Preliminary Procedure To Predict Bridge Scour in Bedrock: Report No. CDOT-R-SD-94-14

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Report No.


Preliminary Procedure to Predict

Bridge Scour in Bedrock

Steven P .. Smith
Colorado Department of Transportation
4201 East Arkansas Avenue
Denver, Colorado 80222

Interim Report
December, 1994

Prepared in cooperation with the

U.S. Department of Transportation
Federal Highway Administratjon
The contents of this report reflects the views of the

author who is responsible for the facts and accuracy

of the data presented herein. The contents do not

necessarily reflect the official views of the Colorado

Department of Transportation or the Federal Highway

Administration. This report does not constitute a

standard, specification, or regulation.

TedmiC21 Report Documentation Page
1. Report No.. 2. Govenuaent Accession No.. 3. Recipient's Catalog No.
4. Title and Subtitle S. Report Date
Preliminary Procedure to Predict Scour in Bedrock December, 1994
6, Performing Organization Code

7. Autbor(s) 8. Performing Organization Rpt.No.
Steven P. Smith, P .E. CDOT-RwSD-94-14
9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS)

Colorado Department of Transportation

Research Branch, 4201 E. Arkansas Ave. 11. Contract or Grant No.
Denver, CO 80222
12. Sponsoring Agency Name and Address 13. Type of Rpt. and Period Covered

Colorado Department of Transportation Interim~ 12/93 to 09/94

4201 E. Arkansas Ave. 14. Sponsoring Agency Code

Denver, Colorado 80222

15. Supplementary Notes
Prepared in Cooperation with the U.S. Department of Transportation Federal
Highway Administration
16. Abstract

The primary goal of this study is to develop a procedure to predict scour depths in bedrock that accounts for
both the hydraulic conditions at the bridge site and the bedrock's abiHty to resist erosion. A methodology
for determining material erodibility resulting from the erosive power of water has been presented by
Annandale (1993, 1995). He introduced a relationship between stream power and a geomechanical
material classification system known as the erodibility index. This report applies his findings to bridge
scour analysis and presents an interim procedure for estimating bridge scour depths in bedrock and
other materials defined by the erodibility index.


The recommendations in this report are currently being applied as an interim method for evaluating bridge scour at the
Colorado Department of Transportation. Further laboratory study is planned to refine the relationship between energy
dissipation at bridge piers and pier geometry. Findings from this study will be made available in a subsequent report.
17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement

Bridge Scour Energy Dissipation No Restrictions: This report is

Erodibility Erodibility Index available to the public through
Stream Power the National Technical Info.
Service. Springfield, VA 22161 Classif. (report) Classif. (page) 21. No. of Pages 22. Price
Unclassified Unclassified 41


The author would like to gratefully acknowledge Dr. George Annandale of HDR
Engineering for his significant contribution. The author would also like to express his
gratitude to Dr. William Hughes who participated as the author's academic advisor and
Dr. Jonathan Wu and Dr. James Guo who participated on the academic committee for the
author's Master's Report at the University of Colorado - Denver.

The CDOT Research panel provided many excellent comments and recommendations for
the study, particularly Mr. Roberto De Dios. Other members of the panel include Joe
Siccardi (CDOT Bridge Branch)~ Peter Montoya (CDOT Bridge Branch}, Brandy Gilmore
(CDOT Geotechnical Section), Bob Barrett (eDOr Region 3 Geologist), Tom Hunt
(CDOT Research Branch) and Larry Arneson (FHWA).

The author would also like to thank the members of the CDOT Hydraulics Unit and
Geotechnical Section who provided review and comments for this report.


Scour at bridge crossings can lead to undermining of foundations and potentially to

structure collapse. Bridge foundations must be designed to withstand the effects of scour
from flooding events that can reasonably be expected to occur during a structure's life.
Many equations are available to assist in the prediction of scour at bridge crossings.
However, few account for the effects of gradation and none account for the effects of
cohesion and consolidation. Currently, no quantitative procedure for determining bridge
scour in bedrock or cohesive and consolidated material is in practice. The primary goal of
this paper is to develop a procedure to predict scour depths in bedrock at bridges that
accounts for both the hydraulic conditions at the bridge site and the bedrock's ability to
resist erosion. A methodology for determining material erodibility resulting from the
erosive power of water has been presented by Annandale (1993; 1995). He introduced a
relationship between stream power and a geomechanical material classification system
known as the Erodibility Index (Annandale, 1993; 1995; and Kirsten, 1982). This paper
applies his findings to bridge scour analysis and presents an interim procedure for
estimating bridge scour depths.
This study involved a review of conventional scour prediction methods and
available data. Preliminary methods for detennining stream power at bridge crossings are
presented and an interim procedure for predicting bridge scour is outlined. This
preliminary procedure will require refinement and calibration with additional laboratory
data and field correlation. Although the main goal of this paper is to provide a method
to predict scour at bridges in bedrock~ this procedure is equally applicable to scour
prediction in all naturally occurring materials defmed by the Erodibility Index
classification system.


A - net area of orifice (bridge opening)

b - pier width
Co - orifice coefficient
Dso - median particle diameter
ilE - energy loss per unit weight of water
g - gravitational acceleration
H - change in energy gradient through bridge contraction
Ja - joint alteration number
Je - number of joints per cubic meter
In - joint set number
Ir - joint roughness number
Kl - correction factor for pier shape
K2 . . correction factor for approach flow angle
~ - particlelblock size factor
Kd - interparticle bond strength factor
~ - mass strength factor
~ ... Erodibility Index number
~ - relative shape and orientation factor
I - unit channel length
L - pier length
P - stream power per unit channel width
Pa ... stream power in approach section

Pp - stream power at base of bridge pier

PpI _ stream power at pier base adjusted for pier shape and flow attack angle
q - unit discharge of water
RQD ... rock quality designation
Sf - slope of energy grade line
V ... mean channel velocity
y - flow depth
y - unit weight of water
't' . - shear stress

<I> - equivalent residual friction angle

Table of Contents

1.1 Scour 1
1.2 Existing Methods of Scour Prediction 2
1.3 Scope of Study 4

2.1 Material Erodibility 5
2.2 The Process of Erosion 6
2.3 The Erodibility Index 6
2.3.1 Mass Strength Factor 8
2.3.2 ParticleIBlock Size Factor 8
2.3.3 Interparticle Bond Strength Factor 9
2. 3.4 Relative Shape and Orientation Factor 10
2.3.5 Summary of Erodibility Index 10
2.4 Erodibility Threshold 12
3.1 Scour at Bridge Contractions 17
3. 1.1 Stream Power at Bridge Contractions 18
3.1.2 Pressure Flow Conditions 19
3.1.3 Contraction Scour Summary 20
3.2 Scour at Bridge Piers 20
3.2.1 The Horseshoe Vortex 21
3.2.2 Stream PowerJPier Scour Relationship 21
3.2.3 Application of Preliminary Stream PowerlPier Scour
Relationship 22
3.3 Abutment Scour 26


4.1 Procedure Outline 28

4.2 Determination of the Erodibility Index 28
4.3 Determination of Contraction Scour 29
4.4 Determination of Pier Scour 30
4.5 Example Problem 32
4.5.1 Example Problem Discussion 36



Appendix A - Erodibility Index A..l

Appendix B - Analysis of Data B-1

Appendix C - Bridge Scour Prediction Procedure Worksheets C-l

List of Figures

Figure 2.1 The Process of Erosion 7

Figure 2.2 Erodibility Threshold 14
Figure 3.1 Preliminary Stream Power/Pier Scour Relationship 23

List of Tables

Table 2.1 Determining the Erodibility Index 11

Table 3.1 Correction Factor for Pier Nose Shape 25
Table 3.2 Correction Factor for Angle of Attack of Flow 25
Table 4.1 Scour Prediction Procedure Outline 29
Table 4.2 Contraction Scour Procedure 30
Table 4.3 Pier Scour Procedure 31
Table 4.4 Example Problem - Summary of Geotechnical Properties 32
Table.4.5 Example Problem - Erodibility Index Calculations 33
Table 4.6 Example Problem - Contraction Sconr Calculations 34
Table 4.7 Example Problem ... Pier Scour Calculations 35

Flood related scour is a major threat to bridges and the travelling pUblic. Analysis
of scour requires an understanding of the interaction between the hydraulic forces and the
variable properties of the channel bed and foundation materials that are found at bridge
crossings. A large amount of literature is available regarding the analysis of bridge
scour in non-cohesive materials but no procedure is currently in practice which relates the
erosive power of water to the properties of bedrock or cohesive and consolidated material
at bridges.
A quantitative method of scour prediction is needed to determine scour depths in
bedrock and other cohesive and consolidated materials. Such a method will provide an
increased level of confidence in locating bridge foundations at depths which \ViII withstand
SCOUT, but not be excessively conservative as to needlessly increase foundation costs.

The purpose of this report is to provide a practical procedure which combines an

assessment of both the unique hydraulic conditions at a bridge site and the erodibility of
its channel bed and bedrock foundations to predict potential scour depths. This report
discusses the basic concepts of scour at bridges, the processes of erosion, and the
relationship between the erosive power of water and material erodibility as presented by
Annandale (1993; 1995). It provides a preliminary method to predict bridge scour in
bedrock and other materials based on this relationship.

1.1 Scour
Richardson (1993) provided the following general definition of scour:

Scour is the result of the erosive action offlowing water, excavating and carrying away
material from the bed and banks of streams.

Scour occurs at a bridge crossings because the erosive potential of flowing water
can be greatly increased at the constricted section of the bridge and in the vicinity of
bridge piers and abutments. Scour at bridge crossings is a complex process and requires
detennination of the cumula.tive effect of its three main components: aggradation and
degradation; contraction scour; and local scour.

Aggradation and degradation are long term changes in channel bed elevation that
are generally independent of the bridge structure. They can be caused by human practices
within the watershed or naturally occurring changes in basin climate or basin hydrologic
characteristics. Aggradation is an increase in channel bed elevation caused by an increase
in sediment load or decrease in sediment transport capabilities in a watercourse.
Degradation is a lowering of channel bed elevation that can be caused by reductions in
sediment load or increases in a stream ~ s sediment transport potential. Degradation is
common in urbanizing basins and in channels subject to aggregate mining.
Contraction scour is a lowering of the channel bed due to localized narrowing of a
channel as caused by a constriction at a bridge. A contraction will cause an increase in
velocity and a reduced flow area through the channel section. This will cause a local
increase in the erosive potential of water at the contraction and can lead to scour.
Local scour occurs at bridge piers and abutments due to complex flow and
turbulent conditions that develop in the vicinity of these obstructions. Pier scour is caused
by strong turbulence and the complex flow pattern known as the horseshoe vortex that
occurs at the pier. Abutment scour is caused by a turbulent mixing of flows in the main
channel with flows obstructed by the abutment.
The process of scour at bridges is dependant on the site specific effects of
hydrologic and hydraulic conditions, the geometry of the bridge, the geometry of the
channel, and the characteristics of channel bed and foundation material. All these
considerations are subject to considerable variation during a structure's life and can vary
greatly even during a single flood event. This variability makes scour prediction a
difficult task.

