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Principles of Marketing: An Asian Perspective (Kotler, Armstrong, Ang, Leong, Tan, Yau)

Chapter 1 Marketing: Managing Profitable Customer Relationships

1) All of the following are accurate descriptions of modern marketing EXCEPT which one?
A) Marketing is the creation of value for customers. ( tạo giá trị cho khách hàng )
B) Marketing is managing profitable customer relationships. ( mối quan hệ lợi nhuận )
C) Selling and advertising are synonymous with marketing. => TIẾP THỊ LÀ TẠO NÊN GIÁ TRỊ
D) Marketing involves satisfying customers' needs. ( đáp ứng nhu cầu khách hàng )
E) Marketing is used by for-profit and not-for-profit organizations. ( tổ chức lợi nhuận, phi lợi
nhuận )

2) You have learned from this course that the most basic concept underlying marketing is that of
A) selling and advertising
B) customer identification ( Bước 2 )
C) retaining customers ( Bước 3 )
D) human needs
E) fulfilling consumer wants ( Bước 2 )

3) is defined as is the process by which companies create value for customers

and build strong customer relationships to capture value from customers in return.
A) Selling
B) Advertising ( Quảng cáo )
C) Bartering ( Trao đổi )
D) Marketing
E) Negotiating ( Đàm phán )

4) You are preparing a combination of products, services, information, and experiences to

a market to satisfy needs and wants. What are you preparing?
A) value proposition
B) demand satisfaction
C) tactical plan
D) marketing offer
E) strategy

5) According to the simple five-step model of the marketing process, a company needs to
before designing a customer-driven marketing strategy.( step 2 )
A) determine how to deliver superior value
B) build profitable relationships with customers
C) use customer relationship management to create full partnerships with key customers
D) understand the marketplace and customer needs and wants ( step 1 )
E) construct key components of a marketing program

6) are human needs as shaped by individual personality and culture. ( tính cách và văn
hóa )
A) Needs => perceived deprivation
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C) Demands
D) Values

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7) When backed ( được hỗ trợ ) by buying power, wants become .
A) social needs
B) demands
C) physical needs
D) self-esteem needs
E) exchanges

8) A(n) is some combination of products, services, information, or experiences offered

to consumers to satisfy a need or want.
A) market offering
B) value proposition
C) demand satisfaction
D) need proposition
E) evoked set

9) Which of the following refers to sellers being preoccupied with their own products and
losing sight of underlying consumer needs?
A) selling myopia
B) marketing management
C) value proposition
D) marketing myopia ( tiếp cận thị trường )
E) the product concept

10) Many sellers make the mistake of paying more attention to the specific products they
offer than to the benefits and experiences produced by these products. These sellers suffer
A) selling myopia
B) marketing management
C) marketing myopia
D) value proposition
E) the product concept

11) is the act of obtaining a desired object from someone by offering something in return.
A) Valuation
B) Exchange
C) Bribery
D) Value creation
E) Donation

12) A(n) is the set of actual and potential buyers of a product.

A) market
B) audience
C) group
D) segment
E) exchange

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13) Consumer research, product development, communication, distribution, pricing, and
service are all core activities.
A) exchange
B) marketing => MARKET OFFERINGS
C) management
D) production
E) customer relationship management

14) The art and science of choosing target markets and building profitable relationships with
them is called .
A) marketing management
B) positioning
C) segmentation
D) selling
E) differentiation

15) Selecting which segments of a population of customers to serve is called .

A) market segmentation ( phân loại khách hàng : giàu nghèo, tiết kiệm hay phung phí )
B) positioning
C) customization
D) target marketing
E) managing the marketing effort

16) Which of the following is the set of benefits a company promises to deliver to customers
to satisfy their needs?
A) a money-back guarantee
B) low pricing
C) customer service
D) a value proposition
E) an attribute

17) Which customer question is answered by a company's value proposition?

A) "Why should I buy your brand rather than a competitor's?"
B) "How does your brand benefit society?"
C) "What are the costs and benefits of your brand?"
D) "What kind of experience will I have with products and services associated with this brand?"
E) "What are the benefits of being a loyal consumer of your brand?"

