accessible, the timber piles. It is evident
by the strain plots (Figure 7-5) that the concrete encasement did carry part of the total load
imposed on the repaired piles. As one might expect, the strain values measured on the
encasement were considerably less than those measured on the timber piles alone. This can be
attributed to the substantial difference in total cross-sectional area between the timber pile and
concrete, along with the greater modulus of elasticity of the concrete. It is assumed that the
concrete encasement does not carry the entirety of the load imposed on the pile. This
phenomenon would most likely happen only in circumstances where the entire cross-section of
the timber has been lost; this method of repair would not have been appropriate if that were the
case. The bridge geometry is mirrored on the centerline of the bridge. Likewise, the load paths of
the test vehicle were mirrored on the bridge centerline. Subsequently, when comparing the strain
values measured in the fully encapsulated pile to the timber pile on the opposite side of the pier,
the percentage of total load introduced to the concrete encasement can be derived. After
calculating the force induced into the piles given the strains and cross-sectional properties, it was
determined that the concrete encasements carried between 50 and 70 percent of the total load
imposed on the respective piles. That is not to say the repaired piles were only capable of
carrying 30 to 50 percent of the total load. Rather, it more likely reflects the stiffness of the
concrete encasement with respect to the timber and its inherent tendency to carry a greater
portion of the load.
Load Path 1 Load Path 2 Load Path 3
Figure 7-5 Comparison of strains between repaired and non-repaired piles
a) Load Path 1 b) Load Path 2 c) Load Path 3
Figure 7-5 continued
1 – All gages on pile 1 measured the strain induced in the corrugated metal pipe form.
2 – All gages on pile 2 measured the strain induced in the corrugated metal pipe form except for gages 6084 and 4703, which measured strain induced in the
exposed portion of the timber pile.
3 – All gages on piles 3, 4, and 5 measured strain in the timber only.
7.2 Bridge Test 2
Bridge 2 is a single span 16 ft long Greenwood flume bridge. The superstructure consists of
timber decking and 21 timber stringers bearing on a timber pile cap, while the substructure at
each abutment consists of eight original timber piles and six added timber piles. Additionally, the
base of all piles at the waterline was encapsulated in concrete. Bridge 2 can be seen in Figure 7-6
and the instrumented abutment piles and backwall can be seen in Figure 7-7.
The added piles were essentially the same size as the existing piles and were placed directly
adjacent to them. The bearing conditions appeared to be consistent between all existing and new
piles. Presented in Figure 7-8, are the strains in adjacent new and old piles when the first, second,
and third axles of the load truck pass over the pile cap, respectively. By visual inspection, one
can see the strains in the new and old piles are very nearly the same. Assuming that adjacent
piles receive equal load, this gives evidence that the load is approximately split between the two
piles, thus reducing the load capacity required by any one pile to half.
The condition of the original piles was unknown prior to the addition of new piles and concrete
footing. Nonetheless, the remaining visible portion of the original piles is in good condition.
With that said, the strain data also gives evidence to the good condition of the visible portion and
the effects of the concrete encasement at the base of all piles. With near equal strain values, the
pile stiffness and, therefore, condition must be nearly equal. Additionally, the formed concrete
footing that encapsulates the bases of each pile provides a solid base for which the load can be
transferred from the piling.
12'-2" 12'-2"
Timber Piles Gage Locations
Load Path 2
Section A-A
2' 2'
Timber Deck
Timber Stringers
10 1/2" Dia Timber Piles (Typ)
Timber Backwall
Figure 7-7 Schematic of Bridge 2 instrumented piles and load path positions
Pile 1
Pile 2
Pile 3
Pile 4
Pile 5
Pile 6
The participation of the backwall in transferring vertical loads is assumed to be negligible when
determining the required capacity of piles. Even so, the backwall has shown the ability to
transfer some load, thus relieving the piles of the total load. Backwall strains measured under
each axle for load paths 1, 2, and 3 are presented in Figure 7-9. The total force carried by the
backwall is unknown due to the unknown dimensions of the sawn lumber planks and the partial
continuity between individual planks. Nonetheless, the strain patterns are consistent with the load
paths and indicate the backwall participates in load resistance.
