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Research Article

Acceptability of malunggay (Moringa oleifera) and squash (Cucurbita

moschata) cookies
Article Info
Aiken D. Bugtai
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus, jans.v16i2.5457
Cebu, Philippines Received: February 02, 2024
Jehan Apuya Revised: June 05, 2024
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus, Accepted: June 12, 2024
Cebu, Philippines
Stephanie Eve Sabayton
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus,
Cebu, Philippines
Mae Otida
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus,
Cebu, Philippines
Jacquiline R. Dela Cruz
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus,
Cebu, Philippines
Lislee C. Valle
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus,
Cebu, Philippines
Felix C. Costan
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus,
Cebu, Phillippines
Catherine C. Terana*
College of Education, Arts and Sciences, Cebu Technological University Danao Campus,
Cebu, Philippines

*Corresponding author : E-mail: [email protected]

How to Cite
Bugtai, A.D. et. al. (2024). Acceptability of malunggay (Moringa oleifera) and squash (Cucurbita moschata) cookies. Journal of
Applied and Natural Science, 16(2), 901 - 908. https://doi.org/10.31018/jans.v16i2.5457

The dried leaf powder of malunggay (Moringa oleifera) contains an excellent nutritional value, and this tropical plant is widely
available in the Philippines. On the other hand, squash (Cucurbita moschata) is an incredibly beneficial food with high amounts
of vitamins. The nutrients from Malunggay and squash can help prevent deficiencies in children. The main focus of the research
was to determine the acceptability of the different formulations of M. oleifera and C. moschata cookies. The study determined
the most preferred cookie formulation based on sensory evaluation using descriptive testing of the product's appearance,
aroma, taste, sweetness, texture, and acceptability rating of the formulations. The respondents were 20 food experts and 40
non-experts. The Analysis of Variance was used to examine the statistical significance of mean differences among the distinct
groups. Subsequently, Tukey's Honest Significant Difference (HSD) test was employed to ascertain the significance of differ-
ences between pairs of group means, providing a more nuanced understanding of the variations observed within these groups.
Results showed that among the three cookie formulations, F3 got the highest mean score of the different attributes, namely
appearance (x̄= 4.45; x̄= 4.6) aroma (x̄ = 4.9; x̄= 4.7), taste (x̄= 4.95; x̄= 4.93), sweetness (x̄= 4.9; x̄=4.75), and texture (x̄= 4.8;
x̄= 4.68), as perceived by the expert and non-expert, respectively. This implies that respondents prefer cookie formulation F3
over the two other formulations.

Keywords: Cookie, Cucurbita moschata, Malnutrition, Moringa oleifera, Sensory analysis

This work is licensed under Attribution-Non Commercial 4.0 International (CC BY-NC 4.0). © : Author (s). Publishing rights @ ANSF.
Bugtai, A.D. et. al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 16(2), 901 - 908 (2024)