18) Which of the following marketing management orientations focuses primarily on improving
efficiencies along the supply chain?
A) production concept
B) product concept ( sản phẩm đã làm ra rồi )
C) selling concept
D) marketing concept
E) societal marketing concept

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19) Which of the following marketing management concepts is most likely to lead to marketing
A) customer-driven marketing
B) customer-driving marketing
C) societal marketing
D) marketing
E) product

20) According to the production concept, consumers will favor products that are and
A) satisfying; quality focused
B) advertised; affordable
C) in high demand; hard to find
D) segmented; convenient
E) available; affordable

21) The concept is aligned with the philosophy of continuous product

improvement and the belief that customers will choose products that offer the most in quality,
performance, and innovative features.
A) product
B) production
C) customer
D) marketing
E) promotion

22) The product concept says that a company should do which of the following?
A) improve marketing of its best products
B) market only those products with high customer appeal ( hấp dẫn )
C) focus on the target market and make products that meet those customers' demands
D) focus on making continuous product improvements
E) make promoting products the top priority

23) "Build a better mousetrap and the world will beat a path to your door" reflects
A) production
B) marketing
C) selling
D) product
E) target marketing

24) Which marketing orientation calls for aggressive promotional efforts and focuses
on generating transactions to obtain profitable sales?
A) marketing concept
B) production concept
C) product concept
D) selling concept
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25) Which marketing orientation holds that achieving organizational goals depends on
knowing the needs and wants of target markets and delivering the desired satisfactions better
than competitors do?
A) product concept
B) production concept
C) selling concept
D) marketing concept
E) societal marketing concept

26) According to the authors of your text, the concept is a "sense and respond"
philosophy rather than a "make and sell" philosophy.
A) product
B) production
C) marketing
D) retailing
E) societal marketing

27) A firm that uses the selling concept takes a(n) approach.
A) outside-in
B) passive
C) inside-out ( factory -> Existing products -> Selling and Promoting -> Profits through sales volume)
D) societal
E) customer service

28) Edmund Cheng of Wing Tai Garments used the marketing concept in his successful
organization. His perspective of having a customer department in his G2000 outlets uses
A) customer-driven
B) external
C) inside-out
D) continuous improvement
E) traditional

29) Though often criticized, the selling concept is particularly appropriate and effective
with which of the following types of products?
A) convenience
B) shopping
C) specialty
D) unsought bị chỉ trích vì muốn tìmkieesm sản phẩm mà không được
E) demarketed

30) Which of the following reflects the marketing concept philosophy?

A) "We don't have a marketing department; we have a customer department."
B) "We're in the business of making and selling superior products."
C) "We build them so you can buy them."
D) "When it's profits versus customers' needs, profits will always win out."
E) "You won't find a better deal anywhere."
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31) Customer-driven marketing usually works well when and when customers
A) a clear need exists; are difficult to identify
B) customers know what they want; are loyal to the brand
C) a firm can deliver the goods desired; are thoroughly researched
D) a clear need exists; know what they want
E) a need exists; don't know what they want

32) Marie Ortiz enjoys her work at Futuristic Designs, Inc. Her organization understands and
anticipates customer needs even better than customers themselves do and creates products
and services to meet current and future wants and demands. Marie's firm practices
A) customer-driven
B) customer-driving
C) relationship
D) societal
E) social

33) When customers don't know what they want or don't even know what's possible, the
most effective strategy is marketing.
A) customer-driven
B) customer-driving
C) societal
D) production
E) product

34) The societal marketing concept seeks to establish a balance between consumer short-run
wants and consumer .
A) short-run costs and profits
B) short-run ethics
C) long-run welfare
D) immediate health
E) value propositions

35) Which marketing orientation holds that firms must strive to deliver value to customers in
a way that maintains or improves the consumer's and society's well-being?
A) marketing concept
B) selling concept
C) product concept
D) societal marketing concept
E) equity concept

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Chapter 5 Consumer Markets and Consumer Buyer Behavior

1) is never simple, yet understanding it is the essential task of marketing management.