Load Path 1
Load Path 2
Load Path 3
7.3 Bridge Test 3
Bridge 3 (shown in Figure 7-10; constructed in 1950) is a 53 ft long bridge with simple spans of
10 ft, 23ft, and 10 ft for the first, second, and third spans, respectively. The superstructure
consists of 20 timber stringers and timber decking bearing on a timber pile cap; the substructure
at each abutment consists of four timber piles, a timber back wall, and timber wing walls.
Additionally, as shown in Figure 7-9d, the bottom 2 ft of piles above ground have been
encapsulated by timber planking and concrete infill. Each of the two piers has six piles. Three
piles in the eastern pier (See Figure 7-9a) have been encapsulated in a corrugated metal pipe with
concrete infill, whereas in the eastern pier, one pile (See Figure 7-9b) has been encapsulated.
Instrumented abutment and pier piles can be seen in Figure 7-11.
As the objective of the load test was to determine how the repaired piles respond to applied load,
the researchers decided that strain sensors would be placed on each pier pile and the piles within
the eastern abutment. Strain sensors on the pier and abutment piles were placed above and below
the encapsulated portions where applicable.
At the piers, the measured strains revealed that part of the applied load was distributed to the
formed cast portion around the existing pile. The strain values measured on the cast portion were
generally smaller than those measured on the timber-only portion, which should be expected
given the difference in total cross-sectional area and combination of materials used at the casted
portion. Moreover, where compression and tension strains were measured in the timber-only
portions of the pile (top), the strain values in the strengthened portion followed. The total load
applied to the piles was calculated assuming the piles were primarily in axial compression. It was
also assumed the strains measured at the strengthened portion were uniform throughout each
respective cross section. Table 7-1 presents a comparison of the total load calculated in each pile
to the calculated load distributed to each component (concrete and timber) within the
strengthened portion. Moreover, Figure 7-12 presents the comparison in graphical form. The
observable differences in total load between the top of the pile and strengthened portion can be
attributed to such unknown attributes as the modulus of elasticity of each material, slight
variances in cross-sectional area, or bending behavior. Nonetheless, it is evident that a significant
portion of the load is distributed to the concrete within the strengthened portion of the pile.
At pier 2, the only repaired pile carried very little load in all load cases. It is possible the bearing
condition between the pile cap and pile has separated enough to inhibit immediate load transfer.
It may also be possible that the non-viewable portions of the pile below the ground line have
deteriorated to a condition that prevents load transfer to the ground. Given the apparent load
transfer within the casted portions of the piles in pier 1, it can be assumed the cast effectively
strengthens and restores stiffness to the pile when the pile is in otherwise good condition beyond
the casted portions.
The behavior seen in the abutment piles was consistent with the vehicle configuration and load
path traveled. Strain data collected at the face of the timber planking mirrored the data collected
near the top of the pile, though the strain magnitudes were different. This phenomenon gives
evidence for load sharing between the piles and timber planking; it is likely the load is shared
with the concrete infill as well. By visual observation, it is clear the timber planking and concrete
infill system shortens the effective length of the pile in the transverse direction, protects the
bottom half of the piles from damage due to debris flow, and provides support to the existing
Table 7-1 Bridge 3 Pier 1 calculated loads at each pile and cast, lbs
Pile 1 Pile 2 Pile 3 Pile 4 Pile 5 Pile 6
Pp,t -3409 -2372 -4676 -667 -197 -447
Path 1
a) Pier 1 b) Pier 2
9'-7" 9'-7"
Load Path 2
2' 2'
Timber Deck
Timber Stringers
Pile Cap
Timber Piles
B B Backwall
Timber Planking
Gage Locations
Section A-A
Section B-B
9'-7" 9'-7"
Load Path 2
2' 2'
Timber Deck
Timber Stringers
Pile Cap
Gage Locations
Timber Piles
w/Concrete In-fill
9'-7" 9'-7"
Load Path 2
2' 2'
Timber Deck
Timber Stringers
Pile Cap
Gage Locations
Timber Piles
w/Concrete In-fill
Load, lbs
-2000 Pp,t
-3000 Pp,c
-4000 Pc,c
-5000 Pp,c+Pc,c
1 2 3 4 5 6
a) Load Path 1
Load, lbs
-2000 Pp,t
-3000 Pp,c
-4000 Pc,c
-5000 Pp,c+Pc,c
1 2 3 4 5 6
b) Load Path 2
Load, lbs
-2000 Pp,t
-3000 Pp,c
-4000 Pc,c
-5000 Pp,t+Pc,c
1 2 3 4 5 6
c) Load Path 3
Figure 7-12 Bridge 3 load comparison at pile and casted portion of Pier 1
7.4 Bridge Test 4
Bridge 4 (total length of 58 ft) has three spans of equal length. The superstructure consists of 13
timber girders and a timber deck, while the substructure consists of timber pile caps and timber
piles, five at each abutment and four at each pier. The only timber pile repair was located at the
easternmost pier; one of the four piles was repaired by removing the timber pile from between
the ground and the pile cap and replacing it with a steel H-pile; the pier and repair are shown in
Figure 7-13.