1.2 Existing Methods of Scour Prediction

In April, 1987, the New York State Thruway bridge over Schoharie Creek
collapsed as a result of scour during flooding. A total of five vehicles and ten persons
were lost in the failure. This tragedy became the impetus for an increased effort to
evaluate and protect the nation's bridges from the effects of scour.
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) led this effort by publishing a
technical advisory with guidance for state and local transportation agencies in establishing
scour evaluation programs. The FHWA also published a manual with equations and
recommendations for predicting scour at new and existing bridges.
The FHWA has published Technical Advisory - T 5140.23, "Evaluating Scour at

Bridges", which mandates that state and local agencies establish scour evaluation
programs. This advisory requires that every new and existing bridge over water be
evaluated for its vulnerability to scour. It recommends that bridge scour be analyzed by a
multi-disciplinary team consisting of hydraulics, geotechnical and structural engineers.
The technical advisory specifically states that bridge foundations should be designed to
vvithstand the effects of scour without failing for the worst condition resulting from floods
equal to or less than the 100-year flood and that bridges should be checked to ensure that
they will not fail due to scour from the superflood (SOO-year flood).
The Federal Highway Administration has also published equations for computing
scour in Hydraulic Engineering Circular 18 (HEC 18), IfEvaluating Scour at Bridges lt
(Richardson et al., 1993). These equations have been selected as the most reliable
equations currently available for predicting bridge scour. The equations in BEe 18 were
developed in laboratory studies of non-cohesive, granular material and do not account for
the variable ability of different materials to resist erosion. It is commonly thought that
when applied at bridges with cohesive and bedrock foundation materials, these equations
provide unreasonably excessive scour depths.
Interim guidelines for evaluating scourability of bedrock are presented in the
FHWA publication "Scourability of Rock F ormations ll (Gordon, 1991). These guidelines
provide advice for evaluating scour of bedrock material and relate a number of
geotechnical index properties to a material's potential. to scour. Rock quality designation
(RQD), unconfmed compressive strength, slake durability, abrasion and soundness of core
samples are determined and results of these tests are evaluated against predetennined
limiting values below which the material is assumed to be seourable.
The recommendations in these guidelines provide a qualitative assessment of
relative scourability but do not provide a method to predict potential scour depths. The
FHWA guidelines do not consider the hydrologic or hydraulic conditions at the bridge site
nor provide an estimate of total scour depths. These guidelines only distinguish between
an erodible and non-erodible material as defined by the indexed parameters. They do not
provide recommendations to account for the integrated effect of material properties or
attempt to relate them to the erosive power of water. The FHWA guidelines stress the use
of subjective engineering judgement and experience in assessing material erodibility at
bridge -sites.

1.3 Scope of Study
This study presents a preliminary procedure for estimating the depth of scour into
bedrock and other materials at bridges. This procedure relates the hydrologic and
hydraulic conditions at the bridge site to the geomechanical properties of the channel bed
and foundation material. The procedure is based on the relationship between the erosive
power of water as defmed by stream power and the ability of the channel bed and
foundation material to resist erosion. This approach to erosion analysis and the basic
relationships required for its application to bridge scour is explicitly suggested by
Annandale (1993; 1995). The same approach is currently being investigated by the United
States Bureau of Reclamation (Wittler et al., 1993) to estimate the extent of erosion of
dam spillways and foundations.
This study presents a preliminary quantitative method for estimating bridge scour
in sedimentary bedrock and other materials" It will aid engineers in determining optimal
foundation elevations with respect to safety and cost.
Preparation of this paper involved review and summary of available literature and
data relating to scour at bridges and material erodibility. Information accmnulated during
the literature review was used to develop a procedure for predicting bridge scour in
bedrock and other material. This method is a stepped procedure that relates stream power
to the erodibility of material at incremental scour depths. At some depth, an equilibrium
will be reached where the material strength exceeds the erosive power of water. This
quantitative procedure is recommended as a preliminary method to detennine ultimate
design scour depth at bridge crossings.

Erosion due to the effects of flooding at bridges is dependent on both the
properties of the material being eroded and the hydraulic conditions of the flow. At
bridges over waterways, these material properties and hydraulic conditions can vary
considerably during the life of the structure or during a single flood event.
Conventional bridge scour prediction methods assume that with sufficient time,
predicted scour depths will ultimately be reached regardless of channel bed and foundation
material properties. Armandale (1993) asserts that erodibility is a threshold condition
dependent on the magnitude of the erosive power of water. He states that if the
erodibility threshold of a material is exceeded, scour will occur, otherwise scour will not
Any approach to evaluating scour at bridge crossings requires a basic
understanding of the process of erosion and the properties which relate to a material's
susceptibility to scour. 1bis chapter discusses the basic material properties which affect
scour at bridges and the process of erosion from flowing water. It also discusses the
application of an empirical material classification system developed by Kirsten (1982) and
recommended by Annandale (1993; 1995) for scour and erosion analysis.

2.1 Material Erodibility

Hydraulic erosion occurs when the erosive power of flowing water exceeds a
material's ability to resist erosion. It is dependent on many site specific properties of
channel bed and foundation material. Scour is an example of hydraulic erosion and any
procedure to detennine scour at bridges requires consideration of those material properties
which influence hydraulic erosion.
Material properties such as particle size and shape, material density, degree of
cementation, and material gradation all affect scour of granular materials. The
characteristics of rock which influence scour and erodibility are identified by Moore
(1991)-as rock material properties and rock mass properties. He describes rock material
properties as those which define the rock type, color, particle size, texture, hardness and
strength. Moore (1991) described rock mass properties as those macroscopic features of a

rock mass which affect erosion such as joints and fractures.
Kirsten (1982) described the material properties which affect excavation. These
properties also characterize a material's ability to resist hydraulic erosion and include
material strength, density, degree of weathering, block size, block shape, block orientation,
joint roughness, joint gouge, and joint separation. Kirsten (1982) developed an index to
classify materials based on these properties.

2.2 The Process of Erosion

The process of erosion is defined by Annandale (1993) as a process
of progressive dislodgement involving jacking, dislodgement and transportation. This
process is caused by pressure fluctuations originating from the turbulence of flowing
water. The greater the turbulence, the greater the pressure fluctuations and the higher the
likelihood of erosion.
Figure 2.1 illustrates the process of erosion. Annandale describes the process of
erosion as follows:

The jacking effect is caused by pressure fluctuations in water. These fluctuations

originate from turbulence which is generated as water discharges over or incident
to a boundary. The higher the turbulence intensity, the greater the fluctuations in
pressure. Research has shown that the pressure fluctuations largely affect the
pressure at the upper surface of the boundary. Pressure at the boundary surface
can be as low as vapor pressure, while at the same time, the pressures within the
cracks and crevices of the material are still at hydrostatic pressure. These large
pressure dtfferentials essentially result in fluctuating net forces which cause the
material to progressively move out of its position of rest. Once the material is at
the threshold of stability, it is dislodged by the power of the discharging water and
finally transported in a downstream direction.

The process of erosion for other earth material types can be described in the same
generic manner.

2.3 The Erodibility Index

Kirsten (1982) presented a classification system for indexing the effort required for
material excavation. This classification system is based on in situ material properties
derived from common laboratory tests and field observations. His classification index is
defined by the product of the basic parameters which influence excavation and summarizes
the most important variables into a single dimensionless number.

sz sz
• ... ..


Figure 2.1 The Process of Erosion (Annandale, 1993)

These same parameters which indicate the effort required for excavation represent a
material's ability to resist hydraulic erosion. Annandale (1993; 1995) presented Kirsten's
classification system as a method for quantifying material erodibility subject to flowing
water. He called it the Erodibility Index and expressed it in terms of the following
~=~KnKdKs (Equation 2.1)
where: Kn = Erodibility Index
~ = Mass strength factor
Kb = Particlelblock size factor
Kd = Interparticle bond strength factor
Ks = Relative shape and orientation factor

These parameters can be readily attained from bore hole information and standard
laboratory tests. The indexing system is suitable for nearly all naturally occurring
materials including rock, granular soils, cohesive soils, and detritus. This section defines
the factors which comprise the Erodibility Index and presents guidelines for its

2.3.1 Mass Strength Factor

The mass strength factor (Km) is the dominant Erodibility Index parameter which
represents a material's strength and therefore its ability to resist erosion. It is a measure
of a material's consistency and is determined by various field and laboratory procedures,
depending on material type. It has been related to the standard penetration test (SPT) for
granular materials, the vane shear strength for cohesive soils, the unconfmed compressive
strength for rock and the in situ defonnation modulus for detritus. Mass strength numbers
for these materials are tabulated in Appendix A in Tables A-I to A-4, as derived by
Kirsten (1982). Where geotechnical tests can not be performed, the mass strength factor
can be estimated based on observations of the materials relative consistency.

2.3.2 ParticlelBlock Size Factor

The particlefblock size factor (Kb) is the material parameter which represents rock
mass quality or the median particle diameter for granular material. Larger block and
particle sizes will provide greater resistance to movement. The particlelblock size factor is
determined for rock by the ratio of rock quality designation (RQD) to the number of
different joints, the joint set number (JJ. Therefore for rock:

Kn = RQD / In (Equation 2.2)

where: 5~ RQD5100

If RQD data is unavailable, Kirsten (1982) recommended that ~ be represented as:

Kt, = (115 - 3.3JJ/Jn (Equation 2.3)

where: Je = number of joints per cubic meter

For granular material (Wittler et a1.,1993) Kn can be expressed as:

(Equation 2.4)
where: D50 = median particle diameter (meters)

A RQD of 5 should be used for intact granular soils and gravel and a RQD of 100
should be used for cemented material. A In of 5 should be used for soils and granular
materials. This indicates a Kb value of 1.0 for uncemented, intact granular soils. Table A-
S in Appendix A provides a relationship for joint count number (Je) and rock quality
designation (RQD). Table A-6 provides information for detennining the joint set number
(JJ based on observation of field samples.

2.3.3 Interparticle Bond Strength Factor

Kirsten (1982) called the interparticle bond strength factor (KJ, the joint strength
number. It is the parameter which represents the relative strength of discontinuities in
rock and the strength of particle bonding in granular materials. It is detennined by the
ratio between joint wail roughness and joint wall alteration in rock material. It is
expressed by the following equation:

Kd == J r / 1a (Equation 2.5)
where: Jr = joint roughness
Ja == joint alteration number

Values for Jrand Ja are provided in Tables A-7 and A-8 respectively. Joint
roughness and joint alteration number are determined by observation of joint tightness,
condition, alteration material and joint separation. Tighter and rougher joints with more
sound alteration material within the joints will result in a composite material that is more
resistant to erosion. Rock with tighter joints is less erodible than rock with open joints.
In granular materials and materials for which Jr and Ja can not be clearly defined,
Kirsten (1982) recommends estimating the interparticle bond strength factor by the
following equation:

Kd = tan ct> (Equation 2.6)

where: <l> = equivalent residual friction angle

2.3.4 Relative Shape and Orientation Factor
Kirsten (1982) called this parameter (KJ the relative ground structure number. ~
is used to relate the relative shape of material particles or blocks and the orientation and
spacing of the structural features to the direction of effort during excavation. Direction of
excavation effort is analogous to the direction of flowing water. Kirsten (1982)
developed a table from which ~ can be detennined from the dip angle and direction of
the least favorable discontinuity relative to stream flow and the ratio of joint spacing, r.
Strike and dip of bedding planes or discontinuities is ideally obtained during drilling but
this is not always practical. Information on orientation of discontinuities is sometimes
available on geologic maps or through observation of local outcrops.
If a material has no identifiable structure, the relative ground number is assumed to
have a value of one (~= 1.0). In cases where structure is present but its orientation is
not definable a relative shape and orientation factor of 0.5 is suggested. Table A-9 is
provided to detennine ~.