Nhiệm vụ thiết yếu của quản lí tiếp thị => Hiểu được hành vi mua hàng của người tiêu dùng
A) Brand personality
B) Consumption pioneering
C) Early adoption
D) Buying behavior
E) Understanding the difference between primary and secondary data

2) The consumer market is made up of ( được tạo thành từ ) which of the following?
A) individuals who acquire goods or services for personal consumption
B) households that purchase goods or services for personal consumption
C) businesses that purchase goods and services
D) A and B
E) all of the above

3) Economic, technological, and cultural forces are all in the stimulus-response model
of buyer behavior. ( mấy này là tác nhân trong mô hình của hành vi mua hàng )
A) buyer responses
B) stimuli
C) components of the buyer's decision process
D) buyer characteristics
E) buying attitudes

4) Of the following, the best starting point for understanding how consumers respond(đáp ứng )
to various marketing efforts is the model of a buyer's behavior.
A) belief
B) subcultural
C) generational
D) stimulus-response
E) societal

5) Marketing stimuli consist of the four Ps. Which is NOT one of these?
A) product
B) politics => chính trị trong các tác nhân khác
C) price
D) promotion
E) place

6) The marketer wants to understand how the stimuli are changed into responses inside the
consumer's , which has two parts. First, the buyer's characteristics influence how he or
she perceives and reacts to the stimuli. Second, the buyer's decision process itself affects the
buyer's behavior.
A) culture B) black box C) belief
C) lifestyle E) social class

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7) In the model of buyer behavior, which of the following is NOT a major type of force or
event in the buyer's environment?
A) economic
B) technological
C) political
D) channel
E) cultural

8) is the most basic cause of a person's wants and behavior.

A) Culture
B) Brand personality
C) Cognitive dissonance
D) Social class
E) Selective perception

9) Each culture contains smaller , or groups of people with shared value systems
based on common life experiences and situations.
A) aspirational groups
B) reference groups
C) subcultures
D) membership groups
E) social networks

10) Most large companies research buying decisions to find out what the buyer buys,
when, where, and how much.
A) market
B) permanent
C) consumer
D) social
E) group

11) Japanese consumers pay a lot of attention to how a product is packaged. To them, a product’s
package is both a part of the product as well as an important proxy for its .
A) quality
B) quantity
C) price
D) worth
E) cost

12) Marketers are always trying to spot to discover new products that might
be wanted.
A) cultural differences
B) cultural shifts (sự thay đổi văn hóa) đề cập đến những thay đổi trong niềm tin, giá trị, thái độ và
hành vi của một xã hội hoặc một nhóm cụ thể trong xã hội, có thể ảnh hưởng đến sở thích của
người tiêu dùng và tạo ra cơ hội cho các sản phẩm hoặc dịch vụ mới.
C) population shifts
D) demographic shifts
E) purchasing habits
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13) A cultural shift toward a greater concern with has created a huge industry
for such services, exercise equipment and clothing, more-natural foods, and a variety of diets.
A) wealth and savings
B) health and fitness
C) psychological health
D) health
E) wealth and insurance

14) While Japan is typically regarded as being culturally homogenous, there exist
unique from the mainstream.
A) practices
B) religions
C) subcultures
D) rules
E) people

15) A consumer’s behavior is also influenced by social factors such as the consumer’s small
groups, family, and .
A) work rules and status
B) social rules and status
C) social roles
D) social roles and status
E) status

16) are society's relatively permanent and ordered divisions whose members
share similar values, interests, and behaviors.
A) Social classes
B) Cultures
C) Reference groups
D) Subcultures
E) Lifestyles

17) What is one way that social class is NOT measured?

A) occupation
B) education
C) income
D) number of children in the family
E) wealth

18) Which of the following statements is true regarding social class?