Only the pier where the pile repair is located was instrumented with strain gages. Strain gages
were placed on each pile and the pile cap. Strain results from three load paths were obtained; two
feet from left curb, centerline, and two feet from right curb. The schematic of the instrumented
pier and the load path locations are shown in Figure 7-14.
10' 10'
Load Path 2
2' 2'
1731 1393
Section A-A
Timber Deck
1967 1965
6"x16" Ave. Timber Girders
1081" x 1041" Pile Cap (Typ) 921"
4811 1112
Section B-B
5'-10" 1881
Steel H-pile Post
11" Dia Timber Piles (Typ)
Section C-C 4814 4696
Original Pile
4820 11" Dia
The strain results obtained from the test on Bridge 4 were typical of those anticipated by the
researchers based on the fairly simple overall structure (simple spans and vertical timber piles
with diagonal cross-bracing). However, the results obtained from the steel pile, presented in
Figure 7-15, were unusual especially given that the only connections to the pile were at the pile
cap and at the cut end of the original timber pile, i.e., no diagonal bracing. The researchers
anticipated significant compression loading in the steel pile and, at a minimum, compression
loading on one side of the pile if bending occurred. Given the position of load path 3 with respect
to the position of the steel pile, it would appear very unlikely the pile would be in tension.
However, this was the case. Moreover, the strain results in the original timber pile to which the
steel pile was connected indicated compression loading. The researchers questioned the validity
of the results because of this unusual and seemingly illogical phenomenon; thus, the researchers
decided to retest the pile in question. After retesting the pile, the results from the original test
were verified to be correct. Without a much greater amount of instrumentation and significant
investigation, this puzzling occurrence may be left unsolved.
Section A-A
Section –B-B
Section C-C
This incident may be attributable, at least in part, to the connections of the steel pile to the
original pile and pile cap shown in Figure 7-16. The pile cap did not achieve full bearing on the
post. Rather, the pile cap achieved bearing only on one edge of the post. Additionally, lag screws
were used to connect each component. It is possible that when a load was introduced to this
connection, the localized load path induced tension into the pile. Regardless of the unusual
results, and possibly despite little structural assistance of the repaired pile, the bridge has been
able to carry vehicular loads.
It is often difficult to achieve full bearing when retrofitting or repairing bridge piles in the field.
As such, additional laboratory testing of a method to enable full bearing was completed and is
presented in the next chapter.
a) Steel post connection to pile cap – view 1 b) Steel post connection to pile cap – view 2
c) Steel post connection to pile cap – view 3 d) Steel post connection to pile cap – view 4
Figure 7-16 Bridge 4 steel pile to pile cap connection
The researchers, after having developed several potential strengthening systems, with the
purpose of creating constructible and economical solutions to timber pile strengthening and/or
improvement to existing solutions, summarized details for these schemes as shown in Figure 8-1.
Subsequently, the TAC was consulted to propose lab testing on a selected few. Three were of
particular interest; two of which could be completed in the ISU structures lab, while the third
would be a field demonstration. Full page details are provided in Appendix B.
