Economic and Social Council: United Nations
Economic and Social Council: United Nations
Economic and Social Council: United Nations
Council TRANS/WP.29/78/Rev.1/Amend.2
16 April 1999
Original: ENGLISH and
Revision 1 - Amendment 2
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Annex 7
Vehicles used for the carriage of passengers and comprising not more
than eight seats in addition to the driver's seat (see also
paragraph 8.1. below).
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(i) one or more of the three classes (Class I, Class II, Class III)
in accordance with Regulations Nos. 36 and 107.
2.4.1. Class I:
2.4.4. Class A:
2.4.5. Class B:
2.5. Remarks.
2.5.2. Articulated buses or coaches comprising two ore more non-separable but
articulated units shall be considered as single vehicles.
Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass not
exceeding 3.5 tonnes.
Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass
exceeding 3.5 tonnes but not exceeding 12 tonnes.
Vehicles used for the carriage of goods and having a maximum mass
exceeding 12 tonnes.
3.4. Remarks
Trailers with a maximum mass exceeding 0.75 tonnes, but not exceeding
3.5 tonnes.
Trailers with a maximum mass exceeding 3.5 tonnes, but not exceeding
10 tonnes.
4.5.1. 'Semitrailer':
A towed vehicle having at least two axles, and equipped with a towing
device which can move vertically (in relation to the trailer) and
controls the direction of the front axle(s), but which transmits no
significant static load to the towing vehicle.
One or more of the axles may be driven by the towing vehicle.
uniformly loaded) such that only a small static vertical load, not
exceeding 10 per cent of that corresponding to the maximum mass of the
trailer or a load of 1,000 daN (whichever is the lesser) is
transmitted to the towing vehicle.
One or more of the axles may be driven by the towing vehicle.
4.6. Remark.
5.3. Ambulance:
5.4. Hearse:
Motor vehicle intended for the transport of deceased people and having
special equipment for such purpose.
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7.1. Definition.
7.1.1. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass not exceeding 2 tonnes and
vehicles in category M1 are considered to be off-road vehicles if they
at least one front axle and at least one rear axle designed to be
driven simultaneously including vehicles where the drive to one axle
can be disengaged;
at least one front axle and at least one rear axle are designed to be
driven simultaneously, including vehicles where the drive to one axle
can be disengaged;
they can climb a 25 per cent gradient calculated for a solo vehicle.
they can climb a 25 per cent gradient calculated for a solo vehicle;
7.2.1. Vehicles in category N1 with a maximum mass not exceeding two tonnes
and vehicles in category M1 must be in running order, namely with
coolant fluid, lubricants, fuel, tools, spare-wheel and a driver
considered to weigh a standard 75 kilograms.
7.2.3. The ability to climb the required gradients (25 per cent and 30 per
cent) is verified by simple calculation.
In exceptional cases, however, the technical services may ask for a
vehicle of the type concerned to be submitted to it for an actual
7.2.4. When measuring front and rear incidence angles and ramp angles, no
account is taken of underrun protective devices.
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7.3. Definitions and sketches of front and rear incidence angles, ramp
angle and ground clearance.
7.3.1. ‘Approach angle’ - see Standard ISO 612:1978, term No. 6.10.
7.3.2. 'Departure angle’ - see Standard ISO 612:1978, term No. 6.11.
7.3.3. 'Ramp angle' - see Standard ISO 612:1978, term No. 6.9.
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7.3.4. “Ground clearance between the axles” means the shortest distance
between the ground plane and the lowest fixed point of the vehicle.
Multi-axle bogies are considered to be a single axle.
7.3.5. “Ground clearance beneath one axle” means the distance beneath the
highest point of the arc of a circle passing through the centre of the
tyre footprint of the wheels on one axle (the inner wheels in the case
of twin tyres) and touching the lowest fixed point of the vehicle
between the wheels.
No rigid part of the vehicle may project into the shaded area of the
Where appropriate, the ground clearance of several axles is indicated
in accordance with their arrangement, for example 280/250/250.
AA Saloon:
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No., but including also vehicles
with more than 4 side windows.
AB Hatchback:
Saloon (AA) with a hatch at the rear end of the vehicle.
AD Coupé:
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No.
AE Convertible:
Standard ISO 3833:1977, term No.
AF Multi-purpose vehicle:
Motor vehicle other than those mentioned in AA to AC intended for
carrying passengers and their luggage or goods, in a single
compartment. However, if such a vehicle meets both of the following
conditions it is not considered to be a vehicle of category M1:
2. P - (M + N x 68) > N x 68