A) Social class is determined primarily by income level. Còn địa vị, vai trò xã hội, học thức ,...
B) Lines between social classes are fixed and rigid.
C) Social classes tend to show distinct( riêng biệt ) product preferences in clothing and automobiles.
D) Wealth is more critical than education level in measuring social class.
E) Social classes tend to show similar product preferences in clothing and automobiles.

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19) Family is one of the factors that influence consumer behavior.
A) cultural
B) social => gia đình là một trong các yếu tố xã hội ảnh hưởng đế hành vi khách hàng
C) personal
D) psychological
E) business

20) are groups to which an individual wishes to belong, one to which the
individual wishes to belong, as when a young boy learning dance hopes to someday
emulate(mô phỏng) Jay Chou or Rain and be a famous singer and dancer.
A) Membership groups
B) Aspirational groups
C) Leading adopter groups
D) Leisure groups
E) Social class groups

21) are people within a reference group who, because of special skills,
knowledge, personality, or other characteristics, exert influence on others.
A) Opinion leaders
B) Habitual buyers
C) Social networkers
D) Stealth marketers
E) Laggards

22) Opinion leaders are also referred to as .

A) the influentials
B) the upper uppers
C) the middle class
D) the Rebounders
E) the buzz marketers

23) Many companies, enlist everyday consumers who are enthusiastic about their brands to
become , brand ambassadors who share their passion for a company's products
with large circles of friends and acquaintances in return for insider knowledge and other
A) leading adopters
B) brand evangelists => sử dụng nhiều sản phẩm của thương hiệu brand sẽ cho họ trở thành nhà truyền
bá thương hiệu cho brand đó
C) direct marketers
D) direct sellers
E) innovators

24) Companies that use brand ambassadors are participating in .

A) opinion leading
B) traditional marketing
C) buzz marketing => thu hút sự quan tâm trên mạng xã hội vd: dior jiso
D) direct marketing
E) values marketing
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25) Facebook and Twitter are both examples of .
A) buzz markets
B) opinion leaders
C) social networks
D) early adopters
E) word-of-mouth markets

26) The is the most important consumer buying organization in society; the roles
and influences of different members have been researched extensively.
A) family
B) social class
C) membership group
D) subculture
E) reference group

27) A consists of the activities people are expected to perform

according to the persons around them.(làm theo những người xung quanh)
A) motive
B) role=>
C) lifestyle
D) life cycle
E) tradition

28) A buyer's decisions are influenced by such as the buyer's age and life-cycle stage,
occupation, economic situation, lifestyle, and personality and self-concept.
A) personal characteristics
B) reference groups
C) perceptions
D) attitudes
E) psychographics

29) People change the goods and services they buy over time because of the two
changing factors of .
A) belief and attitude
B) perception and personality
C) age and life-cycle stage
D) self-concept and learning
E) family and tradition

30) , customers over 60, want to maximize their retirement income to maintain
a desired lifestyle.
A) Preservers
B) Accumulators
C) Youth
D) Builders
E) Getting Started

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31) is a person's pattern of living as expressed in her psychographics, including
her activities, interests, and opinions.
A) Personality
B) Culture
C) Lifestyle
D) Motive
E) Social class

32) All of the following make up a person's lifestyle EXCEPT .

A) AIO dimensions
B) interests
C) dissonance-reducing buying behavior
D) opinions
E) work

33) A customer's lifestyle can be measured by using the AIO dimensions. What does AIO
stand for?
A) Activities, Interests, Opinions
B) Achievement, Involvement, Organizations
C) Accommodation, Investment, Orientation
D) Acknowledgements, Interests, Observations
E) Adoptions, Interests, Occupations

34) refers to the unique psychological characteristics that distinguish a person or

group. It is usually described in traits such as self-confidence, dominance, sociability,
autonomy, defensiveness, adaptability, and aggressiveness.
A) Alternative evaluation
B) Belief
C) Culture
D) Personality
E) Self-awareness

35) Researchers have found that a number of well-known brands tended to be strongly
associated with one particular trait, such as Levi’s with "ruggedness." Which of the following
terms would a marketer use to describe a specific mix of human traits that may be attributed to a
particular brand?
A) brand perception
B) product image
C) brand personality
D) brand concept
E) brand equity