2.3.5 Summary of Erodibility Index

The Erodibility Index (Annandale, 1993; 1995)(Kirsten, 1982) provides a
quantitative classification system representing the strength of materials. It can be used to
detennine a material's ability to resist erosion when subject to flowing water. The
Erodibility Index is incorporated into a procedure of scour prediction at bridges as
recommended by Annandale (1993; 1995).
The discussion presented above provides practical equations and tabular
relationships generated by Kirsten (1982), but it does not provide a complete theoretical
derivation or literature referencing from which Kirsten's classification system was
developed. Table 2.1 summarizes the Erodibility Index factors and the geotechnical
parameters required for its determination.
Although the Erodibility Index provides a thorough classification of a material's
erodibility, there are certain aspects of hydraulic erosion which it can not implicitly
Abrasion, armoring and chemical weathering are all factors which affect scour at
bridges. Abrasion can occur when bed load material impacts the channel bed and initiates
mechanical weathering. This acts to increase the rate of erosion during flooding. The
influence of abrasion on scour at bridges is extremely difficult to quantify. Although the
susceptibility of a material to mechanical weathering can be to some extent accounted for

Table 2.1 Determining the Erodibility Index

Material Type
Step Task
Rock Granular Cohesive Detritus
Soil Soil

1 Evaluate Mass Determine Detennine Detennine Determine

Strength Unconfined Standard Vane Shear in situ
Number, K.n Compressive Penetration Strength, Deformation
Strength, Test, Modulus,
Get Km from Get~ GetK. GetK.
Table A-3 from Table from Table from Table
A-l A-2 A-4

2 Evaluate Determine Determine F or intact soils and

ParticleIBlock RQD, Jll, and Dso of detritus
Size Number, It. In and Jc:. material in
Kt, from tables A- meters
4 and A-5
Kb = RQD/J D Kb =lOOODso3 Kb = 1.0


3 Evaluate Detel1lline Jr Determine residual friction angle, cI>

Interparticle and Ja from
Bond Strength Tabl~s A-1 and
Number, Kct
K.s= tan.

4 Eva1uate Determine If no identifiable structure,

Re1ative Sbape effective dip of
and Orientation material,
~= 1.0
Number, ~ Get ~ from
Table A-9

5 Calculate
Index, K.

in the Erodibility Index, it is possible that with further analysis the effects of abrasion can
be directly detennined.
Annoring occurs when large particles which can not be transported are deposited
and fonn a sorted layer of cobble and boulder size material. An armoring layer is
typically formed during low magnitude flooding events. Scourability of annored layers
can be evaluated by treating the layer as a distinct unit and defining it with the Erodibility
Index classification system.
The effects of chemical weathering on the erodibility of channel bed and
foundation material is extremely difficult to assess and its extent can vary over the life of
a bridge structure. While some have suggested (Lewis, 1993) that chemical weathering is
a relatively slow process which is negligible during a structure's design life, review of
Colorado Department of Transportation bridge inspection files indicate that under some
circumstances chemical weathering can be significant. The effects of chemical weathering
might be qualitatively predicted with a laboratory test for soundness. If weathering is
expected to be significant, a reduction in the Erodibility Index values can be made for an
upper incremental thickness of bedrock material to that of weathered rock. This modified
Erodibility Index number can be used in the scour prediction procedure.
Stress history can also affect scour. Lewis (1993) describes scour at a Yellowstone
River bridge where scour occurred around and below the bridge pier footing leaving a
column of material directly below the footing. The foundation material's resistance to
erosion was increased by the stress applied at the footing. The consolidation of material
caused by the bearing weight of the footing may have prevented the physical failure of the
bridge. Although a vertical compressive stress applied by a bridge pier appears to increase
a material's ability to resist erosion, it is not proposed that the Erodibility Index be
modified to reflect this localized increase in material strength. If a pier is undercut it
should be considered a critical situation which could rapidly fail with additional scom or
chemical and mechanical weathering.

2.4 Erodibility Threshold

Annandale (1993; 1995) presented the results of a comparative analysis between
the erosive power of water and the erodibility of emergency spillways. A relationship
between stream power and the Erodibility Index (Annandale, 1993;1995; and Kirsten,
1982) was developed based on Soil Conservation Service (SCS) field data from more than
150 observations of scour at emergency spillways and published data on incipient motion

of granular materials. Materials ranged from cohesionless soil to bedrock. By comparison
of material and flow conditions under which spillway erosion occurred and those under
which erosion did not occur, a limit was established between erosive and non-erosive
conditions. Annandale (1993; 1995) observed that this erodibility threshold limit showed
a distinct trend and recommended that it be used to predict whether material erosion will
occur for a wide variety of flow conditions and material types.
The results of this analysis are presented in Figures 2.2(a) and (b). These figures
can be used to predict whether channel bed or foundation material will scour from the
erosive power of flows of specified flood frequencies. If a material's critical stream
power at the erodibility threshold is exceeded, erosion will occur, if it is not exceeded, no
scour is predicted. This threshold relationship can be used to predict the erodibility of
incremental thicknesses of channel bed and foundation material at bridges. An iterative
application of the erodibility threshold criterion will provide an estimate of total scour
depth at bridges.

Rock and Complex Earth Materials
10000 E
E 1000

I ...
~ Erosion
a... ..&. No Erosion

0.01 1 100 10000
0.1 10 1000 100000
Erodibility Index

Figure 2.2(a) Erodibility Threshold (Annandale, 1995)


Cohesionless Granular Material

1000 ~

100 ~ ... .11


. .- •

0': I • ..I .. ..., . . •• 1

1.00E-12 1.00E·10 1.00E-08 1.00E-06 1.00E-04 1.00E-02 1.00E+OO
Erodibility Index

Figure 2.2(b) Erodibility Threshold (Annandale, 1995)

Many equations have been developed which relate alluvial and scour processes to
the erosive and sediment transport potential of flowing water. Velocity, discharge, flow
depth) slope, shear stress, and Froude number have all been used to characterize the
erosive power of water for such applications as sediment transport (Yang~ 1977), scour
analysis, riprap design, and stable channel design. Studies have indicated (Yang, 1977)
these parameters provide reasonable results in some situations but do not provide
universally applicable correlations to the stability of channel bed and bridge foundation
material. They do not provide a complete characterization of the erosive power of water.
Annandale (1993; 1995) states that pressure fluctuations resulting from turbulence
intensity are the primary cause of erosion in flowing water. A parameter which represents
the magnitude of turbulent pressure fluctuations was identified by Annandale (1993;
1995). He analyzed the findings of Fiorotto and Rinaldo (1992) and concluded that the
magnitude of fluctuating turbulent pressures in discharging water is strongly related to the
rate of energy dissipation and that these fluctuating pressures are the primary cause of
hydraulic erodibility. Greater turbulence intensity in the vicinity of bridge contractions,
piers and abutments will result in flow conditions with greater strength. and a higher rate
of energy dissipation. Scour potential will increase. Therefore, a flow parameter which
represents the rate of energy dissipation should be used to characterize the power of
flowing water. The rate of energy dissipation can be expressed as stream power using the
following expression (Annandale, 1993) :

p = yq ~E (Equation 3.1)
where: P= stream power per unit width) [kW/m]
y= unit weight of water, [kN/m3]
q= unit discharge of water,[m3/s·m]
~E = energy loss per unit weight of water, [m]

Stream power was used by Annandale (1993) to develop the erodibility threshold
criterion which he has recommended as a tool in erosion analysis.

The stream power approach to analysis of fluvial processes is well established. It
has been discussed by Bagnold (1966), Yang (1972) and Chang (1984; 1988). They all
conclude that a relationship exists betw'een the rate of energy dissipation and the rate of
sediment transport. Bagnold (1966) described stream power as the rate of energy
dissipation per unit area. He expressed stream power as:

P='tV (Equation 3.2)

where: 1: = shear stress, [kN/m2]
V = mean channel velocity, [mls]
For a unit channel width,
1: = r y Sf (Equation 3.3)
V = q/y (Equation 3.4)

where: y = flow depth [m]

substituting Equations 3.3 and 3.4 into Equation 3.2, yields:

p= y q Sf (Equation 3.5)
where: Sf = slope of energy grade line
Equation 3.5 is equivalent to Equation 3.1 for a unit channel length.

Yang (1972) developed the concept of unit stream power. He analyzed data on
sediment transport rates and concluded that the erosion rate in alluvial channels is related
to the rate of energy dissipation per unit weight of water. Yang defined unit stream power
as the product of flow velocity and channel slope.
Chang (1984; 1988) presented the concept of minimum stream power per unit
channel length. He states that an alluvial channel will attempt to reduce the spatial
variation in the rate of energy dissipation by changes in the channel geometry. These
changes tend to reduce the bOWldary resistance and establish uniform power expenditure
along a channel reach.
At bridge sites, where constrictions and flow obstructions are present, backwater
will result. Upstream storage of potential energy and the rate of energy dissipation that
occurs at a bridge is reflected as bridge backwater. This potential energy is dissipated
through the bridge structure. The energy losses through the bridge result in changes to the

channel geometry in the direction of a unifonn and minimum rate of energy dissipation.
The channel will attempt to increase its area and scour will result. Isolation and
detennination of the energy losses caused by the individual bridge components will allow
estimation of resulting local stream power. Stream power through the contracted section,
in the vicinity of piers and adjacent to abutments can be compared with the stream power
required to initiate erosion of the channel bed and foundation material using the erodibility
threshold criterion presented by Annandale (1993; 1995).
This chapter recommends procedures for estimating stream power in contracted
sections and at bridge piers. Because of the complex nature of turbulent flows around
bridge piers, an interim empirical relationship between stream power in the upstream
channel section and at the pier is recommended for use in this scour prediction procedure.
A discussion of abutment scour is provided but no correlation or method for estimating
stream power at abutments is presented.

3.1 Scour at Bridge Contractions

Contraction scour occurs when the flow area of a channel is reduced by the
encroachment of a bridge. An increased rate of energy dissipation occurs as a result of
increased friction, flow contraction and flow expansion. Flows will have a greater
capacity to erode and transport channel bed material at the bridge. Chang (1988) states
that the channel geometry will adjust until an equilibrium rate of energy dissipation is
attained for a given channel reach. The scouring process will continue until a non-
erodible material is encountered or until the rate of energy dissipation through the bridge
is equal to that of the upstream channel.
Richardson (1993) identifies two types of contraction scour situations. Live bed
scour occurs when the upstream flow has sufficient power to transport channel bed
material into the section at the bridge. Clear water scour occurs when no significant
sediment transport occurs from the upstream channel into the bridge section. From a
practical standpoint., using the erodibility threshold criterion in the scour prediction
procedure is analogous to clear water scour analysis. In clear water scour, erosion of
channel bed material will occur when its erodibility threshold (critical stream power) is
. Richardson (1993) pointed out that under flood conditions, live bed scour should
be expected in most cases. Further research is needed to determine the influence of
sediment transport on stream power at bridge contractions. It is not known if the bed load

will tend to increase scour depths through abrasive action) or reduce scour by limiting
available stream power.
This section discusses the effect of bridge contractions on the rate of energy
dissipation. It provides recommendations for determining stream power in free surface
and pressure flow conditions at bridges. A discussion of the applications of the
Erodibility Index (Annandale, 1993; 1995; and Kirsten, 1982) methodology for
contraction scour analysis is also presented.

3. 1.1 Stream Power at Bridge Contractions

Contraction of flow at bridges will cause an increase in the rate of energy
dissipation through the bridge section. This increase in the rate of energy dissipation is
reflected by the upstream storage of potential energy in the form of backwater. In an
open channel section, the rate of energy dissipation in terms of stream power per unit
width, is expressed as:

P=yq.1E (Equation 3.1)

where: .1E = Sf L (Equation 3.7)
and: Sf = slope of the energy grade line
L = unit channel length, [m]

Substituting Equation 3.7 into Equation 3.1 yields (Annandale, 1993; 1995):

(Equation 3.8)

The slope of the energy grade line through the bridge is readily detennined from WSPRO
(FHWA, 1986) or HEC 2 (United States Corps of Engineers (C.O.E.), 1990) output.
When scour at a bridge develops, the flow area through the bridge increases. If
material is free to move, scour will continue until stream power in the bridge contraction
approaches that in the upstream channel. Concurrently, backwater will be reduced and the
rate of energy dissipation will approach that which occurs in the unconstricted channel.
Bradley (1978) performed model scour experiments and observed that reductions in
backwater are directly related to the cross sectional area of scour. He developed a
correction factor to adjust backwater for progressive scour depths. This backwater
correction factor is related to the ratio of the area removed by scour to the total area of

flow through the bridge prior to initiation of scour. Bradley (1978) recommends that this
correction factor be multiplied by the total backwater prior to initiation of scour to
calculate the reduced backwater as scour increases.
This same approach could potentially be used to adjust the energy slope in
Equations 3.8 for progressive scour depths if a relationship between energy slope and
scour depth can be confinned. Once the adjusted energy gradient is computed, this slope
can be used to compute the stream power for incremental scour depths below the original
channel bed elevation. When compared with the critical stream power detennined from
the erodibility threshold, an incremental process can be implemented to predict ultimate
scour depths. Detennining the reduction in energy gradient as scour develops can be
accomplished by repeating step backwater analysis with cross sections at the bridge
modified to show progressive scour depths until such a relationship can be developed.

