Lecture On Trade Union
Lecture On Trade Union
Lecture On Trade Union
Trade Union in General
Trade Union
Theoretical Perspectives of
Trade Union
According to Edwin B. Flippo- “Trade union is an organization of workers
formed to promote, protect and improve through collective action, the
social, economic and political interests of its members.”
The Recent Global
Union Trend (contd)
The union participation is decreasing rapidly since last decade:
Nature of Trade Union in
Trade Unions are subdivided into different parts and their internal
collision forbids them to unite and be stronger.
Trade Union in Bangladesh are highly politicized.
Trade Union in BD are structurally and financially very weak.
Most of the union leaders are self-centered, less knowledgeable and
autocratic in nature hence it impacts on the effectively of trade union.
General workers have little faith in the integrity of trade union leaders.
What Trade Union Deals With!!
Trade Union Structures in
Industrial National
Basic Union
Federations Federations
Mixed Union- Both blue collar & White collar job holders 7
Bangladeshi Employee Trade
Sramik Karmachari Oykeya Parisad (SKOP) – Peak body
Workers Representation and Welfare Committee (WRWC)
Jatiya Sramik Federation Bangladesh (JSFB)
Jatiya Sramik Federation (JSF)
Jatiya Sramik League (JSL)
Bangladesh Jatiyatabadi Sramik (BJSD)
Bangladesh Sanjukta Sramik Federation (BSSF)
Bangladesh Trade Union Kendra (BTUK)
Bangladesh Labour Federation (BLF)
Bangladesh Free Trade Union Congress (BFTUC)
Bangladesh Sramik Federation (BSF)
Bangladesh Mukta Sramik Federation (BMSF)
Bangladesh Jatiya Sramik Federation (BJSF)
Bangladesh Jatiya Sramik Jote (BJSJ)
Employers Associations
Legal Framework of Trade Union in
The Constitution of Bangladesh provides the basic legal foundation
for formation of organizations by workers and employers.
The main statutory framework for such organizations is the
Bangladesh Labor Act 2006.
The Act recognizes both right of workers to join trade unions and the
right of employers to join associations
Section 176 of the Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 provides that every
worker has the right to constitute a trade union and to join an
association of their choosing.
However, the Act does not cover home workers, EPZs, public sector
workers and agricultural workers.
In order to be registered, a trade union must have a minimum
membership of 30 per cent of the total number of workers
employed in any establishment or group of establishments in which it
is formed.
Legal Framework of Trade Union in BD
Bangladesh Labor Act 2006 (section 195) states that it does not
explicitly authorize an employer to require that a person appointed to
managerial posts cease to be a member or officer of a trade union.
Section 183 of the Act states that a group of establishments should be
considered as one establishment for the purpose of formation of trade
As a requirement of formation of trade union, the Act prescribes
election of officers by the general body of trade union provides that the
term of officer shall not exceed two years upon his election or re-
Section 176(c) of the Act states that trade unions shall have the right to
establish and join federations.
Union or federation shall have the right to affiliate with international
organizations and confederations of workers’ organization.
Significance of Trade Union
Negative Aspects of Trade
Corruption of Union leaders
Affiliation with party politics
Decrease in productivity
Misuse of Rights
Increase in managerial
Registration of Trade Union
Requirements for Registration
Requirements for Application I. The objectives for which the union has
I. The name of the union and address been formed.
II. Date of formation II. The manner in which a worker may
III. The tittles, ages, addresses and become a member.
occupations of the office bearers III. The sources of fund.
IV. Statement of total paid membership IV. The condition under which a member
V. In case of a union of transport-total shall be entitled for any benefit or for
number of vehicles, the name and forfeiture.
addresses of the owners, the route V. The manner in which the constitution
permit number of the vehicles. shall be amended, varied or rescinded.
VI. Three copies of the constitution of VI. The manner in which the trade union
the union and a copy of the may be dissolved.
resolution by the members of the VII. The manner in which the election of
union adopting such constitution. officers by the general body of the union
and the term.