INTRODUCTION al. (2021) shows that adding Moringa leaf powder to

cookies has potential benefits for children at risk of mal-
The health status of children in the Philippines has nutrition. Dried leaf powder of M. oleifera contains more
been a topic of concern and study over the years. Sev- excellent nutritional value and, in some instances, up to
eral factors have influenced their well-being, including ten times more specific nutrients when compared to
socioeconomic conditions, healthcare access, and nu- fresh M. oleifera leaves (Islam et al., 2021). It is re-
trition. According to Reyes et al. (2019), the health sta- vealed that M. oleifera is an excellent source of miner-
tus of Filipino children has been linked to socioeconom- als such as iron and calcium and vitamins A, B, B1, B2,
ic disparities, with children from lower-income house- B3, B, and E. On the other hand, C. moschata has the
holds facing a higher risk of malnutrition and associated potential ability to induce anti-obesity, anti-diabetic,
health issues. Poverty remains a significant determinant antibacterial, and anticancer effects, making it valuable
of children's health, affecting their access to proper nu- in the medical field (Men et al., 2021). The nutrients
trition, clean water, sanitation, and healthcare services. and bioactive compounds present in C. moschata have
Moreover, studies such as Werner and Smith (2019) important effects on human health. Also, the optimal
have highlighted the persistent issue of stunting among blending of M. oleifera and C. moschata would yield a
Filipino children, a critical indicator of long-term malnu- product with sufficient amounts of nutrients, increasing
trition and developmental delays. According to the re- hemoglobin levels and the size of the upper arm cir-
port by Food Security and Nutrition (2019), malnutrition, cumference in the diet of pregnant and lactating women
which includes not only hunger but also micronutrient as an effort to prevent stunting, which would help in the
deficiencies, overweight, and obesity, is a critical chal- fight against malnutrition (Sudaryati et al., 2023). A
lenge in both developing and developed countries. A study by Shukla et al. (2022) reveals that malunggay
report by UNICEF (2023), WHO (2023), and the World brings a unique earthy and slightly bitter note to dishes,
Bank (2023) revealed that in 2022, 148.1 million chil- while squash contributes sweetness and a pleasant
dren under five were stunted, while 45.0 million suffered nutty undertone, enhancing the overall flavor profile of
from wasting at any given time during the year. The the food product. Duguma et al. (2023) stated that fine-
number of children under-five- who are overweight ly ground or pulverized ingredients such as malunggay
globally has increased from 33.0 million in 2000 to 37.0 can contribute to a smoother mouthfeel, improve uni-
million in 2022. Additionally, the critical impact of mal- formity by distributing themselves evenly throughout
nutrition is the leading cause of illness and death glob- the product, and even serve as thickening agents or
ally (McVeigh, 2020). Undernutrition accounts for 45% binders, thereby altering the overall consistency and
of fatalities in children under five, while obesity and cohesion of the food. As to appearance, consumers
poor diet increase the risk of noncommunicable diseas- prefer green foods, such as green vegetables, are often
es and cause mortality and disability globally. chosen by consumers due to their association with be-
Moreover, the National Nutrition Council (NNC) in the ing nutritious and healthy (Arshad et al., 2020.)
Philippines has been instrumental in coordinating ef- The popularity of cookies, particularly among children,
forts to combat malnutrition. They implement programs has led to commercialization as they are served at high
such as the "Nutrition Month" campaign, which pro- tea or as snacks worldwide (Doğan and Meral, 2019). It
motes awareness and education about proper nutrition is a sweet concoction of flour, eggs, sugar, butter, and
and healthy lifestyles. Also, the Department of Educa- flavoring agent. There are different innovative flavors of
tion (DepEd) implements the School-Based Feeding cookies, such as chocolate chip cookies (Aleman et al.,
Program (SBFP) to address undernutrition among 2022) and gingerbread cookies (Saras, 2023). Cookies
school children (USDA, 2023). The department recently have a competitive edge over baked goods due to their
introduced Nutribun to provide students with a conven- low water content, longer shelf life, and inexpensive
ient and accessible source of essential nutrients. De- cost (Ekin et al., 2021). Because cookies can be cou-
pEd's utilization of Nutribun plays a pivotal role in pled with various food items or supplements, the poten-
breaking the cycle of malnutrition and improving overall tial of enriching cookies with fruit additives to improve
health. It can be noted that the Philippine government their nutritional value and health-promoting properties
has already initiated various programs to combat mal- (Krajewska and Dziki, 2023). Several factors, including
nutrition. In consonance with the aims of the govern- overall health, the balance of essential and non-
ment to end malnutrition, this research develops a food essential nutrients, and the inclusion of potentially dan-
product that is affordable and enticing to children. gerous additives, impact consumer preferences for
Malunggay (Moringa oleifera) and Squash (Cucurbita cookies (Pinto et al, 2021). While some consumers may
moschata) have been chosen to enhance the nutritional not like cookies that are too sweet because of their own
content of the cookies due to their affordability, accessi- taste preferences, health concerns, a desire for bal-
bility, and ingredient richness. Also, a study by Nuzzo et anced flavor experiences, a desire to avoid sugar