3.1.2 Pressnre Flow Conditions

Many bridges will be inundated or overtopped during major floods. Flow
conditions through the bridge will change from open channel flow to pressure flow.
The flow conditions and scour mechanism will be considerably altered and potential scour
depths can increase (Richardson) 1993).
Pressure flow is calculated using the common orifice equation:

Q = Co A ( 2 g H)o.s (Equation 3.9)

where: Q = discharge through the orifice
Co = orifice coefficient
A= net area of orifice, bridge opening
g = gravitational acceleration
H= change in energy gradient elevation upstream and
tailwater elevation downstream

HEC 2 (C.O.E, 1990) and WSPRO (FHWA, 1986) will both provide energy slope
and energy losses through the bridge structure for pressure flow based on the orifice
equation. The slope detennined for the energy grade line at the bridge provided for
orifice .conditions can be used in Equation 3.8 to calculated stream power due to pressure
flow. This is a preliminary recommendation and confirmation of its applicability is

3.1.3 Contraction Scour Summary
Interim recommendations are provided to compute stream power for both free
surface and pressure flow conditions at bridge contractions. These stream power values
can then be compared to the critical stream power of channel bed and foundation material
as estimated from the erodibility threshold criterion (Annandale, 1993).
A detailed procedure outline for determining the total scour depth at a bridge
contraction is presented in Chapter 4.

3.2 Scour at Bridge Piers

Pier scour is the removal of channel bed material from the base of a bridge pier
during flooding events. Excessive pier scour can lead to undennining of footings,
exposure of piling and potentially to bridge failure. Engineers must provide estimates of
scour to ensure that bridge foundations are safe from scour events that may reasonably be
expected during a structure's life.
Many equations have been developed to compute pier scour. Most of these pier
scour prediction methods were empirically derived from laboratory studies with little or no
field verification. They relate maximum scour depths to pier geometry and approach flow
conditions including depth, velocity, and Froude number. Few consider the effects of
channel bed material gradation and none consider the effects of cohesion and
Hopkins et aI. (1980) compared some of the more commonly used pier scour
equations and reported considerable variation in predicted scour depths. He concluded that
each prediction method's validity is limited to the range of flow conditions in the
experiments from which the method was derived.
Hopkins et al.(1980) state:

Over the past century many investigators have attempted to develop a simple scour
prediction formula... It appears that a set of variables were arbitrarily selected and
data collected over a limited range to determine their relationship to scour depth ..
This approach has left us with a large number of sometimes conflicting formulas to
predict scour.

It is argued that these pier scour equations represent maximum scour potential for the
design flow conditions and that predicted scour depths will be ultimately reached with
sufficient time regardless of channel bed material. Annandale (1993; 1995) suggests that
erodibility is a threshold condition dependent on the magnitude of the erosive power of

water. If the erodibility threshold of a material is not exceeded, scour will not occur.
The following sections discuss the relationship between the horseshoe vortex and
pier scour, and present a preliminary relationship between scour depth and the erosive
power of water associated with the horseshoe vortex. Application of this relationship to a
method of scour prediction is discussed. This method of scour prediction couples the
hydrologic and hydraulic conditions at the pier with the geomecbanical properties of the
channel bed, and provides a quantitative method for estimating scour in cohesive,
consolidated and bedrock materials.

3.2.1 The Horseshoe Vortex

Strong turbulence and flow acceleration occurs at the base of bridge piers during
flooding. A complex flow pattern is established that causes turbulent pressure
fluctuations and changes in shear stress distribution at the base of the pier. This flow
pattern is known as the horseshoe vortex and the magnitude of pressure fluctuations
associated with it is directly related to the development of scour at bridge piers.
10hnson et aL (1993) suggest that the size and strength of the horseshoe vortex
can be characterized in terms of the flow conditions at the base of the pier. Greater
turbulence intensity at the base of the pier will result in a horseshoe vortex with greater
strength. A higher rate of energy dissipation and greater scour potential will result. The
rate of energy dissipation can be expressed as stream power.
A method to determine the stream power at piers is needed to permit
incorporation of the erodibility threshold criterion into a procedure for estimating pier
scour of bedrock or cohesive and consolidated channel bed and foundation materials.

3.2.2 Stream PowerlPier Scour Relationship

The complex flow patterns that fonn the horseshoe vortex and cause scour at
bridge piers are not completely understood. These patterns and the magnitude of pressure
fluctuations associated with the vortex are affected by elements of the pier geometry
including pier width, pier shape, and alignment to flow. The vortex is also related to the
depth and velocity of the approach flow and the depth and shape of the scour hole itself.
Developing a theoretical equation to compute stream power at a pier, which accounts for
the effects of pier geometry, approach flow, and scour hole geometry would be extremely
difficult. Direct measurement of stream power within the horseshoe vortex is presently
not possible. An empirical relationship of pier scour depths to stream power is required.

Data presented by Parola (1990) and Johnson et a1. (1993) was analyzed to assess
the relationship between scour hole depth at the base of a pier to the rate of energy
dissipation of water flowing within the hole. Both investigators perfonned model
experiments to detennine the relationship of boundary shear stress in a scour hole to the
stability of material placed in the hole. Boundary shear was detennined indirectly by
placing uniform granular material with known critical shear stress in preformed scour
holes and exposing it to flowing water until movement was observed. Parola (1990) and
Johnson et al. (1993) measured both pier geometry and the approach flow conditions.
Sufficient data was presented to compute stream power within the pier scour hole and in
the upstream channel. The relationship derived from 10hnson's data between relative
scour depth (scour depth/pier width) and stream power ratio (stream power at the pier
base/stream power in the upstream channel) is expressed graphically in Figure 3.1. A
relationship between the two is apparent. The figure indicates that stream power decreases
as the scour hole develops and increases with greater pier width.
Shen et al. (1969) observed that under uniform flow conditions, the shear stress in
the channel is equal to that at the bottom of the scour hole after maximum scour depth is
reached. TIlls implies that maximum relative scour depth is an equilibrium condition at
which the rate of energy dissipation within the scour hole is approximately equal to the
rate of energy dissipation in the upstream channel. A similar observation was made by
Richardson et al. (1993). They state that the equilibrium scour depth does not exceed
approximately 3.0 times the pier width. The curve plotted on Figure 3.1 represents the
95% upper confidence limits of the stream power ratio/relative scour depth relationship
within the limits of Johnson's data based on linear regression analysis (Appendix B). The
curve is extrapolated asymptotically to the point with a stream power ratio value of 1.0
and a relative scour depth value of 3.0, consistent with Richardson's observations.

3.2.3 Application of Preliminary Stream PowerlPier Scour ReJationship

Figure 3.1 provides a provisional upper limit correlation between stream power and
scour depth. This relationship can be used as an interim method to estimate stream power
values as a scour hole develops for specific design flow conditions and pier widths. These
stream power values can then be compared to the erodibility threshold of the channel bed
and foundation material at incremental depths. The ultimate scour depth is detennined to
be where the stream power in the scour hole is less than the threshold stream power that is
required to initiate erosion. Recommendations for applying the preliminary stream.

Pier Scour Ratio vs Relative Scour Depth

1------'----------. --~-.-----.--.~_i__--_I

1 2 3
I;Data from Johnson et ai, 1993~ Dimensionless (yslb)
' - -_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _....1 Relative Scour Depth

Figure 3.1 Preliminary Stream PowerlPier Scour Relationship

power/pier scour relationship to a procedure for predicting pier scour in bedrock and
cohesive material are presented in Chapter 4.
The relationship developed is for circular or rounded piers and adjustment is
required for other pier shapes and adverse approach flow angles. It is recommended that
the influence of pier shape and angle of attack of flow be considered in the same way as
recommended by Richardson et aL (1993) in HEC 18. Adjustment for the pier can be
accomplished by multiplying the stream power estimated from Figure 3.1 by the
appropriate correction factors. The adj usted stream power at the base of piers can be
expressed as:

P:= Kl K2 Pp (Equation 3.10)

P: = stream power adjusted for pier shape and
flow attack angle
Kl = correction factor for pier shape
K2 = correction factor for approach flow angle
pp = stream power at pier determined from Figure 3.1

These correction factors are provided in Tables 3.1 and 3.2.

The data from which the relationship between the stream power ratio and relative
scour depth was derived is limited and may be dependent on the subjectivity inherent in
the experiments. Scour holes were preformed with slopes at the angle of repose of sand.
This may introduce some inaccuracy into the relationship as it may not accurately
represent scour shapes and slopes that fonn in cohesive and bedrock material. Additional
data is needed, particularly at relative scour depths between 1.0 and 3.0. Further
laboratory data and field calibration \Vill help refine this relationship. Correction factors
for pier shape and flow attack angle should also be analyzed to confirm their applicability
to this scour prediction procedure.
Although the primary goal of this paper is to determine scour in bedrock and
cohesive material, this methodology is equally applicable to determination of pier scour in
noncohesive channel bed material.

Table 3.1 Correction Factor Kl for Pier Nose Shape

Shape of Pier Nose

I r Kl I
(a) Square Nose 1.1
(b) Round Nose 1.0
(c) Circular Cylinder 1.0
(d) Sharp Nose 0.9
(e) Group of Cylinders 1.0

Source: Richardson, E. V., Harrison, L.J., and Richardson, lR., Revised

1993, Evaluating Scour at Bridges, FHWA-IP-90-017,U.S
Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.

Table 3.2 Correction Factor K z for Angle of Attack of Flow

I Angle
I Lib =4 I IJb =8 I Lib = 12
0 1.0 1.0 1.0
15 1.5 2.0 2.5
30 2.0 2.75 3.5
45 2.3 3.3 4.3
90 2.5 3.9 5.0
Angle = skew angle of approach flow
L = length of pier
b = width of pier

Source: Richardson., B.V., Harrison, L.J., and Richardson) lR, Revised

1993, Evaluating Scour at Bridges, FHWA-IP-90-017,U.S
Department of Transportation, Washington, D.C.

Most of the variables affecting pier scour identified by previous investigators are
considered in this procedure. Pier width and approach flow conditions are accounted for
directly in stream power ratio versus relative scour depth relationship. Impacts from ice
or debris buildup can he considered by increasing the width of the pier appropriately. Pier
shape and flow attack angle are considered by using the correction factors presented in
Tables 3.1 and 3.2. Channel bed and foundation material properties are accounted for in
the Erodibility Index developed by Kirsten (1982) and Annandale (1993; 1995).

3.3 Abutment Scour

Abutment scour occurs when flows from the main channel mix 'With flows
obstructed by the abutment. The convergence of these flows 'Will create a highly turbulent
flow pattern which is known as the primary vortex. The turbulent strength and erosive
potential of the primary vortex can be characterized by the erosive power of water in the
same manner as is recommended for the horseshoe vortex at bridge piers.
Conventional abutment scour equations are empirically related to the abutment
shape, velocity and depth of flows in the main channel and overbank, and the abutment's
alignment to the flow (Richardso~ 1993; Melville 1991). Richardson (1993) states that
these methods for detennining scour at abutments will generally provide excessive scour
estimates. He observed that this results from the fact that the equations were developed
from laboratory data that failed to accurately model typical field conditions.
Practical application of abutment scour equations supports this observation because
unreasonable abutment scour depth estimates are frequently obtained. Field observations
suggest that in many conditions, energy dissipation at abutments is more likely to cause
channel widening than vertical scouring. Richardson (1992) related this in his
observations of a bridge failure in Virginia:

. A 1972 flood on the James River in Virginia destroyed part of the approach and
spill through sections of two abutments (C.F. Boles IlL personal communication,
1991). There was little if any vertical scour of the bridge abutments and no
collapse of either bridge span. The jIood peak was around 360,000 cft, which was

in excess of the 100 year flood For thisfailure~ the Uy ratio was 23.8 and
calculated (Melville's method) scour depths would be 166 feet.