The two options selected for laboratory testing were 1) steel channel attached to opposite sides of
the deteriorated portion extending to sound timber above and below (see Figure 8-1d), and 2)
revision of steel posting connection to enable field adjustment for full bearing (see Figure 8-1a).
b) Timber pile field splice - concrete
d) Timber pile field reinforcement - 1
8.1 Control Specimens
Prior to completing axial load tests on the two selected potential strengthening systems, three
control specimens were created using timber piles obtained from former bridge structures. As
shown in Figure 8-2, each was cut to simulate 50 percent cross-sectional area loss.
The control specimen characteristics including the original and reduced area and diameter and
specimen length are presented in Table 8-1.
These control specimens were created to compare the results of a strengthened pile load test to
that of a non-strengthened pile. Information regarding the material properties and, maybe even
more noteworthy, the capacity of a reduced section and failure mechanism is determined from
the axial load tests. The specimens undergoing the axial compression test are shown in Figure
a) Specimen 1 b) Specimen 2 c) Specimen 3
Figure 8-3 Control specimens during load test
The stress versus strain results of each test are presented in Figure 8-4. These results were
obtained using the laboratory’s testing machine. The minimum modulus of elasticity was found
to be 756 ksi, while the maximum was found to be 1311 ksi. The maximum stress calculated for
the three tests varied from 3098 psi to 3590 psi.
As was previously mentioned, the piles used to create the specimens were from former bridges
within the state of Iowa. Additionally, the sizes used are typical of those at existing bridges.
Subsequently, the total capacity of the specimens in and of itself, even with the simulated 50
percent decay was noteworthy. The smallest failure load measured for any of the specimens was
112 kip – a load significantly greater than that individual pile are currently subjected to at
existing bridges. One should not assume that piles even in a decayed state can withstand loads to
this magnitude, as the field conditions most likely differ from that of a controlled test, i.e., length
and degree of decay, lateral unbraced length, induced bending, etc. Rather, one could assume
that a significant amount of reserve capacity exists in piles that have experienced moderate
Also noteworthy was the way each of the piles eventually failed. During loading, the reduced
section began to balloon in the radial direction until most exterior fibers would splinter and peel
away from the specimen. If any checks were present prior to loading, the size of the checks was
magnified and propagation often ensued. Representative photographs taken after completion of
the load tests are shown in Figure 8-5
E = 1075 ksi
Max Stress = 3590 psi
E = 756 ksi
Max Stress = 3098 psi
E = 1311 ksi
Max Stress = 3564 psi
8.2 Steel Posting Connection
The ability to remove deteriorated portions of an existing pile and replace it with a steel pile that
fits exactly in a given location can be difficult given the conditions beneath bridges and tools
required. That is not to say it is impossible because that task has been successfully completed
many times. However, a solution that provides field adjustment capabilities could improve the
process and would hopefully achieve full bearing on the replaced pile. In the previous chapter,
one of the tested bridges discussed could have potentially benefitted from a repair method with
such field adjustability. As previously noted, the pile cap did not entirely bear on the replacement
steel pile and therefore could have potentially contributed to the unusual load transfer through
the pile observed during testing.
The researchers created a mockup of a connection that exhibits field adjustability. This mockup,
shown in Figure 8-6, consisted of a timber pile section, steel H-pile section welded to a base
plate, four 1 in. diameter threaded rods, and four 3/8 in. thick steel angles. Each steel angle was
bolted to the timber pile using 5/8 in. diameter lag bolts and leveling nuts were placed between
the angles and base plate on the threaded rods. The leveling nuts enabled the adjustment of the
base plate.
The connection was tested in axial compression using the laboratory’s universal testing machine.
The load versus deflection curve, presented in Figure 8-7, provides evidence the connection has
the capacity required in most timber piles. However, the deflection values were higher than
desired. This issue could be easily remedied by using a thicker base plate or base plate stiffeners,
as a majority of the deflection was a result of base plate bending. The recommended base plate
thickness is greater than the 1/4 in. thickness used in the mockup. Near the end of the test, the
slope of the load deflection curve significantly increased. This was the result of the base plate
coming into contact with the top of the timber pile. This also provides evidence the capacity of
the connection would be greater with a thicker base plate as the total load had not yet reached the
capacity of the pile.
