44XT Titanium Compression Driver: Peavey Electronics
44XT Titanium Compression Driver: Peavey Electronics
44XT Titanium Compression Driver: Peavey Electronics
44XT™ Titanium
Driver (patented)
Throat Diameter:
Standard: 2” (50.8 mm)
Optional: 1.6” (40.6 mm)
supplied without throat
Nominal Impedance:
8 ohms
Minimum Impedance:
7.1 ohms
DC Resistance:
6.8 ohms
Power Capacity 1,000 Hz to 20 kHz:
400 watts peak power
200 watts program
100 watts continuous using pink noise
band limited from
1,000 Hz to 20 kHz (AES
Power Capacity 500 Hz to 20 kHz: Voice Coil material: Shipping weight:
320 watts peak power Edge-wound aluminum ribbon Standard: 25 lbs.
160 watts program with a composite bobbin (11.4 kg)
80 watts continuous Flux Density: Optional: 24 lbs.
Sensitivity: 19000 Gauss (1.9T) (10.9 kg)
111 dB SPL 1 watt at 1 meter on-axis Dimensions: Features:
on a 80° H x 40° V horn Standard: 8.388” (213 mm) • Radialinear™ phase plug (patent #
Nominal efficiency: D x 6.05” (154 mm) H 6064745)
30% Optional: 8.388” (213 mm) • One-piece titanium diaphragm/
D x 3.63” (92 mm) H suspension
Frequency Response:
Mounting: • Ferrofluid technology
500 Hz to 20 kHz
Standard: Four 5/16” (7.93 mm) thru • Smoother/extended high frequency
Lowest Recommended Crossover:
holes 90° apart on a 4” (101.6 mm) response
500 Hz at 12 dB/Octave
bolt circle • Edge-wound aluminum voice coil
Optional: w/out throat extension - four • Composite bobbin
Commercially pure titanium 1/4-20 threaded holes 90° apart on 5”
Voice Coil Diameter: (127 mm) bolt circle
4” (101 mm) Net weight:
Standard: 21 lbs. (9.5 kg)
Optional: 20 lbs. (9.1 kg)
Description: sound reinforcement industry is, we 5. Replace the diaphragm. It is
The Peavey Model 44XT is a have learned through the years that IMPORTANT that the voice coil
large-format titanium compression we must rely on quality as well as high leads are aligned with the two
driver of professional quality. The performance. broaches in the front plate. (See
44XT compression driver has been The 44XT compression driver will bolt Figure 4.)
designed to meet the requirements to most horns with a 2” throat and
set forth by LucasFilm for THX® a 4” bolt pattern. If you are relying Note: It is not necessary to rotate the
approval. The 44XT meets all THX on a horn to support the driver, it is magnet as you squeeze the packet;
requirements and may be used for all recommended to consult a structural the ferrofluid is self-distributing.
THX installations. engineer or use one of Peavey’s However, it is necessary to empty the
The 44XT is a high performance, CH®-6 or CH®-7 horns. Note: if contents of one packet into each half
high power compression driver the CH-6 is used, the adapter is not of the gap. The gap is broken into
with a smoother and extended high needed on the 44XT. Contact your sections separated by two broaches
frequency response. It consists of our local Peavey dealer for future horns in the front plate. After the discharge
newly developed Radialinear phase soon to be available from Peavey. of fluid, a small amount will remain
plug (patented), one-piece titanium The 44XT driver is designed for easy in the packet. This was taken into
diaphragm and ferrofluid. repair. In the unlikely event of failure, consideration when the packet was
The new Radialinear phase plug simply remove three screws from filled to dispense the precise quantity
construction was developed for a the back cover, disconnect the lead required for your driver. Attempting
smoother, more linear frequency wires from the diaphragm, remove to dispense the remaining ferrofluid
response with less distortion. all screws from the diaphragm, and may overfill the air gap, which has no
High frequency extension is achieved remove the diaphragm. Before you benefit.
by focusing the acoustical energy install the new diaphragm on the
of the diaphragm to a central point structure, the old ferrofluid will have THX® is a registered trademark of
within the throat of the horn. By to be removed and the gap must be Lucas Arts Entertainment Co.
focusing the acoustical energy we can cleaned.
reduce the amount of high frequency
cancellations and diffraction that is Your replacement kit will consist of
present in most other phase plug the following:
designs. 1. Two packets of ferrofluid
The diaphragm is constructed 2. Strips of absorbent filter paper
of an integral one-piece titanium 3. One replacement diaphragm
diaphragm/suspension assembly
while the voice coil is constructed of 4. This instruction sheet/Material
a new high-temperature composite Safety Data Sheet
coil former. The one-piece titanium
diaphragm reduces the amount of Replacement of Diaphragm
moving mass, increasing the high 1. Remove the diaphragm assembly
frequency response of the driver. from the driver.