Bugtai, A.D. et. al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 16(2), 901 - 908 (2024)

crashes, dietary restrictions, appreciation for culinary and texture). This M. oleifera and C. moschata cookie
variety, or influences from their culture or region, the was developed to help address malnutrition among chil-
availability of health-promoting information can influ- dren since malunggay and squash are rich in nutrients.
ence consumers' preferences for cookies that are less
sweet, making them a more enjoyable and appropriate MATERIALS AND METHODS
snack (Lee et al. 2021).
Several studies have used sensory evaluation to deter- Research design
mine consumer preferences (e.g Drake, 2023; Fioren- The study used a quantitative research method follow-
tini et al., 2021; Stone, 2020;). Sensory evaluation is a ing the experimental design, which involves an experi-
scientific discipline that uses the senses of sight, smell, mental approach using a recipe of Malunggay and
touch, taste, and hearing to elicit, measure, analyze, Squash cookies with a variation in the preparation of
and interpret responses to products (Stone, 2020). Ac- ingredients. This experimental research design is a
cording to Fiorentini et al. (2021), sensory analysis is a structured framework of protocols and procedures cre-
scientific method used to evaluate and measure the ated to conduct experimental research with clarity and
sensory attributes of a product, such as taste, smell, transparency (Sirisilla, 2023). The standardized 5-point
texture, and appearance. Hence, sensory evaluation's Hedonic Scale method was utilized to determine the
primary purpose is to clarify that sensory evaluation acceptability level of respondents. This scale is com-
encompasses all the senses. It involves measuring all monly employed due to its cost-effectiveness, simplici-
of a product's properties to provide an interpretation of ty, ease of use, and understanding by students and
the responses based on the objectives. participants in various studies related to sensory evalu-
Grading methods for food products traditionally involved ation and consumer acceptance testing (Addo-Preko et
one or two trained experts assigning quality scores on al., 2023). Descriptive and inferential statistics were
appearance, flavor, and texture based on the presence used to test significant differences in the level of ac-
or absence of predetermined defects (Kumar and ceptability of the respondents on different samples.
Chambers IV., 2019). According to Singh and Kaur
(2020), these traditional judging methods have several Standard recipe and procedure
shortcomings: they cannot predict consumer ac- For the malunggay (M. oleifera) and squash (C. mos-
ceptance; their quality assessments are subjective; as- chata) cookies, 2 ¼ cups of all-purpose flour, 1 cup
signing quantitative scores is difficult; and they do not white sugar, 1 cup chocolate chips, 2 tablespoons ma-
combine analytically oriented attribute ratings with ef- lunggay powder, 2 teaspoons baking soda, 1 teaspoon
fectively oriented quality scores. However, Mihafu et al. baking powder, and 1 teaspoon salt were mixed well in
(2020) stated that grading methods may provide guide- a mixing bowl. After mixing the dry ingredients, ¾ cup
lines for preparing and serving samples in controlled softened mashed squash, 1 large egg, 1 cup milk, 1
conditions to minimize biasing factors. In this method, cup melted butter, and 2 teaspoons vanilla essence
sensory evaluation becomes an invaluable tool in which wee added. Mixed the mixture using a rubber scraper
sensory science reduces the risk of product failure. until adequately combined. The cookie dough was
Identifying these particular sensory and chemical mark- scooped or spooned into mounds and placed on parch-
ers also significantly impacts customer preferences and ment paper-greased baking sheets. The oven was pre-
purchase intent when this sensory information is linked heated for 30 minutes at 180° C. The cookie was baked
to marketing strategy (Stone, 2020). A study by at 150° C in a preheated oven for 15-20 minutes or until
Świąder and Marczewska (2021) highlights the popular- golden brown. Afterward, let it stand on a cookie sheet
ity of descriptive analysis and consumer acceptance for two minutes before removing it to cool on wire racks.
testing as the two most common types of sensory anal- In making M. oleifera powder, remove the fresh leaves
ysis methods. In the descriptive analysis, the from the stalk. The Moringa leaves were dehydrated
panelists evaluate the flavor of the food. At the same using a dehydrator. Once dried, the M. oleifera leaves
time, consumer testing involves the selection of sam- were pulverized in a blender. After grinding, sift and set
ples of consumers from the marketplace to determine aside. Washed the squash when making mashed
their acceptance, preference, and degree of liking for a squash. Sliced the squash into cubes and boiled until it
product. The primary consideration in selecting and became soft. Let it be cooled and mashed using a fork.
eating a food commodity is the product's palatability Using a blender, the squash was blended until it be-
and other quality parameters, such as nutrition and came a paste.
wholesomeness (Singh and Kaur, 2020).
The present study aimed to test the acceptability of Respondents
three formulations of M. oleifera and C. moschata cook- The study’s respondents were categorized as expert
ies, particularly the sensory analysis of the cookie's and non-expert. The experts were faculty members in a
attributes i.e. appearance, aroma, taste, sweetness, state university, teaching culinary arts, and individuals
Bugtai, A.D. et. al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 16(2), 901 - 908 (2024)