Figure 8-7 Steel posting connection load versus deflection
Commonly, when loss of section is discovered in timber piles and where visual inspection may
indicate an inadequate pile, only a short length of the pile has decreased load carrying capacity.
A majority of the pile may very well be intact and able to withstand the desired vehicular
loading. Where this is the case and localized section loss has advanced to a degree where
replacement or reinforcement is desired, a method that could be considered is to sister steel
sections to the pile. This method is comprised of spanning and reinforcing the damaged or
decayed portion of the pile with steel “sisters” which are anchored above and below within the
remaining solid portions of the pile.
The researchers included this method is their laboratory investigation and testing. A pile was
modified to simulate a 50 percent cross-sectional area loss over a one foot length. Table 8-2
presents the measurements of the modified pile. Two M6x4.4 (A = 1.29 in2) steel sections were
used to span the section loss and were anchored by four one-inch diameter threaded steel through
rods; the specimen is shown in Figure 8-8. Both steel sections were instrumented with strain
gages on each flange at the midpoint of simulated decay.
a) Full speciment view b) Strain gage placment
Figure 8-8 Timber pile sistered with steel sections
The specimen was axially loaded for purposes of comparison with the control section without the
steel sisters. The total combined and individual loads observed in the timber and steel sisters are
shown in Figure 8-9. It was found in this test that the steel resisted minimal load until the failure
of the pile was imminent and the steel sisters became engaged – the tolerances around the anchor
rods were enough that a certain amount of deformation in the pile was required before the rods
would bear on the sisters. Even with the simulated 50 percent section loss, the pile performed
very well before the sisters were engaged. In fact, the performance was well enough to withstand
loads commonly seen by these piles due to vehicular traffic. Nonetheless, with minor changes in
how the sisters are attached to the pile, it is likely that one would be able to engage the steel
sections almost immediately upon loading.
Figure 8-9 Steel sister load test results – Load
The stress values in the timber and steel are shown in Figure 8-10. The observed maximum stress
of 3,713 psi in the timber is on the same order as that observed in the control specimens, thus
providing assurance that the sistered pile was a representative specimen. Additionally, upon
failure of the pile, the maximum stress observed in the steel was only 11,694 psi – well below the
yield stress of steel. This would lead one to believe that the overall capacity of the pile would be
even greater than the capacity achieved in the load test if the steel were fully engaged earlier in
the loading process. Even more, the possibility exists that if the test was not stopped the steel
would have become fully engaged and the total load would have reached levels corresponding to
the yield stress of the steel.
Lastly, the load versus deflection curve for the sistered pile specimen is shown in Figure 8-11.
Similar to the curves of the control specimens, the rate of deflection increased significantly only
after reaching approximately 0.3 in of total deflection. This gives more evidence that the
specimen was representative of other timber piles and the fact that the steel was not becoming
fully engaged until the timber began to fail.
The researchers along with the TAC were interested in pursuing a field demonstration at an
existing bridge that needed pile repair and/or replacement. A bridge was selected based on the
type and degree of decay seen within the piles. In total, five piers, which consisted of 20 total
pier piles, were evaluated; 10 of the piles required repairs. Photographs of the bridge and
common decay conditions found in the identified piles are shown in Figure 8-12. The pursued
method of repair was to fill the decayed portions and other cavities within the pile with an epoxy
resin, after which a fiber reinforced polymer wrap would be applied to the pile. The researchers
met with a representative from a nationally known company at the bridge site to discuss the
process and method of repair. Given the information provided by the representative, the
researchers were confident the method could provide a satisfactory repair that would restore the
desired load capacity. In the end, however, the repair could not be completed due to the
prohibitive cost. Although an effective repair, it may be more suitable for a larger scale project
where mobilization and labor costs do not become the greatest percentage of costs. Additionally,
this repair may be one that will require independent contractors to complete. The county crews
that are able to complete other repairs discussed in this report may not have the expertise or
training required.
a) Bridge profile b) Piers and piles
Tens of thousands of bridges within Iowa are maintained at the county level. Of those bridges, a
significant percentage is constructed using timber piles, girders, and decks. The superstructures
are often sufficient to carry the traffic for which they are required. Even so, the advancing decay
of substructure elements, such as timber piles and back walls, pose a problem to the longevity of
the overall structure. With such a large number of bridges requiring attention and the fact that
available funds are decreasing while maintenance costs are increasing, it becomes important to
improve or identify the best currently used maintenance methods for timber substructures.