(L represents the abutment length extended into the flow and y represents average depth of
the approach flow)

This is a dramatic example of overly conservative vertical scour estimates and although
excessive, it is consistent with many bridge abutment scour conditions that have been
Consideration of Chang's concept of minimum stream power suggests that
adjustments in channel geometry will result from the increased rate of energy dissipation
at the abutment. These channel adjustments would be in the direction of least resistance.
In the case of a spill abunnent, channel widening would tend to dominate the scour
process if riprap or embankment material were more easily eroded that the channel bed
material. A rigid vertical wall abutment will be more resistant to lateral erosion than most
naturally occurring materials. In this case, vertical scouring is expected to dominate.
No method for detennining the rate of energy dissipation at bridge abutments is
proposed at this time. It is hoped that an empirical relationship or equation can be
developed to estimate stream power at bridge abutments. Application of the erodibility
threshold criterion to abutment scour analysis will then be incorporated into the proposed
scour prediction procedure. In the mean time, the reader is encouraged to follow the
guidelines recommended by Richardson (1993) in HEC 18 for assessment of scour at


This chapter presents detailed guidelines for predicting scour depths at bridge
crossings. This preliminary scour prediction procedure is an incremental approach to
determining scour depths. It relates the channel bed and fOWldation material properties
which influence erodibility to the erosive power of water as characterized by stream
power. It is simple and directly applied, and can be used to predict scour depth for
bedrock and naturally occurring materials.
Implementation of tl:ris procedure requires basic hydraulic and geotechnical
information. A subsurface investigation and collection of geotechnical data is needed to
determine the Erodibility Index. Bridge geometry, pier dimensions, and a hydraulic
analysis of the proposed structure is also needed.
A general outline of the scour prediction procedure and a detailed outline of the
technique for estimating the Erodibility Index, contraction scour and pier scour are
presented. An example problem is also provided to illustrate application of the procedure.

4.1 Procedure Outline

Table 4.1 shows the basic steps required for application of this scour prediction
procedure. Major tasks are identified and shown in their logical sequence within the
framework of the bridge design process.

4.2 Determination of the Erodibility Index

Defining the erodibility of channel bed and foundation materials is the first major
step in the scour prediction procedure and accurately determining the factors which make
up the Erodibility Index is essentiaL The data required to determine the four constitutive
Erodibility Index factors is readily obtained from standard geotechnical field and
laboratory tests. These field tests and collection of samples for laboratory tests can be
accomplished during the subsurface investigation for bridge foundation design.
Worksheet # 1 is provided in Appendix C to assist in collection and processing
infonnation required in the Erodibility Index. Rock material properties and conditions

may indicate that significant weathering and degradation of Erodibility Index values will
occur during the bridge's functional life. If this situation occurs, Erodibility Index values
of rock material expected to degrade can be reduced to reflect the expected degree of

Table 4.1 Scour Prediction Procedure Outline

I Step
I Task I Comments I
1 Hydrologic Analysis Detennine design discharges.

2 Preliminary Bridge Sizing Includes preliminary assessment of contraction

scour assuming sand bed channel.

3 Preliminary Structural Design Determine structure type, location and size of piers.

4 Subsurface Investigation Collect data and laboratory samples required to

detennine ErodibiJity Index.

5 Determine Erodibility Index Use Worksheet #1. Erodibility Index values should
be shown on boring logs.

6 Final Hydraulic Design Confirm bridge size and reevaluate bridge


7 Compute Contraction Scour Use Worksheet #2.

8 Compute Pier Scour Use Worksheet #3.

9 Compute Abutment Scour Refer to HEC 18, Richardson et al.(1993)

10 Final Structural and Place foundations below depth at which they are
Foundation Design susceptible to scour

11 Design Scour Refer to HEC 18, Richardson et al.(1993)

Countermeasures and
Abutment Protection

4.3 Determination of Contraction Scour

After the Erodibility Index has been detennined for each distinguishable layer of
channel bed and foundation material and a hydraulic analysis of the proposed bridge
structure has been completed, scour calculations can be performed.
Table 4.2 outlines the basic steps required for predicting ultimate contraction scour
depths. Worksheet #2 is provided in Appendix C to assist in documentation of contraction
scour calculations.

Table 4.2 Contraction Scour Procedure

Step Task Comments

1 Determine Initial Flow Design discharge, flow depth, velocity and energy
Conditions gradient through the bridge should be detennined.

2 Determine Flow Conditions at Rerun hydraulic analysis to detennine flow depth,

Progressive Scour Depths velocity and energy gradient for progressive scour
at 0.5 m increments. Initial attempt should be 2.0
m into bedrock. If scour below this depth is
predicted hydraulic analysis of deeper scour is

3 Estimate Stream Power for

Initial and Progressive Scour P = 'Y q Sr

4 Determine Erodibility Determine Erodibility Index for channel bed and

Threshold Values for Channel foundation material at 0.5 m increments.
Bed and Foundation Materia1

5 Determine Scourability at If stream power value exceeds erodibility threshold

Incrementa) Depths values for an increment then scour is predicted for
that interval.

6 Determine Ultimate U1timate scour depth is predicted to occur at the

Contraction Scour Depth lowest incremental layer which is considered
erodible for design flow conditions.

4.4 Determination of Pier Scour

If the proposed bridge structure will have a pier, pier scour must also be predicted
so that foundation elevations can be determined. Information regarding the pier's shape,
width and length, and the angle of attack of approach flow is needed to initiate pier scour
calculations. Pier scour calculations should be performed assuming piers will be located
in the channel thalweg. This will account for lateral stream migration of the main channel
which might occur during the structure's life. Table 4.3 outlines the basic steps required
for predicting ultimate pier scour depths. Worksheet #3 is provided in Appendix C to
assist in documentation of pier scour calculations.

Table 4.3 Pier Scour Procedure

Step Task Comments

1 Determine Initial Flow Design discharge, flow depth, velocity and energy
Conditions gradient through the bridge should be determined

2 Estimate Initial Stream Power P = y q Sf

3 Determine Pier Geometry Pier shape, width and length and angle of attack of
approaching flow should be determined.

4 Determine Pier Shape and See Tables 3.1 and 32

Attack Angle Correction

5 Detennine Erodibility See Figure 2.2

Threshold Values for Channel
Bed and Foundation Material

6 Compute Relative Scour Relative scour depth is the ratio of scour depth to
Depth for Incremental Depths pier width.

7 Determine Pier Stream Power Pier stream power ratio is the ratio of stream
Ratio power at the bridge pier to initial steam power at
the bridge. See Figure 3.1.

8 Determine Pier Stream Power Pier Stream Power ratio is multiplied by initial
stream power.

9 Apply Pier Shape and Attack Multiply Pier Stream Power by pier shape and
Angle Correction Factors attack angle correction factors.

10 Determine Scourability at If pier stream power value exceeds erodibility

Incremental depths threshold values for an increment then scour is
predicted for that intervaL

11 Detennine Ultimate Pier Ultimate scour depth is predicted to occur at the

Scour Depth lowest incremental layer which is considered
erodible for design flow.

4.5 Example Problem
A hypothetical bridge situation is presented to illustrate the application of the
preliminary bridge scour prediction procedure. A spill abutment bridge is proposed to
cross a waterway. A bridge channel section with a 15 meter bottom width and 2: 1 side
slopes is being considered. Preliminary structural design indicates that a single pier is
required. Plans show that the pier will have a square face.
This structure will be designed to withstand the effects of flood flows up to 225
cubic meters/second. Preliminary hydraulic analysis was performed and flow velocity,
depth and energy slope were determined to be 4.2 mis, 3.5 m, and 0.025 mlm
A subsurface investigation and collection of channel bed and foundation samples
has been performed. Subsurface conditions consisted of a 0.5 meter thick silty sand unit
overlying a sandy gravel. The sandy gravel unit is approximately 0.5 meters thick and is
overlying a 0.5 meter silty clay deposit and a 1.0 meter thickness of weathered shale. Soft
shale bedrock was encountered at a depth of 2.5 meters below the channel bed surface.
A summary of geotechnical properties of channel bed and fotmdation materials is
provided in Table 4.4. Calculation for the Erodibility Index, contraction scour and pier
scour are shown in Table 4.5, Table 4.6 and Table 4.7, respectively.

Table 4.4 Example Problem - Summary of Geotechnical Properties

Depth (m) Material Description Observationlfest Results

0.0 Silty sand 8PT = 20 blows

~o 0.002 m
= 33°

0.5 Sandy gravel SPT 40 blows

dso = 0.02 m
CI> 45°
1.0 Silty clay No vane shear performed, silty clay has soft
Cl> = 27°
No identifiable structure
1.5 Weathered shale UeS=2.0 MPa
Two joint fissure sets/plus random
Joint Conditions - smooth. planer'L tight, unaltered
2.5 Soft Shale ues == 5.0 MPa
RQD = 50
SinglC!0int set
Joint onditions· smooth, planer, tight, unaltered
Dip Direction· towards flow
Dip An~le = 30°

~ CDOT Scour Prediction Procedure Example

~ Project: Geologist: SPS
cr Erodibility Index ~ Worksheet #1 Boring No.: B-1 Checked By: SPS
Date: 12194
Com"m.!ve Slreng1b
M.u Slnnl:th '.dor, Km
Penflr.fion Tett
VulldeJBlotM Site Fllclor, Kb
JoInt Jet
Joint Count

f~) In .Je
(KPal RQD (ro)
~ 10.00 O.oollh _lJ:WV-UfJ

!3 40.00
n> loA
..,""tI 2.00 6.ll0 2.24





w -

Malerlal Type.

Inltrpartltle BJnd StTt~lh

Joillt ROIJlhnen
Jolnl Alleriflon
• [ft
I· . ·H~L ..
... ·.:·. I. .'~BO
Frlttlon An,le .'. St"itk~". "attllr
. .·. . ·. n
. .· .d. .
...... ; .. '1I('j'\'

lind Grllund Stfl,l(lure fllf!or, Kt
1 (18)
Spuh'l,: and Qrounil
I···· ..(10)
.n. .
. •. •. Str;r.ctat'
. :·. ·:
of Joint :.·. i!liI.·.i. I.,i,e.·,s. . h.••.
33.0°1 ::1.,1tO ".6,1';0'1
~ 0.110
45.00 0.0011




27.001 ~ O,O:Ul"



IA 3.00
J.OO 1.00 180,00 30.00 l1li •.,000



(1) Dlp!h below (Ilannd bf.d .urflcr. (U) Anrl,e pn(lde dIameter ror .rllnlll.r 1011.
(1) At dHcribed on "orin,lor, (I'l) 'Ar1lrltJ'blotk ,I[t ratlor. co'uml1 (II) divided by coillmn (9)
(3) Vntonnntd compreulve "!'tnlll! (rom laboratory IHI ASYM J>..l5IJ1. (U) Joint ,Qugh"". numbu, rrom Table A·'
(4) Siandard ptntlrAClon lett (t ..) Joint .I(erallllll ntlmber, rrom Table A-a
(5) Vllne .htu Ilrtngch (IS) Realdu.1 rri~IIDn angle In dt!rN1
(Ii) In .Itu deform.tloR mlMiulu. (16) lolerparlltlefB<lnd 'I!'tnglh FacIo,.. f'-11m Equ~llon.',5 Dr 2.6
(7) M ... l'ttnlCb rllctor Km I. determined rrom Table. A-I, A-1, A.J, Ind 1.·4. (17) Dip dlrC('.tion ftlallve 10 now
(8) Rock quality dttlgnallon (18) Dip angle rrlalln 10 nDW
(9) JoInt set numlJ.rr. (rom Table A-S (19) Ratio of lolnt .paclng
(10) Jolnl Cllunl number, from Table A·. (10) Relallve Jh.~ /lnd Orlent.llon F.clor
(21) Erodibility Indtl, product Dr ccllumnJ (7). (11). (l6) Ind (20)
Bridge Scour Prediction Procedure - Contraction Scour
Worksheet #2