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Chapter 7 Customer-Driven Marketing Strategy: Creating Value for Target Customers

1) When a company evaluates each market segment’s attractiveness and selects one or more
segments to enter, it is engaging in .
A) adapted marketing
B) mass marketing
C) market targeting
D) segmenting
E) differentiation

2) What are the four steps, in order, to designing a customer-driven marketing strategy?
A) market segmentation, differentiation, positioning, and targeting
B) positioning, market segmentation, mass marketing, and targeting
C) market segmentation, targeting, differentiation, and positioning
D) market alignment, market segmentation, differentiation, and market positioning
E) market recognition, market preference, market targeting, and market insistence

3) Even though several options are available lựa chọn có sẵn at any one time, there
to segment a market.
A) is one single best way
B) is no single way không phải là cách duy nhất
C) is a most effective way
D) are limited ways
E) are four ways

4) Your firm has decided to localize its products and services to meet local market demands.
A good approach to use would be segmentation. Địa phương hóa sản phẩm
A) geographic
B) benefit
C) end-use
D) customer
E) image

5) Pet Paradise Centre divides the pet market according to the owners' race, occupation,
income, and family life cycle. What type of segmentation does Pet Paradise Centre use?
A) geographic
B) behavioral
C) lifestyle
D) demographic
E) psychographic

6) Which of the following is the most popular method for segmenting markets?
A) Demographic phổ biến nhất là phân khúc theo nhân khẩu học
B) gender
C) psychographic
D) behavioral
E) geographic
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7) Demographic variables are frequently used in market segmentation because they .
A) create smaller segments than other methods do
B) create more easily reached segments than other methods do
C) do not involve stereotypes
D) are easy to measure in comparison to many other methods nhân khâu học được sử dụng
thường xuyên trong phân khúc tt vì dễ đo lường hơn
F) involve fewer attributes to consider than other methods do

8) Marketers must be most careful to guard against cẩn thận đề phòng which of the following
when using age and life-cycle segmentation?
A) underestimating
B) stereotyping định kiến
C) traditional marketing
D) cultural bias
E) gender bias

9) When Positive Image, Inc. caters to clothing, cosmetics, and toiletries markets quần áo mỹ
phẩm đồ vệ sinh cá nhân , it most likely uses which type of segmentation?
A) readiness
B) gender
C) behavior
D) occasions
E) geographic

10) Marketers of automobiles, financial services, and travel are most likely to use which of
the following types of segmentation?
A) gender
B) income
C) occasion dịp
D) usage rate
E) readiness stage

11) Lifestyle characteristics and personality characteristics are two types of variables used in
A) demographic
B) behavioral
C) social class
D) psychographic
E) user status

12) The division of buyers into groups based on their knowledge, attitudes, uses, or responses
to a product is segmentation.
A) behavioral
B) psychographic
C) age and life cycle
D) demographic
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13) Which type of segmentation centers on the use of the word when, such as when
consumers get the idea to buy, when they actually make their purchase, or when they use the
purchased item?
A) behavioral
B) psychographic
C) occasion
D) impulse
E) emergency

14) Markets can be segmented into groups of nonusers, ex-users, potential users, first-time users,
and regular users of a product. This method of segmentation is called .
A) user status trạng thái người dùng: không sửu dụng sử dụng ít nhiều,...
B) usage rates
C) benefit
D) behavior
E) loyalty status

15) Your current assignment at Asia Foods is to find the major benefits people look for in
product classes, the kinds of people who look for each benefit, and the major brands that
deliver each benefit. What is this segmentation method called? Ntd tìm kiếm lợi ích nhà kd
cung cấp
A) benefit
B) behavioral
C) age and life cycle
D) psychographic
E) demographic

16) Shampoo marketers rate buyers as light, medium, or heavy product users. This is
A) benefit
B) user status
C) usage rate tỉ lệ sử dụng
D) psychographic
E) occasions

17) Consumers can show their loyalty to brands, stores, or companies. Marketers can use
this information to segment consumers by .
A) user status
B) loyalty status
C) store type
D) brand preference
E) usage rate