Review existing products for timber preservation and repair and to document their
effectiveness in extending the service life of various bridge components.
Determine techniques used by county and other engineers to repair and restore the load
carrying capacity of piling damaged by deterioration and cracking.
Review methods used to repair failed piling.
Determine/develop effective methods for transferring bridge loads through the failed portion
of the pile.
Determine that safe load capacity is restored by the repair methods (existing or new)
determined to be structurally efficient.
To complete these objectives, the BEC employed various tasks including literature searches,
field investigation, field testing, lab testing, and online surveys. Following is a brief summary of
the results and conclusions discussed within. Additionally, recommendations for future repairs
are included.
Condition assessment should be conducted using a multitude of tools. These tools include 1)
visual assessment, 2) probing and picking, 3) moisture measurement, 4) sounding, 5) stress wave
devices, 6) drill resistance devices, 7) core boring, and 8) preservative retention analysis. Any
single method may give an incomplete or inaccurate assessment of the given substructure
A multitude of preservative treatments exists. Most fall under the categories of oil-borne or
water-borne preservatives. Additionally, the preservatives can be applied pre-construction in the
manufacturing plant or post-construction while in the field. The longevity or service life of
preservative treated wood depends upon a range of factors including type of preservative,
treatment quality, construction practices, type of exposure, and climate. The AWPA has
developed standards for treatment and care of timber products to be used in bridge applications.
Maintenance activities depend entirely on the extent of deterioration present within the
substructure element. Depending if the deterioration is minor, moderate, or severe, the
maintenance activities will be either preventive, remedial, or major, respectively. Preventive
maintenance includes moisture control, in-place treatments, and/or epoxy injection of small to
medium sized cracks. Remedial maintenance includes posting/splicing by means of mechanical
splicing, concrete jacketing, FRP or PVC wraps, and/or injection of epoxy. Major maintenance
corrective measures are conducted when deterioration has progressed to the point where major
structural components have experienced moderate to severe strength loss and repair or
replacement is mandatory to maintain the load carrying capacity. Often the only method that can
be employed with this level of decay is to install supplemental piles.
To collect information about timber abutment repairs and rehabilitation, a multiple question
survey was sent to federal, state, and local bridge owners across the nation. The survey was
divided into five sections; 1) current and past usage of timber for bridges, 2) specific usage of
timber back walls and wing walls, 3) timber piling and substructure repair, 4) use of timber
preservatives, and 5) BEC destructive and non-destructive testing of bridges within their
Timber utilization has and continues to warrant the pursuit of maintenance methodologies as all
Iowa-county respondents either currently use timber, formerly used timber, or both. Likewise,
nearly all non-Iowa county and 75 percent of state/federal level respondents indicated that timber
is currently or has formerly been used in substructure elements. Where timber piling is currently
not used for new structures, reasons given were the assumed longevity of other materials versus
that of timber, durability concerns, lack of reliability, uneconomical, design practices exclude
timber from use, and environmental concerns with preservative treatments. Copper naphthenate,
either in liquid or paste form, is the most commonly used preservative treatment indicated.
Four Iowa bridges utilizing different methods of repair or strengthening were subjected to live
load testing. In each of these tests, the repairs proved to be effective in that the desired stiffness
was restored.
At the first of these bridges, corrugated metal pipe was used to create a form around the decayed
or damaged portions of the pile, which was filled with concrete, thereby creating a cast and
providing additional stiffness. The near term performance of this method appears to be adequate
to maintain a functioning bridge. Being as the method of repair has not been observed over the
long term, conclusions regarding its indefinite performance cannot be made.