who worked as bakers in different bakery stores. In sis and interpretation of the findings.
comparison, the non-experts were general consumers
such as students and parents. Twenty experts and 40 Data analysis
non-experts were randomly selected. Data treatment was done using descriptive and inferen-
tial statistics for a correct and reliable result using the
Methodology Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS)
This study utilized an instrument adopted from the study software. The sensory analysis of the Malunggay and
of Singh-Ackbarali and Maharaj (2014) on sensory eval- Squash cookies in terms of appearance, aroma, taste,
uation to assess the acceptability of innovative food sweetness, and texture and the data on the sensory
products. The methodology was structured into three acceptability test using the 5-point hedonic scale were
key components. The initial segment of the question- analyzed using a weighted mean. Also, the research
naire gauged the sensory attributes of commercial employed Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to examine
cookies. The second part was for the Malunggay pow- the statistical significance of mean differences among
der and pulverized Squash, and the last was for Ma- the distinct groups. Subsequently, Tukey's Honest Sig-
lunggay powder and mashed Squash, encompassing nificant Difference (HSD) test was employed to ascer-
factors such as appearance, aroma, taste, sweetness, tain the significance of differences between pairs of
and texture. Respondents used a five-point hedonic group means, providing a more nuanced understanding
scale to rate the sensory characteristics of the distinct of the variations observed within these groups.
Malunggay and Squash cookie formulations presented
in a rubric format. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION

Data gathering procedure Formulations of cookie recipe

Before conducting the study, the Malunggay and The formulation of cookie recipes using mashed and
Squash cookies were prepared and baked in the pro- pulverized squash and Malunggay powder is shown in
duction area on state university premises. Respondents Table 1. The table revealed that F1 is a formulation
were selected through a purposive random sampling. without Squash and Malunggay; the same ingredients
Respondents were individually approached for their are used in making almost all of the cookies available
willingness to participate in the tasting evaluation of in the market. The second formulation was F2, which
Malunggay and Squash cookies. Subsequently, they contained ¾ cup of pulverized squash and two table-
were provided with a structured questionnaire designed spoons of Malunggay powder, while the third formula-
to assess the acceptability of various cookie formula- tion, F3, had ¾ cup of mashed squash and two table-
tions. Throughout the study, strict adherence to health spoons of Malunggay. Hence, all formulations contain
protocols was maintained to ensure the safety of both all the primary ingredients needed to make a commer-
respondents and researchers, with measures including cial cookie.
hand sanitization. The research methodology was dis-
tributed and administered to the respondents, and upon Sensory analysis of the three cookie formulations
completion, the questionnaires were carefully retrieved based on sensory attributes
and checked for completeness. Subsequently, respond- This underscores the importance of considering con-
ents' responses were meticulously collated and tallied in sumer preferences and health-related factors when
tables, setting the stage for comprehensive data analy- developing food products like cookies. By addressing