18) By studying its less loyal buyers, a company can detect which brands are most its
A) competitive with tìm xem cty nào cạnh tranh với họ nhất
B) used with
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C) overlooked with

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19) Many firms make an effort to identify smaller, better-defined target groups by using .
A) differentiation
B) concentrated marketing
C) multiple segmentation bases xác định các phân khúc nhỏ hơn dựa trên các cơ sở phân khúc
D) positioning
E) mass marketing

20) Consumer and business marketers use many of the same variables to segment
markets. Business marketers use all of the following EXCEPT .
A) operating characteristics
B) purchasing approaches
C) situational factors
D) personal characteristics
E) brand personalities ntd làm gì có thương hiệu cá nhân

21) As in consumer segmentation, many marketers believe that and

segmentation provide the best basis for segmenting business markets.
A) geographic; demographic
B) user status; user loyalty
C) benefits; buying behavior
D) age and life-cycle; psychographic
E) income; usage rate

22) Oil companies segment foreign markets by overall level of economic development. This
firm segments on what basis?
A) political factors
B) legal factors
C) geographic factors
D) economic factors
E) cultural factors

23) Lexus targets wealthy consumers with similar needs and buying behaviors, even though
the consumers are located in different countries. This is an example of .
A) intermarket segmentation
B) loyalty segmentation
C) life-cycle segmentation
D) targeting segmentation
E) psychographic segmentation

24) MTV targets teenagers located in different countries. This is known as

A) intermarket segmentation
B) international segmentation
C) regional segmentation
D) mass-market segmentation
E) micromarketing

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25) When the size, purchasing power, and profiles of a market segment can be determined
được xác định, it possesses the requirement of being .
A) measurable
B) accessible
C) substantial
D) actionable
E) observable

26) When a business market segment is large or profitable enough to serve, it is termed đủ lớn để
phục vụ
A) measurable
B) accessible
C) substantial
D) actionable
E) differentiable

27) When an effective program can be designed for attracting and serving a chosen segment,
the segment is best described as .
A) accessible
B) measurable
C) reachable
D) actionable
E) differentiable

28) You have discovered that the segments you are targeting are conceptually distinguishable
and respond differently to different marketing mix elements and programs kết hợp tiếp thị
khác nhau. These segments are
A) accessible
B) measurable
C) reachable
D) differentiable
E) observable

29) The markets you have chosen to serve in four Asian cities can be effectively reached
and served. You would tell the marketing manager that these segments are .
A) measurable B) accessible truy cập C) substantial
D) actionable E) profitable

30) To evaluate the different market segments your company serves, you would look at all
of these factors EXCEPT which one?
A) segment size
B) segment growth
C) segment structural attractiveness
D) company values
E) company resources
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31) Brian Ho has compiled a list of things that make segments more attractive. Which one of
the following items should NOT be on the list?
A) relative power of buyers
B) lack of powerful suppliers to control prices
C) few substitute products
D) competition with superior resources cạnh tranh với nguồn lực vượt trội
E) financial resources

32) Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons a segment would be less attractive to
a company?
A) strong competitors
B) substitute products
C) concentrated market thị trường tập trung hướng đến nhu cầu chung cơ bản
D) power of buyers
E) power of suppliers

33) In general, a company should enter only segments in which it can and .
A) offer lower prices; ship faster
B) offer superior value; gain advantages over competitors
C) offer superior value; ship faster
D) gain advantages over competitors; mass market its products
E) offer lower prices; develop customer loyalty

34) Mass marketers, such as BHG and Robinsons department stores, often ignore market
segment differences and target the whole market with one offer. What is their approach
to segmenting?
A) undifferentiated marketing
B) differentiated marketing
C) target marketing
D) concentrated marketing
E) micromarketing

35) The 55-year-old baby boomers share common needs in music and performers. When a
music company decides to serve this group, the group is called a(n) .
A) market segment
B) target market
C) niche market
D) micro market
E) undifferentiated market

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