Project: Example
Date: 12194
Engineer: SPS

Bridge Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data:

Design Discharge - Q= 225 mA 3/s

Bridge Width - w= 15 m
Unit Weight of Water- y= 9.8 leN/m....3
Unit Discharge - q= IS m....'s*m
Flow Depth- y= 3.5 m
Flow Velocity - V= 4.2 rnJs
Initial Energy Slope - Sf= 0.025 mfm
Initial Flow Area- An= 55 m....2
Initial Stream Power ~ p= 3.6 kW/m

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Scour"J)ep. Erodibility Erodibility " EaetO' Stream Scour
lades. lUI Threshold' Slope Power 'Ya!No
(m1 (kW/m) (kW/m)
4.67E~7 0.0000& 0.025 3.6 Y
0.0012 o.OOS 0.021 2.41 Y
0.02 0.10 0.0(7 2.0S Y
2.24 2.00 0.014 1.16 N
2.24 2.00 0,012 LSI N
0.20 30.00 0.01 1.37 N


Estimated Contraction Scour = 1.5 m

(I) Depth Below stn:am bed. incn::mcntaI depths should be adjusted to reflect dwrges in material Erodibili(y rDdex.
(2) From Wortshcct IH.
(3) Fmm Figun::. 2.2.
(4) Reduced ener:zy slope through 1bc bridge due to cumulative scour.
(5) Adjusted. stn::am powc:r using cnc:rgy slope from c:oluom (4).
(6) If meam power ill column (S) exceeds the material's erodibility tbres:bold in c:.olumll (3). the increment is
predicted to scoW'. ConriD.Ue analysis u:rrtil a non-c:rodible increment is reached.

Table 4.6 Example Problem - Contraction Scour Calculations

Bridge Scour Prediction Procedure - Pier Scour
Worksheet #3

Project Example Problem

Date: 12194
Engineer: SPS

Bridge Hydraulic aDd Hydrologic Data :

Design Discharge· Q= 225.00 mAlls
Channel Width - w= IS.00 m
Unit Weight of Water- "I = 9.80 kNlm"3
Unit Discharge - q =
15.00 m"3/s*m
Flow Depth - y =: 3.50 m
Flow Velocity- V= 4.20 mls
Initial Energy Slope - Sf= 0.025 mlm
Initial Stream Power - P= 3.60 kW/m

Pier Geometry:
Shape- Square
Angle ofAttack- 6= 15.00 degrees
Pier Length - L= 8.00 m
Pier Width- b= 1.00 m

Correction Factors:
Pier Nose Shape- Kl= 1.10 (From Table 3.1)
Attack Angle - K2= 2.00 (From Table 3.2)

(I) (2) ~l) (.() (5) (6) (7) (I)

Sc:Mr Doepdt Erodibility Uodibitiry Rdative ScGllr PierSUaIll lierStrcam COft"&lded Pier ScOur
11 .~Ka "uatlold Depth,ys/b Powerltado PIMI'eI' Strealll Power YeslNo
(ml (kW/III\ (leW/.) fkW/m~
<I.61E..o1 S.ooe..os O.SO 1.30 8.28 18.22 Y
0.001:2 S'()()E.m 1.00 I.SO 5..40 11.83 Y
0.020 0.10 1.50 t30 4.6S 10.30 Y
2.240 2.00 2.00 1.20 4.32 9.S1 Y
2.240 2.00 2.S0 UO 3.96 8.72 Y
118.200 10.00 3.00 1.00 3.60 7.92 N



Predicted Pier &our Depth -= 2.50 m

(1) Deptb Bdow scream bed. ioQ'Cf.Ot:llW cleplJas tfmaJd be adjlllb:d to rd1eI:t daups ill _te:riaI Erodibility IDele:t.
(2) From Woritlbecc'l.
(3) From F"tprel..l.
(4) R:acio or ~r depth, p, to pier widtll. h.
(5) From F".pre3..l..
(6) Pia-1In:&III powa'. dMde streata power ratio III c:ohlaaa (5) by ambal stream power.
(1) Adjastal stteII.. powrer pier COtndiOll radon Kt ad Ja.
(I) Ir adjutnl ttrl!a1D power ill col. . . (S) exceeds the _taia!', crodibildy tbrahoId ill col••• (3).lbe illcremeat is
precficCCd to scour. Co.Uage ualysir aCila DOll crodible iaaetDeAt II radu:d..

Table 4.7 Example Problem - Pier Scour Calculations

4.5.1 Example Problem Discussion
Analysis using the proposed scour prediction procedure follows a logical sequence
and a solution is readily provided. The example problem although hypothetical, does
illustrate application of the procedure.
Table 4.5 shows calculation of the Erodibility Index using Bridge Scour Prediction
Procedure Worksheet # 1. Its completion requires the performance of a number of
common geotechnical field and laboratory tests. Results from these tests are used to
determine the major erodibility factors of mass strength number, particlelblock size
number, interparticle bond strength factor, and the relative shape and ground structure
number. These factors are estimated either from calculations or directly from relationships
tabulated by Kirsten (1982) and the product of these factors provides the material's
Erodibility Index value. Collection of data for the Erodibility Index is easily
accomplished at the same time as the subsurface investigation for foundation design and
should not cause significant increases in design cost. Subsurface materials are subdivided
at distinct changes in lithology and Erodibility Index values at increments of no greater
than 0.5 meters. Observations of the data presented in Table 4.5 suggest that the most
dominant factor in the Erodibility Index is the mass strength factor.
Scour Prediction Procedure Worksheet #2 is shown in Table 4.6. Ibis worksheet
is used to predict ultimate contraction scour depths. Prediction of ultimate contraction
scour requires computation of energy slope and resulting stream power for progressive,
incremental scour depths. These stream power values are compared against erodibility
threshold values and ultimate contraction scour is predicted to occur where the erodibility
threshold exceeds the stream power. Table 4.7 shows Scour Prediction Procedure
Worksheet #3 with calculation of pier scour depths. Pier scour depths are detennined
much the same as for contraction scour. Stream power at the pier is estimated from
Figure 3.1 as a function of scour depth, pier width~ and initial flow conditions. Correction
factors for pier shape and flow attack angle are mUltiplied by the stream power predicted
from Figure 3.1 and compared against erodibility threshold values.
Abutment scour is not calculated. Equations and guidelines provided in HEC 18
(Richardson et al., 1993) can be used to estimate vertical abutment scour depths.
Consideration of the relative erodibility of abutment material and channel bed material
should -be given in predicting if vertical scouring or channel widening will predominate.

There is currently no equation or method of bridge scour prediction in practice
which implicitly considers the ability of bedrock or cohesive and consolidated materials to
resist erosion.
A preliminary procedure is presented for predicting scour depths at bridge
crossings. This procedure relates the ability of channel bed and foundation material to
resist erosion due to the erosive power of water. It can be used to predict scour depths
for bedrock or cohesive and consolidated materials. The basic methodology used in this
scour prediction procedure is proposed by Annandale (1993; 1995). He recommended the
use of Kirsten's material classification system, the Erodibility Index (Kirsten, 1982), for
rating erodibility of materials subject to flowing water. This classification system
quantifies the properties which influence a material ~ s ability to resist erosion into a single
representative value.
Annandale (1993; 1995) related stream power to Kirsten's Erodibility Index. He
presented the results of a comparative analysis between the erosive power of water and the
erodibility of emergency spillways. A relationship between stream power and Kirsten's
Erodibility Index (Annandale, 1993; 1994; and Kirsten, 1982) was developed based on
Soil Conservation Service (SCS) field data from more than 150 observations of scour at
emergency spillways. Materials ranged from cohesionless soil to bedrock. By comparison
of material and flow conditions under which spillway erosion occurred and those under
which erosion did not occur, an erodibility threshold limit was established between erosive
and non-erosive conditions. This erodibility threshold is the critical stream power above
which a given material is predicted to scour.
Preliminary methods for calculating stream power at bridge contractions under free
surface and pressure flow conditions are presented. An interim empirical relationship is
provided for estimating the rate of energy dissipation and scour at bridge piers. No
method for estimating stream power or predicting scour depths at bridge abutments is
The procedure for estimating scour at bridges is an incremental approach. Stream
power is predicted for incremental depths of scour. This stream power is compared

against the erodibility threshold values for the material which is encountered at each
incremental depth. Ultimate scour depths are predicted to occur where material is
encountered with an erodibility threshold exceeding the stream power.
It is very difficult to explicitly account for every variable which influences the
physical process of bridge scour. It is essential though, to ensure that the dominant
variables are considered. This scour prediction method does consider the two most
important parameters in scour analysis; a measure of material erodibility and a parameter
characterizing the erosive power of water.
The scour prediction method presented is based on preliminary review of available
data and literature. It has not yet been field verified or calibrated with laboratory data.
There is a need to collect and plot experimental and field scour depths against stream
power and Kirsten's Erodibility Index. Use of this preliminary procedure should consider
these factors and judgement should be exercised in its application. Additional data will
help to improve the interim stream power/pier scour relationship, develop a relationship
between stream power and abutment scour, and determine the level of efficiency of stream
power in the scour process. Numerical analysis may be useful in simultaneously
detennining flow patterns and the mechanics of erosion and aid in procedure calibration.
The priority of any research will be verification of the procedure with field data. It is
hoped that verification and calibration of the scour prediction procedure will be
accomplished. With refinement of this procedure and experience in its use, this procedure
should develop into a valuable tool in scour analysis of bedrock and naturally occurring
channel bed and foundation materials.
Experiments to initiate calibration and refinement of the proposed procedure are
planned for summer 1995, at the FHWA Hydraulics Laboratory in McClean, Virginia.
Analysis of scour data is also proposed and results of these studies will be incorporated
into a fmal report.


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Materials, HDR Engineering~ 5175 Hillsdale Circle, El Dorado Hills, California, 95762-
5700, 1993.

Annandale, G. W., Erodibility, accepted by the Journal of Hydraulic Research for

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Chang, H.H., Modeling General Scour at Bridge Crossings, Transportation Research

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Chow, V.T., Open Channel Hydraulics, McGraw-Hill, New York, 1959.

Donguang, G., Posada, L.G., and Nordin,C.F., Pier Scour Equations Used in China,
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Fiorotto, V., Rinaldo, A., Fluctuating Uplift and Lining Design in Spillway Stilling Basins,
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Hopkins, G.R., Vance, R.W. and Kasraie, B.) Scour Around Bridge Piers, FHWA-RD-79-
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Johnson, P. A. and Jones, J. S., Shear Stress at the Base of Bridge Pier, Transportation
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Kirsten, H.A.D., A Classification System for Excavation in Natural Materials, The Civil
Engineer in South Africa, pp. 292 to 308, July, 1982.

Lewis, G. L., Shale Scour at BNRR Yellowstone River Bridge, MT, Hydraulic
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Mendoza-Cabrales, C., Computation of Flow Past a Cylinder Mounted on a Flat Plate J

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Moore,1. S., The Characterization of Rock/or Hydraulic Erodibility- Technical Release

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Olsen, N.R. and Melaaen, M.C., Three Dimensional Calculation of Scour Around
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Parola, A.C. Jr., Jones, J.S., and Miller, A.C., Model Study on the Stability of Riprap
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Parola, A. C., Stability of Riprap at Bridge Piers, Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, Vol
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Appendix A - Erodibility Index

Sources: Kirsten, H.A.D., A Classification System for Excavation in Natural

Materials, The Civil Engineer in South Africa, pp. 292 to 308, July,

Annandale, G.W., Analysis of Complex Scour Problems in Rock

and Other Earth Materials, 1993.