Table 1. Formulations for different cookie recipes

Materials Formulation of malunggay and squash cookie recipe
F1 F2 F3
For the cookie dough
All-purpose flour 2 ¼ cups 2 ¼ cups 2 ¼ cups
White sugar 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup
Chocolate chips 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup
Malunggay powder 2 tbsp 2 tbsp
Squash (mashed) ¾ cup
Squash (pulverized) ¾ cup
Baking soda 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp
Baking powder 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp
Salt 1 tsp 1 tsp 1 tsp
Egg 1 pc 1 pc 1 pc
Milk 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup
Butter, melted 1 cup 1 cup 1 cup
Vanilla essence 2 tsp 2 tsp 2 tsp
Bugtai, A.D. et. al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 16(2), 901 - 908 (2024)

Table 2. Sensory analysis of F1

Attributes Expert Non-Expert
Mean SD VD Mean SD VD
Appearance 4.05 1.05 Liked a ‘little’ 4.03 0.83 Liked a ‘little’
Aroma 3.95 0.83 Liked a ‘little’ 4.05 0.9 Liked a ‘little’
Taste 3.95 1.36 Liked a ‘little’ 4.1 0.96 Liked a ‘little’
Sweetness 4 1.08 Liked a ‘little’ 4.1 0.98 Liked a ‘little’
Texture 4.1 1.12 Liked a ‘little’ 4.38 0.63 Liked a lot
Legend: 1-1.80-Dislike A lot, 1.81-2.60-Disliked a ‘little’, 2.61-3.40-Neither liked nor disliked, 3.41-4.20-Liked a ‘little’, 4.21-5.0 Liked a lot

concerns about sugar content, offering a variety of fla- Sensory analysis on the second formulation of
vors, and incorporating nutritious ingredients, the study cookie
contributes to the creation of cookies that are not only Table 3 presents the sensory analysis of F2, a cookie
tasty but also align with modern dietary trends and con- that contains pulverized squash and Malunggay pow-
sumer demands for healthier snack options. der. The appearance has a mean score of 4.5 (sd=0.83)
with a verbal description of liked a lot for the expert and
Sensory analysis of the first cookie formulation non-expert 4.15 (sd=0.86) with an interpretation of liked
Table 2 shows the sensory analysis of the cookie with- a ‘little’. Mahmoud and Mehder (2022) state that finely
out squash and Malunggay, or the F1, as perceived by powdered squash can produce a creamier consistency.
experts and non-experts. The appearance had a mean This study looks at how different cooking methods affect
score of 4.05 (sd=1.05) for the expert and non-expert the texture of squash, which can influence its visual
4.03 (sd=0.83)with a verbal description of liked a appeal and generate a thicker, more sumptuous tex-
‘‘little’’. For the second attribute, the aroma, the experts' ture. The impact of pulverized squash on appearance
responses(x̄ =3.09. sd= 0.83) were liked a ‘little’; this can be leveraged to enhance the visual appeal and tex-
concurs with the response of the non-experts (x̄ =4.05. ture of various food products; however, when squash
sd= 0.9), who said that they liked the smell of the first powder is used in larger quantities, it can introduce a
cookie formulation a ‘little’. For the third variable, both gritty or grainy texture to the final product, which may
the expert (x̄ =3.95. sd= 1.36) and non-expert (x̄ =4.1. not be well-received by consumers who expect a
sd= 0.96) agreed that they liked the taste of the cookie smooth or homogeneous appearance. This alteration in
a ‘little’. As to sweetness, the experts responded with a texture could result in a less visually pleasing product,
mean of 4.0 (sd= 1.08), while the non-expert’s re- affecting consumer perception (Pramudya and Seo,
sponse got a mean score of 4.1 (sd= 0.98), which was 2019). For the second attribute, the aroma, experts
interpreted as like a ‘little’. For the last attribute, the (x̄=4.5, sd = 0.51) and non-experts (x̄=4.43, sd = 0.81)
texture, the mean score garnered from the expert was agreed that the formulation had a pleasant smell. For
4.1 (sd= 1.12), which was interpreted as liked a ‘little’, the third variable, taste, experts' (x̄=4.85, sd = 0.37) and
while for the non-expert, the mean score was 4.38 (sd= non-experts' (x̄=4.48, sd = 0.91) responses were liked a
0.63), which has a verbal description of liked a ‘little’. In lot. For the following variable, the product's sweetness,
totality, most of the attributes from the first formulation the experts' (x̄=4.75, sd = 0.44) responses were liked a
got a verbal description of liked a ‘little’ except for tex- lot, and the non-experts (x̄=4.28, sd = 0.72) gave the
ture.This outcome agrees with findings of Pinto et al. same answers. On the product's texture, it is evident
(2021), which indicate that a product's nutritional con- that the experts' (x̄=4.5, sd = 0.61) and non-
tent significantly impacts consumer choices. Also, experts' (x̄=4.43, sd = 0.9) responses were liked a lot
consumers tend to prefer nutritious cookies or those because pulverized ingredients can significantly influ-
with innovative nutritious ingredients over commercial ence the consistency of a food product. Finely ground
cookies. or pulverized ingredients contribute to a smoother