At the second bridge, supplemental piles were placed adjacent to each existing pile. Though
seemingly a more expensive option, when installed correctly, this method effectively restores the
bridge substructure system to its original condition. Theoretically, the original piles would not
require additional maintenance procedures and could progressively lose bearing capacity without
any adverse effects on overall bridge performance.
At the third bridge, a cast system similar to that used in the first bridge was used to stiffen the
pier piles, whereas at the abutment piles, timber planking was installed across the stream-side
face of the piles and the created void between the planking and existing backwall was
subsequently filled with concrete. This method, at a minimum, provides much greater protection
to the piles from debris flows. Even more, the piles are reinforced in the transverse direction and,
as such, may have a greater bearing capacity.
At the fourth bridge, a posting method of repair was used. One pile had been partially removed
and replaced with a steel section extending from the sound portion of the existing pile near the
ground surface to the pile cap. If installed correctly and proper bearing is achieved at the pile cap
and existing pile, the method is quite adequate. One should note that only select piles in any one
pile bent should be repaired using this method, as the lateral stiffness in the piles and, therefore,
the bridge would be lost at the pile/post connection.
Following the completion of field testing of four Iowa bridges, details of new strengthening
systems were developed with the purpose of creating or improving constructible and economical
solutions to timber pile strengthening needs. Laboratory testing was completed for two of these
The first solution involved modifying the existing method of posting with a steel H-pile or the
like. Field adjustment of the spliced portion can be necessary when not fabricated to fit the
removed portion of pile exactly. A base plate and leveling bolts were implemented to allow for
vertical adjustment at the connection between the existing timber pile and new steel post; the
connection detail proved to be a promising solution.
The second strengthening system entailed adding steel “sisters” to a decayed or damaged pile.
Each sister was bolted to the pile opposite of each other and extended beyond the simulated
section loss. In the end, the “sisters” only aided in the strengthening when failure in the
remaining portion of the pile was imminent, though it is assumed that modification to the
connection details would engage the sisters earlier in the loading process.
The researchers provide the following recommendations regarding the assessment, preservation,
repair, and rehabilitation of timber substructure elements.
Utilize multiple methods to assess the condition of timber substructure elements, including
any or all of those previously mentioned in the summary, more accurately.
Make provisions for physically protecting timber structure elements from environmental
conditions (e.g., precipitation), debris, and other damage-causing objects.
Adhere to the AWPA Standards for the treatment and care of timber bridge elements.
Be cognizant of applying preservative treatments to cut or fastened portions of timber
substructure elements to avoid point of entry for biological decay mechanisms.
When decay or damage is present, conduct maintenance activities at earliest possible stage to
avoid increased cost associated with maintenance postponement.
The addition of mild-steel reinforcement in the form of angles, channels, W shapes, or
similar has the ability to provide increased load capacity to mild or moderately decayed
existing pile.
Field adjustability can be achieved with few minor and relatively inexpensive parts when
completing the posting method of repair.
The current method of casting a single pile with corrugated steel pipe and concrete
effectively restores the desired stiffness within the casted portion of the pile; this method has
been used in numerous locations around the state of Iowa.
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To Transportation Agency,
A new research project –Timber Abutment Piling and Back Wall Rehab and Repair– has
been funded by the Iowa Highway Research Board and the Iowa Department of
Transportation. The primary objective of this research is to identify several
techniques/materials that are effective in rehabilitation/strengthening various timber
substructure elements.
The Iowa State University Institute for Transportation has created a brief questionnaire
for collecting information regarding techniques/materials for repairing weakened or
damaged timber elements that have been used in the past. The online form of the
questionnaire can be found at
If you are not the responsible agency/person for bridge rehabilitation and repair for your
area could you please lets us know who is so we can forward the survey to them.
For the research team to complete the work in a timely manner, we ask that you please
complete the questionnaire by August, 15th 2010
Thank you in advance for your assistance with this project. It is with your help that we
hope to produce a practical document that will assist county engineers, consultants, etc.
with rehabilitation and/or strengthening various timber substructure elements. If desired,
you may contact me or the project Principal Investigator: Dr. Brent Phares
[email protected] or (515) 294-5879.