Note: Any minor changes to tables in Appendix A from Kirsten's original

tables are to reflect nomenclature used in Annandale's discussions.

Table A-I: Mass Strength Number for Granular Soil (Km)

Consistency Identification 8PT Mass

in blow strength
Profile count number

Very loose Crumbles very easily when 0-4 0.02

scraped with geological pick
Loose Small resistance to penetration by 4 - 10 0.04
sharp end of geological pick
Medium Considerable resistance to 10 - 30 0.09
Dense penetration by sharp end of
geological pick
Dense Very high resistance to 30 - 50 0.19
penetration of sharp end of
geological pick - requires many
blows of pick for excavation
Very Dense High resistance to repeated blows 50 - 80 0.41
of geological pick - requires
power tools for excavation

Note:A granular material in which the SPT blow count is larger than 80 shall be taken as
rock, for which the hardness can be obtained from Table A~3.

Table A-2: Mass Strength Number for Cohesive Soil (Km)

Consistency Id entification VaDe shear Mass

in strength strength
Profile (kPa) Dumber

Very soft Pick head can easily be pushed 0 .. 80 0.02

into the shaft of handle. Easily
molded by fingers
Soft Easily penetrated by thumb; 80 - 140 0.04
sharp end of pick can be pushed
in 30mm - 40mm; molded by
fmgers with some pressure
Firm Indented by thumb with effort; 140 - 210 0.09
sharp end of pick can be pushed
in up to 10mm; very difficult to
mould with fmgers. Can just be
penetrated with an ordinary hand
Stiff Penetrated by thwnbnaiI; slight 210 - 350 0.19
indentation produced by pushing
pick point into soil; can not be
molded by fingers. requires hand
pick for excavation
Very Stiff Indented by thumbnail with 350 - 750 0.41
difficulty; slight indentation
produced by blow of pick point.
Requires power tools for

Note: .A cohesive material of which the vane shear strength is larger than 750
kPa shall be taken as rock, for which the hardness can be obtained from
Table A-3.

Table A-3: Mass Strength Number for Rock (Ken)

Consistency Identification Unconfined Mass

in compressive strength
Profile strength number
(MPa) (K.n)

Very soft Material crumbles under fum 1.7 0.87

rock (moderate) blows with sharp end
of geological pick and can be
peeled off with a knife; it is too 1.7 - 3.3 1.86
hard to cut a triaxial sample by
Soft Can just be scraped and peeled 3.3 - 6.6 3.95
rock with a knife; indentations lmm
to 3mm show in the specimen
with firm (moderate) blows of 6.6 • 13.2 8.39
the pick point
Hard Can not be scraped or peeled
rock with a knife; hand-held specimen 13.2 - 26.4 17.7
can be broken with hammer end
of a geological pick with a single
fmn (moderate) blow
Very Hand-held specimen breaks with 26.4 - 53.0 35.0
hard hammer end of pick under more
rock than one blow 53.0 - 106.0 70.0

Extremely Specimen requires many blows 106.0 - 140.0

hard rock with geological pick to break 212.0
through intact material 280.0

Note: For ues < 10 MPa

Kn ::: 0.78 (UCS)l.09
For UCS > 10 MPa
K", = ues

Table A-4: Mass Strength Number for Detritus (Km)

Consistency Identification In situ Mass

in deformation strength
Profile modulus l number
(MPa) (~)

Very loose Detritus very loosely packed. High percentage 0-4 0.02
of voids and very easily dislodged by hand.
matrix crumbles very easily when scraped with
a geological pick. ravelling often occurs in
excavated faces

Loose Detritus loosely packed. some resistance to 4 - 10 0.05

being dislodged by hand. Large number of
voids. matrix shows small resistance to
penetration by sharp .end of geologica) pick

Medium Detritus c10sely packed. Difficult to dislodge 10 - 30 0.10

dense individual particles by hand. Voids less
apparent. matrix has considerable resistance to
penetration by sharp end of geological pick

Dense Detritus very closely packed and occasionally 30 - 80 0.21

very weakly cemented. can not dislodge
individual particles by hand. The mass has a
very high resistance to penetration by sharp
end of geological pick - requires many blows
to dislodge particles

Very Dense Detritus very densely packed and usually 80 - 200 0.44
cemented together. The mass has a high
resistance to repeated blows with a geological
pick - requires power tools for excavation

Note: 1. determined by plate bearing test of diameter 760 rom

2. A detritus of which the in situ deformation modulus exceeds 200 Mpa
shall be taken as the lowest boulder fonnation

Table A-5: Joint count number (JJ

Number of joints Ground quality Number of joints Ground quality

per cubic meter designation per cubic meter designation

33 5 18 55
32 10 17 60

30 15 15 65
29 20 14 70
27 25 12 75
26 30 11 80

24 35 9 85

23 40 8 90

21 45 6 95

20 50 5 100

Table A ..6: Joint set number (In)

Number of joint sets Joint set number


Intact, no or few joint/fissures 1.00

One joint/fissure set 1.22

One joint/fissure set plus random L50

Two joint/fissure sets 1.83

Two joint/fissure sets plus random 2.24

Three joint/fissure sets 2.73

Three joint/fissure sets plus random 3.34

Four joint/fissure sets 4.09

Multiple joint/fissure sets 5.00

Note: For mtact granular material take J n = 5.00

Table A-7: Joint roughness number (Jr )
Joint Joint roughness
Separation Condition of Joint number
(Jr )

Joints/fissures tight or Discontinuous joint/fissures 4.0

closing during Rough or irregular, undulating 3.0
excavation Smooth undulating 2.0
Slickensided undulating 1.5
Rough or irregular, planar 1.5
Smooth planar 1.0
Slickensided planar 0.5

Joint/fissures open and Joints/fissures either open or 1.0

remain open during containing relative soft gouge of
excavation sufficient thickness to prevent
joint/fissure wall contact upon
Shattered or micro-shattered clays LO
Note: For mtact granular matenaJ take j == 3.0

Table A..8: Joint alteration number (Ja)

Joint Alteration Number (JlI) for
Description of gouge joint
separation (mm)

< 1..0 1 > 5.03

Tightly healed, hard, non-softening impenneable filling 0.75 - -

Unaltered joint walls, surface staining only 1.0 - -
Slightly altered, non-softening, non-cohesive rock mineral 2.0 4.0 6.0
or rock crushed filling

Non-softening, slightly clayey, non cohesive fiUing 3.0 6.0 10.0

Non-softening strongly over consolidated clay mineral 3.0-4 6.0· 10.0·

filling, with or without crushed rock

Softening or Jaw friction clay mineral coatings and small 4.0 8.0 13.0
quantities of swelling clays

Softening moderately over consolidated clay mineral 4.0· 8.0· 13.0·

filing, with or without crushed rock

Shattered or micro*shattered (swelling) clay gouge, with 5.0 10.0 18.0

or without crushed rock
Note: 1. Jomt walls effectlVei'y 1D contact.
2. Joint walls come into contact after approximately 100mm shear.
3. Joint walls do not come into contact at all upon shear.
4. Values asteriked added to Barton's data.

Table A..9: Relative ground structure number (~)

Dip direction 1 Dip angle2 of Ratio of joint spacing, r

of closer spaced closer spaced
joint set joint set 1:1 1:2 1:4 1:8
(degrees) (degrees)
180/0 90 1.00 1.00 1.00

0 85



Gti 0.56


0 70 0.52 OA5 0.41 0.38

0 60 0.49 0.44 OAI 0.37

0 50 0,49 OA6 0.43 OAO

0 40 0.53 0.49 0.46 0.44

0 30 0.63 0.59 0.55 0.53

0 20 0.84 0.77 0.71 0.68

0 10 1.22 1.10 0.99 0.93

0 5 1.33 1.20 1.09 1.03

01180 0 l.00 1.00 l.00 LOO

180 5 0.72 0.81 0.86 0.90

180 10 0.63 0.70 0.76 0.81

'" ,,.,
180 20 0.52 0.57 0.63 V.Q/

180 30 0.49 0.53 0.57 0.59

180 40 OA9 0.52 0.54 0.56

180 50 0.53 0.56 0.58 0.60

180 60 0.63 0.67 0.71 0.73

180 70 0.84 0.91 0.97 1~

180 80 1.22 1.32 lAO 1.46

180 85 1.33 1.39 1.45 1.50

180/0 90 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00

Note: . 1. Dip direction of closer spaced joint set relative to direction of rip
2. apparent dip angle of closer spaced joint set in vertical plane containing direction of ripping
3. For intact material take Ks = 1.0
4. For values ofr less than 0.125 take Ks as for r = 0.125

Appendix B - Analysis of Data

B-1 Analysis of Laboratory Data for Shear Stress at Base of
Bridge Pier (Johnson et aI., 1993)

Data presented by Johnson et aL (1993) was analyzed to assess the relationship

between scour hole depth at the ·base of a circular pier to the rate of energy
dissipation of flowing water vrithin the hole. Johnson performed model
experiments to determine the relationship of boundary shear stress in a scour hole
to the shear stress in the approach flow. Boundary shear was detennined indirectly
by placing uniform. diameter marbles with knOVv11 critical shear in preformed scour
holes and exposing it to flovring water until movement was observed. Johnson
measured both pier geometry and the characteristics of the approach flow.
Sufficient data was presented to derive stream power within the pier scour hole and
for the approach flow. This data is tabulated in table B-3 and the relationship
between relative scour depth and the stream power ratio is expressed graphically in
figures B-1 and B-2. B-2 is provide to extrapolate from Johnson's data to
scour/pier width ratios between 1.0 and 3.0. This extrapolation is base on the
observation by Richardson et a1. (1993) that equilibrium scour is reached when the
ratio of scour depth to pier width approaches 3.0,

A description of the calculations performed in each column of table B-3 follows:

Data for columns (1), (2), (5), and (6) were provided in Johnson's data.

Relative scour depth is provided in column (4). This is the ratio of the preformed
scour hole depth (Ys) to the pier width (b).

Stream power per unit boundary area of the approach flow is shown in column (7).
It is computed using the following equation -

where: Pa [eft Ib/sec)/ff]

'ta= approach flow shear stress, [lb/WJ
Va = approach flow velocity, [ftlsec]

Column (8) shows the ratio of stream power estimated to occur in the scour hole at
failure to the stream power of the approach flow -
Stream Power ratio = P piPa

The stream. power in the vicinity of the pier is the product of the critical shear
stress (1: c ) and the critical velocity (VJ of the material used in the experiment and
is represented by -

where: 1:c = 0.052 Ib/W, computed by Johnson

Vc 2.0 ftlsec

Critical velocity of the marbles was not documented in Johnson's study. It

was computed by trial and error.

The relationship betvleen relative scour depth and the stream power ratio is shown
in figure B-1. A relationship between the two is indicated that confirms that
stream power decreases as the scour hole increases. Observations of the data
plotted in figure B-1 indicate a relationship between relative scour depth (y /b) and
stream power ratio (P fP J but there is insufficient data to provide a conclusive
relationship for practical application to scour analysis.

An interim relationship is proposed lll1til additional data can be plotted and the
relationship refined and verified. This interim relationship is sho'WIl on figure B-2.
The proposed limit utilizes the 95% upper confident limit based on a linear
regression analysis within the limits of Johnson's data. Beyond the limits of
Johnson's data the limit was extrapolated to the point where an equilibritun rate of
energy dissipation (stream power) is expected.
Table 8-1
Pier Scour Ratio vs Relative Scour Depth

5 ~--------------------------~--~---

.-- .-.;:r:- -- -- .
~ 3
......... -- ::::-- .
950/0 Upper Confidence Limit
. '
-::0 rh

-- ---- ......
~ E
C/) 0


o L ..___._____.__ L ... __._._ _-1._ _ _ _ _0 a

---1--._ _ _ _ _ ...L ________
6 8
o 0.2 0.4 . . 1
Dimensionless (ys/b)
fJData from Johnson et ai, 1993) I Relative Scour Depth
Table 8-2
Pier Scour Ratio vs Relative Scour Depth

5 ~--------~~----.~----'--------~---------------~-------,

o a..rn
ro Ct


r95% Upper Confidence Limit
, i . . . , :
a.. c:0 It " .