Table 3. Sensory analysis of F2

Expert Non-Expert
Attributes Mean SD VD Mean SD VD
Appearance 4.5 0.83 Liked a lot 4.15 0.86 Liked a ‘little’
Aroma 4.5 0.51 Liked a lot 4.43 0.81 Liked a lot
Taste 4.85 0.37 Liked a lot 4.48 0.91 Liked a lot
Sweetness 4.75 0.44 Liked a lot 4.28 0.72 liked a lot
Texture 4.5 0.61 Liked a lot 4.43 0.9 Liked a lot
Legend: 1-1.80-Disliked A lot, 1.81-2.60-Disliked a ‘little’, 2.61-3.40-Neither liked nor disliked, 3.41-4.20-Liked a ‘little’, 4.21-5.0 Liked a lot

Bugtai, A.D. et. al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 16(2), 901 - 908 (2024)

mouthfeel (Duguma et al., 2023). Thus, the study's fo- 0.76), which has the verbal description of liked a lot.
cus on utilizing pulverized squash in combination with The findings of the study support the result of (Shukla
Malunggay powder showcases how these ingredients et al., 2022), which reveals when Malunggay and
impact not only the sensory attributes but also the over- squash are incorporated, it will add complementary
all quality and consumer acceptability of the cookies. taste profiles as Malunggay brings a unique earthy and
The findings underscore the importance of texture, ap- slightly bitter note to dishes, while squash contributes
pearance, aroma, taste, sweetness, and overall con- sweetness and a pleasant nutty undertone. Combining
sistency in shaping consumer preferences for innova- these two ingredients can create the rich and diverse
tive food products enriched with nutritious ingredients taste they bring to a plate and elevate its overall flavor
like squash and Malunggay powder. profile, making it a preferred choice for those who enjoy
a more complex and satisfying culinary experience.
Sensory analysis of the third cookie formulation Hence, the innovative cookie recipe incorporating
Table 4 shows the sensory analysis of the third formula- mashed squash and Malunggay powder surpasses
tion, the cookie, which contains mashed squash and ordinary cookie recipes by offering a visually appealing,
Malunggay powder. The appearance has a mean score aromatic, flavorful, and well-textured product that caters
of 4.45 (sd=0.69) and 4.6 (sd=0.59) subsequently, both to consumer preferences for nutritious, complex, and
for expert and non-expert, which was interpreted as a satisfying culinary experiences. The combination of
lot. The product's appearance is green-liked because of unique ingredients and careful formulation has resulted
the presence of Malunggay powder. A literature review in a cookie that excels in sensory attributes, making it a
by Arshad et al., 2020 shows that most consumers pre- preferred choice for those seeking a more elevated and
fer green foods due to their association with being nutri- enjoyable snacking option.
tious and healthy. The idea is that green is often linked
with freshness, nature, and health, influencing consum- Analysis of variance on significant mean differ-
ers' perceptions of products. For the aroma, experts ences in respondents’ perception
and non-experts agreed that they liked the smell of the The Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to exam-
cookie; in fact, the mean score for the expert was 4.9 ine the statistical significance of mean differences
(sd=0.31), and for the non-expert, 4.7 (sd=0.61). For the among the distinct groups. Subsequently, Tukey's Hon-
third attribute, taste, experts' (x̄= 4.95, sd= 0.22) and est Significant Difference (HSD) test was employed to
non-experts' (x̄= 4.93, sd= 0.27) responses were liked a ascertain the significance of differences between pairs
lot. On the product's sweetness, experts (x̄= 4.9, sd= of group means, providing a more nuanced under-
0.31) and non-experts (x̄= 4.75, sd= 0.59) said they standing of the variations observed within these
liked the cookie's sweetness a lot. On the last attribute, groups. The results of the ANOVA on the significance
the texture, the mean score from the expert was 4.8 of mean differences among the cookie formulations are
(sd= 0.41), while for the non-expert, it was 4.68 (sd= presented in Table 5.