Iowa Highway Research Board
Research Project IHRB-09-04
Organization: ________________________________________________
Address: ___________________________________________________
Phone # ___________________________________________________
Survey Questions found online at
1.2) Does your agency currently utilize or previously utilize timber in bridge piling or
backwall substructures? If you answered no, the rest of the questions do not need to be
2.1) Does your agency have existing bridges with timber backwall/wingwalls?
___Yes ___No
2.2) Does your agency construct new bridges with timber backwall/wingwalls?
___Yes ___No
2.3) What is the expected service life for the timber backwall.
___1-10 years
___11-20 years
___21-30 years
___31-40 years
___41-50 years
___Over 50 years
2.4) What are the most common causes of problems with the timber backwall (Rate with
1= most common to 4 = never)?
___Mechanical Deterioration
___Biological Deterioration
___Lack of Maintenance
___Other (please specify)
2.5) What methods have you or your consultant used to detect backwall problems?
___Visual Inspection
___Non-destructive testing (explain testing)
___Other (please specify)
If NDT is used, what method is used and describe test process. Or specify Other:
2.6) Please describe any remedial and or strengthening measures you have used in the
past to repair and restore load carrying capacity of the backwall?
2.7) Of those remedial and strengthening measures, which do you consider to be most
effective and beneficial and why?
2.8) May we receive a copy of drawings, pictures, etc. of the remedial and strengthening
___Yes ___No
3.1) Does your agency have existing bridges with timber piling?
___Yes ___No
3.2) Does your agency construct new bridges with timber piling?
___Yes ___No
3.3) What is the expected service life for the timber piling.
___1-10 years
___11-20 years
___21-30 years
___31-40 years
___41-50 years
___Over 50 years
3.4) What are the most common causes of problems with the timber piling/substructure
(Rate with 1= most common to 4 = never)?
___Mechanical Deterioration
___Biological Deterioration
___Lack of Maintenance
___Other (please specify)
3.5) What methods have you or your consultant used to detect piling problems?
___Visual Inspection
___Non-destructive testing (explain testing)
___Other (specify)
If NDT is used, what method is used and describe test process. Or specify Other:
3.6) Please describe any remedial and or strengthening measures you have used in the
past to repair and restore load carrying capacity of piling?
3.7) Of those remedial and strengthening measures, which do you consider to be most
effective and beneficial?
3.8) May we receive a copy of drawings, pictures, etc. of the remedial and strengthening
___Yes ___No
4.1.) What plant-applied preservative treatments have you used in the past (Rate with 1=
most common to 4 = never)?
___ACZA ___ACC ___ACQ ___CA-B
___CCA ___Copper HDO ___Copper Naphthenate
___Creosote ___Oxine Copper ___Pentachlorophenol
4.2) What plant-applied preservative was found to be the most successful (Rate with 1=
most successful to 4=not successful and 5=not used)?
4.3) What liquid surface-applied field preservatives are used for in-service structures
(Rate with 1= most common to 4 = never)?
4.4) What paste surface-applied field preservatives are used for in-service structures
(Rate with 1= most common to 4 = never)?
___ Copper Naphthenate
___ Sodium Fluoride
___ Copper Hydroxide
___ Borates
___ Other (please specify)
4.5) What diffusible chemical field preservatives are used for in-service structures (Rate
with 1= most common to 4 = never)?
4.6) What fumigant field preservatives are used for in-service structures (Rate with 1=
most common to 4 = never)?
___ Chloropicrin
___ Methylisothiocyanate (MITC)
___ Metham Sodium (Vapam)
___ Granular Dazomet
___ Other (please specify)
4.7) What field-applied preservative was found to be the most successful (Rate with 1=
most successful to 4=not successful and 5=not used)?
___ None
Explain Other:
5.1) Are you willing to allow Iowa State University (ISU) to perform non-destructive
testing on some of your piles or back walls?
___Yes ___No
(5.2) Do you have any substructures that are placed out of service or close to being
removed that ISU can perform destructive testing on?
___Yes ___No
___Yes ___No