E 'wc:
as (l) I'" '"" . . . . \' Extrapolation based onobservation
a ll!i!t II ill - -- -..,., __ .by Richardson et ,al., 1993
-. .- - - - - - - - .
1 .-

.' I

o ~---.------------~--,~.-----------------~-------.---------~----- . ---J

o 1 2 3
l~-TData-from Johnson et af , '-19g3)---) Dimensionless (ys/b)
Relative Scour Depth
Table B-3 Laboratory Data for Shear Stress Within a Scour Hole
(Information acquired or derived from Johnson et at, 1993)

(l) 12l ill {4} (5) (6} (7) (8)

PierWidtb Scour Depth Scour Depth ~dative Scou Vclocit ~pprollch Sbear San ~pproach Stream Po- Stream Power
b ys ys ys/b Va to Pa Ratio
(feet) (inchesl (fccII (f!'!!;\ lib/so. ft.) (ft I"eel
0.3750 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 L8330 0.0360 0,0660 L.S760
0,3750 0.0000 0.0000 0,0000 1.1960 0.0370 0,0665 1.5650
0.3750 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.6900 0.0340 0.0515 1.8100
0.3750 0.6250 O.052t 0.1389 1.8290 0.0360 0.0658 l.S795
0.3750 0.625'1) 0.0521 0.1389 1.7010 0.0320 0.0.544 1.9106
0.3750 0.6250 0.0521 0.1389 1.7680 0.0390 0.0690 1.5083
0.3750 l.S000 0.1250 0.3333 1.9140 0.0400 0.0766 1.3584
0.3750 t.SOOO 0.1250 0.3333 1.9610 0.0450 0.0882 1.l785
0.3750 1.5000 0.1250 0.3333 1.8510 0.0410 0.0759 I.3704
0.3750 2.3750 0.1979 0.5278 2.1280 0.0520 0.1107 0.9398
0.3750 2.3750 0.1979 0.5278 2.2750 0.0650 0.1479 0.7033
0.3750 2.3750 0.1919 0.5278 2.2640 0.0670 0.1517 0.6856
0.3150 3.2500 0.2708 0.7222 2.1310 0.OS20 0.1108 0.93&5
0.3750 3.2500 0.2708 0.7222 2.14.10 0.0560 0.1199 0.8674
0.3750 3.2500 0.2108 0.7222 2.1300 0.0580 0.1235 0.8418
0.5490 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.6150 0,027D 0.0436 2.3850
0.$490 . 0,0000 0,0000 0.0000 1.5740 0.0270 0.0425 2.4472
0.5490 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5760 0.0280 0.0441' 2.3568
0.5490 l.oooo 0.0833 0.1518 1.6340 0.0280 0.0458 2.2731
0.5490 1.0000 0.0833 0.1518 1.7790 0.0370 0.065& 1.5800
0.5490 1.0000 0.0833 0.1518 1.6860 0.0340 0.0573 1.8142
005490 2.0000 0.1667 (},3036 l.8950 0.0390 0,0739 1.4072
0.5490 2.0000 0.1667 0.3036 1.8450 0.0400 0.0738 1.4092
0.5490 2.0000 0,}667 0.3036 1.9390 0.0480 0.0931 1.1174
0.5490 3.0000 0.2500 0.4554 1.8110 0.0350 0.0634 1.640&
0.5490 3.0000 0.2500 0.4554 1.8660 0.0400 0.0746 1.3934
05490 3.0000 0.2500 0.4554 1.1990 0.0390 0.0702 L4823
05490 4.0000 0.3333 0.6072 1.8.750 0.0380 0.0713 1.4596
0.5490 4,0000 0.3333 0.6072 1.9110 0.0420 0.0803 1.295&
0.5490 4.0000 0.3333 0.6072 1.9800 0.0480 0.0950 1.0943
0.8280 4.5000 0.3750 0.4529 1.6290 0.0270 0.0440 2.3645
0,8280 4.5000 0.3150 0.4529 1.7730 0.0350 0,0621 1.6759
0.8280 4.5000 0.3750 0,4529 1.7390 0.0360 0.0626 1.6612
0.8280 3.1000 0.2583 0.3120 l.8910 0.0390 0.0737 1.4102
0.8280 3.1000 0.2583 0.3120 \'7940 0.0360 0.0646 1.6103
0.8280 3.1000 0.2583 0.3120 1.6890 0.0340 0.0574 uno
0.8280 2.0000 0.t667 0.2013 1.9080 0.0390 0.0744 1.3976
0.828.0 2.0000 0.1661 0.2013 1.6690 0.0310 0.0517 2.0101
0.8280 2.0000 0,1667 0.2013 1.7750 0.0370 0.0657 1.5836
0.8280 1.5000 0.1250 0.1510 1.6340 0.0270 O,O44l 2.3573
0.8280 !.5ooo 0.12.50 0.1510 1.5150 0,0240 0.0364 2.8603
0.8280 1.5000 0.1250 0.1510 1.5180 0,0260 0.0395 2.6350
0,8280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.4410 0.0200 0.0288 3.6086
0.8280 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.4310 0.0210 0.0301 3.4608
0.8230 0.0000 0.0000 0.0000 1.5.300 0.0260 0.0398 2.6144

Independent (x) variable: ReI SeQ

Dependent (y) variable: SP Rati

Sum of Deg. of Mean

Source Squares Freedom Squares F-ratio

Model 3.92153 1 3.92153 25.284

Error 5.27331 34 .15510

Total (- mean) 9.19483 35

Coefficient of Determination (R 2): .426
Correlation Coefficient (R): .653
Standard Error of Estimate (s): .3938
Coefficient of Efficiency (E): .581

Linear Regression Equation is: Y = -1.7972 * X + 2.1859

Appendix C - Bridge Scour Prediction Procedure Worksheets

CDOT Scour Prediction Procedure Project: Geologist:
Erodibility Index .. Worksheet #1 Boring No.: Checked By:

IIbuBJn"RIh Faclor,-Km PA~ck Siu Fador.l<b

(I) (%) (J) (4) (5) (7) (8) (9) (10) (II) (12)
Dtplh Mlltrill Type Unronnntd Standard VaneShur Mii!iSt~ntHi RO(k Qu.tlty Join' Jet Join' COllnt D~ -hriItWiilod(
Comprtnlvt Slrtnllh PtMlnilon Test Sh'tnltb Fic:fclt Dealen.tlon numlltr Number SiZet,,<itit
~IP.\ (KPal KM '. ROD In Jc -.iml f{t;
----0:00 I








Maltr"" Type
Jolnl Rou"hnes.
I (14)
JDlnl Altrration
Inltrpartlclt Bond Slrtnllh Fltlor. Kd
1-'- . . . (16)
'.to.:.t._'trp. ~rf
'.' _........ -
. . j.~ie.M.o. ~if
Frlttlon An&lt. Sil'ftllllh .._dbr
Rtlllllre Sh~pe lind Ground SIOItiurt Fulor. Ks

of JDlnt •.'.:•:."'R.':. . -.~.~
Ind Cf'bultd
•.·._. •!,-.I. ,.~.e.:,.S. . b.·.•. •. •·.·.··..'
I(j (dflmd (dnree~\ r ' S'r-;~arIDr Kn







(I) Deplh 11«101'1 than"tl bed IUnUt. (II) Averllt part/de dl.Rltler for Iranular solb
(2) At dtmibtd Oil boril'lE 'og. (11) Par1lc1tlblotk alu ratlor, column (8) divided by column (9)
(J) Unconfined comprenive Jlrtnllih rrom laborAlory lui ASTM D·19.l8. (13) Joint rou,hll'u numbu, (rom T.ble A· 7
(4) Standard penelnalion lui . (14) Jolnt.lleratlon number, rrom Table A·S
(5) Vanuheanlrtn"lh (15) Ruld".' rrlrtlon .nale In dtartu
(ti) In .llu dtrormallon modulus (16) (nierp.r1It1tlBond alrtnllh ratlor, (rom Equallon, l.5 or :.6
(1) Man !Irrnllh raclor Km u delermlned from Tablu A-I, A-2, A·', and A.... (17) DIp dirtclion rtlatlve 10 now
(8) Rork quality dulgnatlon (18) DIp anale rrlallve 10 now
(9) Jolnl Sfl numbu. rrom Table A-S (19) Rltlo orJoll'I1 apldng
(10) Jolnl counl numbtr, (rom Table A... (10) Relalive 'hape lind Orltnl.Uon Varlor
(11) Erodlblllly Indu, product or talumna (7), (12), (16) and (20)
Bridge Scour Prediction Procedure - Contraction Scour
Worksheet #2


Bridge Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data:

Design Discharge - Q= ml\3/s

Bridge Width - w= m
Unit Weight of Water y= kN/m"3
Unit Discharge - q ml\/s*m
Flow Deptb ~ y= m
Flow Velocity - V mls
Initial Energy Slope - Sf= mlm
Initial Flow Area - An ml\2
Initial Stream Power - P kW/m

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6)

Scour Depth Erodibility Erodibility Euergy Stresm Seonr
ladex.Kn Thresbold Slope Power Yes/No
(m) (kW/m) (kW/ml








Estimated Contraction Scour = m

(1) Depth &low su:eam bed, incremental dep1hs should be adjusted to reflect changes in m_al Erodibility Index.
(2) FromWotbhec:dt.
(3) From rtgurC' 2.2-
(4) Reduced cacray slope through the bridge due to cumulative scour.
(5) Adjusted stream power nsmg C'l1C2'gy slope from column (4).
(6) If 5Ile3m powt:r in colw:nn (5) exceeds the macerial's c:rodibility threshold in column (3). the ineR:ment is
predicted to scour. Continue analysis until a non--erodible inaemcnt is reacbed.
Bridge Scour Prediction Procedure - Pier Scour
Worksheet #3


Bridge Hydraulic and Hydrologic Data :

Design Discharge - Q= m"3/s
Channel Width· w= m
Unit Weight of Water- y= kN/rnA 3
Unit Discharge * q m'\3/s*m
Flow Depth - y == m
Flow Velocity - V= mls
Initial Energy Slope - Sf-= mlm
Initial Stream Power - P "'" kW/m

Pier Geometry:
Shape- SqU2rC

Angle of Attack - e= degrees

Pier Length - L= m
Pier Width ~ b= m

Correction Factors:
Pier Nose Shape - Kl= (From Table 3.1)
Attack Angle ~ K2= (From Table 3.2)

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8)

Scour Depth Erodibility Erodibitity Relative Scour Pier StreIIm PitrStreem CDlTleded Pitr Scour
l'S Iltdex. Kn Tbrelbold Dtptb,ysIb PcnverRabD Power StrumP_er YeslNo
1m) fkW/m) (kW/mt IkWJm)



Predicted Pier Scour DeJ)th = m

(1) Depth !Wow stn:am bed. iacremaataJ d~thl should be adjusted 10 reOm chllDga ill material Erodibility lude:.t..
(1) From Worksheet MI.
(3) From FipreU.
(4) Ratio Dr seQar depth. ys, to pier width. b.
(5) From Fipre3..1.
(6) Pier stram power. divide Slrcalll POWa' raal.llll coIlUllIl (S) by initial stram powa-.
(7) AdjDlted stram power pia- cocnctioa racton KJ .ud IQ.
(8) tr adju.ted str~m power ia coillmu (8) a.a:eds the material', erodibility thresbold in column (3).. the ioc:remot is
predicted to scour. COQtiliue aoaJysiI uneil a 11011 erodible iaarmeDt is reached.

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