Table 4. Sensory analysis of F3

Expert Non-Expert
Mean SD VD Mean SD VD
Appearance 4.45 0.69 Liked a lot 4.6 0.59 Liked a lot
Aroma 4.9 0.31 Liked a lot 4.7 0.61 Liked a lot
Taste 4.95 0.22 Liked a lot 4.93 0.27 Liked a lot
Sweetness 4.9 0.31 Liked a lot 4.75 0.59 Liked a lot
Texture 4.8 0.41 Liked a lot 4.68 0.76 Liked a lot
Legend: 1-1.80-Disliked A lot, 1.81-2.60-Disliked a ‘little’, 2.61-3.40-Neither liked nor disliked, 3.41-4.20-Liked a ‘little’, 4.21-5.0 Liked a lot

Table 5. Analysis of variance on significant differences in respondents’ perception of the different sensory attributes of
cookie formulations
Characteristics F-value p-value Comparison Groups Post Hoc p-value
Appearance 6.208 0.002* f1 vs f3 0.002*
Aroma 16.264 0.00** f1 vs f2 0.004*
f2 vs f3 0.046*
f1 vs f3 0.00**
Taste 19.041 0.00** f1 vs f2 0.001*
f1 vs f3 0.00**
Sweetness 13.989 0.00** f1 vs f2 0.024*
f2 vs f3 0.024*
f1 vs f3 0.00**
Texture 4.822 0.009* f1 vs f3 0.07**

*significant at 0.05; **significant at 0.001

Bugtai, A.D. et. al. / J. Appl. & Nat. Sci. 16(2), 901 - 908 (2024)

Table 5 shows the significant differences in the re- den vegetable element that enhances the cookies' nutri-
spondents' perception of the 3 formulations in the differ- tional content while contributing to their soft and pillowy
ent characteristics. Statistical evidence was found to texture. The innovative aspect of these cookies extends
conclude that there is a significant difference between to their vegan, making them suitable for individuals fol-
the appearance (F-value=6.208, p=0.002), aroma (F- lowing specific dietary preferences like veganism.
value=16.264, p=0.000), taste (F-value=19.041,
p=0.000), sweetness (F-value=13.989, p=0.000) and ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS
texture (F-value=4.822, p=0.009). Therefore, there
were significant mean differences in the respondents' The authors extend their heartfelt gratitude to the stu-
perception of the characteristics among the varying dents, faculty, and staff of Cebu Technological Universi-
formulations of cookies. In the Tukey's Honest Signifi- ty Danao Campus for their invaluable support through-
cant Difference (HSD) test, F1 and F3 are statistically out the course of this research study. Their willingness
different among all characteristics. Notably, respond- to participate, provide insights, and offer assistance
ents “liked a ‘little’” formulation 1 (F1) while respond- significantly contributed to the successful completion of
ents “liked a lot” formulation 3 (F3). This further implies this project. We are deeply appreciative of their cooper-
that respondents would prefer F3 over the two other ation, which has been instrumental in enriching the
formulations. These findings have important implica- quality and depth of our findings.
tions for product development and consumer prefer-
ences. Understanding how different formulations impact Conflict of interest
sensory attributes can guide manufacturers in creating The authors declare that they have no conflicts of
products that align with consumer tastes and prefer- interest.
ences (Stone et al., 2020). By recognizing which char-
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