The 44XT incorporates the latest in 2. Remove the old ferrofluid by
ferrofluid technology. Ferrofluid is a inserting a strip of filter paper into
thin, synthetic oil-based liquid holding the gap, allowing it to sit for one
billions of submicroscopic magnetic minute. Remove the strip and
particles in suspension. It surrounds repeat the process, using fresh
the voice coil for controlled heat pieces of paper until no ferrofluid
transfer. It essentially pulls the heat remains in the gap. If you run out
away from the voice coil, transferring of filter paper, any absorbent paper
it into the surrounding metal of the can be used. Repeat this process
magnet structure. This in turn reduces for both sections of the gap.
the amount of power compression by 3. Inspect the magnetic gap for
lowering the voice coil temperature the presence of any debris. If
and improves the life of the 44XT necessary, clean the gap with
compression driver. One key a piece of folded masking tape
characteristic of ferrofluid is its ability (sticky side out).
to dampen resonance modes within
speaker systems. The dampening of 4. Using the notch in the side of the
resonances improves performance packet as a locating guide, snip
and sound quality. off the tip of the fluid-filled packet.
Insert the tip into the gap and
Every 44XT compression driver is squeeze out the contents of the
tested with a series of performance packet. The gap is broken into two
measurements, mechanical and sections, separated by broaches in
thermal tests. This gives you the the front plate. Empty one complete
confidence needed for real-world packet per side.
applications. As demanding as the
Amplitude Response (1W 1m On-Axis)
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 1
Amplitude response (1W 1m On-Axis) measured on a CH-7 constant directivity horn
dB SPL (re 20 Pa)
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k
Frequency (Hz)
2nd Harmonic
Figure 3 3rd Harmonic
( ) 10
20 50 100 200 500 1k 2k 5k 10k 20k
Frequency (Hz)
Figure 2
Impedance measured on a Plane-wave terminated tube
Voice coil leads must be aligned with notch
Figure 4 Assembly
Formula: Mixture
2. COMPONENTS - The precise nature of this mixture is proprietary information. A more complete disclosure will be provided to a
physician or nurse in the event of a medical emergency.
Magnetite: 1 - 7% by volume
Oil Soluble Dispersant: 7 - 50% by volume
Carrier Liquid: 41 - 92% by volume
Aromatic Amine: 0 - 2% by volume
Stability: Stable
Conditions to avoid: Pyrolysis
Hazardous Decomposition Products: Burning may produce carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxides.
Steps to be taken in case material is released or spilled: Remove free liquid. Add absorbent (sand, earth, sawdust) to spill area.
After removing absorbent, wash surface with soap and water to reduce possible slipping hazard.
Waste Disposal Method: Consult federal, state, and local regulations applicable to disposal
of waste oils.
Respiratory Protection (Specify Type): None required unless smoke, mists or vapors are produced.
Other precautions:
Avoid contamination of tobacco products. Users should be aware
that a very small percentage of the population may display
unexpected allergic skin reactions to otherwise innocuous
industrial chemicals and raw materials.
• This product DOES NOT contain any materials considered to be carcinogenic by any recognized sources.
•• This material is not sold for use in products for which prolonged contact with skin or implantation in the human body is
intended. Ferrofluidics Corporation does not recommend this material as safe and effective for such uses and assumes no
liability for any such use.
••• This product does not contain any chemical subject to the reporting requirements of Section 313 of Title III of the Superfund
Amendment and Reauthorization Act of 1986 and 40 CFR Part 372.
Logo referenced in Directive 2002/96/EC Annex IV
(OJ(L)37/38,13.02.03 and defined in EN 50419: 2005
The bar is the symbol for marking of new waste and
is applied only to equipment manufactured after
13 August 2005